The Exeter Times, 1887-8-18, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. l ,Interesting Items. --- i Ou Wednesday evetheg last, a few minutes Occurrence 4X the PEA tveolc'rhroug114ub before six o'clock, the lea spike on the C. P, the Nelghhorlrood iii It Coneiso Form.-- IL extension to 1'Vingham was drlvOD by Hies Leila Macdonald, of that town, in the presence of a number of speetatots The ivf. George Lennox's house west of St, track runs to the new salt block, .which is Marys was struck by lightning during the now in working order night and day, storm last hfriday, but the inmates minion: T he Difficulty 1i xperiene(tt.. ously escaped injury. In taking Cod Livor Oil is entirely over. Mr. P; Gauthier (representing Z. Lapiorre. tomo in Scott's Emulsion of cod Liver Oil wholesale boots and shoes) says : In thein- and Hypopbosphites, It is as palatable at terest and cause of humanity I oouelder it my Z,iiik and the most valuable remedy that has duty to tosttfy to the excellent results obtain- over been produced for the euro of Consum 4ti by the use of your Nasal Balm. After of suffering sorrel, year with that loatiisome fail i Sryof it. Wasting 0e. and $1 bio not � fail to try lint up in 500. and $i size. and distressing disease, catarrh, I became At Centralia the other day Mr. Solomon disgusted in using everything I sew adver. Manlniug, of Exeter, was thrown from his Used and was giving up in despair when a gig against the rlrilway fence, and received friend of mine whom I placed e great deal of several brokei; ;lbs, 13e is (Whig as well as confidence in, persuaded hie to try a bottle of cart be expected. • Nasal Balm, which I slid, with such Happy A. Profitable Life.. F r It that results b I moo pleased t a w plefl et to have all such. o, sufferers know it, and you aro now at liberty Few men have accomplished the same to u e this testimonial in any manner you amount of work and good in this world as the wi , hoping that it will bo of as rnuoh bone. celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 5;)0,000 of his fit o some poor sufferer as it has peep tome, works Kaye bpeu sold iu Cltltacla alone, We t of 28 oandidates who went u r wan ever p # om t y person troubled with Liver Coln- Stratford at the second oleesnon-professional plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Sidney or Uri - examination r 21 were successful. nary Troubles, to buy a bottle of Dr. Chase'' Liver Cure, it will core you. Medicine and NOT A CYCLONE. Recipe Book $1, Sold by C. LUTZ, Ct.N ziAL Deno STORE. Exeter, Ont. HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE If I were Queen of Franoe, Or what's better, Pope of Rome, I would buy Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, For my Cook, and take it home. Mr. Parnell has gone to Avondale, his estate in Ireland, The Prince of Wales has given instructions of the Imperial Instituto building to be prooceeded with immediately' Another barn was burned in Logan town- ship about three o'clock Thursday morning, Itwas on the farm of Mr. 'Wm. Rosa, 10th con., and was only built six years ago, and cost $800. A driving shed, in which was a carriage, three setts of harness, and the wool from ten sheep, was also consumed. In the barn was the wheat of twenty acres, thirty tons of hay, a fanning mill, cutting bet, etc. All were lost. No idea how the fire started. Insurance only $950. mnikoULOUS. Mrs, JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylue, Druggist, Bothwell, says; -My experience of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters is that,;,it will euro Bilionenese, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. 