HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-25, Page 1„'welfee__770000 LEGAL lIsrrila9r, SQIj- • citovet supreme Court, Notary Public Con veyeacel :Imam iesiontr, (to. Money te• Loan. ' Otte a) n'a ,113"1 6 13 loPk,i"Ixoter. H. COLLINS, -2- Betrrister,Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., hx.ETEu, ONT. Who° narawell's Block .4411801(1 office.) ELLIOT & ELLIOT. Barrister, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. reelloney to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. nutoT. J. ELLioT. DENTAL. W E. CARTWRIGHT, L. SG -=OST M1‘,1 MIST. e'-ereeee Graduate of the llayal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. flay tug fianishecl /the Dental Rooms on JAMES.ST„ 2 Doors East of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont, where 1 am prepaida to perform. all 1:ranohes of the Dental profeallon with ease ez skill. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. T.T KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Samwell's Block, 11Iain-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible, Goes to ZURion on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL (1 LUTZ, D. M., %...1 • Oftlees.t hiscesidence Exeter W. B.ROWNING M. D., M. ,Graduate toriaUniversity.Office audiresidence,Dort nionlaboratory. Exeter • C I) B. FlYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Harm Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store,Exeter. T1R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S - o. Omen, main Steexeter,OnteResiden houeerecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Dag. , TIR. WOODRUFF, - Permanently located in No. 185 Qneen's Avenue, London, a few doors •east of Post Office. Special attention given to dtseases of the Eye, bad eight, andthe pres- ervation of vision •. diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing. and discharges frora the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation beiug a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of ntpai *ad hearing. AUCTIONEERS. T_TENRY EILBER, Lioensed Auo- .1 JL tioneer for Efay, Stephen, and McGilli- :ates ce-At Post-oftlee.Crediton, Ont. rrakT4oships. Sales con ductod at moderate TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the P../ Townships of Stephen, Hay and -Osborne ) and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales VETERINAleY. Sure Thing arranged it this office. Scat up for Trial JohasllaVth enitigiltlee‘nvhc0aniligwam htt11(1401eai Pingtistweettee Exeter eIntel tit the depet on ;the eveeiii1,e of civic holiday, was talon hefora,:Sqlnra Ba- chmann), Of lionsall on Friday for examin- ation. The evidence given agaimr lane was aufficient to wa,rrant the 3. P. to send him to the county jail to await trial, either be- fore the -judge or at the fall tiesizeze Ile is ven hie e HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE oiee, ()HIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.” I A 'rwo-pound Woodcock, VOL, XV. NO 1. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25th, 1887. pehtill, dWHITEI> :rise? oNrss thi'tet Iwo cealko'81iiiisis:oudes °•,iv !thee statelAtt or ef Pi 17'1 t4etnesdes I A few minutes after the first few coPtee of DREW'S HALL TO RENT* Seating Capacity, 700. -APPLY TO - CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. — WESTERN FAIR, INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION. LONDON, 0 &NADA i9th TO 24th SEPt LIBERAL PREMIUMS' -FOR- , LITE STOCK, IVIACEINERY, ETC. New GroundsNew Baildinge,New Race Traok are being provided for the forthcoming Jubilee Exhibition at an estimated, -wet of- $ 120,000,000 RALF MULLION DOLLARS Will be represented by the Live Stook display Gland exhibits in paintin Statuary &NI:alp tare The committee of attractions aro preparing a splendid pro ar ammo. Better than ever. Saud your address on a postai card for copy of the Prize list. For all information write to the Secietary: A. W. PORTE, Pres. GEO, Mollt ROOM, Sec FARMERS & OTHERS. We wish to call especial attention from the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. George Mosta, of Lot 11, Con, 5. tephen, Credi- ton,P.O.,haa on hand a very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! At the Following Prices : 2e inch, Tile, $ 8 p.er M. 3 f. 4 10 • 5 34 " 20 " 6 BO " TgrIrtivienitatlicif;3.1).°41t1 50 " tibuearyntsned if required. Orediton, April 14,1887. GEORGE MOA.TZ 8 T'NENT &,TBNNENT, Veteri- - nary surgeonce Gnadnatea of tlie ontarm Veterinary College, Toren. to have' an office for the treat raent o f all Domeaeie . Animals, on M..inst. ett Exeter. Calls from a 8 .'''' ••••••-' tanee prompVy . attende to:- Medicine for 'Horses Cattle,dco al:vays on hand: , MONEY TO LOAN, IVrONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES .1.v.a. tate forthe Huron de ErieLoan Sav- ingsSocioty. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to Sohn Spaekman,Exeter • 'ATONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6/ ...tie per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Beat Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . • London, Huron & Bruce, etrevitiee, Concert, GONG NonTn- London, depart Luotm Crossing eirtudeboye “. Ezigra... - Rensaii ... ... . esippen -. .... Brix:AR:AA _ _ Clinton .,. .. Roadesborce _ 7 05 Belgrave .„ .., ,.. 11.00 7.2U Winglioin, arrive ... ... 11.20 7,40 Passenger, •.. 8,10 A.. 7u. 4. 25P. . 9.35 6.45 . 0,10 5.33 ) The hills for the Pall Show to take .,. 9,28 liere is an average of 35 men working on A gra"' ennnerti under the "Vices fthe the Trivia memorial church. Royal Templet's of 'Temperance will be giv, R. avia cattle dealer, shipped earlOad ell ill DreW'S °Per" lieu8e nu 'rue'claY evert' of export cattle from here on ruesday, plaoe in Exeter on Oct., 3rd and 4th are out. Mr. Lewis of London, shipped from Exe. ter atation the other day, a car leer' of geueral purpose horses, to East Saginaw. ... 9,30 5.45 •• 0,46 5.03 ••• •• • .. 9.51 6.06 ... 6,55 6,15 . 10,1 6.30 10.37 6.55 GOING SOIITEE. Passenger Wingharn, depart .., 7,00 a.m. 3.05 P.11. Beigrave „. „. me 3,28 1313f th, ... 7.31 3.42 Lontlesbore' ,.. '7:40 3.51 Clinton „ ... 8.0u 4.10 Brueelield 3) 8.19 4.26 8.27 457 - 8.38 4,43 8.47 447 ,. 8,37 5.07 Clanoeboye 930 5,20 Inman Crossing ... 9,20 5.25 London, arrive ... „. 10.10 0,00 lllppen **, Eke ter „. Centralia _ LOCAL HAPPENINGS. JUST Received a complete stook of Truses, Shoulder-braoes, Supporters, &e., at the Central Drug Store, C. VUTZ, PPOPRIETOR. Without exoeption,the best and cheapest Lines in 13oots and Shoes WE have as yet seen, can now be had at C. Eaorett's. Child- ren's, Carriages, Express -wagons, also best leather fly -nets. Harness, trunks and valises constantly on hand. Give us a call before purchasing. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Also a first class House for sale. C. EAORETT. Stop it at mice. What ? That cough which is troubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, and procure) a 25 cent bottle of Hallamore's Expectorant. This preparation has been the popular cough mix- ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invati ably gives epeedy and permanent relief from all colds, coughs and chest troubles. It is safe and pleasant, always sure the worst of coughs to quickly cure. Fruit jar corks, gem rings, sealing max. insect powder and sticky fly paper at the• Centre' Drug Store, C. LUTZ, Prop. .Anew organ for sale, or exchange for, a horse. Apply at this office. t.f. A. Day's fishing, In accordance with an invitation issued by our genial friend, Mr. H. Eilber, of Cred iton, Lawyer Dickson and el• J. White of TIMES office joined the former gentleman at Crediton on Thursday and set out for a day's fishing. in the limpid waters of the Aux Sauble river at the mouth of Lake Helton. Leaving Crediton at au early hour with boats and an abundance of fishing tackle; the perty wrapped themselves 1113 . . . 0-0— , the entimpation.of making a heavy caich, FOR puRE:pAits ,GREEN e • ' ' th wee/ her aecordingsto s experieneed ang- lers eand Mr: Eilber is one) beim, meet fav - FOR 'GENUINE HELLIBORE or FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER Wastaletheh about eleven o'clock- callvtig !rated the previous night.. i and after placing our equines in the care of l3ROWNING'S 112...Trarrs2rIsauncldee.clwoerlier ascohoononoeip aurprlitie. river. We he'd not gone far when the boat TRE SPOT ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JF Fishing Tackle made a sudden lurch and almost imrnedia- ely Lawyer Dickson exclaimed "a bite, a bite„, and upou turning to yiew his catch, he informed us that it was only a mosquito bite. Resuming the oars and sliding slow- ly up stream viewing the romantic scenery and jesting as to •how Geo. Dyer some years ago lived all alone in such a wilderness, and while e trollers play in the water a happy' thought arose that we had not had dinner. ALWAYS A FULL LINE There being a good landing at this place we decided to anchor for dinner. Having got OF ALL ItINDS OF everything nicely spread all sat down, each enjoying a sumptuous repast or at leastany IDIR,T.Taea one looking on would have thought so. rp J. SUTHERLAND, Hansen, Tine being precious as we had not as yet JL • 0 nt., Cotiveyancer, Commissioner, l'ire • * reached the favorite fishing grounds, it was . andeeife •Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- Call