HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-02, Page 19MS,INTh1* s • t111'CLO s 11 X�11 t1yA N▪ hr Ut, cuRNI 'Ow •MTM FNE` E •,,n4141 RA1411 .gI'Qfl. A.T. D^i1s; ti . .. .s"p11A 1-t, WANTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1978 --PAGE 19 ;L'Uf1Y N. C9,, 42.11` WIMP lilt SI • sx. a,rtn lin Av. R.. `ediote OCC 961.1200 Non to Into•.n .R:••,'1`d.0(4 FOREST HILLS 4RMS-ST''T 110•' Y" CA 01 NS :2S °UNrT N. t n ,n Buc_!KKEEP • ' , 'n. 1,, ', eMG }vo 301 , 1(f •Rw .% 'vs./calve 1 hR 1.. StU. 14 n -n„ •.�/ lid •t,3 s 11 11 30d.t N AM ' Er"• 049 L,* Av/8 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 9• to rent Accommodation 13. Wanted (general) 18. Services available 18. Services available 18, Services available 26. Births 14 Isaac St. - Clinton Office 482-9747 Hal Hartley Bob Storey 482.3693 482-7440 PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. Dining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at 529;800. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY with carport on good lot, .broadloom throughout dining, den, utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main - BUILDING LOTS RIVER FRONT building lot on Highway 4 south, close to town limits, contains ap- proximately 1/2 acre, Reduced to $8,000. ASK TO S E E OUR LAT BOOK 4 bedroom, 2 storey gracious older brick home situated close to schools in prime residential area. Ex- cellent decor throughout. Attractive kitchen with built in dishwasher. . Nicely landscaped with en- closed arbor and patio. Double garage, gas heat. Located in Clinton. INVESTMENT - 2 storey duplex on large lot with 2 bedrooms one side and 3 bedrooms other side, both sides rented. Price reduced. ERIE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Alma Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 512,500. EST MULTIPLE LISTING ��c�ruRr ii'.-. J. KERN REAL ESTATE LTD. • • NATIONWIDE _.REFERRAL•SYSTEM AVAILABLE Our name has been changed, but our exclusive, per- sonalized service remains the same. Our Office is open for business at any hour 7days awish. LET KERN • SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL ANYTIME Home and Office Milt Von Patter RAW 56$-2117 • ON SAM WAYS EAL ESTATE BROKER DUCHARME ESTATES Bayfield, a friendly place to live, large ser- viced building lots, overlooking Lake Huron. Plans available and houses may be built by builder to suit your individual needs. Phone 56d-2691 and evenings 482-7473. GODERICH (Good location) cosy and comfortable 3 bedroom, main floor family room with Franklin fireplace, good condition on quiet street. Reasonably priced. GODERICH TWP 15 acres, total privacy. large grey brick split level. with natural stone fireplace in family room, lake surrounded by mature maple trees, to be enlarged by established gravel coni tract. VANASTRA 2 storey with garage, beautiful Interior, 3 bedroom, large llltingroom, dining room, modern 'kitchen, terrier let. Low down ptlymenf, LOIN" BENT Onc. 111 a; lifeflnm g�lriiral""star& LOW*, low rer t, ''$$'`per r oath: Cart Witt' "hairy. No. '4. Obl ner'. Watifil to rsitire. Asking pewit Ir'24, $.• "tut to,' day 1'b I IRM tion AMWAYS 4I • �r REAL &MATT s+R ER ., • . r' Wante An aggressive licensed sales person to loin our sales staff. We have listings and are af- filiated with Canada Permanent Trust. We of- fer excellent com- rission.and barna ;plan,, All inquiries confiden- tial. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Full 2 storey solid brick duplex. Each has 2 bedrooms, 4 pc. baths, separate basements, and furnaces. Good size lot in an excellent location. A money maker. Contact Vit Fox Office 527-1511 Home 523-9525 OFFICE: 3 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3821 Large store in good location for lease in Clinton Duplexes in Clinton and Blyth. Priced reasonable. Light industrial lots available in Seaforth Pleasant home with 3 bedrooms, near downtown 5800.00 down for this 3 bedroom house in Vanastra. - Priced at only 516,000.00 150 acre pig operation north of Blyth. 125 workable. Only 5130,000.00 With 545,000.00 you could move into this general store. Stock included, Owner very 114, anxious to sell 522,000 will buy this han- dyman's delight on 4 acres between Blyth and Walton Store with living quarters in Atwood. Very reasonably priced. Estate type home on 41/2 acres on paved road. Only $39,500.00 We are experts when you are wanting to buy or sell your business. Call us, no obligation. c M 8FAR LAN E REAL ESTATE 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 MUST SELL! 139 High St. Large 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, separate dining room, large living room, spacious kitchen, family room and study, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, home