The Exeter Times, 1887-8-25, Page 3•• HOUSEI101.0. See Here, Girls. don't marry a man foe money, posi- tion, or anything but love. Don't do it, if you want to live to a good old a,g,e and be happy. You may think that money can bring you all you desire, but it can't. That is where you are mistaken. It can buy a good many things, but it can never pur- chase contentment for your heart or happi• ness for your ebui. It may bring temporaty ensiles te.your face, but it will leave great shadows in your heart. Don't think that I would advise you to marry a worthless fel- low, jest became° you imagine you love him. A refined, good, intelligent woman should never marry a vulgar, ill-bred man. No, no, never unite yourself to any one who is An American naval officer highly vereed not a man in the tun st meaning, of the in the requirements os modern wartAre, the word. Neither could I advise a woman to other day stated many facts and tfigures of merry a man who had no visible means of 8 POrting her, but for heaven's sake don't interest. He said the progrese of 30 years constructiug heavy nuns has been extra- strY a millionaire Or a king, if you don't ordinary. The largeet piecee found on war 1 ve him. It will not do. People have tried veseels in 1860 threw ball weighing68 it lime and again, only to find it miserable pounds, with an initial velocity of 1,570 it failure. It may do for a while. You may' feet per second, and an energy of 1,100 foot revel in gilded halls, and be hist in the giddy rounds of pleasure, but a time will tons. Now initial velocities in high-power guns have been increased to 2,100 feet ; pro - mockery to you. There will be an come when them things will be a hollw rectiles at the maxiraum weigh as much as "aching 2,300 mounds, and in some oases are pro - void" the world can never fill. Sornetinaes oiled by charges of nearly half a ton of mothers are to blame for the unhaPPiness m powder, while the 110 -ton guns of the war - their daughters. They teach them that re- ship Benbow reach an energy of about 60, - sped for their husband and lots of "boodle" 000 foot tons. The largest French steel are infinitely to be preferred to that fool- guns such as are used for the armament of ishnese called love. That would do very the Terrible, completed at }Mat, the Requin, well if life had no waves of trouble, but it built at Bordeaux, the Indomitable, built at takes something more than simple respect L'Orient, and the Cabman, finished at to make two hearts cling together in the hour of adversity. A woman that turns her Toulon, Weigh each about 76 tons. They kaok upon wealth, and takes the man of deliver a projectile weighing 1,716 pounde, her choice may mise some of the luxuries with a muzzle velocity of 1,739 feet per second and a muzzle energy of 30,000 foot of life, but she will be happy, Don't marry bons. The guns are rifled breechloaders. a dude. Better get you n monkey. It la The French have other powerful guns, cheaper and a great deal nicer. Don't fool those constructed on the Ba,nge system be - with that class of animals. They generally ing well known. The Armstrong guns now wear a $10 hat on a ten cent brain, and the mounted for service iu5 the Italian armor - woman who takes one of these chaps will clads Duilio, Dandolo, Italia, and Lepanto get left about as bad as the southern con - weigh 100 tons each, and throw a projectile ederacy did at Appomattox. of 2,000 'sounds. These have long been familiar, but the later breeohloading guns Bread Making Hints. are improvements over the early muzzle ; POTATO YEAST. -13o11 one handful of hops loaders. The most powerful of them take in one pint of water. Grate four large po. a powder charge of about 722 pounds, and tatoes bete an earthern bowl and stir in one have an initial velocity of 1,835 feet per heaping tablespoonful of flour; immediately second, and a muzzle energy 51,000 foot add two quarts of boiling water. Now strain tons. Guns of 105 tons have also been the hop tea into the whole and when luke. made at Elwick for the Francesco Laurie, warm, add one-third cup of salt, two-thirds the Andrea Dona, and the Morosini. In cup of sugar and