and Examine for Your- thought best to pack up and at once °entire. tiage Licenses. All business transacted strict- . ly oonfidentral. A call solicited. °Rice; atthe tie our journey. We had not one far when Post Office. self. L. D. caught the first pike. He looked to Jinn WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT.ranterS, 1110n110 Established in 1863. be the happiest being in six coanties--not J. W. BROWNING, Prop. the pike, but Lewyer Dickson. We continu- ed, Mr. Eilber "hooking" the next -a fine This coma anv hdti ten over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario andcoatinues to insure agailistloss or doma'ge Pire,l3uildings,Merchandisa,Man- ufactories,ead all other descriptions of linear - able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,096 Policies. covering property to the u,tuount of S40,879,086 ; andyaid in loss- es a,lone 709,732,00 AsIsetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, GovernmentDeposit, an d the unasi. essed Premium Notes on handand in force. J, W WALDEN At D. Preside' t. 0. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. J. Et. Btrortes,Inspdeter. CHA.S. SNELL Agent for Exeter and vicinity, TETE IiifArcolonialRailway 0 F CANADA. The .Royal Mail, Passenger and rreight Route between danada and Great Britain and direct route between the West and all points on the LOWOr St. Lawrence and Bale des Cho., lour, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia), P. B. Island Ca,pe Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, an J am aic a. New and elegant Pulhuan Bnffet Sleeping ncl Day Cars run on through Express trains, passengers far Groat Britam or go Conti- , tient by leaving Toronto at 8.10 n Titers. clay will ;join entwara steamer Hali- fax a, m, Saturday. Superior Elevatoa Warehouso and Doak n a- commeclation at Halifax for shipment of grain and go floral )nerchandl se. years of oxperionco havo proven the IN TER- coLONIAL tn commetton with stonan ship linos to and frem London, Liverpool lead Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Cadada and Groat Britain, Information rts to Passenger anti Freight en,i1 be had on application to ' POBERT B. MOODIE, Western Freight 84 Passenger Agtont Eosin Congo Bloolt,Ydrk bit. Toronto 1). P 0 T •11 GC ER, Chief Superintendyi 1, Railway 0 a to N. 13Nov 13611,18g5 IMPERIAL MILLS WOODHAM. The undersigned would respectfully inform the communit y that they have leased the above mills for a term of years; and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. It is the intention of the subscribers to add a set of rolls 58 8000 as possible ; and all corabined, the Woodhara Grist Mill • Will be second to none in tbe West. Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale rh' exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. rA Tlef Ale SOLICITED, J. & A. McNEVIN, July 14.j Props. IT AZ arber Shop, 4,xxsows Bloc r(., A Hastings, Prop, irpii.•101.1e115.1.4m•111.1•011.1 Shaving rule Hair outing in the latest styles of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies od Children's liair SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER. A CALL SOLICITED large fish -and it was only placed n th boat by the aid of two persons. We we again compelled to anchor, the fish becom mg so unruly that we had to chain it dow After having refreshed ourselves and. view ing the various sights on laud, we agai pulled out and before many lengths had bee rowed L. H. caught another -a fair size pike. For sometime after this haul w caught nothing but weeds, and our hook only served as dredges, for the river nex day we are told was almost entirel cleaned of weeds and the water as clear a as crystal. We rowed up to the point, an fearing that by the time we reached th landing place it would be late, we decide to turn and pull slowly down the river. I was also decided. that Mr. Dickson take th oars This he did and with his old time wee rmtness, pulled out at a terrific speed-- 42"full strokes to the minute leaving fish, fish lines and hate behind. He pulled so hard and so fast that the oar lock and a, 'part of the boat gave way. indeed he manipulated the oars in a scientific man- ner -the water foamed end splashed (much to the terror of the crew) and WitS worked into a heavy sea, and cattle pasturing on the,banks turned their tails and ran. We did not catch any -fish durieg this mile, the trollers most of the time flying in the air. Time brought L. H. to a slower speed when Mr. Felber resumed the oars, and he the L O the fishing pole. This being about sun down the fieli began thee:thee to the surface, and we Ire_ began catching them with considei ablemore eeILY dispatch than charaeterizel