HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-9-1, Page 8'1:1113,NliiST ELL10 I', AGENT FOR e 4 TilE •WESTERN ASSURANCE COIT- vaNv of/Jan:onto ; also for 1.11,e Pli(EN IN ElltIll INSURANCE COURANT, or 1-+ondOm England, tlic ROYAL OA NAIMAN , of Montreal, ar d the BitreISeel leallelltle LIFE leetell.e.leCee: COM - PAN Y, Or rondoii, aut.:tuna, es ta b l ielni 0 18-17, eeeets over ,."r1e,000.000; clainie end eanuees ‘84a, ovarr $1.0.0QQ,Q00, I git1f ,t•eteit I:41Jc%. , TEIURSDAY„ 81,11.P'T let, 1387, ROUND THE. COUNTRY. Blaneharcl. 31r. Henry White sotd his fifty acre farm on the 10th line to Mr. 111eNatigh, ton recently, for a good round sum of money, Mrs. Hopkins, of the 10th concession hes leased her two hundred tsere farm to Mr, James Gunnine for a term ot twelve years. TuCketemith. Mr. John 'I'llorpe has desposed of oae of his horses for the sem of $150. He purchased another one for the roanct sum ot $2.00. Jack will certainly make money this trip. Mr. Samuel Lanclsboroug 601d his vvell known Euterprise team to an American buyer for the sum of $575, Re also pur- chased a blood more from Mr. W. Scott of Stanley at an unknown figure. atr. Henry MoNetty started on an ex. tensrve excursion through Manitoba and other places about a week ago. He vv.!! probably visit California and other states before retruning home. William has worked steady and hard all his salife and well merits this recreation tour. His many friends in these parts hope he wilt eujoy himself. Zurich. BEIE33.-114%. Ed. Apple left 'rue s day morning for New Hamburg where she jgals her husband who preceded he r last week --Sir. and Hrs. Steinbach spent Saturday witb Mrs. S's brother, Mr. R. Buswell.-Onthe 41th and 15th of September, the th•st Agricultural Ex- hibition of the season will take place in Zurich under the ausptcea o, the Hay Township Branch 4 gl. Society. Preper- ations are being made to make this the best exhibition ever held here. For full partteulars see large bills.. -14r. D. Hosteler and brother frona Hamburg, are in town. ANoTHER, FWD To Tan Rowan- - 37Vhile Mr. Wagner was ploughing dir- rm. ly opposite Mr. Koehler's farm, where the stolen •vault belonging to Mr. Stein- baoh's safe, which was burglarized some time ago was found, Mr. Wagner found the missing 2 inch chisel and screw driver. They were embedded in the field about the distance a man could throw from the road ••• •—••••• Stephen. --- The following is a correct and impar tial report of the pupils of 8. S. No. 3 for the month of August ; the report ts based on good conduct and general pro - &Laney during the month -Foust= emus. Wm. Morrison, 230; Arabella Morish, 226 , Nora Bagshaw, 138; H. Penhale, 105, Hiram Shapton, b7 .; Lu- uretia-JorY, 72.-Tnnus Cum. -Minnie Sweet, 358; Minnie Morrition.352 : Ada Jou, 337 ; Ella Shapton, 332 ; Clara Sandere, 329 ; Lucy Jory, 314; Ed. Shap - ton, :306 -Sermon Crass. -Ida Sweet, 389; Mary Morish, 379.; W. Dearing, 303 Wm. Heddon, 284.-P.anT SEN.- T. Sanders. 370 ; V. Bagshaw, 206; Ethel Sweet, 187 . Thos. Willis , 186 ;Emma Penhale, 150.---PanT II Junion.-W rn. Sweet, 459 ; Ed. Sanders 419; Charlotte Dearing, 285; Henry Dearing, 274, G. Hedden, 247 ; Ellen Stanlake; 219; M. Harness, 59; Harriet IVIorish, 59. -The average attendanee for this month vvas 46, Kippenr BRTEFG -Our vvorthy merchant Mr. D. aVeismiller, has been appointed a magistrate for tee county. The Scott Act is aga,n being drscussed in this nerghborhooda so far it has not been very well enforced in thie village, all kinds of beverages being sold. -Miss Monteith succeeded in obtaining a non- professional second class teachers' cer- tificate, at the :recent examination- .