The Exeter Times, 1887-9-8, Page 5�aft� aITIGT rel Ic a.. [1oailarratucee of the JPaetretie Throughout that eeletghleoriteod Leh l4Ocetiebee keee e, ' 1 havoc with It I''rnst: 'las �71.a11 pla$1.I g trdete saes sax St, Marys. t A3 1 d Rl n 1 1 xnl elsefi•'Anp," tdl tl. 1~ said painter' eof''alatit ,aro tiara 'saver elety frealf in Doetom. oss a£ Cork anhlti is,rGoµsed of thele^ �ftlltr su�'G1'ara trlltlr,•oousuwiAtloaa, I�eKu£q, . will f Scott's ')hart t1reer1'l'IIenalatT i e '� t Q001 net soar n; fall they will lF,n;l;arrtanedlnr;c�•oliHf need nt p rnnnxr• 'her U.i a xnonhs k G Halt benefit, ;Dr, ET, V. Metii, l3rentWood gal or do la day a, poet T bought bottle - ,1 have raced Seett's lJualtisisu m t0 ^s las etia rte►nig'. it col 13.at >, , g 0111,, carates:., of 13 n three mood, tvh reat tidvents a In saves o£ Phthisic, in a, h b` k'ua of the ntlrt t muaR dry Lou- d (1 :. , 'i1 •>o t1 . tla a ,snits a'otllrned, a a o Mrs. Hop } and f t lc t1 4 y roan Scetlfale a tl: wt}attng diyen es Xt as very wonder- 'a 1( tdr d r, ea two a S e t as nd 1 1 1 v \ h I like 1 , f.wla •,A i � ,, t teville binsknka, who C R will arc; sort early Two October.. I "1'lave used Dr. 'Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Two bretlaors Willi;aua and ];tohnr<' Le- • rate err tlbd found it a sure nate fen In :fir 111 arab prenea'ni deblbbty \ ll try, j tai,- ninf We lvife,;llaa bOGa GoplanxttHd for trial, „ r n elan of �7nd 1�1iRftr Alli With hypnphoap'laites, dto+Ytls ap oma reeked ler tvenls I fait a? a new meta. tiltttalllo. Put.up iiaAc, and'$1 sire. aero fern) to Mr. T. prat} }fling for twelve yoara l 1 t tl k ala laottle did for'aaaa veritas p indisoretie:1a' of yonfu, nervous weakness, of eoaipathat nilloareyou, k tZfala?l OFfARt3k1, Far of Si 117;arya Suet last week for the fi}at winner oo,u�lsint� 1 was very sick, aria St "'la greet romody eats disaovet•ed by a refer io ar i1} fioutkx Atiierloa. Benda aolz•sa• It is expeetGd that as vote On the petition. ArthurAlletaatl, of Hua. . for the repeal will �ef the Sogtt Aet to the carroty auttered fron} ayo epsia, 'Po a11.41oitre sutfpr,alg trona ttla eflcta and of Bruce ilk 1 pl sly in the mann'' , RELIABLE, early decay, loss o%>I'fanl}oed,' die, I will Read a time u1 tarty years. They scarcely unow eech ' cured aro entirely.,' Alexander W. clash, a} axed 14Yelope to i>rv, rosnarrr T, 7xu�ar other Alcan- 1\foosa Crook, Out, Station U., i, w Yorkrutu Mr. 17. Flaniilton,•Santl} I3ouudarY, A. PLI,ASINGDUTY. QUITE' COIt1.1,ECTr. "I feel it any duly to say," writes John "I have used Dr, Tow1oL'e Extract of Wild �, 1 of Desert, P. R„ othat Burdock Sttawborry, and have faund iE the best -etre- Berton, tv fe of liver conn - Bl d Bitten.; t1d my i '1 I ed f d Ste y and all L 3111 S no household. ,. 6 inn. . a Airs, A. Baker, ingoldeby, Ont. Tile treaty powers have ratified the Liter - tarn and a1h�t10 copyright convention. Tile Dif1'lculty Experienced. Purgative. Ti r'i•r r 1,1 er,tergia Blood 1 ms c0T 1'Fla10y y oyer iIfi for y5el r w , : ! � 7a^. d a chronic.I'�, l., ay r iSoixt whiebsesi , painful r rim 'ants amongchildren, and 1 m, Z plaint, shard, has Tented hie 100 love farm to 2r Thos. Down, of 'Osborne, who takes peseoi•s- o t Ion ill th ft 11 The st agr'cultuxcl fall Chow of the sea i o Zu oh ' the villa ,e of r r} t3o�rl.,svfll be bald In !• r aci It'tda5', «ept. 1•iitt and Uth,snort nvc wsuch I oant the last ueni1e taking whch wee in 1 a tociwe c,t all 1. owning as aho d1d" t tfor'd was 8230; t 1 oh'llulatfon of S , he Oredit M }he n .