HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-25, Page 5pxsTRiGr PQIN o, t TRUSSES' t 1 Cr eeeprrancoM of tile igtet weer TlIenn lUuo Intoxesting' Itenl�l, The steamer 1'artlne, from Yekoharea, has arrived at. Victoria, ,�,+'Or Scrofula, tnipnverIgned Mr. James luetell, after whom fixevillage F of Aeeseldalo, qi1 township, owns tip, as named, died at his residence there on $atur. day of Last week Mr. Rnesell wee one of the pioneers a Perth county, an Year. in zs88th ff''y'1H;RISTIAN LAWYER, tl�anuft►q: ie N 1 UUorhoP(1 to ill coneiSe koro. ' ' [ P tl t d wee li \ J tuxes 01 all Simla of 1 russe8 , 1 a tfd n e 131004 and tceileral-1penillil y, Scolds Blnuislor of Owl icer tvir;la livpoplaas a at s e na 6 tis in the whole kris, e t enc isannto% Mills, liay, where he will attend to the wants Of any wjto may ren.utre hia services, rie are cited in St. Marys. Way,pay from tr,15.00 tq• �, e eu for tae vain Petty blit Aa a P d >Y rr fro n b 1lo a a ( oa n s o for an �'Q y � .. 1 0! C A TS D. To all wllo are r r e a t d' nervous' weakness, udia(rotjops p1 yenta,.� r 'tarty 01'40411°W3 of` an nq r e, will send A; G ii tfoie which ha..... fannies u x .0 f $0.90, e' o e :ar- o ward Mo T.! c , ha ennal t reaiirt c a o ut+e Edward pp anted 1'lae death la AA;A , •4i ve' wkiolt is as f;oott if noG .getter and wall of Blanchard, tri Ills 83."year, Med Rad the following I tza Night, .n I ;iiPinerubar, Dotibib gb d& I ill l to At with Comfort was civic holiday for St, Marys, Scott's blutuldon to my own ohlid fhr Serf t 1 e you, FitplE Oli`CFtAIiGE Trusses• an5.0o , Eituglo-:Trusses, i$2.Go, All goru- Yesterday F i tl i t cu Y y +r sac Pe za w Dov ed U a mis* tionaaddresaed o A Aumbec went to Brantford, while nlan Ilia, and elle eieet as llarvolotls: - ''' b e ourrion to Port M, A., Wlnte. Bali, Ind, Put rap. in Mist great remedy was els ox y mnutoµ aHTtI13`1' nTi hAWXoh valued therAselves of the $, (Gray, Out, Semi a Belt•ad- Zuxf all P. C., Hnr(m f laet John Mitchell, of Montreal, tell down to Rlsv� Tosrr i, lNnzgx �rlonary fa South dressed envelope. Meas fills Q position f operator r t, at dead in her house. Friday evening. Heart `station D„ 2: ow rorkOity west to fill the of upsrator lr1 a y 8 branch (lido() of the C. F. 1;. at Menton, disease is said to be the cause of death. Ileo, A. M. Philips of S. Marys, wee Mr. Joseph Oddy, of St. Marys, while WITI1OUT EQUAL, l Templare appointed a trustee of the Royal fishing in tuts Thames the other day, caught Wilson Nfontroee, of Vienna, Ont„ having of Temperance, at their meeting held at a black Ines which measured 18 in. in length used Dr, Vowler'r Extract, of Wild Straw. Hamilton last w eek , and weighed 31bs G osa. berryln his family for summer oqi t t, v1li�V ALUABLT Mr, ,Tames Clarke, ex -township clerk, of says, "I cannot speak too highly of ft, far Having used 11,11,13. for biliousness Hila Blansha , and Earnest Marshall of St. children as well as aged people troubled with Mar s', eft last week for Australia. They diarrhoea it has no equal. torpid liver, with the very best results I would recommend it to ' all thus troubled. go in the interests of the Guelph Publishing The Ottawa Chief of Police has been Elie medicine is worth its weight in gold," 00MD lay. notified that T. 3, Baccus, of Ottawa, was Tittle White, Mauitowauing, Out, J Orabbo has disposed of the St, murdered by a negro at Lake Evegibie, Mi. J, J. , mien, W 'G Coag special detootive of the Mout; Maggs' u. Mr. to Messrs. ;rest a on ue of PBOI real Law and Order League, has been eons - up his residence in Toronto, garding B. B. 13-, "I have used your excel- nor a 1�ifFtctllty E� I)eriencetl, This ie to certify that 1 have known the ! most beneficial results to accompany the come in Sontt s Emulsion f use of Everest's Gough Syrup so extensively manufactured and sold by him.