our up- 'ugh woad trip. We each haulea in several sear beauties, and would have filled the boot had T1 not, the darkness of the evening ieterferved. We reaceed our landing place about nine o'clock with limbs as contrected as thotigh we hied been riding an old farm home for a Week, ;Having sccared out: horses :old con- veyances, we at once set out for home, whieli we reached about eleven o'cloek feel- ing that WO had learnt considerable by mir piscatorial expedition. It iS not noeessary to say that the party slept soundly during MIC night in question. L. a Dickson cold M. hite join in returffing thenks to their laecivions friend eLr. H. Eilber, fel the in- eitation and the whole smiled. trimmer in which he aesisted in carrying Out the pem gramme 01 6.1111 day._ Messrs. Dissett leros. have Mt complet- ed the job of replaming the roOes of il•lesers. Sam well it Piekard's store and T. leittonet eolith jeweler' establishotent with iron roofing, Mg off excitement, and none could reach Sergeant Robt, Sanders with tee desired diapatch to offer congratulations upon his success lec shooting a two pound woodcock. Doubt- less many of tile more experienced Sparta ine next. The) concert promises to be the exaggerated, the t when nhtis of n(t!liven bird at Ityhaerc best one of the season, as the committee gun used is of She latest manufacture; and didilav eprsoPgarraemd 00 Pak srai ttinptreeepaatriisnfn 4storesPlefon; olsf as4hPota,balenodfce:Unte4aiSnilllylg haelcuOlgekeed.lwr all who may attend. that the said woolomek reeeived the entire 11031 --- I charge, they will readily recant their imagin- , 0 are always willing to make a note of Accident, . arrivals and departures of towns people and ' ations. Bob has weighed to many birds to On Tuesday, while a couple of the em- make slice a mistake. friends, but we caveat keep track of every. I ployees of A. J. Snell, merchant ettilor. were Mr. Wm. Amey, of Setphen ; marketed fred to Absalorn Snell, one of the two. body. Give us a hand please. fooling, a somewhat serious accident hap- poi.„,,i. the first load of new wheat sold' here this 0 we5 thrown ee one of the tables and , b Mr, . John Wotsell, of Clinton, who has fall. Mr. James Pickard purchased it. mi. fell upon .ii pair of sheers which he held iit een visiting Mr. Jas. Down for some days , Amu is therefore entitled to, and gets the reterned home Tuesday evening, -Miss . his hand the shears t t t* hi ' 1 , pane ra ra ing 8 rig it TIMES for one year. leg several inches. . Down is visiting friends in Toronto. - Many We notice that the "Scotch Thistle" citizenseitho have been spending their holi- arrived in New York on Tuesday morning. days at a distance have returned home. - We "volunteer" the information that the Mr. R. Hicks, awl fatnily who have been "Canada thistle" arrived some time ago. rusticating in and around Montreal for the The Exeter tire companies, No. 1 and 2, past couple of weeks, returned home yester picniced at the lake yesterday. There were day, -Mr, Ed. Scarlett, has returned from many joined in the fire extinguishere, and a pleasant visit among friends and relatives. all report having had a good time. in Coboarg.--ela Thos Macoueh and Mr. Robert Coates, an Elenville boy, who far jas. Maeoubh, well-knovin buildefeancicon- the;past three years has been talesman in tractorse of Philadelphia, Pa., spentsSunday' Mr. James Pickard's store, Seaforth, bas and Monday at the residence of 'efie John Who Wouldn't be an Aldermen, .According to the law in that behalf, mem- bers of a municipal council board are not to receive any money in return for is sup- plied ; but we don't think there is anything. emboeied in the clause preventing a coun- cillor having lepairs made in front of his premises, or at least one would imagine so, judging from the platforms just completed. Durnig the past week no less than tl re secured a good situationwholesale house in London. In addition to the names published a few weeks ago, of Messrs. Snell and Clarke, of Exeter, .4. T. Bean and Reinhart Cook have been appointed magistrates for the township of Hay, and David Weisniiller for Stanley township. Persons desirous of buying a farm will consult their own interests by reading the list of farms for sale the Testes. The contractors are proceeding with the work on the tower of the new town „hall, and at soon as possible the clock will be placed therein. Darkness came upon the day light on Thursday afternoon, and all places of busi- ness had to be lighted. with lamps. It rain - ea very heavily about the same time, e School opens on Monday, and while the 'Idren, no doubt, are sorry, the parents eeee psleased. tee Mr. John Snell has in training two of his t