The Exeter Times, 1887-9-1, Page 3Elb SEEtOLD. Ilumauity.„ 1 am often amazed at the indifference with which mothers look on and watch the email cruelties practiced by their children on unoffending objects like lairds, insects or small animals, Like Xontaigne, I cannot but believe that a very good use might be made of the fancy whiph children have for birds and animals. Locke noticed, a mother who often procured these animals for her children, but rewarded or punished them as they treated them well or di. That mother was not only a wise, but A kind and a thoughtful woman, for thia was no other than entering her children early into a daily exercise of humanity and improving their very diversion to a virtue. ,I cannot credit a woman with any very great amount of sense or humanity who hands over to a young child a helpless little alai al and looks on without A WW1 of in- f,x s ction or reproof while the child by t roa pets and. abuses it. I have not a doubt th t if a child of superior size asked for her They shou own little one as a wt, and, gaining pos. when down, not black and burnt -looking. session of it, first parressed and then abused Fry small pieces of rims)), and lay them on it, this same mother would ily to its rescue the bottom of .the dish in which the chickens as would the dog mother or cat to rescue 44 are te be -serfed. Prepare also plenty of young if it dared to ; but I expect more of nicely picked curled parsley, with which to 0011110001101•1111101.1011.111000010.0.101111011.11101i01141101111.04dlesall patient, mit up One es much lean beef as I Oughto't to Keep There. wilt fill a pint or (mart bottle, as the state " 1.)9 you keep bananas ?"- inquired Jones of the ,9ase may render desirable, Cori t up of thwgroeerymou the -bottle tight, and put it over a stead)! " Yes fire, in 4, veese n °warm water, the.t o' t do QU want to keep 'em for? 111aK rteeeed tO 1)0A1 gradually for from two , lyy to VO hOUte. No weter at ell Inwit be put wi dont ou sellere ? And he rushed bisid,e the bottle, ,1save -what may con: , 8°4z.oteJeuraytmin,trttifingatoatmh118:4tile A*tell t/P141(') th° from washing the meat off clean, T1 essence of chieken is extracted in the eame resource Stn-pid Clerk. se the beef, for restorieg exhau manner, and in'some caeetx is as valuable t etrength, Pour off the essence from the Dealer to clerk) -What did that young bottle for the use of your patient, and the ledv want James ? meat left will be utterly tasteless, all ita juice having been extracted. Fain) CIIIOICHIL-Pet chickens about throe months old, and be sure tbat• they are fat, for nothing is more hidifferent food than Poor Scrawny fowl, especially when served in this fashion. Cut them up, as for a fri- caw, m quarters, so that each leers= may Popular Education. have a portion of the flesh of the fowl. We sympathize with the feeling which Dredge he pieces very well with flour, and often leads citizens to boast that no child sprinkling them lightly with salt, put them born in this country need grow up in ignor- to dry in a good quantity of boiling lard, anoe, and yet it is a fact that many people be only of a fair light brown who 'have learned to read and write have never taught themselves to think, A man who suffered from catarrh, consumption, bronchitiS, scrocula, or "liver complaint." might read, till his eyes dropped out, how these and many other diseases have been cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, but if he did not take the lesson to himself and test the virtues of this great medieine, his time would be thrown, away. Clerk --She asked for anatondoal Brussels carpets, and I told her we 'hadn't such a 01111$. ,Dealer -Great Scott, James, that young lady is froxn Toronto I She wanted body Brussels, and we've got an overetocit of 'ern. UTTERIOK'S BOOKS sod. PATTERNS os hand for, September. Send 8e stansp for Fashion F3het and Qxygo Chronicle, devoted to Peth, Household and Preotical Faehione, With price liet of Stamping Patterne, Point and Honiten Bolds, Per. table, Adjustable Dress and Skirt forms, Orovfn Pattern Rooms, 4.1 King East, Toronto. 