—Rev. A. L Snyder, Wyoming P. 0. ' Mr. Culbert, a Granton hotel keeper, has (Aosta his premises to the public. He is now selling a patent fence, for which he has secured the right for Essex county. The Roman Catholics of Limerick are building a fine new Church, constructed of St. Mary's stone and Crediton brick. The building is progressing rapidly. The Presbyterians of Corbett have their new Church uu'der way and expect to have it completed before winter. Dor, Jacob Corbett, of St. Marys, fell off a load of flax, last Saturday afternoon, dislo. ' San.isth. 887. A 1NFANTUM. eating theelbow joint of his right grin and lout Burdock Compound in practice and in In takingCod Liver Oil is entirely over - my family sine( 7884 and hold it No, 1 on , , o Cod Liver Oil sty list of sanative remedies. Your three 1 busy13'st'worry." J and Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as P., and Messrs, Carroll and $lagdon, has over been produced forDiseases, Do not tarns up right, was Fos river, Que., Friday morning, fail to try it. Put up in 50e. and $1 size, YOU NG NIBS Suffering from the effects of � �_____-� early evil bab'ts, the result cf ignorance or — folly, who And themselves weak, nervous, and t exhausted ; also MlnnL>, Anna) and Orn anus, luine Great English Prescription. who are broken down from the effects of abuse -'- A successful Medicine used over ^e or over -work, and in “advanced life feel tho 30 years in thousands of eases consequences of youthful excess, send for and Cures Speraoatorrhea, Nervous mixt) M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of r� '= Weakness, Emissions, Impotency M , Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- `A1 and all diseases caused by abuse. dress on receipt of two 30, stamps. Address fanFoaa1 indiscretion, or over-exertion. ((Arran] M. V, LUBON, 47 Wellington St, E. Toronto, s t,ages Guaranteed to Cure when ail others 1—y. never s nig, weaaen or milk, and the most valuable remedy that has The yacht Alma, witliMr. A, Dessaint, M, the euro of Coiistimp. d all 1 t Shereported at tion, Scrofula westing Di Wag lifting the Head of the radios bone. 'That terrible scourge among children may be speedily cured by Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All forme of bowel com- plaints, nausea and vomiting. from an ordi• nary diarrhoea to the most severe attack of Canadian cholera, can be subdued by its prompt use. It is the be remedy known for children or adults suffering from summer complaints. Airs. May of application to Parliatnent for a divorce from David Crystal White, on the ground of incapacity of consummation of the martial relation. CONSUIiPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from praotiee,hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegecable ap On Saturday evening fast, while i o Ruston of St. Marys was walking along the sidewalk, she slipped; and fell most yiolent. ly to the ground. We understand her in- juries were slight. \Ve invaribly find ;Everest's :Cough Syrup the best family medicine.—Geo, Donaldson, Forest, P. 0. Mr, Lucas, who has, for the past six years acted as foreman under the R. & B. Co. in St. Marys, resigned tile position last week. The Journal says there will bo some diffi- culty in getting a person to fill the office with such acceptance as the resigned. Dyers and councillor Wilson of D1ay or } toStratford on Tttesday, to comedy for the speedy and uermauont euro o St. Marys, went confer with a committee of the c•tunty conn- Cid p11 bxoat Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and e11 throat and lung affections, alio posi- cil regarding the Stone Town's share of the five aur radlca.i cure fur 1,7 (-rt•on$Debility and cost of t t U 'ldi lg in Stratford ! all. Nervous Complaints, after having tested its ' b si county tti i wonderful Curative powers in thousands of its bflsis for settlRmt;ut was agreed cnses, has felt 1t his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Aetuatedby tt.ia irutive and a desire to relieve human sufferinb. send free of charge,tb all wbo desire .t, this recipe, in Germ an,Trench or English, with tail directionsfer preparingg and using. Sent by mail by address:ng with stamp, naming this nap er,W.A Novxs,149Power's Block Rcehester INO n0LLu upon and another meeting was arranged for the 13th prox. During the storm which passed over the country last Thursday afternoon, lightning struck Mr. \Vm. Richardson's baru, on lot 29, coucessien, S, East Nissouri, and it, to - got ,er.