The Exeter Times, 1887-9-8, Page 1LEGAL. IL DICKSON, Plirri3Oee, kitoW e to. ef Supreme Court, ZNottaxy gubiie Conveyancei ?oultoJe4ioucr, Q. areney to Loan, Urnt el Vat 4, .8 dlook,Exeter. R.11. co'LLIN 8, Barrister Solicitor Conveyaneer Etc ONT, Officegarewell'alllock flan sold office.) 14141.4"GTOT & Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Couveyancers &o, &c. ,f-ivleuey to Leen at Lowest Rates of lutereet. 'OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. lh v, yereeoe. J. 1q1„4,101.'. DENTAL. B, CARTWRIGIIT, L. D. S. 1 STTP.Ci-0 3:132:11,4•TXSW. Graduate of the R3ya1 College of Dental Surgeons of (1ntario. Hay tug fnrnished fine Dental Boonts on JAMES -ST, 1 Dcors East of Centra,141ete1, Exeter, Ont,„ wftere I am prepared. to perform all ttrs,nehesoi tlie Dental proteseion witlr ease akin. TABI •used in extractiug teeth. Charges, Moderate; 'Terins, Cash, tI li1NSUAN,DENTIST.1.4.1).S Sainwelt's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Hxtrn d ta Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goer; to Zuxtron ou last Thursday in each inont MEDICAL 0 LUTZ , D. M., 0....../ . saineetit hisresidence uxeter T. . W. BROWNING M. -1). , IVI • C PI e p.14 0.1 raduate Victoriallniyersity.Ofilee a a d,residen c e,11 on. rio I Laborator y . Exeter " W TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL, XV. NO, El XETE - DREW'S HALL1 ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING; S..EPTEMBER 8th, 1.887. irogalLIT,174141.A-P48,, . . , Inreotios, Nurse girl wanted—ago ).,etweea .13 and 15yvars. Apply *t Wive. t, The usual Wee vacatioe twee riled lo the legal profeselorl ill at an end. ' Yesterday, SWe" itzer, Son & ehiPped Vet' load of flax to 13aelen, Ont. , Another ease oi typhoid fever is reported in towre this time in tile 'Delve fernily. Heine, Taylor, extreeident a the defunct Loedon Bank ha a been locked up in gaol in that city. - One of Exeter's fair ntaidens will change her name in a few clays. And what is worst of all, she leaves our village We Iwill be znore explicit in next week's Issue. Jas, Bissete, of Ushorne, hevIng put. London, Huron&Bruce. „Brevities, Look out for Them. . chased the residence and premises of Mr. Go i ,,x,un,,,.._ Tie:room will visit London tide Ineeth. , A very clever ewirelle is lseing eserke'd, • 1 Smith, he will shortly leave :the farm arid Pa esenger. Thie will be his nearest approach to Exeter. The "operetor" visits a jewelry store arid 10,,ute in Fxeter We welcoi e In 1 to on • Th ' ' ,. , th , d f et the t., , that ere It is altogether probable ehet the . eviler . , contraies .., port laving had e ood se'Lsoll '11 0 11.• Lolidon, depart 8,16 lc 4, 2.51t .66 Seating Lucan Cross:rig „, 9,84 s„,„, e lee cream season Is at a close and when he g.et8 eear ceough to the rack , village 6,15 oysters take its place. The vendor's re- which r°P"ir4d wwtches ate' susPcnded I * elancieboye „. Capaoity, 700. Exeter Hensel 1 ... 9,46 8.63 usually attaeheti to the as-etc:hes he learns mete will he converted into an ice. WO rink for ..,teee 0.45 g * Nippon • e.m. 0.06 Sh-NipipQsesdrsa. Anntrileeljr °ofIlebiolts&es Die t-11,3 rrra" ().f th"Wners "ft tIm avn°un,tes TI then 1 I 1 the taice"tliiiegy winter -- (17 (;t1IT',4igilhgtTyi,± eah1ei u in ou 10.1 6,85 y. ly after sends a note preperly signed and q 4 P • Bruceilehi —APPLY TO-- rte or repairs. e len eavea, MA 101, • . 6'15 I the other da, Belgre,ve CAPTAIN G-10. KEMP1=1)°r°'7A ground hog WeS diseevered in the cellard . amount ue on same watch by,, mes aeuger We" are in reeeipt OkaStatutea 50 14. 