0 STEDMAN FIETWE. 41P.AtfIVONt4 logt1411., eel3O4 able, wIthoutthe met 'Oa . OW, O1 iioura fro!, ;:e 9 to 32 sn and fr9ur1:40 so,t,Uotho ex, oespreck, 2$ p4lida0091.4 Torta(l;:' ' ' 11110pER'STAMPVIt'a cottst.; Toronto. Tin?.ill'iblrf.CIVION and itboars rine eiontatany C'aeada, Consulting Eugillitere 41111 Solicitors of PetenM. T 0 R 0 N Ts 0. G. C. Rosie, Chief Engleeer. A. ,t-astsen, See'y.Treas. AGENTS WANTE111Iinbie Mus -41;;;`. ila EOM:KT Tenn Audi/lingo la Canada, to sell our NEW. BEACTIEul-LIC the human mother, and that is some exhibi- tion of reasoning humanity to, distinguish her from the brute. In my own neighbor- hood, as in every one's, live some of the thoughtlese and indifferent mothers -one I notice as more indifferent than the others; she has four or five children, andthe victim of their inhumanity is an unfortunate oat, who, in spite of their treatment, is actually tonal of them. The mother looks on and Sees their sport without a word of remark, and cannot help but notice that the °We lege are dislocated and the creature itaelf thin, tottering and feeble from constant mauling and torment. These children, being allow- ed the full exercise of cruelty to this pet, have begun to exercise it to small chil- dren, and this excites the indignation of the several mothers who are the in- different woman's neighbor. Stoning small infants who happen to be toddling by is a new amusement for this interesting fam- ily of children who have never been re- proved for cruelty. But justice comes soon- er or later to nunish ill -doers, and. the eld- est of these boys, trying his hand on ston- ing something larger than a cat or a baby, suddenly meets more than his match in the big victim he has selected for his subject ; the large boy swoops down on him, boxes his ears, and administers other swift ven- geance by taking him by his collar and shaking him thoroughly. Thereupon, the indifferent mother, or, rather, the selfish mother, who feels for her own offspring, but feels nothing for another's, brute or hu- man, flies into a passion •of reproach and anger -her boy is touched, her boy is in- jured. For one, I rejoiced that he should sufferfor a moment some of the pains he en- joyed inflicting on others. Here, perhaps, 1 was wrong, and yet right. The.fault was the mother's, and many future sufferings that will come to her son's lot will be her fault likewise. If mothers would watch c refully; and prevent the small beginnings o Thies to animals and to each other on the'Part of their children, by reasoning with them and explaining and advising, there would be fewer criminals in the world, for small cruelties harden the heart and pave the way to greater ones. It is not the ten- der-hearted, the kind and the gentle who will fill our jails, but the cruel, the hard and the masterful spirits, who failed of ad- monition and instruction in their infancy and childhood. Ltssons of kindness, gentle- ness and humanity are never lost on the young mind, which is ever ready to receive the, ; neither are lessons of evil, which are geceivied quite as readily. l Ravish the dish. Per a gravy bell halt a pint of rich milk, and add, to it a small bit of butter, with pepper, salt, and chopped parsley for seasoning. Stew it a little, and serve with the chieken, hot, in a gravy boat, My Method For Making Bread. In cold weather the flour should be warm- DUG FROM THE EARTH. citron and Valuables Item the Misty Long Ago. A tomb has been recently discovered near Volo in Greece. -which it is believed dates back to the Homeric period. It trouts:in:A a number of gold jewels and "articles made of amber. They are similar in workman- ship.to tlie articles found in the excavations of Mycenre. About fifty miles west of Algiers, among the ruins at Cherchell, the French have un- earthed colossal statues of Jupiter, 'Venus and Hercules. In an old palace a fine mo - }Ala has been found. Cherchell has a mu- seum in which thews and other articles will be exposed. Stone circles with