HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-16, Page 20• PAGE 20 -CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16.1978 ...e I+fl •. , q , c'hh 1 I cn.4. l ,.t 9n AT/ . S 1!f 0 I , 1 A M,AN w.lw pt,. CQ., 4$1• 41 A Air O�III���I DyI ETWEiN W tNl w FIE !An (le Nlr. Q., ,ediote Ocr 961.1200 tit itollt alI 1. Articles for sale 1971 SKI DOO TNT 440 with tack and speedometer. $500. Phone 482-7286. -46x ADMIRAL 20" portable TV hardly used - like brand new. Phone 482-9323. -46 23 INCH black and white Philips television for sale. Nice, compact wood cabinet, good picture $45.00. Phone 482-9451. -46x GRADE A BEEF - hinds, $1.35 lb.; fronts, 95 cents lb.; sides, $1.15 lb. Cut wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. -45-46AR PUPIL'S DESKS - various sizes, various conditions. Clinton Public School. Phone 482-9424.-45, 46 NEW and USED pianos at low monthly rental. Try before you buy. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phc ne 527- 0053.-38tfar FREEZER special -Brussel Sprouts 40 cents lb. picked (orders only) ... 30 cents lb. pick your own. Order now - supply limited. Phone 262- 2822 Dobson Farms 2 miles west of Kippen on left. Open everyday -Sundays only until 4 p.m.-- 42tf. ORGANS WANTED - Now is the time to make that trade on a modern Gulbransen or Wurlitzer organ. We need used organs and pianos so expect a good deal. Treat your family to a Christmas gift that lasts. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053.-44tf-ar CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CYCLIST • New or Used Bicycles • Speedometers • Locks • Kickstands • Lights • Safety flags • Water Bottles • Cyclometers DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 482-9941 The Huron County Board of. Education offers FOR SALE at Central Huron Secon- dary School - one surplus Foster 4 door aluminum refrigerator ap- proximately 72" x 60" x 32". The unit may be seen during school hours. Bids will be, ac- cepted until Friday, November 24 on an as is basis. The unit to be removed at the bidders expense. G.O. PHILIPS Principal FOR SALE One used Photocopying Machine Make: 3M, Model VOCl1I. Copy size 11%" x 51/2" to VA" x 14". This table model photocopier Is in excellent working con ditlon, and may be seen at the 4 CLINTON --TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 23 ALRE'RI ST. CLINTON . .4' M. 4104 ...,4 4 1.4.414/4 rel V. ornrrt N Y i CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and hoard 12. Help wanted 11. Wanted (general) 14. I mplos ment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 1. Articles for sale BLACK PERSIAN lamb coat with mink trim, size 18. Phone 482-3266. -46 .` 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home, like new condition, less than 6,500 miles, 350 Chev engine, power steering and power brakes. Phone 529-7203 after 6 p.m.-45tfnc BAYFIELD . ELEC- TROHOME - Now serving Bayfield and district with colour television, all with three year warranty. Phone 565-2686.-36tfar PIANO' SELECTION - Reconditioned uprights from $395. and up. New pianos $1,399. and up. New electric player piano at cost. Pulsifer Music Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053.-44tfar 2, PIECE colonial chester- field suite, green and white floral pattern. Asking $75.00. Phone 565-2826.-46 MAKE reasonable offer - like new, medium size, full length black Persian Lamb coat, mink collar, adjustable sleeve. Phone 482-9909.-46x DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson 482-7171. -45,46x FRESH HOMEMADE APPLE and pumpkin pies, homemade bread. This week's special from the bakery at Huron Farmers Market, Isaac St. Clinton. Open Saturday 9 am - 5 pm.-43tfar ' .JUST ARRIVED, carpet remnants from the bargain floor center. See our selection at the Huron ' Farmers Market, 30 Isaac St., Clinton.-44-47ar NOW OPEN EVERY DAY for your convenience, the Huron Farmers Market, Isaac St. Clinton 9-5 pm. Gifts, odds and ends of dishes, vegetables, plants etc.-43tfar APPLES: Northern Spies, Macintosh, Waine, Red and Yellow Delicious, Russets and Ida Reds. Fresh apple cider, honey, potatoes, cabbages and onions. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037.