HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-18, Page 4is TIMILISDAY, AUGUST 18th, 188 7 SIR JOHN ANL R.13.C11 QCITy`. $asul' ata N,tarie,. To the `a lois of the meter 'yb,leef. PFthll Siee-eHeeing received sth 41a1114 letters of inquiry free. Exeter :►lieu vieie- lee regarding the prospects; of and, state cf things el Sault Ste Amer I talk') ' the liberty of 3\1i -bin -to your palace, and turns g tlIr a a rh your valuable caituntis i;urtlisliing Mr, Laurier knows as much, prob., the particulars asietnot mile, to these ably, about the reciprocity negotia• seek ng information but to the geneutl ae ty ret par c as well. tions as any Furan in el G . l public and when he says that „ ' ! The Clhlht>dian Sault situated on the notwiall' north bank of tbo St. Maryriver,which standing the entreaties and threats I is about a mile wide, has nw a; o pula- of Sir John the American people 1 P l 1 tic)ih of about 1800, having increased about have shut their dol' against us," lieS09 since the opening of navigation. comes pretty near the truth, though l Business blocks and dwelling houses are it is a little overstated. Sir John i being built, and in feet improvements of neither entreated ir threatened the e erYhnd aro ernr made regardless o £ EX t a )ehSP. Strange to o f '4 aLC 1 American people, yet he did all that 1 t t daily , pp OS appear on he t statesmanshipcowl with dignity s ree s sottre out for }L holiday, and 1 coulee bent on pleasure, others Welting for buse- and national self-respect, to bring about a modification of tariffs, but without effect. The United States would not yield to any proposition that was made. The hand of friend- ship was held out in 1879, when it \vas recorded by statute that Canada stood ready for reciprocity whenever the U. S. chose to comply. And the fishery case is the hest proof i t the sincere desire of the Canadian (xov• ermineut for friendly cOminercial un' derstanding, as well as o f the deter mination of the Unitee States that no such issue should he speedily ar- rived at. eeee gave them a hall sea- son's free fishing as under the terms of rhe Washington treaty, after they had abrogated the fishery clauses. \Ve gave it eon the pledge that a a commission would be appointed on their part to consider the whole case with us. But after the Amer leans had put in their season's work on the Canadian fishing grounds which they are only able to do by the grace of our Government, the representatives at Washington broke 'off communications. As the Globe some tune ago remarked, "the fish- ery trouble would have been settled long ago, had not the Americans persistently refused to negotiate." Yet in face of such refusal so often so persistently given, rhe Grit organ ,argues day atter day for reciprocity in a strain as though it Were a new question, one which had only to be propounded' to be at once re- sponded to by the United States ac- cordi*1g to our wishes, as though the Government were responsible for the non-existence of reciprocity to- day. Mr. Laurier knows right well these Sir John hasdone all that any self-respecting Canadian knowing the facts will require him to do in this matter. To persist in the de- mand for "commercial union" as the Grit organs have been doing of late, ss to court the snub direct from the American people, who now say they do not want commercial union with 'Canada without political union. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Chicago Inter Ocean says McGarigle those the water route in preference to the railway as a means of escape as it offers excellent bath- ing facilities. This is evidently a mistake. He selected the water be- cause he is a "skipper." In Newcastle, N. B., a violator of the Scott Acct pleaded guilty. When asked to indicate to whom he had sold liquor contrary to law he ream- ed the magistrate who was trying him, the attorney who was prose- cuting him and the constable who had summoned him. The case was so conclusive that the magistrate promptly ii icted a fine of $5o• The member for West Huron, Mr. Porter, was one of the Conser- vative speakers during the recent contest in South Renfrew, and at each Grit meeting where he appear- ed was sandwiched in between two of the Opposition orators in the same way as was done in WestHuron That he has 4ost none of his effct- iveness as a debator was shown by the fact that in every division where he spoke the Conservative candi- elatehad a largelyincreased majority as compared with the last election. Godetich Star, - It dosen't look as if the Tory Gov- ernment of England had any in ' g' chi• aeon to let Cenada drift into the United . 