dolmens in their cen- ters have been found in India near Madras. In the same neighborhood curlew) earthen- ware coffins standing on ,four, six, eight or ten feet have been found with small earthenware vessels inside, round or egg- shaped. A number of urns lately 'unearthed in Rome bear the shapes of human viscera, of thoraxes, feet- hands and other ,parts of the humi an body. They were found n the tem- ple of Esculapius, a fact which is supposed to indicate tnat those who had been healed made votive offerings of these curious urns to the ;pd. A solid silver hatchet found recently in Sonora 'will soon adorn ,the museum of Princeton college. It weighs 100 ounces, or a little over eight pounds, and, as bull- ion, is valued at a dollar an ounce. It is four inches in Angth, is wedge-shaped, and was evidently hammered by some pre- historic people. Tiberius of Galilee has been found by Schumacker to have been a large city, not village, hiving a frontage on the sea sev- eral miles long and an acroplis on a hill 500 feet high. The modern village does not occupy its site. At Forli, Italy, a very ancient tomb has been found under a street containing the rerasins of the skeleton of a warrior, leaf shaped lance heads of iron, fibulce, and a great number •of small vases and urns of pottery. A slab bearing 130 Phcenician letters has been ' found at Cyprus in a church near ed. Dissolve one• cake of compressed yeast Dali, by Max Ohnefalsch, Richter. It es - in one cup of warm water; use flour enough telliiihes a series of five kings Whoreigned to make a stiffbatter, put it in a quart bowl, over' that Part of the island. between 450 and 300 B. C. and when it raises full it is ready to use. two quarts of newomilk scalded, and when a bronze brithelet and preeumaidi Roman nearly cool, mix with a spoon. Very early to have been found, together with char in the morning stir ib down, and in about an coal black pottery, "Samian" ware, hu - hour after, mould it and put in the baking man remains and wild boar's teeth. ' pans ; set it on the mantel over the stove --e---enese-easiesee-'-reas.- Five quarts of fie= salted to suit the taste, In Poole's cavern neail3Uxton England, The Minister. of Militia and Sir Fred Middleton will start for British Columbia early in September for the purpose of in- specting the site of theproposed Imperial de- fences of Esquimalt. The earthworks will be built at the expense of Canada, rrhile England will supply the armament. turning the pans around occasionally. When Jam Indians Poison their Arrows. the pans are full turn out and mould ettoli separately, putting back in the pans, and when well raised, bake. In moulding use just as little flour as pos- siblelth keep it .from sticking -by working quick there will be little necessity. Be very careful and not have the water too wenn that the yeast is mixed with, also the milk should be cooled until lukewarm, and do not set the bread where it is too warm -better be a little longer raising it. If half water is used instead of milk, 1 use a large mixing spoon full of shortening. In very cold weather I mix my bread y 5 p.m. in hot weather r use the cup of warm wa- sparkle like diamonds we kill a deer, ante. lope or some other small animal, and I explained to what* I wished th know, and, without the slightest hesitation. he rtaid th the venerable arrow maker: "Tell my brother all about the poisoned arrows:" "Well," said the old 1118,11, "first we take a bloated yellow rattlesnake in August, when he is most poisonous, and tie him with a forked. stick to, a stake; then we tease him until he is in great ra,ge. This is done by paseing a switch over his body from his head to his tail. When he threshes the ground with his body and his eyes grow bright and ter to inir theyeast but do not use the milk or water wane for mixing the flour and mix as late as eight or nine p.m. I do not cover up tight while raising, merely lay. a cloth over. There is,a, great difference in fiour, you notice. I mix mine with 6, spoon just as „turn, black. When he tires the