1 believe it to be the best family medicine, and can strongly recommend it." °Mr. James Woods, one rof the oldest sett. lers of Perth county died at his residence in Stratford on Thursday morning. Deceased was a native of Devonshire, England, 75 years old, and was the father of Jnclge Woods. Be ell 'Your Guard. Don't allow a cold iu the head to slowly and surely developo into Catarrh 'then you can be cured for 25 cents. A fort applica- tions will erre incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes wall cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boles will cure chronic Catarrh. "My miraculous once was that I had suf- Sold by all uoalers at 25c. )or bex, Try fared from kidney disease for ablaut 2 years, Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it was off work all that time. A friend told me will cure von. 0. Lutz. sole ageut for Exeter of B. B.13., 1 tried it, and Inn happy to say that I was cured by two bottles." Wm Time St. Marys, Out. 0 wing to the exodus of Conservative Mem- bers of Parliament the Government will probably .find it necessary to abandon both the Allotment and the Education Bills. 0 _ For Scrofula, IrnpoverixHed Blood and Gen' ral Au•tlox eel Mernells.—Are you disturbed at Scott's Einnlsionof Cod Liver with'FIJpopllOs ui"]xt and boken of yoer rest by a sick child planes, has no equal in the whole realm of su?feriug and crying with pain of OD thing Tooth? If so send at oneo and get a bottle of Medicine. Read the following.: a'I gave ' alis. Winstow's Soothaug Syrup" for Children Seott'e 'emulsion to my own child for Scr , Tee:thi Ig. Its velue is incalculable. It will u}a, and the effect was marvelous," -0. F. ioheve the pour little sufferer inlmedfat'1y. Gray, M. D , White Hall, Ind. 'Put upin 'mend upon il, mothers : there is no mistake Y, about it. It euros Dysentery and Disarms, a0e. enol $1 size, .rc»elates the Stetnacn and Bowels, euros Wind A lacrosse match was ,played Wednesday at Celia, softens the G ,ails rutlueoltniiam,riut}ou, Inflammation, between the Hurons, of Gaderfctp and gives tone and energy to the whole system: Mrs. R13 1 1 w ' 5 0 RI. soothing Syrup" -OL'children I ' y }5bu s and the Victories, of Galt, whioli resulted in 'teething -is pleasant to the taste and is the fewer of hie Hurons by 3 goals to :?, proscription of one of the oldest and best WITHOUT EQUAL. A. house occupied by iii•, Geo. Anderson, in Wiugham, was.diseoverud to be on fire ou WVedueeday. The first tutimstion the in- mates Ball of their danger was in being almost suffocated by Finallte, and only escaped with their lives and what little clothing they could taut on. Servet?, anything was got out of 'the burning building. House iusured for $575. Wilson Montrose, of Vienna, Out., having eised Dr. reveler's Extract of Wild Straw- `•berryin his family for summer complaint, -says, "I 'aunt speak too highly of it, for 'mhilclren. as well as aged peolile'troubled with •diarrhoea it hes no goal. Mr. G. Hsines of Fullerton, bas sold his 'fifty acre farm to a neighbor 'adjoining, and :`omalephysicians and nurses in the United States, and is for got° by all druggists through- out the world, Price twenty-five cents a hot - 'tie, Bo sure and ask for "Mus. WIssLow's SoOTnING SYRUP 'and take no other kind. Essex county 'farmers are driving ten or twelve miles to lake St Clair to fill their wat- er barrels, and theta is a constant processiou along all roads leading to the river and lake. 'One farmer w1in has a running well has made ]las purchased aseventy-five acre farm from more than $100 by selling water at 50 cents load. Mr. Martin. who is going to Dakota. Mr. H. bas solcl'or 53,100, and pays $5,700 for' The ether night horse thieves visited the his newly acquired pruperty. Tho change 3arm of 3Ir. Robt 11lartiu, on the London will to g e effect iu October. read, just south of Clinton, and stole there - I3 Blt1HEF, AND TO Tui+rl POINT. from a beast valued at $200. They then' ' went over to Mr, A. D. Wiltsio's across the - Dys epsia is dreadful. 