The Exeter Times, 1887-9-8, Page 3ROUSgg01-1
Extravagant Economies,
Many weimen who ;we extremely frugal
other thiogs beem to have no idea of the
vale° of time. Of their failure in this di-
rectiou t Writeff ives a few examplee
" Do you dioe know many homes where
the supPly, of eociking titeneils is so unueces
earily limited that a geoel, deal'of dine is
daily wasted and much extra, taber expend.
ed in preparing the Tamale, by heying to
Werth one Saucepan in whieli to cook .0. ee-
mind dib that could PA welt nave been'cook-
ed with the seine fire, and watched at the
same time as the firet ? Or e towel must do
duty as strainer or colander, no accouut
beeng mede of the time required to wrieh the
tewel non'of ita bump -flog worn or stained ?
Or a silver Eipoon is used to stir or lift toed
for the heck of iron or wooden ones? Why
not afford suchkettlee and peas as are really
needed her advantageous cooking, end
save'du some other department ?
¶7Jiavc you ever seen some busy house -
hanging out clothes on a cold, windy
day taking of a clothes -pin each time a
garnient is edded to the line, trying to make
the pin hold two and sometimes three arti-
cles? Since good clothes -pins ceet be bad,
for five cents per dozen, it seems rether far-
fetched saving to stoma on the icy ground
double the time really required to shake out
and hang the clothes and run the risk .of
takieg cold while so doing,
"Could any arithmetician compute the
nunther of half•hours spent in rearing a fam-
ily ef half a dozen children, in untying
*hard knots' in shoe -strings that are too
short or are so worn as to require tying in
more than one place, and must again be un-
• tied before the little shoes can be taken ofi?
Shoestrings cost, it may be, ten cents per
dozen pairs. Could the hours which some
mothers apend, during one year alone, in
managing worn out shoe -lacing in order to
save a few cents, not better be utilized in
doing some sewing or other work, by which
enough could, be earned to stock the family
with shoe -strings for life?"
b '' ciiieOf 'Sweet -ereitin • mix together and ' Huntan 'Fli Catchers, ,
0ot Over the fire and let come to a beil.
thnir it over 00111641.1'4 puddiog, or Put be- • 1:1Y catc1xTelh'8ehLvielip'ngbui,:Ynoitino.,ler`,Ligt zWzi:dats
3use hew,
ce1layete Of Ca4e. classified one, nor do parents as a rale
.STBATo ignulde brin their sons up to it. But there are
hull reds of experiemeed halide employed et
it during the dog dam and a good haii, of
tilos is often profitable enough.
The fly catcher is generally a Clcuigese or
good•lowoothine rascal from the suburban
lanes and alloys, who does not want o eav
Place a plate on it and a heavy weight : Pens, and is teo lazy to go into the coantry
weight ie on it will come to the top of the times he is a person who uoites in himself
net bet
eboeftfi ciite ustZteuni ,titeecoit(hlat:onhenouttlilne fao rvariety
aoyf theeing.1:yr v:tasi ga, corner
ereand slimier, a bootblack, a dog shaver
VOTATo Cusaenn.-Grete six larr pote• and (dinner, or even a r ()Wu?' or floor -Wax-
. er o pl t.
takes altnoolderuisi,blayPleirer7eci-isizti basoxiw°1i1tri ar4 little
hole in its top, mid etetions himself ontside
grooer's shop where the winged insects
are busily buzzing agitinst the window
panes on the lookout for stray drops of mo-
lasses or chance grains of brown sugar.
These the catcher dexterouely imprisons in
his palm, in the schoolboy fashion, and, din -
locating some of their ante:num, puts them
into his bo, Somethnes he is allowed to
pursue his calling Weide the shop when cos-
tomere are not numerous, and is thus enabled
to fill his box with celerity.
After a few Imre of this exciting kind of
sport he goes off with his spoil and disposes
of it to the people who sell or keep birds.
His best and moat open-handed customers
are the frail denizens of the Quarter Breda
boil ; remove from the fire, and et= until or the Quatter de 1 Europe, all o w can
of Veal i Ada hell pound of rolled creckers,
three beaten eggs, with selt aod pepper
sufficient to eeeeoei ; fry slowly in het
CORNED Br,--13oil until soft enough to
remove the bones ; Place iu an eiertheu disk
and our over it the water it was boiled in.
toes and edd to them one grab boiling
ndlk . Air in three beaten eggs and one-
qiiart'er of a pound of segar; seven min.
utes, taking care not to let it burin then add
oue-half cup of butter. This will make
three gooddozed custards.