a yeast cake or sufficient these the weight of the eharge is 900 • lively yeast to work it. Have everything pounds, the weight of the projectile 2,000 ready when you begin to work else the Pounds, the muzzle velocity 2,019 feet per grated potato will turn dark by contact second, the muzzle energy 56,547 foot tons. with the air. Thwil ese l undoubtedly prove beggar who comes along. This is wasteful, extravagant, unwomanly and inunoral, blvery lady or girl ought to neatly mend her own hue underwear, and keep it for heraelf till worn out; and if she would help the poor let her give them strong, new and coarser olothing which will be eeeful te them in their position and work. There is something about a neatly meaded glove, for example, or other' feminine belonging, whieh gives it a charm it never had in the begiuning ; probably because it hits acquir- ed something of the pereonality of the dainty and careful wearer. „ IG GUNS. Some oi the gonstere or flestrfiction..sanill by Foreign Powers. GRANDMOTHER'S YEAST. -Boil six or MOST FORMIDABLe WEAPONS. eight potatoes and one cup of hops in, four The largest Krupp gun weighs nearly 119 quarts of water. Take out the potatoes and tons. It is over 16 feet long, has a calibre mash them, return to the liquid and strain of rst inches, and fires a shot weighing all through a sieve. Add one-half clip of 2,314 pounds, with : a muzzle velocity of salt and one cup of sugar and boil in a 1,800 feet. The maximum elevation gives heaping tablespoonful of our. When luke. it a range of nearly 7i miles. Itspower warm,i add one oup of good yeast to work of penetration into wrought iron s esti- it. After yeast has been put into bottles mated at about 41 inches at the muzzle, 31 do not be in too great haste to cork it up inches at the distance of 1,100 yards, and lest mu lose all. 30 inches at 3,000 yarbs. At the distance A A a EAST BREAD. -Three cups of boil- of three miles its striking average is still ing wafer, three cups of new milk, three 28,000 foot tons. The Italians have two of teaspoonfuls of salt, add to these flour these guns mounted in a shore battery, for enough to make a thick batter. Let it rise which purpose they are intended. The in a warm place, but be careful and 110t English 110 gun, manufactered at Els- • wlok, is about 44 feet long, and ite actual weight 247,795 pounds. The projectile is a bolt weighing 1,800 pounds and, 161 inches et it bake. When it foams Well, mix hard with flour and mould into three loaves. Let 47- it rise again and bake. STURBRIDGE BROWN Bonn. -Three cups of rye meal, two cups of Indian meal, one. half cup of flour, one-half cup ef molasses, one teaspoonful of soda. Mix with hot wit - ter, leaving it stiff enough to cross on top with a knife and keep in place. Bake in a two qua pan two hours. in diameter. With 850 pounds of powder the actual muzzle velocity attained was 2,078 feet, and the muzzle energy 34,000 foot tons so that with 950 pounds, whichthe gun is constructed to use, an energy on the projectile Of 62,700 foot tons is expected. The recoil of the gun is very 'small. The British also have a powerful new gun in Exo am BARED Bnows• BREAD.- their 63 ton steel breechloader, which will Three cups of Indian meal, three cups cf rye be carried on the Rodney. It is expected meal, one-half cup of sour milk, one-half to throw a In inch shot, of 1,250 pounds cup of molasses, three and a half cups of with a powder charge of 580 pounds, and to warm water, one teaspoonful of soda. Bake, a tsin 2,10S feet muzzle velocity. Should covered closely, one hour and a half in a mod- expectations be realized, this gun though erate oven. much lighter, will be more destructive than In making brown bread sift the salt and the 80 -ton gun of the Inflexible, which soda into the meal. The secret of making takes a projectile of 1,700 pounds, with good steamed brown bread is to keep the a cartridge of 450 pounds, reaching a muzzle water boiling evenly all the time. Never v elocity of 1,600 feet. add cold water to the water in which the It is said thatthe next step attempted in bread is being steamed as it will surely heavy gun cons truction will