5 L e States, e ither by way a of commercial union or annexation pure and simple She has ordered three men'nfewer to patrol Canadian fishing grounds and seize any Amer• ican vessels which may be found poaching in our waters. In addition to this, England will grant a large subidy for a mail route over the Canada Pacific Railway. Canada it may be assumed has passed that point at which she had l hGd to choose, either annexation, independence or contirauauce in the British Empire. The only thii;g aece:,saryto make us a• -more important and prosperous country is to Cartel- intr, commercial Union with Creat Britain, One day Inst r.e..4t h.Er, Autlroty 14:lorritme 104 t t'irhutile melte he could have got :$9,0( ' r grail f%r. 1'c; bad h,a On the hinder neat rlr Xran 511.1 [,Biter her to (:at Ila c;;rAin ,vtlielt 1;iller lila. The nem. trruin ° swelling bur'st 17i,. etc meeb. ''air. Morrison had no iclt-4t top , =MO was eating encutr11 to do lies any harm George Piper, mho 1"rre5 On the tOwn)itI lao,e f rt is.Hem encu terrine 1 riwSig) 'in. bad 1111,' ntir+it t tree, to 11 eel: his leg a fear days .Cue ,e ee diiva g a fractions colt, a'hieh! ire amity and tb;erw him out of the rip. ness locations or for the best means of doubling their money in the shortest pos- sible time. The boom that was antici- pated, 1 may slay when .0 reached here on the 14th of April last, has not however been realized, Of course the tender -feet like myself, coming from old Conservative and substantial towns in the east, think that there is considerable rush and bustle, but the old time boomers of Winnipeg and the west think this a; there nothing compared to the good old days when all ward rich on paper. That this will In a good point, for many years at least, there can be no possible doubt, for the public improvements now going on and those contemplated must certainly give this place an ihnpetes that can not be very easily retarded, The Canadian Pacific Railway is now within a few miles of the town, the right of way has been nearly all purchased for the Grand Trunk, the Intercolouial bridge is nearing completion, the tenders for the building of a Government dock at a prob- able cost of $30,000 are closed, and last, but not least, the Dominion Government engineers are here taking measurements for the projected canal for which an ap- priation of one million dollars was nacre last session of Parliamient, and which it it' is said will take four or five year to complete. When this canal is completed our vessels will pass thro' it into Lake 'Superior instead of having to pass thro' the American canal as at present, so that whatever benefit is to be derived from our own vessels by way of trade will ac- crue to Canadians instead of Americans as now - I niay add that old men who have liv- ed` here for many years listening to the dole ul murmurs of the waters of the great inland sea and anxiously awaiting the Means of communication with the out- side world during winter are now heard to devoutly exclaim., '"God bless Sir John for the C. P R. and the canal." The cost of living here is considerably greater than in Exeter, board is from $4 to $7 per week altho' provisions are no dearer than in the east, but the demand for board and lodging is much greater, hence the high price of. board. The. hotels, which are making money fast, are crowded, it being almost impossible to ob- tain a single room in one of them for love or money. The Scott Act is not in force but the Crooks Act is very strictly obser- ved. House rent is exceedingly high; an ordinary • house renting for $15 per mouth. Laborers get $1.75 per clay on the pub- lic works, and cannot be had even at that price, owing to the great demand