is completely carpeted, attached 2 car garage, paved drive on treed lot. TRY US ON AN OF- FER. CALL BOB THOMAS RES. 482-3096 or Bus. 235-0541 MLS REALTOR MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED FARMS AND ACREAGE First Time Offered - Egg farm near Londe , caged layers, basic 32,160, modernize "" tuated on 13 ..ruipment perta the poultry ..uch as a grain dr . r. worage bins, mix mill etc. included. Listed at $525,000. Also listed several dairy farms and cash °rop'farms; for more details on the above or other agriculture property, contact us at 482- 9849. We have available several choice family homes in Clinton and surrounding area. Some of these properties have been reduced in price for quick sale. Act fast - 2 building lots on Hwy 4 north within Clinton town limits, asking only 513,900. for both lots. Check" the latest edition of our MIS Catalogue, a showcase of homes. CALL PETER DAMSMA R.R.5 CLINTON 482-9849 Coast to Coast Real Estate Service PIERRE RAMMELOO Bus. 482401 Res. 034470 DAVID CHRIS '1E 48+34'21 4 8. Real estate wanted WANTED to buy as soon as possible, building on main street of Clinton. Phone 1- 873-4330. —43,44x MAN with small family wants to buy a layer farm with 15,000 to 20,000 birds. Write Fred W. Bray, Real Estate Broker at 75 Wen- dover Drive, Apt. 607 Hamilton, Ontario L9C 2S7. —44 9. Accommodation to rent FOUR bedroom house for rent - or purchase on easy terms. $222. -month rent. Call Don Hoist Real Estate 524- 8951 or after hours 524-8191. —42tfar HOUSE for rent in Vanastra. Phone 482-3278.-35tfar arsulnerir ELIZABETH COURT (Now Building) Hensdll NOW RENTING 1, 2 and 34 bedroom apartments • Shag carpeting throughout • ICelvinator Appliances Laundry facilities ▪ All atlllitelt paid FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE ' , 26i4015 , MENSAL L 262-212# LONDON 4334781 74t# 4 NEW three bedroom bungalow for rent $200.00 monthly. Phone 482- 7304.-44tfar 3 BEDROOM house $180. month plus utilities. Phone 482-7724.-44x 233 HURON Street, Clinton - 3 bedroom home, nice in- terior, natural gas heat, $185. per month plus utilities. Call John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd., 482-3766 or 482-3652 evenings. —44ar TWO BEDROOM house for rent- in Vanastra. $175. monthly plus utilities. Phone 482-7770 after 5 p.m. —44 BAYFIELD: one bedroom electrically heated four room house, large lot, one block off Main St. Available now. Phone 519-439-6358 evenings. —44 2 BEDROOM furnished, heated apartment now available, upstairs. References required. Phone 482-3685. —44 12 DUPLEX in Clinton - 3 bedroom and basement, parking, $175. month. Available Dec. 1. Phone after 4 p.m. 523-9539. —44 THREE bedroom house, very neat. Available now. Phone 482-7922.-44 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, heated, $175.00 monthly. Phone 482-7362 or 482-9451.--44 THREE BEDROOM house for rent in Vanastra. References required. No pets. Phone 482-3591. —44 IN BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom house, carpeted throughout, electric heat, large lot. Immediate possession. Phone 631-2808.-44 • _ 11. Room and board ROOM and Board available in Seaforth in clean home with good meals. Phone 527- 0668 after 3:30 p.m. —43,44 12._ Help wanted EARLY Christmas shoppers - Need extra money? You can earn good extra income as an Amway Distributor, a few hours per day. For in- terview phone 482-3162. —42- 45 WANTED : Person for general housekeeping (Clinton area). Duties in- clude company for two children 11, 10 5 days a week. Live in preferred. Salary negotiable. Apply to Drawer No. 13 c -o Box 39, Clinton - News -Record giving name, age, experience, etc. -44X FAMILY & Children's Services of Huron County requires an experienced social worker for the CHILD ABUSE TEAM. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in child protection. Salary negotiable, excellent fringe benefits. To apply write John V. Penn, M.S.W., Family & Children's Services of Huron County, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1W7. --44ar REFURNISH YOUR HOME by working part-time. Earn the extra money you need as an Avon Representative. You set your own hours, sell quality products and meet new and interesting people. You'll never feel so good. Call today 527-0238.-43-45ar PERSON for purebred hog farm, must be mature and responsible with desire to learn and advance. House available. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. —43,44 MATURE WOMEN to care for invalid, daytime only, live in preferred. Mrs. Carl Diehl, Box 183, Bayfield, 565- 2667.