HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-11, Page 81r41,1INE811 tatireiGT, AGENT FC),Ie ..4.4 TUE WESTERN ASSURANCE CON. PANT of Toronto : also foe the racr,Nix. Flat el INeTelerINCE clOAIPANY,ot London, glIglan,(1, the ROYAL CA.14 ADIAN. ot Montreal, LU tbo BAITItili EMPIRE LIVE ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of ttortdoe. England, establishee17. Attract over $5,0014,000; olius ane Itemi8es. pale, over $10.000,00e. LOCAL ATBITTS—We shall be happy to re - .;sive at all times, front any part of the County, items of local news, such 41 ae- cideets,or any interesting incident what ever, from any of our subscribers or real. ors generally for the purpose of public- ation. ••••••• WIN CENTS per flue for'first insert io u , a iid OUR CENTS per line tor aeoh subsequeet in eertiou will be °barged to notices apeearieg nth0 ctoltumn, Ijitreitit finzeL TaiLitSDAY, AUteUST 1 1 th, 1887. • DISTRICT DOINGS. ---- Oceurreenees of the Past week Throughout the Nelghborlmod iti a COIICISe Form. The stun of $245 has been raised in 13rucefield and neighborhood for the erection ,of a monument to the raetuory of the late Bev. John Ross, the recently deceased Presbyterian minister of that place. We have used Everest'a Cough Syrup in our family neatly two weare and it has giv- en us excellent satisfaciion.—Rev. A. L, Rus- sell, Forest P. 0. On Monday morning, Mr. P. Malouey's residence on tae 9th line, Blanshard, wa8 burend to the ground. Some of the family escaped with greatest difficulty, one of the boys getting his night «clothes badly burned in doing so. Some of the furniture was say - ed. Loss heavy. No iusurance. A citizeu of Stratford has decided to appeal against the entire assessment roll. From all accounts it is a badly bangles' affair. For instance, the incotue assessmeut is $1,- 000,000 less than it should be, amounting as it does to pnly $3,000,000. I Used one bottle of Evetest's LivIr Rego- Igtor and gained ten pounds in weight—it cured me. —Thos. Sraclifle, Aberader P. 0. On Friday morning au aged, man by the name of Delaney, living about one mile from Dublin, left his house in apparent good _health to look after his nettle. He bad gone anly a few yards from his gate when he fell. Upon being picked up life was extinet. Sup- posed to be a case of sunstroke. Mrs. Mary ptook of Parkhill, has sued Capt. Jeit, of Port Huron, for e10,000 dame- " ges for an attempted aesualt. She claims that she came up on the Cole from Detroit in June, and Capt. Jes offered her rooms for the night. Sbe says he visited the rooms several times duriug the night, and made indecent proposals. Mrs. Stock's hueband is living. The Blanshard council donated twenty dollars to the South Riding of Perth, Agri- cultural Society and a similar amount to the township society. This is as it should be. The greeter portion of the money granted will be returned to the ratepayers of Bien- shard- • Everest's Cough Syrup'and 1siverBegulator- give universal satisfaction in this vicinity.— B. White, Crediton P. 0. Chathain, Ontario, August 7th, 1887.— At 3 o'clock this morning the house of H. T. Cumming, on Victoria avenue, was injur- ed, by a dynamite cartridge, placed on the front door step by unknown parties. It blew out the frontkor and shattered the windows. Ng one was hurt. Two men have been ar- rested en suspicion. Listowel, Ont., August 6.