horses, "Tommy Burk" and "Barney Barnes", for the Clinton races. Moses Oates has not been far astray in his weather predictions. The cool spell seed to occur in the latter part of August, „Mei occurred. • The stone foundation of the Trivitt Mem- orial church is completed, and the masons commenced the work of laying the brick on Monday. ' ..W0 understand that all the candidates re- vonemended by the examiners in the recent High School entrance writing, have been passed by the Department at Toronto. . Messrs. N. Dyer Hurdon, Fred Elliot and Eli Cosh left Tuesday for Sciuthamee tone where they will spend a week shooting , Direr will visit the SaneteeliejlereJle\ The Mitchell Advocate.is threatened with returns , a libel suit. Our cotem apparently feels quite contented and willing that the offend. ed patties shall proceed ; but security of $400 each for the costs is demanded. A gentleman from Exeter intends short- ly taking a lady from the North Ward to look after his cares. -We know of another lady, too, who intends soon Making, Fuller- ton her bome.--Mitchell Advocate., -Who can the Exeter gentleman be? Last year Mitchell contributed $167.79, towards the different mission funds; St. Marys, $54.98; Listowel, $75.77; Berlin, $27.68; Clinton, S172.67; Seaforth, $107.52; Wingliam, $112.64; Exeter, $127.05; Brus-* eels, $48.02. When the news was received here that the Bank of London had suspended pay- tnent there was some alarm among the residents who have bank accounts. Those that rushed to draw their savings were as- at electiono for the Legislative Assembly sured thatthere was no cause for uneasiness. only, and there are 30 ladies entitled to White. They are takine a two weeks' trip of our aldermanic citizens have had new throuoh Canada and the Western Sta:es platforms put in front of their respective premises, not howevet, until they were badly needed. ^ In a Bad Fix. "On Saturday afternoon while a young man named Christopher Switzer was '.+. They say Canada is a fine country and for their part would not object receivieg it into union. They will wait awhile. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Cartereand .of Roches- ter, N. -Y., have returned home after spending a few weeks in. Goderieb, and ' Exeter, with their hiends.-Miss M. Hayes, vvho has been visiting friends in St. Thomas lemptmg to put on a machine his head an elsewhere, for setup time, has returned struck a rafter pole, which threw him back, I home. -Mr. A. Coffin is spending his vaca- and • one leg going in the oylinder was liter- tion with friends at St. Clair, Michigan, - ally torn from his body. He lived a few Mr. and Mrs. D. Johns are visitiug friends hours after the accident." The above quo- in St.Marys..--Mrs. Readily of St. Marys, tation appeared in a Wide...4wa ke cotem , is the guest of Mrs. John Hayes. -Mr. 011' and must surely be fictitious. Wecan't ver White and family are visiting Mr4 and nine what kind of machine it could be that Mre. FL Samwell. • , a man, while endeavoring to place upon his ___._ head, could get his leg in the cylinder, and A ',Smacking" Mistake., , have the limb literally torn offe If not a machine it was evidently a inashine, If there is a person in 'Exeter, who to -day feels uncornfertable, it is the going dude Accident 'While Shooting. guilty of committing the unpardonable sin On Thursday last while a number of the otIfekishBaindgniloi'st. senuL'ehisten 'fairedOinellfeerrins-law. local sports were scouring the woods in weeks, and as an eppoteunity presented quest of woodcock game, one of the timber, itself he decided to improVe it.' Arriving our worthy and devoted sport. Mr. W. J. at the house he rang the yiln, and in a very Carling, tnet with an accident which but few moments there ,W11ECA response. The for the exei else of his youthful alacrity, door was opened: and there being no light, would have cost hien his life. He bed just the young man embraced•whom he supposed aroused several of the bird, and when walk- to be his friend in love and planed seyeral ing toward them with eyes heavenward, he kisses upon her eheek. Almost eimultan- stepped on the brow of a steep cliff, the eously he was. ousted front, the entrance earth of which gave way, and allowed him and cast down a long set of stein. Gather - to fall; but he aicinot descend far before he ing up the broken pieces he proceeded to caught a snag and savedhimself. He is yet the back door, and when about to lay his complanieeof a very sore knee.. finger upon the latch he was set upon by hie once intended father -en -law, at whose Business Suspended, hands he received.a pommelling. Despair- meleimelleastnie atiltee)eetifisterecerwelapte ing not, he made another