Bea= g Immo . -One:half cup eaeh of
sugar,' butter and milk, one cup of stoned
raisine, erie teaepoon of ground cloves, two
and -half cups of llonr, one teaspoon of bak-
ing powder ;• stoma one hour. Somas : Mix
a little flour, corn starch ancl waterseogether ;
knit boil two minutes; add a small piece
of butter, sugar and nutmeg.
Lemoef enzam.--Beat together one quart
of cream and the yolks, of five eggs; grad-
ually beat in one.nalf potind of white sugar
and the grated rind of four lemons ; pour
into a porolaiu kettle and let it come to a
Minor Details in the House.
. Trifles make the suns of life, it is said;
certaiuly they do ()Ellie in the kitehen and
dinintroom. And th.e wife who by her
skill and knowledge of detail knows how to
save any fraction of the sum allowed her
for house -keeping is really oue who brings
more happiness into the dwelling than the
wife.whose income doubles her ;husband's.
This skill and knoeviedge are the portion of time.
every wife whose mother has taught her to Ganser TomaTo theureeme-Peel and slice , word is indisputable (names on application)
observe the seemingly -trivial things c,f good
two. gallons of green tomatoes and three i showiu that Mr. Dixon's remedies stand
house -keeping, the minor details of daily
tablespoonfuls of ground mustard, three I alone in the cure of catarrh and its atten-
living. And whoever has these little things
gills of mustard seed, two tablespoonfuls of dant evils. The doctors in California fail in
at command will find them a, more integral
ground pepper, two tablespoonfuls of ground curing these disease . for the simple reason
part of family happiness thanf amiliarity evith
cinnamon, one tablespoonful of cloves, one that they insist on following the antiquated
the differential calculus is. And although
pound of brown sugar, three quarts of best method of making applicationsof an irritant
Greek and Anglo-Saxon and high philosophy
vinegar. Boil all together until quite done. remedy weekly, semi-weekly, and even daily,
and natural science may be requisite and thereby keeping the membrane in a con-
. If you choose you may put one spoonful of Two other cextrid es were found n the
delightful accmisitions, yet it is evident
ground and a portion of cinnamon bark. stant state of irritation, thin forming a iaidus • g - 0
evhich had failed to explode. The
that they are incomplete evithout the pre -
Celery tops improve the flavor and worm ( very inviting to smallpox. typhoid fever, ' bridge,
Town Hall at Crusheen, County Care, was
, odd cloves of garlic, mind Spanish garlic. 1 cholera. and other epidemics,and as a natural
fired into, but no damage was done.
vious requiuites of bodily comfort and men-
tal quiet. i If more couvenient h ' t t • '
peae es 3ris turning , result of these daily and semi-weekly appli-
. People who are .subject to bad breath, foul toted
tripe, sliced, can be used instead of green i cations not one permanent cure has ever
- tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once
And That Reminds Me— tomatoes. I been recorded, and the patient is left in a
worse condition than before. Since the dis- the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist,
be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters,
Wh the burners of kerosene lamps be- covery of this remedy by Mr. Dixon, now A. P. 361.
co clogged,. put them in a basin of hot seven years ago, the best physicians of ..gaegeeeeeeeeeagegeee,ego,,,,,,e,,ereeee„,„Regego,
, the prediction of the members of the Ontario Society
water, contemn -rig washing soda, and let Great 13riten and France have encloysed his ANTED -5,000 AGENTS -We and Female -
of Artists.