—Fire broke out this morning about ten o'clock, entirely de. stroying the Salvation army barraoks, for- merly the M. E. church building, owned' by the North British Canadian lnvestreent Com- pany, of Toronte. The amount of insurance is not known. The fire originated from sparks blown from the smoke steak of Moyer de Co 's grist mill. The village of Aylmer, Ont., is built in solid blocks along one street. The other day a business place in one of these got on Ere inside, which spread rapidly to the whole in • terior, bat thanks to the Holly system of waterWorke the fire was confined to the shop where it originated. The building was cons. after tee ;Pelted Mr. Beseent to take a R7a1lp I owe near MOVRetene's 11,9tel the etreeeller Uttborne. was aceell'ied /ay another Yeueg want wlonn Ati MINT A few d Binnobord Counoil. be addroseed as Mr. Williams, ewe ieferimee • eit . om- ale Bile), Gertrude, Council met in tbe town hall, oe gooey that eau the good woro oilippoa., Atter the, a lt!t e oaughter of Mr. Wm, Stewart,. Aug, 1. ail tit° Melebers ereseet, the reeve in tult3tellatlaPaai1taievnerat bcohte111.1101eNPY:Ysiupgulolfeathotlaitr,eigbhut;i(leWeflietimiereqPnlataYeintr'ge Inkbio°wuitngtha:)WebYartiric:y WWittitill: 8Qtaona:C*thatti of Jr. rro.etiVIOAdab°111d1' tRreett'li)lfreArtrh.ejoehain: hat received a glorious aOnideni the chair. The ininutes of Me previous meettug read and ape Yea, It WW1' re.olved the other fellow wanted mien, and the 11Ushot lie girl caught p owered to borrow the sum of 31000 for the his resptetablo eompeuieu 1)18 for an lionr helet Of the rope" and the here° Melting use of see onmen. A eenenennioetioe front . wee that Mr, Besitant wee induced t9 lend horse hey 1k:irk•the • • , o n and0f- or two, with the bogus cheques for soeurity, oft drew the child's hand into the put- At, 1-1..,,,A N. ST•A•XLEY'S ' L '1 °P-Jairilin sh°Q ;ViSIAltgEe Lidno tru.leatforl aintiirrilit or u_Piaiye Lit Be went beck .te the hetet, hut, strange to tey. No bones were brok ma but the 'cioe;ill'eevfl'itu-ori"a;i101;hutectlernailitneetiveio:yeprrkoiepetrYtti;ivyo: tinh4a0 1 4tletirate4 on4,1.5sh t 1 fineaoa4euitt aptadycaeboiteliell''pe'dallyaoedLesastb,j,e na d Deesaut smiled as he told tae story, and evie iP getting t"etter• township the .014 of 04.726 for oeunty pur- 1 '''' say, the stranger had failed to return. Mr. hand wqs conatderably mangled. She 1 Ile( a( es 8.0,Nrelangctgub.stvIter getltrutialpgrrowowllut:cit. dently feels that his aetion was not ti, prust, ...A 011ANO,El Felt One YOttette MEN. In poses, and a further BUM of $884 oquivaiefit dent one. A London Exchange, 1 this the nineteenth century, it is rare to eounty school ratee, areetmeng in the Sigh Ir. daetso • . "1""1",","r""'""""ima.ms•T, 4k!trik LAND Ong fiNIITAIN iota and' thatimber thereoe situate W in the ceownships of Allan,Assiginaok, well„ illiniriyJarnaryou, Campbell, lIewiand, Sheguieadah, Tehkulninah • ncl Mills on the Manitoulin island, in the Pistriot of Algoma, in the Province of Ontario, will no offered for Rale at roblie Auction in blocks of WO was, More or less, on the first day of Ide temher next at 10 o'clock A t h The Dresden Times 'meet—Mite' Sophia indeed that we hear ore young girt per- whole to 63,110 for the year 1887. It was forming harvest work vvhich really be resolved on motion of Mr, MoYeneell, longs to the sterner sex, However, we ended by Mr. Dickinson, that a rate of two SOU. have a oase herein this township, where aub)ii101 sporouptelliteydoofIltahrehemlleuviiieeteanlitayl! real vacated: a young girl. daughter at Mr. Robert Morrison, out 63 acres of grain with a rP87:°:tall'if°m"ill:IfloYr purposes arnudi;osfellortlf: Toronto steel light binder durmg the season. She also helped the farm bands the year 1887 and that a by-law be passed . . . „ confirming the motion. An account was in housing Enos same. tels Y°Ling reoeived from Messrs. Islington and Pilliner, 13utzer, aged 22, who lived in 1st con., Dawn, was bulged to death last Thurtday at mai. night. A hot fire was left in the kitehan stove when retiring for the night, sue a small armful of wood was also left in ()lose proximity. The family consisting of father mother, end four grown