HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-11, Page 1x,meAx., idEotat 0.304. L. 9.,,inprolne P96.0,1$7t647, , D rub* • 044viyaeviv. O4 4G0, r."9., Aetna. ; Oineei 0;440 siltioi44,EXP • •fr CO:a:MS Barrister, Solicitor, gonlreMneer, Et;', • I AXE7E1;) R.-----41,1027—+- a daseaaateren's Bioelt alell 0 Oa otnee4 ' , 4 LIE W TO TT HE LINE , 'LET, HE OHIP$ PALL :WHERE THEY MAY. 7, 17014. XIV. NO. 51. EXETER, ONTABIO, TITURSDAY MORNInG, AUGUST, Uth,, 1887. pui.ii?,1.1.1,0121g4ra7,74- larrider, Solicitors, Notaries 11 10, All people of Daseeetle I ia011d0al, Eklar011 & Brave 0013tVeyaEeerS 840, C. 'Brevities Fairer Areesetuest. Sorlicoey to Loan at Is0West Rotes •F. Shona; learn to lengthen - _ ont their days, %Tomo Aonvo- 1,.,asseiver. Messrs..Chae,Snell. and J. P. Clarke have An exchange peintis out tho adYisebilitY interest. When Laligestion mahee Lendon , dope, t 8.1.0 a. 5f. 4. 25P been appointed magistrates for Ens village. of adding another colunzu to the municipal OFFICE. - MAIN - STREET, EXHTER, n. v. Liam. J. ELIX.I0T, Vtr r.r+ trIC; A An mind, Make$ ilto a wrote; aear than an, Or aceoVitipatiou, worse '0eilliitildti:etibC4F0138131a35 .., t165 etoBurs.rS. arrn:eihril Atr:ird,latslt7Wwael evwi °teal h1:n: at sx : c°017. ya 19:4sh av :v vat eQe edid 1.1: Pal rPme It)r ey11417041 5'33 f 250 t' utte - , s‘e you'll find, • in marmot's Seltzer health „, 0,46 5.08 Work on the new ohit.rell is ro Mesh' W 1 CARTWRIGHT L B. g DENTAL. TsIAT 11:NTS for Sale. Illustrated descriptive catatognosCHAMBE1ILIN, Torou- 9,01 6.05 P g get their property es s i • -9,45 0.45 e idea and one that would soon cause people A er ... ,.. Kiriepups,zni ,;,.. . Brireeilteld ... ,. !Manton .,. ... Lonclesborra Sly% ... 7 05 _-.-_,. T° ADYERTAsuits.-Lowest rates for yertisiug in 1000 good, newspupers sent 1 • ad- Wreebona arrive .., ••• It 4 740 hots. rata ,e,ea of cattle on Monday for the eastern mar 00,..auAN,s ant.mna.„.n.,,,•71,bi ne.grave ... ••• shipped a carloa, free. Addrese GEO. P. ROWELL & 00,, 10 .0ozno Soopir, Soiuoe St., N . Y. rf1,11,1:1,,,tiziecoztit8troodbehz iiz,ehveed iiii.i_wrs:EIALL ye,ingir, p . .,.. . 1 ele art Passenger ea Z:,1:: asanldeatthieolsretTp:ps satilelpoure stihieest icor. .40. If yen have never lieen one, gra a ,.. , . 7. , vid beeana,e 9f the hot weather.' mine to Clement & Co. il 48 Well , _ Bly th .„ . .- „. 7.31 3.41 Ministert might „w 'Ito REITZ'. !Londe/stem' ..... ... ... a 740 3.51 , ix/H(183'8 if they coulditnhakmeoirtriLlettrYit ht ask:, ' ' leippen ... BeirionotArtia '",. - ...... .,-, -,..-,..... iiil hall ' ttnaonz,ith'ejtencling over six weeks or two Seating Capacity, 700. 11.1:'ellai ,..-- •.... ... 8.47 457 The petition for the *repeal of the Scott -APPLY TO- P Centralia „, Iss. .arrossinft ... . 01mdalIpye ,„, . 9.30 6,20 It is likely to be deposited. in the sheriffe a 8,57Act has over five thousand names attached. ILondon, arrive ... , . 10.10 6,00 office one week from Saturday. CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. ----------- Messrs. E. Spackrnan and H. Larnbrooke, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. left in the forepart of the week to attend 6.15 favorably, and if the weather remains elem se set ncloaeinprox- • tr,Ont, ratty to tile sit for whiel • 1 11 strmG-moism =i3111q'T'28,11. Graduate of the Rayal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay ing furniehed tine Dental Rooms on JAMES -ST., 2 Doors East of Central laotel, Exeter, Ont,, wrier° 1 atn prepared to perform all branches oi the Deetal profeesion with ease & skill. Charges, 5toderate; Terms, Cash, H Ii1NSMAN,DENTIST.1.1.D.S StiniWell's Bleck, Illninsst, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving vitanzed Air. Bold Filings and ral other dental work the best possible. Goes to ZURialt on last Thursda.y in each mont MEDICAL 40.1 eat, the kundation soOts be ecanpleted rik k e7 .well se 5.5r, novel and ry house, without send your ington-st ars 1 °rants, and they will send llugitated circular showing it agents wanted in every town. Rash tares. A couple of daya ago a fire was s t f eld on the lith con of b ne, purpose of clearing up a small piece A stiff breeze commenced blowing soon fanned the fire iisto an unco .ness of flames and rapidly aprea eard, consuming everything wi reach. It real:theft Hunter's swell shortly afterwards made its way t ton's swamp, where, we understand gat partially under coritrol, the win ing abated considerably. Everyth dry that if it is not kept down th country will likely butte Ereter pletely surrounded by serious bush Dissolution of artner • in session at Peterborough. the meeting of the GrandlLodge I. 0. 