HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-02, Page 16PAGE 16 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. TRI,JRSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 1978 VANASTRA the ��pnierome voice Sharon's recipe corner Salmon Scallop 1 small can salmon 1/2 can green peas • 4 medium sized potatoes 2 tbsp. flour 2 tbsp. butter 11/2 cup milk 1/2 an onion salt and pepper Peel and cut potatoes as for scalloped potatoes. Make a sauce with flour, butter and milk. Line a baking dish, with sauce, then a layer of potatoes sprinkled with onion and season well. Then add a layer of slamon, then peas, then sauce. Repeat until dish is f1.l11. Bake at 350 degrees until potatoes are soft. If casserole seems dry while baking, add more milk. NOTE: After handling fish, clean hands by rubbing them with salt and. then rinsing. Banana Whip Make not more than an hoyr before serving: 1 iipe banana, sliced 1 egg white, unbeaten 1-3 cup suguar dash.salt 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Beat together until light and fluffy. Household Hints Replace children's pajama feet when they've worn out by using asbestos potholders. The asbestos on one side of the potholder makes a sturdy sole. Trace the child's feet on the potholders, cut them out, and sew the potholder - feet to the pyjamas with the cloth side next to the foot. If the cuffs on a child's jacket wear out, make new ones from pieces cut from old knee socks. Fold the sock material in half and stitch it onto the jacket. When a toddler's one- piece snow -suit is outgrown, but it still fits in the shoulders, cut it off at the crotch (revising zipper if needed) and hem it to make a good play jacket. Resource Centre. news On November 7th a meeting of the committee with Mr. Al Sinclair will be held at 7:30 p.m. to set up the second workshop on Community Organization re co- ordinating groups and events; a follow-up workshop on com- munications. A Christmas Bazaar is now in the planning stages to be held on December 2nd at the Resource Center and the Christian Church from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A meeting of all interested par- ticil5ants will be held on November 9th at 7 pm to discuss plans formulated by each group taking part. All interested persons and groups are invited to attend • The four families from the townhouses who had been without heat and hot water for three months due to the dispute bet- ween landlord and Ontario Hydro, have been successfully re -located. - Three families have obtained housing in Vanastra and one outside the area. We would like to thank the following persons for their concern and help: The Vanastra and District Lions Club, our anonymous donor, Harvey Hammond, Mrs. Liz McHugh - Public Health Nurse, Ruth Stover at Jack Riddell's office and the media. Community activities Story Hour will be held on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 2 pm at the Resource Centre for all children ages 3 - 5 years (includes kindergarten). Mrs, Edna Arthur will be telling the story ' Movies Don't forget. kids, movies will be shown at the Vanastra Resource Centre every Friday, starting 'on Friday, November 10 from 4 - 5 The first week will feature "Brats" starring Laurel and Hardy, "Atlantic Rescue" and "Band Concert" starring Mickey Mouse. Cost is set at only 10 cents per person. Craft club Ladies! craft club is being held every Wed- nesday afternoon from 1:30 - 3:30 at the Vanastra Resource Centre. The first project is quilting and if enough interest is generated, crocheting and a new method of ceramics will be in- troduced to the program. The club started on Wednesday, November 1 but come out next week; it's never too late to join. Babysitting is available. Calorie counters This week the calorie counters enjoyed the use of the sauna and exercise room at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Some members remained at the Resource Centre and Judy Mellor gave a talk on methods of losing weight. " Next week, the monthly prize will be awarded to the person with the greatest weight dif- ference over the, month. This month's award will be coffee mugs. Mini -Teens This week, 14 members of the "Mustangs" had their Hallowe'en party. The winners for the best costumes were Shelly Boste-Geloh and Wayne Dunsmore. The mini -teens started out the party by bobbing for apples and while waiting their turn at the dunking tub they guessed the number of jelly beans in the jar. Won by Mat- thew Burges. Teen Club This week only seven members of the teen club met at the Resource Centre due to the high school dance. The group worked on their plaster cast projects and then enjoyed a couple of games of cards. Next week the teens will be going bowling after their weekly meeting. They will be meeting at the Resource Centre at 7 p.m. , r a DEEPLY ROOTED HAIR INJECTION by %1.1*M 91 Queen St. S. Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4M7 519-745-5697 Our latest development is called the "Ultra -Thin"; so thin it can't be felt with your fingers, Hairs are specially injected then -anchored with a deep "rootknot" - The SQUIRE • wears and lasts - SQUIRES carry a "written warranty"; nothing vague or verbal, We invite your inspection, espec- Tally clients from any of the Master Companies -• Some might prefer our SQUIRE transplant system. Write for the fact. Offices in; LONDON, KITCHENER, TORONTO, OTTAWA Name Address City Phone �� A GOOD BUYS RIGHT HERE! SAVE 50, on single insert ads when you pay before Thursday of the following week. • Put a fast acting classified to work for you and save. Coll one of our friendly, professional ad takers today. OFOICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.. 9 to S' • *Check your yellow bill for savings. Clinton News -Record What better prize to win for the best Halloween costumes than pumpkins. Brownie, Theresa Schenck and Guide Karen Ann Gonie bvere the top winners at the Vanastra Brownies and Guides party on Monday night. (News -Record photo) News from Kippen By Rena Caldwell Margaret Burkhart, manager of World Travel, Wingham, and district manager for the northern Region of All Stars Tours, gave holiday travel tips to Kippen East Women's Institute in Hensall Legion Hall October 25. She advised Canadians to travel in Canada and showed beautiful slides of a recent autumn tour to illustrate that Ontario is one of the most beautiful places in the world. She was introduced by the president Mrs. Dave Triebner and thanked by Mrs. Grace Drummond. Mrs. Wm McDowell gave a thought provoking motto on "The Happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts". Grace Drummond gave some of her usual good readings and Mrs. Hugh Parsons gave current events in which she said she was sick and tired of the news of strikes, the prime minister swearing and the state of the economy. Mrs, Alex McGregor ,presented an article to be taken to the area con- vention Mrs. Jack Sinclair gave the Sun- shine Report. The delegates to the rally gave their report and there was an exchange of plants. Mrs. Parsons gave courtesyremarks. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Mrs. Alex McGrtgor and the hostesses, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. Wm Bell, Socials Art McCallum has been incapacitated with a problem during the past week. Jack Caldwell spent the weekend in Toronto. St. Andrews Church Kippen had no services on Sunday Oct. 29 as they joined with Brucefield in their Anniversary ser- vices. Mrs. Robert Bell in- jured her foot while helping with the corn harvest. NOTICE Township of Stanley taxpayers aro reminded that the 2nd Installment of the 1979 taxes are due on or before Nov. 15. 1970. Avoid the penalty for late payment by remitting before Vol,. 15, 1970. Mel Graham Clerk -Treasurer FOR HELEN TENCH ON NOVEMBER 13 n zehrs ANOTHER NEW WAY TO SAYE AT ZEHRS!! THESE EXTRA SAYINGS ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY AN UNUSUAL PURCHASE BI OUR BUYERS OR A MANUFACTURER'S TEMPORARY REDUCTIO`. "LIMITED TIME" SAVINGS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED AVAILABLE FOR DEFINITE PERIODS, BUT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR PERIODS OF ONE TO FOUR WEEP( L TO LIMITED.QUANTITIES AVAILABLE ON SOME OF THESE OFFERS, WE REGRET WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPLY YOU WITH A ZEHRS RAIN CHECK SHOULD SUPPLIES PROVE INSUFFICIENT TO SAI , , ri[ DEMAND FOR ANY PRODUCT. CHECK.II.THE QUALITY SAVE 4s 5 POPULAR FLAVOURS ZEHRS SOFT DRINKS 26 oz. OUR PRIGS. 3/El OBIT 9C SAVE_,_• 4c ZEHRS OWN PRIVATE LA:C QUALI• TY WHOLE KERNEL CORN r2 oz. REG. 2/93' 42c SAVE 22c NEILSONS PLAIN OR WITH MARSHMALLOW HOT CHOCOLATE500 g, OUR •• REG. '2.25 $2.03 SAVE 20c TOP BREED GOURMET DOG DINNER 4 Kg. ORUEGR.'3.09 2.89 SAVE 16c FAMILY ASSORTMENT PACKAGE DARES COOKIES 567 g. OUR REG. '1.35 ■1 9 SAVE 8c . BETTY CROCKER 4 VARIETIES 13 4oz $ STIR 'N' FROST CAKE EG MIXES R '1.17 i■09 SAVE lic LIQUID STYLE JAVEX BLEACH 64 oz �G. 72' 64c SAVE 12c VANISH BRAND BOWL CLEANER 48 oz OUR R, '1.21 $.1 ,09 SAVE 12c STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY MRS. LUKES JAMS 24 oz OUR REG. '1,19 1 .07 SAVE 6c 6 VARIETIES VARIOUS SIZE PKGS, GENERAL MILLS SNACKS OUR REG. 95' 89c SAVE 12c ALLENS MACINTOSH APPLESAUCE IN GLASS 28 oz OUR REG 95' 83C SAVE $C LIPTONS 4 POPULAR VARIETIES - CASSEROLE BASES 6 oz. ROUREG 93' 85c SAVE 30c FARRAH FAWCETT CONDITIONER OR . SHAMPOO2 25 ml ROUR EG '2.39 $2.09 SAVE 20c TOOTHPASTE PEPSODENT loo ml OUR REG. '1 39 $1.19 SAVE 1 6c JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO 450 ml OUR REG '2.99 2.83 SAVE' 34c GROUND 'COFFEE - CHOCK FULL 0' NUTS 2 Ib TIN REG '7 59 ' 7.25 ' ' SAVE 2c PARTLY SKIMMED 9 , 2% CARNATION • MILK 1 Ib. TIN REG, 42' 40c SAVE 10c ORANGE PEKOE -ONE CUP LIPTON TEA BAGS 50 UNITS OUR REG '1.39 11.29 CHECK...ITHE VALUE SAVE C' MAPLE LEAF BREAKFAST ._SLICES PKG.1Ib RUQ•,,,69 959 SAVE 10c MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGES GOLDEN FRY F1 lb 'KG REG. '1.89 1.79 SAVE 9c MAPLE LEAF REGULAR OR BEEF WIENERS 1 Ib PKG OUR REG, '1.48~ $1 1139 SAVE 5c MAPLE LEAF - 5 VARIETIES COOKED MEAT CHUNKS OUR REG '1.83 Ib. ib ■ .1$ SAVE 20c PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SUNKIST ORANGES DOZ $._. OUR REG. '1.49 1.29 SAVE 20c ONTARIO FANCY GRADE BOSC PEARS 4 DT BASKET OUR REG '2.79 2.59 SAVE 1Oc TENOERFLAKE PURE LARD 1 Ib PKG OUR REG 78' 68c SAVE 5c DIETRICHS 100'. WHOLE WHEAT FRESH BREAD 24 oz OUR REG 60' 55c SAME 6c WESTONS CINNAMON BUNS PACK OUR REG 89' 83c SAVE 4C WITTICHS . 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