for laborers in Michigan. Mechanics are scarce and also get very high wages. As to the farming country back of this place I can give but little information, the country is as yet sparsely settled, There area very few good settlements within a few miles of the town and the fauns look very well, the buildings, fen- ces and surroundings all `leading one to infer that the farmers are prosperous. Old settlers tell me that fanning is a suc- cess, and that grain, roots and other farm produce !can be grown in Algoma as well as in the 'western peninsula of Ontario. If farming is a success no doubt the country will be quickly opened up ,now that the' C. P. R. is almost completed. I may state in conclusion that laborers and mechanics cannot make a mistake in corning here. ' Business inen and farmers should fhrst•come up and see the country for themseleres before leaving a prosper- ous business or sellingoutawell improv- ed farm. Thanking you for your space, I ern Yours truly, Moslss Moreiensee. People Demand Protection. Latent Medicines:.. What are they 2 As a general tiring they are prescriptions leaving been rased with great success by old and well-read Physicians. Thousands of invalids. have been unexpected- ly cured by their use, and they are the won- der and dread of Physicians anti Medical col- leges in the U. S.. so .much so, that Physic- ians graduating at Medical Colleges are re- quired to eh,00eutenance Propriietary Medi- cines. as through tbern.the country doctor loses his most ,profitable prantice. As a man- nfacturer ofProprietar'ymedicines, Dr. 0. 0. Green, of Woodburn, N. J., advocates most cordially -in order topreventthe risk that the siek and ail -Hated are liable to, almost daily by the use of Patent Medicines pelt out by inexperienced persons for aggrandizement euhly, and, the employing of inexperienced aahcl incompetent doctors by which almost every town and village is cursed ., and mon alairning to be doctors' who had better be un- dertakers, experimenting with their r admits and robbing them of thea' money and health for the good of the afflicted that our govern- ment protect its , people by' talking laws tc regulate tree practice of medicine by better c xpe•rienced and more thole ugbly educated Physicians, and thereby keep ap the honor and, credit of the profe,sicn, also form last's for the recording of recipes c.f Propritery Medieines, under cr0101 15tioil and dtri icn of experienced tJittmiets and Physicians all• }.c mee: for that palrpose by the (aovereeeent wee onetQt the ltet of eevio t mid meet eeneeu of ete etOv 1 that has swept evo Obis provinco for emit, years past. The thlllttlei' and Iightthtng kept thp.se almost itloesstil}t rev and trash, aI}d the wind played have() in the lull'}•est;eelds' `.(rums most leteeetant loettee.esualtiea,lwee the ltiiiteg by lightning of a seem of luorses. awn.ed'lbytlial+tessts, Siiroluir of Duw,tiiol nod the. rt' a to dostr m 1 oris to M. Mitchell o u 1 a windmill re' To' alta f Blausltard. ASr?i. To-. ban's house in St. Marva was also sheer up tr. little, and the telegraph poles suffered, as us- ual. The rain was `' heartily welcomed 11 every one and resultect in cooling the air. Some of onr neighboring townsmen used to cast ridicule on the people of Wughatn, in years by, claiming r asping to be a "citygone of tlforuree railwayso," I priwever, with true British plunk and pertinacity. we la e , held u toour tr f toed i n n dealut' ujt �.. l to, t , 1 bas become a reality,for to tee e a n 1 � e Pacific rail Y as tb by have tt y h e o0m 1 to p e d the laying of their track into wiegbam, and will in a few dans be ready to carry passengers and freight. Wingham is new an iwporteut shipping centre, and should far outdistance all Of onr neighboring E ow nst in becoming1 the leading manufacturing and business place of the west. 1i. > it it ,, f , E111+ awe h I:a..f to?•t tti1 ai • �,P,tt�r �.., • i r t'^ The Most Delightful `-1211 t lig Cr.fti :t ll, .