0. F• JUST Received a complete stook of Trrises, (1 LUTZ, M. D., Sh/ Sheulder-braces, Supporters. t.o,rit:t.toh_e Central Drug Store, 0, LUTZ, picely and we understand the clock which . Work on the town hall is progressing • Ofticeat hisresiden ice Exeter. " is completed will be placed in the tower and residence,Dom nionLaboratory, Exeter Pickard andEzra Spicer, 01 he village of Ex°. J •,,,S,GBrattPtiateNViIeNtoiCtUni.veDrei.61%.10fil. !ter, under the firm of Picard &Spiaer, Poultry Ian's', Carriages, Express -wagons, also hest station on Monday last, a carload of export Without exceptiorathe best and cheapest before long. !:1 hip lately hi3irtiebt3trn-rieitt=ii now lie had at C. Eaerett's. 1V1r. John Willis shipped from Exeter the arbner-Lseir ciarni Roots and Shoes WE have as 3re cattle. They composed a fine looking DR. nYNDNIAN, ,eorotier for the 2r4ede". Aram, by mutual consent was dissolved on the 30mu DAT or leather fly -nets. a Harness, trunks and drove. I. Carling's store, Exeter. County of Haron,,, Oce, opposite Mr. JONATHAN J. I'D:MAUD, valises coestrently on hand. G'ive us a call Ezna Smonn. before purchasing. Butter and eggs taken in The newspaper to be started in Blyth ' by exchange for goods. Also a firat class Robt. White, a native of the Co. of York House for sale. . C. EMMETT. and a graduate of this office, will be .known Stop it at once. What ? That coligh which es the Blyth Standard. a„,.. is troubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr. On Monday Mr. James' Oke shippal one Lutz' s Drug Store. and procure a 25 cent car-loed of cattle from Brucedeld and one bottle of Hallamore's Expectorant. This load from Centralia. They are export cat - preparation has been' the popular cough mix - ably gives speedy and permanent relief from plete the foundation of the new Trivitt tle. titre of Termites for over .25 years. It invari. It will require 400 cords of stone to com- all colds, coughs and chest troubles. It is Memorial church. They are taken from the safe aud pleasant, always sure tbe worst of St Marys' quarries. ~ cougha to quickly cure. We are having cooler *weather just now, Fruit jar corks, gem ries, sealing a ax, but irei rain accompanies it. For a couple insect powder and sticky fly paper at the of weeks previous the weather was warm Central .Drug Store, C. Lain, Prop. enough to hatch chickens. A new organ for sale, or exchange for a horse. Apply at this office. t.f. The Commercial 'Hotel is being painted red, to represent red brick. The building A boy of about fifteen or sixteen years, looks well being odd, as the buildings here wanted to learn the printing. Must have a are built chiefly of white brick. fair English education. Apply at the office of this paper. "Mr George A-mstrong, Sec.-Treas. of — Whitehead was in the city on Saturday Returned. last. He says his wheat crop will yield 40 bushels to the acre, and it is no exception Mr. E. H. Dyer of Exeter, and Rola. in his neighborhood. Brandon Sun. • - Buswell of Goderich, a former resident of While Mr., H. Buckingham was winding Zurich, who have been on an extended trip SU n S ip the clock in the central barber shop the up the lakes, have returned to their other evening, the chair upon which he was hoanes. On their return. trip and while off standing, slipped, causing hire to fall. He Mississaga strait, near Duck Island they sat in a, basin of water, wetting his garb caught with a troll line some fifteen salmon