The Exeter Times, 1887-8-11, Page 31
, Cookel,7 for Oh4rele,
Too little etteution hi Paid to the food.
prepared or children ; the °ere aud arrange-
ment is left to servants who are either in-
, competent themeelvee, or cave eo little
' 'about 'the matter as to cook it in the madder
they find the oaeiest to themselves. It is of
great conoequence to fix the times of taking
feed ae well as to regular the quantity given
to a child. The mother should, unless she
has servanto who can be thoroughly trusted,
personally attend to theee arrangements ;
ie is lier proviace. There is groat danger
that an infant under 3 yeavs of age will , he
‘ overfed if it be left tO the discretion of the
the screaming of a child, whether it proceed
from pain or crossness, or repletion (as it
often does), give it something to eat -often
that ,'hich is very injurioue, to tempt the
they do not ore for the future inconvenience
, tite ; if it will only eat and otop crying
which this habit of indelgence Iney hring
OR the child and its motner.
A Colored Carl Who rolsorml Roby mot
Sutler the Penally.
At Bernwele S. 0, recently, Judge, Hudeon
sentenced, Axey Oherry, a colored girl,
twelve years pd, to be haeged on the' third
Friday in September for the muvder of the
infant of Mr, Amos Williams, of Allendam,
in Baenwell Ceetuity. The child was ment
by her mother to act as nurse for the
Williame baby, She poked around the
'mese and attended to her duties in so neg-
ligent a menner that she had to be constant-
ly scolded. After a scoldiug one day she
was overheard muttering to herself that she
wase t gone, to bother with that baby muoh
nurse. Thee pereons, generally, etep mere.
A few day o after this -concentrated lye
was used in scouring the floor, end wheu
Mrs, Williams left the room for a few mita
utes she told Axey CIO the lye was poison-
ous aim that she mesa' b toileh it. On her
return Mrs, Williams was horrified to find
her baby's month full of concentrated lye,
Axey ran out of the house saying as she left,
.Arrange as early ap possible the regular " I don't reckon I will have to nurse that
times of giving food to children, according baby much longer now."
to their age and constitution. Young infants The young inuesleses all through her trial
require food every two hours when awake; seemed to have no idea of the terrible nature
after 3 months old they may go three hours, of her deed, and when she was sentenced to
then cantiously lengthen the time, as the be hanged she gazed stupidly at the Judge
child can bear it. Bet remember that all and grinned as she played with the buttous
temperaments are not alike. Some of the on her dress. As she was being (marled
same age may require more food than other, back to jail she oaw her father and made an
One rule, however, will apply to all -never effort to go to him. She criecl for the first
• give food to amuse a child or keep it quiet time when she eves told that she could not
evlien it is not hungry, er to reward it for go home but must go back to jell t�' await
being good. You may as rationally hope the day for her execration.
to extinguish a fis e by pouring on oil as to
cure peevish temper or to ourb a violent
one by hampering the appetite for luxuries
in diet.
Don't begrudge boys their vacation. Let
them enjoy it to the utmost. Let them hie
to the wood and the streams and the lakes,
and leave behind them the dirt and smoke
and constant worry of business life. Don't
laugh. The busieess life is not theirs yet,
but the signs and sights of it age all around building, it is intended to begin gradieg and b&08 from my blood and bring me health ?"
them, and a few more months or years and track laying east of Tomsk, on the way to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
each of these merry lads withave to stand the Pacifie. The work will be in charge of do it. When the purple life -tide is sluggish,
in the thick of the f ray and -battle for the Ge4. Annenkoff, who has made a brilliant causing drowsiness, headache and loss of
goal he has set his heart on. But juse now reputation as the builder of the Trans -Cas- appetite, use this wonderful vitalizer, which
thatschool has olesed, let him have all the pian Railroad. Five years are expected to never fails. It forces the liver into perfect
air and light he can get, and freedom from complete the line, and when it is opened St. action, drives out superfluous bile, brings
the glow of health to the cheek and the
natural sparkle to the eye. All druggists.
