HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-02, Page 21• BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 15 regular games of $15. 3 share -the -wealth, jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over.-32tfar RUMMAGE SALE to be held at the' Christian Reformed Church on November 3 at 7 p.m. -44 GODERICH TWP. RECREATION Dance, Saturday, November 25, 1978 at the White Car- nation. Music by The Country Companions, $10.00 per couple. Lunch provided. For tickets phone 482-7480 or 524- 7032.-43-47 WALT DISNEY Show "Gus" the football playing mule - at Clinton' Public School Auditorium, Friday, November 3, 7 - 9 p.m. Admission 50 cents. Sponsored by Clinton Kinettes--43,}44 CLINTON Legion bingo every Thursday 8 p.m; First regular card $1.; restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week.--l9tfar BINGO EVERY D 1TUR.DAY NIGHT at Blyth Memorial Hall Blyth, Ontario. 12 regular games; 3 share -the - wealth; jackpot $150. —37tfar OPEN HOUSE, St. Joseph's Separate School, Beech Street, Clinton, Thursday, 2 November from 7 - 9 p.m. Public is welcome. -44 THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY • to the Clinton Public Hospital will meet Monday Nov. 6 at 10 a.m. in the Board , Room. All are welcome. -44 PENNY SALE for the month of November at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, 80 King St. Clinton. -44,45 HOLMESVILLE UCW BAZAAR, Bake Sale and tea, Wed. Nov. 8, 1978 at 2:30 at the White Car- nation Holmesville.--42,44 CARD PARTY - Thur- sday, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. at I.O.O.F. hall, Princess St., Clinton. Sponsored by the Clinton Rebekah and Oddfellow Lodges. Ladies please bring lunch. —44,45 VANASTRA LION'S CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE Friday, November 17, 9 p • m. -1 a.m. AT THE VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE MUSIC BY ' "Southern Comfort" +� HAM & SCALLOPED POTATO BUFFET AT 1 'A.M., BY MURRAY"HONNER DOOR PRIZE: TURKEY, DONATED BY DEBBIE'S CUSTARD CUP Tickets: 40. per couple from Lions Member or at•dld'or NOW PLAYING THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. . FRI. & SAT .7 44111,1, ART PETER FRAMPTON THE BEE GEES "SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND" When was the last time someone jammed . your locker? SECOND BIG HIT SATURDAY MATINEE SHOWTIME 1:30 WALT DISNEY'S "THE ADVENTURES OF PINNOCHIO" STARTING SUNDAY NOY. 5-7 MONTE.RYTHON'S ""JABBER'WAt;KY" "HOLY GRAIL". ►�' �� ��, ,,,iS�TARTS WED. NOV. '8 , "WHO.1 KILLING TOEhit.:t.'\ ` ` EAT. H FS.0.F_EUROPE?" Tt" 5SOUARE , PHONE 524.7811 AIRCONDItIONED Jen,; ,t tr , , 4+ r,1 HOME SEWERS looking for the perfect fit . . .presenting, new from Europe, Burda patterns. Miss Gayle Miller of Toronto will be at Mary's Sewing Centre Friday, November 3 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. for a demon- stration on the different techniques needed to use Burda patterns. —44ar •••w•r••••,.•.r......•.ws+--•.wa.w..w••w1 OPEN RECEPTION for George and Catherine McClure SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4 AT Seaforth Community Centre MUSIC BY: "Music Makers" LUNCH PROVIDED OPEN RECEPTION for Harold and Rose Workman (nee Flynn) Bridal couple FRI. NOV. 3 at Blyth Community Centre MUSIC BY "COUNTRY CAMPANIONS" DANCING 10 p.m. -1 a.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Th is motley looking crew wandered through the halls of Huron Centennial Public School on Tuesday afternoon. Underneath the masks and strange outfits were the Grade 1 and 2 students. (News -Record photo) James Murphy Playhouse directorquit James Murphy, artistic managing director of the Huron Country Playhouse, announced today his intention to resign at the conclusion -of the coming Summer Season. Bill Amos, Chairman of MOVIE .The Clinton Kinettes are sponsoring a Walt Disney Movie "GUS", The Football Playing Mule. This Hilarious comedy stars Don Knot- ts, Tim Conway and Ed Asner. • ALL CHILDREN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MOVIE. Nov. 3, 1978 - 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Clinton Public School ADMISSION 50° KINETTE CLUB OF CLINTON ATTENTION Clubs or Groups BOOK YOUR PRIVATE loYears' EveN44,!:w PARTY WITH US! We offer a complete package for your club or group...inciuding entertainment, food, favors...and, for a minimum of 25 couples, we'll offer, you a very special price! PHONE DES CASSIDY-482-3421 CLINTON HOTEL ELECTION NIGHT- DANCE All Tuckersnnith Electors are cordially invited to an Ail -Candidates Party MONDAY, NOVEMBER .13 9:00 P.M. -1:00 A.M. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre MUSIC BY: "Worn tta Trio" LADIES: PLI+ASiE BRING LUNCH ri the Board of Trustees for the Playhouse, accepted the resignation • with regret at its year-end meeting on October 30, 1978. Jarnes Murphy, who along with Bill Heinsohn, founded the Playhouse in 1972, has served as ar- tistic and managing director since that time. Mr. Heinsohn served as executive producer for three seasons and has 'remainedactive in the board of trustees since that time. The Playhouse started in 1972 as a small tent operation and has developed into the largest summer theatre of its type in the Province, with physical assets valued at $350,000 and an annual operating budget in the area of $250,000. The 1978 season achieved an 80 percent capacity with a $30,000 increase in ticket sales