HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-16, Page 23U1'1¢(T1 tY PROGRAM SCHEDULE November 16 to November 22 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY MORNINGS 5:45 THE CHRISTOPHERS - Mon. 5:45 THIS IS THE LIFE - Tuesday 5:45 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS - 'Wednesday 5:45 AMERICAN RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETING - Thursday 6:15 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS - Mon., Tue., Thurs. 6:15 FARM AND HOME SHOW - Wed. 6:15 WITH THIS RING - Fri. 6:15-6:30 411/ SCOPE - Fri. 6:30 -6:45 6:45 MORNING NEWS 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY M.D. 10:00 CARD SHARKS 10:30 JEOPARDY 11:00 HIGH ROLLERS. 11:30 THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 12:00 NEWS 5 AT NOON AFTERNOON 12:30 FAMILY AFFAIR 1:00 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1:30 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:30 THE DOCTORS 3:00 ANOTHER WORLD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1978 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "RIO BRAVO" (Part 2) 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN "DIVIDED LOYALTY" - Radames Pera, Michael McGuire. Plans by Steve to bring a scientist and his young son out of Russia are hindered when the boy refuses to leave and their escape route is blocked on the "Divided i;oya lty 8:00 PROJECT UFO 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS (Part 7) 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW • 1:00 ALL NIGHT MOVIE: "DEAR BRIGITTE" - - James Stew -a r -t 4' Glynn r*- Johns An eight year old genius uses his talents to win horse races so that funds may be raised for an art foundation at the school. 3:00 ALL NIGHT MOVIE: "THE MOUNTAIN ROAD" - James Stewart, Lisa Lu - A demolition team, led by emotionless major, is charged with blowing up bridges, roads and villages in path . of advancing Japanese during World War II. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE NORLISS TAPES" - Angie Dickinson, Roy Thinnes, Don 2:30 AFTERNOON MOVIE: "UP THE SAND- BOX" - Barbra Streisand, David Selby - Pregnant housewife and mother feeling trapped dreams up various fantasies showing her as a revolutionist, a prisoner, etc., always glad these dreams don't come true. 4:30 CHEAP SHOW 5:00 SHA—NA—NA 5:30 BONKERS - Valerie Harper EVENING 6:00 NEWS5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW - Mei Tiflis, Roy Head 7:30 THE GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 FRANKIE AND ANNETTE -- "THE SECOND TIME" 10:00 SWORD OF JUSTICE 11:30 MOVIE: "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" - Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills - A disc jockey meets a psychopathic fan and she becomes emotionally involved with him. 1:30 FIVE STAR THEATRE: "ARRIVEDERCI BABY" Tony Curtis, Rosanna Schiaffino, Zsa Zsa Gabor - From age of 12 a charming fellow entraps women and "arranges" for his adoring aunt to be killed so he can inherit her fortune. Later he does away with several wives, but finally meets a woman who plays his own game. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO - A half hour of fun with the old, comedy masters. 10:30 THE LITTLE RASCALS 11:00 JACQUES COUSTEAU "CORAL 'DIVERS OF CORSICA" 12:00 WORLD WAR II:.' DIARY OF A GI AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 1:00 NFL '78 - San Diego vs. Minnesota 4:00 SUNDAY SPEC- , TACULAR:., "THE WACKIEST SHIP IN THE AVIY,44. , pck Lemmgn, lticky_.Nglsotl',. John Lund - Naval Lieutenant given command of a rickety old sailing vessel with a crew that knows nothing about sailing finds himself on a dangerous mission and radioed information they supply is decisive factor in winning a battle. EVENING 6:00 NEWS5 AT SIX 6:30 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 THE' WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY - Mickey's 50th Anniversary 8:30 BIG EVENT: "STORIES FROM THE BIBLE" (Part 1) 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN Porter, Claude Akins - An 11:30 cinema five; "ZAN- investigation into the world DY'S BRIDE" - Gene Hack - of the supernatural. man, Liv Ullmann, Eileen 5:30 THE NEWLYWED Heckart - A tough rancher who thinks he owns his mail- order. - bride finds to his dismay that she is a strong- willed, independent woman ,who will not be treated as baggage -- she wants a friend for a husband and knows how to go about converting him. 1:00 DARYL ROGERS SHOW 1:30 130 SCHEMBELCHER SHOW .. