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The Exeter Times, 1887-8-25, Page 8
t+1RUAKIE. t+rnter7'I ;,illon'4 tally to Mlle ill: malt a I "!'OAT effeelle-, "slurish ttemail� the kilt, E tansof votes`" retorted the Other where, rola .1xnOeliter ;ot Igen week wishes the ACES` lt'EQR -u on a gcuilla ensued and hello, etrucl re*dep be infer that D. I .tainhaeih a ell ,• F o Fi 1W emit stsrtl4.43 F, (1(l . °tit ltl thea" trn put ihetit� atyler lick=' lAnY9 a4 Wenlel have heti a geed time iku. Qizta l al. a fol thek,Td9a\l+a L'ilt a wee 1 r� .tixG cti�z��ly oI- i � �1 tvlthst.iidin lite cart tura to nnath4n to t!t the>r picnta last iG only far tett` Y hop cel , F a d S 1? cl p zi � b , -th o't � t~ a flet assn, e w t I �.1:,.<AIVAD a, 1 a na to in a .Ch. i i#' et M(rnt oa ar 1 !t pe rain h; eltU I d the t Tal y , r t V r y RIlISItI%ititkilZl<, I,Ib'k1 �.SSUItAItiOIw COM- aoribet we lKteekv his lactme) htutlt laaxe x, Pr teentlou. I';ngland, established new. a 4Y a been aa�ae <]n than arttoul r Gita at,sets over $5.000,000•! cinema dud bonuses by tit. tel ht f th it rya , testa, laver $70,000,000, i d h t t !rt licca, or elite `he lea "GrrefSke4s guesser as the pipntgker& hada glorious thane, the o there wa o n at h r. was a lively tor a trtrtiw, which was only ti ,ttptttated e intervention hon rel who prsvente what ot herwtse: have resulted disaeteroualy to One of G S ler a t r t5 4 11r vhf l a r s be Q .� N� ! to e P2 !L hera were ttOO oases Violatiee th„ ,Scott:; _Apt befoett ;flea. istrsts tlatktne yesteray" (Wednestley;) four in Exeter), 'MO itch}, O4e11iton un1one from Weedltsrn, .. 1eedel tied in .,three eases s $ fI fines. ' wereiIiq 0l> itatl in tette eases Ily fiAs, (?ilt,1I ,t bts.end.thetim timber e t �t IIPr oft s1 sats. y iii Rio ewri+hipset,s;l Alkali, Lure,. t .t r�, u •'l , , t tt4� .Y ii. O . .ire welts l a ..a tier .lief . H..t.l s, K W lt' w t TAA ..til. t t t: ( she u i i. 4 !4t , biz ! d 4h 7, .inn m1t • lel it a lti a az K 4 l t too. Itnniiteelln Islitnti, in the District of .Algeme ie the i,.Peen Alis of Outarfo, wilt tie efieted for Sale at I ublie Auchan rn sloops of' 200 acres,, more or Less, on the lust slay Of eepteesbor: bort et 10o elook,ae Meet tete lethal) bend f-. tll the Villa s of Ill anitowani I311i'111 t ::: # "E ms ` F AL --Bon r tit ... STARLET I,J. ,r, sit li 4, B,,.R, 1 6 fcr,tlr} Vx payable ! s N Meese, , za a h t bee a a l la s x tl f ante t!Ya znash, ioenae l 1. p 4 tt # esv t tt !tri a err r' art 1 the religiose denondnations of thig vier and there' was ne rain to mar the prtr- t. e n i . to raft h a ty P of fha Gnnstr r'I: • p the 17th the f 1 hot<ttG�y;. ttente cf fettle czderits,or anyitttvt•esR4atg•zairidett4 what ever', from any ee our sabsor•dbers or reati- er"sspetei'ally,foa' the par:ease of public. Ocoee e Xtie a aid ►sill not be reaoitad to we oeedings. W'e had aur coheirs Witir us � ,r , , - n !e wf a of , ass rectus, such qs gc� age tk t understand, WEN C5NTe peruse for erstLaser tip n, and FOUR OMITS per line tor emits subsequent i rt sertiou. will be Charged fo notteea appearing e et this ooluntn (exelet�' Ines, hammer can be heard for blocks and • 2 ElUttbDAY, AUt1TJ�a'N 2litli, l38`i, from the number of old waggons and buggies that are piled around the shops of Messrs, 13odgins and Sproule every day, for repairs, would lead one to be- lieve that .Barnum with his great show bad paid our town a visit and forgot to leave. It is true that Wetness in that line has never been so rushing as at present. In fact all lines of trade are in a healthy condition and promise good results for the proprietors.—Nar- mers are busy at fall ploughing and they seem to go at it with a will, after reap- ing a bountiful harvest.