HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-4, Page 8���Rlvkl T 1~ ELIGT AGENT FOP .lit x� WESTERN hues Walls*. The annual fall exhibition of the South The side walk ou Main street from the Perth Agrioultiral:Society will be held iii. T r 'v tS`k i ASSURANCE 00111., dittos tnorth is end if'tiotlleo n re aa bed and red vvillGbc c be AGh andyGtioit Tuesday and t 0dtesday Oot. PANY ofToronto :vaso for thel eICE,Nl'. IPI1cE o p z t INiiITItANOi7 OUM1'ANY,ozl.oudotn l:,u� ]anti, means of causing broken limbs. On Monday 1llr, Scott of 'I'ilsonburg, bee a heti inter- thell0'yAL.CANADIAN. ot efeetreal, ar tl the an old lad., while wendingher wayto the set in "Patrice" a horse which bee coverlet a Dl1I'I'Xtsll E IPIRE LIk'F ASSITNrCP. COM- laying of the corner stone bed a ve' heavy anile in two minutes and sixteen seeonds fro PANX, of over. son, ,000hlai , establrslnecl 1 17. fall caused b a board tipped by another I other Clay at Deta•oit.. The owners ,refused Absets aver $,000,00x) elairus maul boaauses " paid, over $10,000,0uo, person stepping on the outer end; Her $00,000 on the tra ek in Detroit, and have injuries providentially were slight. The made over X9,000 ou the horse already, consmissiouor should eeernine the boarda This is to certify that I believe Everest's LOCAL N� WS.--1Ve 404.01 be happy to re. .rune at rail titnee, from any pari of th County, item of local ?tows, such <14 4C ciclents,or nary intereatiny incident what ever, front way of oiu $ ub$cri?ae'rs n read srs,generally •for the 2arrpose of public ttGfpfr, 0. an have the loose>elms properly fastened, Paresis P, o p saved spy life, -Thos, Mershalf Tuestda' fives the wm areaat dayof the 1'lie lot wave pre veiling at present is seasau. -96 in the shade. having an iujul ions . effect on (measles. Ta A goody number witnessed file la'iza of foot several valuable birds have died reoeutly the corner stone of the Trivia Memorialilio tlet►11Ie appears to be in the bbd's. Chtuuh, throat caused by driukhig water from the .lkfr. Thos,. Coates, of Usborne shipped a the excessive ilass ob .iadA Weisee e wan well rtarm ou through drove of superior prime oattte from Lteter t „ tip TEN CENTS rerline for erst nsortiou, este 00 Pridaylast. They went to Montreal to OH iar;viszu recommends that the 'birds Foearthen0t ill Uo CLa Hee for atone segi of tti; be shipped to the old country, should be kept indoors in a .cool piece' and Rn tliisoolurnn. N The Exeter ball tossers went to Clinton not esposecd GO the sun or 'placed in warm gip! .r oo t gimes. . THUBSDAY, AUiJUST Orli, 1887, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. yesterday to play their first match of the season, with the senior clab of that dace. They expect defeat, Gypsies are a pest to the village. Week- ly a horde of them c•unp ou the river's edge, much to the annoyance of the citizens in the vicinity • In compliance with a requisition which bore over 100 signatures of rate payers and others, our worthy Reeve has been pleased to proclaim Tuesday Aug. 10th as a public JUST Received a complete stook of Truses, holiday for the village, Shoulder -braces, Supporters. cue., at the f The Directors of the Exeter cemetery ly 1,000 aW atne eres,fmorethan faro alreadyat required tri a d Drug tri ofu re s ue to fi Central e h v0 Iia t o lc hl Dlu Store C UTZ It a d i g es fez d u'q U. L PPGYRI TOn d 1 , E c , b have carriages to enter ibis is in a sense a been attached to the anti petition, I V thoi a 1 It a\ee tt011 1 the lest and cheapestis quite to ro ba 1e that the b tt o int tl 1�h 1 to elle vie iq P t acP o on. Theroads h i t t t rtech t10P Lines in Boots and Shoes v� r have as yet grounds would be much better to he driven will be fought ou' tee question during the air draught='during the present heated term This is to certify that I have used E vet est's Rivet Regulator, and fin it the best I ever used. --P, B. Rosenberry, L. 1), S., Arbona, Ont. Huron