be that of a make the bread fall. 150 ton monster, this project being attrib- buted to the Essen works. It would throw Betonemioal Hints. a shell six feet tong, weighing a ton and a half. There are also some guns under con - Clover blossoms or field flowers and aslulat struction which are ,expeoted to accomplish are very pretty designs for ornamenting. The paints for clover blossoms are white, carndne or geranium lake, king's yellow, vermillion; for leaves, two shades of green, emerald and chrome. Where strict economy rules, very pretty effects can be gained by covering furniture THE WOMAN'S WORLD. with some of the cretonnes. At twenty-five cents a yard one can buy cretonnes inartistic designs and colorings that cleverly simulate expensive tapestry fabrics. Useful napkin rings are made by crochet. ing them out of old -gold macrame cord, and are made glossy and stiff by an application l'HE CRY OF THE VULTURE. Living Witnesses t weektv between Montreal and'Aiverpool, A Thrilling Story Of the Deaort Land. Aek anv (me who nae liSba Dr. Pferee'fi pares Or PASeseeis-Saleen, Montreal to Liverpool, XAWKIR LiNE OF STEAMSHIPS Pleasant Purgative Pellets as to their mer. $40,4ite, and Soo; RetiIran Thiketa, la $9,0, aoti 81.00 It is noon by the ono. Here, 39 miles its. The- y will tell you that pintplee ! • ^-aecOrding to Steamer and exicornee ation, Inter. north of the White river, and only a feW blotches and eruptions disaPPear ; thafr'. con- Pa tl I • miles from where it bends about the eastern sti „at. sine f ' Mediate and Steerage tit 10 weet rates. kor further Y s oak is '4 sPring andtwo .tieved ; that the appetite is restored ; that re el of disorders -is ve- er three small trees, The spring is the the whole system is renovated and regulated source of a tiny creek which threads its beyond any conception by thee° little won - Way over plain and prairie until it empties eler-vvorkess. Being purely vegetable, tbey into the raver. Fort Sully is OD even him' are perfectly harmless ; being composed of tared miles to the northeast, and the coon- eon t ' t • b . . . . BOIL is an even hundred miles to the north- aiste, , an Isease will e nil flown. 8 Int,- rein 'so, out o 0 candidates for S00°0.014%4 West, on the very bead waters of the White, - equally good in other department4 Vull term Seem P Teitobene ePrtineates 4 IA ere tuccessful. Itee,oyd friend asked why be had expended such a - _ (core Barth. tn nitinaiii Mr Genera/ ,iltinitger, 1 custom Deus( Ssliare, Montreal, or to the Local Agepta in. the (Ili ferent Towns and Cities, CiiI,LEGE, IIELLE111.1.4E, ONT. t•hartered 1b17, Over 4,000 Students eye:read. Piplowas awarded in Colleg'ote Course, Cornmer. 0 il 1S given over M the coyote, the powerful ! P.' ut4rcgell:aildngtt).enciri7yntst'hell:yYstaenrel c,utio!,. f,m.age i la9Hts prepared yearly for rostricula- oiol Soirnoe, Penmantilli>, Uni+le, Fine Art and ,11.o• rattlesnake and the savage Catnp Robin- d a. 'll b k Of 11 d 0. ition_m Arta. Law, Medicine itsd rhroleev, and tbe country between might well be b Y.' 1 M!, 4)", hep. , 7. Send tor c molars, Address 1 A c Lica' man buried bi wife a few clayS d • 0 'S i wRITTEN DOWN As AeotiRsED. auk in grand style. Tits Most intimate It is high noon by the sillier watch which lavish sum on her funeral. Wiping a salt the scout pullet from his POcket as his mule amber drop from Isis left optic the widower ' sighed : " She would have done as much or ' plunges his nose into the clear, cold water comes to a sudden halt at the spring and nioie for rne with pleasure, dear boy." until he must shut his eye, Front Port 1 A. Good invearcent Sully to Camp Robinson with military I orders. Just hos the ride has. inea 00m. is that which yields large retHrils from a pleted. Two hundred miles through Uncle small outlay. Reader, the way is clear! accursed with venomous serpents, sneaking No speoulation, no chance, big returns! ! If eoyotes, savage wolves, Indlau devils -with You are like most Of Mankind you have memories of a score of massaores-with re. somewhere a weakness -don't feel at all knife, and exultant warriors. They bade membrances of tomahawk and scalping