Trust thyself ; every heart vibrates to that
iron string.
When everything else fails, Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy cures.
Your goodness must have some edge to it -
else it is none.
Boardio-licilse Chat,
" Why is marble cake so ealled.?"
"Marble cake .ie so called becauee it is
merble cakee-carvedout of the solid reek
ia Italy and imported hero at great ex -
" What'e the idea of that?"
" Economy, It's eheeper in the loti; run.
Y01.1 Bee a piece of gLimine marble ceke will
last a long time. Now here's a piece on
this plate thet has been in the house ever
'since ',came to town -thirteen years ago
this summer. Examine it closely and you
will obierve that it is almost as good as
new, You will see here and there some
scratches. They were made by otraugsers
Who had extra good teeth, There's a opa wl
knocked off that: corner. That was done by
the Man with the Iron Jaw wbo was
through here last summer with the cu'
Pleasure Shared by Women
Malherbe, the gifted Freech author, de-
clared that of all things that man posessee,
women alone take pleasure in being poesese-
ed, This seerns.generally true of the sweeter
sex. Like the ivy plant, .she longs for an
object to cling to and love -to look to for
protection. This being her' prerogative,
ought she not to be told that Dr. ,Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is the physical salva-
tion of her sex? It banishes those distress-
ing maladies that make her life a burden,
curing all painful irregularities, uterine
disorders, inflammation and ulceration, pro-
lapsus and kindred weaknesses, As a nen.'
viue, it cures nervous exhaustion, prostra-
den, debility, elieves mental anxiety and
hypoohondria, and promotes refreshing
Around the World in Fifty-three Days. sleep.
The Russians have keenly felt the disad-
vantages of their isolated position on the
Amur and the Pacific coast, and they are
now preparing to carry into effect the much
discussed project, f r a great Trans-Siberian
route. The Council of State, with the Czar's
approval, has ordered railroad surveys to be
made at once from Tomsk to Irkutsk, the
Amur River and Vladivostock, and next
spring, while the extension to Tomsk is
Queen Victoria's expenses for enterta-in-
ing her royal guests during the jubilee will
amount to £100,000.
"What Drug Will Scour These
English Renee?".
Wicked Macbeth, who murdered good
King Duncan, asked this question in his de-
spair. Thousands of victims of disease are
daily asking "What will scour the impuri-
restraint save necessary and wholesome
ones. Let him climb trees and grub in the
ground: Let him swim, and fish, and run,
and walist and play in sunlight and shadow,
till his skin gets brown as a berry and he
sighs for rest again. Don't keep the boy in
the city. Vacation on the spot where all
has been work so long would not have the
necessary charm. The boy may not quite
appreciate in its highest sense what such a
vacation is to him now, but in after life he
will look back and realize the real value of
this summer revelry; and when manhooc
with its responsibilities and stern necessitie
shuts down on the pastimes of boyhood, h
will feel that he is the gainer in life-long
happiness by, as much as these vacation
montle*Ke been allowed to in solid
pleasure 'He will do ' H ill
ognize what an important influence they
have had in making up the sum of life's
pleasures, and helpinghim to meet its pains,
and will thank God for them.
A ,Woman Mender.
Frances E. Willard, too well known to
need introduction or conunentary, proposes
a new occupation for woman, that of a wo-
ma,n mender. By this it is not intended to
convey a "mender of woman," but a woman
mender o all clothes that need mending.