Signal :-it's, nicotine of the hotel :nen of West Huron, ]geld in Goderich, Mon- day last, it was decided to go on wt'h the agitation for the ,repeal of the Scott Act, There was a strong representation' presens, and the unaninnous opinion was that neither money nor tune should he spared in the seen, can now be hacl at C Eaorett's. Child- ou ata certain season of the year -say mid- oomiug autumn, 1 en s, Cat mages, Express -w agaue, also best leather fly -nets. Harness, trunks and valises constantly on ]rani. Give els e call before purchasing. Butter and eggs taken -in exchange for goods. Also a first class House for sale. C. EAORETT. Stop it at once. 'What? That cough which tet, Mr. James Breen, owner of a atone quarry Moedssion 4 Toweship, is Slow. fromExetera86 hearaMr. or two ear loaOke ds in le, recovering from theserious injuries he loads oFfat ) cattle for thelEnglish markets. They were . sustained by au untimely explosion the other purchased from a1r Pat. Curtain, let con., day. He was blastinga rock, but charge of Biddulph, and'pronoaueedtlte finest look- failed to go off at the proper time, stuff. !dr. lug animals shipped from Exeter for some Bren went to see what was the matter. is trcubling you. Call at the old stand, Dr. time. Just as he reached the spot the blast explod- Lutz's Drug Store. and procure a 25 cent W. L. Oumotte, merchant of Loidesboro' ed. FIe was hauled about 20 feet, lest one bottle of Haltatnore's Expectorant. This had his store burglarized on Alonclay night. efa and yes a ser 'as otherwise escaped ed and t preparation has been the popular cough mix- The thieves blew the safe open and extract - P being ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invara ed therefrom between $30end $40 in money by any pieces of flying stone, and these. ably gives speedy and permanent relief from as well as several signed checks, on Tanner's queutly ea banes were broken. all colds, coughs and vilest troubles. It is Bank, Blyth. There is no clue as to who I `pit kuowt from experience that Everest's safe and pleasant, always slue the worst of the guilty parties are, gll Sy up is first class -Geo. Brook, For- ooughs to quickly cure. The other day, Mr. Robt. Sanders show- est P. 0. Fruit jar corks, gem linos, sealing wax, ed us a photo of the Cathedral in Exeter, Iu its personal sketches of Canadian meld. insect powder and sticky fly paper at the England, which he had just received from ents of Chicago the Canadian -American Central Drug Store, C. Lune Prop.Mr. Harry Hems, of that oily. The build- has the following: -Wm. E. Sthal ie a Oan- A new organ for sale, or exchange for a tug is a hand some structure. Mr. Hems adian4from Pu'sliuch township, Wellington, horse. Apply at this office, t.f. has set sail for America and will visit Exe. county Out. Early in life he moved to Hur- ter in Newhampsbit e, and Exeter in Penn., nn county with his parents and settled ou a A boy of about fifteen or sixteen years, but cannot pay our Exeter a visit. farm. During the troublesome times iu Rid• wanted to learn the printing. Must have a Those who snake tt practice of readin dulph, when the whole country surroundiug ipers are not genera y victiu,s of fair English education. Apply at the office g of this , nelvsp. ll paper. 1 er. sharpers. Scarcelyweek a passes but some New Grain 3Duyer, fuse to sign any paper presented to you by -- -' new swindle is exposed. A safe rule is to Mr. Henry Lavett of Parkhill will be strangers, no matter how harmless the docu- here in a few days to buy grain, he having meat may look. Another good rnleis to. leased Mr. Jas Pickard's Warehouse recent- buy your goods from -a reasonable dealer. . ly vacated by Mr Geo. Willis. Mr Lavett People do not travel around the country , A sad affair occurred on the Cedar Swamp tunes here highly recommended and in- giving away honey--tlle're on the make. line, Biddulph, the other day, when AIr. John tends to move