up children, three girls and one boy, were arousea a neigh- bor to find that their dwelling was enveloped in flatnes. The inmates, brazed with fright, is a starop of womanhood rarely met amounting to $5 for advice re -equalizing hurriedly made their exit to find that Sophia l with and the young man who succeeds • • county tate. ‘1...iaid over 011 next meeting. was missing. One of the faraily, a brother, in winning her attentions may wrap 0 herrzed back to Ilse buruing building and ob. served her up stairs. The young maa mount- ed a chair and frantically pulled ROMS lath off near a stovepipe hole, and coull see his sista; but was powerless to lend any secs- tanee. The illefated victim was heard to give a scream and fall in the ileums to be cremated in the presence of the familV. In about three minutes time it was all over, as the house fell aud the girl soon reduced to ashea. The neighbors aay they heard a loud repnrt during the conflagration, aud is supposed to. be a fiye gallon can of oil that was standing near the stove. The farm is situated near the McIntosh school houseeaud is known as the "Barrie Fein." This is the same Miss Butzer who oatne near. poison- ing herself to death a short time ago'on wild :parsnip. Much sympathy is felt for the dis- tressed :amity, and help will no doubt be forthcoming. Hay. Accuse:vie—One day last week while Coun- cillor MoE wen and two sons, of the front road, were drawing hay, the horses attatohed to the wagoti rau away. One of the boys was seyerly injured, one of his legs being broken, while the other boy was bat slightly illinred. BECOVERED..--SaMO.Fi Rennie, the worthy reeve of this township, who had the misfor- tune a few weeks ago, to have one of his legs seriously injured by the running away of his team, attached to his binder, is we are pleas- ed to notice sufficiently recovered to be able to be about again. He attended the council meeting on Thursday last, but was compell- en to use crutches. At a meeting or the municipal council of Hay on Thursday, Aug. 4th, it was moved by Mr, Kalbliaisch, sec. by Mr. Surerus, that a rate of 2a mills on the dollar be levied on all rateable property of the Township to raise the sum of $3702,96 for County purposes bud Legislative equivalent ; La mills to raise the sum of $2842 for township purposes, and for seine' purposes various rates according to the requisition of the trustees of the several school sections of the Township, and that a bylaw be passed in accordance herewith. Upon petition of Henry Lipphardt and others for pertmasion to erect wire fences on lands bordering on the highway. was moved and carried that. such petition be granted. and that a by-law be passed accordingly, as provided for by statute. Moved and carried that the Colleotor and Treasurer ea required to renew their bonds and sureties and present them t� the Connell at their next meeting for approve]. Tee following accounts were passed :—H. Cook, making culvert, $1.20, drawing gravel, $7.50: P. Wright, gravelling road, $708; C. Aldsworth, cedar, and making culvert, $17.00, building approaches to bdge. on con. 2, $36.00; H. L. Peine, boardine ate' attending David Pike while sick, $25 00 The Council adjourned. to meet on Saturday, Oct. 8th at 10 a. m. SERIOUS FIRES.—On Friday and Saturday last the residents of the south eastern part of the township, were excited to fever heat. The bushes were on fire. It is reported that ou Friday, a sou of Mr. Win. Becker whose farm is situate about four miles north west of Dashwood finding the air dry, fired some rotten stamps 10 one of his fields. The stumps burned calmly away for a time and when all appeared safe, a high north wind pletely gutted, but its walls were left stand- brewed in the west and came sweeping along ing. This was the first fire that (soothed in carrying the blaze from field :to field and from bush to bush, destroying a great man Aylmer since the introduction of waterworks. Their utillty was fully demonstrated in that fire, and according to the Aylmer Sun the people are load in their praise. Stratford, Aug 7th.