—We are sorry to note the removal from our midst of Mr. Lynch and family to London where they intend taking up the.r abode tor the future. Luoan's loss is London's gain. --One day last week while an employee of the city fathers was busily employed in wending the ways of the town in the west end, he was accosted by one of our enterprising knights of the pastry, in a most violent manner. The air was filled with all aerie of phrases that passed from one to th other much to the annoyanoe of the re sideuts and'passers by. However. after an hour,s retinal of the infamous dia- logue, peace was restored by both p tr- ties agreeing to duel it out at a future date. Weapons to he used are Nuns and Irish ground apples. Latent reports say that the dough man is looking for law. -Our worthy townsmen, Messrs. Dan O'Neil and Sam. Gillies enlisted homy the other day, atter an extended trip to Port Huron. They look mutt refresh. ed by the balmy breezes of lake lturon. —Dickie Dale recently left to seek a distant clime ; bis departure has caused sufferings in town, the greatest of all amongst which is the foot hall club, which organization has lost in him a worthy treasurer and a part of the funds. The members are alt kicking.— We are informed and by good authority that a new society has been organized hereto be known as the unfriendly gos- sip association of Lucan, with capital unlimited. The president's chair is ably fitted with the graceful body of an ex -alderman. Although the duties of office•are very laborious and pall for more than ordinary patients, yet we congratulate its members on their noble choice ot one so thoroughly versed in municipal and other matters. and'we are sure that many dark and hidden deeds' of the past will be brought to light and possibly a better system of side walking, gravelling, street water- ing & e. will be the outcome. We are always pleased to learn or new organiz- ations whose only aim is for the instruc- tion of the ignorant, and we cannot see why our worthy reeve could not give the matter a little more attention and Ostler the full use of our engine room to them for a meeting place instead of being,compefled, as they are now, to congregate on Wm. street every evening much to the displeasure of the travel! leg pubiic,,and further as outdoor talk- ing Is Injurious to the lungs. That loy- al wind and muscular strength will be needed on the last"of next.December. An interesting game of base ball was played on Monday last between the An. chore of London and the W bite Caps of Lucan. Score 46-11 in favor of Lucan, and Clip Pays, vire head just a `bafle)ujah Gies eer,Stepllen, of a sen, .-yaeee time and:apple can heels it up. The moan. corn which Was bought and paid for although HArry was afraid of the dog at It ictus toe lata tor.last issue, the time of the transaction, made quite (Received d t) an addition to our spreed upon the BRlzrt;a. —There whoa nothing trans ,yeas, At 11..3e a. en. shat the eatables eu ofgreat im t nce the i' p one' steer bees pore during I were introduced, and every eap- p `st"week' p-p,st•week, Everything seFnis busyasop petite being sharpened front the long the atreets of ti town enjoying prosper- full -'u tioe was to done to the "with a u .ward and onward tenden- drive, ,i s 1 . tn yr!1it is hard to ea whetted thinge butv a ad c as is our virile 'e to enjoy .—The good th ng y t Yp b I y' the most tongue. We believe it was noisesome click of the blacksmith's one of the vaunter hoppers, After din• ner boating and swimming was the or- der of the day. Boats can be had at 25 o per hour and the water being smoob and balmy the consequence was nobody got seaelek. When supper was anouno. ed, one couple was found to be missing ROUND THE: COUNTRY. 4.'1. • Bih n.vllte, Baxarrs,—Mrs.' Andre!es� aehompanied by her youngest eon, went to Manitoba on the excursion train to.vistt ;three of her sons who have been 'there several years. --Mr. Robt. Cooper has purchases a hundred acre farm In Bufdulph,—Mr. r1'hanias Veal fell off of a straw stack on the premises ot Mr. Wm. Wood end received severe injury, some of his ribs being broken -- Farmers are ploughing for fall wheat but it is rather dry work. -Spring wheat turns out five bushels per acre. Olandeboye. BRIEFS.