day, ebiaeckstacehee YtheuMdorlrikowe ,tecrowhneesdiecekhenetxot- this man good-bye as he rode from the fort Week -all because you blood is out f d ' aut ing to his death. they parted with him ag if he Were go- A small outlay and whet large returns ll 1You invest in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical : . It had been a rough ride, with scarcely hour's halt for rest, and the mule drank as an throughDiscov e r yy oaunrd vs eornua ,apure,udfreshyoyou areli f e anothercourse s if long deprived of water. Little by little , being 1 23 AriELAiDE ST. E., ToGONTO. he raised his head from the spring, and at; last he lifted his nose clear of the water I Three courts have decided that a mar- _All classes of fine work, tars. of Printers' Len& Slugs and ilietal Furniture. Send kir prices, with an, " 0-0-0.off !" of satisfaction, The liege by telegraph is illegal. PURE LIVING STREASI. to .your children, is a stre.ngs ger hour. Also Rock DrIlle-Hand, 'Ione or . REY. W. DYER, M.A., J.L.jONES WOOD ,E.NGRAV:E.FR 10 KING STEAST . TORONT Hoofer Manufacturer arid dealer in Tfrirroil FOG 11/00110S BUM tug Fta pers, l'orpoi and Deafening Veit, HEART ItOOFING, Ein 4 Acleuticle at. N. Touosay Dairy Sadt ros BUTTER, ETC. ‘TEW importatione.---Higgins' Eureka, Washings ten and Ashton Brands, in large or email sacks, eo lliee's Canadian Sidt, write for prices. JAisigs PARK & SON, Wholesale nrovisiert Merchants, Toroeba. snow inzatennsmr MANUFACTURERS. M. STAUNTON & CO., Samplea annliration, TORONTO, ONT man's tongue burned for water, but he did I not hurry his movements. lie began at to bequeath ' A Great Legacy IT/rater AUGERS, bore 2.0 feet the peak on his right and carefully looked el over the ground in a quarter -circle to the because ean,iuirte wc north. Then he turned in his saddle and etniteuveblreer7robveettaer tclunrifel.veltobil tean2 P"t*eur.idSlettntclv f;iraenautatTigctut6;ring Co. cannot give what you do not possess, but I HAMILTON, ONr. made the survey a half -circle. Then he mothers will find, in Dr. Pierce's Favorite lifted himself in the stirrups and surveyed Prescription a, wonderful help-oorrecting he ground to the left -to the right -in weakenesses, bringing their systems into la a n e shall rise up th call them bleased AMERICA front -and his circle was complete. It was perfect condition, so that their children, un - UTI plain -sterile, parched, broken and ridged tits -lands which produce only for reptiles and There is not a druggist in all the land wild beasts. A :serpent lay basking in the But always keeps a stock on hand. Siy CatifiG sun a few yards distant. A gaunt, wild- eyed wolfe peered out from behind a rock Teacher-" Where do the Arabs live ?" , scarce .pistol shot away and gnashed his Boy-" In the desert." Teacher-," What teeth in disappointment that it was not do they call those pious men who flee to the other game. The scout smiled with satis- desert ?"-Boy " Deserters." fact'on. e could detect nothing of THE FOE HE MOST DREADED. He leaps to the ground, strips off the saddle, and while the mule 'gas at the sweet grass around the spring the scout breaks' his fast from the bread and meat in his haversack. "Hi ek 1 Hi-ek Hi-ek I" We all desire either some especial. hap- piness in life, or some absorbing patina, add if we cannot attain the first, we do what we can to make the second our own. The Sporting Record, I Book , us a correct record of the FAST- , BET Tibia and best per in all DEPARTMENTS I It is the call of a vulture, sailing in circles iiiiltaTc;i Aquatic and 0?1 traa r clr o, r s s e over the spring, Did you ever see a vul- n d TrottingAtrheiceons,PraisebaUrsica L c eto. Price Om Stamps taken. Address all ture of the plain? A heavy -bodied bird of dere to THE RECORD, 50 Front St. East, Toronto, somber color, with fierce beak, and talons Canada,Room No. 15. like the claws of a tiger. The living are nothing to him : death is his feast s Gell' Magazine refers to a new kind of "Hi-ek ! Ili-ek ! Hi-ek I" glue for joining leather belts which has re- cently been introduced. Its tenacity may is dose at hand. When you hear that cry look out. Death he gathered from the