—The fires caused by the lightning on Friday are: John McCal- lum, near Little Lakes, barn and crops; John Cam* Downie, barn with this season's crops, insured in the Perth Mutual for $1,200; barn of John Quinlan, South East. hop with six acres of hay, oats and barley, insured in the South Easthope Mutual; Henry Trachsell, Shakespeare, barn and its contents; George Zinn, North Easthope, barn and its contents; 13enjamin Rhode, South Easthope, barn and greater part of this season's crops; Henry Kirby, North Easthope residence slightly damaged, Mr. P. Maloney, of Blansbard, insured his building last fall in the mutual inanranee company of the township, paid his usual fee and gave the ordinary premium note for the amount of his indebtedness to the company. At a meeting of tee directors shortly after. wards the question of reducing the amount of his insurance by el00 was diseussedVr. Maloney edits was present, etaeing tnat .he would prefer having the policy oancelled to to any reduction nowever small. After Mr. Maloney left, the directors ce.ncelled bieepol- ioy but failed to notify him of the Action or any return of the money paid or note given. Last Monday morning the hone was des- troyed by file. atid tbe question arises : he legally entitled to the era aunt of his in -s surauce? Messrs. William Routley and William Brock, of Usborne returned last Sunday evening, from their visit to England. They report the crops are exceedingly short .this year owing to the continued ctry weather. The oats were heading nut in many places ehough not six inches long. They assoit that no rain of any account has billet in the south of England since Chrharnas and that the cattle mad sheep in that district are net- nudly starving. They had an excellent pass- age both ways and enjoyed their trip very much. The steainer on which they came home was OTOWdea With imuligrAnfs, but they State that a very small percentage of them indeed know anything about agrioeltnre, the Majority being from the crowded citiea of Great Britain and in no way adapted to the wanes of ()Amide. The times they gay are exceedingly hard in England just now and there is every probability that they will get . , i701136. Air. Goo. Bassani, a respectable lodging old mart, who appears to be well-to.do far• mer, hailieg from Godericre was up at the G, T. It. libation Saturdey afternoon looking for two men who had done him out of $18. Mr, Bassett tellehle story like this:—He came to tOwn Friday, and stopped at the City }tot. acresof grain and wood. Oa Saturday the wind get hieher end the fire gave_evidence of becoming a very destructive element. Fields were ploughed, fences torn abroad, but all to no avail. The flames skipped like hares of of the forest -and at times would make leaps of at least one quarter of a mile. About four o'clock in the evening, the fire had reached Deshwood and caught the savadust at the rear of the mill and it was with the greatest labor tbatlits ravages here were check • ed. While Mr, Charles Holbein, if lot 6, con 13, was drawing oats, the fire visited the field and before he could ?each the load. it had also caught, and com- menced burning. The horses attatched took fright and commenced running away and the line being caught beneath the tongue.of the wagon, tee driver was unable to control the team. blotters began to appear serious and the driver jumped frora the load, allowing the horses to escape as best theycould. The an- imals reached the road, and turning south