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The Exeter Times, 1887-8-11, Page 4
TAR1Q 1+1,QW AND V1VTY X' ,1SS AQQ., ' I '1"4"."'"' U'],silt, I8$7 kitty ','?.ears, ago, n •rty all the 10.11(1 r t of Toronto nci, north, of itie Gond Trunk raiiiigy„ line was wAta.STA'TAP la�tlec�usave an unl�rolren'�£orest. The ,onlrty^ elf the wester .n . Peninsula, T � lntelligtftirltl>Jtrespondent asks r' now Shown to be sea krtile and t4- 'ns; --"who started, the commercial w,%ting, was then supposed to be uuitan. agitaZiatl'?'" A periunctary,amswerto thisglies- tiea?a ^will note bekcleirasidet'ed satisfac tori: It is tivrtrefote, necessary to take a short Iet)rospect of our politi- callh,istAry for kers years. About this ttime nine years ago. ]liltie dotter than n. mage swamp. Bears and veolves•were.alat upcoae- snon visitors. 'Toronto had then but 2,55oo inhabitants, and now it. lhx. s AONtOr too,000, Cl'ttawa had leo eicistence on the tntap,:save as the sight .of a wuterfa l;; now it is a the Vominion'was an the throes of ihlourishing capital :of or,oao people, • general election. The Reform- London, the leadu;g city of the panty, then in po^we'r, had, by their t ;vve-st, ]has also made wonderful in amity to govern, brought. the t d ,d the lest fifty years country to. the verge of national bankruptcy. Turning a deaf ear to the cry of the people tor a change in its trade policy with foreign coun- tries, the Government nailed its free trade .colors to the mast, and deter- mined, to inkpwith the ship. The , Conservative party t(promised the people a N atioi,ai. Policy of protect- ,oi., to ,our home industries. There sever 'was.a more unequivocal issue before .an ,electorate. The people knew what:they were doing and vot- edtor Protection. In 1587 the people were again ap pealed to, and the issue was pract- ically the :same. The ,principle of Pr tection to home intiue.try was again affirmed with emphasis, its beneficial efi:t cts upon the country being now clearly seen. In 1887, the opponents of a prot- tective policy imported ,a ,new ele- ment into the electoral struggle.- Desparing of success on a sq'a.are is- sue between free trade and protect- ion, they seized upon the execution of the Rebel Riel as, in their ,opin- ion, calculated to alienate a large portion of the supporters of the -Gov- ernment in the province of Quebec. More dangerous and unjustifiable tactics were never resorted to at an election. They failed, however. But an unexpected result followed —the complete demoralization of the Grit party. Its leader withdrew fin disgust, an event which was fol- Io�aei by quarrel' -s, insubordination and jealousies among the rank and file of the representative men of the party. Under these circumstances a council was held. All agreed that some new battle cry had to be in- vented. The • old o, es were dead issues. The National Policy was too deeply seated in the hearts of the people to be up -rooted by a free bade cry. Besides the Malvern speech had cut the grounds irom un der them: The Riel question, from which so much had been expected, had turned out a curse to the party. The C. P. R. had been finished, and nothing remained !or the party, if it was to continue an exponent of poli tical principles, but to construct a new platform. Commercial Union was then agreed on, and means tak- en to put the issue cunningly to the people as if the movement were a spontaneous one among the fanners of both political parties all over the country. . Upon the Commercial Union wave the party was to be wafted into power at the next elect- ion. If that failed, ]nothing was left but to d;sband. This is the true history of the Commercial Union agitation. Its origon was Grit; its chief advocates are Grits; its ultimate object and only aim is to put the Grits into Dower at the next election. BRITAIN'S PROGRESS. X/eW griae forties '� woks s it psis& for wheat twvttld POI- 10 0,411 *WM', qt Vico/1;• trQ1 I4txeteooh lit week )repottea lfhet t iie1lit* lit the 1a. 4ttt ,01310... for t frutx Iluak. Reir,owheat `.oa Set'4xi'�, market is, gltot$M seventy Dente out ,.wheat, tlowe ever, la 0111 worth siiOaAX. Mi mad Mrs: B, SS4.04ey end Mirr Stru3e,L e h. o -pleasure Qt Tw.u�tu, lett T alt d!�,. tor 4 r •rip; (wet' Os D. P. R, for �Srn, Franchise wad' Southere California, FARM FOR SALE, vire 'a;lase, one ltua &tat o,crea, one two etO Ageallq. x'orrtrticuinrs Apply to 14RIRISC N, Exeterrp, 6 s.) ties FARM FOR SALE —Lot 6, in the 1 4t'e'Coll, - of S t�epholt, clef miles from Eatetcr, Contai�ning'90 acres, 80 clear, and 10 weeds. The 0 t the of u tion, On 's in a cod state c Ytava laud a a a arm Is a, goo 'brick , DR.HOODER'S BURDOCK AND. �Pill4,� CaMvnUNO 1 Giver G `ap1a'inta,. Biljoui3:pees tulpl1 OQ Ryspe s?a, I k1ney Coal��1rlagt; skin r?igeasea. i.