+ oe of t1 l s to n the. oil's population 'The a a ot, 1,malls 3, 15 l ,:e ewers, with ;and Mit- ea at Paris 0is been robbed of 125,000 francs, o1ie11, 2,284, Theso figura., with the ex0ep' Marvelous. tint, of Stratford, have not vat tea much since. Mrs. McNaughton has pnreliased Henry White's farm at $81 p, r acre. Laud on the 10th line of BBlanshard sale well. Mr. J. Gil- pin has 3 anted his faun an the loth con. of Blanchard to M', Scott McNaughton for a term of ten years. Mr. Win. Oolqubotan, of Hibbert imported from Sondem' the other day two fine one- year old Clydesdale stallions. One is for :l'ir. 'Pat, Curtain, of Biddulpb, arid. the other, sir- ed by the celebrated Clydesdale stallion "Crown 7eweh" Mr. Colquhoull 'intends to beep for himself. Mr. David Rolston of the south boundary of Blanshar'd hue purchased the farm el the late Robot t Richardson on the Oth couceaaiou of Nissouri f.,c• $5500. The so called "lama times" do not prevent farmer Rolston from adding; to his possessions. We stated in last week's TIMES that Miss Marty .,as the Duty vee from Perth who sue. ceedecl in getting afirst-elasse°ttitleate grade 0, at the snaumer examination. This was a mistake, as Mr. A. Cann) bell, of Fullerton, was also successful in obtaining a certificate of the samegfade. A convention of the Suol1 Act Assooiatl, n for tire: county bas b. en cailed for the 14.th lust„ to he held at Chilton, The cennng contort o1 the movement for a repeal of the Act will be kb.] principal subj,•ct for coesider- ateon. On Saturday bast et r, >' l:ubin'ou, 13,11e4. ley, thte shed on Lbe farm of !fir. Craven. of that pine, ever 100 bu-ilrl= of barley, 100 bushels of wheat, and 40 Umbel- of oats, ill 2 hones and 15 minutes, This is the fastest on record around here this year. St. Maras 1 eople are moving in the mat- . to of gas for lighting th, public thorough• fates, Ther is ah Cady too much gas, and notsutlieieut electricity in the stone 10•re. Had the people of St. Marys a little inure en- ter'prRe, that sown could be made one of the Most important bosineas centres its 011• tinio Tine St. Marys Argus man. must be a cool mortal, as in his last issue he tells the reud- ItnIBT£AN.' Z�'1 X, �'rR Alant4lNo. t 'rex oft 11 kiwis oxTrusses; ieax4epoe;< Ra t to nae�?a gills Ern : i nectar lie will attandt tette. larintitof say gills, 1Aao require hie uo}'YiQes, 1 ar- c4Y.iy 11r4Y fRoan fii15.Q0. 101526 a0Q f4a't aa>aa .. xloEe wiaiota ha can.:Iurntela you cur ?$G,QI1, and T •i Tee? e r e ... 1 Ot •v nee:.eSn a1 ma r during , t t nt b tt and ayarrantccf, �t `i'o ontn. l axv Bnrrol ,Gua stet. xd, � Inas e x as d ll chaltaa y toff isa,ta.}"co [ as 0 ,4u 1e • o t ? ruQrAbe,r . Dou11, ton I s ar ec N + _ :A D , tP i s hr n ears to ilt: ettla aonaf.r lte . , Exhll�a,a ., , zt„l a ll�annw- d .l lJ 11.. �AaTti� to t t oro y erussast mi6 QQt SIn laTtrueses,$2.8Qe x111 onus^ t "Seo dant you get Paer1 as.. It is s1u1Y Suede b Mitnicationeaciilressed to alal>GilsfJrlaN x�ns+t�f'll{, Zurtoll R'; O„ cast. ” a 1 �a p +� 4 � �y autnmo c P Rn, t sufferer. 1'I�tr distressing, paintiil sy p e�d l" )1 should bew'thoet it." Are pleasant tot 1 e C °u si heft own One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will In taking Cod Liver Oil is entirely over- oi.u'e Sick Fleadache, Dizziness,. and Sour .Dome fu Scott's Emulsi'1u ot Cod Liver Oil :Stomachs. 