his family here soon. Mr. You can always do better with the men who Ervin sr. attempted to take his own life by Lavett is amen of sterling worth and wish- advertise.. cutting hie throat. The old man who is 88 es to have a share of the farmers patronage. The Brandon Sun says: -"Mr. R. T. year old and lyes with his Son went back -- White, wlio has been in this city since Feb- into the bash that afternoon, ostensibly ou New Wheat ruary last and made many friends while his way back to Granton, and while there The first sample of this season's wheat was here, left on Tuesday morninw for Ontario. cut a deep gash in his throat with a razor brought to town ou Monday, by Moses going very wisely kr �o the by - menial wnich he had taken with him. The cut act that district was in a terror of a certain ele- ment, he was the only man who had nerve enough to drive the stage through that dis 11.10, and on several mansions was badly 1' tti�t+ • A se, te-re' A STATEMENT Or FACTS. The former proprietor, before offering this wonder- ful Elixir Vi mina netic1XTineralforsale,. ave a away upwards of 30,000 packages to afflicted people rl all parts of the world who were pronounced incurable. H hasd tens of thousands n on a u He siiacc acl of sa ds guarantee to refund the motley in all asses where it failed to cure as promised, and he will make oath that but ono person asked the money returned, The wonderful cures this Elixir of Life Wfag- netie Mineral has performed are due to the fact Chet it comes from earth, from whence man came, and from the Hands of the same Divine Creator- and when, from Old Age, over-exertion, exposure, hard work in brain or body, cares, worries, toils and anxie- ties, man becomes sick from the loss of suck vital germs and forces as Bion, Potash, Magnesia, Liine, Sulphur, Aluminum, and other life seeds, this 'Magnetic Mineral supplies those losses, as a Little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, and as 00Eleetrie Spark; lights the Great Chandelier In the C ztleee draal's Dome, transferring midnight darknees into no0nclay'slight, This 1 Iaguetie Elixir Vitae Mineral is as old as the eternal hills from whence it came. It comes aa.. Haav:^r tti from the true "Fountain of Youth's" source, giv- A•1- U R 6' 3. , • s, ` e lugrenewed life to the Old, abetter life to the Young, t k4 WONDERFUL ,.; r\ 1 blessings to the Unborn, Health to the afflicted, happl- � - ness to all who use it, and is benefaction to all man- ...,,,...„_:_t oan- f- - land, It contains More Free, litre, Natural, • �� ', ,, Curative, Medicinal Virtues, than can be found if ! HOUSEHOLD + in anyFive Hundred of man's m demedicines. It ' �'�•� worth more than itsweightin is - - w n to all who are qh afflicted. Try'it once and you will become A Public 1.1, i. e I efact r in e � I a>r Q commending it to all who suffe • g r. ;..� � i�G 11 i1� Lite ,, . � u � it tli,it Gem Sanders, Exeter; V f x Uc. s l {� 'I ,t .l, r , 1 fl �. p have been in verypoorlast o 1o health the ten It for ,hk x11 i; r P years withl liver, 'kidney, dyspepsia and diabetes. I ;might say general debility because it was nothing but mis• ery ta11 the time. I have. taken nearly all the nostroms made by man and advertised aspatent medicine, and hive travelled in different countries for niy health, but ifonnd no permanent relief in auy of the above experi- idents. About ,five months ago while in Manitoba 1 omnencod using Elixir Vito. I received so rnnoh benefit from it that I came home. I am still using the Viae with such good resnits, it is impossible for the to express my feelings for the great benefit I am receiving froni the wonderful Elixir Vitie Magnetic Mineral, I feel as if I heel a new lease of life, I£ you are afflicted and want E�L1 � e .a. are Bright's Disease and all Kidney to enjoy good health try Elix- �1 (uaiplaints, 13loocl. Poisoning, Diptlleria, it Vttte and you will never ra- ttle General Debility, Female Complaints, and destroys the Nidus of everyill gret it as long as you live. It the Human Flesh is heir to, It will cure Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Old Sores, ,s certainly C4od's greatest gift Piles, all Skin Diseases Bruises, Burns, Chilblains, c&c. to slat. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Price $1,00 Per Package MaH sToaeatlyll advice ionto rlI tiveit y Y g None genuine unless stamped with the Red Ink Signature of the original Proprietor, T1IEO. NOEL a ti jai.' It surprises all who 1160 it. GEORGE SAN D_h LAS, Sole Agent for the Dominon of Canada, • 1 EE'S�Zt - - - - ONTAR,20_ Who will send by mail to n ny part of the world on receipt of 51. pt bandied for his trouble. He is a painter by Slight trade and resided in Chicago for about six l , pj,� sews. Hodgins, of ]ot 15, con. 1st Biddulph, It was of the variety known as the 'Demo- crat," and yielded 30 bushels to the acre. It was pronounced first class, hard and dry. Mr. Hodgins brought to town a grist and is therefore not entitled to the Tinoxe for one year. Personal. Mrs. Carter of Rochester, N. Y., is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Fair- bairn, of this place. -Messrs. J. E. Tom, P. S. I. of South Huron,8Frank Tom and T. H. Tyndall, took advantage of the cheap rate and went to New York last week. - Mr. Horace Harwood of Lansing, Mich., a thereon. former clerk in Messrs. Samwell d Pickard's Mr. R. 1'. White, a graduate of the store here, is home spending vacation.- years office, an 1 who, for the past ten Miss A. Sharon, of St. Thomas, is visiting years arrived here has orked ft'om periodically in dou,11Man., in los office Mao - friends in town. -Miss Ede, Gould, of this place, is visiting friends in Clinton at pre- I day last, and left for Blyth where he intends sent.- 1 starting a newspaper. R. T. is a man of ability having 11e1d prominent positions in Before of g he v menial altar one of the fait• venues ladies of being deep enough to wound the blood ves- Brandon, Miss Peart, formerly of -Pickering sale lha time was un Oc os 1 ul in the house.isobject The ld Ont. Mr. White intends establishing a e newspaper in Blyth, Ont. The Post Office Department has issued the following notice : All local or ''drop" man has been for some time past somewhat deranged in mind and tiring of life took this method of getting rid of his supposed trou- bles. At last accounts:there were good pros - letters must be prepaid 1 teat each by Canadian postage- stamp, otherwise, in I poets of his recovery. order to enforce the law, they are sent to the dead letter office, to be there opened, MARKET REPORTS. if not bearing a specific address, and re- ESExsn, turned to their writers. A letter bearing a (Corrected at5o'clockpau. Wednesday, specific address is not opened, but forward- Fanevhoa 1 ... .. ... ... 0 73 to 76 ed to its original address, with the ordinary Spring Wneat... 0 60 to 0 75 dead letter charge of 2 cents per a oz. rated ••• ... 0 40 to 48 ... 0 20 to 80 . 450to500 .. 150to200 ... 050to051 ... 058to06C • 016to010 --• 12 to 072 ... O0to565 75 to 80 ... 40 to 0 50 ... 004to000 ... 006to006 ... 0 08 to 08 • 020to030 ... 0 20 to 0 40 -.. 5.10 to570 ... 400 to500 ... 550to550 600to600 • 075to1GC ... 050to070 ,,, 020to021 800 to1000 .., 0 50 to. 0 75 „• 2 50 to 8 oo An Eggatraordinary Good Opening, the business in various cities in the Domin- Exeter, situated as it is, in the centre of ion. Being a good writer and a pushing a thickly populated country, is well adapted onfellow, wefeel aoufident thatuhe will not for the establishmeut of au eggand butter villageonly prove a valuable will acquisition to good packing business. Seaforth the north, dfor yliiill,self.th buWe w ishthim succi d up ess. St. Marys to the east and Parkhill to the South, each situated from eighteen to The twenty seventh annual congestion twenty miles, are the only places in the district in which such businesses have been