- The church row is not yet settled, and it is rumored that some of the stand. byes had used language to each other not found in the Pitalms,•-.51r. S• J. Lat- ta, a graduate of the Clinton high school und for the last year, teacher in S. S No. 3, Stephen, has been a.ppointed pike:mai of the Zurichl public school, for the next year at a salary of $450 --- Mr. A. McDonald, of the 'Olean. Hibbert has rented his farm, for aterm of twelve years, to Mr. W. Kinsman, for a yearly rental of $300, -Mr. J. Stevvart told his three year old gelding to Mr. J Moltlanns for $190. ---Mr Duncan Campbell, teach- er,who was unable to resume his duties at the school after the vacation, on 9 o - count oahis siekness is now nearly re- coyereci. D•-••••••-•1 Adam. ---- BitIEFS.-Mr. Drummond, of Adare, bought a heavy draught team from Jno. Hipburn of Stephen, for which he paid a handsome figure. --Mr. l'homas Glavin of this place, sold a colt three nionths old for $125. He was purchased by a men from Mitchell. -11r. A. Behan sold , meted three steers last week to Jas. Doyle.-- ' Mari Mr. W. Fogarty sold a three year old barn o colt last weak for $208, and Mr. Jas, here w Lotighlin srlso sold a three year old' for toletee• $200. Blood will tell.--. A couple of the "R'ne Cehtralia hoy hadapug pug listic encounter and th the Me re Limerick a short time ago. Tom 1, deg ceme out Second best.-- Mr. A. Behan and 82 lost a, valuable horse last week. Death iqr eesulted frern natural eauses. -Mr. Craig, Drummond, who has' been in Kirk ton es else for the past while is home. days p he wen McGillivrey farmers ate continually im the isearch Stteplaen COlanoil CreOitent 29th Al /the members preseet. Mintdes of tbe preyloes meetiog read and on firmed. Moved by C. Bileer, seconded by P., Coughtie that H. B. Proudfoot's appointment as civil engineer be can- celled. Moved by 11, Either, eecondect by .9., Coughlin theta'. Hogarth be civil, engineer at $3 per ciay while engaged. Resolved that the following rates be raised ; oeunty and scbool two an fifth mills, sinking fund Mill, town - step, three mine, and the amount re- quired by the different sections. Mott, ed by H. Eilber, seconded by P. Cough- lin that this council meet again on the 19th September at 2 p. m. tor the pur- pose of consadering the petition handed in by Mr. 001Mail having for its object an pullet to the river at the bend to lake. On motron of H. Eilber and D. Frerusb, G. Brown was appointedleolleet. or at a salary of $90tgoact bonds to be latd on the table at the next meeting, The follovving orders were granted trap-IteinhNh laene4eleiTitteurateePdin'svvi9tigeclooSal4eowilnY e- tybieli he hung up in his room •and burned after it was fall of Wee, N.OW he's trying ±jnd the 1iouo I hese used le vereste Clouph Syeep family for two yeas, and always limn au excellent remedy for coughs, colds, J. II, Pettypieee. Forest. IWin. Sinibert, t yon e man of Nisemiri, wee ariested by Detective QX* Menday last, charged witleasiseultin tall 8. Jairees,--To Exeter on the matil nit, the w't f 1 T y aug iter. peaere_In Stephen, en the 17th Aug„ the iu lily WiN of Sauttiel Prouty of son. d it an Seliell -In Exeter, ell the '27th Aug., the wife of Olirie„. Smith of SOlt. 1 PaNneLee-In Stephen on the nth Atte the P ligole,11e1(el -,,,,Ivtierueeoofeo--eion Illeilb,oirtilioe,,n tlide 22:41 eAl ,iig tile West wife of WM, Peoliale, of 4 soil, ' ill-treating the children Devid Weir, of d one, the same place, The alleged °fleece Lawson, gravel C. R. $15,20 Wm. Balt er, eerier poste eels( work $5, J. Sea- man, Uolman bridge, $18.60 gravel 11. Int $300 ; Sundries,, $1 .25, ,'L. Stanley; breaking atone, $17,50 ; Wm. Fulton, tun er, 4,10 ; J.,Eleaman, cow C. R. $6. , C. Finkbiner, corn C. R. $8 75 ; M. Fmktnner, a box culverts, $3.75 , J, G - Y oung, ceder posts, $6.26 • E. Williams, repairing culvert, $O,50; Essery, cul- vert let con., $2.50; J. Granger. work 22 con $i; Wm. Rhode, work 16 con, $5.05 :Wm. Holt, seats for hall, $1 00; Wm- McCann, damages, $4.50 ; R, Keys. cov. bridge, $1 ; James Boyce, fehef, $5 S. MoKever, coin. S. J3 $2.50 ;Goclertoh Star, pt, printing contract, $30.14 ; to tal $557.99, •••••1.. - Hensel/. OBITSABY.