snake is stiff as I can, with some brands it would teased.; again, and he is -induced by sink his take morelour to make a stitf dough. My, fangs intcr the soft flesh until all, !tho poiscu) baking pans are made of Russia, iron, 4 in. has been eitbrUcted from him and the liver wide, in. long and n in. deep. My loaves is reeking with it. He is then killed, and when baked are at least 7 in. high and 7 in. the liver lifted with a sharp pole, for so wide on top. With a coal fire it takes about dangerous 16 it no one dares to temeh it. an hour to bake them with wood less time. The liver is let he for about an hour, when I havensed my pans fifteen years and they it will be jet black and emit a sour lama. are as good as new. I turn my bread quite Arrows are then brought and their iron often wh;le baking to have the loaves even. heads pushed into the liver up to the shaft Always butter the top after taking ont of They are left sticking there for about an, the oven to make the crust soft. Let it hour and a half, when they are withdrawn stand a few minutes, then turn out on a and dried in the sun. A thin, glistening N.,,4 board, never on a 'cloth, as warm bread will scum adheres to thearrow, and if it BO much rake the odors from cloth. The next day as touches raw flesh it is certain to poison it ,,,,Zmy bread is placed in a stone pot and to death." • never have any trouble about its being toe I asked if the Indians still used poisoned dry. A hard wood board is better than arrows. "No," he replied, "no man; In - soft. I have used a cherry one to turn my dian or white man for years past have been bread on. shot with these arrows, and they are no tearing out the liver throw it to the snake; while it is warm and the blood is still cours- ing through it The reptile will strike it again,and again, and pretty goon it wilI "Ab me"! Sighed Potts, "I'm tired of living, The world is hollow, ambition's vain." " Corae now"! said his chum, '1 know the symptoins ; It's all your liver -that very plain. You need not suffer, for help is easy; Pierce's Pellets Fo right to the place. 'A friend to the bilious,' I well might call them -- There's nothing better ; they'll suit your case." Potts ceasedhis sighing and bought the "Pellets." No more he mourneth his hapless lot His face is cheerful, hie heart is lIghtsome, Ria melancholy is quite forgot 1 Parties of Russians are traversing the country around Badakstan and are making strong endeavors to gain the good will of the inhabitants. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures when every other so-called remedy fails. A letter has been forwarded to Lord Salisbury, signed by 300 members of Parlia- ment, in favour of the Canadian Pacific mail contract. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Sufferees are not generally aware that then diseases are contagion% or that they are due to the presenaa of livingparasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachlan tubed. Microscopic research, however, has provedthis to be a fact, and the remit is that a simple remedy has beeh formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal designees and hay fever are cored rom one to three simples applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King Street West Toronto Canada The late Alfred Krupp donated $250,000 for the 'benefit of his employes, to which his son added $125,000 for the people of Essen. Free! Free! ! Free !!! A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by calling at an Y of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & Co., Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices : 4 John St. N., Hamilton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. The wheat crop of France is good, the ea- timated yield being 100,000,000 hectolitres, against 105,0001000 in 18$0. $1,000 For the Sick and Poor. A few days agothe sum of one thousand dollars was paid over by the Morse Soap Company of Toronto and divided as follows: - 232.38 168.78 166.30 . 