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to and Hypopeoaphites. It tis as palatable as cure Diver oo}uplaitlt, Indigestion and Bd.slink, and the most valuable remedy that has •'7 loneness. ever been produced for the nnl'e of Consun1p• i T WORTH BEMEDMBERING. tion, Scrofula Wasting Diseases. Do not e;ere A I Ja fail to tryit, Put a Ln 50c. and $1 size, Mr. James Biueie, ot Toronto, states t'het'as p Ins little baby when three months old, was R sa bail with amulet complaint that undo! *I rorec of cutins la uoi}la'oa OE adults loctor's�treatment her life was despaired of, The Great English Prescription. Four doses of Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry ,E. successful Medicine used over mired her, she is now fat and. hearty. A1RADICAL CHA.NGZ, -I had got so bad with dyspepsia that I hardly cared whether I lived or riot," says .i?i'i uk A., Swniu, of the Toronto Globe Office: Three bottles of 13nrdoek Blood Bitters eared hire, anclhe says, "it now seems a pleasure to live." 3?riuce Ferdinand has forbidden Bulgarian officer's to act as nawspnper correapondeute, T7 OUN`G MEN Suffering front the effects of S early evil hnb'ts, 111e result of igtloriL11Ce of folly, whnflm^'. themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; also 1f1nozr•, AG00 and OLn 011.1, who are lir:ikon down from the effects of abuse or 0001 work, and in advanced life feel the cunsequtnce5 of youthful excess, send for and wenn M V Lubo,'s Treatise 00 Diseases of Mem ' The book will be sent sealed to ally ad- dress on r•1001(1t of two ac.. stamps. Address 51. V. f ITWIN,47 Wellingt.,u St P. 1T'routo. hart. 13111, 1R87 —y. CO iSllM1'1'ION CURED. • An old phySiCian, retired from pract)ee,hav- iug hal t,1ai•Nd in 1115 'lands by an mast Indian missionary the formula of it simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permtln en Cure of consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma •tats' • 11 throe t and lung affections. also a poli• doe a1,: (v,lical cure 01' 1`et'vnnSDebit ltyanis all Ne 1.01010 Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has telt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by el, is motive and a desire to relieve h'um'an snffelil ,,, "-•1 send flee of charge, to all who desire .r lh:s recite, in Ce•rn:an:French or Eu•11s11, wall tell directionsfer prepering and using. Sent by nrnil by addressing with stamp, naming this nap or. w. x Nrats, 110Power's Block I2cchester N Ata h.:ides nmin0 congress atpwansea, a resolution condemning the Government ,tor snppre'sine public meeting in Ireland Was era f the Argus, no less than four tones in ; passed by Se to 7. s many different places, that the weather 1 Rev. Eli Woodcock says :—I have been for 1110 past weak has been decidedly chilly. been troubled with catarrh for 15 years. On Probably the, atmosphere of the stone town tbo recommendation of amend 1 tried Nasal don't agree with hire, He'll become aeons- Ballo. I have used part of a small bottle, t,nted to it, however. which has riven mo great relief. A St. Marys correspondent to a oouternpor A Profitable Life. arysays:—"Mr. Gilpin. whulntely sold his dray :business in this town,7ewM1ere notstarting aware amountmen of worl:have and goaccomplished d initht sl�vorldassame the n Toronto Shortly:. ' of Mar s.Mr.but fel ed the dray bh it he in St. worsts have been sold in Canada Wie Napes, but were led to believe that he was a want every person troubled with Liver Com - Whatof 11 tags• plaint. Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or Uri 1Vlt o narrowly escaped being 11 seriousRobt D w- rtr Troubles, to buy a bottle cf Dr. Chase's *lent st oetsd nu the farm of Mr, dy las Liter Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and mos, ')St as haul Sg ilf water s oMonday last. ' ,:�_ •;'-U. was hauling water for a steam thresh. Recipe PO°k $i • ca'oid by C. LUTZ, CENTRAL Donn SToatr, Exeter. Ont. er when the en away. blew the whistle tri a 10 The new English: name of "Topsy Turvy" stophe horsesm ran wway. The driver tried to consists of heading a fellow np in a barrel barelyhem but was thrown leder the wagonconsists and escaped having his head crushed and rolling 'Sire down hill. The spectators under[one,af ,the wheels. Among the barrels et all the AND LOSS OF APPETITE in the wagon was a little son of 11r, James Elliot. 