considerably. trout, two of them weighing 25 and 35 lbs respectively. It is said that the catch is Mrs. Zealand, whowas so terribly injured the largest heard of by a troll line. in th.e St Thomas collision of thel5th ofJuly • in which her husband and child perished, The Greatest Event of the Season — died on Saturday afternoon about half past BROW '' - three o'clock. She was a sister of Mr. The Western Fair and Jubilee Exhibit- Holmes, of the Clinton New Era. ion to be helcrin London, Sept. 19th to 24th On Aug. the 6th. the quotations tor wheat nit. J. A.ROLLINS, M. O. S o. Main St.Exeter,Ont. Residen ce housereoently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF Permanently located in No. 185 Qsseerea Avenue, London, few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, nn.t She pres- ervation of vision : diseasea of the Ear, im- Paired. hearing, and discharges fromthe ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, ()Merril being a common cause of lapel -ed hearing., AUCTIONEERS. • TT ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- -1.-a- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and Mcdilli- zray;Townq,14.,.fas les eon ducted at moderate :saes. 0 die Lo- u Poe t-ofline, Orediton, Ont. F. W.Zormsirs, Witness. f N.B. Mr. 4. J. Pickard will continue the poultry business, and keep constantly on hand during the season, S. S. Hamburg, G P Ham- burg, D Brahma, W Black Polish eggs at $2 persetting. FARMERS 8i, OTHES. We wish to call especial attention from the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. George Moatz, of Lot 11, Con. 5. teplien, Credi- ton,P. 0,, has on hand a very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! At the Following Prices : 2i inch. Tile, $ 8 per M. 3 " 10" 4 0 14 " .. 5 20" 6 , so " 50 " even inch tile can be fUrnisliod if required. 6 above are of best quality. rediton, April 14, 1887. GEORGE MOATZ 8 " JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for th,, Tg. ,..., Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne i a and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly Iattended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales - arranged at this office. "rlit VETERINARY. A ITENNENT "TENNENT, Veteri- A_ nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinar3 College, Toron• to, have s the treat Domestic ki.instreet from a attended to:- Medicine for Horses cattleate always on hand: an offloe for ment of all Animals, on F.xeter. Calls -,assass„ tame prompt' y MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOA.N ON REAL ES 111 tate forthe Huron & Erie Loan ' Say. ingsSociety, Low rates o finteresi . Apply to John Speakman ,Exeter -VrONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i per cent, $25.000 Private Funds. Beet Loaning Companies represented. L. H, DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. N. ryl J. SUTHERLAND, Hensel), I Ont., Conveyancer, Conuniasioner Fire ' and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- /), / riage Licenees. All business transacted strict- VII/ ly cunfidential. A call solicited. Mee ; at the Post Office. —0-..-0--- FOR PITRE PARIS GREEN FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER --IS- . promises. to far excel that of any previous THE SPOT year. New grounds, new buildings and a 1 augUst, 67i o.; i in the U. S. markets weie as follow:: -For new half -mile race track have been provid- I for September, 69 ca for ed at a cost of $120,000.00, which is indis- /October 714. c.; and yet commercial union 1 will afford the Canadian farmers a better ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT A' 't • • 103;3trel;oerveisdter6ciyofanthiefiettersceoinanndlefinuosrh market for their grain. Somewhat strange! . 