them boil for a few minutes. This will make •method, and unite in saftng that it is utter- W Large profits. C.W. DgNN1S, Toronto. Tickets, entitling the holder to one chance in the
thern perfectly clean, and almost as bright ly impossible to cure catarrh, hay fever, or prize drawing, 25 cents each. May be obtained from
agents throughout the country at the Art Gallery,In•
as new. i catarrhal deafness by any application made
Z. Jacoby has been on a trip to the Koot-
Coarse browu paper soaked in vinegar euay country, British Columbia. He pro- 1 ofteoer than once in two weeks, from the
Tine 're0Od. -
The neWil was rPo'041(eil meet tent Attorneys, aenlidf('exx6ert) ecTiutneartleenm't Cfireezr."ele'
pATENTs vuocotED,,tc.,„7„orv.$.vc,
ea is at, con y .4 be bati lielied 1807, Doseutd liti(koter ett•elr,erOrAto,
nearly cold squeeze the juice of the lemona keep the feathered pets. They often pay
into a 418h And pour the cream upon et, stir,
ring until cold,
VEAL MARIME.-Take a cold boiled
tongue or a like number of pounds of oold,
veal, chop each separately very fine; season
with pepper, a teaspoonful of mustard, a
pixeoh of nutmeg and grouud cloves; pack
in alternate spoonfuls in buttered jars;
press firmly and cover the top with melted
butter ; when cool close tam tops of the jam
t` f •t° b the 'men oietty that
terrorized ; .bitt the arrest of a disease that r"- ,
is Stealing away e loved and Valacd life
aellicYeinent that 41-lcuid iliegire heart.
felt gratitude, Chill, cold. extremities,
depressed spirits, and exti wooly' miserable
Sensations, with pale, wan leatures, are the
resulte of cliedielered kidneys end liver.
Arrest the cause at otono by taking Dr,
Pierce'e Uohleu Medieed •Die eovery. It is ft
purely vegetable detective, that Will ferret
out arid oepture the most subtle lung or
blood disorder, Druggiets.
Blotters are eo pretty and elaborate now
adage that it seems a ehanie to put ink im-
pressions rin them.
When fragile woman s'ghs, deploring
• The charms that quickly fade away,
What power, the bloom of health restoring,
Elea cheek progress of decay ?
TnOt10,1171S of women gladly in ention-
'Tie "nieree's FavoritaPreseription.-
The price of this royal ren edy, Dr,
Pieree's Favorite Preecription,is but one
dollar. Specifie for all 'theese eltrenic ail-
/Dente awl weaknesses peouliar to worneri.
The only medicine for fiuch maladies, sold
• • AN1A Tilt.0,101a4 8GENE1fALIN.
We Want A (OOP mai in your locelity to pick up
so good a, price to the fly -catcher is
spoil that he is enabled to go home after a
successful day with ample means in his
pocket to defray the cost of bed and board
for half a week in one of his clingy haunts.
Mr. Dixon's Return Home.
MT. A. IL Dixon, senior member of the
firm of A. H. Dixon & Sou, the celebrated
and keep ill it cool place. W hen ready specialists for the cure of catarrh, hay fever
serve mit in slices. •and catarrhal deafness, 313 King street W.,
Rion Tomno CRUTNEE.-Take seven i Toronto, has just returned home from an ex-
pounds of ripe tomatoes, with the outside' tended trip through Calfornia, where he has
skbas taken off, put them in a stone jar with I been introducing his remedies. The press of
three pounds of brown sugar, one pound of that country teem with glowing notices of
stoned raisius and some cloves of good gar- the wonderful results of this new treatment,
lic Place the jar in a vessel of boiling wee vouchine for the fact that as a cure for the
ter ana let the tomatoes boil until the sugar
penetrates them, then add olio pint of good
vinegar, one ounce of cloves, one ounce of
ground cinnamon. Bail thirty minutes.
Then put up. They will keep any length of
above Leases it is next to miraculous.
Cases of catarrh and cata,rrhal deafness tof
thirty year's standing were cured by one ap
plication of this remedy and the fact vouch
ed for by men whose names are known all
over the American Continent, and whose
by druggists, under a positive, guarantee
from the manufediturers, Abet 'it evill eive
satisfaction or money refunded.e See guar-
antee on bottle wrapper. Lerge bottles $1.
Six for $5.
Crogaet sets this season are more elaborate
and expeosive than ever, and' the game as
To This What Ails You?
Do you lnive dull, heaVy headache, ob-
etruotion of the nasal linkages, clischerges
falling front the heed lute the throat, some-
tinees profuse, watery, and. acrid, at others,
thick, tenacious, onuCoue, purulent, bloody
and putrid ; eyes weak, watery, and baflann
ed ; ringiug in the ears, deafness, hacking
or coughing to clear the throat, expectora-
tion of offensive matter, together with scabs
from ulcers ; voice Changed and nasal twang;
breath offensiv ; smell and taste impaired ; •
' for us, °ash farril,thed on satiblactery guarant).