—It is with sorrow and re- gret that we announce the death of ano- ther esteemed young men from our midst. We refer to the death of Robt. Sturgeon, which sad event took place at the family residence near this place on the 20th ult. He was never of avery strong disposition but always pretty good health till about 16 tno ago, when he had an attack of blee ot the tungs that weakened him een erably. and from that time he was iously vvatohed by many between h and fear. In hopes that hefbeing yo and apparently with a bright and p perous future, before him, that his might be spars d to:those ar Jund ,h And in fear lest the grave would s claim him for its own, for death like shining mark. Through last suna and the early part of the fall, heapp ed to be gaining strength, but when cold and damp weather set in, tho piece while the (Mitchell evere en their to eohool. Fle is bailed to appear t b f S I " A sposial meeting of the Middlesex Claude Couucil has been called for Thursday, Sept. 8. Among other questions to be considered will be the election of a new Warden, the City Hospital asoounts, and the liability of the Comity Council for the building el' small briAdgaelas'orndale minister dreve off the other day wills a horse wheals a young mu had left tied at the roadside, while matrida a cell entailing on the young man a two mile When the young man came up to the later the two had a estiouffs. The into eiders of the parson's wife proven getting a severe drubbing. The salt trade of Gederieh is booming tbis season, the orders being ahead of the supply right along- The shipmerrea of diary partic- ularly show a large increase, a testimony to the exaelleut quality of the salt made there. Every day shipmeute are mede by and the shipments by vessel are only limited to the ability to secure vessels. Robett Field and Robert Browning, horse thieves were brought before J Davis of London Saturday morning for tence. His Honor sentenced Field to year and ten months at hard labor in Central Priem] and Browning to nine mo at hard labor iu the Ceutral. Field was senteneed to six mouths for the larceny watch, his sentences to run concurrently Mr. John Hedges, of McGillivray MAIUSIED. took e,7"-iar----Mussee•-allthe Grand Bend y Bev. PeeJ . , ones, on the 2ud ult., Mr. leamuel 0. Ell/ot to Miss Susan V. Musser, both ot the townehip of Step - hon. DlED, DoNomee„-- In 131d4ulph township, ou the 271ti August, Catherine Donohue, aged 88 y NUS. BARUOUR.—Aug. 24, at McGillivray, ,Wiee learbour, of Ailsa Craig aged 56 yeas, walk. j GOODAORE.-At the family resideuce, Inman, Mbe-1, on Seeday, Aug., 28th Albert Good-, in der. I the 51his st year of his age. the ndge son, One the nths also of a met $700, per annum. Ketrer.-In flay; ou the 30 ult., Wesley Kelly, aged 30 years and 6 months. DiCituy.• -At Creditou, on the 2701 ult„ Deborah Dickey, aged 14 years. Hroonsa-In Exeter, on the 26th ult., Ade- line, seeond daughter of Mr, Benjamin Higgins, aged 19 years.' MYSTER FOTJS DISAPPEA.RANCE of Mr. Dyspepsia. It is said he was driven and is kept away by the use of Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, Sold by all Grocers. Mr. W. WIlliarus, of St. Itlerys was elect- ed.Proviecial Sea etary of the A. 0. F , so!' Mete, at a meeting of the,order held at Brant- ford on Thursday. He rocerves a salary of with a rather serious accident 14se Fria Mr. a beteg in the employ of Mea Steeper & Neil, threshers, was feeding machine when oue end of a rope which been accidentally thrown on the table ea in coutact with the cylinder, the rope iustantly drawn into the um:Mitre coil around Mr. H's right arm as it went drawing his head dowu to about two inc ewe from the cylnider when it provident' s lackened said came off his arm just in ti n ths to save him from instant death. -He had 6182 quit work for a few days as a result of the juries sustained on his arm by the rope. aux • Police