'r4li ative of the Jubilee year of Her Meaest • la. in the various departments a,nd the com- . . , mittee on attractions are preparing an im- mense programme, better than 'ever. Low ALW AYS A FULL LINE rates have, been arranged with the Railway OF ALL KINDS OF Companiesafor passengers and freight. The people of WesternOntario will do well to Threshing of wheat and barley has corn - take in the Western Fair this year. See 1 menced with a number of farmers through- . advertisement in another column, eig or oorl, and in a few days 1 new grain will be marketed more freely. The barley crop is ' grAelarea. few samples have been shown of a very bright variety while some is opposite. • There have been many gypsies here of late. We hear people,complaining of losing fowl, one man a couple of geese, another several hens. If these 'kpiOts of tin and old bones are in the habit ofaliving '.upon other people's fowl, they shouldlie wateheal,, caught and punished. We understand that the seine, which we referred to a few weeks ago, as. being stretcher' across the river a few miles west, preventing fish from making their way up stream, has been drawn in. .A close watch will be kept on this person in. future. lie had better be careful. ery liberal premiums are offered this year -D RtTGFS THE WATERLOO MUTUAL 1. EIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATEliLOO, ONT. This coma any has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andJontinues to insure againsnoss or damage by Piro , Buildings,Meronandise,Man, factories,and otherdeseriptions oflinsnr- able property . „EntendinE, iusurers have the ption of insuring On the Premium Note 'or Clash System. During the past ten years tkis company has issued 57,096 Policies. eovering property o theamountor 40,872,038 ; and paid inloss- 013 alone 4709,759,00 AssetS, 9176,100.00, consisting of Cash 11 dank, Government Denosit,and the unarm. ased Premium Notes on handand in force. .7, W 'WALDEN M D. Presides t. 0. 8f. TATL0R, Secretary. J. is. Humans, inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agentfor 'Exeter Lind vicinity, THE i I Ater onalnallway CANADA, The Royal Mall, Passenger and ereight ionte between Canada itnd Great Britain and heat route between the West and all points u the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Cha. lir, also ew 'Brunswick Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Gape Breton owfout cl (and, Bermuda, and Jamaiea. swarm of bees took possessson of Geo. Flyndmaa's grocery Tuesday. He had sev- eral boxes of honey upon the counter which served as an attraction for the pesters. The owner of the bees will find his hive sparsely populated as the majority of them were ex- terminated. I and Examine for Your- One of the contractors of the town hall sel . John vans, of Evans and Heitman, while working about the building on Mon- ' J. W. BROWNING, Prop. day, and when on the upper scaffold tuck ani,Montle I pointing he moved a board; which caused the putlock to withdraw from the building, way. Mr. Evans fell a distance of at least allowing one end of the scaffolding to give 30 feet, breakine one of his ankles and in. juring his back. to a considerable extent. XMPEIHe is now laid up and will not he able' to 24CILLS, work for some time. This accident is a Feat misfortune to Mr. Evans, as at present WOODHAM. he and his partner nave several contracts on -- A. Scaffold Accident, , hand which have to be completed at a — eertain date not far distant. The cause of the The undersigned would respectfully inform accident cannot solely be attributed to a the eOrnmunity that they have leased the above e ective scaffold. It was Mr. Evaus' . Many wells are dry and the river is lower mills for a term of yeare ; and will be pleased 'than for many years. Pasture is completely to have a call from all. The mill has recently fault. He urged the su ort froro its nerd cl been improved, by the addition of new maoh- fastening and of course the structure had to incry. It is the intention of the subscribers to c,c,, add a sot of rolls as soon es possible; and all a eon:alined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be second to none in the West. -x-x- Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for,sele exchanged for oats, SATISFACTION GUARANTEE 1105ir'A TRIAL' SOLICITED. J. dz A. MoNEVIN, July 14,] Props. NeW