2,17, "5 Vit EST E RN FAIR Gon,i0. Seven. thing wrong, gives the lic7 the watch, The onto on the tenth day of *, vary, in the 1,44 of a n down-towresident the other morning. boy, asking that the tune pieee be eent by Vic., being the first session of fifth_ Legislie Winehona, arrive li.20 7, 0 It Was soon despetched by a terrier dog- healer. The jeweller, not suepecting any ture of Ontario, "begun aitAltslolden atTor. frog fishing nxpedition OD dit. The party will he mado up on the arrival of a few American visitors. The T. 0. F. has made mueh progrees of late ; no less than tell new inernbera have been added to the roll within the past two Wingluon, depr,ixt Passenger swindle may be "worked' in this town, and yew of our Lord, one thousand eight hund- INDUSTRIAL ANY) ART EXHIBITION. Belgra" B17, th jewellers ShGuld be on. the lookout for ally red and. eighty seven. such attempt. Of the convictions for the dounty of Mid. Lonclesbore' . R , Brueetle141 dlesex for the quarter ending June 11, 120 LONDON 0 &NADA. °lints') sei pp eu ' I.9tk TO 24th, SEPt , 1087 Rene a li ... • Exeter ... . 0 entrant,. _ Clandeboye Lucian Crossing LIBERAL PREMII3IVIS LIVE STOCK, MACEINEMC, BYNDMAN, coroner for the County of 'Huron. Office, opposite Mr. il.Cealinges store, Exeter. TIE. J. A. ROLLINS, M.O. 2. .1-, 0 . 0 ales, main Beaiden tee houserecently oacmnied by P. 111aPhi1l1pe, Esq. DB. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Qtreen's Avenue, London, a .few doors east of Post Offioe. Special attention given to diseaseeef the Eye, bad sight, an d. the pres-. etwn8101i af vlsiOfl • diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; oliseasee of the Throat, chronic inflammation being n, frequent cause of deafness; diseases thenlose, catarrh being a common cause of revel 'ed. hearing. . AUCTIONEER. ENEY EIL13ER, Licensed Atio- tioxyder for Hay, Stephen, and MaGilli- rrara nships. Sales conducted atmoderate :ates. tOrlice--At Post-offine,Orediton, Ont. JOFIN GILL, Auctioneer for OA) New Groundsliew Buildings,Now Race Traok are being provided for the forthcoming Jubilee Exhibition at an pstimated —ooet of— $120,000,000 HALF A, MILLION DOLLAAS Will be represented by :he Live Stools display Grau d exhibits inpainithi gStattrary RISculp tore The committee of attractiens are preparing a splendid pro z.ranime. Better than ever. Send yolir address on s postal card for copy of the Prize list. For all information write to the Seat etary: A. W. PORTE, Pres. G416. MoB Room, See FARMERS 84 OTHERS. We wien to call especial attention from the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. George Moatz,of Lot 11, Con. tha tephen, Oredi- ton ,P. O.; has on hand a very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES At the Following Prices: 2i inch. $ 8 p‘er 3 6S 10 14 " 5 "20 " 6 30" 30 Seven inch tile can be fur:Her:led if required. The above are of best quality. Crediton, Apr1114,1887. GrEORGE 310.e.TZ Townships of Stephen, Hay and "Cleborne -arranged at this 0010a. attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales tire Thing and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly --VETEBDIABY. . ,MEN.NENT TENNENT, Veteri- .11L nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario V.eterinarr College, Toren - an office for Inapt 01 all Animals, on Exeter. Calls to, have the treat Domes le Main str from at ass tanee promptly attowled to:- Medicine for Borses CattleAfec always on handl MONEY TO LOAN. ivrONET TO LOLN ON REALES tate forthe Maim & trieLoan ' Say- ingadaciety. Low ratesofInteresi. Apply to John Speakman:Exeter. iii_ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i per cent, :5.2,5,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DIOXSON, E Barrister, xeter, INSUBANCE 91 J. SUTHERLAND,llensall, Ont., c onveyaecee, Oonimissioner,Fire 1 and we Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly confidential. A call solicited Othce ; atthe est °pies. FOR PURE PARIS GREEN FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER BROWNING'S —Is— THE SPOT ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT 01 s g F.thin Tackle ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF 130120T.TO-S. Cull and Examine foi- Your- self. J. W.131.10WN1NG, Prop. ToLsOo00 MUTUAL ri pon on ion / Established in 1863. a HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This aoray„amv has been over *eighteen Years in eueeeaafel operatme in Western On- bario,andzontinues to ineure against' oss or damage by Vire Buildings,Mercurtinlise,Man- ufactories,trud , otherdesariptions of finsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of rnsuritt g on the Premium Note or Cash System . During the past ten years tkis Coral:man' has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the etreou nt of. 240,872,088 ; and paid inloss. es alone ii•,709,752,00 A.ssetS, 118t16,100.00, eonsisting at Cash n as ank, Government Deposit , and the unass. eased ereoniuin NOtes on handand 311 f °roe, 3, W WALDEN 'A D. PresOd�i t, 0. 