13efore the horses proceeded far the wagon capsized throwing; the box and its con- tents in the fence corner, but the lnehy little fellow escaped almost without a scratch. The barrels saved him. Later on the horses came to grief and were found piled on top of each other, .but uninjured. 'flee wagon and hitt.- rms.. were badly;hr°ken tip. 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrltea, Nervous"3 Weakness, Emissions, Impotency . \ end all diseases caused by abuse," s"'e5F0aE1. indiscretion, or over-exertion. fermi] ix packages Guaranteed to Curewhenalothers Fa11. Ask your llruggist for T he Grreat Gneltoh Prceortptlon, ta110 no substitute, One package Eureka Chemicalby mall. Wrlte Co.,'Detroit, MILL. Sold in Exeter by Dr. T, W. Browtiing and 0. Lutz. Is -the Scott Act in Force ? Mr. Aylesi4ort11 moved Friday, before Mr. Justice Armour, to quash the convic- tion in Qeyeen vs. Kennedy on the ground that the .,°bcott Act (Canada Temperance Aet of 1878), under which it purputed to have been made, is no longer in force in Canada. The issue' of the new Revised Statutes of Canada has had the effect of re- pealing the old Dominion statutes and re- enacting them in the revised and consolid- ated form, and it was argued in support of the motion that the Scott Act, regdirmg as it does the consent of the people to make it law, having once being repealed by the re- vised statutes cannot again conte tnto force till it has beets adopted by the people at the polls. The Act can only come into force when accepted by the vote of the people and as it has not been submitted since its repeal it is not now law. This is the con- tention, which is strengthener) by the fact that the re:enactment is different in many respects to the original Act. A list of var- iations, additions and subtractions was sub- mitted ingeniously worked up, to show that the new statute was -so materially different front the old one that it pruhtbly would be 0030010(1 by the. people. The Judge refer- red to the story of the gorse brought on toast for dinner, cold for supper and hash- ' ed ftp neat morning for breakfast, Shut it was the same old goose. This sally was 11 F met by the ()morsel with the story of a °' small boy and his 3ae1 knife. He lost aJ thlacle and got a new one, then lost the handle aucl got another. and the thought he still- had 1(15 01(1 knife till the lost handle' and blade turned up again. Mr, Delamere opposed the motion, Jnd1en • It was tescevy ed, the learned Judge, however, expressed the view, when the'Scett Aet was adopted • by the people it was adopted subject so the amendments of the legislature. If, there- fore &mpon coiisideratian the jnrige sloes not (''Uratic his urine' the motion will fail. 3U RES Giver .)omplaints, i3iliousn mss, {mp11re Blood, Dyspepsia, Kidney • Complaint, Skin Diseases. TheGreatFlegulator OF THE STOMACH, LITER, BOWELS AND BLOOD. CUR TS HEADACHE CONSTIPATION, FEMALE COM- PLAINTS, AND BUILDS UP TEE 'W HOLE SYSTEM. Read the following t "For years past I have suffered from dys- pepsia and I was recommended to ter Dr. Hod'}er'e Compound. I did so and foudd it a perfect pure." E. J. CURTIS, Toronto, Ont. Sold Everywhere Price, 79c. DR. HODD)ER'S COUGH AND LUNG CURE Never fails. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 e. The Union Medicine co. Pro-' prietors, Toronto, Ont. JOH T. WESTET tsei� `gyp °r: t rys4,,t"at 'r . � `tra,��r crus. i .,r.IL• at:._1 ,, rjitrb O' WP,'16`, • 4. 14105 1 t 9 9 "ERae;wA PUESESwAONG 4 r Bl:.S.• '� T . Ready for use in any g1'lunt` ty, T''or soaking Soap, ciofto::,tlg \ ,tte_,Dis.n- feotinF1 •end a hundred other uses, A oaxa egual1 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer-, and Druggists M'•,W.GILLET , EXETER - —• ONTARIO. ea Hne]"",.`'1' Ivo -en r' for the following ttrat-classIusuranco Compan- ies:— Glasgow & London - Fire Insurance Co. of Great 130ita1n. CAPITAL, 8:1,500,000. Mrs.JOHN 11fI'LNE, wife of John Mylue, CommArciaf'Union Assurance Company of O, Baglaad. CAPITAL Ula A5s5Tr, 521; Druggist, Bothwell, says: --My experience of L000n,0(0.dnu Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will l�rorwich Ua3on Fire Instuanea Society ; of cure Biliousre.Ss. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Aolwich England. ile ITiszane00Seet '1n) I believe it to bo the best family medicine, acrd can strongly recommend it." Capt. D. H. Lyon, manager and proprietor of the C. P. 11. end R. W. & 0.11. car ferry, Brockville, says : 1 used Nasal Balm fora prolonged case of cold. in the head. Two applieatinn effected a complete and thorough Care in loss than 24 flours. I would not take $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if T could not replace it. Be on Your Gu'ard- Don't allow a ou1d in the head to slowly and surely develope into Catarrh when yon can be cured for 25 cents. A few applica- tions will 011.0 incipient Catarrh. One to two Boxes will 0000 ordinary Catarrh, One to five boxes will ante ebrnnic Catarrh, sold by all dealers at 25c. per hex. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take rte other—it will cure you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exete Mgr, Persica, the papal envoy to Ireland, delivered an address to a vast •audience in Limerick Cathedral on ',The progress of Gat. holicism." ADVICE 'r'o MoTl5ns--Are yon d10Irrrbed at night and broken of your rest by n sick child anfferin" and crying with Hain of Cettine Tenth? If so send at once and got a bottle of ' Mrs.Winslow's Soothing.Syl-up" for Children Teethi•ig. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve. the T1001' dale sufferer immediately, euond upon 11, mothers ; there is no m15(5110 about it. It 01)105 Dysentery and Dia thins. regulates tl:e Stenoten and Bowels, cures reline 00110. sorteali 1110 C,t,ms,reduces Inflammation, and nivna tons: and energy to the whole system. "Mi s.'A'1u low's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is II1P rescril+tion of one of tho oldest and Brost (emalehbvsieia-1Rand nurses 1n tho Urn e, States, tt'til is for -iale by all drunciist, thi ougl'' �r Flan ; out the ltolla, Trico twenty-livecanls a bo 111 Rde clothi•rf .,, r land is, will - tie, lie sail troll ask for 'fifth Wind. ll'`• ltr[td 1 lIl1!(. 11 lllllb `ihii•' s, Lind c3no'1Srrvc wrtta uudtasteunnthct 1nirl ei r_ A United States Treasury Dcpartmer t , c l'- clerk has invented 0 look which can be 11)1'11- .uit(les .i)h't'St SOO(16, 1^E0.1U :,G, ed with any one of ten thnuss.nd Ices but can be.unlocked by the o•igiotad key use,1 to ,B OT S and SHO ES, lock it. A 'Well selected Steck for Winterwear, Around each bottle of Dr. Cha'se's Liver 1 Onre is a Medical Geirde and Receipt, Book Cr' 00(ls will be Sold very containing nsefn in orma'ron, over 2 � f� Lanoashfre Fire Inst- il anco Company of Nan cheater, England* CAPITAL 514,600,000. City Mutual "Vire Insurance Company of Lon- don, Canada. Full Government deposit with Ontario government, Loudon Guarantee & Accident Co. (Li mited) of London, England CAPITAL, 51,250,100• Canadian Mutual had Association of Toronto, Canada. Assessment Life System. The best and cheapest 10 Ganada. 