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "MY FRIEND IRMA" (Jerry Lewis Week) - Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin , Laughs galore as the loveable dim-witted Irma meets up with Jerry and Dean (BW) EVENING 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 THE MUPPETS Loretta Lynn 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 9:00 NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "STORIES FROM THE BIBLE" (Part 2) 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE' FIVE: "MONEY FROM HOME" - Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin - Mobster, picking up young man's I.O.U.'s forces him' to stop favorite from winning race. With veterinary cousin, he gets mixed up with Eastern potentate and harem. EVENING 7:00 SIX . MILLION DOLLAR MAN - "CLARKS TEMPLETON O'FLAHERTY" - Lou Gossett, Ryan MacDonald - A secret chemical placed on government documents leads Steve on a mission to prove whether a friend is guilty or innocent of being a tre itor. 8:00 f RANKIE & AN• NETTS GAME EVENING „ 6:00 NEWSS"AT SIX 6:30 NBS NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 BIONIC WOMAN "SISTER JAMIE" Kathleen Nolan, Ellen Geer - Disguised as a nun, Jamie uncovers an international smuggling ring that is using a convent winery for a cover. 8:00 DIFFERENT STROKES' 8:30 THE ROCKFORD FILES 9:30 HALLMARK HALL OF FAME. ""RETURN ENGAGEMENT" 11:00 NEWS5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 2:30 ALL NIGHT MOVIE: "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? - A middle aged professor and lis coarse wife who engage in a 'perpetual campaign of self-destruction, invite a teacher and his wife to their home for an evening of "fun and games" that ends in' exorcism. 5:00 ALL NIGHT MOVIE: "SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER" - Liz Taylor, Katherine Hepburn, Mon- tgomery Clift - Beautiful girl after witnessing violent death of her cousin is committed to a mental in- stitution: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 MORNING 7:00 FABULOUS FUNNIES 7:30 BAY CITY ROLLERS 8:00 GALAXY GOOF -UPS 8:30 FANTASTIC FOUR 9:00 GODZILLA SUPER 90 10:30 DAFFY DUCK 11:00 YOGI'S SPACE RACE 12:00 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 1:00 SAT. WESTERN THEATRE: "DECISION AT SUNDOWN" - Randolph Scott, Karen Steele - Man comes to Sundown seeking betrayer of his wife Discovers she was'*orthless and his years of searching were wasted. 9:00 NBC BIG EVENT: "STORIES FROM THE BIBLE" (Part 3) 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, NOVEM- BER77 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET" (BW) '60 Jerry Lewis, Earl Holliman - Jerry, as an impish creature from outer space with insatiable curiosity about humans and their ways. Spins in from the stratosphere to a "groun- dling" in Virginia. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 FAMILY FEUD 8:00 NBC WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "STORIES FROM THE BIBLE" (Part 4) 10:00 STEVE MARTIN: "A WILD & CRAZY GUY" 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW Smile Clinton is indeed worthy of its name. Notice how the sidewalk superintendents turn chicken come nomination time? Post o With the Christmas season approaching once again, many people are beginning to turn their thoughts to sending, Christmascards to friends and relatives. The post office would like to pass on the following information at this tial. People sending Christmas cards will be required to seal them whether they are mailed for delivery in either Canada or the U.S. or even if paid at the third class rate. However, it should be noted that third Eastern Star PRE CHRISTMAS DANCE Saturday, November 18 MUSIC BY "Royal Aires" AT THE CLINTON LEGION 10 P.M. - 1 A.M. BUFFET LUNCH TICKETS: MARG CALDWELL 482-9437 (7, ice Christmas ma class sealed cards will be subject to postal in- spections and to other conditions respecting third class mail, such as priority of handling. Cards posted at the first class rate will receive all -up service and are not subject to in• spection or to any restrictions with respect to enclosed messages or letters. Cards posted at the third class rate (printed CAS help... papers) to all other countries rnust� �b ~--lerft-- unsealed to conform with international postal regulations. Third class mail sealed with no more than five words of written greeting, addressed for delivery in Canada and the U.S. require 12 cent stamps up to two ounces. The same mail posted at first class rate costs 14 cents up to one ounce, International mail, 1+ CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1978'. -PAQE 23 unsealed with.. gn ,a. Qte than five words of written greeting, est 12 cents up to two ounces (printed papers) for St. Pierre -and Miquelon and 15 cents up to one ounce for surface mail and 23 cents up to one ounce for air mail to all other countries. The envelopes of Christmas cards, as well as other types of greeting cards addressed to other countries, including the U.S., containing no more 0 from page 16 "People have been very generous with their donations and the service clubs and church groups have been very good too," says Mrs. Hind - marsh. The Kinsmen in par- ticular have been a big help to The Christmas Bureau. They man toy boxes set up at various locations around town and then give the toys collected to the bureau to be distributed. Dorothy (Dot) Scott is the co-ordinator of the Christmas Bureau's depot in Goderich and she will get assistance from the Kinettes. Yarn is available this The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority Is Pleased To Invite You And Your Guest To AN EVENING WITH LILA HUME On the Occasion Of Lila's Retirement At The SOUTH-HURONRECREATION ., 'EN, ; . E EXETER On. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1978 at 8:30p.m. Music by Joe Overholt 1 Goderich Little Theatre 0 0 • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 • •• ANNOUNCING_ irWORLD PREMIER 4::"" A PANTOMINE BASED ON "CINDERELLA" BY BRIAN MARKSON 4I041•4040••4,410•4041414140•4040414041•41404,4,414041404• For Children of All Ages TO BE PERFORMED BY Goderich Litile Theatre DECEMBER 8, 9, 10 8:30 P.M. • year from Dianne Armstrong and the bureau is asking that people do some volunteer knitting for the depots this Christmas. If anyone wants to give a donation of money, it can be mailed or taken to Family and Children's Services, Christmas Bureau, 46 Glouchester Terrace in Goderich. Whether you give your time as a volunteer at the bureau, perform a labour of love by knitting something for thebureau, deposit toys, etc. at the Salvation Army depot or send a gift of money, your help is deeply ap- preciated by both the bureau and the families who benefit from it directly. "The families are so grateful for the help they get," says Mrs. Hind - marsh. There are so many families now, she ex- plains, inwhichthe father is working but they are doing worse than if they were on welfare. With a large number of children and a very tight financial situation, they have only enough money to cover the bare necessities like food, rent and clothing. They cannot save money for Christmas presents, she says. "We certainly ap- preciate the way all the towns in the county have rallied round and the tremendous job that the volunteers do in keeping the bureau going," says .Mrs. Hindmarsh. Perhaps you can help to Ike someone's Christmas a little brighter this year._ The Royal Canadian Legion is pleased to .. award the sponsorship of a fund-raising CEILIDH.. DANCE in support of the Clinton Legion Pipe & Drum Band fy11. NOV. 25 / 78 at 8:30 p.m. Entertainment - Dancing - and Lunch Provided 90.00 per couple Sanctioned by the L.L.B.O. orrnation 'thanfjye words of greeting, must be en- dorsed 'Printed Papers" to be eligible for the printed paper rates of postage. The required en- dorsement is in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Con- vention of the Universal Postal Union and is ape plicable to Christmas and greeting cards mailed to and from all countries of the world including the U.S. For information on overseas Christmas mail deadlines for 1978, please telephone the post office More than 1,000,000 Canadians suffer from arthritis, according to a report from The Arthritis Society. It affects people of all ages and all walks of life. About 400,000 are disabled to some degree with tens of thousands being confined to bed or wheelchair. ++++ The Arthritis Society reminds you if all cases of rheumatic disease were diagnosed early and immediately treated, there ,would be a great reduction in the number of lives ruined. ++++ Arthritis can affect eyes, lungs, heart, skin and other organs says a medical advisor to The Arthritis Society. - FRI.-SAT. 1:00 & 9:00 SUN.-THURS. 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE NOV. 18th 1:30 p.m. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AIRCONDITIONED • Bringing you every facet of local, (and occasional not so local) sports is host: Doug Fisher -His program: "Sports", is simply that sports, sports, and more sports. Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. and every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Directly following the sports at 7:30 will be the familiar face of Stan Profit bringing you all sorts of surprises, he is hoping you will be seeing him on: "I'II be seeing you" each Wednesday. MATINEE, SATURDAY DEC. 9 2:00 P.M. MacKay Hall, Goderich BOOKINGS CAN BE MADE AT R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST, ON THE SQUARE, THURS. NOV. 30, FRI. DEC. 1, BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. TO S P.M., SAT. DEC. 2 BETWEEN 9:30 ASM. TO 12, MON. DEC. 4, TUES. DEC 5, THURS. DEC. 7 AND FRI. DEC. E BETWEEN '1 P.M. AND 5 P.M. Advance Tickets Call 524-2768, 524-6077, 524-4605 Thursday Is Special Night. Each week is a different show with a very distinct flavour of its own. One week you'll enjoy music and patter with ELEANOR AND WARREN ROBINSON in "BEST OF FRIENDS". The next week will be a change of pace with "THE BLUEWATER •SPECIAL" with your host FRED SALTER. "FOXY'S FRIENDS" will be bacjc with Foray and her typical brand of TV savoir fair. To round out this fine array of local ingenuity and versatility will be the Goderich little Theatre. Their abu•nddnce of talent and theatrical knowledge should bring a definite sparkle to your Thur. hdi y night viewing. Added to all of this will b� an occasional "ani location" taping to further a•nhance your interest. 11/-12 is the* name an 4 entertainm tit yrs our aim( w