�y2h tie whole of the seasons .crop and is valuable horse, were burned. Loss heavy. Miss Lizzie Robb, of Stratford, went to a local dentist office on Saturday evening to have a tooth extracted. The dentist ad. ministered cocaine, The young lady re- turned borne and shortly after became fran- tic. It took a physician six hours to btiug her to. He said had she slept she would A Winnipeg woman is reported to bar e given birth to triplets. A Profitable Lite. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world a9 the celebrated Dr. Chase, Over 530,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Com- plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or Uri never have awakened. nary Troubles, to buy a bottle cf Dr. Chase's A very sae' accident happened on the farm Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and of Mr, McLaughlin, base line, on Monday. DBuoeSTOBIs Boos $1.SoldbyOn0. LUTE, CENTRAL At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Die Caine, M. Exeter, P., and Mr. Norman, Thos McLaughlin, who wee tieing a team of horse'''; steldped over behind 0130 to pitch up Pall Mall Gazette writer, are coming a tree tin, when the horse bothered with Canada. files,ia`iaed its foot to kick, and struets Mc- BEADACAI; AND LOSS OF APPETITE Laughlin on the temple, knocking him down. Ile was taken to the house and despite Mrs. JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, medical assistance died a few hours after- Druggist, Bothwell, says: --My experience of ward. A blood vessel in the head was rup- Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it w.i11 tured cure Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion awl Mr. Wm. McInnis had a narrow escape rat Headache. I believe it to bo the best family Friday from being smotherRd in medicine, and can strongly recommend it." Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develope into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few .applica- tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. 0, Lutz. sole agent for Exeter Antoine Decarioa, 'of Montreal, aged 73 years, was found dead in bed Friday morn - ing. a to six Apac - our Dcu 1st for rho GrenO Enuneh t. Ask y erg Prceeripttoa, cake nm substitute, One package $t Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka (Chemical 00., Detroit, Alicia. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lutz. Stratford on ht e • it loading sand a landslide- He was in the p when the embankment above came down up- on him, burying him in foor feetof arch s Mr. A. Essen who came along, R it and Mc- Innis' team standing near the p o sign of him about, came to the conclusion that he mutat be under the sand. He corn. menced to dig and succeeded in extricating him from a living tomb. Mr. McInnis states that he was buried as solid as o rock, and only for the timely arrival of help he would Imo undoubtedly succumbedin a short thn I find Everest's Cougn Syrup an ellent remedy and can heartily recommend it.