Magistrate Williams of Huron h ope corn t at Seaforth on Monday, 2end ung when the following convictions were ma rm. an dfinati of $50 and oosts were levied: Al life Davidson. John Killorsu; H 1', Renue im, edwati Dawson, ' Wm. Hawkshaw, 00e Snnpson, John Caroll, Thos. Stephen, Jam a a Weir, Iuspecior Sprague prosecuting. A at Eieter on Thursday, 24th inst : Weal met Hawkshaw, Jas. Oke, and; Brinmeombe, we ear- convicted of second offences and fined $1 the and costs levied: and Geo. Humphries, Ore ugh iton, Lankin Woodharn, and Farmer Bro ars. ay. FallLaies. • the had me was iug and hes ally inc to in- eld et, de, ex. dy, es Iso ey re Ou everything that that doctor and good care ee could do was done, he seemed to gradu- w ally decline till the dateabove mention- G ed, when he passed away ot th.e age of sh 21 years and 6 months. But the dark by ciClUd ha8 silver lining for his bereav- ed brothers and sisters have the consol sta w to ation of knowing that he died happy In the taaviour s love. While a friend was 8°1 visiting'hita a short time ago, be saki, "death cannot costae too soon ; I have 11- been Waiting thee last two weeks. I se have been 80 happy 811308 the last time At Ur. Torrance wasere." Mr. Torrance we had been their pestor for the last three ea, years, and this was prior to his depar- Ba ture for Walton. By his death the das young people lose a friend atri conapan- of a ion; being of a reserved and kindly he disposition, he was a-fovorite with every- rea body, and it was often remarked during BaS his illness. howpatient and thoughtful 11,1g of others he was, In the spring of 1885, f"lia he took a trip to Dakota, but he had rre: been there nearly a month when he A heard of the sudden death of his eldest Lon brother, and he immch eatelyeame home dur His brother and Bleier who reside in - f t Page City, Dakota came home over two ity months ago, to give whatever comfort abo and assistance that was necessary. thie t v° 11.+44.4•41 DISTRICT DOINGS. LI and costs imposed. Before Magistrate Mims at lexeter on Thursday, 24 tinste eo. Humphries, 'firmer of Stephen town- ip was tined 850 an costs for selling cider cite glare. A few days ago Mr. Donald M. Bayne rted from his Iwo near Lakeside, to drive St. Marys a nuniber of cattle vvhiela he had d to Messrs. Robsou & Sperling of that wn Before leavinghe told his wife to fol - w with the horse and buggy about half an 0 tn. after he left and overun take hon the bon. before he realised the St. Marys road first sideroad, however, the cattle turned at to the 10th, along which they were.driv- On reaching Ilse 51. Marys road Mr. yne noticed hid -horse tied to the fence the hboard being broken and other evidences runaway quite apparent, Losing no time proceeded back to learn the worst and on thing Ir. John Harrison's:found that Mrs. no had been carried into the house suffers from very severe injuries. 11 -uppers t while driving pint Mr. Lennox's a pig "stoned the horse, causing hinter, May and away with the result stated, number of parties who take „butter iato don market were around buyiug butter ing the last week from the farmers. One hem after travelling all day iu the vicin- of Cromarty, although he examined ut 15 tubs and considerable looter butter, nly purchased two tubsand a small quan- of loose butter, owing to the inferiority ofteh wi f thre Occurrences of the Past week Throughout Last the Neighborhood in a Concise Form• top, this • Conduetor Bailey has been taken off the the L. H. B, and Conductor 'Swabb put on in that his place. If th Robert Patterson's barn, in West Nissouri, with was struck by lightning the other night and the totally destroyed together with this season's dish orops. of tit All the hotel keepers in Kincardine have brie entered into an agreetcent not to accommo- won! date anybody and to close their hotels to the is u public after Sunday, Aug. 2L I firmly believe Eyereet's (lough Syrup saved