statement that a joint 1 in a four -inch single belt, recently tested, At a second call the mule raised his head, broke in the leather clear of the join with a. in a startled way and cast a swift glance on every side. The scout was slower in his, movements. He loosened his revolvers be.; fore he moved, and as he rose up he had his, rifie in is ands. " Hi-ek Hi-ek 1 Ili-ek 1" What is it? The man tarns slowly on his heel to scan the country, and brave and fearless as he is his heart increasee its beats and his eyes betray anxiety. never mistaken. The deat uttered without reason. T minutes of such suspense nerves -of such silence that of the vulture's great wings c he sails his circle. " Hi-ek "Ah 1 A score of savag pear on the crest of the ridg the west, each one painted a each one Bicycles 1 ES2cal 1113-aC:1 FQELIST 01 FROM $.15 UPWARDS New Catalogue Ready 1st April A. T. LANE MONTREAL, Royal Dandelion Coffee. A Delicious and nourishing Breakfast Beverage, con- tains a proportion of German Dandelion Root, whieh onnetsiy binyedloinally on the Liver and Stomach, purifying She blood and invigorating the system. Prepared ELLIS & KEIGHLEY, TORONTO, 1014 E FITS! -cal -a. o I eo not inean merely to stop them ler a ilme sag then have them return again I mean a redfelal aura. I have and° the dioeose ofIPITS,EPTLEPSY or7PAALL. SIMINESS a Illa.long study. *arrant my remeev to cure the worst usage. Because others have' failed is no reason for pot now receiving a ours. Send at one° for la trestles and Preo Dottie Of nu ref484,1% MTh Eshroes and Post Oilloa. It coats you nothing for tea. and I trill oure you: Addresal)R. R. GI, ROOT, Brand0fliCe 31Yonuat Toronto ,1 Allan Line Royal Mail Steamsliipa ARCADE s,ilin ' g during winter from Portland every Thursday °QgeSt, TORONTO ztom Quebee every Saturday to Liverpool, (tailing and sullies every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sums Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland ; oho front Baltimore, via Hag. fax and St. John's, IC F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glair gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durintstun• mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; GlasgOW and Boston weekly, anti Glasgow anji Philadelphia fortnightly For freight, parage, or other nformation apply te A. Schun•acher & Co,, Baltimore I B. as 00.• Halifax ; Shea & Co., St..roluali, Nfid.; Wm. Thomp• son & Co., St. John, N.B.; Allen & Co., Chicago Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto Aliens, Rae lis Co., Quebec; WIll. Eintokle, Ballade! phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston. alontreal. RE -OPENS SEPT. FIRST NEXT. G. O'DEA, SEO'Y. BABY'S BIRTHDAY, A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card senO to any baby whose tnother will sand US the names of two or more other babies, and their parents' addresses Also a handsome'Die. mond Dye Sample Card to the mother anti much valuable information. Well; Richardson els Co,, Montreal, I have a positive remedy for t e above disetuiej by its use thousands of taeot of the., worat kind,and of long standing have bean cured. Indeed, so trong Is trip faithin Ms efficacy, that I will fond TWO BOTTLES PIM, tegather with a VALUABLE TREATISE on Mils disease to ens. intiTarer. Give express and P. O. address. SL001711, • s ess 14 Branch OBI 377 08 , pounds, which is at the rate of 2,860 pounds on the square inch of sec- tion of the belt. The formula, is not given. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomaohilitters, the old and tned remedy. Ask your Druggist. It takes the tusks of 75,000 elephants per year to supply the world's piano keys, The vulture is, billiard balls and knife handles. h -call is n • ongeSt.,Toresto ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The Mutual ReSerVeFud LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Assooiation in the world -des' ti p en • es in every section of Canada; liberal inducements. has full Government Deposit, and under the super. on of Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence selicited. Address, ar. WELIT-487 General Manager, 65 King Street