How it we -aaiejoice the heart of many a
mother wh as to cook, and wash, and iron
and see in a thousand and one different
ways to the material comfort of her family,
if she could find herself exempt from this
one thing, uninteresting, everlasting, alt-
necessarytail-end to the 1' t f h • 1 Id
occupations ! Woman, as Miss 'Willard
states, wants bread as much as the ballot,
and whenever she has obtained ono of these
she has taken on t • t d theposses-
sion of the other. Herein the woman mender
is an occupation that thousands of woman
could easily and lightly take up -money
making when left without training for any
more difficult trade or position. Every
woman can sew on buttons, mend. hose,
darn breeches and the like. Such work is
quickly done and no mother would find it
expensive to pay for, while the mender
would find out quickly that all her time
'would be in demand as soon as it was known
that she wonld do the work, and would. ag-
gregate a good living to her. Miss Willard
proposes to start such an enterprise in her
own town. Let others do the same, and it
will be found to be a double-edged benefit
to many.
Petersburg will be within fifteen days' journ-
ney of Vladivostock, nearly 5,000 miles
aeVay. The idea of a Russian Pacific rail-
road has seemed almost chimerical. It is
probable, however, that the project would
now be considerably advanced had not years
been wasted in disputes over the conflicting
claims of rival towns. The route which will
be followed through western Siberia has
finally been selected, and there is no doubt
that the Russians fully expect to carry out
, the great undertaking.
'• The completion of this road will so far
s improve the facilities for rapid transit as to
e make the achievement of Jules Verne's
hero seem rather a temeperformance. Start-
ing from London the traveller will be able to
reach St. Petersburg in less than three
days, and Yokohama in twenty-three days.
A caro of tea has just reaohed London under a policy, of insurance issued to us by the eza-
from okohama, by way of the new Canadian as creditors of the latee;ifsi?trorthat amount,
Pacific steamer and railroad route in thirty- We have much pleasure in bearing testimony
one and a half days. It is said that this to the prompt and satisfactory manner in which this
time can be reduced to twenty-seven days. .1e!:1cOirild2eVelestile1c1;13aunid. aasztotAcatsiaomme tiniaile.ttno ax.
Praotical & -
FRIED CRAM:Ens. - Soak square soda
crackers well in. milk and fry them quickly
a nioe brown in a little butter.
CREAM• CAKE. -One cup sugar, mie cup
souk cream, two eggs, two cups flour, one
teaspoon soda, one teaspoon •cream of tar -
CHEAP CAKE. -One cup sugar, one-half
cup butter, one cup sour cream, one egg,
flour enough to make a good batter, one-
half teaspoon soda.
GRAHAM GEMS. -One quart buttermilk,
one teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of
salt, Graham flour enough to make a stiff
batter, bake in gem pans hot and Well
greased, in a hcit oven,
POTATO CAKES.-Poel twelve good sized
OKR, ers gratefine, add two eggs, teasponn-
ul of 'It, one cup of flour, and enough
milk th „mate a batter; bake on griddle
irons, *ell greased.
CATSUE:-To a gallon of ripe tomatoes,
put four tablespoons fine salt, four of ground
black pepper, three of ground mustard,
half tablespoon allspiee, saMe of ground
cloves, six red peppers ground fine ; sim-
mer the whole slovvly with 0 pint of vine-
gar three or four hours, then strain throlieh
a sieve, bottle and cork tight.
PIG PLIDDING.-One poutd of segar, one
pound of bread crumbs, six eggs, tho price
of four lemons, the rinds of two lemots,
grated fine, all mixed together thoroughly-,
and boiled five hours in a tightly -covered
tin moeld. Fig pudding must be served
hot, with 0, gate° made of one-half cup of
white sugar, one-half cup of butter mid one
cupful of sherry wine, boiled together for
tee minutes.
Ar air, CUSTARD. -Make a syrup of a
pound of white 'nigger tb a pint of water, let
this boil, removing any scan that may arise.
Drop inte it a doeen or more tart apples
pared, cored and quartered ; flavor with
stick einnamon extract ef lemon, or the
juice of a fresh' lemon. ., Let it cook until
the apple is very soft, mid the syrup thick
jelly-like, then put it away to 000l in a
I Ily form cir a bowl. ,When it is cold and
firm, turn it out int,o a dish, and pour over
it a soft custard. This thelcee a palatable
dessert or a tea dish.
