HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-11-02, Page 5• • Middleton news By Blanche Deeves Bridal Shower Held On Saturday, October 28 the aunts and cousins gathered at the home o* Mrs. John Brand for i surprise bridal shower for Mary Brand. Two small cousins o. the bride-to-be presentee her with lovely gifts anc an apron was made with bows by her cousins. Mrs. Ann Brand gave two readings, and games were played and enjoyed by all. Lunch was then served by the hostess and assisted by her sister-in- law. Mary thanked everyone for 'coming and giving her all the gifts. In the evening, friends of Mary and Diann Brand gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Case Brand for another surprise shower. Diann Brand presented her sister with beautiful gifts and a hat was made from the presents' bows. An umbrella was filled with bows. A friendly get-together was had by the group and the hostess Mrs. Brand, assisted by Diann and Jackie Brand, served the lunch. Mary thanked her friends for coming and for the beautiful gifts she received. Church news Morning prayer was held in St. James Anglican Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Audrey Middleton assisted in the service by reading the lesson. Mr. Ray Wise and Mr. Edward Deeves received the offering. The guest speaker for the service was Mrs. Moira Couper of Bayfield who spoke on the Inclusion of Children in the Whole of Life. The congregation was pleased to. see Rev. William Bennett back at church on Sunday morning, following his ilness over the past few weeks. Personals We are sorry to hear that Mr. Geoff Brand lost a finger recently.. in a piece of farm machinery. Many from the area attended the Schilbe and Butler wedding on Saturday and the reception that followed. The people of the Mid- dleton area send their warm wishes to this happy couple on their wedding. The church calendars will be for safe. They can be obtained from any member of the ACW. Holy Communion will be celebrated in St. James Church this Sunday, November 5. The ACW of St. James will meet on November 9 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Bennett in Bayfield. The penny pot luck supper will be held prior to the meeting at 7 p.m. Lois Wise will show her slides of her trip to Hawaii. . Big fish story • 111 KUENZIG Where The Makes The Difference CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 , 1978, --PACE 5 Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef Full Cut Boneless Round Steaks Green Giant Peas and Corn Heinz Tomato or Vegetable 12 to 14 ft. oz. tins 10 fl. oz. tins Top Valu 1st Grade Creamery Butter 1 Ib. print GREEN GIANT ti..,,avnreuwrwMSrw1e, f# you 17w �►�c s+'Trrtti Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef T -Bone Steaks Savarin Assorted Varieties Frozen Dinners 11 oz. pkg. Kraft Processed 16 oz. jar WI^�AS ;•4��:Y Store Packed Sliced Side Bacon Ends Fresh Whole Cut Up Chickens TOMATO KETCHUP / KERRHUPAUx t IOMAffS Leaver 10 fl. oz. tin Pieces & Stems Mushrooms Heinz In tomato sauce Spaghetti 14 11. oz. tins 2 for .79 Aylmer Fancy Tomato Juice 48 11 oz. tin Liquid Bleach 64 fl. oz. cont. .59 Sunlight Liquid Dish Detergent 32 ft. oz. btu in Londesboro The fall spawning run of the cohoe salmon is in full swing in area tributaries and rivers, and reports are coming in of some big catches. Bill Armstrong of Londesboro recently caught one of the biggest fish so far reported when he hauled in a 30 -pound, 41 -inch fish out of the small spring creek on his Hullett township prdperty. The fish are running to Spawn in nearly every creek in the area, but there are doubts as to whether the spawn will :batch. The cohoes were introduced to Lake Huron some years ago in a restock ing'prqram. Vote JO 1,1 WESTBROOK for Board of Education In Coliperael, G►olil Tevtasiiiirs Maple Leaf 6 oz. pkg. Mac & Cheese, Bologna or Chicken Loaf Maple Leaf Boneless Cooked Dinner Shoulders lb. 2.09 Maple Leaf 1 Ib. piig. Hint of Maple, or Sliced Side Bacon Top Valu Store Packed Breakfast Ib.1.09 Sausage New Blue 2.2 kg. box Borateem Frozen Lake Smelt Top Valu Bologna Mac & Cheese or Sliced Chicken Loaf 1.29 1 B. PKG. .99 1.29 2.29 1.99 .97 .95 Quaker 850/900g pkg. Harvest Crunch Assorted Varieties Cereals Aqua Fresh 150 mi. tube Toothpaste Carnation 12 x 1 oz. pkgs. Assorted Flavours Instant Hot Chocolate Quench 4/3.5 oz. pkgs. Assorted Flavours Drink Crystals Bee Hive 2 lb. tin Corn Syrup Y p York 2 lb. pkg. Frozen Green Peas, Kernel Corn or, Mixed Vegetables .88 Dr. ,Ballard's 15 oz. tins Assorted Varieties Chamion 3P1 Dog Food Nestle 16 oz. pkg. Chocolate or Strawberry Quick Drink Mix White Swan pkg. of 200 Assorted Colours Facial Tissue Hills Bros. 1 Ib. tin McCain 15 oz. pkg. Regular, Electric Perk or Frozen 4 x 5" Automatic Drip' Deluxe Coffee 3.49 Pizza Glade 6 oz. pkg. Solid Assorted Varieties Air Freshners ENTER OUR FREE DRAW Assorted Colours White Swan Paper Towels ON FOUR Assorted Colours Swan's Down Bathroom Tissue Canada Fancy Grade Ontario Red Delicious Apples Canada Grade "A" Small Dare's Assorted Varieties Cookies 20 oz. pkg. WINTARIO BOORS 2 ROLL PKG, LAST WEEKS WINNERS Mrs. J.M..lamieson Clinton Mr. Bob Morden Clinton Mrs. Judy Tyo Clinton Mrs. B.A. Grbf Vortastra THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY AT KUENZIG I.G.A.-CLINTO STORE HOURS MUM. 6:30.6:00 THURS. Ii:304:00 TUES. 8:304:00 FRt. $:3'0.4:00 WED. 0:904:00 SAT. 5:304:00 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1978