and elegant Pallinan Buffet Sleeping d. Bay Carsrun on through Express trains a Passengers for Great Britain or Ile Centi- iit by -leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. m, Thurs. y join otitnarcl,inu,i1 steamer at Rata Z a, in, sitturday. Superior tievator Warehouse and Dbek ae- MmOdation sit Halifax for shipment of grain d general merchandise. °are of experience have previa the INTIM- LONIAL in eoutectron stertmehip ea to reed from London. Liveepool arid airgow to laalifax, to be affe quickest freight tte betWeen Cadada and Great Rritain. isformation as to Passenger and Prolglat es can bf.itaLl On applioatberi to , B.114,10DIE, 'We tern lireight &Passenger Agent P.ossingoime Moak, 'Vet* $t. •Toroixto POTTINGE11, Chief Einperintendent, waf 0 ,, to Diva* 1861. 110,1 r ert Sho rAilsors szeovz A Hastings Prop. • Shating and Hair engine ill the lateet igtyles of thear1 Every attentNii palia to (Hitting Ladies ana Ohildren's SWITCH 'ES IVIADE OnDm, A GALL SOMOITE13 -- A Cover Necesvary. One of the 'nest disgraceful nuiseteces 111 Exeter is the open ditch running from the east side of the village along Ann street, throegh the heart of the business part of the village. During the heat of last week the stench arising from it was almost un- bearable, and making its way through open doors spa windows into the houses along its cratfase made it not only unpleasant, but is isource of danger to the inhabitants, iere are a number of respectable dwell- ings in its precincts which are at times ren- dered almost untenable by the sour and heavy stench eminating from this small creek, and eie wonder the occupants do not rise up and take stringent measures with the council. 13y allowing this nuisance to continue the council is liable to be indicted under the clause of the municipal eat, providing for the prevention of nuisances. We also have O Board Of' Health h exceptional powers veeted, powers Stifficient to force the coun- cil to abate nuisances it permits to exist Thecaptain of the Salvation Aenly did within its jUriscliction. What ale ber 011- not relish our remarks of last weck in ro. thorities and Board of Health about? How ferenee to the coriduct of the army to the is it that such a plague , spot as this' open minister and congregation Of' the Main st. sewer -the receptacle of all filth and fever Meth. church. We do not wish to impede germs -is allowed to remain unnotieed ? the work being done by the army but when This d1tch has been cleaned out time and we SOO or hear of them dela:elating theresel. again, but What does that avail ? The wit- vett oat of common we shall feel ft our dety er sooe becomee stagnant, whieh with all to publish a reprimand, sorts of rubbish being consigned thereto ten- Xett Tuesday, a harvera home excursidm derS the Stench " 1"1"1 as ever` T." •ew.er under the auspices of the Exeter brass band requires coveririg and until well is done tee wiii run to Sarnia, fare 1001 residents along its eent'se 1011 enieY 8xeter will be $L other villages along good health. Besides preventingthe escape I the line havie proclaim 1 Of the stench, the eovering of the se would allow the etreet which is now very narrow to be made Wider, and people 'Who have land on the north side amid ,build thereoe. fast there be a move made, and a deeitive one. p, n armers turn the stook into clover fields. So great a drought has not been experienced in this vicinity for many year's. Bush fires are burning at the east rend at the west of 08,, and some of them serious. . The band played on the streets Friday evening, and the music attracted many. The selections were many and new, and they Were well rendered. A band so obliging in attending any small affair without pay, and so acconnno 'alingas to entertain the citizens generally at least twice a week ought to be encouraged. A musical organisation such as Exeter now has cannot be found every day. ,••••••myl, 1 4i 7ilie*Slalg, The Pannell nset at the AtisFicet House Ego ter27th 345i, 18$7. Ali Aierubere poen exaePt Mr....1013ns- The ministee of