Large Insurance Claim Paid -Endorsement
or Inc Mutual Reserve.
Office of W. D. MATrnews Ss Co., Grain and Produce
Merchants, Toronto, llth May, 1887.
J. D. Wells, Edq., GenertzManager Mutual Reserve
Fund Life P8001:40071
Dean Sia -We beg to acknowledge receipt of
cheque for Ries Thousend Dolfars in full of claim
If, however, the traveller reclaims thirty
days to complete this part of the circuit of '
the world, be will be back in London fifty-
three days after he started onhis trip.
It will not be surtirisiug if through future !
improvements travellees will be able to make
the circuit of the world even in fifty days.
The Greatest Curse.
The curse of Ireland, as of every country
rress ntimate acquaintance with your Preeldent ar
chief officers, we know them to be gentlemen of ti)
highest integrity, and in whose hands we believe PA -
interests of the members of the Mutual Reservey is s c., an
perfectly safe.
te, Six bot -
Wishing your association continued success. cmIIGGISTS
Yours truly, W. D. MATTIIEWS 35 Co
"lg., WO. AlCdSlitONC, nerniatoiogIst:
jJ Spremay, 8km. disoaseti .Sorofola end all dis.
eeeee of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure -
able, witheet the use of knife. Offiee heure, from
0 to 12 0.m. mid from t:80 to 4e30 p,m., Sabbaths ex.
cep ed, e8 Dunia Steeet, Toronto.
P Tr id Ts P„itocylitED tile II, S. and
No ail foreign. countries. Engineer, Os.
tent Attorneys, and experts 1e leaeot Causes. Estill).
fished 1807, Donald 4:4 fteldnuf ,,ez Co.; To -Newsom
t , sten,.
010, euraing Breeds, &e, Send
or Catalogue: LIA,0130e eitus. cu.,
87 Seat ere, Toronto. ,
SPIJOHER'6' COPPFfliNE l'Itilebnlit'it l'i?fT.
tien Sox-reetal for joereel" beeline in maehinery-
Guaranteed. eutper mixed, Supplies every require.
ment. Aek your hardware dealer /or it. ALONZO W.
SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope.
ki or boll., the enemy or disease ; heals the
Lungs, Re -builds the Broken Down Conetitution of
young aed okL Home treatment, suflioient for two
months, Inhaler and all complete, sent by express fo,..
81.2. Moved my °Mee from 73 Knee Wed to 41 King
Baet. MRS, C. STIDMAM FIEROE, Four yearr
esteieished in Toronto. 89 Ofilee Treatments tor els,
Send for citoular, ,.
LI Sailing weekly between Montreal end Liverpool.
Beres OF Num:tin-Saloon; Montreal to Liverpool,
040, 850, and sae; ,Return Tickets, eso, 000, and 0100
-ameording to Steamer and accommodation. enter.
mediate and Steerage at loweee rate. For further
partioulars and to secure Berth, apply te ii. E.
IdURILAY, Genera, 1 custom !Souse
Square, sfontreal, or to the Local Agents in the dn.
trent Towns and Cities.
David Darrel et tlo„ under supervision of eatentee,
Oneranteed perfect. Will be sold at Sacrifice Prioe
for Cash, Immediate delivery.
, WM A. GUNN, B x 148, London.
The EWA of tee LadirW Colleges -Has gradu• '
ated over 290 Ildies fn the f ell comae. 'Has educated
over 2 000. Fell faculties in Literature, Languages,
Meal° and Art. The largest College building in the
Proximo. Will open on Sep. 718, 1887. Address the
Principal, A. BERNS, 18.18., LL.D.
Chartered 1857. Over 4,000 Students enrolled.
Diplomas awarded in Collegiate Count, Commer.
Mal Science, Penmanship, Music, Fine Arts and Elo.