-44tfar STEREO reel-to-reel tape recorder and six tapes; Electrohome floor humidifier. Phone 482-7520. -46 FOR SALE 1 - A.B. Dick - Duplicator Model 525 and stand 1 photocopier Model 1114 Equipment may be seen at the Administrative Headquarters ' of the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority; Wroxeter 9 oars. -'5 p.m. -' MONDAY -FRIDAY Best or any offer not necessarily accepted. Bids will be received by the undorslgned until 3 p.m. November 20th. VOL ' Marlene R. Shiell, SECRETARY -TREASURER Maitland Valley Conservation box 3, Wroxeter, Ontario 1. Articles for sale LADY'S red wool coat, size 16, new condition, also child's spring horse. Phone 482-7215. -46 KROEHLER swivel rocker, gold velvet, excellent con- dition; new hand made leather shoulder bag; green suede pant coat size 12. Phone 482-7600. -46 APPLES: Maclntosh, Northern Spys, Delicious, and Snows available at White Hall Farms. Don Middleton 482-9838.-46-48nc PIONEER super toner car stereo; Sansui 4 channel receiver. Phone 482-3601 after , 5 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. anytime weekends. Serious inquiries only. -46 DRY MAPLE FIREWOOD. Phone 527-1545. -46,48 DINETTE SET, like new, . '$110; gold chesterfield: and - matching chair, very good condition, $400. firm; riding. lawnmower, 32" cut witl• snowblower and wagon, $550.. Phone 482-3222. -46 DRY hardwood for sale, limited amount. Will deliver. Phone Walter Forbes 482- 7858. -46x 2. Mobile Homes FURNISHED 10 x 50, 2 bedroom mobile home. Phone 482-3064.-44-47 3. 'Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress - up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear •Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfn PLYWOOD forms, wedges, 1•nixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922. -46tfar WANTED used apartment size piano: Ray Madill. Phone 523-4334. -46 WANTED: Front panel for dishwasher, harvest gold, Admiral, also used baby carriage. Phone 565-2165. -46 ripra mei wa ass I faressosim. . . Attenffon Farmers . 3. Articles for rent tonsommommum GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR RINSEN AC -the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently ... • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately•< vacuumed up •. • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! • 01AC \ Rent for only 7. Real estate for sale CLEANS CARPETS CLEANER . NEEDS THEN CLEANER LONGER $12 a day 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1971 CHRYSLER wagon, mechanically sound, requires body work, cheap. Phone 482-7775.-45,46 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu classic, 2 door hardtop 350 P.S. and P.B. can be seen at Carter's West End. (Rick) -46x 6. Pets REGISTERED Quarter horse for riding, eight year old mare and two year old foal, also registered quarter horse. Phone 482-9864.-46 HORS -ES BOARDED, box stalls, $65.00 per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960, call after 6:00 p.m. -4ltfnc WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD IID., CLINTON 482-3441 4. Articles wanted WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or - by auction contact Rath - well's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-32tfn WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact, Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-23tfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1973 DODGE CORONET, ps and pb, 4 •doe , sedan, good .and 'titi>`'it'a-1- body, 37,000 original miles. $2,100 or best offer. Phone 482-9823 daytime or 482-7975 after 6 p.m. -45,46 George Cutler 2 Great Buys! 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix One owner car, 2 door hardtop, must be seen to be appreciated. 1977 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup Explorer Package B, blue with white stripes, , one owner, like new. BUS: RES: 524-2665 482-9782 REPRESENTING 263 HURON RD., GODERICH .111111111111111111 Nensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT,1 130 P.M. AH classes 01 Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor ildr0►eaves 415.71,1 rkiir+ ►Mn1;0 2316•7`1 ►'Eget*r deal 224.62.$ Kirilton B. Custom work CUSTOM PLOWING - ' LEBEAU BROS. Phone after 6 p.m. 4824294.