—43,44nc WAITERS or waitresses wanted for hotel work. Phone 527-0610. —43,94 PERSON TO take charge as Manager or manageress Ibf sniatt take-out restaurant With arcade in Clinton, Phone 527-0610..643,44 RIDE WANTED - To Fan- shawe College, London, Monday morning and return Friday. Phone 482-9880 after 5 p.m. -43,44 18. Services available WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482-3866. —AR RELIABLE people will clean your home or office, in Clinton, Goderich, and Seaforth areas'. Huron' Domestic Services, 482- 3636.-44,45 BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild, recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton .—tf n HOUSE PLANS DRAWN FREE ESTIMATES REFERENCES ON PREVIOUS WORK SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LISTOWEL 291-1449 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn 17. Auction sales "----gadtfieg p' diforlrz/es -Auction Sale for the Estate of Mrs. Smith to be held at THE RATHWELL BUILDING 77 Main St., Seaforth, Ontario on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. Sale to consist of: Admiral 26" color T.V.. 2 chester- fields with matching ;hairs . wicker straight back chair . wicker rocker . wicker hamper . 3 piece walnut' bedroom suite c.w. dress & vanity both with tear drop handles . oak drop front secretary desk . flat -to -the - wall cupboard . 2 glass front china cabinets . 5 tiered corner what -not . sideboard . rocker : platform rocker . 1 oval back chairs . upholstered chairs . 2 treadle sewing machines . fern stand . walnut magazine racks . parlour tables . coffee & end tables . oak hall tree . 54" walnut bed c.w. mattress . bonnet chest . beds & mattresses . kitchen table with 6 matching chairs . RCA black & white T.V44. chairs , table & bedroom lamps ..Waterbury clock . mantle clock . kitchen table with 4 matching chairs . Axminster area rug Westinghouse refrigerator . Westinghouse stove with glass oven door . electric stove . Hoover portable spin washer & dryer . wringer washer . chainsaw . a complete selection of cookware & appliances . b fine selection of dishes, glass, china &silver . a large quantity of bedding, linen & towels . travelling trunks . hand--&garden.t ois, plus a host of other interesting items '& antiques. PLAN TO ATTEND JIcdhe// SLocIa�e.4 AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1 WO (519) 527-1458 . eZ,�iG•e b" cJSF140/l z/ef C� Farm Property & Equipment \l Auction Sale Tuesday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m. The farm property formerly owned by Mr. Peter VanWyck will be offered by public auction on Tuesday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m. The property May be described as the east half of lot 29, concession 9, Township of East Wawanosh and the west half of lot 29, concession 9, Township of East Wawanosh, Huron County, each parcel containing 100 acres with 200 acres in total. Sale to consist of: PROPERTY: There is said to be 200 acres of excellent Harriston loam land; 165 workable and 30 acres of maple bush with buildings said to consist of: HOUSE NO. 1 - A double brick 2 storey, 4 bedroom house with living room, dining room, den, kitchen, 4 - piece bath and full basement. HOUSE NO. 2 - A two storey brick house with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and a full basement. BARN NO. 1 - A recently renovated 45' x 62' dairy barn with 42 tie-ups and a new barn cleaner with a 50' elevator and a 12' x 45' silo. Attached is a new 20' x 32' milkhouse with milkroom, pump room, vacuum pump and a 60 gal, water heater. BARN NO. 2 • 60' x 60' loose housing barn with a 13' 55' silo. WATER: Drilled 90' well with 3 h.p. pump Attractive financing may be arranged for the ap- propriate purchaser. (Property to be sold subject t� a reserve bid and conditions of sale) EQUIPMENT: Massey Ferguson 200 harvester complete with hayhead; W40 International tractor c.w. loader; Ford baler; Massey Harris 7' mower; Case spreader; International 3 -furrow plow; hay rake, 2 wagons and racks; Surge vacuum pump; plus a host of Other pieces of machinery and equipment. ( Farm Credit Corporation proprietor) For viewing of property calf i//%ir?e 1 r e (1 AUCTIONEERS, AUCTION RS, LJQUIOATORS, APPRAISERS 11 MAIN ST. 41 SEAPI R1 H, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519$ 152`7.1450 204;;,1 • BO-JEN CARPENTRY - FOR - • 'CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 482-9720 CLOCKS REPAIRED Antique Chiming Grandfather, etc. J.T. Kollinshead 33 GEORGE ST., CLINTON 482-3759 Hwy. No. 4 north, turn left at Craig's Tire Service JOHN KASSIES GENERAL • CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 DIRTY CARPETS? Have your 'rugs and upholstery cleaned by the experts... STEAM EXTRACTION , METHOD For Free Estimate 524-8892 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblowers and other small engine equipment TREE SERVICE Pruning. Removal. Tree Trimming 482-9590 HENRY ROESCH R.E. NO. 5-CLINTON insulspray FOAMED4N-PLACE INSULATION • Savuf lisbting, c1lolintf oefsl • Stops droflt and cold' Lowers noise levett �''fri8y, fast ap- plicotionW• NEHOMES, OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES Per freeesftniote, col/ I11.011NA 'Ell INSULATION LTD. $65 '2633.. '4141)e' 4 I reOttered eside•lir , x of tlorderonc, 5 KENS CARPENTRY - Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676. Ken McNairn.