'Disordered liver is road, and stole a covered brim and harness, 'misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature.; with which they drove off. The animal is a The human digestive apparatus is ono of bay mare, wire] black mane and tail, small the most complicated and wonderful thing' !white strip on 'face, one white hind foot, in existence. Itis easily ,put out of order. lfour years old weighs about 1,500 lbs, The, A PROFESSIONAL OPINION. buggy is a good covered one, with wine Rev. E.'G rmmer, Listowel, Ont. says re- colored goer, and a reward of 550 will be paid grading B. B. B-, "I have aged your excel- for the recovery of the property. lent Burduok Compound in practice and in VERY VALUABLE my family -since 1894 end:hold. it No. 1 an • "Having used B.B.B. for biliousness end my list of •sanative remedies. Your three torpid liver, with the very best results I busy B's never sting, weaaen or worry." • would recommend it to all thus troubled. ; sypgh food, erad cookery,nental oY+late hours, irregular The medicine is worth its weight in gold.",1 Tillie White, Maiiitowauing, Out. habits, and many other things which ought ; The C. P. saw mills, two miles from not to be, have made the American people -a Donald, B. C., were burned on (Friday night. nation of dyspeptics. • The loss will cause serious delay in' the' But Green's August Flower has done ra buillling of the snow sheds. wonderful work in reforming this sad bus- Don ) iness and -making the American people so i eCIIIatC. healthy that they can enjoy their meals and Run no risk tat lensing' medicine, hut try 'be happy, the great Kidney and Liver regulator, made Remember :—No happiness'vithoutheaith.' by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipes. But Green's August Flower brings health Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bower- Sold druggist for a bottle. Severity -five cents. by C. Lutz. Mr. Robert Skoad, an old and well known The two flax mills of Crediton have up - citizen of Ottawa, and brother of the late Senator Read. died there yesterday. Yr)II NG MEN Suffering 'from. the etlects of early evil hab'ts, the resultof ignorance or, folly, who'imd tbemselves•wedk, nervous, and exhausted:; also MIDDLE•' AGE» -and OLn MEN,' who are broken down from, the effects of abuse: or over -work, and in advanced life feel the conse(1ue11608 of youthful excess, send for and asap M. V.1Lubon's Treatise .on Diseases of 'Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 3o. stamps. Address' M. V. LUBON, 47 Wollinge m 8t. R. Toronto, Jan, l3th.1881. 1—y. Prof, Adel' Pnutzch, of Kiel University, who Was a member of the German Polar expedition of 1860, was accidently drowned ere of healing and r tcomtnend it to your, wbtle sailing: in Kiel harbor yesterday. (Heeds. We refer to Dr, Fowler's Extractof, CHOLERA INFANT-UM.Wild Strawberry, the grand specific for all Teat terrible scourge among 'children may summer complaints, diarrhoea, cholera mor :be speedily career by Dr. Fowlers Extract of bus, dysentery, trumps, colic, sickness of the 'Wild Strawberry. All forthe of bowel corn- stomach and bowel eomn]nints of infants or r: o s�clnite. Let its ' ai mal'I 1 ]' �Iaiuts nausea and vomitiuo, from an ortliis be known to all ,diarrluoea to;the most severe attack of who have not used it. ciian cholera, carr be subded. by its On Tuesrley evening 3Ir•s Jarlob Smitli,' rpt use. It is the best remedy known living on the fifth concession of Glenford, hildren or adults suffering Trona summer went to milk her cows. Not returning to complaints. the Neuse for same tithe, members of tlie • The cmmpeuy has been eliarterecl to build family went in smirch of her, '.lpey found a railway anti 'lino of warehouses along the her hying dead beside .Iter pail. Deoensed tryst front In Whinier:a. had' been ailing for some time with heart CONSY PTION CURED. • disease and dropsy. An old pl ysiein»,ye tired from practice, bay - OSE BUSTLES For G' y 1r1s and Ladies ad os fair. And for Mothers grown, in years. Of Sizes, Shapes and Colors, not a few. 