—Mr. Gilbert (tarter and fam- ily will soon leave this village to live in. Granton, where he will be engaged in buying grain,—bur pastor exchanged pulpits wtth Rev. Mr Kershaw, Cen- •tralia, last Sabbath.—Kr. Carter is get• ting better again. Ire will require to be very careful as this is the fourth attack of inflammation on the lungs. Two births in the village - last week. Mrs. Wm. Cunningham presented her husband with a sweet little girl, and Mre. Eli Bice presented her's with a darling little boy.—Mr. Elgin Shoff Barrister, ot Toronto, and fatally, are spendiug a few weeks at Ur. D. Shoff's. Winchelsea. School opened Tuesday. Both teach- er and pupils will find a very different school house since it has been so thor- oughly renovated. It will be easily ventilated now. which was impossible before and that is the great step to en- sure health. There is only one teacher this half year, and a class room has been butlt to be used when two are engaged. Oo the whole there was marked improvement—new floor, new • ceiling. painted woodwork, etc., all of which speaks wet! for the advanced ideas of our trustees. A concert will be held in the school house on the 6th of September and it is hoped it will be a success, ► . - IF Blanchard. A DisGRAOE.—A subscriber in the Town- ship of Blanshard writes, complaining very strongly of the dereliction of duty and the ignorance of the law, on the part of the pathmasters, in allowing Canada thistles to thrive on the high- way. For miles along the 'roadside these pests grow unmolested, one of the most noticeable places for their profusion being on the base line, and the fields in close proximity suffer to consequence. What is the use, he asks, of my trying to keep my farm clear if the man next door pays no attention to the requirements of the statute regard- ing thistles and other weeds? Would it not be well for the council to order the pathmasters to have these pests out down? Adare. BRiars.—Mr, Geo. D7et1 has returned rom Muskoka, where•he has been for the good of his health.—Mr. J. W. An- derson has been visiting some friends for the past while.—The wife ot Isar. J. Galvin presented her husband 'with a rnit,iature of himself last Thursday. The happy father is to be conratufat- ed.—Any person desiring the a ryices of a water. witch had better apply to Mr. J. Barry 2nd con.—mer. Jas. Neil who got hurt a short time ago is recovering rapidly. --Threshing • has commenced here and grain is turning out very poor. On account of the hot dry weather 'the grain ripened too soon and it is a poor sample.—We notice that the well diggers in this vicinity are getting very toney. A couple who took the contract tcf digging a well a short time .ago, polit- ely asked to let dig it in the house. When this was refused then the built a shad over the place they were to dig. They say the sun , makes the ground hard ; maybe it does. Granton. Bnrses.—Farmers have completed their harvesting operations, and are get. trig ready to put in tali wheat. . The various kinds of fruit are getting ripe —The sown pour of rain on Sunday was badly Wanted; grasg and roof crops s now look wells—'fhere will be a debate here • ahort,y on '!whether water or whiskey is most beneficial to the, prosperity of a ring was spent and alter singing, y iifage."--Tho village has not been sol "Shall old acquaintance be forgot," and dull for Many years, Everybody iittri- I a toast, street lc to Ede success, the party Utes the dullness to the Scott Act and } broke up and ail left for their reapec- dI soy they wish the infernal Actitive homes. Our friend Ed, who has tad nover passed in Middleselt, as it leen in the employ of Mr. D, Steinbach, ,ae done more harm than good. . having charge of the tailoring depart- Mt/Set/Lee GuatsrwAlrtrsr,—fhe rosid- anent for tee last two end a half years, tits of Granton havo been consiaetably left fbr kLmt(urg; Wednesday morning,' excited of late over a sensation iti wlikah where ho akee charge of the tailoring ane of our J. l?.'