�• ,• -7 i'xa.k2+ p, �e _ec!r,t-. ,a.: i t lrutccir, J salt,. tt; os• chS U.I 1M E (1 R TOUR c:acu:rt..zopnt:ue�..;ui,;..nl:. DR.HODDER'S' BURDOCK Li AND l A CoMpouND G Llirer Qornplaints, Biliousness,: fin pure. loo WYspopa, Eieeey teompplaint,, Skin Diseases. The Great Regulator OI+ THE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS AND BLOOD. CURES HEADACHE CONSTIPATION, I3'FMALE 'COM 1 Le',I 1S NAND BUILD , S U I THE WHOLE r \' 1 r, T� 1RL 1 1 se.. saa.1,2. Read the o vi fol 1 n • "For years past I have suffered front dys- pepsia and I wits •recolrunenrled to ter Dr. Hodder's Compound. I did so and foudd it RL perfect euro. ' I. 3, GU ' R1.',Toronto, Ont. t. Sold Everywhere. Price, 79c. DR, HODD)ER'S COUGH AND LUNG CURE Never Fails. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 e. The Union Medicine Co.. prietors. 'Toronto, Ont. 5-,141 by al. Grocers 11110. - ,-•*i ts, FARM FOR SALE. First class, one hundred aCre3, ono meld East of Centralia. For Particulars Apply to R. HARRISON, Exeter P. 0. ARM FOR SALE -L,t 6, in the 4th Con. of 8 tephen, six miles from Exeter. Containing 90 acres, SO clear, and 10 woods. The land is in a good state of cultivation. On, the farm is a good brick house, two large frame barns, good orchard, good water in wells and springs. Everything handy, a good and pretty place. Will be sold cheap, Apply on the place, or by letter to FRANK EVANS, (t -f) Crediton, P. 0. 1AR11I FOle SALE, --Tile under- '. signed offers for sale Itis farm, beiue' lot 14, con. 5; township of Usborne, two miles and a half from Exeter 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and an first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush. in wnich there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber; the farm is also well fenced and drauted- there are upon the premises, a first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars, two good barn,; two never failing sprins and one first-class orchard. For particulars, apply on tLepremises,to THOMAS SHTJTJ , [1-0) .EXETER P.0 ONT. THE OLD MoLEOD FARM, IN THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 acres more or less, bsingtbo wusthalf of Lots No. 21 and 22, Zurichgravelroad- Good frame buildings on premises, ynIl alt oonven iences; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. The land is of good quality being elty loam. Good water. Two and a -half milos from Hen - sail market. The property free from all incum- orances, Reasons for selling: -Going north to procure more laud. Will sell with or without (irons, For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. 'WILSON, Hensall, P. 0, Ont. MALL FARM foil SALE. -The Undersigned offers for sale 25 acres of good land, being part of the north part of Lot 17 ,1st Con. of Stephen, within one-half nnilc of the vil- lage of Exeter. The land is in a first olass state of cultivation, there is,on the premi- ses a gooil!brick house, good frame barn, g od water, and a half -acre of orehard with all kinds of choice fruits, also a first-class cider mill. This is a:g000d chance 101 anyone wanting a small farm close to rho corporation where all kinds of,produce meets with a ready sale. F1 r further particulars apply en the premises, or to E. LAMPORT, Stephen, lane 29,'S7' (t -f) Exeter, P. 0. Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale Palm Lot numberl8,,eon,9, Tp. Stephen, containing 100 acres, 901asres cleared, and upon which is situ- ated good Brick House and Kitchen, Bank Baru and other good buildings, also a large or- chard, abundance of water, well drained, and overythiugan a first-class order, Also NI 18, con. 6, Tp Stephen without• any buildings. This is also first-class land encu well fenced, upon Whin% is sone spieuclid rail timber. Terms easy'or further particulars apply to Crediton l+G'OTLEIB MORLOCK, , GOTF.SETD OESTRICHI,'•R, /Imo tutors. LOUISA FAIRTZ, J Palace Steamers, Low Rates, Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC - And Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Pull Partioulare. Mailed Free, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. ;0. D. WHITCOMB, GEN. PASS. ACT.. DETROIT, MICH. CE A,T1 Dominion and Industrial EXHIBITIOS, isB B . T0O. SEPTEMBER 5th to 17th. $30,000 in Prizes NTRIES r., LOSE f IJQUST 1 9TH, This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhibitions combined, will be the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. A Grand Programine of Special Attractions is being prepared. Return tickets at single fare and cheap excursions on all railways during the full time of the exhibitiou. The Greatest Event of the Jubilee Year. For prize lists and full information addeess J. J, WITHROW, 11. J. &TILL, President. Mgr. 