11. '22i.TL011, Secretary. 3.11. Htrainas,ttasnector. CHAS. SNELL Agouti or Exeter and vicinity, ....e.m...**croanweemwrswerwm.mnorm*mt THE literoolonialnaliway 0E1 CANADA, The Royal Mail, Passenger and it -might Route between Canada and Greet Britain and direot route between the Vsrest and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale doS Cho.- leur, &Igo New Brunswick Nova, Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton lkIewfoundtana, Bermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping nd Day Clare run ori threugh Express benne. reasongersfOr Great Britain OT 'he Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 9 ri. clay will join outward mail steamer at Hali- fax a. m. Saturday. Superior EleVater Warehouee end Dock Ite- m) in :flatlet:on at Halifax for 50)17100118 01 grain and general merchandise. Veers of experiende have proved the IN TER- COLONIAIt in eouneet1 on wen steamsbip litea te and from London. Liverpool an d Glasgow to IT:thins , to be tbe quickest freight route between Citdcalci and Great Britain. Information .as to Passenger and Freight rates can be had on application to 180111.11112 13:M.1001E, Western l'reight &PassengerAgent Ressin House Block, York :at, Toronto D.POTTINGER, Chief Superintentli,n Railway 0 .60 N. )314ov 1381i, 18Et ...11110 London, arrive 10.20 1:11112ZELIAL MILLS, WOOD EiAM. Tile undersigned would respectfully inform the community that they have le ased the abeam mills for 0±9560 of years ; and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. Ibis the intention of Vae subscribers to acid a set of rolls as soon aepossible ; and all combined, the V‘rood.hana G-rist Mill. Will be second to 0008 in the West, Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Flesh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. -1 ,tliarA 'FRI AL SOLICITED. 3. 86 A. ..M.orEVIN, July 14.] Props. CEINTRA1 Barber Shop VANN:M.'S 31400Lr, A. Hastings, Prop. LOCAL NEWS.—We shall be happy" to re - :sive at all times, front any part of the County, Items of local -news, such as ac- cittents,or any interesting incident what ever, front any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. - - TEN cENsee per line for first insertion , and POUR C KNTS per liue tor each subsequent in sertion will be charged to notiaet ap nearing this column. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. JUST Reeeived a ociinpiete stook of Trusem Shoulder -braces, • Supporters. dee, at the Central Drug Store, 0. LUTZ, PPOPRIETOR• Those Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes have just arrived at 0. Eacretts, also a good Assortmeet of Harness, Whips, Trunks & Valises. A call solicited. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Alse a first- class Brick House for sale. C. EACRETT. Stop it at once. What? That cough which is troubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. and procure it 25 cent bottle of Hallamore's Expecte:rant. This 'preparation has been the mmular eough mix- ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invari ably gives speedy and permanent relief from all colds, coughs and chest troubles. It is safe and pleasant, always sure the wort of coughs to quicklY mire - Fruit jar corks, gem rings, sealing nax. insect powder and sticky fly paper at the Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, Prop. A new organ for sale, or exchange for a horse. Apply at this office. 