effort, and this rnadeien'allfigninent ere:ditties.' tiineortumeededeiee4Esletliteseee,eneranoe Peo, The cause of the suspension was the carry. the house. Ilotound. the inhabitanis ing of too large a stock, and giving too with excitement,, and all ready to defend. much credit, the money when most needed themselves against the supposed marauder. being out. They also lost on farmers' But lel imagine -their surprise and conster exchange trade, &c. It is altogether prob- nation when th' found, that this cheeky. able that an amicable a ttlement will be person was none else than their chastened effected, anclthat theywill resume business; and much respected visitor. Everything but on an entirely different basis. They was done to repair the mistake; but up to are both pushing business men, and would the present tene we understand the dissolu- succeed, if mule they could regain them- tion continues, the victim of the chastise. elves from the great loss sustained by ment not caring to repeat. in future this some years ago. the burning of their stock: of goods dude will look before he planks his kisses - such mistakes as the above being grave ones. The hell at night is now illuminated. It's only a Elarnlet. We have heard of dogs .making mistakes "The Perkbill voters' list contains names after night,. but this is the first on record of of 462 voters, divided into wards as follows: the parents' having committed such an Ward No. 1, /52; Ward No. 2, 134. Ward error* • No. 3, 176. Of this number 344 are quali- fied to vote at both municipal elections and Division court wa7h-eld here on Monday, elections to the Legislative Assembl • SS Judge Toms presiding. There was an un- usually full docket. We would like very niuch to hear front our correspondents moreregularly in future than we have during the past few months. There will be a grand concert given in the Winchelsea school on the evening of Sept. 6th. A.good programme is being prepared: All are invited. While coon hunting the other evening, Mr. Swenerton's hound caught a pole -cat, and killed it. The stench which emitted' from the animal almost killed the dog and caused the hnnters to desert the grounds. The recent continuea rains have been; very beneficial to the grass and root crops. As yet there has scarcely enough fallen, to. render fall ploughing quite as easy as gener- ally. The young men's conservative convention to be held in Toronto next month promises to be a. grand affair. Doubtless there will be a lenge delegation from this district. Certificates for admission can be had from an editor of a party paper or a President of loeal Conservative club. The contractors for the brick and Carpen- ter work of the Levitt Memorial church were delayed somewhat lasteweek by the architect refusing some of the Ohio Sand Stone, to be used as the plinth course in the structure. The two dollars bogus Canadian bills may be detected by looking at the word British, in British -American Bank Note Co., at the bottom of the bill. In the genuine the two i's in British have white dots above them; in the bogus the dots are wanting, To -day (Thursday) a return baseball match between the married and single men will be played. Since their defeat civic holiday, the married men have sharpened up coneiderrbly. and an exciting game may be looked for. In sporting circles the odds are in favor of the married men's club. St. Marys' civic holiday being yesterday, (Wednesday), a party, consisting of H. A. L. White, H. F. Sharp, W. C. iNfoscript, Gem Moir, Geo. Graham, D. Dewar vote at municipal elections. The list con- tains 195 names qualified to serve on juries, 46 of our owners have not the required property astessment to entitle them to vote at town elettions." .And a place with only 462 voters or a population of about 1,600 assumes to be a town. What is there in a name? Parkhill people thinks there is considerable. Exetet had better become a city. &Bad Mix, The misfortunes which beset editors are not only frequent but appalling. A con- temporary has taken to a swamp, and will probably never return to the social circle from Which he departed with such haste. 