the life ot wife. -Jas. A. Fisher, Cauilachie P. 0. The businessmen of Goderich are agitating farm for a water works system, and several pro- prop minent engineers have been engaged to re. the 8 port on the feasibility of the scheme. farm The only person from Perth who succeed. at 12 ed in obtaining grade 0. certificate at the re- cent first class examination was Miss Aletta Tu Marty, of Mitchell. The young lady is to be of far congratulated on her success. of th One day last week as Thomas Walsh, of con 5 the 7th con, of East Wawanosh, was engag- be re ed in hauling manure on a wagon, in some of th way he slipped and felt hem the load, and term in lighting oo the ground struck on his head Exec breaking his neck and killing him instantly, 60 years of age, and leaves a large family. Mr. Everest, 'Forest. Dear sin -Please send me three bottles of your Cough Syrup, nothing seems to cure me but that, -Mrs. Westhoover, Goodland P 0 Mich Miss Mary Morris, deuishar of 'Mr. S. B. Morris, of Asingliam, was a passenger on the ilafated excursion train from Peoria, which 'went through the burning bridge. Miss Morris had been on a visit to her sister, Mrs R. G, Wellwood, who resides in Peoria and was on hergatay/ home when the accident me . She escaped with a few bruises. eh, Aug. 26. -Thursday afteincon the f Hildebank, three miles from as destroyed by fire, with all its colt - The fire etarted from a spark 61 an Mr. Alex leosenberry wag tbresbing e fire spread so rapidly that not even emir could be saved, and it was total., toyed. Loss about 5600 on the barn 00 on the cleaner. No inseranee: Wm. Berbour, wen known in Ailsa died suddenly last Monday morning filmy. He had been unwell for some royiously, and at 2 o'clock a. zn. he t out of his house, and uot returning was at once commenced and continu- claylight, when he was foetid in the the woode on his own farm. He was eathing his last when his friends him, Apoplexy is supposed to,have ()MISS of his death, e quality. Ile called on one farmer's who had two tubs aud another who had e. Both of these women are cleanly and ye yet so strong and rancid waS the but- tbat he was sorry that he celled. Now lesseer will most likely find its way to store, where the merchant *ill be told they must have the highest price for it. merchant examines it and gives them in two centa rt pound of a good article, probabilities are that they will say be is onest, and that he is taking advantage em, and that it is the last they will g him, although the Cash purchaser d not have it at any figtire. Surely the; peculiar kind of reason and antics. Sale Register. enamor, Sept. 291h, 1887. Valuable , farm stook and inapIements, the arty of the late James Sadler, lot G. in th coneession, Usborne Township. The is one of the best in the township. Sale o'clock, noon. See posters. H. Berens, Awe E8DAT„ Sept. 13th, 1887. Auction sale m stock, implemeute, etc., the property e late Mrs. Sturgeon, north half Id 24 , Hay township. Sealed bids will also ceived up to Sept. 10th for the purchase e farmland. For particulars see pos- A. BISHOP, Auct. Robt. Sturgeon, titer. Deceased was a highly respected farmer of To - watch for sheep-killieg dogs. Almost every ed till morning unto one reports a loos, but fella to edge al .atch tho niglitlyvisitor, • Mr. S. Ovene, 6u y mit br Sunday night, had a number of valuable ate. , roadbed male killed, and others worried ebkilybeen th morrow (Friday), the "Ontario' of the Beatty line will leave Goderich for all lake ports north. The "United Empire leaves on the 81h. For excursion rata tickets and full information, apply to Capr. Geo. Kemp, Exetet. Positions not Desirable. Umpire at a baseball match, especially if you don't do the &mare thing. -Trying to please everybody at the expense of prieci- ple and manhood. --Directors of ceremonies at a charivari.