8.1. Shaving and /fair cutting in the latest styles of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies and Children's Hair. SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER. A CALL $01,1011'1;2,1) Pilfering. We hear numerous complaints of orchards throughout the village being visited nightly and fruit in considerable quantities carried away. Grape vines too have had to stiffer. Pesides the eating and destroying of the fruit the ;Vines have been despoiled. The police are on the lookout for the young pilferers who, if captured will be made pay the penalty. weejts. The "United Emnire” of the Beatty line Goderich on ,14 riday, and the 'Ontario' on Tuesday for all lake ports north. Apply to Capt. Geo. Kemp for full information. A pnblic entertainment under the aus- pices of Om Independeot Order of Forest is will be held here in about two weeks. Dr, Orony,atekha of S. C. R. will be present The public may expect, a rare treat. Mr. Robert Mantyre, of the 8th venom- . ion, Blanshercl, sole, recently, a. three year old Pentium' colt to Mr. T. Bissett, of Exeter, for the handsome consideration of $200. Last week Mr. Wm. Radcliffe of the 3r61 line 131anshard, sold a suckling colt of the clytiesclale stamp, to a gentleman on the Ith line for the handsome stun of $500. It undoubtedly pays to beeed such stock. Mr. James Elliott of Centralia. sold last week, a three year old colt to Mr. Immel, horse 'buyer for $210. The animal: is a good one. Mr. E. is always in possession of good stook.' Mr. S. C. Hersey, while walking around the ',Myatt Memorial Church the other day reeeived a somewhat severe fracture of the ankle bone, caused by slipping upon a brick whidcehnitsysr.ning, allowed the limb to twist suddenly. A ground hog was discovered in the the celler of a down town resident the other morning. It was soon dispatehdd by a ter- rier dog. Another frog fishiug expedition is on (ht. Thesparty will be made up on the arrival of a fevr American visitors. The Exeter Times is anxious to know which one of its citizens is shortly to take from Mitchell one of her fair daughters. We will give the information to our con- tempora,r3r about the end of this month. -- Mitchell Advocate. The town -bell was taken from the fire hall and placed -in the tower ot the new town hi, on Eriday last. At 12 o'clock the bell wi..giicit =wand many of the more indus- trious worked several minutes over time. The cloplc will be put into position in a few days. We have received from Messrs. Clement St Co., of Toronto, one of Goldman's Spkiiik- lers. It is a handy contrivance, and no house, especially where plants are kept, should be without it. Send to 48 Welling- ton st. East Toronto, for an illustrated Nimrod Indignant. circular showing it in use. It is with regret that we learn of "nim - n rods" dispraise of our mention of his leen- OSaturday last, we were handed a drous achievements of a sportive kind and 'branch plucked from a raspberry bush on it is with pleasure we accept his valued -the farm of Mr. Wm, Delbridge, lot 8 0011.8 Usborne, It was well ladened with ripened berries of the black variety, being the second growth this year. Mr. D., we be- lieve has picked sufficient to enjoy a good feast. Our devil puts this conundrum to readers of the TIKES : "Why is a barber like a tan- ner?" Being afraid the question is too diffi- cult for general readersehe answersit e "The barber makes 1(e)ather, as also does the tan- ner ; and the tanner shaves hides as also I does the barber." Oar devil, we are afraid Scott Act Trial. - will have contraction of the bram shortly. advice so geatuously given; but we are forced to believe from his writing, that he has misapplied the word "nimrod." He should have shelled his wrangle "ramrod," as it requires considerable mental persuasion for one to comprehend what he wishes us to understand. However, if we have in any way by past notices, unstrung "nimrod's" nerves so as to render his shooting propen- sities in the least impaired, we are truly sorry. Brief -Bite. are for violation of the Scott Act. Of these Good butter which is a scarce article ebtomands a high figure. --Council mot 'yes- terday eNg. ; it would be more satisfactory if the residents were made aware of such meetings ; there are none but those more directly inteeested who kuow of a council meeting until they see the proceedings in Tete Tnees.