96.10 76.80 48.90 57 67 ni n comrosincai cold), A,ntique Bronze, uLtr, Natural Weed, end other- Picture and RoomMouldings, Trate, EW. Palotings En; grevings,Etehtngs, Artotypes, Artiste' Mate'rials, Mirrora, eto, Wholeintle end Retail. Trade Cat. a.logue. DIATTIIEWS "MOS. iSz CO., Torottto. ILLUSTRATED new mod interestarg. Send at CIRCULARS free Something once sf tor want the beet, CANADIAN BUSINEsS UNIVMRSITY ANORTHAND INSTITUTE, Pub ics 'Library Builoing, Tor:mtg.' THOMAS BERGGEOur Prsi- dont; CHAS. 11, BROOMS, Secretary and Manager. ' longer made." Useful Recipes., He 'Wrote for the Press. A. Semen Rout.rn or BEEF. -To a round 01 What are you doing now, Thomas ?" weighing twenty-five pounds take three onnoes of saltpetre, two pounds of sugar- asked the minister patronizingly. the press," said the onizingly brown is best -one ounce of cloves, one .,. ▪ am!: writer t mince of allspice, one nutmeg, and ate a u p 1" indeed, you are quite young fOr that. lad, proudly. ful of salt. Beat all the apres together un- ,wrappere. til fine, and rub them well lath both sides of What you write ?" the round, together with the sugar, and ad▪ climb d I lastly a table -spoonful of cayenne pepper. I Take out the bone in the middle, and fill the Nerviline. What is it? hole left with fat and spiees. In three Poison's Nerviline is a combination of the weeks it will be ready for use. Keep it in most potent pain relieving substances knoWn a covered Vessel, and turn it every other th medical adence. The constant progress day unlit wanted. Then hind a strip of made in this department of eeience points cotton around it, and make a crust of flour upward and onward,, Nerviline 18 tbelatest to go over the top and keep the flavor from cle.velopinent hi this movement, and embodies escaping. Put the round in an oven to. the latest discoveries. For netiralgia, bake With a little watet hi the bottom, and orninpa, pitinei in the head -external, inter - let it' cook sloWly from six to eight hours, nal, and local-Nerviline has no equal. Ex - 18 till it becomes told, theft take off pend 10 cents in the purchase of a sample the cloth and crust, and no better relish for bottle of Nerviline and be convinced of ita sapper can be desired. 1 marvellous power over pain. Sold by drug - Large bottles 25 dents, at all drug - Ban' Bescats.-When the most concen- ' trated form of nutriment 18 deiiired tor a low g1013 HosPital for Siok Children Orpheus' Home Sell at eight. Every house needs them. che,ap. liouee of Providence Boys' Home " Durable and Eeonomleal. No Washing or ' Girls' Hoine Ironing. and wittiest ten times aslong as ordinary Home for Incurables cotton blinds. Sole Township Riahis, (Air St. Nicholas Boys' Home Agents are making $3 to $5 a day with Raw Infants Home . . .. ., im " Work. Enquire early. Complete outfit, including , House oWndustry. .. . .. ... .... ... ... , .. .. "4-168 Sniundo Shades, Spring Roller. Stationery, and all informetion, by express, 250. HIRSCUBERG The system of division was according ... the number 1 ,st CO.. 41 King St East, Toronto. of htorses mottled soap wrappers wIttoh each Insti- tution received frto om' Joh 1st Aug. 1Th st. ese all over the country with the above result. The deserves great credit for this novel and practical ad- STOCKMEN, givethis Valuable pre. vertieemeaf-so IL ,firin much so that the whole country is paration a fair trial, It operates 13„ talking about it and once more affirming the good proraptlyand effectuallyin destroying qualities of MORSE'S MOTTLED. , Ticks and other vermin pests, as well IA The Sultan of Tiirkey gets along on the 'shin to which Sheep are subject. Sold as In eradicating all affections of the modest income of $1.0,000,000 a year while in Tins at 350., 70c. and $1. A 85o. Tin will clean 20 lo thousands of his subjects are'atareing to Sheep or 85 Lambs. HUOHIMILLER &Co.. Toronto. ,. ,. in death yearly. Authorized byalot of .Partinnient, h6 Vis.,Cap. 06,1888 les am The Sporting Record, Try to secure an Original Painting by purchasing Z a ticket for 74 OIMMO AGRICULTURAL CoLLEGE will re- open on the 1st ()debar. Full