--Heels up and head down while riding a bicycle. -An oppoRetit to Wo - mares rights at a quilting bee. -S banding on the gallows with a rope arourd your neck because you evotildnot pay the printer. - Being dunned 40 times for a small accoutt, and then have to pay the cotta of a Division Court suit, --To be a, rival suitor and get there a little Itiee.-Getting to the station, after a hard run,in time to see the tail end of the train leaving the yard. ---To be &judge age Fall show ---Seeing a burglar rifling the pockets of yetur pants aed remembering that your "dissolver" is securely looked up in the bereau drawer downstairs. --Being too "lippy" at a Are end have the hose turn- ed on you.--Oweieg a fighting deg, ot a trotting horse that is speedy enough to Iome money. -Horse trading when yott lose on the transaction.-- -Frog-fishing, when you don't catch aey. , SEPT. Dominion & Industrial, Toronto. 5th to 17 Provincial, Ottawa . . .. . .. 18-24 Western, London 18 24 Brantford Southern, Brantford.... 11 12 Northern, Walkerton • . 4,7 .00TOBER. South Huron, Exeter. ... .. • .. 3 4 South Perth, St. Marys.... .. ........ 4 5 Blanshard, Kirktona . . ... . , ..... • .. 6 7 North,Perth 6 7 South Oxford Union,Ingersol. ..... 3 5 South Dorchester, Belmont 7 East Nissouri,, Kintcwe. .... , 11 MARKET REPORTS. EXETHIt. ' (Correpted at5 o'olock p.m. Wednesday. Pal1Whe 0 75 to 75 Spring Wneat'...• 0 60 to 0 75 Serie) ... •• " ... 0 ,40 to 45 ,0 25 to 28 • ' ... 4 50 to 5 0(1 ... 1 50 to 2 00 0 48 bo 0 50 58 to 0 60 • 0 16 to 11 16 0 12 ▪ 'DO to 5 55 •▪ ...• • • 75 to go to. 0 GO t••• ▪ 0 04 to 0 00 ... 0 06 to 0 00 ▪ 0 08 to 08 ... 0 20 to 0 80 ... 0 20 to 0 40 • 5 SO to 5 70 ... 4 00 to 5 00 ... 5 50 to 5 50 6 00 to 6 00 0 75 to 1 GC 0 50 to 0 70 •!. 0 20 to 0 21 ... 800 to 8 00 6,50 to 0 75 v. ... 2 50 to 3 oo sta. Mover Seed Timothy " P0051, t Corn, eggs • ..• Bullet.- • ... Flourperbbl Potatoetr,per bushel ... Apples,per bag ... teriellapplespr b Gee ee per lb. •-• Turkevaer lb •-• Ducks r pr Chickens per pi ... Rogs,4ressedper100 Beet • ... ilidessoulig, .1. • ... ‘,1- dressed ... Sheepskins email Calfskin's' WOW par lb :.. itayperton: Onionstuerbumn Woodper sOrd ..• • • . • .• ,• ST: MAIMS. s Purnished by Messrs'. Carter, Son & Co. Pali Wheat 75 to 76 Spisieg Wbeat........... . . ...... . ... . .. 70 75 Baney........... . . .......... v... .. ..: ..... . 35 45 Oats29 °lover Seed 450 *Timothy' 1 ... 50 Paoli* 50 Eggs Butter Potatoes per bush . 75 Appleaper bush 30 wool per lb Beaverton , 5 Or 2 Of 15 12 80 45 • 21 23 800 800 A POSITIVE ONE eon CATARRH. ,G1VES Immediate Belief • • 70B Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. BASY TO IISE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid, Price BO ets. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug gists, sort prepaid on receipt of price. Addrese FULFORO 414 CO., Brockvillp, Ont. , Conran - teed perfectly' accurate and absolute- ly safe. Dade in all sizes forlarge of mita game. .,13A.X.41.•ALEM GiLtHEY, MINTING AND %mar Erns& _ SEND DOR /LLISTEMEATE'D OATALOCDTE. Marlin Fire Arms Co.. New Mayen. Ct. epAriLIN .REPEATINO RIFLE BEST IN THE woRLD1 Vor Biliousness, • constipation. It cools the Blood ; it gives tellght, . It sharpens up the appe. tlte, lt aids the liver do !loped And stimulates tho feeble -heart. 4; Bor Sick Headache, . Dyspepsia. CREAM4 jTARTAR PUREST, STROPlidES`re BEST, cONTA; NS No ALUM, AMMONIAi, LIME, PHOSPHATES, . . or any niiitioue materials. E. W. GILLETT, Tcirtgi'ire.24°O,ITr*.L. ernefe. of 'AS CSILESIZATED etel'At Ve A e CAESEI. • , 7n1 s,igoo The Eighth Annual F4/fl 48800/4 T1ON, N. STANLEY'S CITY Op I4 Al I-iL— F $T. TI1011AS Cdebrnied c$1.1ettaties 79 BA„ fl'OSONTO, CANADA, ---AND---- 18 JBWIN $1I1MPT, LONDON, E. 0, ENGLAND. IIICICS, and optioute Wit tchmalter, Jalvel/er,. Has the Ager cy ter the sale of the above to EXPITEL. No Sneetacres in the Market equal them in the Ern I.' t,HetniViNo QtrADrries they possess, or the GnEAS., EASE and COmPOHT