—Garderiers will IIONV soon be thinking of taking in their houseplants.— The streets with few exceptions have been very well watered this year. ---The mouths of the "r's" have commenced, and lovers of oysters will now be able to indulge in their favorite dish.—If the weather continues cool as it has been for the past couple of weeks the guests at summer resorts will not be able to come home until they have had their misters and furs sent to them. -Public schorde and collegiate Institutes in cities opened ou Monday Sept. 5, and Model schooes open on the 13th inst.--Old maids shonla go to Akron, Ohio, at once. -1t said that 60,000 matches are made in thet .1 , On Monday four cases of infraction of the second part of the Canada Temperance Act came up for hearing before Police Magistrate Williams : Messrs Greb & Smith Zurich, W. R. Hodgins, Hensall, Joseph 13renner, Grand Bend, and Mrs. Ed.. Por- tice, Exeter. The three former plead guilty and were each fined 850 and costs, the latter allowing her case to go through the usual course. After hearing the evi- dence, which was very convicting, His Lordship imposed a fine of $50 ancl the costs The defendant refused to pay the money, and here the matter stands. We direct our readers to the adv of the eighth annual Exhibition of the Southern counties Fair Associatioe, to be held at the City of St. Thomas on the 27, 28, 29 and 30, September. Very liberal prizes—including valuable premiums,—will be given. There evi)1 be a great many special attractions, amongst which being horse racing, &c. Send for illustrated catalogue to J. A. Kaines. See'y St. Thomas. A meeting of the Young Men's Liberal Conservative Association was held in the Lawyer Dickson's office on Saturday evg, Besides other business transacted delegates A ail in Timber. were appointed to attend the Young Men's frConservative Assoeiation of Ontario to be Dr. II. K. Hyn amen reel Mr. John Jaynes hekl in Toronto on the 14th and 15th inst traveller, who is spending his holidays at home here, went shooting the ocher Any person other than officers of the local association wishing toattend the convention They traversed the wood to which they went from end to end, but met with very little success. Arreving at a rail fence they decided to perch themselves, and have the may have crodentiels issued to them on ap- plieation to 1.11. Dickson, Preeklent or to the Editor of the Mae. game come to them, instead of, as had been Mr. Levett has arrived in town from the case for the previous three hours, their Parkhill and commenced buying grain. He will move his family bere isa soon as a dwelling can be procured. They are very scarce hbre, nearly every day enquiries are made for houses, and very ofteu they can- not be got, altough many are being erected here this sea, -en. there is no other visible sign of improvement with regards new dustvies the village is being built up and the Ovulation increasing. ping to the gaine. They sat quietly for a time, until they noticed a chipmrink running boldly toward them, ited when in the act of settling themselves to get an accurate aim the upper veil, the one upon which they were eeated succumbed to the • weight. As they went down, each rail with which they came in contact, severed, and when terra firma Was reache(1 fence and nimrods were badly wrecked. The connnOtion caused by the 'fall was equal, it is said, to a South Carolina ea aim uake. Death's Ravages. Since our last issue, another, a second daughter of Mr. Benjamin Higgins, has passed away to swell the nainhor of the dear deperted. Last week we chronicled the death of Adeline, second