HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-16, Page 19• • • • = central huron chronicle richard brow') editor browh editor secondary school news The night of the essay It's that time of year, and I bet you have been caught with your pants down. Er...what I mean is your pants down with your essay undone! There you are and it is 8.:00 p. m. Sunday, the day efore it is due. You can't stall it any longer. No, the teacher won't forget, won't be killed, and God is not going to blow the school away. You have to do it, so... Pull yourself away from that stupid program on the boob -tube and crack the books open. Maybe you should have started sooner; done a little, a lot, of research. Oh well, so you won't get perfect. You had better skim through those books. Just think, tomorrow you will be able to return those month - overdue books, Well, time is ticking away. My you have written a lot. Don't you think you could put more down on that piece of paper than your name? That's a good start. "The" is always a good start. Slave on Macduff. As the clock strikes twelve we see you have finally finished it, the first paragraph. You have to quit thinking about your girlfriend. You can't call her, Just think - only 900 words to go. No malaria won't work either. Do the Beatles really help you? I think you are thinking more of that party on Friday than the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Ah, to be old...or young. Then you wouldn't be doing this! Hey, you are -doing a great job on Chairman Mao's picture and Hitler does look funny with buck teeth, Your essay is lacking in length. What you need is somebody with a whip, lashing it out of you. Just think; if the whipping was hard enough, you would black out, wake up in the hospital a week later. No, that won't work and neither are you working. The of clock just rang 2 a.m. I see you have it written out. All that is needed is for it to be written in good on every other line. You had better pick your eyelids off the floor; they are drooping. My your eyes are red. That's it, you are doing fine, you have written your name four times. Maybe you should go to sleep for a while, finish it tomorrow...Oh, you have fallen asleep. Well the least you could have done was pick that pen out of your ear, Just ask Dear Annie Dear Annie: Yeesh, do I have a doozy for you! Actually, it's not me that has the problem, but a very close friend of mine. This person is scared to death of anything higher than a curb on a roadside. She doesn't use a bed, but sleeps on a mattress on the floor, she never goes near stairs without someone to help her and the very thought of the C.N. Tower is enough to make her pass out. Annie, do you have any suggestions for me to help her? • Concerned Dear Concerned: Frankly, I would not attempt to interfere at all. This girl's parents must be doing something for her and, if she's going to a ,o,' g koutx, t think that g'a111he needs: Of course, I would give" her moral support when she needs it, but don't give advice to her: Dear Annie: I've been having real problems at school lately. Actually, they all seem to centre on my locker. This is my first year at school and so, it seems that my locker is situated in the farthest corner of the school from my classes. I can even get lost looking for it! It can sometimes take me up to a five-minute roundtrip to get from my homeroom or a class, to my locker and then back again, if the stairs are crowded. The previous owner of this locker bent the dour so that I prac- tically have to man handle it to close it and worse, he left several of kW- P4 -� ss e_ar awo rd s scratched into- the paint inside the locker: The outside of the locker is even worse. One day I counted three locker combinations, two swear words and one name scratched into the door's paint. The ventilation in the locker is great, it lets all the fumes from the football equipment in the locker next to me, and, also I seem to be unable to keep it tidy. Annie, there's got to be a better way! Sheet -Metal Blues Dear S.B.: Unless you want to carry everything with you, there isn't a better way. You can try to switch to another, presently vacant locker or put up and shut up. It's too bad that the last locker's owner was a slob ,but-tber4Jisri' ,rnuch, you can do . to stop him now. News from Hensall By Hilda M. Payne Opening the subject of the Creation, Rev. T, Garnet Husser preached 'on' the beliefs and facts about ,,the beginnings of the world. Next Sunday, Rev. Husser will preach on, "Let there be light". For music, the choir director, Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey sang a ren- dering of Psalm 16 with Dr. Ralph Topp at the piano. (The organ is in need of repair.) United Church calendars are now on sale and may be obtained from UCW members.' Sales barn Hensall Sales Barn was active again last week with steady prices; supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers. Heifers, $61.50-$66.50, top to $67; steers, $63.50- $67.50, top to $68.50; cows, $38.75-$47.50. Pigs, $35- $55.75, UCW meeting A devotional on Faith was given by Mrs. Audrey Joynt at the No'ember meeting of Unit 1 of Hensall United Church held on November 10. Hymns and scripture readings were on this topic and an in- spirational message was given based on an article, "The nature of faith" by Rev. Davidson. Mrs. Julene Keys gave an interesting study, "searching for identity" describing the life of a mixed racial couple in Jamacia, telling about the politics, economy, religion and mass media of the Caribbean. In both Canada and the Carib- bean the quest for. identity is the most critical factor; people should rejoice in what is shared and be enriched by what is unique. Collection ' was taken for the adopted child who sent excellent school reports and letters. Business was conducted by Mrs. Kay Elder; unit one to meet previous to the .General Meeting at. 7:30 pm on December 4 and to be responsible for the program at this meeting, United Church calendars for sale were distributed. Appropriate, thoughts were read by Kay and lunch was- served by hostesses Mrs. Audrey Joynt and Mrs. Alice Ferg. Juveniles win The Hensall juveniles opened theseason on Friday, November 10 with a 4-2 win over the Drayton team. Allan Bell opened the scoring in the first period, then Grant Love fired a hard shot past the Drayton goalie assisted by Steve Grainger and Bob Mommersteeg. Drayton came back with two goals to tie the game 2-2, but Dave Cann slipped in an unassisted goal in the second period at 4.27. Three minutes later Grant Love scored his second goal set up by Bob Mommersteeg. The third period was scoreless with Steve Sararas playing fantastic goal to end the game at 4- 2, Hensall plays Brussels in Brussels on November 14 and Kurtzville in Hensall on Friday, November 17 at 8 pm. Please support your boys at these games. Personals Mrs. Sam Oesch, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London was able to return home last Thursday and many friends, neighbours and relatives have been visiting with her, and Mr. Desch since. Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Skea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire, Shannon, Seamus, Brianna and Meghan of Erin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith recently. Mrs. Laird Mickle Turn to page 22 • Original oil paintings .and handcrafted gift items —A beautiful idea for Christmas! -- be" studio & art gallery ch,Ont. 824 6896 P.!1.2 Goderl , located 7 tulles south of GotlerIch 011 Con,castIon 6 between highways $ arid 21 .� J, Big Brother's watdin, The munchkins have handed in their weekly reports and here's the usual (or unusual ' ex- citement of CHSS. Sir A.R. (Macbeth) gave a magnificent performance last Thursday along with the • versatile K.M. and J.S. as narrator. Those hand- made trumpets were certainly an added asset to the performance. Good show gang. Next time try not to be so dramatic. Alfie was last seen being eaten by R.B.'s tuba in Room 208. Lose something P?, I hear K.H. was really excited by, the referee at the girls' basketball game last week. Really K., does P. know about this? J.A. left for Ottawa last week on a four-day convention. Unfor- tunately, J. became overcome by illness and the country's problems have remained unsolved until yet another ex- cursion. Oh well, better health to you next time J.! E.B. was - last heard asking Mrs, G. if she could go to her locker for a drink. Really, E., try and quench your thirsts on the weekend, OK? P.J. recently invented a new move for basketball enthusiastists. In her strenuous defensive efforts, P. was seen sliding across the floor on her stomach no less. Really P., it didn't seem to be the ap- propriate time to do a seal imitation! R.Mc. was last seen soaring through Mr. R's 550 physics class roller- skating. A little more practice R. and you just might make the roller - derby. Last period, Friday, Mrs. J's. chemistry class was last seen getting out early. Mrs. J,.. was mistaken in thinking that her entire class needed to attend a meeting of the music 'cxass.' Oh well, Mrs. J., I hear . your students didn't seem to mind. P.N. threatened Mr. M. after he accidenly chipped the reed on his clarinet. You may share your musical ability in music class held period 10 if you're interested Mr. N.! It seems our junior students have been watching their steps this week. We'll be watching all of you next week, so be careful! r�. f . 1le 1,1 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NQVEMI U 10, 197S -}-POG The BraI by Paul Newland They all looked at one another menacingly, Suddenly, the one with the eyepatch whipped out the left bower and slapped it out on the table. The card resounded with a great clap as that of a gun with a silencer loaded with blanks on a cold winter night in July. "You cheated!" yelled .the man with the scar on his cheek. I saw you stack the deck!" "He did not!" The other three looked around at the woman with the chipped glasses. Her eyes glared with the fire of rage that was burning within her. "Yeah, I did not cheat!" "Did so!" "Didn't!" "Did!" "Didn't!" "Did!" Suddenly the small man with the black eyes at the end of the table said, "Hey,' c'mon; can't we settle this like civilized,.. "Shaddup!" they all screamed as the man with the eyepatch ripped the blackboard off the wall and decked the little wimp with it. "Didn't!" "Did!" "I'll show you," the man with the eyepatch snarled. He suddenly picked up a sponge and threw it at the scarred man violently. The man with the scar yelled loudly as the sponge hit him in the stomach and sent him sprawling. 1 would like to thank those voters of Hullett who supported me for position of Deputy Reeve on Novem- ber 13 Thank You, GREG BRANDON s friends heard him and came over beating r the man with the eyepatch. The woman with the chipped glasses started pulling the men off her partner and throwing them through the windows. When the man with the scar came to, she threw him out also ,A .gil±aap of Prefects came through the door and they started on the woman, Soddenly, the small man with the black eye woke up and said, "Listen fellas, why can't we..." "Shaddap!" they all screamed. And then the fight began. Kippen area news Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mellis, Inkster, Michigan and Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson, St. Thomas, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Mrs, Tom Munroe is a patient in Exeter Hospital. William J. F. Bell and Allin Tremeer have returned from a hunting trip from Restoule. Kippen UCW held a very successful supper at Brucefield Church. Nov. 8. Over 600 enjoyed a bountiful supper. 1 would like to thank the people of Goderich Township for their kind sup- port during the election this past Mon- day. WALTER McILWAIN I VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS and appliances we have OS* large selection of... 0.0 *2, 3, 4 piece Chesterfields 0 *Corner and Sidewall O China Cabinets *3 pc. coffee table sets *Bunk Beds -Lamps *Appliances -Antiques *Bedroom & Kitchen Suites *LAWN ORNAMENTS LOCATED 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON IN VANASTRA-PHONE 482-7922 "the store with your everyday bargains" T _ A Concord D/L 2 door sedan. Also available in 4 door sedan and wagon models. 1979 CONCORD DL 2 DR. Serial No. A9A067E141400 • Luxurious individual reclining seats, in velveteen crush fabric Includes: • Landau vinyl roof • Automatic Transmission • 232 Cu., 6 cylinder engine • Electronic quartz digital clock • Extra quiet insulaion package • Courtesy lights • Day Night mirror • Wide body side scuff mouldings • Bumper Guards • W wall tires • Full wheel covers, * Price includes all delivery charges etc., Sales tax extra CHECK OUT THIS OR ONE OF THE MANY OTHER '79 CONCORDS WE HAVE IN STOCK. OPEN: Mon., Toot., Thurs,, a tri. till' 9:OO pan t 346 HURON RD. GODERICH D'S Ph. 524-9381 or 524.8411 r ;4= i A