Adqrcss s, PAG/L, rly4e Park, VePaiont,
'Oees orty.denmuer skssiou ; se.eloo 18874
becine.October2,01h. Apply to the Prmcipaz 1-4nOP„
email, Ye de l'oeollee.
" Isq
"Aff classes °tette wore. Mfrs, of:Brinier& Leauas */
ePA M044 Furnituro. re•orici ler vrices
, wbbc, flan
nosni tnage Canada to Frail
Out NEW ncauxgrarmoit
HA MiLTON, ONT. Sell at eight. Every bell4O needs theta, °heal),
ke Leading 0,04fiesa ill 5110 1)0' Durable intd anoialeal, No Wipitiing Or
to ton. Over 260 students annually. For handsome troato., and will last ten times as long aVordinary
otrated oatalogue write ME GALLaolika, PrinciPal•
ABY'S IR'111-1101tYc.
A Beautiful Ireporterl eirtlelaY Card eet,i
() an baby whoee ,other atterl to tilt,
Dituifiit of two or in ore °titer bribitte, and then
• puents' adrireatee Atte a itaiitiaOrtui Dih•
rr mend Dye Sample Card to the wetter aeC
mgch valgable information
Wells, Richardsoo Ar Illlirntrna'1,
ook's Gem
'Why do you use those Expensive A neriean and
Canadian Baking Powders when you eat 'get as good
and wholesome at otm half the price? Prove it by try-
ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by
ELLIS & KEELEY - Toronto.
is there a senaation of dizziness, with men- I
'.1 18N.
taros 1,09_41,4cm:wry Or trio atewa memo by its use
litimentida of 05858 of the wore; awl a loug etaudius
hue° beint cared, 154884, Ho eteors la tny faith iu 101
efficacy, that I will Mid TWO BOTTLES razir, tegethea
with a 'VALUABLE iakanSia 011 this disaata 58 881
sufferer. Give expreite end P. 0. Weals&
DU. T. A.. 80000LI,
ranchO, Yonge St„ Toronto
cotton blhade, Solo TOINIASItile Rights, Our
Agents are inalciruc *3 to $5 a day with Dow.
Ergpgre earls. r:ruiplete outfit, including -
Sample Shades, Spring Do Iler. Stationery, aro,
all infottnation, b e express, 20.
et CO., 41 King St. East, Toronto,
tal depression, a hacking cough and general
debility? 11 you have all, or any consider- iiillau lane noy,9.1 Nail St5unshlpg
Bailing during winter from Portland every Thureda
able number of these symptoms, you are and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum,
suffering from Nasal Catarrh. The More aterIfoructiroafeerr teovegnsdaTzz, taon.taveia000l,..ecraeillig
complicated your disease has become, the
000dand and It:eland ; oleo from BaltiPmore, Hai
greater the number lend diversity of SyInp. •fax and St John's, 'N. P., to Liverpool fortnigutij
h during ennuaer nautili% The steamers of the 011oe
tow ltna whiter to and from Haifa -
Portland, Benton and Philadelphia and during:sum
met between Glasgow tad Montreal weekly; Glasirev
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow ntld
For freight, passage, or other niarmation apply 1
A. Schuraacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co,
Halifax ; lithe& er. Co., St. John's, NM.; Wm. Thomp
son 4 Co. St. John N.B.; Allen it Co., Chicago
tOnss. Thousauds of cases annually, wit •
out manifesting half of the above symptoms,
result in consumption, and. end in the grave.
No disease is so common, more deceptive
and dangerons, or less understood, or more
unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The
manufacturers of Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy
offer, in good faith, a reward of $500 for a
ease of this disease veluch they canuot cure. igen: 4011%/3100146Ve.getok.;
The Remedy is sold by druggists, at only 50 plea; A. Allen" Pottlard Bosion. Montreal.
cenTto dynemite cartridges were exploded I Authorized by Act of Parrconant, 1,0 Vic.,Cap. Se, ISO
on the West Clare Railway bridge at Ennis I Try to secure an Original Painting, by pure,hasing
Aug. 15th. No serious damage ,was done. a ticket for
The largest and most prosperous open Assessment
Association in the world --desires active representa-
tives in every section of Canada; inducenaents.,
It has full Government Deposit, ancl under the super-
vision of Insurance Department At Ottawa,
Correspondenoe solicited. Address,
65 lung stregentaaEranIsMt,a;gorenr4o.