galloped at a furious rate drawing a wagon and load of oats, all of which was one mass of flatne; and with a strong wind bowing from the north-west the horses' tails caught fire. The runaways were captured about a mile south of the field and unhitched from from tbe burning wagon. Upon examina- tion it was found the horse e were very badly scorched, having the caudal appetidagee burnt off. The load was reduced to aelees and the wagon rendered useless. Several small barns were destroyed to a considerable amount. If it be true that Mr. Becker start- ed the fire, it is altogether likely that he will get into trouble. Railway Smash 1.71p. Milton, Ont., Aug. ta—A bad smash up occurred here at about foul o'clock this morning at the crossing of the eel'. R. and the N. de' N. W.B. While a heavy freight train on the C.. P. laden mostly with cattle, going east, was crossing the N. & N. r. c annell seconded by himself up in the thought that he lit a Mr. Dickinson: it waajesol ved that the sum lucky individual, It is expected that of twenty dollars be granted to tee South Miss Morrison vv1/1 reoeiye many propos- , Perth Agricultnral Society and an equal ale between now and the marrying sea- l amount to the Blalishard Agree Society for son, December. •1887. Orders were granted tg the following: Wm. AtItinsou, e4.50, gravelling townline, B dr M.; G, F. Bobbins,. part printing contract and extra work, $41 ; Chas. ViiileYt 1)3 50 repairing sotaper ; H. Fred Sharp, $5.23, stetionaly; Edward McQuillan, 09.12, grad. ing townline B. it De'Patrick McGee e5.00, gravelling towoline B. & B.; James Gentling e12 12, gravelling townline, B. de IT.; ROA. Bulyea, $20. repairing Fish Creek bridge lower side road; Layton Pidd, $60, repairing Fish ()reek bridge ; ' Thos. &pier, e2. tile across road; • Bold Knowles, $50 gravelling concession 8 ; Thos. Crozier, OUP for gravel Wm. Kirk $14.70 for gt ayel ; Wm. Hamilton • hillinVilie. BRIEF.3.—There has been a scarcity of news in this vicinity, but with the own. leg of ram a revival la every depart- ment may be expected. Harvest is about over. The struggle has heen short, sharp and decisive, no hindering rains. no beavy'llews, but burning het. The crop as a rule is light and poor. Mr. Thomas gmale dug a well for Mr. L' Bennett, recently and struck a splen. eel sprang. lf any one wantsm well (tug , or cleaned, Mr. Smale is the men to ap- ply to Mr. Ed. Walcott peye a flying visit to Ueborne every week in searcb of butter. Miss Gregory formerly teach- er of No. 6 Ushorno paid Winchelsea a visit. There are rumen of it concert at the public school early in Septeniher. At the first auerterly meeting of :the Elimville circuit held at Eli:ovine on Monday Aug. 8th the following resol- ution was unanimously Folopted:—That this Quarterly Boatel views with regret the exertions made by the opposers of the Scott Act to reverse the decision of the electors of this county as expressed whetn the Scott Act was adopted, and we urge our frienes to vvithstand by every legitimate means the attecupt to have it repealed. Zurich. MARRIED WOMAN'S Piceic.—According to promisea send you few items re- garing the Zurich married womens' pie. mc at the Be ne lest week. My busi- ness (Commercial man) happened to c me to the Bend the day of the pic- nic and I took a gond chance to take stock of the whole affair. As tbey dikwe In they wee singing "The old man I left befiind me." Mrs. Joe. was -'ex- pecting them and gave them a ty reception. After reiresereents ( I 'wilt not tel you what they refreshed them- selves with but they were refreshed) they reaehetethe lake shore about 10.30 a m cl . . an were not long in finding a shady place to pitch their tent. There was a rush for the water. The "heavy- weights" got badly left, although they had been in