(intim Large classes prepared yearly for matricula-
tion in Arts, Law, Medicine and Theology.
ea -In '80, out of 6 candidates for Second -Class
Teethe& Certificates 4 were succeisful. Record
equally good in other departments. Pull term begins
Tuesday, Sep. 13, '87. Send for circulars. Address
REV. W. P DYER, M. A., Principal.
el a Decorated Win-
ow Shades, ate.
' "W11,111. s I a -
• Wbolesale and ite.
• tail, at the CELE.
neel;,3 kinds;
ers, 10 kind; elang,les, kinds. Churn, Carp t
Sweepers, and other sundries.
HAMILTON leamsenta, WORKS Co,, Hamilton Canada.
Send for artiole wanted. I lustrated Catalogue.
Capital, 4260,000. Dominion Government Deposit,
£55,000. Head Office : 72 King St. Eat, Toronto.
Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented
districts. A. T. McCORD,
Resident Secretary for the Dominion.
Manufacturer and dealer in
Tarred Felt, Roofing, Pitch, Building Pa
pers., f'ovner and Deafening Felt. DEADY
ROOFING, Ete. 4 Adelaide St, E. TORONTO.
1, „,,, ...i., ,„„,z. • f ,,,,.....,
RCoarse and. Fine Oatmeal,„, al_lr 0
d Celebrated' American Granula
We have reduced the price aid
T .
50 %, and can give yen great.
- -- ' 1
We have just received a I
tienclons and. 0 '
M. V. Limos's
one hears anything about, comes far more Trial bottles sent to any address by express Elect
from drink than from anything else which from observation, on recoil % 11.00. Acidrese
. orders to eWngton St. 0,
could be mentioned. 'B 0
'But surely there must , ronte, Canada. '
The difference between a ballot-stuffeiaa
a ballet-stuffer is, the former uses votes, t
latter sawdust,
be some mistake in what Canon Wilberforce
said lately, that Ireland's drink bill last
year exceeded the whole rental of the island
by nearly $10,000,000. How can any coun-
try prosper at that rate? And yet all the
talk is about bad laws, and the grinding
oppression and wrong -doing of others. 11
• people would only sweep before their own
doors and give the tavern a wide berth,
there would not be very much to complain
of. It is the same everywhere. Archdeacon
Farrar, in a sermon he lately preached in
Westminster Abbey, said: "But the third.
and master cause, the Aaron's rod among
the serpent causes of distress, is drink. A c
philanthropist, laore wimess that last year p
he relieved out of the Mansion House Fund
2900 cases of distress'and had a.scertamed
that 2850 were directly due to drink. A
statistician, minimising rather than exagger- a
ating, found that the working classes of o
England spend annually thirty six millions ,et
of pounds in drink, and of that amount very e”.
many millions are not merely spent in drink ;
but wasted in drink. A sum sufficient to 0
redeem the whole kingdom from pauperism el"'
is squandered in excess. I do not wonder
at it so long as we are by law sowing our
streets broadcast with gins and traps of e
glaring temptation, and while legislatures
still continue to listen with cynical indif-
ference to the long contiuued appeals of
those who know that this is the one master '13
fiend of national degredation."
Iketr 'Fate Made by a Flock of
Vulture s liteverIng Near.
Saturday evening a party of nine work.
men mere employed grading a portion of
the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Rail-
road, in Chester County, sixteen miles from
Fort Mill. 8. C. The party were blasting
rook and had on hand about one thousand
pounds of giant -powder. The camp where
the majority of the workmen were was
some distance from the bln,sting party.
Free I Free ! ! Free ! ! !
A Book of Instruction andPrice List (3
calling at any of our offices, or by post I
Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis 14:slt S s I RECEIVED EVERY SEC
sending your address to R. Parker & Co„, ' 23.14 JELAilirki Sr. E:, TORONTO.
Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 768 Yonge St., All classes of fine 'mirk, bars. of Printers*Leside
Toronto. 'Branch Offices : 4 John Se. N., Singe and Metal Furniture, Send for prices,
Hamilton; 100 Colborne St„ Brantford.