-12tfar WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER - A SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHQNE SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-Q775 Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Dai rtine'�clay DASHWOOD 237-3314 21. Personal ARE YOU SEPARATED, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. —44-46 24. Business opportunities KIRNBAUER : Roy and Susanne, nee Susanne Boyle, wish to announce the safe arrival of a darling baby daughter, Margaret Christine at Stratford General Hospital October 20th, a sister for Matthew, Mark and Michael. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirnbauer, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle, Clinton. —44nc ,RAMAKER: With thanksgiving to God, Her- man and Joanne joyfully announce the birth of a baby girl, Andrea, on October 28, 1978 at Clinton Public Hospital, weighing 9 lbs. A little sister , for Willena. Tenth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. F. Ramaker of the Netherlands and second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. H. Reinink of Lon- desboro.-44nc • Western -Canada School of Auc- tioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course of- fered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, 0.311. For particulars of the next course write: Sox 187, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782.1213 f 1 r 26. Births BUFFINGA - Ralph and Margaret are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Stacey Lynn, at 9 lbs. 10 ozs. on October 24, 1978 at Wingham and District Hospital. A sister for Janine, Henry and Glenna. —44nc 20. Public notices 27. Deaths CLARK - James Wesley passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, October 30, 1978. Jaes Wesley Clark, belovedm husband of the late Kathleen Elizabeth Leeming of Walton, in his 70th year. Dear father of Ann at home, Bruce of Walton, Keith of RR 2, Monkton. Also survived by four grandchildren. Predeceased by his wife Kathleen -Elizabeth Leeming in 1972. Rested at the M.L. Watts Funeral Home, Brussels; where funeral service was held on Wed- nesday, November 1 at 2 p.m. Interment Brussels Cemetery. -44nc UNDERWOOD: At Huronview, Clinton, on Wednesday, October 25, 1978, Mrs. Lillian Underwood (Moffat), formerly of Wingham, in her 86th year. Beloved wife of the' late G. Nelson Underwood; dear mother of Aileen (Mrs. Larry Lewis) of Burlington, Jean (Mrs. Jack MacDonald) Toronto, and George, of Turnberry Township; also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Clarice Edgar, London, Mrs. Francis Elliott, Ripley, Mrs. Mae Edgar, London and one brother Cedril Moffat of Turnberry Township; also 6 grandchildren. Predeceased by one brother Harold. Visitation at the S.J. Walker Funeral Home,'35 Patrick St. West, Wingham from Thursday at 2 p.m. where . funeral service was held op Friday, October 27th at 2 p.m. Interment Wingham Cemetery. —44nc 20. Public notices NOTICE OF POLL Township of Tuckersmith A poll will be held in the Township of Tuckersmifh to elect: * 3 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Polling Day will be MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1978 Polls will be open from 11:00 o'clock in the morning. and will close at 8:00 in the afternoon at the following locations: Polling Subdivision No. 1 Alex Boyes Residence, Egmondville Polling Subdivision No. 2 Bethel Bible Church, Egmondville Polling Subdivision No. 3 Alex Townsend Residence (Lot 40 Con 3 LRS) Polling Subdivision No. 4 Rena and Jack Caldwell Residence (Lot 9 Con 11 HRS) Polling Subdivision No. 5 Huronview Polling Subdivision No. 6 Vanastra Community Church ADVANCE POLL Will be held for the purpose of receiving the votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on the Regular Polling Day. The Advance Poll will be held in the Clerk's Office, Vanastra on Saturday, November 4th, 1978. The Advance Poll will be 'open at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon. PROXY VOTING A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not ,later than 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Dato receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the Polling Subdivision in which the person"appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. J. R. McLachlan Clerk •