training for some time. While they were introdueing the eat abjes an drinkahles Mrs. Joe and the OTaxerdermist'' made their appearance with extra tea and coffee and I think, some pie. It was covered up so I am not sure what it was. After dinner the fun began. I am not acquainted with all the games but they were very can- ning. One or two gentlemen. who happened to come along were fired out in double quick time by one ot the heavy weights, who Phook be fist, whicn looked like a enfants alenge hamiliel:, at them and shouted ',stand hack and do not come or we'll put an apple in yer oi." there was not a trace of the fellows left m five minutes. They told me af• 1.27 gravel ; Allan Stevens, 827.75 for aveleind gravelling, St. Marys road • J M Barnett, $45, balance nontract for bridge mouth of Fish Creek ; Ruth Ritchie, $7, ehatity; Geo, Wilkinson, $3, charity ; Wm. Rundle, $25,95, gravel and damages. Successful Teachers, CLINTON. List of the successful eandidates who wrote for second class ce tifical es at Clinton : Jane Black, Agee° Cruickshank', Lilly Dev, Mary Perrie, Mary Holmes, Miry Taylor, C. Robertson, Cora Williams, Edward Cas. pelt, T. Grand, Fred Inglis, D. Johneton, John Kahle, John Lowery George MeDernai 1 J. McDonald, J. McTavish., Robt.11ichaldson George Purvis, F. Hartley, A. Morrish, total number 21. Of these nearly all were pupils of this high 'ashen!, 1L?. expented that the result of thetthircl clase examination will be ready for puhlteatioe about the 15th inst. eeseep PROW GODERIOH II. S. :Misses AkAllan, A. Camebell, S. Camp- bell. J. Diekson; J. Struthers. A. Porter. and Messrs. J Allem J. Burke, D. Davidson, J. Mullin, W. Robertson. PASSED 3r1105L'AEAFORTE( H.. • L. Monteith, A. Cosens, EL Foiseer, F. Fowler, J. Hogg, J. Prendergast, G. Short - reed, G. Crich. a•-•••-•-11 Winghain evants a ',High School and so does Exeter. NARKET REPORTS. Fthatiniemyet.:. ..... ..E.::.4...T. EIL ... '....,.., 400 547005 :1:0 5 004706 Spring Wiles i ... ... ... . ...... eo ...see Lo eo 0 7350 ( Corrected at5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday. '314o% r 8 e e d ... ...' 1 50 io 2 00 Timothy " ... ... 0 50 to 0 51 Peas Corn _. ... 0 68 to 0 60 .......: ......... ... ... 0 16 t o 1.1 16 Eggs Butte, ... 12 to 0 32 Plourparbb1...... — ... 00 to 5 65 APpoptaietos,epse,prebrabguslel 7.: .7 75 to 80 ... 40 to 0 50 up erieeede ApPelp. S. pr b .:::. ...... ...... 00 0054 ttoo 00 0,f0, _Turkey per lb Ducks per pr _ ... ... 0 08 to 08 ... ... ... 0 20 to 0 30 .Chickens per pr ,.. ... ... 0 26 to 0 40 Ffogs,dressecIperl00 ... ... 5 50 to 5 70 Beef . ...• 4 00 to 5 00 Bides rouhg, .17 ...- dressed ... . ... 5 60 to 5 50 Oalfskins ... 6 no to c no ..., 0 75 to,1 GC Sheepskins each Wool per lb ... ' ... ... ...... 0° °200 tto° 0° 2710 Vay porton ... ._ ... ... 800 to 10 00 Pntonsnerbusn Woodper cord .. ' „, 0 50 to 0 75 2 50 to 3 oo • — — tervvares whet a narrow escape they had • ST. MARTS. I was fortunate in 'securing a good hid- ing place Just to the right of where the p °Mears had their dinner, or they mIght have fired me off as well. The event of the day took place aboat 3,30 p. m. which was the swimming match. As I am not acquainted wale any• of the party, I do not know which one got the teed, but it was one of the light weights anyhow. The day was a very warm one id d n ee , but the heat did hot mar their pleaeure in the l After pienteers' anthem the chortle of which is 'What's more (un than a pion ',party, With the victuals all on the ground, , Bugs in the butter and ants in the milk, And skitters buzzing round." east. ter singing -the they shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Joe and startee for home vowing this was the happiest clay they had spent in all their livea. Hoping these few lines will answer, I remain with kind regarde, respectfully yours, J. B. C. Commercial Traveller, • London. BRIBIS.