- The Great Regulator OF '1111E STOMACH, LIVER, 730WELt1. ANE BLOOD, 01711 SES HEADACHE CONSTIPATION, FEMALE COM L 1LAIN!~S, ,AND BUILDS UI' `TIE WHOLE SYSTEM. Read, -the following : "For -years past I have suffered from dy-- pepsia.anii hues recommended to t,•r Dr, I l tidier s Compound. I did so and foudd it good orchard, goad water in wolfs and E, J. CURTIS Taronto Ont.) ga Evoryt3ing handy, a good and Pretty r , � , n the ilaoe SOW. L�esywhere. Price, 79c. s rr es during a QS g � house, v o frame o s two nx 1tarP were only terl,or eleven die f ' d k ck h 1 g a perfect calm, t 1 t' Ontario now hams, DO. Not a t �%isit the.Mal' of ,. ,os. RAattd� &Co - n.. General Dry -Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Carpets ad oust They o of the Largest ur .I' e s one Furnishings, < show g Y to Dun , 1x1 t ar10 ; n gree. li'tll besold cheap, Ably o 1 + lthere,ar 48. Fifty r�'ears ago the or by letter to DR. HODDER'S COUGH AND LUNG and Richest Stocks be f din c .m flh1cipa l tees to al dotal number of acres occupied in FRANK EVANS, the,whole province •did not exceed I tt—f') Crediton, P.'0. .#,000,000, and of these ,but halt a million were cultivated in any fashion. The number of acres now under tillage is reported at about 22 000,coo. The nuniber of horses then af•ee1y kind was os,000,whale 'the farm is also .well fenced and. drained ; last• ear' there were about 6o0 000 there are upon•tbe•premises.di, trst clan, brick y , + dwelling house, with first class Dollars two after I2,000, valued at $I,550,000, good tarn; two never failing springs ail cue first -aides orchard, For particulars, apply ou had been exnor ed. The numbertot tbepreniisos,tc THob1AS sl€UT14, cattle has increased from 70,000, tt—f} EXETER P.0 ONS, fifty years ago to 2,000,oaao last year. The material progress of Great 1uPARK FOR SALE. --The tincler- signedoffers for sale his farm, being lot it con.5; township of Usborne, two miles and a leaf from tlxater 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bash, in which there is some ery valuable oa;kand blackish rail timber; r IlE OLD MoLEOD FARM, IN T$E Township of Hay, for Sale. It con- tains 100 acresnrore or,less,being the west half of Lots N. 21 and 22, Zurichgraveli•oad, Good frame buildings on premises nd all oonven roh rd of fruit bearing trees. ho an iso goo quality ins clay Good water. Two and a -half miles from Aon - sail market. The property free from all incum- CURE Never Fails. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 c. The Uuiou Medicine co, Pro- prietors, Toronto, Ont. MACKINAC The Joun_tyofMiddlesepossessesat T z�neMost neliitlttntl the present time a larger population than the whole province et that day, and rrlore Illead of hue stock of all` ionces , largo o a s Palace steamers, Low flexes. kinds. Of sheep there was .then no 1 1 d f a 1 e rt t y loam Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC 0 SUMMER TOUR record ; there are now about 2,000,- 000. And .statistics of this kind ;foranees. Res•noaafor selling:—Ceingnorth to might be multiplied to any extent. Little did a man living 5G yeans ago, think that to day Canada would have a railroad from ocean to ocean. And even now commercial union fanatics imagine that we can- not prosper unless we have closer ntercourse with the United States. EDITORIAL NOTES. -- THE Reform journals did give t+.le result of the Renfrew election con- test a passing notice. The tone of the paragraphs is indicative of coming from disheartened persons. At a political meeting held at Somerset, Quebec, Wednesday, July 3rd, the Hon. W. Laurier de- fined his views sn Commercial Un- ion. He said: "The Liberal party, while strongly in favor of a reciprocity treaty with the Un- ited States, are opposed to the scheme of commercial union until more definite in- formation has been gathered as to the probable result of such a radical change n1 the fiscal policies of the two countries." It is evident that the leader of the Opposition does not for the present, at. least favor the Scheme of Com- mercial Union, MANY professed friends of beauti- ful Miss Canada are urging her to use every means in her power to in -s duce Uncle Sam morganatically to) wed with her in the hands of Come Inercial Union. But supposing the. calculatin' old chap should ungall- antly decline her unmaidenly advan•' nes; and in sooth he has not shown himself as being much disposed thus to take her; what chagrin and deep humiliation must be the lot ofi poor Miss Canada! Spare her the sad fates of a rejected suitress! Shrewd old Uncle Sam knows al ready that he has only to say, "Barkis is willin," and she will reciprocate- _ SOME farmers in Perth county have formed a Mutual Beef Supply Company. The object is to supply ,procure more land. will sell with or n ithou crone. For further particulars apply to this came or to W neon I Hensel]. P. 0. Out. MALL FARM FOR SALE.