daughter, at the age of 10 yeers'; this week we record the demise of Mary Feancee, eldest daughter aged 20 yeavs and 6 months. The losing of one child is. a tole to hear, but when the family circle is robbed of a second within is week, it i8 del)10rable ; indeed, very sari, The deceased, young Julies were eiclining to womanhood, and were both of an amiable disposition, robust and healthy. The younger was seized with an attack of typhoid fever of a violeet type some weeks ago, and was watched byher elder sister, who becomieg fetigued caul careworn con- eequeet upon diligent'attendance, was also er extent than Where the grain is hand taken ill, and made a eietim to typhoid fever, The remains, which were followed. 110112161, Now that the binder is about to come into general use, it is to be hoped that by tb very large concourse of vehicles, giving evidence ot the esteem in which the young prompt steps will be taken to remedy this lady W95 11151(1 ailet the sympathy fait ,fot, evil before 8110 coentey is eompletely oven, yen with eoae womb of all neste with whieh the parents, were intoned M the Exeter cemetery, the Rev. jtts Graha,ty, emottothig the farmer has to contend, viz: the cmor, thistle Infee'rmation is daily forthcoming of fer- mere who are swindled—sometimes to the tune of $250 by the seed wheat racket. They should know betterthan to have deal- ings with the peripetetie frauds who offer too much for no :ling. .Farmers hive had repeated warnings, but they do not heed them They should subscribe for a paper, read 18 92)61 patronize the local dealers, whose advertisements am found therein. The on- ly legitimate way for farmers to make motley is by tufting up the soil till the money tarns up. Let them peteonize local estab- liehmente of repute and standing Mid they will never get stuck for big notes, for whieh they have got no value. The threshing machine is telling more than one tale this year. In the thee place it reveals the fact that all kindi'of grain are exceptionally light ; awl, secondly, that the self -binder is encoeraging the growth ce thistles, Where sheaves are bound, with twine, teem the thistle ehoweds to a great - town every day.— Aritisnaetical Problem. The following question in arithmetic has been handed in hy Mr. Geo. Welrond, ot Stephen, and is termed "Multiplication supercetied." The (region is already worked out, and Mr. Walrond wishes old and young to ascertain by a careful study how and eby what method, the figures, which adseed together forms a total, are learned. tele says the method of working these questions is •easier and more simple than common multiplication :- 587496583x46e782962 the obeegeies, 220311218625 514059510125 73437072875 14687414575 44062243725 , 220311218625 44062243725 7049958996 272470905428615846a... Persons Who are 'shcOessfal, in solving the problem;will please send their names in is early as possible and their names will be published. If there is no person so fortu- nate as to arrive at a correct conclusion the method for working the question will be published. Mr. Williams, inspector for the east ruling, secured 65 : Mr. Shoff, for the north, 28 ; and Mr. Robertson for the west, 27. In the death of Mr. Geo, Fulton, of Mt. Clemens, Mich which took ,place on the 25th tilt, that city loses a valeable citieen. The deceased was formerly 25 resident of Goderich towuship, and was well known in this neighborhood being and enthusiastie conservative politician. He was aged 66 years. With pleasure we v.unounce the arrival amongst us of Mr. H. L. Billings, dentist, of Toronto. He comes highly recommended and as far as can be judged by our acquain- tance he is a young gentleman of sterling qualities, and a master of his profession. He has opened. an offiee over O'Neils' bank. See card in another coltimn. The rifle match which was to have taken • place between Mr. Geo. Dyer and Mi Her- bert, caretaker of the cemetery, on Monday last, has been de,lared off, the latter we learn having refused to meet Mr. Dyer, although the challeuge was issued by him.