'Just Look at Them From i2rr to 50 cents. �-:-.-,� Any and All can buy them, they are so cheap. NEW CORSETS A .Bid; Supply to hand. Special for summer WARP. The color is GOLD, and the price just half a dollar. Sizes from 1$ to 30. Don't you really think your size is there ? aS.a C I"X TCS £TTS COTTOZTAIDES. I Are going fast, A few ends yet to be cleaned' out. The !chance is yours if•.you'll only take it. Parasols, Cloves, remrrantls of Dress Goods, Plusbes, Velvets and Silks all to be run of right Speedily, and the gash will do it. If a nice Suit you want, a pair of pants to fit) or a vest that's right there, come to us. Our tailor will like you ever so much and you'll be pleased as well. BARGAINS IN ALL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Felt and Straw Hats very cheap. Examine our stock and test our prices and we leave,the`verdiet with yourself. OAST- WORKS WONDERS ! Eggs and butter are firinnwhen choice is right itt Mace tenrimaancnsmomffmgoarzwzmr.smr.aarenammasereroswanzonave,suommumaamx• Everest's Cough Syrup •CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cura- tive powers, price 25 cents. (TRADE Mal-lIf.) TRT EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR Ear diseases of the Liver, Ridneys, rec., and :Purifying of- the Blood. Price 81. Six but - ties for $5. Po'• Sale by ALL DRr7oaisrs Manufactured only by G- 111- T V]f,R P ST , Cn anusT FOREST. ONT. WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to tnka, Contain their own i urgative. Is a c-fe, sere. and effectual irsotaireeer otwormnn in Caiidrean or Adults TRUSSES ! HRISTIAN LAWYER. manufac- turer offill-kinds ofTrusses ; Residence: 3aunie's Mills, flay, where her.ial attend to the .74nnts of am maw may require his services, Why pay from $1.5;00 to 82,5001or the same ar- war. ds of n ne thousand acres of flax thisti 1 o which hecan furnish You earL �v.0 , and season. They are through pulling and are to which is as witlL seed¢omf if not better :andb warrted fit t? R busy threshing. They report a good crop, Trusses 55.00;„ Single Trusses 501an ' All code On Wednesday Avg. 3rd, a little three year 'neeuleationsaddressed to old daughter belonging to Mr. John ltilpat-,; •CIHRISTIAN.LAWYER, trick, of the seventh concession of Asli'field,,, Zurich P.0., Out, 'met with a fatal accillont. It appears she, in 'company with the other children, was play - flag about the yard, when n; large stick fell W1I Proclaim from the wood pile killing her almost instant• • i; ly, omimercial HAVE 'YOU T1IIED IT ? If no you con testify to Its marvelous po'v- iir� r1 aned ]axe hands oy an bast Lee anrss]niOnaplry tbefolirrinulaof1t siu10le vegecnble Around each bottle of Dr, Ohase's Liver -roincc"ly fur alto sl'eetlV n,t,elpermanent g:ure of Onto is a Medfenl Gniclo aird li.ecoipo 7iorilj Consnanptioni 1lroueltitis, Catnxxh; Aethln, eni)tainiug nsel'nll'informatian over _> and 'r.l1 throat find lung affections, also n: peel• t10 iiis- tive suer radical cuiOfor ;VervoilsDei:,ilityand coipts and: pronounced by (lectors and drug' :aril Nea'vOus C,ouipaalits, n ftei• having tested 1011 gists as worth ten tithes tilt; rest of 1lle el ea; wouclorfn] curative .Powers in tbousavds of iaine. Meclieino and book ell. Holrl dip ,00505, has fell it his duty to tnnl:o 11 know•a7"10 tui u r isf, . by his'511101)0Sfollowvs, Actuated by toleirntnr3 gti s y y T nl all RnffCli • r ' N �•, roto relieve hu r b On L'iida last hundred' rI •�,. 