courses of lec- tures on Agrioulture, Live Stook Dairying, ChemistrY, Botany, Veterinary Scieoce, Eno., and a good paned. eat training in Engibh and the elementary inathenia. Mee, For oiroular giving terms of admission, worse Of study, cost, eta., apply to JAMES MILLS, M. A., President. Guelph, August, 1887. DYEING AND, CLEANING. Aite;1,2147B.GotoPPotiftWohploW cantos. Largo elessea prePared yearly ior aul.leaMma, w0,48 4014 ;row °meta WEaord,OliesdaelnesICPVMe&elaests°F1C,netull.Ar.t'sCa°04411334_,po-.7 I 114II Ms, Law, %tad Theology, R. Parker 64 ( 759 TO 763 YONGE $T ' 7..7.eletArd''864*tttt lifiea'ot''6 o earVeite4t41e6NeCieeettiu°1!°ndlikoo"Clird. • etla A-IlY geed in otter dePartruente. ,Full torm teelexs ogy °mew,: NC,.3 ) .°"g0 ItEwSend for circulars Address Queen , eet, Tonon,o, { 225 (440on St Suet, REV. W. P. DYER, lit.A„ Principal., 4 Joh!, Street North. - , , , , , , , . , ...Aeration, Qt4. Bicycles 1 ,ao ....ft, Street Bran ford, Ont. XE Toronto Silver Plato Co. s seeonddthin.., New Catalogue fiesdY let April RANITACEUEESS GEADN OF Flt014 SIG UPWARDS 14411,tk A. T. LANE NIORTREAL END AT ONCE FOR LIST Of 1DEAVEit UNE OF STEAMSHIPS, 13 Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. BATHS Os PASSAGE :-Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, $50, and 860; Return Tickets, $80, $90, and $100 -according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter. mediate and Steerage at loweet rates. For further partioulars and to secure Berth, apply to R. 1S. 1111311It&Y, General Manager, 1 custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif. format Towns and Cities. i3 Mel 0011 AGENTS WANTED FOR "Tag cOTTActS jui Physician," a oompleta 'domestic medical elm. elopedia. This great work is prepared to meet the wants of the common people, who have long felt the need of a complete, comprehensive, reliable "doctor book" at a price within their rersch ; faroily medi- cal book has es er been written by raen more eminent in the profession than the authore of The Cottage Physician ; the treatment is not confined to one school of medicine, as in similar books, but embraces the four principal treatments thie containe Seepages illustrated with nearly 200 engravings including nu- merous fullpage colored plates ; terms liberal ; send for Cia0111/11% WILL1Ald BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. Dairy Salt, SILVER PLATED WARES. :iFOR BUTTER, ETC. W Importations.-Eigginie Eureka, Washing ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARR & SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. UL GOODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO, BABY'S 13 I RTliti3AY: • AL Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sone t to any baby whose mother will send us the ' names of two or more other babies, and theta , parentsaddresses Also a handsome Dia. mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and wilt rentable information. Wells, Richardson & Co., Montreellit MERCHANTS .q1 0 • BUTCHERS • • AND TILADERS GENERA 1,1.E. We want a noon men in your locality to pick up 0.461.X.113EIMICIZeSs for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guarant Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, 'Vermont, U.S. • 144t1Oil 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.. TORONTO, MI classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' LeAti§. Shwa and Metal Furniture, Send tor prises. - DECORATED WINDOW BLINDS. CARRIACE TOPS are tam one for their style convenience, durability, and eneapness. Buy no other until you gee them. All islue leading Carriage Builders sell them. TUE greatest die- oovery of the resent age for user - 1,6TING VIII Soweto, atIDOnalne Asi,B000ri. L4N IVIA D litmors COISPbAISTS. A per- fect Blood Purifier. le few in Hamilton who have been bene- fited lay its use Hrs. 11, Keenan, 192 Robert. St,, cured of Eryelpelae Of 2. yours. etantling; Robert Cor- so]; 24 South lit, laughter cured of Epileptic Fits after year' suffering ennie scree, 65 ,YV aeinG et., cured of weakness end Luog