If you have no dark place for the unit
ans, wrap each one separately in heavy
Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and
ay FleVer.
Sufferers are not generally aware that these disea,see
re oontagioue, or that they are due to the presence
living parasites in the Huh.* membrane of the nose
nd eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however,
as proved this to be a fact, and the result is that
unple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh
atarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in reat
no to three simple applIcatione made at home. A
amplilet explaining this new treatment is sent fres
i:rereer ‘Iiroetsirltoartort boyclia.nPlaciaDixon Fe Son, 208 King
A true man belongs to no other time or
lace, but is the center of things.
YOUNG BIEN Buttering (rein the effects of early
vil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find
hnexte210veasnwdegkilonvegowuLanad /)xrholeinesticeanahacion.11,1tri:
fleete of abuse or over-worr, and in redvanced life
eel the consequences of youthful exoess, eend tor and
2,01 Lubmes Treatise on Diseases of Men. The
ook will be sent sealed to any address on reeelpli of
vo Se. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 V7elling.
ton St, Eagt Toronto Ont
John Willard Young is the youngest son
of the late Brigham Young's first wife. He
is about 43 years of age find has ten eons
and ten daughters. [Te says his father left
an estate of about $2,500,000. He willed
02,000 to each one of his children. Brig-
, hatn Young has as yet no monument-. Ile
lies buried near what is called "the Iron
House" in Salb Lake City, and his family
• have not been able to decide on a fibthig de-
ign to mark his grave.
People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated
ague, ler any disorder of the Stomach, ecu at once
e relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stoinaoh Bitters
old and tried remedy, Ask your Droggiet
Just before sena:It a terrible explosion was s
heard, but no attefition was paid to it. l
Lest night noae of the evorkmen returned t..0
to the camp, and this morning eearch was .
made for them. When near the place
where the blasting had been going on a
large flock of vultures were seen upon the o
trees. The searching party made a horri- I
bio diecovery. The thousaecl pounds of d
po*der had prematurely exploded and hot
a man was left to tell the tale. Two mules X
bar which was being hammered is supposed
were also killed. A spark from an iron
to have ignited the powder.
Nothing is at latit sacred but the integrity
f your own tided.
Whenever your Stomach Or Bowels get out of or,
el, causing Bilious/wee, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion-
nd their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr,
arson's Stomach Bitters. Best family medicine
11 Druggists, 50 ()Intel.
A. 1', 357.
Struck with Lightning
Nearly describes the position of a hard
or soft eorn when Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor is applied. It noes its work so
quickly iind withont pain that it seems mag-
ical in action. Try it. Recollect the name
-Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sold
by all druggists and dealers everywhere.
The Pope has decided there is no ground
for Papal interference with the Knights of
Labour question, lie hae conveyed the an-
nouncement of this decision to Cardinal
WANTED -5,000 AG hINTS-Mtec and Female -
Large profits. C.W. DENNife, Toronte.
PATENT° For Sale -Illustrated descriptive Cat
11,7 elope free. 0. ohamberlin, Toronto.
'IkTo 7101011 MI'rO-usE i; P?'
GUIM011, 20 ve'reallia st., Montreal
ActtaG4./E3A742:6gE AND CANY'Asseaei wanted, Mate
or Female, whole or epare time, on salary or comniis.
sion. Industrial Unimi of B.N.A,, 45 Arcade, Toronto.
COmity in Canada. Addree0,
ElatitiS itCot, 87 Church St., Toronto/
iANOTHEK nuvELTY, and ' to
„ar'oldman Spr
All the rage in the States. Agents
ler siTtinpeic
by mail 48 cents. CLEMENT 8tw(10., Toronto,
all 8aner
III215Wa? 191 11162:0111128/13
Samples on application. TO ONT
I have a positive remedy or the above Mn
ase ; by Its use
thousands of celled of the worst kind anti of long standing
bey° been cured. Indeed, so krone le my faith 1T1 it@
efficacy, that I will sand TWO BOTTLES FREE, together
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this dim4
e@ to 8
@offerer. Give express and P0, address. .