--45,46 SAFETY i8 A FAMILY AFFAIR firm 'Moly asst cl ltion RETIRE in beautiful Bayfield. Taxes going down considerably next year. Let us try to build to suit your . budget or show you our large serviced lots. Ducharme Estates 482-7598 or 236-4230. -46 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd • Clinton Phone: 1112-9371 CLINTON - 1 floor newly sided 5 bedroom home, newly decorated and car- peted. KINBURN - On 1/2 acre lot, 1 floor newly sided, 3 bedroom horne. LONDESBORO - Low down payment will handle this 11/2 storey newly sided home, large lot,. close to school -and stores. 111re FARM - Price to sell, 100 acres, 1.5 acres workable, hardwood bush, all good buildh'igs, near Walton. 80 acres on highway, 45 acres workable, no buildings, near Blyth. NEAR BRUSSELS - 100 acres, 93. workable, no buildings. SMALL ACREAGE - On 5 acres near Blyth, 2 storey brick home, large barn suitable for cattle or hogs. AUBURN - Good lot with 11/2 storey newly sided 3 bedroom home. BUILDING LOTS - 2 on Victory St. Clinton. HIGHWAY FARM_ - 200 acres near Auburn, with 2 storey brick home, large barn and silos. BAYFIELD-VARNA AREA - 18% acre wooded property overlooking river, with new ranch style home, trout ponds, very scenic. be arra be1/2 and w _..,1,.. ptgelyth,barn 4 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Money doesn't grow on sprees. a 30 . 14 Isaac St. - Clinton Office 482.9747 Hal Hartley Bob Storey 482-363 482-7440 PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. Dining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at 529,800. , BUILDING LOTS RIVER FRONT building lot on Highway 4 south, close to town limits, , contains ap- proximately 1/2 acre, Reduced to 58,000. ERIE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Alma Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 512,500. 4 bedroom, 2 storey gracious older brick home situated close to schools in prime residential area. Ex- cellent decor throughout. Attractive kitchen with built in dishwasher. Nicely landscaped with en- closed arbor and patio. Double garage, gas heat. Located in Clinton. 2 storey duplex on large lot with 2 bedrooms one side and 3 bedrooms other side, both sides rented. Price reduced. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY with carport on good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den, utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK \°RKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON, ONT. Dirk van der Werf 482-3165 Harold Workman 482-3455 Henry Mero 527-0430 Larry Plumsteel 527-0052 CLINTON HOMES 534,900.00- Nicely decorated 3 or 4 bedroom home close to schools & downtown 524,900.00 - 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home, modern kit- chen, carpeted $7,500.00 - 2 bedroom mobile home, good condition, at Morgan's Trailer Park 516,900.00 - 3 bedroom, mobile home, good condition, at Morgan's Trailer Park $55,000.00 - 4 bedroom brick home, nicely decorated, paved drive, garage 555,000.00 - New home to be built in school area $45,000.00 - Be the first to live in this 3 bedroom, 1 floor home $21,900.00 - for this 3 bedroom horne, partiallt 11'.e treniovated 530,000.00 - 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, aluminum -sided 527,500.00 - 2 bedroom, 1 floor brick home $35,900.00 - 3 bedroom bungalow, carport, nicely land- scaped 539,900.00 - 3 bedroom, renovated, 1 floor home, sun - deck $46,000.00 - Brick Semi-detached duplex - 2 3 -bedroom apartments. COUNTRY PROPERTIES $14,500.00 - Lakefront lot North of Goderich 516,000.00 - 1 acre, trees, fenced, near Londesboro 535,900.00 - 3 bedroom bungalow, carport, near Clinton 525,000.00 - 20 acres, 15 of bush, near Clinton $90,000.00 - 124 acres of scenic recreation land $530,000.00 - Dairy farm; Lock, Stock & Barrel $25,900.00 - 1/2 acre, 3 bedroom home, Hwy. 21 $45,000.00 - Under Construction - 3 bedroom, raised bungalow with Solar heat,' at Summerhill 545,000.00 - 10 lots in Blyth 541,900.00 - or make an offer as is, new home at Walton 559,900.00 - 16 acres of bush with modern home, near Blyth 5210,000.00 - 121 acres, Brick home, 2 barns, Stanley Twp. 575,000.00 - 98 acres, 87 workable, beef barn, near Belgrave INCOME PROPERTIES 582,500.00 - Variety store and Residence, Highway location, modern building 575,000.00 - 7 -unit apartment building, Zoned Com- mercial $140,000.00 - Wrecking Yard and Residential lots 5160,000.00 - Licensed Restaurant & Residence' Many .more investments available VANASTRA HOMES 521,500.00 - 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home in good con- dition - .will rent 529,900.00 - 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, good condition 529,500.00 - 5 bedroom, 11/2 storey home, garage 529,900.00 - 2 bedroom, lye storey home with many extras bu11igaREAL ESTATELTD. Presents 1;9.9..411 1 9,4 4. f4 -^t9 .1 N AM on La ../is Wm. D. ARMSTRONG Realtor HEAVENLY VIEW: Down to earth price. Ultra modern executive ranch home on 20 acres productive land and spring creek. Paved drive, built in applian- ces Included. Heated by energy conserving heat pump and with many other luxury features. Shown by appointment only. INFLATION FIGHTER: New, 3 bedroom side split -with fireplace and garage. Home prices have risen across Canada but save on this one and get low 101/4% mortgage as well. We have several luxury homes from '42,000 to '160,000. Building lots from '8,000. Farm acreages. For Information Cali 565-5235 NIL OFFICE: 3 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3821 Large store in .good location for lease in Clinton Duplexes in Clinton and Blyth. Priced reasonable. Light industrial Tots" 'available in Seaforth Pleasant home with 3 bedrooms, near downtown ' $800.00 down for this 3 bedroom house in Vanastra. Priced at only $16,000.00 150 acre pig operation north of Blyth. 125 workable. Only 5130,000.00 With $45,000.00 you could move into this general store. Stock included, Owner very ill, anxious to sell 522,000 will buy this han- dyman's delight on 4 acres between Blyth and Walton Store with living quarters in Atwood. Very reasonably priced. Estate type home on 412 acres on paved road. Only 539,500.00 We are experts when you are wanting to buy or sell your business. CaII us, no obligation. C• Coast to Coast Real Estate Service PIERRE RAMMELOO Bus, 482.3821 Res. 523-9478 DAVID CHRISTIE 482-3821 Henderson Homes rwe id* AllitantlaCialfilelkie tem mos $57,500.00 $52,500.°°- Decorate asyou wish * Modern and luxurious design * Superb location on mature treed lot. * Delightfully planned three bedroom homes. * Formal living room with a gorgeous fireplace. * Attached single car garage. * Attractive designed Brick exterior. * Hudac 5 year home warranty Either home will suite your desire 'Luxurious living by HENDERSON HOMES Your Representatives Dawn Rathwell 527-1577 Bruce Ratilwell 482-3120 14-74'l 11l1 300,E I 7. Real estatg for sale MORTGAGEMON� DON DENOMME *BEST RATES *BEST TERMS *BEST SERVICE Call Don Collect anytime at 524-2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 150 Cambria Road N. Goderich W • G. K. REALTY INC. Farm Property For Sale 18 ' acres river property on the Maitland River. Hullett Township. 213 acres. 150 workable. 8 room house, new drive shed, new hog barn 42 x 132, drilled' well. Hullett Township. 10 room stone house, large barn, drive shed, 4 acres, 5 miles from Clin- ton. 371/2 acres on Highway 8, new brick house, 6 bedrooms, stone fireplace and brick fireplace, 2-3 pc. bath, drilled well, swimming, 'pool. Tiled land. 150 acre dairy farm on Highway 86. 2 miles West of Luck now. 10 room house, 46 milking cows, 15 heifers, good line of equipment. C. Buruma R.R. 2 CLINTON 482-3287 Salesman for G. K. Realty Inc., Clinton 482-9747 ON SA ,'H WAYS EA!, ESTATE BROKER G • DUCHARME ESTATES Bayfield, a friendly place to live, large ser- viced building lots, overlooking Lake Huron. Plans available and houses may be built by builder to Suit your individual needs. Phone 565-2691 and evenings 482.7473. GODERICH (Good location) cosy and comfortable 3 bedroom, main floor famlly'room with Franklin fireplace, good condition on quiet street. Reasonably priced. GODERICH TWP 15 acres, total privacy, Targe grey brick split level, with natural stone fireplace in family room, lake surrounded by mature maple trees, to be enlarged by established gravel con- tract. VANASTRA 2 storey with garage, beautiful interior, 3 bedroom, Targe livingroonn, dining room, modern kitchen, corner lot. Low down payment. LOW RENT Once in a lifetime - general store. Low. low rent. '33•per month. On busy hwy. No. 4. Owner wants to refire. Asking price: '24,506. Call us to -day No obligation RON SAMW ,'S 482447 • •