over the previous season. James Murphy told the Board he was leaving the Playhouse for personal reasons. He said he has enjoyed his seven years of "complete and total involvement'; with, the Playhouse and looks forward to the 1979 season which he hopes to announce shortly after the New Year. The 1979 season opens during the week of June 23rd and will offer five productions, each run- ning two weeks. MUSICAL NIGHT. Holmesville United Church Sunday, November 5th, 8 p.m. Presentations by: (1) The Harbouraires - Director, Lorne Dotterer (2) The Middlesex Junior Farmer's Choir - Director, Bill Telfer Everyone Welcome CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 1978 ---PA This week at the Legion By Rene Brochu Oup,, attendance drag grows again as, this time, Comrade Gord Herman's name was drawn, and you guessed it, Gord had not registered last week, and so the pot grows once again. The TGIF raffle prize \went to one of our hard working associate members Paul Bartliff. Just a reminder to all our members and friends: don't forget our associate dance this month, and oh yes, also our November 11th services and festivities. We also remind you all about our church parade on November 5th at St. Joseph's Church. All members, auxiliary, associates, and fraternal affiliates are asked to participate in these events. Our Legion is also hosting a Ceilidh Dance for the Pipe Band in the near future. Don't forget the bingos every Thur- sday evening, as Comrade Eric Switzer reminds us, "if we wish to make donations, we must have the funds available." We remind all previous participants that men's euchre, darts, and' cribbage are now in full swing, so now's the time to become active in your favorite pastime. Last Friday noon, we were indeed pleased to welcome into our Branch a group of veterans from Westminster Hospital. Eighteen of our vets stopped off for lunch and refreshments. The Branch employees provided the Coffee and refreshments for the group. President John Semple and Comrade Bob Morgan were present to welcome the Vets and the Ladies Auxiliary were again up to their ex- pertise as they served a mouth watering dressed pork dinner to the Blue Water Shrine Club for ladies' night and the ladies were certainly all asplendour in beautiful gowns. 'Our Ladies Auxiliary were back on the job • 40th Wedding Anniversary will be held For Leroy and Irene Oesch Fri., Nov. 10 at South Huron Rec. Centre in Exeter 1 Music by Joe Overholt 9-1 a.m. Best Wishes Only Lunch provided early Monday morning as they once again served a delicious roast beef dinner to our CHSS Teachers at noon. It was quite a rush cleaning up from Saturday's dance In time for the noon feeding on Monday. Welcome news indeed, as Chuck and Cathy Chambers are the proud parents of a lovely daughter, Laura Diane. Ag. society meets Around 100 people attended the Annual Meeting of District 8 Huron -Perth, Ontario Association of Agricultrual Socieites, which was held on October 25 at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre. Following a pot luck supper, Tim and Dan Shute provided musical entertainment. Mr. Art Peppin of the Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Societies Branch; Toronto, was the guest speaker 'showing slides and explaining the grant system to the Societies. He stated the Annual Convention next year will be held February 21 and 22 at Toronto. Chariman for the meeting was the Director of the Men's Division for District 8, Mr. Bill Westman. Mr. Harold Lobb, Clinton, was elected Director, with Mr, Keith McLagan, Mitchell, chosen as Associate Director, Donald Young of Auburn is secretary - treasurer. The slate of officers for the Ladies' Section is Mrs. Verna Seeley, St. Marys, director; Mrs. Stewart Smale, St. Marys, secretary; Mrs. Dolores Shapton, Exeter, Associate Director and Mrs. Maxine Sereda, Exeter, Associate Secretary. The 1979 Annual Meeting will be hosted by the St. Marys Agricultural Society. POLIO CLINIC A. polio immunization clinic will be held at the Health Unit Office, Shipley Street, Clin- ton on November 6, 2-6 p.m. for adults over 18 years of age. SMORGASBORD SUPPER Hot Turkey and Ham t at Brucefield Church SPONSORED BY KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8 FROM 5-8 P.M. ADULTS '4. CHILDREN UNDER 12'1.75 PRE=SCHOOLERS FREE Advance tickets only: Phone 262-5758 Come to MORNING MARKET at Wesley -Willis United Church SATURDAY, NOV. 4th 10 a.m.'to 1 p.m. A Unique Selection of Handmades, Christmas Boutique, Flea Market, Silent Auction and a Puppet Theatre and Kiddies Korner for the children, as well as a Wide Variety of Home Baking and Delicatessen Delights. LIGHT LUNCH Served from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. LUNCHEONS "Sailors' Galley" Hot Roast Beef on $ 75 Two Bread Rolls Clam Chowder or Green Salad, Veal Cordon Bleu, Tea $350 or Coffee Ham Steak, with $250 Pineapple Ring Why not join us for dinner Our wide range of steaks and seafood include: •T -Bone Steaks •Dover Sole *Steaks Diane •Fresh Rainbow Trout •Filet Mignon •Alaskan King Crab Legs Dinners range from $4.50 - $9.75, which includes all the trimmings and. the quiet, relaxing atmosphere is free. So is the top-notch service! We Zook forward t� serving you! NEW HOURS: Lunches: Tues. -Fri. 12-2 p.m. Dinners: Tues. -Fri. S-11 p.m. Sat. 4 p.m. -11 p.m. un. 12-2 p,m., 4.10 p.m. Closed Monday . Jo'`ephine St. 357.1633