OF Tut:
which will take place on
MONDAY, 19th SEPT., 1887.
When the whole amount subscribed, less working -
expenses, will be returned to ticket holders in the
f f
A Delicious and nourishindlereaktast Beverage, eon -
tains & proportion of Getman Dandelion Root, wineh
acts medicinally on the Liver and Stomach, purifying
the blood and invigorating the system. E'repared
only by
The Grate Mineral Resoarces of the Region
--A Lovely Country.
and placed on tlae foreheecl is good for a ceecled to Geld= City, and as the steamer fact that the mernbrance must get a chance
sick headache. If the eyelids are gently Duchess was submerged, an attempt was • to heal before another application is made.
bathed ha cool water the pein in the heed ia :meg to goo up the river in boats, but the z Flowever that may be, Mr. Dixon's remedy
generally allayed. , 1 current was too strong.
When there is a rat hole through plaster- to horses and Mr Jacoby went south as far
iug„ or between the stones of a cellar wall, las Cranbrook, Col. Baker's 6,1)00 acre
" fill 't cla He describes tho country tree
the most effectual way to stop
w• pleeter of Paris mixed witii broken versed south of Canal Flat, when. the Koot • , ,,,
gl • erioles iu wood are best stopped by ' °nay Lake district is entered, as resembl- 1 Ex,
nailing tin over them. ling an English park. Fax twenty miles or
imam there are gentle undulating hills, A GENEROUS COMPANY. --A beautiful pre -
floors have no water used on them. They , covered with a rich carpet of bunch grass, sent to nearly every one as long as they last,
The cleanest and most perfectly polished
are simply rubbed. off ever) morning evith a ',the thnber being distributed so that adhorse 41 first come first served. The most accom-
e flannel cloth, which is soaked in kero-
- 'Horse creek S. Chinamen are at work. A
', can gallop through at any point. On Wild 1 P
to be added to her list if she has never yet
lished woman has still something worthy
made a good sweet white loaf of bread. To
has proved successful where all other reme-
dies have failed. Mr. Dixon sends a pam-
phlet describing his new treatment to any
one enclosing stamp to pay postage. The
address is 313 King street west, Toronto.-
•''0sene oil once in two or three avec s.
the cloth, and with a rubbing brush or .Chihesecompany purchased the ground. and
stubby broom go rarldly up and down the mining ditch for live ,or six thousand dol -
planks (not across them). After a few rnb-
• out $1.0 per day to the man. At Perry
,lars from white men, and are now taking
bings the fioor will assume a polished ap
pearance that is not easily defaced. I creek, twenty miles from Franbrook, a
mpany of enterprising men are endeavor -
If you want a pleasing and interesting ob- IP
ing .to master the obstacles to suceessful
ject on your mantle shelf, try growing an
mann on that creek.
oak tree in a bulb glass. Suspend an acorn
• • • f • ' THE QUICKSANDS AND nom
by a thread within e. a
encourage the art of Home Bread-malcing,
The Breadmakers' Yeast Company have se-
cured ten thousand presents, which will be
sent to all who comply with their terms.
They want all who are old enough either t
follow Directions or work under instruction
to learn how to make bread. They will take
you word for it,then when you haye succeed
ed to your own satisfaction by using the
wetter contained iu a heractnth glass, and have heretofore prevented bed rOck being Hop Yeast and write to them to say so, en
months, when it will burst and throw down means edopted will overcome this. ere -
a root into the water and shoot upward its ' ever it was possible to mine on the creek
straipht and. tapering 'stem with beautiful rich returns have been secured, and the
green leaves. These miniature trees live present attempt will be pushed to a success'
but a, few months, but during that time af- ful issue if it is at all posaible to do so. Mr.