Dit. T. A. 61.001751,
Branoh Office, 37 l'onge St, Toronto
The largest and Most presecepts open Assessment
Association la the worjd-desiree active representa.
tires in everysection of Canada; liberal luducements.
It has fell Government Deposit, and ',ogler the super.
Vittl013 of Inearance Department at Ottawa.
Correspondence solicited. Address,
General Manager,
88 King Street Eitill., ?rOVODIO.
• w 0 01) ' NG R AVk.;
1 8 8 7 —
13—C.T-5E— IsTOW
They surmise all other mowers in workmanship,
quality of meterial, excellence a/ tonstrueMon, and
performance of Work,
Tho best threshing machines in America, They do
the largest amount of work, and thresh citener than
any other machines can Co the work. In excellence
of construction they are unequalled, They inc th0
best made in Canada, and are only equalled by their
namesakes in ihe United States,
POSTAL:LE ENGINES.—No better agricultural
engines aro made,
IRMA 111110010e0 M.11081INES,—The best
in the matiree for horse -powers.
woondlititlr. or DINEEE, LucEdvED
II0116E POWELLS. now tho easiest Mining and
hest in the world,
HORSE -POWERS, of established repute.
ireltepairs on hand ior every inschine made.
v.i.oter URB Li
A54[7,, bore. 20 tect
per hour, Alse liegett Orills-I:land, Horee or
Steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
• Eoldlaw NangracturLyw (Jo,
1)000008(088 o if le um, Btu-0,1eet Beverage, con-
tains a orportion of German 0.iiideliee Root, whirM .. • skin to which Sheep are subtect. Sold
only by In 'PI" at 80,, 700. and, 11. A S50. Tin Will clean 29,"
nets xnedicinelly on the Liver and Stomach, purl/yule Shoop or 851,n:tbs. HtiGia MILLER &
the blood aud invigorating the system. Prepared Co,. Torontca,
Ipairy Salt
TEW Imputations -Higgins' Eureka, weshing-
tee ana esetoe Brande, to large Or tittin.11 BROUS,
Aiti0 RISC'S Canadian Salt. Write fin priees.
JAMES P1t1t.ii Lve SONs
Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto.
$T,90p1E,N,oye,th1ypluablopre4 4
paration o fair trial. 18 .operoterr
promptlyand effectually in destroying
710,4 eno,.otherverrninPeets, as wet}...
as le eradicating aiteneetions of the
Allan Line Itoya,1 Lai1 tuanampi.
Sailing during winter from Portlead every Thu rSdt,
And Retiree. every Saturday to Liverpool, and 111 800
nrer two). Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, 001111.,
at Loudonderry to land mails' and passe/igen to
8COI8Dlid 6116 Ireland; else from Baltimore, via Rea,
fax and St. John's, N. F„ to Liverpool fortnight),
during suer months, The stenmere oi the (Ca;
gow lines set during winter to and from iiellfa)
eortesed, Boston Ana ; and duringSilo
mer between Ginsecw and Alonereal weekly; Glasge •
and B00*D1 weekly, and Glasgow and philadelph,
l'or freight, passage, or other nforme5nCo7 aPPIY
A. Sehumacher 0 Co., Baleimore ; S. Cunard ,t Co.
Halifax ; Shea 0 Co„ St. John's', Mid.; Win. non/
800 0 GO., St J01111, N.13., Allen Cc Chicaro
Love 0, Alden, New Yoek ; 11. Bourher, Tovouto.
Allaus, Reel& Quebea; Wre. Broekie, Philaile
Pbie 11. A. Alio] POritland TiOVoin, atirnatvetai
Pete vrAil mum
Artistic Designs, .eozubined who
-Unequalled DurabilitY
and Finish.