the previous mretinq wese. read sea approved. lViot'ad bYliV.G, r$16000,. f OeCOnded lOy 'I".,13 Carling that °Piero- be I granted for the 1ollowit4t4 Souls. •i*4---noNsa a 1 Taylor, $873, eetimate ou building Tows ofot 40.010., for water oloaet 94 Amu Hall site; Jae VreleCh, 1)81,part salerYt the for rel3teterinp ---,----,- -,-:-•,• W, VIreleht $20, edr•icee inelieetin3 TOwla Hall. Carried* MO•ed by 2. Piokard,, Re0Onde4 by. T. R. Ca• r, ling, that John Johnston. be eaut to the dea hespital tit the expezAtie of tbiq M4Piel.. ' pality, Carried. Moved by W. 0- Bissetto eetioncled by T, B. Carling, that this courad adjourn until the call of tlie Reeve Carried - A, Narrow Ericape, ? , , On Tuesday evening while Several . . , ,,, young men, were minutely exerniiing the Aew town hall, one of the number Mr, Wm. ,Hqghes aaceaded the roof which is I, Very; teep orie. Ile * 1 fully a out when suddenly his raovIflogotrorld gave way and he commenced sliding to - rants the edge (if the roof, entertaining the thought that his last moments upon this inunortal soil had arriV!' When near the turning point the seat of hie pants rovid ii. Ily atia, t a .you an truding spike, which brought the'body to'a in use. stop, thus saving him from serious injury if not sudden death. EN breeches are 1 out of repair in consequence. tare d in i Woodcock Shooting—, t :bitchhe plenteousness of the game the woods are a laud, n Monday ftext, woodcock shooting commences, and instead of there being a (1i-4r:01u/hole. almost cleaned out. It N well known, that for many years several brood, have located infitophrge,i, klaQi.suailsir!lods. ti r. le t virt he aen pi mi emk ea dr di a, ,ts e p 0 vn idc i naintyd, t h pe anr te xi ctu 1 ea orn2 y. e whole arrives, none 01 very few of the birds are to t it wa's poaching goes on during the previous week d hav- . be seen. It is not only a yiolaticm of the to suck an extent, that, when the 15th eastward, and it ie as. positively known that 18 e°111- law, but a mean and devisable trick for persons to take themselves to the field of the woodcock, and carry on their shooting for days previous to the open season. Such is en injustice to the law respecting village nimrods, and we presume if it arere not that they held the poachers in esteem, an exa.nt- ple would be made of them, — Owing to the excessive heat a considera- hle pertion of the fences along the London, Huron & Bruce has been barna The Rural achools re -open on Monday,. 15th August. High Schools, Collegiate In- . . atitutes and Public Schools i t an a a bili cities re -open On 11/Ouday, auguet 29th. t le rs. lex. Colquhoun and Alex. Dow re all landed in Montreal yesterday with two ed ex- handsome clydesdale entire horses. They e will arrivehere .T They are Frauds, It is learned that parties pretending to he Ontario Government officials, are tra- velling through the province Yictimizing owners of steam threshing machines, and other machines. They assert that a law was passed last year providing all persons within the province having charge of or op- erating any steam boiler or other devices under pressure of steam, and they claim to have been appointed examiners with power to license persons whom they deem com- petent, and from whom they receiye the re- quiredfee. It may be stated that sue was introduced in the Legislature las 0, but it was not passed, thereto persons claiming to have been appoint aminees as above are frauds, d handed over to the authorities. The Eclipse of the Sun. The total eclipse of the sun on A l 3th will be remarkable on account length of the land line traversed b shadow of the moon. In fact it wi many years before another eclipse wi cur, the path of which will be so contin ly upon the land and so little upon ocean. The shadow of the moon will s the earth first at Beelimaearly in the ni ing. It will pass eastwardly from point, and, traversing the entire aid Russia and Siberia, will ,aeach the s Japan a little south of Vlarlivos Trending southerly, the shadow track pass across Heed°, the main island of Ta in a