—The' Undersigned offers for sale•95 aorcs of good land, beingart of the north part of Lot 17,1st Coe. of Stephen, within one -haler mile of thevii- lage of Exeter. The land is in a first ,olasssstate of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a,good brick house, gnod frame barn, god water, and a half -acre of orchard with all kind., of choice fruits, also a :first-class cider mill. This is a good chance fol anyone wanting a small farmelose to tho ,corporation where all kinds.of produoe meets with a ready sale. Ft r further particulars apply an the premises, or to 1:. LAMPORT,ExtP. 0. Stephen. Tune 29,'87' t—f) Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers for elle ],'arm Lot number IS, cou.9, Tp. Stephen, contaloing 300 acres, 001aaree cleared, and upon whish is situ- ated goad Brick House and Kitchen, Bank Barn and other good buildings, also a large or- chard, abundance of water, well drained, and everythingm a firs`. -class order. Also Ni 18, con.6, Tp Stephen without any buil.linge. ;This is also first-class land end well fenced, upon which is some splendid rail timber. Terms easy, For further particulars apply to Crediton P. 0. GO'TLE1B MORLOCK, GOTF REID OESTRICBFR, Exe colors. LOUISA FAIRTZ, 0. in Britain during the fifty years of ' its members—sixteen farmers—with 'Victoria's reign has been, in every a supply of fresh beet weekly during respect, most wonderful. The fol- sial een weeks in the summer. Each lowing figures from Mr. Mulhall, a member furnishes a young beef reliable statician, will be read with "critter" in turn during the season. satisfaction by every wellwieher of The butcher kills It and cuts it up the Old Flag. The wealth of the into sixteen lots of three pieces each country has more than doubled it- —a piece of steak, roast and boiling self being £g,2lo,000,000, against piece in each lot. When the beef f, .4_,Ioo,050,000, in 184o, and this in is weighed the member providing it spite of a decrease in the value of gets credit for its value (at a fixed land amounting to £4o,000,000. price) in the books of the company, This doubling of wealth has taken and is charged with the value of place while the population has in- each lot as he gets it, and at the creased only 4.2 per cent., or less end of the season he settles with than half as much again. The per the company. centages of increase are as follows : Population 42 per cent., wealth 124 Last week's Mitchell Recorder per cent., ti ade 472 per cent., ship- ping, 583 per cent. The population is now 37 millions against 26 mil lions in 1837 exclusive of nine mil- lions who have emigrated. British trade has risen from $30 to $86 pet head. Her consumption of cotton has increased four fold, of iron seven told, and of coal five fold. Her rail- way mileage has risen from • 84o miles -in 186o to Ig,17o mile's in 1886, and the number of passengers car- ried annually from 18 millions to 770 millions. It is said that an immigration n'from a- Montana Lana to Cana- dianset l n n dian territory in the North West. Last week twenty families had crossed the border and settled at Lethbridge. Grit papers will not be likely to publish such news as this. gvc i'ything favorable to Can ada must be suppressed and every- thing that can injure the country it published in big type, contained the following :— "One day last week a mechanic arrived here from Massachusetts to set up the new spinning mule in the woollen mills, The SOUTH HALF of LOT NUMBER TWO He brought with him a small chest of in theFTTRSTCONCESSIoBoftheTOWNSHTP of STEPI1EN in the County of Huron, excent- tool f thePurpose. When he came to h t th ]t d ltlelth 1 d e ear 3M LTA 4. TS COLLECTED G on on, Huron , rums value of histools demanded, that duties Rs,it1 wayCompany, The said land is ail cleared and of excellentcivalitq. There ii a Dum£ortable frame house anda good flame barn-40x50feot-on the premises.. There is also a good orchard of about two acfelstockod with choice trues. Tho said lands are very conveniently situated, beinlr about 4 'miles from Exeter, and 1 mile from Centralia, ane there is a School house, Post Office and Railway Station within one mile. Terms of Sale. Ton per cent down on tho day of sale to the it was t, pure case of plunder, and the Plaintiff's bolfcftdr and the balance to be paid Ottawa gatig must be getting hard pushed ' into Ccirrt within 36 days thereafter, when