3EC.6.1s/Eiz.,,ral•T /.:757..3_1R. X C.
'Por E.- • .1
R.L.00r) •
• FACSIMILE _eirie will be more easily
OF A JUG OF DR. 4Wrelllemberol by associa-
ta 001C 108 u. tion, 4t8 --Our friends
will be 1tn8 to recognise at once that they are getting
the genuine arttele, as there is no other medicine put
up tor. jug, DR. JUG. ME ()WINE CO.,
Toronto and Stratford.
oroDIAL rairitx-we
ic::" have d e cid ed inluture
to put Dr, Jug's Medieine
in a boown jug, instead de
glas9 bottle as heretofore.
The Jugs that Wt) will OW
tor this purpose are made
of tt.e finestimported Rock-
ingham, of n mottled brown
eolour, with "Dr. JOE%
Medicine for Lungs, Liver
and Blood" in raised let-
ters on the side. Our
reasons for making thia
ehaege are: won-
derful curative qualities
will be better preserved by
the medicine being kept
,ntirely in the dark. 2nd -
As the jug will be register-
ed it will 13e impossible to
counterfee it Brd The
mune " Dr. Jag's Medi-
When Isay Corel do not y to mean merelatop them fore
lame and then have them return again I mean, rad/cla
ante. I have made tlie c113easeotrITS,EPILEPSY orP.400,.
(80 L
SIOENESSa 1p0-1000audit. 1 warrant mme
y redly
to care the worst camne
e. Eoce° otbershavo failed lno
moon for uot now recalling a cure. Send at onoth
e for
Sreatime endo Prim Botlle of my infallible remedy. Ghns
Erpress and Poet Office. It costs you nothing for. WA
Ad ,
sac/ will cure you. dress DR. H. G. ROOT,
Branch ORIce 37 Tow St Toronto
T' greatest dis-
covery of the
rwesent age for knou-
t. 10180 ems BOWELS,
/mummers. .A. per-
'eot Blood Purifier.
t. few in Hamilton
;he have been bene-
ited by its use :-
qrs. M. Heenan, 192
lobed St., cured of
ilrysipelas of 2 years'
:tending; Robert Car -
041, 24 South St.,
pghter cured of
,pileptio Fits after
3 years' suffering
..1011010 1$ltr0lJ, 00 n anna 00, cured of weakness
and Lung Trouble: John Wood, 95 Cathcart St.,
cured of Liver complaint and Biliousness, used only
$ fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St.,
troublei for years with Nervous Prostration, two
entail:bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 50c. et $1.00.
F. F. DALLEY CO., Proprietors.
This Splendid Machine Oil! Has never failed to trke the highest awards
wherever exbib:ted.
It Has No Equal, Farmers, Threshers and Millman Use No Other.
This on keeps the Machinery in first rate working order. thereby lessening ate chances of accidents and
br eel:downs To be had of all iirst-class cleaIen3. Beware of imitations I
Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Iflarness, 4 olt Cutting, Wool and
Lard Oils always in stock.
L D. SAWYER & CO., 'loot On
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
IS NI 3E6 .4A..3ER. AK. 130 CO 3E11. es.
selnsta" Nom rowers, lier. 2, 4, 4, 8.10 8114
13 Home.
Treed Powers, for 1, 2 and 3 none&
11rnipaellaparafore, tor Tread 4 linual) Lowers.
and Isr 10eudested Oatalefrae,
In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa-
tion. This meeting (behig the 15th since the Company
was organized) took place 011 TIFESdaY, the 12th
!April, when the following gratifying
increases were Announced:
INTEREST AND RENTS, - - - 13,029.
ASSETS, - - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234.
260 3 0 ers. Profits payable on and after
Were allocated as Profits to Polley
May 1st.
a Iold
J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director,
cc.30-y-1.1,01,-77 OTT -17
The Harris Wood Furhace is especially adapt
ed for Churchee and Schoolhouees,
etn for our Dim {rated Catalegue,