—Miss E. Steinbach who bee been visiting friends in Exeter and. vi- cinity, returned home last SaturdaY,` accompanied by her cousin, Miss Et Dyer,.—Miss Mitchell, of 'Dashwood is town --Our ffiend J. K. is again with ns from Londono—Very heavy bush fires have eteen 'raging a few miles west of here. A Deist deal of damage has been done ale a ly do. One field of oats was destroyed for Mr. flolhein. While Mr. Holhein was hauling in oats, his load took fire which caused the horses to run away. The wagon an W. Bye oonsisting of eonductor's van and I rack were smashed to pieces. •ixteen freight ears, which had got clear while the train was shunting at Lawson's mill, about three or four miles north of Milton, and it being quite a down grade ?I -6m that point to Milton, the runaway atone at a tremendous tpeed, quite outdoing the on gine white' undertook to catch her. The condttctor was in his van on the runeway, the only man on board. His ear struck about the middle of the O. P. R. train smashing np three of thter OatS and killing four fat settle., There were about tweleeor thirteen cats smashed en the N. de N. W. Ry and the traek wee blocked all day. Travel hee not beet" impeded, ae they tiansferred passengers. The C. P, lijr. got their track Canadian. A new steel steamer of 0 thonsand ton[i), burden has just been launched at San Frane cite° for the C. P. R. She was cbristepecr the Premier, and after receiving her certiee calm will probably be put on the Vancuuvere VictOria roete, BIRTHS. Geevne.—At Adare,, on the 5th lust, the — wife of Jetties Glavin ot it son. . rrstr.—At Exeter North, on the 7th inst. the Wife of tfenry rink, of a eon." cleared very eiroreptly. The conductor on - el A nice looking man eath grey re skAtt, i tbe.Fla/IN.-1h Stephen, en the 8th inst, the acid moustache mede hintseli Agreeable, ace hi - ; ' rnnaWay was badly iltjatedt but it is i woe of Them, rison of a son. thought he will recover, . "Spring Wkeat Fall Wheat 'B' ar.letyn aliened by Messrs: Carter, Son & Co. 75 to 76 3'750 4755 ats . 29 30 Clover Seed ........... .... . . . . 4 60 500 Timothy . .. ..... .. ....... .. .. .. .......':.„*.150 200 1°1° 7650 Potatoes per bush t 15 12 ' 75 80 ,Wooleppleps eprerbb ti sh ....... .. .. .. . .... 30 15 Hay porton 21 23 800 8 00 EggsPeas ..... .......... ••.•.• •• ASAL CURES :74:e• COLD') N TN rilEAD, 1.40 t. SOOTHING, - CLEANSING, HEALING. It Cures CATARRH, Gold in had, HAY FEVER. STOPS Droppings from Nasal passages in - EASY TO USE. to the throat and excessive expectoration caused by Catarrh. Sent ,pre -paid on receipt of price, 50c, end $1. Address FULF020 Ft CO., Brookville, Ont. WESTERN FAIR, INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION. • LONDOZT. &NADA 19th TO 24th SEPt 1887. LIBERAL PREMIUMS ----FOR— LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC. NoirreGbre°illnigicIp8rNoevwidBeduiflodringthPo'N°foltRhacco(3rnTierga°k Jobilse Exhibition at an estimated ' —cost of— $120,000,000 HALF' A. itiLLLIiiN DOI,LAAIS Will' be represented by the Live SteekOlisplay Gran cl exhibits in pa i ti e eta te are eeekulp titre The oortratitt'ee attractiollg are preparing a stolen& d pre prarnme. Better than ever, Send your addrisa n postal card for cony of the Pfire fiat, For all inforinatiou write to the Seevetary: A. W. PORTE, Pees, ono, efeleR001ci. See 79 BAY STREET, ,!.tORONTO, OANADA aold with the timhar without conditione of, sot- the:I:tent. At tlae same time aud 'place the M.erehant.0 , able 'limper of riot lose than i 18 Jewel STREET Lo,"•"DON E ENC11,AND .)