line running from Nitgaia, upon Western coast, to Mito. The obser upon the streets of Tokio will be fay with a sight of the eclipse a little sout the line of totality. The giant shadow rise and disappear from the surface of earth at a point nearly 2,000 miles eas Japan in the Pacific Oeean. The eel will be observed by two American parti one in Japan and the other in Russia - b lona will be taken by astronom at various points in Siberia, a ur py. The Bobier property which was pue:im for sale on Tuesday , under a mortgage, was not eold, owing- to the highest bid not iseing uguat as high as the reserve bid. The property is of the well situated and is a nide piece of land. Yll the The steamer "Ontario" of the Beatty line will leave Goclerich on the 12th, and the OC" "United Empire" on the 19th, for all lake uous- ports north. For excursion rate tickets and trike orn. Orr Tuesday, Mr. Madge, of Usborne, tthhise full information apply to CAPT. GEO. Kama. brought a bag of harvest apples to town and th of dumped them in frtent off Dr. Rollins' office ea of for the small boys.. Ufa needless to say took. that some of the larger boys participated in lain. the feaet. pan, The thirsty land crieth for water. A oapa- the cious down -pouring of rain would be very ac - vers ceptable, and be the mean, of doing muck ored good. The heat and drought are making h of weather that is very tryingto the conatitu- tion, especially of the.aged, the very young the and of those whose. adipose tissue is eaten- itPs0; 3hrOen. Saturday evening while a . Gould, es- of Hay was driving a colt along Main street and the ani'mal with lightning ernotiph rose up ers behind and kicked the dashboard off the buggy. icked a second time and get- ting its hind foot over the shaft ferl on the ground In less thau one minute, sufficient people to stop a freight train had congre- gated There were no seriouaresuats, ..The Hamilton correspondent of the Globe perpetrates the following libel on a Glencoe couple: -"A woman named Acke is in cus- tody charged with kid -napping a little- child of a nian who says. he is Robert Donnelly of Birldulph. Mrs. Acke says that Mr. 'Don- nelly, who with her husband hag been on a protracted spree about the city, was going to throw the child into. the Desjardins Can- al when Mrs. Acke took it to save its life." METRorrisa MONET;-The Income of the Canadian Methodist Missionary Board for the past year has just been ascertain- ed, although all the returns hare not yet been received. The total income will be about $12,000 over the previous year. The following conferences have increased the contiributions by about the amount tc named: -London, $1,100; Niagara, $700; Guelph, 1,3/0 • Bay of Quinte, $70 ; Montreal $1 800 • New Brunswick, MO 7 Manitoba, $1,100. Nova Scotia is about $600, in arrears, and Newfonhclland is $500 behind. The Dominion and Induetrial Eaaakitton will open in Toronto on Sept. 5t1t, contin- uing for two weeks, and the Managers state that they have every prospect of a larger and more varied collection of exhibits and entertainments generally than at any pre- vlous exhibitions, The entries already quite outnumber those of any former year, and the space in save/a departments is fully engaged. Special exhibits will be shown by Manitoba and Algoma. Extra prizes are of- fered in the lave stock classes to exhibitors who will bring their aairnale on the first week, the same animals to be eligible for the regular competition on the second week. The mostb 'I isp ay of fireworks ever' produced in tilo DOrninion ie promieed in., connection with the seige andbomb 1 of Pekin, with extensive scenery and living - actors, to be repeated at interyals during the exhibition. Exerirsion rates have Tteera aeoured_froeis alt tile ra-ilways, - Winghatti great deal of talk hag been occasioned arotincl town about is certain neetiliar light that appeals newly every night in the vieinity of the C. P. R. road bed. Scores of ,people have gone to ace it, and we hem hetana done party of reing men who !ramped through mendows