`s undertook to admin depertriter) tofRuder !k Ruby, merchants inter` lrunishment to our V. 11.,41 ba ecause • p !Messrs. '4l. & R. can l>thrtt '; face. the latter need toe freely; thewater out congrsttttlate themifelves on securing xel,t,hu well, to Which each hats equal theser"Vtces et one of the most able ,rights. The J, P, finding the water gone Ctl'tters in the country. is e . a gradu- r T. L'd 'was determined to intervid!W the Tr at of thh B. A. id1tihell cutting lnstie They inert some words • engue3d, dertesig tete, N'ewr', York', and holds a diploma Y Which the attacking party angrily askee ' to that, eti"ect. 14Irs. Apple dosis not ,What do ytitt cleanby taking allthd leave until next'luesday. Zurich. Braises.—Our town is making quite a I growing appearance this fall, There A few evenings since the friends of Mr. F. are six new residences under cowple- Donley, for some time past proprietor of the Ron.—Rev. FatuerKealey,of the French I Royal Hotel, Parkhill, ma by appointment settlement was entertaining friends , at Alby's riuk there, and made him a pres- frum New York, Syracuse and Toronto, last week. ---Mrs. Ehnes and Mrs. Will- iams who werev"siting in Cairo for the last week returned home, on Monday last We' are sorry that Miss Sarah l4k4I1rEI11D.. LEo1i i3—FIs1Ea--At the reaiaelltoe of tbe bride's, parents, Gactorioh, on the l6th. hist-, by the Bev. C+, F, Salton, Resisted by G. R. 'Perk, Rev, J. 7.`. Legear, of Ethel to Ada, eldest daughter of ,et. David Fish- es 81' , vseeCIwrowD—YArsTON-•^.Its Stratford, on Aug, 17th, at the 1•oeideuoo of the bride's father, by the Rev. Canon Patterson, MA, R D, L. G, VanEgmond, of. Seaford", to Maggie ] . eldest daughter of Aid, 3, Yen - stet). ihnuesox—Fonts--Io St, Marys, on the 22nd at the residence of the'bricle's mother, by Father Brenner, Mr,. Gilbert Robinson of 'L'orouto, to Miss Mollie Ford, of St, Marys, A search party was immediately formed Mo1I1r.LAe—Brrnnn—On the 1"71b of Aug„ and the woods was hunted high and low I at the ltfsthodist church, Stratford, by the and at last the missing couple were es- Rev. W. Smyth, A. McMillan, of Toronto, pied by the aid of opera glasses, sitting to Lizzie, only daughter of thelate Edward on the end of a log, we will not.say m , Byfield, Si, Marys. what position. 'i'hey were duly notifi- ed and atter getting our goods and chat DIED. ties together, we started tor home, atter spending one of the jolliestdaysimagin. able. We forgot to say that Maggie Mischief got tangled in the hammock, and it toots us a lull half hour to get her extricated. A Punctuation Puzzle. The following article forcibly illuatt•ates the necessity of proper punctuation It can be read in two ways, describing a very bad man, or d very good man, the result d&piind- iug upon the manner in whioh it is puuotu- ated : He is au old man and experienced in vice and wickedness lie is never found in opposing the works of iniquity he takes delight in the downfall of his neighbors he never rejoices in the prosperity of hie fellow creatures he is always ready to assist in des - roving the peace of society he takes no oleasure in serving the Lord he is uncom- monly diligent in aowiug discord among his friends and acquaintances he takes no *pride in laboring to promote the cause of Christian• ity he has pot been negligent in endeavoring to stigmatize all public teachers he makes no .,flort to subdue his evil passions he strives hard to bnild lip Satan's kingdom he lends no aid to the support of the gospel among the heathen he contributes largely to the devil he will never go to heaven he must go RussBwL At his residence in Fullerton, on the 13th fust, after a long illness, James Russell, of Russeldale, aged 88 years, MoKNionr.