'fie somehow got a cattle show and a con - 5 and several others, took the train, cert mixed in his paper. The article ran as d went to Thedford, and securing horses, mows e_eephe concert given last night by e drove to the point of the Aux Situble river d at Grand Bend, and spent the day troll- sixteen of Storm Lake's most beautiful and t fishing up and down the stteam. The catch interesting young ladies was highly appre- e t is reported good, notwithstanding that the Mated. They wete elegantly dressed and ds were very troublesome. sane, in a most charming manner, winning the plaudits of the entire audience, who A citizen, whom we presume, must ex- pronounced them the finest breed of short- pect to be the first to be incerceratecl, watits herns in the country. A few of them are to know how a prisoner locked up in the of a rich brown color, but the majority are cells in the basement of new town hall is to spotted, brown and white. Several of the get sufficient fresh air to keep him el' e heifers are fine bodied, tight limbed ani - for twenty fou v holm, as at presen it nulls, and promise to prove a good prOperty, i appears that there will be very little oi no ventilation. Guess be will have to pur- iSlaetic Imagination. chase a pocket bellows, The Exeter correspowlente to a. loco," A stranger in town the other evening, paper, contained the following :-A family upon running against one of the street lamp not living ten miles west of Main st., about posts, enquired what those were for ? We one year two, adopted a brieht lad froin te that they weee used for lighting way of the wary pericetrian at night. wanted to know if they wore lighted When tbe moon shone brightly, at, the t in question Ives so dark that one cold cely see his nose. Why is it thusly te latest out is vegetable vapor. It far the oephanS'home, London. It appears on Saturday last a relative was present and ordered the lad to do soine work which he did, but was a little longer then the fair lady thougbt he should be, the at once got a etick about the Size of a broom handle and commenced beating the led until his cries exeells all other amestheties knosvn, much o nititder, help, etc., were heard (new a, 08 ether, chloroform, nitroue oxide gee, vit. bffielt away, she then took him by the lags egged air, &c. Persons with affections of and dipped the boy's- head in a, tith of water the heart and 'wigs can Safelytenbale 16. 1111(1 nearly drowning him, We .elways toulor- have difficult operations extending over fif. etood that civilize(' people were the only teen minutes c,r more performed, All PO 03105 living in this section, but to our utter effected will consult their own intereets by disgust we tind that some are nob human, Calling at Dr. Cartwright's dental office and let alone, leaving civilized aid. We their teeth extrected withoe realize hope that this will be the end of the cruet- s, ing any pain. ties to which the boy lute been subjected, One of our young sports compa,y weth and if caught, in the act again, not only the wt anothee went out Woodcock Shooting one day naniee of the guilty Parties Wrdi eNP0 0(1, tour through Scotlend, )31111. imported two this week when E. L. I. through not know- hut f'11°Y will he laati° examPl° of bY verY fine entire Cledesdelee• "Charming ine the trea got caught in some molerbruse. obefore oer n,leeisteete." IV° Charlie" is a beentiful brown end Weileh'e In encleaeoring to eetticate himself, the gun learn mime tne above 181106 oy any means a 5,000 les,tas someie bone and offiscle being e double ehooter, the first barrel res. true 8t,8 oni en t Of the case, end that the and 18 a euperior horse, "Terle' beeuti• charged in the gvotied ana by the concuss- ein'resPenclent ‘VFIS draWing to n• coiesider• ful bright bay well maricea with white, Me of which the gun ascenaed tp in the at" extent uPon hi8 linagination. The boy Weighs 2,100 lbe and statias upo11 8et of 1111.'Ivlien the second barrel diseesegee tee W9 .1111, leretena, deserved a, bracing. Winch he got, but he was not treated in an silky hair, They are tome' respeetively, eP) well' shamed legs, nieely coverer' with fine intimmane netnner. foe). yeare We wi8h. 6110 preptietors We have received from lifeears. Lieht- bound, Ralston & Co. a sample of Scotch granulated sugar, which they are now Me, porting into Canada and selling at a much lower figure and. with greater profit than has been the result with sugar in this coun- try in the past The other day while a younglady who is at present visitme in Exeter, was running to a hOuse to elude the rain, she slipped aed fell into a pool of water. She at once gathered herself up, and a more pitiable creature one conld not wish to see • her presents were covered with mud 'from head to foot, 7 We notice that several of the agriculteral eocieties in the neighborlmed haVe decided not to issue lieeneee to cheap jacks. If the South Huron and Stephen & Ushorne scud- etics have not already decided upon acting in the above manner toward these reentry, '6 would be well for them to emisid'or the matter, 1114 11 poesiblc prevent their selling; upon the grounds fhie year. Messrs. Coleehoen & Dow reached Exeter laet week. They had been on piircbasing nts of which cann withie an ece of talc - hie left otos