and swan3ps until two b'eloak Sunday meriting in seareh of the inystery,bet aa yet n� oao has been abN to get hold of it. Some claim it to be gbost, but %ve `are of the opiniou that 11 18 an ignis fat, Ai nny 'rate, it has +Mired greet deal •of exeitement amend town, tied the Scene of its rambles ore visited 'nightly by s large noniber of our eitizens. All the qtairryinee at 81. ththye are busy iPPig one fot the new G. T. shops in Stratford, Thirty earloads of stone Were Igo shipped knit week for the new PMglish Intreli at Exeter. -- Mark Again at Law. It will be remembered by our readers, that some weeks ago, there appeared in these columns a local concerning an able bodied man lashing another, a smaller and less capable man with a Aip. The per- sons concerned were John IVIattice and Mark Clarke. A few days after the occur- renee, Mark, who had at a certain date been ill treating one of his horses, wa3 taken before P. M. Williams, and sentenced to 30 days in jail, thus depriving him of an opportuuity of Jawing his assailant, at least until his term in the county jail had expired. Mark was taken to jail, where he remained but fora few days, being released 'zbacesaid, the magistrate overstepped his bounds in sentencing him there. Merk returned to Exeter in the course of a week and at once instituted proceedings agaiust Mr. Mattice, who finding that he had seriously erred and that the fine would be serious, agreed to settle the matter by paying $25.00. Mr. Mattice was bound over to keep the peace for six months. We learn that Mark will next try conclusions with police magietrate Williams. Mark says, it is indeed, a 'weary country where a man 'ill not, sooner or later get revenge, -- Personal. The persous who availed themselves of the New York excursion have returned home. -- Miss Jennie Blow, of Windsor, who has been visiting Miss Maggie: White for some weeks has returned home.--IvIr. D. M. Rarnsayand wife, of Londesboro, are spend- ing a few days in town.-Ilarry Moffett, traveller for L. D Sawyer, of Hamil on is in town -Mrs. Hugh Spackman who has been visiting friends in St. Thomas has re- turned home. -Mise Stacey, of St Thomas is the guest of Mrs. Hugh Spackman. -Miss The junior b. b. club with a slight sprink- Hattie 13arker, of Windsor, IS the guest of ling of members of the senior club, visited Mrs. Gillespie. -Mrs, Robinson, of Clinton, Clinton on Weineeday week, and played a is the guest of Mrs' Geo. &ma -eta -Mr. 0, game with the senior club of that pleee. ( Knight, of Si Thomas is spending a few .13y some mistake the Clinton boys took the days with the old folks at home.- -Mr. Vin, lead in making runs, which they held t� the tug who has been a residetit of Exeter for end, leaving a score of 37 to 3 in favor of some years, left last week to take -a position Clinton. Wait 011111 the senior boys try in the Canada Southere Car Works, St, the tune will be cha,nged. conclusions with the Clinton club, and then laminas. His family follows him shortly. -Mr. Parkinson head teacher in the Strathroy Collegiate Institute, and wife are Spending a part of the slimmer vaeation With friends in Exeter.--Misa Horn is vii,iting friends in North East Hope -Miss Tillie White returned from. Sarnia, Tuesday, Herb Elilot, of Windsor, , bleilt spending his Vacation with parents here. s y next their diVic holi ay, will iii[con,jtinetion ivith Exotet, spend the day at the St. Claii•- tiVer, Vatutere.iinci CiOere are mspeetfully invited ter join fit'spending 5 pleaSalit and profitable' day, See 'pestera for partifialdra, Not long since, While a hired man wits working in the tarn ecei ing grata howl the pereoe on the wagotr, on the farm of Mr. Dennie Frirmee, 'McGillivray, he alipped and fell twenty feet, head foremost. His head passed betiveen the boards of the rack allowing the ivpight to come upon his thouldera and thus preventing serious iftjar,y to hi person, Red his head *001116 ill aontaat with atiYthink golid his nook ... Was he Suitained hitt %light iiIiitrV would assuredly IniVe bee tt broken, as it ':