ford considerable interest Jacoby saw much to eouvince him of the
A little allitaOnia or borax in the water richness of Kootenay district from Big Bend
you wash your hands eeith, and that water to the boundary line. The creeks empty -
just luke-warm, will keep the skin clean and ing frora the Selkirks on the west, and
rtt1 atmeal mixed with the water those flowing from the Rockies on the ease,
• • "
't it to rennin' undisturbed a few reached, but it is thought that the ?resent closing a wrapper of a five cent package o
Tete BREADMKKERS' YEAST, they will sen
you by return a lovely gift. This offer I
open to any young lady, girl, single or mar
ried woman, matron orhousekeeper who hau
never before made a loaf of bread. An
person having domestic charge of a hous
hold who is not now baking for the family
and who will commence by using their yeas
and who sends to them the wrapper of
acleaue and writes out so to state, *ill r
will whiten the hands. Many people use all carry large quantaaes
1 ceive a still better class of gift than th
so .
glycerine on their hands when they go to safe to assume that in placer mining. the I above mentioned. Better yet; any one
I • t 1-* th b t d' ill the'
11 41 For Sale -Illustrated descriptive Cat-
alogue free. It. Chamberlin, Toronto.
10-r County in Canada. Address,
MORRIS .5 410., 87 °hutch St., Toronto.
o_nsALE, improv.%lfarm clop to Chathezn,chea.p.
a: icluita:,Totc12' 00, faTgeVri°.dwo'R, 1(Tritt.e f°r
clustrial Exhibition, and at the Society's rooms, 14
Ring street west, Toronto. Write for fuller parti-
culars. •
eeneeeesteecaeweieen Axe oareesionsvanteagarue
or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or oomrais-
SiOn. Induatrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade, Toronto.
- Goldman's Swink
ANOTHER NOVELlY.--ler and Atomizer
All the rage iu the States. Agents wanted. Sample
by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT & CO., Toronto.
DIt. WM. ARMSTRONG, Ilierntatofogtst.
Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrofula and all dis-
eases of the blood. AU cancers cured that are cure.
able, without the use of a knife. Office hours, front
9 to 12 and from I:80 to 4:30 pon., Sabbaths ex-
cepsed. 28 Dundas Street, Toronto.
2Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool,
RATES OF PASSAGB i -Saloon, Uontreal to Liverpool,
54.0, 850, and go; Return Tickets, $80, 590, and 5100
-according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter.
mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further
particulars and to secure Berth, apply to IL E.
' IIEURRAT, General Manager, 1 Custom Rouse
Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the 611.
. ferent Towne and Cities. ,
• 10111 UTTERICK'S BOOKS and PATTERNS 00 115011
• Me for September.. Send 3c stamp for Fashion
, Sheet and Oxygen Chronicle, devoted to Health,
L Household and Practical Fashions, with price list of
; Stamping Patterns, Point and Honiton Braids, Por-
. table, Adjustable Dress arid Skirt forms. Crown
Pattern Rooms, 41 Ring East, Toronto. 0 STEDMAN
; FIERCit.
, Capital, 0200,000. Dominion Government Deposit
31 £55,000. Read Office: 72 King St. East, Toronto.
Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresentee
i dui' Wets. A. T. McCORD,
Resident Secretary- for the Beentni013.
ee. e.t.t. a iretre ft (Inman THI's 111 fi(il I CAE
1FO it.
teeVt6 it kfitf 4
Wheal sty cur, I ihnen 45S5057 50 stop Limit foti
050 554 515,4 1 u. .1.0551*a ritniculi
et.t,. 1 18.181, 1 .l'S ..t:i,,,,,,f.,...1'41',Er;IXEPSIZarsisz.r..
Arai tace('eoris ureisee.Assis. vraract Div,remerW
t,ra cum the 1045441 41588, 250,1000 450115 lieve failed 1108
1115500 8,11 4580 0110 rec.:telt:A e cure Sena at oueulbe
truethie and a rfe 1..0,1.b 05 MY tufa tibia remedy. GIVC
15 rprueutout, 1:esi3e 04))54 7))n_ucitbitik for: Sena,
emit z t_.„,, „au, !Ala .L41, ft, sti...nooLT, raucli OM, di ionEot,t, Toronto
3 . °
cover). of the
greatest die -
resent age for 151005!-
800 00105215 ALL BLOOD,
isvsic AND RD:AWST
Donna:ere. A per-
fect Blood Purifier.
A few in Danfilton
who have been bone-
fUed by its use 1 -
Mrs. M. Keenan, 192
gobert St., cured. ot
Flrysipelas of 2 years
itonduir, ; Robert Cor
nell, 24 South St.,
claughter cured of
Epileptic E'its after
3 years' suffering
Jennie Enter], 85 Walnut st., cured of weakness
and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcart St:,
cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only
8 filby•cent bottles; Mrs. a. Beal, 6 Augusta, St.,
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two
small,bottles gave her great ,elief. Sold at 50c. & 51.011.