—In Blanshard, ou the 19th inst., Edward McKnight, aged 82 years, Srunoaor—Its Hay, on the 20th inst., Robt. Sturgeon, aged 21 years. Fall Fairs. SUPT. Dominion & Industrial, Toronto. 5th to 17 Provincial, Ottawa 18 24 Western, London Brantford Southern, Brantford..., Northern, Walkerton IS 2.4 11 12 47 South Huron, Exeter South Porth, St. Marys Blanshard, Kirkton North Peri k OOTOBHR. 34 South Oxford Union, Ingersol South Dorchester, Belmont • East Nissouri, Kintore 4 5 6i 6 7 3 5 7 11 11'NARKET REPDRTS. ESETEn. (Corrected at5 o'clock p.m, Wednesday. Pall Woos, .. 0 70 10 73 Spring Wheat... ... ... .:. 0 60 to 075 darley ... ▪ 0 40 to 48 Oats Clover Seed ... where he will reeeive the jnet recompense of Timothy reward. Peas ••• t$gge ... .., Butter ... Ftourl,erbbl. ,,, ... Potatoes,per bushel Apples,perbag ... DriedApplespr b ... Besse per lb, •.. Turkey per lb ... Ducks per pr ... Chickens per pr . Rogs,dressedper100 ... Reef ... •-• ... fiidesroubg, ... ... ... dressed ... ... Sheepskins each ... Calfskins Wool per lb ... ... Hayperton ... ... Onionauerbush� ... .., Wood ner cord ... ... ST. MARTS. Furnished by Mastro: Carter, Son J Co. Fall Wheat 75 to 76 Spring Wheat ................... 70 75 Oebs y .................. 25 45 30 Clover Seed.... 410 5 Of Timothy . 180 2 01 Peas Eggs Butter Potatoes per bush Apples per bush Wool perib Ray per ton London Bank. London, Aug. 22.—'Phe seizure made ,on Saturday eight at the office of the Onta,io Investment Association comprised the re. cords and papers showing Mr. Henry" Taylors business transastiens with that institution and with other parties. It may mentioned here that the name of this organization— the Ontario Investment Association—should nut he mistaken for the Ontario Loan & Debenture Company auother affair alto- gether. This morning Henry Taylor, late president of the Brush of London, made a general assignment to Mr. Thomas Long, of Collingwood. At the last meeting of. the directors Mr. Taylor's resignation wait accepted, and Mr, Thomas Kent was unani- mously; elected president. The situation in other respects is unchanged. 11 is under- stood that Mr. Taylor has telegraphed hie friends here that he will make a statement when the proper time arrives. Watford, Ont., Angust 23.—The excite- ment over tbe failure of theBank og Loudon had subsided considerably, when it was rum. ored that Mr, George Jones, the accountant' of this agency, had made off with some of the Muds of the Band, and that he had gone over to the laud of the free. %Vhen the safe was opeued to day it was discovered that about 42,000 were missing. The affair has created quite a sensation, as Jones was very highly respected and not a person supposed to be capable of such an action. It is under- stood that the bank will lose nothing by Jones, ab they are fully secured by bis secur- ities. entation of a handsome gold watch charm and an address, previous to his leaving for St Thomas . Warden McLeod read the ad- dress. last.—We young man named John G. Pratt, while Murner who does household duties for engaged Mnuday morning in carrying roof her brother and cousin is at home on I ing state up a ladder at a new building at Stratford. fell a distance of 36 feet by the atepboard moving from its place. He sus- tained a bad int on his right knee, sprained the sick list. We hope to see Sarah's smiling face again fn ° town soon.—Miss Zettio Zeller leaves for a trip on Satur- day bis wrist, out his lip and received a few ndts for Niagara Halls and Buffalo. Hope about the head and face. He will be; laid up you have a splendid time Zettte.