Trouble; John Wool, 95 Cathcart Stk, ured of Liver Complaint and Biliouenees, used oats, arty -cent bottles; Mrs. J. Seal, 6 ,Augueta SA, troubled for years with Nervous Proetration, 8,20small'bottles gave her great rat e o a . . DALLEY Co., Proprietors. /Factory : 407 King St. W.. TORONTO. I PEARL PEN AND PENCIL STAMP WITH NAME 500 SPECIAL BUCKET Post -age 6 Cts. Extra THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S RETURN TRAP. fffr'Phe Celebrated Han. cook Inspirator. ZZFGreshana'si Automatio Re starting Injector. Sellorrlson's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. AT -Engineers' & Plumb- ers' Supplies of every ; description. Send for oirculars. 45 &77 Adelaide St.W., JAMES MORRISON, TORONTO. ISITO -S nc. CD PRINTS WHEN CLOSED la sae Nmas 585'0050 05 oehiMON PENCIL. AND 4000150 TINGLEY & STEWART M'F'G CO. 'X'032,01•TTO, 01\TT. Please mention this Payer when writing. Wheal say care I'do not mesa merelr to BOP them„fur a time end then have, them return nom. Imam orgasms eure. I have made the disease of FITS,IIKLEFSE or PALL SIOSEESS a life -Iona study. I warrantaura:14P to cure the worst cases. Because others have fulled 10 55 reason for not now receiving care. Send at once for la treatise and a Free Bottle of ror Infallible regaled!. 011.Express and Pont tIalce. It cot.you nothing for a trtal,, Industrialand still core you. Address BB. IL G. ROOT, !. ExHIBITIONBrauckOlace:37IngeSt, Torontoc , WILL FIND IT TO BE TO THEIR INTEREST i TO EXAMINE THE, • Oshawa Stove Co.'s' 1E12m lax XXSXT, CiThr South Side of West Entrance Door of Stove Buildtng,”. It 111 contain the Art Argand, The Finest Art Stove made, The ARGAND Mae of Ranges and Cooks are revolutionizing cooking wt. th coal. The FAIVIILY KEYSTONE, i The Largest Cooks for the money sold. The BALTIC, The only combination heater that will burn either wood or ooal perfectly ; and other novelties. QT.EcIAL Rotlyz-Wi have decided inif suture to put Dr. Jug's litedicene in a brown jug, instead of e. glass bottle as heretofore The jugs that we will um for this purpose are made of tb e finest imported Rock- ingham, of a mottled browa colour, with "Dr. Jug's Medicine for Lungs, Liver and Blood" in raised let- ters on the side. Our reasons for making this - change are: "1st -Its won- derful curative qualities will be better preserved hp the medicine being kept. entirely in the dark. 2nd - As the jug will he register- ed it witl be impossible to counterfeit it. 8d -Th. name "Dr. jug's Medi - FAGS! M I LE cine" will be snore easily OP A JUG OF DR. sliJnol remembered by &soma- Mernmar. tion. 4th Our friends will be Who tO reeosmize at ou ee that they are getthut the genuine article, as there is no other medicine put up in a jair. DR. JUG MEDICINE 00,, Toronto and Stratford. 1 • Famous ta In Book form, contains a correct record of the FAST: inn Tien and hest performancesin all Ditrattleissira OF Sem* , Aquatic and Athletic. performances, Bil- , THE SECOND GRAND PRIZE DRAWING hard, Racine and Trottin;l• records, Baseball, ono e , orders to THE RECORD, 50 Front St. East, Toronto,1 TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION ART UNION, Lacrosse, etc. Price 6c. Stamps taken. Address all which will take place on MONDAY, 19th SEPT., 1887. When the whole amount subscribed, lase working expenses, will be returned to tioket hrlders in the form of ORIGINAL WORKS OF ART, the produttion of the members of the Ontario Society approve ofyour breaking off the engagement. pcifriTi2Aedrticdeirstst:fet4nge the holier to one chance in the -The old Gent-" No, Algernon. , I do not You will no doubt think more of Miss Gold- o,gents ttrouTill out til'itse eTuentryaristatilibeeAVtIti frgi- can't do it The more I thihk of her -the less I think of her." YOWNG DIEN suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; alga MID. »talents and Ohn Man who are broken down flout the effects of abisee at over -work, and in advanced lite feel the coneequencelf of youthful excess, send Wand BRAD M.V. Vahan's Treatise on Diseases of Mem The book will be sent sealed to any acklress on receipt of two 8.3. stamps. Address M. V. LI7BON, 67 ton St. East Toronto Ont Judge-" Have you anything to say be- fore the Court passes sentence upon you?' Prisoner-" Well, all I've got to say is, I hope your Honor'll consider the youth of my lawyer, and let me off easy." Whenever your Stomaoh tor BOwele get out of Oa. dor, cueing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, ser Indigestion. and their attendant evils, take at once a doss of Dr, darson's Stomach Bitters. Beet family medicine. All Druggists. 