* It is fortunate for Mr. Herbert that he did not try conclusiosis with Mr. Dyer, as he would most assuredly have been badly beat- en. Notes 9.1Sont the Station. On Monday, Messrs. Wood Bros. shipped a car "of stock to Montreel; Mr. James Oke shipped two cars of stock from Hensel!, and one car load from Exeter, to Montreal •' Mr. R. Davis shipped One ear load of cattlefrom here to Montreal, for 'exportation ; Mr. Thos, Russel of the Riverside farm, Us - borne, shipped a herd of prime shorthorn cattle, conmstiug of one aged bull, three yearliegs and fiveheifers, to the Toronto Exhibition. For • one of the heifers Mr. Russel recently refused $1,000. The herd is the finest we have seen for some time, and we believe Mr. R. may justly claim to have the best herd of shorthorns in the western district; Messrs. H. and J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, shipped a cite of choice flout to iteenth day of December and the fifteenth Halifax, N. S. ; Mr. Inimel an Amerman horse buyer, shipped a car of draught horses day of October. (4)Woodcock, between the fis•st day of January and the first clay of September. (5)Snipe, rail, Mid plover of all kinds, between the first day of January. aisd. Not long ago a widow's young lamb came to. town from a southern burg to spend the evening before going east. He took in all the sights as far north as the market and when about to return home a person living in the centralpart of the town wha happen- ed to be passing by certain quarters, notic- ed the peculiar farewell he was receiving; but the lamb being so highly adjusted 1818 presumed he mistook it for it very solemn one. The mistake will be overlooked, „how- ever, as he is a capitol Malt nos,'. On Tuesday evg. Me, Archtbahl Bell, an employee of Mr. D..Christie, farmer of Hit). bert, procured the loan of a horse to take his trunk to a neighbor's instead of doing this be and a friend drove to Exeter, via Hensel!, tied the animal in the ehed Of the Exeter Rotel- and–took the train going south. The proprietor of the hotel not knowing the circumstances of the affair, nor when the party who tied the horse in shed, might take the animal away, it was allowed to stand till morning, -when it was unhitched and fed. The owner of the horse becoming somewhat alarmed as to the whereabouts of his property, at once went to the neighbor's . to whose house the truuk was to have been taken, and upon -finding that Mr. Bell had not arrived there he then set put in search of his horse and buggy. They were traced to near Hensalt then to Exeter, where his property was secured, upon the payment of expenses. The Caldwell Badger() game law, which come into effect on Jul, 1st 1886, defines the close periods:—(1) Deer, elk, moose and reindeer, or caribou, ibetween the fif- teenth clay of December and the fifteenth day of October. (2) Grouse, pheasant, prair- ie fowl, or partridge, between 'first day of of January and the 'first day of September. (3)No quail shall be hunted, tike u or killed during the years 1886, 1887 ane 1888, andiu each eitee thereafter not between the fif- to the U. S. from here on Thursda,y last. The number of horses perchased in the vicinity mid exported to the United States during a yeear is immense. --The late Presi- the first day of September. (6) Swan or dent Garfield's fmnily oi U. S. passed south 1 geese, between the first day of May and the. Tuesday morning on their way home,having I first day of September. (7) Ducks of all spent the summer months at Goderich.— kinds, marl all other water fowl, between. About 300 excinsionists from St Thomas I the first day of Janunny and the first day a passed. north Tuesday morning for Goderich September. (8)1Iares, between the fifteenth —Amos Doupe the noted athelete of Kirk- day of Mardi and the first of September. ton left yesterday for Luekeow to compete Those of our sports whose memories are in the Caledonian games there.