1-I, �-1�.3r�Y it/A.DE /• -r ry � �y Rdirl it <lp..i y 0 1 it Y(1 ttn ilr �i;li{f y. M L+'.V1J�.L 1."7..1�lJl' send ,rcuof rbnxy;o, to rill who Basun. ;t. litre pi ) t thnusagrl x (}ei'iaaan lrrencrx r,c 111)1)1 h, \clit ltll g) fgr(;1,rrrs of ij11)151 Wye o do. • 5 r r 05 r rev 311101 Sent tr liyerad lry rile Harnilt \v1 I'worir:, "1"}rds OO� IND HOPI S dii•ectinusi'rrjax ]rnriugnnd using. Y 1 • at Iv, witll era nip, nalnii1>:; tins eeeragcs el out cue tl ousnitd gallons for es l: m w '1 Noyes 140 Powers 05. , Io arses ;rmellat yi•t 1q 111' Y watt,rtnl taker a,n,l r . r i r ii„G of JnliS (larniheil; Toronto, firruisllod for one clays constrrnl,tion. Cho lit ] a ,t . u, , r, A Free Gift. AS8 UNION ENIT TO THE G.h;NERA.L PUBLIC while— T. DEARING, Montreal General Store is sell Ip goeds. CHEAP, CHEAP, cHPAP, Balance of Siemer Sleek to be sold at for CASH tomakc room for fall purchases 1 t ,.... .'a last u1,d,h and e. levet l'Ot G.lil(lt en .star v Int,, -CO Dethf,ln, Arso Cbofce Fnuifly Crrocories was n1 u i•, � , Pp1AS,1 mluA ;, s , rl:��t� •• 1, ret r 'e int r' their . w `�'_ i f l,3 �Sbi1113ri1v a .1 it) ' , . , t V1 i ltt pC Scott's' stoufr it y , , .trot r. u zt pool, 13co d. ;, :T!,rrit a o 1 O , , � o : ) tl r ri can be digested � , y hero is no �clu r v� ; alio giver 5trt.n,,tli Laud llesit when allg t r A few itara ane Dottxin o i Orville for sale, a t , ftp '9 r'• s elmf, a, at w greet . t ac rfice:foar oast as I in t' , , , s .acrid f it d ,aril . S ra ,G 17 t', .L. Ti, i:,"Cl; l c,tt i, , ?, a gentry 1 a 'Ciel a r 1lirn f] tern the aro ,u a who To all v , „ , , , .. . • . �; .-,, : to, ivo 1-1/,) this branPli' of, yr s inr]iscrotloirs of yolitiir nervous- wuahn .ss, � ll, rl. college, pot a.tls . I have used � : �, ., .1 tsnies . Good, 'llscud n its tresCrahPd nrntts 1, srtcrif cee, for cash dur•itp + rho lnentlis•i early tloort,Y,1Csr.. t+f rlailiood, rCe, I wr r d I stnulsrnn of Ccnd f , r �' ., , � ttda ttlLn:ftC+.l:l. T,ivel Oil and fln�l it n,..ox 1<, , Ilily nli.l +iugttst,,,: rll,,n f null Inathniu vii,. iotiiiijaailr3'teviil'nuioyou,] t;11C"r CPI nt prolnara. , 1a ft'lris'f,icrt•x'riurnly vrn.s (.,r SiOnary in Son 01 Areclean. ,'tend n srs]fiul o•itittnuari rise adding fitrorttliy to the strrrhgth (tressed envelope to 1i1'V, r,-,05! YC '". 1A*:1reer I geld eetrernet 't flit patient." let up, In elle, $ttifion 1),) l:etc :1"cie7tOlt y its . e1 t'attl'e er valuable e tielne torr 0, 1 p On re ,nr t t it inability to r,l„est 81111• are q t y ceii'l bv'a rt 101)5 tabu, Sweei )1 w+'ll+yitlt tho''at0nlaeh' .and i Good,0ite1liu . a is g I';Idttsa to Ilctlt.. itiDIM lilet rot Trt17•A`ht'1'CtIdSS, • Teai�r, i1o(lr, • The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over ! Ir30 years in thousands of cases. Cures CSpernxaEorrhea, Nervous?';` Weakness, Emissions, Inzpote)xcy end all diseases caused by abuse. [BEFORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [AFTER) Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail Ask your Druggist for The Creat En,;lieh Preserrptron, take no substitute. One package 51. Six 55, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Cheigtical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning aid C. Lutz. THE NOIE ! We sell Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, all kinds of Feed at Lowest ( ash Prices We keep Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat, Coarse and Fine Oatmeal, also the Celebrated American Granulated Cornmeal We have reduced the price of Groceries 50 °, and can give yet great bargains iu TLAS, SUGARS AND CANNED GOODS. fVe have just received a fine lot of 1+EARMA-N'S CELEBRATED HAMS. LONG and SHORT ROLLED BACON BONELESS SIDES and T3OLOGNAS. Lemons and, Oranges r . RECEIVED EVERY SECOND DAY. S. C. HERSEY. BOOK (Published by the {1 A. B. S. New York. OF WONDERS. Nommaimmimmen CONTAINING 'NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. STARTLING REVELATIONS, Over 1.03.'€30,000, Sold in the United States. Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. IT'r• artier. WEE 'TEEM ; IT TELLS ALL, AND IB TCO , -GOOD TO Mat WITHOUT. Sent.ey•xmail, postage paid, on receipt of pr54. e, 50e., or three books for 51 • ' M. J. COLLINS, Welland. Ont. LOVELL'S GAZE' 'ER AND £ISTOF;Y Orf THE DOMINION' OF CANADA, rat 17irze Volumes, Royal 800. rro I315) C(33' 3sI1NC ED whenever a s,,.i:Ccioul b number 01 subscribers is obtained to cove, costa, ara 1 b a the :til a. C tion. Subscription tion to r a 'Volumes 5,11100, to the Province of Ontario 0 to Qaoboe 515,50, to New Brunswick oe to Nov: Seetie. $11 50, to Manitoba 00130111011 Columbi, it p yrs, to Peine' Edward trd Island or to Norti, westeeerriteries 50.50. Each Province to hay. a Mop: Please Send for 'Prospectus. JOOrN LOV LL L, llfafctrycr atnc'G 131040:e Montreal 4111 August,.l880, angSd&r1 UE N CI` ”' OILI WOI KS P M 7E 1, S S Q i -r At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed T '' This Qi. vya9itsedn O fill machinery e year tJ< Exhibition. It has. been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. "Seo that you got Peerless. It is only made b S A 'tmr.,. ocu m e a CO,, Tonoismo. FOR SALE BY JAS. PIOKARD. FRUITS, FRUITS, FRUITS. "wilt Famar.Y oaocExesr Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCERIES AL WAYS IN STOCK. C4 lE NQ fS, NUTS AND CONFEC rinNE1R Y' ICE CREAM PARLOR My Ice Cream. Parlors are the coolest and best appointel in town. The cream is of the purest, and always fresh. A. ray:man. c,`• s� a •tile y �,e .<-)» c� Ofi tie 1�e a 2.O 4.>fi "Cs' (5,0 o : d g ° CP i Did ,�C .�j4 cs� ��01} ,cc, r`ot � e>'''•ti"s • dP • •O.. C•' e 5e S5 e9 if� eti5 el" �� 0 a • tip'' Esc „). e 4 p� 1 `ta`{ 9+ 1 {c° z °° C+'' 50.o hro 0' - s e .,;SS ,*0 ,pte ,��' v scv� • Z.‘e Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 33, New Oxford Street, late 598, Oxford Street, London. 8M- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. THE CLD1 ESTABLISHED I SPRING 1887 SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouneings, Gingham!, Muslins, Jerseys, Oheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, &o. The tidies say our Prints and Muslins are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one to wash. We are showing over 200 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and white ram Bots. per yard upwards. Our New Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING is having a big run, and, no onder, the prices ara so low, the styles so nice, and they fit so good. In MEN'S ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Best Value, Newes' •hype and Neatest Fit in town. Remember we carry the Largest Stock of BOOTS & SHOE -S, and othing but the Latest Styles in ladies', children's and gents'. 'JAMES PICKARD. furniture & Undertaking, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, (DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY NDIGESTIO t FLUTTER ING IALINDICE' OF THE HEART wRYS1?t i ..;CIM OF h �ACIDITY L S �S. AOI 0 ALT RHEUM, THE T M dl Aihy AfBCHREN DRYNESS S OF THE SKU tnd OM* kpdotee of dthease 'I1'As_' i'ot dipavc1 ted i V`EIt", lfi7jl�212 Sq r0p1v,.4L"�iy, �i�yV'EL,w'I3 BGOO f'. it JE TT t5 U" ,rY (l° Cpl'1c101rs, We would cn}1 the attention of the people of Exeter awl surrouudiug country to ll. act that we, having"perehassd the stock and brisiuess of WILL I .I.0 D(IOW, are c feria special inducements in 'terlOr' Sefrto, Plain Ftli(t..R?'alley ,ra-bies,, Sl)r.'idaos amt iktahtr'esRe uedroer i, setts, Wood, Cane & Perforated LllOirs,. Book Gtlsesl Wiir1l;IIrIg 1.tesk5, Sidt;boartls, %Vie fatoott, oatlles, t1ral1SCalndss And en Endless Sriu iety hi f3tur1t1, i:'Srer ea5tb, Caul)bofux•tIS, &C. Our Stock - , 'n , , , to T toiot: h ,. 0 �. e oz 71r bar is Lalgo and 1 t tg_ Iy Seasopiecl, a'itn, baying had ')`tens perienoo in the Ieacling factories of the Dominion, we can g•uarantoe Stylish and Sere' 'lo 1ltrnitnre, ' Out '.incl: of Undertnlcinq Zloorls Lergest in tilt. Comity; and Our f3ttarso'hA(. , 1 �, rival north of LOrtdcit, SI)rersl atttutirru will beyield to Mauch. of the bdsnloss spied i r aetlonO will .fint1 as prompt and ]'liable bdtsmese uien. IMPAIRING 0b0 ALL KINDS PLLOMPTLV ATTENDED D TO. tem 1r _el trio Stand, �ie Door i North uE �1iolson s k, 1�.:�',V.1�i a�,,.,,Y+d,