15,15, DALLEY & CO., Proprietors.
clean; but glycerine makes soine skin harsh in quartz the district yet remains be its ' own or other yeast, but who will buy a five
bed, wearing gloves to keep the bedding ground is comparatively untouched, while ptesen nut ding eir own a , us g
and red. These people should rub theie• virgin etete. That all this is on the eve of t cent package of the Breadmakers'Yeastfrom fjonuiln:reisti e
(-;!ergoecri Dtaritclourgs,3mofi lec- 1
hands with dry oatmeal and wear saoves in change is without doubt, and Kootenay I any grocer or storekeeper, and, after using, Bota iy, &emery 'Science. Ete, arid good pratiTi:
bed. The best preparation for the hands is will soon be teeming with. active, energetic i will write to say that Our Yeast is Superior, cal triaining in Engliat end the elementary medicine 1
the white of an egg, with a grain of alum men, who will extract from mother earth , we dhall believe her also, and will aztonish tiocs. ger cIrcillar giviog terms of admission, course
Ffreetig,t.cost, etc., apply to JAMES MILLS, M. A.,
dissolved in it. -c Roman toileu paste" is its g,olden x•iches. While at Revelstoke i that lady by return mail with a lovely gift. Guelph, August, 1887
merelythe white at an egg, barley flour and Mr. Jacoby was shown some samples of i Achlress,-The Breadmakers' Yeast Co., To- a ..... .:_
HMT_IT /I i 1
honey. They say it was used by the 'Rom- quartz which was thickly interlaced with ronto.
Manufacturer and dealer in
ans in the olden time ; any way it is a lino gold. The men who are worlcing this ----- Hall chairs with a clock fastened m the MI arils, lie et
Tarred Felt, Rooting Mehl,
' and reports are to the effect that
t i n correct reeerd ef the FAST. ROOFING. Etc,. 4 Adelaide St. E. TORONTO.
leers, Carpet and Deaihniag Eat, READY
firstrate thing, but it is a. mea,n, sticky stuff claim have got down eight feet, roithe i ntre of the high back are something new
than oatmeal. The rou.ghest and hardese The Big Bend country is one of great pro- I Vac Sporting Record,
hands can be ma o so , Dook
month's time by doctoring them a little at miners on the varioua creaks are securing 1185 ,rog a d het e to ,
bedtime • all the tools you need are a nail good pay. The main portion of the mount '015 s -PORT, title/.'il ifl. Athletic pe ormanoes, nil -
brush, a:bottle of atninonia a box of pow- ed police are now at the upper crossing or Herd, Racing and Trobting records, Baseba, Cricket,
dered borax and a little fine white sancl to the Columbine while some have gone into LaeroeSe, eto. Price Sc. Stamps talcen. Address all
9,510_rii to THE nnero, 50 Front et. East, Totonto,
rub the stain off, or a out o , 11' I tl ff oted district The Indians have quiet- , eek nem Room No. . 1
will do even better, for the acid of the lemon ed. down since the advent of the police, 1
Two Boston back -drivers and a sister
will clean anything. Manicures use ankle in and there will likely be no more trouble.
to use, and does not do the work aaxy better character of ore still continuea the same. in furniture.
have jointly inherited a fortune of ten mil- Al
the shop, but the lemon is quite as good lions left by an uncle who died recently in
F ton N 13
Plie CU -Mrs. -One quert of flour, one tee- his prayers one night and had asked God to Free 1 Free 1 Free ! !
cup of lard two tete-spoona of baking pow- bless papa and mamma and to bless Johnny A Book of Instruction and Price List on
d inch of salt cold water enough tee arid Make him a.good boy, he surprised his Dyeing arid Cleaning, to be had gratis by 1
b • please, eGocl, calling at any of our offices, or b post by
and isn't peisonous, while the acids are. t
The fa il originally belonged to 1,
Looking to the Future. Texas.m y•
Cooking Recipes, When four•year-old Johnny Perry said
bless Mr. Perry and make him 0. good nian. sending your address to • ler e •1
JOHNNYCARE.-One cup of cornmeal, twd "What do you mean by that ?" his mann Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., i -
make a dough not too stiff. in )5 )
�5208 of flour, one cup of milk, one-half cup ' , NI. STAUNTON 8s. 00•$
each of butter and sugar, theee eggs, three ma as–ea'
In this paper referred to the AMIUDI Meeting of the Associa-
tion. This ni.ectin,g (being the 15th since the Company
was organized) took place on Tnesday,.the Nth
/4April, when the following gratifying
increases were Announced :
ASSETS, - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234.