'and Sec„ P0101100 B!mL t a ers EXETER - - • ONTARivg. Greiner a. Agents for the following first-classInsurance Compan- ies:- Glasgow & London Fire Insurance Co. of Great Britain. CAPITAL, 52,500,000. . Commaroial Union Assurance :Company of London, England. CAPITAL and ASSET%, 021,- 000,070, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society of Norwich England. CAPITAL, $5,500,000. Lancashire Fire Insurance Compcny of Man chester, England' CAPITAL `;14,000,000. City Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Lon- don, Canada. Full Government deposit with Ontario Government. London Guarantee & Accident Co. (Limited) of London, England' CAPITAL, 51,250,000. Canadian Mutual Aid Association of Toronto, U'DIGIAL SALE. Canada. AssossnlentLife System. The best and cheapest in Canada. In the High Court of Justice A' Trial Solicited. Chancery Division. BAKER vs..''XTABLE causes and dtateduthe27th or of JUNE,tr1this 887,, there will hes aid by. and with rtlt t ha approbation 11 oratiau of Sutherland 11:aleomsnn P+sn.,(etto of the 'mas- ters of the Suprema Court of Judicature for`On- tario •, the VILLAGE 07' AT IRA Int HOTEL, lree o'clock in the afternoon of ATURIJAY, the 3rd day of Septelnher,1887 the following lands, viz.: The SOUTII HALF of LOT NUMBER TWO in the 1JRSar CONCESSION of th 1 P01V'y'SirxP of ST,EPHENin the County of Huron, except- ingtliereout the allowance for grayvel road and the.land eonveyecl to titoLon don„ Huron ,b.l3rew. Railway Company.'The said land is all cleared and of excellet1ttitmlity.' Thereisa cote ferta.hlr trains hon andel, geed flame barn 10;k refect -0n the premises. There is also•a good orchards of abont'WO acres stocked with choice tree::. the sairllandsa1•i Very convenientlysitlirlted, being about a nines frtrm Ekotcrr, and 1' tni le from Centralia., ar(40 there isra School !louse, Post Office and ltai1W11F Station within ono mile. be8'ore they are licensed for general r se, iia t 'I would most freely VIEW(' the recipe of l ua- Terms Cif 210: :)ret, e German Syrup and Greens August Ten pm, cent down on the day of sale to th Flower ender such lows, ha4) lr3 the Proper P.imtinttfl's boilcitor, and the birlan±e to )ie pa,i 1 1ottctiOU, and thereby, save true 'irejedi e of inteUnurtwithin3il 'clays the'er�iter,.,vherr, the J, pnrcilacet ,vtll ie entr,,.1, to p,,,..aiod a;nfit,, the peripie nerd a,ou1 trio eofnpetitton Aud h h iron, ale CT f 1� i At ' rmnrinsdcntely after the yresent c 4 5' d enteren'te, 4i t tr0urehn5crwii1baa1iorvetf to tnita';io of worthless natIia're'. anter an tl it r ,, median] r. doi7-eel teialiti fe•tliupurte,sc;rtf, 1 . 2 I It p lt(;htrtg 1 ca o r al 1/ roti, rca 7 / I a . tltesnttl ln,nds twill be offered ft i tLlo sttb.1( 0 i6 -.o -.--i to to t'ssetted hftl, ii on � tesda-y of last week ;Ur. HenryIt all other respects the Conditions fi ,sale i,izer nit of Ta tit ii`lt. haul` wfllbe the tetltrttlfnrr erond,icirus twf(l � mg some ,Frirfur. , .of:thisoourt. ha 1010, a+lre�u hefootlehly,set flret<,:thestu li1e. g$4. fr t r rn;to Mc,rs jrhY oo)in lJs:ii1' G v Csters 0)fe'r esS,rs, Cxatrc nod Ferner l'hcflituics tpre5d so first that 110 wag tIn- filo ahrristers:f}r,dor eh ter t . ilii; 'hiietit%s,t c• 1 tote. la, to{;ctt away'ivith 0 Inad of lwlleat, ,acrd Il1gtc!1 at Cladetrcli ,ti Es 2( lir tcnvin hint ,riled weri;burtted. to s lis a ,#h tilt"v,irf,TuT 1887, � a 1, livanc4g sea teelye'time for;ihs Irian to tlnifitch J3. Cr. 1:Ir1`r'tb`.Ez ,5. M-774-6-6:1,:•C'711(4(81' tClMMS0i ruin noises and can him& 1I e, nd the aril., s�ar�it ltor, T;dpitl •fagter, ileus, I nett r. 5t C+odertelt Westeott & Sanders, Real Estate & Insurance Agts. EXETER :--: ONTARIO roat _off Sumer Go4do . nugg rr y�,---�pgypp- ��®® ��vv toil tlntSllR`i'ZtE LEU'S. E'OR THE NEXT 80 DAYS. See our 6 6 and 70thprints In order`'to clear out our lar .e stook of Embroidery We are offering lhon ccea1e1 than any' 0 lel l15e• 111 ONTARIO -I lV`e are selTnt the 15:t1ianbe of ttttir sleety ITAs away down btlor cost A coli will s � list , yob thatthis is a e lu' � � � I Iti �� �, 1 1110 ealo. 1 M 1FtK W @f7,543ii�.s' t XE fv, N o Not a t4 151't t ,.. e'.cl N� tn;moth - SrTQR. . hos. Beatie ,Sz o. y General Dry-Goods,t Y , Millinery, Mantles, Carpets and Rous... Furnishings. They show one of the Largest and Richest Stooks to be found in Canada NOTE THE ADDRESS :--176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. 