they confer on tbe wearer. Their use will in aetualicy eo etrongthen the elee that it dees nob become necessary to °lump there for many years. They are there- fere,the Onnarnsr. They Are tbe Best in tlee World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Ohange. The Sight tested by our New Test Cerd,seme t,!scsourlscie.tibe thaleadiug Oculists, throughout the TUES. WED. THUS. iSe FRI; 18 8 7. SEPT. 27, 28, 29, and 30. -Very Liberal Prizes-ipillrcelmutnnig6many vnjuabla Arrangements are in progress,fot other a ttra , . spieCIAL AtIT:s. AM -IONS: Stamen atace..uSaieneg,1:411000elaelssat.er 13:ace. Ratio Fame's' Premium Race. Trial 0, sPcsd fel' Gentlemen% Botta liorsee. ttuunieg raoe for for 1ady Driyers, Team team Trotting' Farmers' raceme, Trial of Speed for Colts. ' Latetraine from St. Thomas y,gs. 1-..Chea,p Fares on all itailwa s. See ilharninated bangers and menimoth posters. Send for a prize list, J. A. SQl.TANCE, J. A. KAINES, .Prosicient, Secretary. Ba,Lwe 4 I ar JNELL C , SH hoice lot Of Dress- Go9ds mach belo-vcr Merchant ,,Tallor, Has removed' to premises; one door fering them at Very vv north of Brorring's drugstore, 'Aare LOW PRIC.thS. avin.g purchaseda their Value, are novcr of - there will be found a • • t • Or SPRING Asseald oki 42.) TWEEDS FOR SUITIINIGS &a. I ALL COLORS Scotch, English, Brocaded andplainSilks Irish, Fron'ch an di 11JTI81.1INS Canadian PLAIN AND FANCY Goods Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT • GONSISTENTLY :,LOW FREES 1 A CALiI. WILL CONVINCE. A. J. 0. NELL, Graduate ot Cleveland * Cutting -Se,hool. ei.MMI•111011101•••••••••••••••111111010•11, NEW LACES,Iosery Gloves and. Parasols Just Received 1 The Latest. Styles in Millinery, also a fine assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds. which are just to hand. FULL -LINES of Felt and Straw hats. Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- oarian and 1V14a11et • To° MISS Trr 33MOS 4.nd secure some of the .Bargains they are offering in the following lines LOCKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' WARE. PAINTS, OILS, &c. DO- We,carrY the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call and see them, and get prices before buying. • Tinivae of all kinds always on hand. Roofing ane.eavetroughing a specialty An Immense Stock of Manure Forks,' Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. • We are offering Lamps and Lamp Goods,at cost, as we are going out of that line. --Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and save the high winter ireights.—Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always orPhand.--Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow.in,Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. BISSETT BR -OS CAIILINC'S e BLOCK 7,—THE PLACE FOR • — OffEAPNESS, VAI?lETY AND EXTENT St *MSS• COO) De 5-, One of the Largq,t, Newest,d3est. Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exetcr. Melt& Cloths; Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in al the Newest Makes aucl Colors at Correct Prices. a e OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Noveltieb in Fancy Black Dress Material anal Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines. in Black Goods. • Colored Flushes in All Shades worn this season, Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. ECOOXERT ! GOOD ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle loths, nd range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cotton, Shirtings, .,all bought before ithe advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods.,at Correct Prices, come to f, 0..A_BETNTG-'S. 012.r Crooety Department is Complete. •BY OUR 50ctr. TEA It ia acknowledged by everyonethetahtha)siausaclreiteitsPre o 10.tletethest the Village for 'the /none s • BUTTER, EGGS, AND ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN "EXCHANGE. ff-A.CALL SOLICITED. 1. CARLING, Main.t., Exeter. •