—P. B Rosenberry, L. D. S., Arkona, P 0. On Thursday night about nine o'clock, while Mr. Beverly Robson, of Springbank farm Lobo, was returning home from Ailsa Craig he was caught in a terrible thunder storm. It being very dark, it was almost impossible to see his horse which was a spirited one. The bugthe shafts the buggy y completely wreckedand Rob- son was thrown from the b'eggy. Dr. Rob- son, of Vanneck, was telegraphed for, and on his arrival, found the patient suffering from broken ribs and other internal injuries which may confine him to his Ecom for a time He Certainly had a very narrow escape from be- ing killed. The residence of J. T. O'Neil was also struck by lightning, on the farm adjoin- ing Mr. Rcbson. and the slate torn from the roof. Mr. O'Neil was prostrated from the Run no risk lei buying medicine, but 81 shock, the great Kidney and Liver regulator, made by Dr. Chase, author. of Chase's recsipes. GIVE THEM A CHANCE 1 Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the That is toilay, your lungs. Also all your Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and .Bowels. Sold breathing machinery, Very wonderful ma- by C. Lutz. &binary it is. Not only the larger air -pass- HAVE YOU ItRIT1D IT ? es, but the thousands of little tubes and If so yon coil testify to its marvelous pow- avities Rifrom them. When these aro clogged and choked with ors of nealing and r commend it to your matter whichought not to be there, your friends. We refer to 1)l, Fowler's Extract. of lungs cannot half do their work. And what 4Vilcl Sr r ell complaints, ,diarrl oea, eboieragi rind specific omot they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, bus, dysentery, cramps colic, sickness of the catarrh, consumption or any of the family of stomach and bowel complaints el infants of throat and nose and bead and lung oletrile- or adults. Let its merits be known to nil tions, all Erre had. All ought to begot rid of. who leave not used it. There is just one sure way to get rid of them The Finance Committee of the Kingston That is to telco st�tt45Syrup. ts nfttaxation frcConnell m e 74 to deeidolG crrrlls,melee the rate which any druggist will sell yen a bottle. Even if everything else has failed r round moll bottle ceifc ftCha4o , Liver yon may depend upon this for certain. Cure is a Medical Guido end Receipe Took containing useinll information, over 200 lin- A AND NOW COMES GILLETT 3eipts and prononncerl by doctors noel dl t1g• n' r ,lata as worth tR] times th33 COS8 of rhe, mod- ' .R [i ADY MADE (3I�OT HING mutt saps it is rm itifric, i ec i(r h a1c Powt rr slut Har c rnczti4 11 Parting sx WORM POW13.16.111.'S. Are pleasant tot 1ct(Crilt .in their own Purgative. Is a r • r,, s• ,•, iuul etloctulU Nvyer of wound i.t i,1Lil,.trn,p or Adults CURES C3iver complaints, >111011511ess, 1 mpure Blood, tyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, Skin Diseases. The Great iegulator OF THE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS AND BLOOD. CURES HEADACHE CONSTIPATION, FEMALE COM- PLAINTS, AND BUILDS UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM. Read the following : "For years past I have suffered from dys- pepsia and I was recommended to trr Dr. F3od-ler s Compound. I did so and foudd it a perfect cure." E. 3. CURTIS, Toronto, Ont. Sold Everywhere. Price, 79e. DR. HODDER'S COUGH AND LUNG CURE Never Fails. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 u. Tile Union Medicine co. Pro-' prietors, Toronto, Ont. ADv'1CB To MoT13DBs.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paih of Cuttine Teeth? If so solid at once and get a bottle of '"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrl•rea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cares Wind Colic, sotteu s the Gum s, reduce s inflame] ation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ""Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and le the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the `United States, and is. for sale by al] druggist, tllipuglh- out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for "lilts. WINSLaw's •SOOTBING RrnuP "and tairo 00 other bind. The murderers of McLeish have been captured at Fort Magiuns, Montana, and await extradition there. Don't Speculate. estooli � Sanders EXETER - — - ONTARIO. Genera ..Pi..gents for the following first-class Insurance Compan- ies: 9,.., , tial r� E+-..�N T PUREST, STROtICtsST7 3EST. Ready for use in any quantity, Eor making et z and Soup, 1Siund;ed other uses A cars equals 30 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, L W, GILLETT, - `.I'�'}: ,t1tI'TO., QUEEN CITY OIL WO) K At. Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil vias t sed on -ell inaehinery during tl Exhibition, It bas been awarded NINE' GOLD MEDALS during the last three years" 1;x , tyouet Poe le It is only made b t=s" See Aha 1 r ss, J S R e�. VEti ito S & ccs., TOP 'Qxrxa. FAIL SALE t3Y J&.S. PICKARD., FRUITS, FRUITS, FRU TIRE FAMILY GROCER ,,�l4.s�,thhe lace to go for all kinds of fruits in :season., p Glasgow & London Fire xiisarance Co. of Great Britain. CAPITAL, $2,500,000. Comm^rcial Union Assurance Company -of London, England. CAPITAL and AssrT^. 021,- 000,000. MACKINAC. The Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR PaIaoe Steamers. Low Bates. Pour Trips per Week Between. DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains PHA Particulars. Mailed. Fres. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. CO. -C. D. WHITOOM8. Gen. PASO. AGT.. DETROIT. MICR. FRESH GROCERIES AL WAYS IN STOCK. 04NDIE8, NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY, ICE GREAM PARLOR My Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best appointe I in town. The cream is of the purest, and always fresh. yzi man. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cura- tive powers, price 25 cents. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society of Norwich England. CAPITAL, $5,500,000. Lancashire Fire Insert ante Company of Man chester,Eegland• CAPITAL 014,000,000. City Mutual Vire Insurance Company of Lon- don, Canada. Full Government deposit with Ontario t; over nment. Loudon Guarantee &: Accident Co, (Limited) of London, England* CAPITAL, $1,250,000. Canadian Mutual Aid Association of Toronto, Canada. Assessment Life System. The best and cheapest in Canada. Tial Solicited. Westoott d Sanders, Real Estate & Lusurance Agts. EXETER :--: ONTARIO — Why Proclaim Commercial UNION AS BEING A BENEFIT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC —wliile— .DEARING, Montreal General Store 1a selli'1g goods CHEAP, CHEAP, CNFAP, Balance of Snorer Stock io be sold at COST for CAS' to make room for fall p3irel1asee I y " ' t" & there wri a hood Belting 31 1 t o 011d. book $l Sold by 3111 1 ' t1 his Ituprriel Ctenrn Tartar i t BOOTS AND SHOES Powder is far e, 1\11 or to all others, no twenty thousand 1300ur18 vot�,el last , ; ° nester (f Inrcrior, Idon. Thomas \t lute. 1It wr„asiDin by th,r D niutfnfmr Ptirlfnma n!y tn� the rias arrived at Swift Currentt other 'NM t o ..burial 1nistliute tvas pond over en b,•hhty tl r once start fat a car � Pot. Children tstaltt• Jlltg• ' t> Math, 1 eir inability to diciest nr.li 4i>tAcn.� .. food, S�ott's ISmuleion caul bo' digested s tltalt :i hod 8311- nary ,n4 om Ididlous cape of o ,, to give strength and flesh when all &het y 018Ra0e for about years, p, ,, wasste from lcic0l°y me fuea fails, Sam what Dr, A. 11, Pock. Penn. off tvorlr it•tl the. time. A fumy told . College, Petitcodiac, sg,ys: ''T have need to slL 1k tl g of 13,1.1. 13., ]. tried it, and ant Tiappy^ 3' tired bytwo bottles.” \Vm Tier, and pmscrt10 find It 51 Emulsion of ,r paras ase and f that 1 wLivor Oil, St. Ivtarys, Ont, was, killed on non, agr&eiiag well with the 3tonlar•h, and it, (lucid 1)wellilh( Roast ro Item, 1 , n 1 q the 13ruolcµ, ate.t continued Pao , .,t ,, D 4 Satttrdth;vl>,V all areti sn e roll ate. arra comfort of the plttreirt, rat nit tis other Hol t 53 til f d and >L o t fli til, pouffe. I OU`1 On arennut of t r y (TRADE Ms ItK.) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys. &c., and Purifying of the Blood. Price 31. Six hot; tles for 85. Foe Sale by ALL DRIIGGIBTB manufactured onl v by G. M. EVEREST, CFIE(MIRT Fos1357. ONT. S. C. HERSEY Has just received from F. W. Fearman, of Hamilton, a fine lot of his Celebrated Hams, Rolled 8c Side Bacon. Another consignment from Grant Bros., of Ingersoll, consisting of Hams, Dried Backs and Breakfast Bacon. OF THE FINEST QUALITY. S. C. HERSEY KEEPS NOTHII;G BUT THE BERT ROLLED FLOUR, -- .BRAN, CHOP, SHORTS &c. S. C. HERSEY offers to pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLAHS to the Exeter Band 11 be does not sell the BEST ROLLER FLOUR IN THIS SECTION. r -.I' II ' I T ! Also Ct,niee Finality Groceries 'fIIAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 Still f,otvor Btr«pa, Vinogars, Coufoetlouely. A tory Karn and Dominion Organs for sale at lt, grant sa0rifice :for cash, es I ata gorse to give 110 this 1rnnn011 of business, Goods sacrificed for oitsh during the months of July and August, Also goorl rnaehlne oils of illtnt 'w 11 tl to t1 rr ngtl t tl• cot It1,1.t1.7t13t.It i tt,, A .bJ7,1,5,. Garden I F1,n tit tG a / 5 '1 "0 1 1 i C 1 near TUnprign, A stok of llut$rt ft and $1 �t, Dearing, C anson'S BlOCK. 1. int, e�tsa tr0' Mti,�� csQi G,c,. 1zr�iy ec' ,,c� (f, ,�.`�, hfi d`� s2' Stitt �s) \e• ��� �c: titi0, c.`C.Q ,t .fids oc �,�`9 fi5 Q� colt 0t°•o ,,,,..c.,4% Viµ\ilofi .ici4 E11, ` Q S°t •,ie, 'tQ �O,, ,tsa ..oss t fit,, fi > `1'• C�' �e, '~ •`Q,>� �d7 A•,Q Qfi m' P,� P. fig, ets At ie ^c -c' ii I , G a� 1� r �� %S1,,, SNT- 0 11�� `��~¢`�9 c' Q.e .Looe r' �� ,yti, `') ti,„-. ,,O e. 4e. tti�fi �c, Q`�uw ,. �{a ti'Sg' Soy 4<. O�. crit 1 -§)'s. a5 •C � " ` aye us' 4?) 4Q, o,, (,),; Lg, �'P �� 8o ''e 40e3 �GG�I� 141`` x, `� \o�lc�� opt w��a i ts "SP �� 9 4 �yefts:0 Soso tat �;• -se tests fs racy • 19 , � ac Q 4:1 • Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 7S, New Oxford Street, 1 ® late 133, Oxford Str..et, London. .. ' PZ" Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Boxes and Pots, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. TIE OLD E'STABLI f IU I SPRING I 1887 11 SPRING fl OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shades, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouncings, Ginghams, Muslins, Jerseys, Oheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &e. The ladies gay our Prints and Mnolius are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one to wash. We are ,showing over 200 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and white from Sots. per yard upwards. Our New Stook of BOYS' CLOTHING- is having a big run, and, no wonder, the prices ars so low, the styles so nice, and they fit so good. In MEN'S ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Best Value, Newes' Style and Neatest Fit in town. Remember we carry the Largest Stook of BOOTS & SHOES, and nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies', Children's and gents'. JAMES PICKARD.. Furniture U ndertakina� WILL CUR BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,,, JAUNDICE, S, EfiYSr , SALT:RHEUM, HEARTBURN,- HEADAC rG even). ii eees o d se ae. aPiails iroot disordered. 1Zt"LI, ffZNErS. POM.'t.CII,.tTOWEL,r 4zt BLOOD. ki118U3:+Y & VOq, ,i*ttpl w0. tp opri?tas^s, �w OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS or THE 810, We wouldcall the attention of 1110 people of Exeter and surrounding country .to ti tact that we, having ptli•chaSrd toe stock end bueiuess of WILLIAM DREW, tare i fieri. of?ecial inducements in Parlor" scats, platin all(t Fancy Tables, h9i,)1`ii1. ''3 and lnflttrl3s'sk Be(tr0ol3x ;Setts, 'WooU, Cane & Perforated Chair's, Book Casesi Writing .Ueskc s, iaitlelloa",r(l8, Wil,:sttlotS Cradles, t•iallstatldS. And era Endues Variety in Beds, Bf1"Ctxi , Ottlobna-ltts, 86e,,' 's La•r e and ThoroughlySeasoned and, Ravin had e.iaeuE Our Stock of Tsnrnbei t g , g experience in the leaning fantories 0f 8130. Dominion, We can guarantee Stylish atul Sdiv Able Pnrniture: Our Stock of Undertaking Goods is the Largest in the County, and cur Tlearso'hag cis1 attention will bo aid to this brala.o11 of tttO buAiness equal north of "i,nindtsn. Sgt+ P , every rano win `find us prompt, rom end reliable business mon. RLy". "17 TATTENDED-Tis t REPAIRING OF ��hl'.,1iI. 1 S PIbO�II' x V Remember the Stand, One Door North of MO1seri'a' .i� R0W}1. c A.NDREWy