000* a ad'•�i1+l o V eS rt To new premises West side Mafn-street One Door South of Post Ofa.c. Where he will be found with GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY i -IS TUB LOSS 0E- • r lecture on the nature. treatment audrsmj5. 00 roof Seminal trced by rell-abuse,Iuvsioltntarermat r yRtnisions, otancy, Nervous .Debility, and Iu7l,epf- ts to Marriage generally ; Consumption, lepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical In- acity, &c, -By ROBETT J. CULVER'EL, U. he world renowned author, in this admir- .e lean ro,Zclearlyproves from his own ei- lonce that tiro awful consegaenees of Self - use may be effectually removed without A NEW .ngerous surgical operations, bougies, 1n- '' V AND COMPLETE' 1'• nuuents, lings or cordials ; pointing out a• -stLich every mffeat re , no matterce certain cwhat his cony t lou may be, mayeure talimself cheaply, 1411 ode of hely au:l radically, oflloots 1�'rhis uncture will�� anti thousiLnils. ptov(ibona to thousands Sent address, past -pr lel, on receipt of folain ur entsno Sewed work a speciality. two postage stamps, Address, Repairing peonlptlyattended to. THEOULVERWELL MEDICAL 00., 41Ann St., New York, N. Y. P.C. Box, 450 GEO. MANSON, JoIEN eai7 -- Lots, Lots, Lots, UNDER,TARER & FOR ALZ^. CABINET-MAKER, I 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Situation good.; fronting good ALSO GO;PIXSOP EVERT DESCRIPTION. wide streets; also a number of. •A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings HOUSES, & FA LAN rti FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, Irl Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISF_ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t 'GIVE ME A CALL .LOTS OF NEW GOODS CEN TKA;, --AT- poupe's Store,! UC STOBE KIRKTON. EXET -o-o HE VY DRESS GOODS (new shades) 10 EXTRA YOUNG FlYSON TEA - 50c. lb 17 lb NICE SUGAR $1.00 A NICE TEA SETT (44 Pieces) -, $2.25 BEST LARDINE OI.L, - . 62c. gal 13117 Fine Tea, for $1.00 8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco - 25c. It will pay you to drive ten miles to buy from us. PLEASE NOTE OUR PRICES. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, Picnic ! Picnic ! A Buy your canned goo�d�ss from 0 16.12 °.S + AI�.V 1imd.J° .A�46 P. Armour's Corned Beef 2 ib. tins 30 cts, Canned 5 , ah non- Lobstet • s Mackerel & Sardines AIL FRESH AND NEW: GOLD DUST : (7rOLD DU -STT CORNMEAL. Tii; it once and you will always use it Oceanfake � da�b hlp IJ!%'S U.1.„/.4Xy/!E GE Ar .2-?,Jir / E ISL J°J .1.' i .� : 101 all information apply to „•e, 1� "l1" KEMP CA�a a , KEM" Drew's i Black and Post -Office, Sal ti Salto The r�y,e y 'Works .x' AJ rrA. !i 'J i fl q OIfeeleie SALT AT (1 E1Jir \)117J,U, $2,25, 'RP.111 TOlv7• . A full stook sof all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. 500 -71713$ BtittorWanted EXETER NOlsTH, Dur Stock is Well Assorted FOR TXIE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES .STILL MANTAINED 1 GROCERIES ! 1' 101bs. sugar 81,00 ; 1.3 )bs, white sugar, $I We can't he undersold in Teas from 20c to' 7 5c. per lb. Boots & ShoesAll Styles) tyles) at Low Prices. A. nicely assorted stock of l+OR1(S, SCYTHES and GLASS all sixes (Cheep.) Best Machine 05 00c pen 051 COAL OIL AS ISOFV AS THE LOWEST, teeete A nice Tea Setd. ,• Sett of . N 4I Pieces, 2. 7�, oeP t1 good snit of ready -meat; clothing for 80. Ordered shits got upi in Good Style. l/? D/+ eSS food are I?i'aeked down to ' 'thee Lowest Notch, au YARDS vyoI ONE DOLLAR A House Arid Lot, also a eerie for Sale Apply to l S01 N MATER S ON. nAY fsl •