60 centa, In Cornwall at Towedwack an ` anCient granite cross has been fotmd built into a fortnightly chimney. Canada, Room No. 15. The Women bt gbbrasks, have planted 50 - „ 000 tees during the last three years. People who are subject to bad breath, 'font coated tongue, or Any disorder of the Stomach, can at onoe be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bltbere, the old a,nd tried remedy. Ask your Druggist. dust after you are mated." A/,,,,non-,‘ eustriai Exhibition and at the Society's rooms, 14 King street west, 'Toronto. Write for fuller parti- culars. ONSU 1 I have poldt.eoi,ensedy for the above b disease yltattais thounands Dreams of the wore Orloff sad of long standing hove been elated. Indeed, de arena to thy faith in 11. 011124try, that I will send TWO BOTTLES' miss, Ogether With a VALUABLE TREATISE on this diseese to any offerer. Glee exprees end P.O. Atkins& DD. T. A. SLOCUM, kat& Office, 87 'ronge,St., Toronto Allan, Li118 Royal Mail Steamsbilia Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursdey and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, end in sum. mor from, Quebec every Saturday 86 Livorpool, calfine at Londonderry to lima malls and paesengene foi Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall - fax and St. 3'0111'e, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer =lathe. Tho eteamere of the Glas Ow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, ,Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during:Sam mer between GlasgoW and Montreal weekly; Glasgos and Boston Weekly, add Glasgow and PhiladsliMi, A. P. 260. 1 WANTED -6,000 AG ENTS-17a%e and Female— Largo prate. C.W. DENNIS, Torento, PATENTS Por logue free. IL Chamberlin, Toronto. Sale -Illustrated descriptive Cat- , 001) 1111141 AGENTS iVANIElli 122 avany °Minty in Canada. Address, FERRIS Co.. 87 Churoli St, Toronto alk.633-XIAT'svitit ALVDOANVASSflati WatIted,blate or Feniale, whole or sparetline, on salary or commis, Mon. Industrial Ulli011 of 13.24.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. For freight, passage, or other nfOnpatilon apply Ili A. Schumacher to Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard la On, Halifax Shea & Co., St. Joho's,Wm. Timmy eon & Co., St. John 1014 Alien te' Co,, Chicago Love & Alden, New' 'Fork; 11. lourtier, 'Faro:Ito Altana, Rael& Oo., Quebee; Wrn. Breohte, ibilosir phia; EL A. Allen Portland Boston, hiontreaL . ler and Atomiser ANOTHER NOVELTY• -'.C4c4dirian SPrin All the raps in the States, Agents wanted, tiample by mail 45 cents, CLEIYIENT & CO,, Toronto, t °MONT° (Truax; SCHOOL.-Gentenuen desirous oi aoquitiva thOrOugh knowledge of garment cutting, should, apply 80 0000 to S. CoAtucLUt, 192 Tonge St., Tertiniso. 101thel en tapplications eivkiTiSist AMERICA iapod'..Wood 060.k.. N 1% —1 tl neat Itatettec, 05 '3n1VA ls3 The LEADING WOOD COOK. THETORONTO STOVE AND MANUFACTURING CO., (LTD.) FA NIERS AND THRESHERS 'Use on your Machinery only the Well. -known Pee hav,e teen awarded it during the tart four years. Try also our rErsue NINE GOLD EDAI a . AXIS GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Poners. Manufact.nred btd31238821101TY OIL WORKS, v SAMflL ROGERS & CO., Toronto. ARCADE oltgeSt. TO RONTO REOPENS SEPT. FIRST NEXT. C. O'DEA, SEG'Y. cc " cc:BCYV-1\1-71101\T" c The Harris Wood Furnace iS especially adapt cd for Churches and Schoolhouse. Send for our Illustrated Catalogue, THE E. & C. GURNEY CO., (LIMITED) HAMILTON, TORONT04141ONTREAL ANDVIMM