(e°8001;elacingiyI;Ovi1001111(1,VoSardiOaexfuEltafTaedri/tnIVIleg exemeter teethe butt, on the Spanish River R 11 ICES Wieethinaker Jeweller ound eut of ea. le Per square mile, and dues , , to no paid on the timber as out Reeording. . t , e and OP00.0.a. Tariff of Vole department, 4 , to fraP the Age' oy for the sale of the above in For full particulars please apply to Jas, C. Rxiee.,ert, No Spectacles in the Market ertval Phigps, Eeq„.Indian Supt„ Manitowaning, or possess, or the Guutm Dist and Coareonw they No other paper to insert thia advertisement s co tsfee cm the wearer, : . „ . without authority throughebe Queen% Printer, Their use will in actuality so strengthen tee Il. VANKOUGliN ET, ). Eye that it does not become necessary ' to °hone° them for many Years. They are there. Deputy of the Supt. Gen% fore the 04EAPEST. '.': •Department of Indian Affairs, of Indian Affeirs. 1 They Are the Best in the World, Ottawa, 200 June, 1887. They Nevee- Tire the Eye,• y (411'13 ithout Change. 44 usedby the leading °millets throuehout the - theta IR the ETE P ESERTING QUALITIES t Sty to t e uedersigned. • And Last Man -Y W' The Sight tested by our -New Teat Card, same world, • 4. J. SNELL Mop:Chant :Tailor, , removerin preinisea one acior north or Browning's dug store, whsre there will be fouud Well Stbeks, OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &c. Sootph, English,, Irish, French and Canadian G-oods Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE .--AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW hIOEES ! A 0A.14.4 WILL COI:VINCE. • 4. J,g-I\T#.1L, Graduate ot Cleveland Cutting School. se riLdwell &Pickard Having purchased a Choice lot of Dress. Gobds much below their Value, are now of- fering them at Very LOW PRIatIS. low Dross Goods ALL COLORS, Brocaded and plain8ilks U SLIN S PLAIN AND FANCY' NEW LACES,---- liosiery Gloves and Parasols ' Just Received The Latest Stylesein Millinery, also a fine aisortinent of Scotch and English Tweeds. Oich are just to hand.' FULL LINES of Felt and Straw hats Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- arian and Mellet. NOTE 11 1 .1)0)77. FORGET IT r In order to accomModate our rapidly Ihereasing business we 'have had to Enlarge Otrr Premises, and now have room to show the 73E,S7; dek.S607R.T1) STOCEC 9 Hardware, Tinware, , Stoves, Etc —:IN TOWN- j- -- ((oo)) If you want a STOVE OR ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir Wire, Pay You. If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right • Spot when you call at •BISSET'T BROS. Ole "os If you want STOVE •COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, .SRADES, SHOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN OA WELL PUMPS, (most), you will etrike Rook Bottom Prices at 13ISSM2"11 131R,OS_ RLINC'S BLOCK —THE'PLAC FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT. St rir;$$ COOP") ) One of the Largest, Newest, Best "Assorted and • Cheapest • Stocks in Exetdr. Meltin Olathe, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jersey Clciths, French Dress Material's, in al the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Pricee, OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Material and Mourning Gepds, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. 13Iaek, Dress and Mantle Silks. SXERY GOOD ASSORT, -•_ 114 A.ND _EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range. Flannels, Blankete, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, Jai, all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST,- POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct.Goods at Correct Prices, come to I. Our Crocervs. peipartment Cortliplets, TRY,' ()T.TR 500T. TEA. Et is achnowiadged by everyone titba used it tebe the bestial the Viltege tor the money • ' SanIple Pareels, Free. BtITTER EGG§, AND ALL PROIYUCE TAKEN IN EibliA.IsIGE.• A -ciALL SOLICITED. 1. CARLING, Main -t., Exeter.