Were allocated as irofits to Policy
lloliders. oilts payable on and after
May 1st.
K. MAGTONALD, Mang,ing Director.
L D. SA ER & 00. Hamilton; Ont
"L. D. 8." ENGINES,
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
SI 3111 381" ..taatt, AI. Tr a
t911211V4 Mite P's-wevs, 4. 11. S. IS wad
12 Dorcas.
Trend leown.:::, for I, end S Horse&
1 wow gesparrieess, tor wreedi. 4 emu rowers.
tflosi Ittaeouted Coat.logue.
alr7r St
' .
sw Importations -Higgins' Eureka, Washing-
ton and Ashton Brands, in, large or small sacks,
80 Itioc's Canadian Salt. 'Si rite for prices.
Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto.
" Why, seed Johnny, " you don't s.'pose Hamilton; 100 Colborne St, Brantford. Samplen on applioation. TORONTO, ONT
The prevailing costume in English dross vv t r
Steam rower. Send for Catalogue,
Toronto. 13ranch Offices : 4. John
teaspoonfials of baking powder. Want to be a little boy al rely
Rune -Boil one cup of rice in water until your)
ti in two beaten eOgs, helf cup
of sugar one and £1, oups of milk. our
evell done s r
into a aish and grate nutmeg over the top.
Hoz, StAw.---Cut half head Of cabbage up
fine, pour salt, pepper and vinegar ever it,
take one oup of milk, tevo eggs, small piece
of butter, oiae cup Of hot vinegar and pour
over the whole.
CLIP CUSTARDS, —Beat five eggii with
thremquartere of a oup of white sugar, add.
flavoring and one citt,att of sweet milk ; our
into clips and place in a baking pan of wet.
er. Bake hi a slow oven,
Cttoccadat Jimorir.—Take seven spoonfuls
a grated chocolate, the Sanas) of white Sugar,
A Good Corn Sheller for 2.5o.
f d themselves w.e0,1c, inrvous and exhaus e ,
, A. marve o eapness, o e acy anSi nurbArniu ana Oun zett5 Wno ate broken CIOWn troni tee Laidnow ertuudiracturing co.
e ABGEBS b 20 f t
ore ,ee
this season has been white
evil habits the result of ignortinee and folly, who find Pcc hour. Also iftock Dr1115-liand, Horse 05 •
VieliNgr NUN suffering from the effects of early
f bag.° of that ad Ohl Of AblISO or overevork, rind in Advanced life
UA3sthf excess send tor d ' ILTON, ONT.
farnoita remedy, Putnam's Painless Cern 1.1;x- f:T5601 eiltiamt 1343i4ea s me Tta
proinptitude is contil ne
tractor. tt goes right to the root -of the book win be sebnt8seraled teo °any addries.on 'one.elpt of
I trouble, there acts quickly but so painlessly two tie. ttamps. Actidrgs M. V. LIMON, Ali Welling.,
at nothing it known of its operation until tpn St. 14914 T°'"
She corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes • Jet pockets seen on some of the glide of the
offered for Panama's Painlees Corn txtrae period on parade are exceedingly beautiful
tot—safe, sure and painless. Sold by drug- and stylish.
(gists. I Whenever your stomach Or Bowels get out of et, ,
der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepnla, 65 Indigestion.
and thlir attendant Gene, take 58 01110 ft dose 61 Dr
Torpedo boats are now being built of 0 Bork 8 Stornaola titters, l3est tinnily medicine:
hdepho b '
ronze It might do lot yachts. •' tit Druggists, 50 Outs.
555011011 Machinds,
NOW Catalogue Ready 155 April t
c c 1-1_A_PaRaS "
c ivtai\T_AaR,api g
The Harris Wood Furnace is especially adapt
ed for Churehes a.nd. Schoolhouses.
Send for our Illustrated Catalogue,
THE E. & 0. CURNEY 00