--Mr. from lark. and Mrs. Ed. Hardy returned home on Mr. Alex. Moore, Mechanics' Settlement, Tuesday, after spendidg a pleasant time. Kings Co., NewBrunswick, says :—eI am with friends in .Lake view Mich.—Mr. going on 79 years of age and had very little Ed Zeller our energetic Tinsmith has h.lpe of getting anything to relieve my ca• just received a cargo of metalic rooffing. tarrh. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised I sent Dirs. Andrew Hees' new residence will t to you for a package. It leas done me a great be the second in town to have this very deal of good. I enclose two dollars for a popular roofing, Mr. shit eipples being further supply, part of which I intend giving the first. We understand that several to an afflicted blend. f others 'intend having their houses roof. On Tuesday. Mr. James Million. of the 6th ed with the same material. Remember con., Colborne, sustained a very heavy loss the best material and first class work by the total destruction of his barn and eon. sentY' comes out of Inc Dominion Tin tents, by fire. It originated between 11 and : 12 o'clock in theslay time, but by what means and StoveEpiporium. The best assort- is a mystery, and in less than half an hour rnent of stoves for the fall trade, west nothing but a pile of ashes marked the place of'.lbronto can be seen there.—A num- where it stood. The barn contained the of friends gathered at IAA-. Ed' Apples whole of this year's crop. except 12 tons of last Friday evening to have a farewell hay, with a wagon and buggy. At the risk party on gm eve of his departure for of her life Mrs. Million went in and, loosen - New Hamburg, Ont. A pleasant ever ed the horses, a thorough -bred bull, and some pigs, which were thus saved. There Gordon, i�lr.1l'athacion was an ausurauce of $120 a Townsend farmer, led a bull from the stable to give it water a few evenings ago. When passing through t the yard •rho animal suciclenly made a dash at him with lowered head and knocked him prone'te the ground. The beast rolled him over, and in its eudoavora to gore him stip- ceeded in breaking two of his ribs, dislocated his bolter bone his thumb and bruised hint 1 painfully, lairs, Gordon seeing the dangerous predicament her husband was in rushed to bis assistance, when til© brill turned en bor and lcnocked•her down else, butthe arrival of the family dog on tbe scene distracted his bullehip's attehtiun and gave Mrs. Gordon time' fo open a gate bear and drag her help- less husband through to 'a glade of safety. Iterfuel: saved her husband's life undoullt- lye n Corn ... 0;25 to 28 450to500 ... 150co200 . - 050to055 U58to0.60 •., 016toU 16 ... ]2co012 ... 00to565 75 to 80 40to050 04to000 06to006 08 to 08 20 to 0 30 ... 20to040 30 t o 5 70 00 to 5 00 50 to 5.50 00t0600 75 to ] CC 50to070 20 to 0 21 00 to 10 00 50to075 50 to 3 00 50 50 12 15 15 12 75 80 30 45 21 23 800 800 A POSITIVE CURE mon CATARRH. GIVES immediate Relief Sos Cold In Head, HAY FEVER, EASY TO USE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug• gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address FULFORD is CO., Brockville, Ont. MARLIN REPEATMC RIFtLi; BEST 11,1 THE WORLD! Guamn- tend perfectly accurate and absolute- ly safe. Made in all sizes for large or small game. SALLARD GALLERY, HUNTING AND TARGET ROME6. SEND TOR ILLUSTRATED. CATAtO0Oa. Marlin Fire Arms Co., New Haven. Ct. memosamenemodwelorain For Biliousness. Constipation. it coolsthe Blood ; it gives It sharpens up the appe- tite It aids the liver do its part And stimulates the feeble heart. For Sick Headache, Uyspendia.. CRAM`: FARTAR err putts jr'o ti;7'&011411.ilgW'�',7'lj o ll�tESTo reoserefere Nto,.. ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or'any injurious muterials. W. C t LLE'TT, �°It tirroot h. tfan't'i` blies St7,1X1131tetED k5 MS1', 51 1te4C11tg lie . fee also psyu to n 0604 and Uea to bo pitid p �{.t.. � ryrye*• Sit e, a000rdbi to .Tal atc up rn blw timber whoa cut. CZEbi'.