East, Toronto, here are three as -try. men's , • that Catarrh, Catarrhal beafness and it Ray .Feyer. visi tiv orr ooeriere IriesncOrgtebn.aegibYey,ZteredusneattotliTepdri:ean:5 the flap flap !, tag! an be heard as of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustaohie.n tubes. filloroscoplo research, however, Ihas proved this to be a faot, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, es suddenly aP-1 catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in ram e half a mile to one to three simple applications made at home. A nd bedecked- pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King Street Wet Toronto Canada HoUNTED AND THIRSTING They have been in ambush now their waiting has been re wheel to the right and to the areinline. Not a war whoop has been ut- tered -not a shout has broken the silence. The scout faces them. On fifteen -twenty-two! An even hundred miles An even hundred miles to Ca One to twenty-two ! " Ili-ek I . Hi-ek 1 Hi-ek l' buzzard in exultation. The bronze which the sum grea results on somewhat new theories, West has burned upon the in the case of the one manufactured for Col. pales a little as the line advan Hope. This is to take an enormous powder him, and his fingers tighten o charge and to have correspondingly great til the clutch would make hu penetrative effect, out in agony, but there is nev the lip -never it tremble of th . . . . shot'and swift circling. The the vulture mingle with the of the worriers and echo ba shouts of the scout. . . . , . Now- the circle contracts. have been struck from their and two ponies have been har must close with him or ninnb count against his steady eye an . . . . " Hi-ek I Hi-ek ! Hi-ek 1" The scout is down, and the ed to the death has brokenthrough much wrinkled, sponge on the wrong side not yet been overcrowded. Great fortunes , the bullet which tore up the sc circle with a mad rush. It w with weak gum -arabic water, and when have been made in ite pursuit. nearly dry, iron between two woolen cloths. I Miss Hannah Ellie Leavitt of Skowhegan , had penetrated to the brain. 1 dered the brave man uneonsciou Rusty black lace can be wonderfully fresh- won the honors in the recent contest for the ' opens his eyes again he is disa ened up by rinsing it in cold water to best English essay by the junior class of prisoner. He looks from face t which have lseen added borax and alchoboi , Maine State College, Orono, a class consist- one gleatn of mercy -not one li in proportien of one tablespoonful each ing of twenty-three gentlemen and one lady. . • • of bor ,* and alchohol to one dupful of soft The vigorous boat crews at Wellesley In after days some other s water . After the lace is partly dry dip it College illustrate the enthusiasm vvhich in wetter in which on old kid glove has been rowing inspires, and show the effective with life in hand as did this on boiled, equeeze gently, pull out the edges, work that can be performed by young we- ' fire -a few bones -bits of clothi at the spring. lie will see th pin on sheets of blotting paper, and dry men in earnest at the oar. The canoeing about a pile of empty cartridge under heavy books. , which is now the fashion induces instruction ., ili.ek I Ili•ek I Hi...ek I" Keep a fruit jar 'that has a cover, full of • in the art of &aiding, Stri.c1 nothing is erre He will turn from them to th dissolved gym tragacanth. Have a brush canoe through t e water with quick, ener- with a ring in the cut off handle, so that it gem, strokes. I glances back to the tell-tale reli May be hung up when not in use. If scraps of the parched earth will be a si Du Miturier pictures Punch ES bowing he will read : FOR BLOOD. Many, anglonianiacs regret that thesr did for hours, and not make Buffalo Bill's acquaintance before warded. The he went abroad. left until they Free ! Free!! Free!!! A Book of Instruction and Price List on e -five -ten- Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by calling at any of our offices, or by post by to Fort Sully I sending your address to R. Parker & Co., rap Robinson I, Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., ' screams the' Toronto. Branch