—eliss Car- deficient had better cut this out and paste rieprew left yesterday morning for Califor- it in their hate, nia to Vitlit friends. Personal. Messrs. Fred Elliot, and Eli Cosh, who have been on am extended fishing expedition. Exerting A Valuable Influence. Whenever you see a man sneering at the country uewspapers, set hint down as a donkey, who -"bra red" in a mortar would. still be the mime. ome country papers ate hexing had a. good time, fishing returned. home last week. ThebyeinrgepeT. r ' pitiful enough, but most of them are as . ceptionally good. The catch was principally circumstances permit, and do more for their million dollar town -than anything from Beersheba to Bota,ny of the speckled. trout.—Mr. PiorBaawcIfween, 1301'. You cannot print a druggist, has gone to Windsor, Esher of a first-class country newspaper does uewspapec in a ten cent towel, and the pub-- wee -,---A Dumber of citizeus leieve in a more work and hives more for the money, couple of days to attend the Industrial Ex. and encouragement offered, than any class, hibition which opened at Toroneo on the know of. The respecable 1 5,11 inst.---The various milliners have re - country press exerts a wide inflednee and iR turned ftom their visits to the city whole of workers we sale houses --Mr. Thos. Hamlin is expected one of the greatest forces in this country. home from the old country shortih e --A . number of young people attended the grand .. concert given in the Winche sem school r_ros Per. . 'nese, on Tueulay evH g.—Mr. artnoll, of Mr. Chitb.. Tom, of this place, is ni receipt Exeter, preached a very effective sermon at of a ktter"feorn his aou William, who ban Eden, on Sunday lest --Mi. McMullen of now resided. at Medicine Hat, Mae. for twee Loudon, oceepiecl the pulpit in the Main st. three years. From the letter we learn thet Methodist church on Sunday laet, and wheat in Manitoba mills fos from forty to -preached two splendid sermons, considering fifty cents per bush ; barley fifty to fifty - that he is a student.—The sports of Exeter, five ;Potatoes which are a splen lid crop, sell ' who attended the Clizton races, were totally tor $2 per hash; better aud eggs brieg high se. prised to see their favorite horses being prices. Spring chicken sell for 75 Me each. beaten by the old ringer "Fultom"a-Mr. In the matter of Spring chicken Mr Tons 13. V, Elliot and son, left on Saturday for says Mr Wiman need not mention commer . IleW It01"lc, where they will spend a few ciel tmion to Menitobe citizens, for if by weeks, —N, Dyer Harden, who has been the adoption of suelt the prices aro to be on an extended fishing and shooting expecli- raised, they do fizit desdre an advance in tion theceigh the noethern districts around price of the fowl.) "Speaking ingeneral" Algot/me reterned to Exeter on Tueedey. says the writev, "the tierce have not been N. D. says there is lots of sport and there as good for many years 05 they have proved are teeny seelsers, He had a good time. - to be this year ; all kinds of foul produce ,,,feos.1 1,1,e.0. eri clao'is,, t eboel ici ittehhiciol 11‘,1i,10.) sTe 1 0,.. of Toronto ttTo. London .yid.16,o_snt_c,?( sit,apye on, —ML oNti 1, lgseee. alp) rie. eirrilgtnoi101:18:te pigt, ,org0.108tdipl icor :ill:meat—I te1rdhe essfistrtrlelsen:tu,iiii:i!) lie: 1,,litte. a joisilnro. , Ste.1.oniviBairtilek s_v Tiles! t,( DOTel, ) ',,\Tt4lceseitlIctlyt off(.01liantollts, Tlioalitt f 0 r Milo hag been visiting her mo'ther, Mrs. to believe that he should. kneasy,, a number of vcars we 0,1Z:thine) t'otrintSeir!'s ' McLeod, here for some weeks has returned of th,e,AprriostipleaRrittytoifm.t1rs,er,:tu,nt,170,'c' home.- -Miss Alma MeDonell left on Mon- day to DAtend the COlivent of the Holy Cross Loneom—Miss May Elliot, who has been visiting friends here during the past week returned to her home in London on Tuesday evg. : le a good thing to have, but wbak is it good for if your heath is poor. Preserve your health by nsing Imperial Creatn Tatter , Baking Powder. It is the only reliable,