1171 VC `rte L Nei. "V' • Thu Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR Yalaco Steamers. Low Bates. tour Trips per Week Between DE RO!T AND MACK�INAC And ivery Week Ilay Batweon DET RA5I i AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque ilhackinae," illustrated. Conteina 7,111 Particulars, Mailed Free. Detroit ,& 6level Ind Steam Nev. Cc. 0.. rt. 1t'-1sT:.Vr4 l?, GEN. PASS. AOT., r-'=T5::1r, 511AY. FOR, $4TaI 13Y 34$. T?IONr� Al Q A p x ,� ,lei � i 1s the place to go for all kinds '' of fruits in season, ALWAYS IN STOOD.: CANDIES, NUTS, AND CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM PARLOF I E My Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best atppointe l in. town. The cream is of the purest, and always fresh.Gm A. Hyncim Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. :Cry it and be convinced of its wonderful Live powers, P"100 25 cents, A. Trial Solicited.. John T. Westcott, Real Estate & insurance gt• EXNTER :--: ONTARIO F A.L.L GO DS JA.RHflT1NG T. Deariun 'las received, and is receivi11; daily his fall stock of Dr. -Good:;,. Read"y- .CI�TI0 THEM A CIHA.NOE! 1111r't is to any,. lour Innge. Also all yn11r breathing machinery. Iter,v wnrtelerfnl r hive• ry itis. Not Mile 11111 larger 41i1'•pass- a le+, but die thonsanrls' of little tithes end cavities feulitigfrom 11iPis- . 110110/11 111000 are clogged, 011(1 choked with mutter which' oitgfit not to be 11)0)0, your lunge cah1101 half do tlren' work. And what they do, they e,onnet tlo well. Cell t cinch, &night, croup, pneureoniat (tattler'', coustunotiou 00 any of the : fa/5111y Of throat and sins() and bead mid long obstrttc' tions, ell are bad. All might to begot tid of. '111ere is just one Rul•o way to get rid of there That 1114 to take fioseliecs's German syrup'. 10111eb 0uycli•ngglist will sell you hi 75 cents a bottle, even if everything else has failed on tray r'e'cent:{ 0l+on• this for certain, ,y (TRADE MARE) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys. &e., and Pnrifyiug of the Blood. Prise SI. Six bot- tles for 85. For. Sale by ALL Dnvo0leTs Manufactured nulvby G. M. EVER SST, C551 )5T FOREST, ONT. tl ' f t v+r "410 (10 cel is dna er0110011eed by doctors mull drug- • Clleap tl)l' Cash 01' FaLIn Pl'0- gists as worth ten times flan rest of 1.11, me,l• icing, Modicitio and book $1. Sold by all druggists President Cleveland a with ¢'R MVO bend. .. t0nor„el u,r , be, role g required by the Reusekeeper, ago brit found that hn ,;nn1'I dr, ]1',3 work I ° touch better Ivhe11 be Wielded the peel 'lint• sell. POI! Cltjl1t11•CA1 Sta?'Viiifx to Otin,i3Ola 011 aee0111(1 car their initbility 1.1 iligiret, ere) nary food. :'le.itt'i I'a nlu11114111 011,11'1 ' digested ((11c give strerl,;th 511(1 li'Rl1 Iv11(1( all ethos food fails. Sea what i)r. A. 11,..E Peek, Perin. Med. College; Petitcodiac, says t "1 have 1l'40'y tion, iig'eeiug n'a'il 10)1111 the stucbamh 1(1)'1 d"a y 111 'ere Ott to he strop +th y� i t,At ," C y eotltiutied us;r adatirip; e .a y 4 fi � .r'a�.K�i, r , and`isonaicrt of the 11rtt1>3nt' Put and11t 'd sel In d trisesn11 Iii lettere duce, which is taken as Cash. llEfiSEY'ti Challerigre is o'Ien for on, week more, that he has tb.e --BEST-- Roller Flour. +, ayos_-Al Pl sr Fresh and addresses