Offices : 4 John St. N., Hamilton. ; .100 Colborne St., Brantford. mer sun of the I The word polite was formerly applied scout's cheek to glass or marble surfaces which we now style polished. ces to encircle n his rifle un- 1Thenevev your Stomach or Bowele get out °loon man flesh cry dm: tobaziatif Minomevelt. leskraptscian,ceora rggeosftliiisr,- er a quiver of , Carson% Stomach, Bitters. Best family medicine. e limb. All Druggiste„ 60 onset. A. P. 359. hoarse cries of fierce screams! WANTED -5,000 AGENTS -We and Female - Large profits. C.W. DENNIS, Toronto. - e orkingwoman warns workingmen to " shun saloons and be temperate." Good advice. Mrs. Helen T. Clarke bastaken a position on Mod Cheer, where she will find ample scope for her pen. of varnish. Work baskets, waste -paper baskets and whisk -broom holders are all Miss Clara Foltz, the lady lawyer of the durable and pretty made in this way, and Pacific Coast, is about to take up journalism. brightened by bows of ribbon. She will start her own paper. Bleck silk can be made to look almost as The wife of a blacksmith at Beaver Falls, s good as new by sponging on the right side works with him at the forge, and is consid- with weak tea or coffee and pressing on the ered as good a smith as her husband. right side with a thick flannel between the Two young gentlevvomen ar studying silk and the iron. When the silk is very electrical engirteerin whi h Drossjon Is Now the flight opens. There is shout and ck the defiant' :17r7tilustm d Pti Oa • 1 PATENTS.rforgg e. R. Chambeesrlin; Tovroe ntit Two warriars G 0000nunit,y1VittacAanGadEZTSAdidVrAesNs71) IN EVERY flying ponies FERRIS di CO., 87 Church St, Toronto. d hit. They assamanneaszslesaireatirvassintswantect,anue ere will not or Female whole or spare time on salary or conunis- d iron nerve. sion. inchIstrial union of B.N.Z., 45 Arcade, Toronto. ;PATENTS :MT . REDin Canada,the U.S. and ore gn countries. Engineers Pa. •a tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Betels - mule, wound- lished 1867. Donald C. Ridont it Co., Toronto. ere better if ANOTHER NOVELTY. ' "Etird=arliznekr.- nip and refl. All the rage in the State. Agents wanted. Sample s for a period by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT & CO., Toronto. rimed and a When he WINE LONDONGUARANTEE 0 face. Not AND ACCIDENTS°. (ID, OF LONDON, ENO. Capital, .0260,000. Dominion Government Deposit, ne of Pity- 455,000. Head Office : 72 king . i Gentlemen of influence wanted t iTtliButliTreoprroenstted districts. A. T. McCORD, °out, riding Resident Seoretarv for the Dominion. e, roaY step TIR. WM. ARMSTRONG', Derninifdoalst. 0 ashes of a 1, Specialty, Skin diseases Scrofula and ell Ole. ng scattered eases of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure - shells. able, without the nee of a knife. Office hours, from 080 12 a.m. and from 1:30 te 4:80 p,m.,, Sabbaths ex - e death-vul- -c-elLed. 28 Dundai Street, Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS,8714: graceful teen a rung girl sending a light tures sailing above his head, and AS he cs the bosom oils, and Burning Brands, &c, id gn on which slaVsn for Catalogue. BARREV of paper get loose on the walls, a moment's obsequiously before a lady in eollege gown work will put them on again as good as new. arid mortar•board cap, who le paining alone When the houee is papered always save the into the " drat-olass ' compartment of a wraps or get an extra roll. It is but the railway train, duly merked "For Ladies work of a moment to put on a fragment of Only "--no male competitor having been paper that has been torn MT, and it imprces able to pads the examinations in Greek and the appearance of the house wonderfully. tmitin a cambrid,,,, " Honor to Agneta If the plastering is broken, or a place dug Prances Ranisayl' is underneath the pie- sts ) out by some care ess expressman or mover tura of furniture, bet e the paper is put on wet a spoonful of pet of Pariand fill the A Victor's Crown place, tet it dry and then put on the iJa- Should adorn the brow of the inventor of per. It vvill look decidedly better and will CAPTITEED Bit DEMOS SEPT. 16, 1868: Arai