the purchaser will bo entitled to possession and to a for spoils when such mesas have to he re m .nvcyance, but the purohassrwill he allowed to sorted to." enteron theland for Ibeliurpase of irloaghing 1n�mmodiately after t to present crop is reaped. We have some . respect for the The said lands will he offered for sale subieet Re,:order man, and are not pleased him worked to such,o. pitch, find p , all for nothing. If such none3r has been exacted from the American mechanic, let : him call at the Cus- tom's office on his return and the amount' will be refunded. might be levied. Ile explained that the tools were all old ones that be had in use and intended to return with them. it made no difference ; the customs' author- ities said they had orders to collect duties on everything they could lay their hands en ; and, as the party's tools were costly cines, mulcted him to the sum of $6, to a reserved bid. In all ether respects the Conditions :of Sale will he the standing,condiiioneof this Court. For further pa 0.5011 to John1losltin, Esrl. Q, 0, Toronto,,Messrs. Garrott ,tnd Proud roof Tiarrlstors coder eh or to the T'laintiff.s Se- lorltor. Dated, at Goderiih this 25th day of July 18117 13. , EL1,1'0T, 5.1IA1-0O3tSON, Plaintiff's Solicitor, Iota-Mamer, Exeter. at Sedation TRICK &e. ClIOREL.LEY'S, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Big Reduction in Prints, lfuslius, Lace, &c., &c., We are determined to clear out all Sum. mer Goods in July. OUR BUSINESS IS INCREAS- ING EVERY MONTH. It will pay you A GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY —Is THE 1,080 OE— to drive to Kirk on and see our goods and prices. WE WILL GIVE YOU 10 lb. Tin Tea for $1, See our 5, 6 and 7 et. prints. In, order to clear out our large stock of Embroidery We are offet•ing them cheaper than any other house iii ONTARIO !. We are selling the balance of our stt°aw Hats away clown below cost. A call will satisfy yon that this is a genuine sale. I'IJd'` UG VURhiELL..Ei Tib iiARKE T S BAR , XE1'I,R8 BUTTER and EGGS WANTED. J.DOUPE&Co, 1 lecture on the nature. treatment and radi- ra cure if Sem Mal Weakness, Spermat orrhcea tuned by Self-abuse, InvoluutaryEl nisaions, ipotoncy, Nervous Debility, and Imdepi- on is to Morrie 8e generally • Consumption, 0E01iey and Fits ; Mental and P'hysioal In- pn ity, Bre.,—By RUBETT J, OULVL k1WEL, Che world renowned author, in this admir- ule lemurs, promo from hie own et- erieuce that the awful cousegaonees of Self - ',num may be effectuall, removed without angerous surgical operations, inugies, in- struments, tinge or cordials ; pointing out a- node of cure at once certain and effectual, by vhich every :utterer, no matter what his wa- ll, inn may be, may cure himself cheaply, d ri yatoly anti radically, a t•hialocture^will, prove a boon, to thousands end thousands. Seat under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,post.paid,on receipt of four cents o two postage stamps. Address, 7HE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41Ann St., New York, N. Y. P.O. Box, 450 Picnic! Picnic! Buy your canned goods from CAPTAIN 1 EMF. Armour's Corned Beef 2 ib. tins 30 cts. Canned Salmon—Lobsters Mackerel & Sardines ALL FRESH AND NEW. GOLD DUST : (OLD DiTS IYT CORN -MEA E. Try it once and you will always use it Lots, Lots, Lots. FOR SALM. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets; also a nl2aober of HOUSES, & FARMLAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land orr Houses would do well to con-, sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, CEN TRAC Ocean & Lake Steamships IX'SUE4XOE .gJVD GE ArEI MJ 4 GEJV Z. ro For all information apply to EXETER. DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family r©cip es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. -L,UTZ CAPT, KEMP Drew's Block and Post -Office, Salt, SaltSalt The Exeter Salt Works Co O' F ]e: X k T Jit; 1Ci Or:'1'Iru SALT AT THE; WELt, AT 2.25 PER TON. 500 TTJE$ Bu.ttor Wanted. T� 11fI#c 'on,. EXETER Noft TV, Our Stock is Well Assorted. Pon VIE SEASON'S TRADI7. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES l , 16 lbs, sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c to 75e. per ib. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Law' Prices, ' A nicely assorted stomp of HA•R DWARS. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizers (Oheap.) Boat Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, r A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits 'got 'up in Good Style. OUT Dr essGood are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -00 FAROS F,OR ONE DOLLAR A tton04 and Lot, also a Marna for, ale Apply to JO.ETN"MATBESOx ',