thou! tl 1" 1 1 lie t Q �i „e [ t Y tis tried 01et1(110+(4 to its 1 t I11 .Lac ykh .q ' —I:\ ADDITION TO TIitM H8 11.114-- Fearmal's Celebrated HAMS, BACON -- -ROLLED & SIDES. Grant Blob., of Ingersoll have seat him —A 71N1; LOT OF— saCaf' 7.dams, .S its l i IVT rich Talc aid Rallhr Fbnr of the Bast. --A FB'Wfx-aa taint 'D '--W Organs For Sale. d. rnscrtUcd Scott's Emulsion oto Co t , exhibition at the South Li p ,Chea' will he on exhibits Liver U11, ane' Sind it tri. exne.t(„rtt p,'epa3lr 1 rdll 1 x118 n v. per �e:b• ��,� t G air �. a ��0 °{ 4F' CO 2 b� NS e' • ti� ��. c4 5'✓ �� ed 9��� G�tio o� 2 A <. �0 5, ,r , o e� S $. \e' S. '�� . 011, 4. .c5 C5 ya ditzto,r �o � �t o�.0yJoa i 1?� r , 'co \00 r• Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway,. 78, New oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London, Purchasers should look to the Label on the Braes and Tots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1, S TSS OLDESTABLISHER1 X8'87 H SPRING SPRING H OUR NEW G000S ARE HERE And we are ready and anxiolfs to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. • LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LA.TEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouncing!, Gingham!, Muslius, Jerseys, Obeneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &c. The ia,lias say our Prints and Mnslins are the prettiest over shown in Exete'r'. We guarantee every one to wash. We are showing' over �,Q0 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and• white from Sete. 'per yard upwards.' Our New Stock of 130Y5'. CLOTHING is having a big run, and, no 'voider, the prices aro so low, the styles so nice, and they fit so good. In MEN'S ORDE1OE1) GOODS we guarantee the Best Value, Newer' Style and Neatest Fit in town. Remember we carry the Largest Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, and nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies', children's and gents', JAMES PICKARD. Oxford cheese illways oil 11011) C1roocries aim than 11('01'' '.\'ways froth. S. C. Hersey, top 1t11101t;, f P ALV }JON S ISL t)C.K. Furniture nciertaltina. WILL CUR BIL OUSNESSf UI;yZINESs,• DYSPEPSIA DROPSY 1NtIOES1` 0N, FLU FLUTTERING . Al 3 NDICE' ; OF THE HEART EPiYSIPt, , ,LS. ACIDITY OF LT S' RHEUM THE ST OM A , � HEARTBURN, DSYNES•S HEADACHE, • OF ,.. THE. SI(fi , ilS ecies of disease n,ra11 ,11u15 eta, o 12.: 11'liln tfisol' exed ,t,Y17L22 11tXI�NJb''li'. sT1440rt�n'y.4 Cr11IF�T, ,Epotltvt'r,P " i s1Dox:4 11'1, 0 110114 nt1 ()t Vfl opt C 01�eG : C)f~ RELICVt a• 'We would call the 01011110u of the people of Eeete1' and srlrrnnualing cottony TO 1,1 et t'sa'r •ism, having purchase' the stock and business 01 Will lt3-1t .DEEWr, are ?1feri peeinl indtteemeuts in ;li"l Cyr' ,i5(":'.ts, ;lain alto' argue 't'atlatc , I rizo to and N.la.'attrel' ijrfe(it'otlile Setts, AVO0(i, C<iitr & Perforated >L3vlirs5, G-iook.Catetx Airrititig yicsts, Sideboards,, pian oi`S, Cradles, Iea tstatt... ,r And an Endless Variety in !. eft6,.18itrcatis, tJidil3boarrts, 0.'. factories tt of Lumber is ,Large and Thoroughly ,$as,SSfn od,';5150, h tatng 1iae1 coto 1110. guarantoo'Styifsll ,rind Sa , nr� ;,, the leading orD the r1z'litlrnu \)*H cat bio Furnituro, , C11 ' . , s Largest 0611 1 and aur Hoarse Ou)1 "uok of UntloStalstu� Goods 1a th Ia g yl �, , Specie. ration will be paid te. this branch of the bu. imere, stn' goal nortih of �`,ovdou, p, ver Die will fi1intd tel R ronGpt 0tiiled ALlL%aTcblIe 4bnPe3m5 enT, Li AST1ilNbiD e5C ,ley. i' Y.a S , t -.Door �\ 1't,11 of INtOlst-01 s .P ,1 Ono v irl w, Mat(. C111alYll�u;l the ,t , 8 ;,c