roaTtiaRn nntern SAME DATE. V pay for the trouble it takes. the great corn cure, Putnitin's Painless Corn 8vInst regLeurejlielnP:lt,II:dtg,t4 .131..Z317 Extractor. It workti quickly, never makes themselves wsalr, nervoui and exhausted ; 'also Mtn. When a stocking gets out at the heel, the it sore spot, and is just the thing yoll Want -Prat.Acisb and Ono Mon who are broken down from the careleS8 girl throws it aside and buys new- ,,,ee that you get Putnam's 1)ainless Cern effects of abuse Or over-workf, and in advanced life blame than shO. In the same way other for corns. but the mother who permits it tnore to ,LIxtrautor, the eupe, eefe and painless cure Rue !AN. Lu on's Treatise on Dieeasee Of Mem The gp toseed aside as soon as they need repair- A pitchfork ca,rried over the shonider of ton 1it. test Toronto out garments which have years of wear in them f two iitainps. Address M. V. LUBON, vtdung- b�k will be sent scaled to any address on receipt of and the shamefaced poseeseor stuffs them thunder storm, drew the lighteing and cost and flissplaces niade by stirring ivory- • feel the co tuterenoes of youth ul excess send for and until they acceinulate moun enishi, Casselman of Gloversville doting a 1 A brilliant black varnish for iron stOVOS into tho rag bag or gives them to the first him his lite. 1 b lack into ordinary shellac varnish. I R BROS. 0., 87 Scott St, Toronto, 1111LECTIONS Valli STAMPING AND RE. 1.-1 CEIPTS tor martufacturing lour different pow. ' dors-blue, white, yellow and the French liquid , stamping for plush, velvet and silk, minutely de• scribed in print, all sent by mail for 40 (rents. C, STIEMAN FIEROE, 41 King At, East, Toronto. Ent. terick's patterns and books always on hand. MILLERS TICK DESTROYER. STOCKMEN', give tide valuable pre- paration a fair trial. operates promptlyand eezeottially In destroying Ticks and other vermin pests, as We 003.s eradicating an affeetionstofstill n Tweet Bio.,'VgL.1::id111,i°11.1":11gE tgirvi+hr (c6a :20 Sheep or Se Lambs. HTIGH MILLER & Go,. Torpid& MERCHANTS • BUTCHERS AN» THiLacns GtNERAIIGY. We want a (MOO MAN in your locality to pia; tip 40..A.XaDVS2CXXITES for us, cash furnished on satisfaetory guar0nty. addmis 0. 5. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, t.T.S, T' greatest die- covery of the resent agefor anon - LATINO THE BOWELS, AND CURING ALL BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. A. per- eet Blood Piuifier, A few in Hamilton who have been bene- fited by its use :-- Mrs. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St., cured of Eryeipelas of 2 years' standing; Robert Cor- nell, 24 South St., daughter cured of pileptio Zits after 6 years' suffering enme inert, 55 a nut se., cured of weakness and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcart Sts, oured.ot Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only fifty -cent bottles; Mrii. Beal; 6 Auguata troubledfor years with Nervous Prostration, two smalltbottles gave her great selief. Sold et 50o. 681.00. F. DAMAY & CO Pro ri to L b.att SAWYER CO., allitei "L D. S." ENGINES, NOlt CUL AI 811AIV MAIM morm• "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" implaroALMICALWONStilL mipitse Nom Plowers, for 16 4. 4, 6. 16 and It Horses. Tread Powers, for 1, 5 and 3 Morse& mienipse geparat•rc, for Tread di Handl Powers, hod kw filiostrated Catalessis. OUR L ST ()TICE In this paper referred to the Annnal Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Company was organized) took place on Tuesday-, the 12th April, when the following gratifying mereases were Announced INTEREST AND RENTS, - PREMIUM INCONIE INCREASED FOR YEAR, $9136,08.9249.. ASSETS, - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234. Were allocated as Profits to Polley Holders. Profits payable on and after May 1SL J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. $260,420 9 y s tan rd Fr maces, CM-A-IVEMCI1111-1: c 1V10fl0T-i The Harris Wood Furnace is especially adapt* ed. for Churches and Schoolhouses. n kr cur illusiratecl Catalogue. THE E. & O. GURNEY CO./ (LIMITED) HAMILTON, TORONTO, MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG, '