}4 1»f The -1 Si On watch tate Ella e VMS e d bx q to b sold with the timber withontcond tions of set- tlement,, ,At bissame tihne and place theeferehaut- able q'itsecir of not less then nine Jumbos In diameter at the butt, ou the Spaniel( River Reserve auci1'relloh River lower lieservs tvihl ire otfetrecl for sale/ for a otish bonus and annµai t,t'cuud,rout of et. i(1 nor squs re wills, and dues io be to hit ou the timber as out, aoeor•cltng to Tarin at this department. For full particulars plaitse apply to iJas, 0. ieahtpZls, P.� sq.,:gene t Supt„ ltlanito�Y4neng, ox io the,uaclerstaue(L to insert.th' 0ewe-pester i d' t N.s a isement without authortty througg�b'tha Quee 's tinter, X. Y<1N IiOTJG11 tET, r. Deputy of tile, Su .b. (isn't. ofindiau A irs, Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, Sed June, 1887. 79 Bel Bennie, Tonow o, OA1 u i , 15 JEwIN STAEE"r, 'muscle E, 0., reetteten, I HTO ^ S Wam tohaker, Tewelier, HICES r and Optician. Has the Ages oy for the ei11e of the above in EXl* RI1. Nu Suectacles in the Market level them la the 111x11 lalannvING QuaLrrIE8 they Possess, or the linnet i;nsn and cont oartboy confer On tile wearer, Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eye that it does not become neeeesary to amigo thom for many years. They are there- fore the OunapSsT, They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change, The Sight tested by our New Teat Card, same as tsedby the leading °enlists thranghout the world. A. SNELL Samwelli &P ckardt Having purchased a Choice lot of Dress- Goods much below their Value, ore now of- Merchant fMerchant Tailor, feting - them at Very Etas removed to premises one door LOW PRICn.,S.. north of Browniug's drag store, whare tthhere will be found a 5 rus oo ten esovied OF SPRING ALL COLORS, TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. -AL80- Scotch :English Brocaded and plainSilks i `� } MUSLINS Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES ! A CALL WILL CONVINCE. A. J. SWELL, Graduate et Cleveland Cutting Sethool. PLAIN AND FANCY —NEW LACES, f,osiery Gloves and Parasols Just Received : The Latest Styles inMillinery,also a fine assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds. which are just to hand. FULL LINES of Fele and Straw teats Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- garian and Mellet. NOTE IT 1 DON'T GORGET I'1 r In order to accommodate our, rapidly increasing business ere "have had to Enlarge Our !Premises, and now have room, to show the FEST ASSO•I.TED STOVE OF Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc IN TOWN :---- ((oo)). If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir Wiee PAY Yov. If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Bight Spot when you call at BISSETT BROS. If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (Woos), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at B31SS.M TIT 131R-09. CARLING'S BLOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and 'Cheapest Stocks in Exetcr. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in al the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. �tr OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black' "fess Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods j Colored flushes in AU Shades worn this season. Black, Dress snit Mantle Silks. GOOD ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. 'Mantle ioths, nd range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shii•tings, ., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at r LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to L CA.RLING'St Our OrooSr be axr ,e t is Complete, `3y' � TRY OM 5O0T. '.TEA. It is atsltnotrisdgacl by everyone Haat has used it to be the best in the Village tor° the motley Sample Parcels, Fi'oe. BUTTER, EGGS; AND ALL PRODUl1E TAKEN IN ` IIxCISANGE., »A CALL pV1V y yt