established ; and Exeter's situation as above stated is superior to any. Good shipping facilities, together with the quantity, of the fruit produced in; the district, makes it a place highly suitable for such an enterprise. It is indeed surprising the number of bas- kets of eggs taken to the stores here, daily and traded for goods, which eggs eventually are taken to either St. Marys or Seaforth to be packed by the wholesale ho1e sal e de ale rasad shipped to the eastern cities. Why not have them packed in Exeter ? Let some enterprising citizen embark and he will find that the enterprise will not only prove profitable to himself but a great benefit to the' village. It wouldbringfarmers to town who now go to Seaforth and St. Marys. Cash tells every time. It would be an ad- vantage to the merchants. They would re- ceive cash for their goods, and cash turning here and there could not but make the place the business hive of the distrfet. We await developments. Disturbing Quiet Worship. We are surprised that the Salvation Army, professing such adherence to religions principles should be guilty of disturbing' quiet public worship, but this is exactly what they do here mare or less continually. Sunrlay'wmornilig last their conduct was in- tolerable, and if they had any regard for the l worship in progress in the churches they would have refrained from such an outlan- dish Iroise. In fact the constable should see to it that such a proceeding is not erriedlon. While the differentdenoninations -were engaged in worship, the artny paraded the streets singing and beating drums to the treat annoyance of preachers az,d con- gregations. Main 81 Methodist church, especially, was made the subject of extrelne annoyance, and it seemed as though the dis- cdrdent sounds came from the rear of the body of the church, The pastor, Dr. Pas- coe, who is as a rule not easily disturbed, VAS on this occasion considerably disturbed and annoyed, so much sour fact that he di- verted from his discourse and said "it is very unchristiartlike of those folks to beat. chums directly in front of a church in which quiet woe ip is in progress," There is noth ing said of the Salvation Army as long as the members conduct themselvef in a man- ner suitable to the quietude and regulations of the village, bttt a strict observance of the Lord's day and respect for those who wor- ship in His name demands that the nuisance shall he abated and it is hoped that, with- out stringent measures , being brought to Bear, the Captain will not permit a repeti- tion of last's unday' conduct, Of course it may have been an oversi.trht on his part, and sA toay 1t net occur again. dal lo • ... ... Oats ... Clover Seed ... Timothy ... ... ... Peas ... ... ... Corn ... ... -. Hutt i... .._ Flourparbbl .... ... ... Pot atoes,per bushel ... ... Apples,porbag ... DriedApplespr b ... Geese per lb. ... Turkey per lb Ducks perpr ... ... Chickens per pr ... Ftogs,dressedper1cm -.. Beef ... Rides rouhg, ... y. ... reason ... the Ontario Teachers' Asssociatioll is in oaefskina s each progress in Toronto. In addition to the General Association work, sections have been placed on the program forpublicsehool school Inspector and high Pchool work. Mr. G. W. Holman, Teacher in s. s., No. 8, Us. borne; the delegate appointed by the West Huron Teachers left on Monday. From what we know of Mr. Holman we are sure that he will not consider it his duty to re- present the teachers only but will speak out manfully in behalf cf the ratepayers in gen- eral, A great cause for complaint just now is that Nutter is either cheesy or sour. This, filo doubt, is on account of extreme hot weather. Butter makers are at fault. for keeping it so long, of even parking the Wool per lb ... Rayperton ,tnionsnerbush Woodper cord ST: amass. Furnished by Messrs: carter, Son cC Co. Fall Wheat. ......... .......................... 75 to 76 Spring Whea.t 70_ r5 tSar.oy 35 45 Oats, ...... 29 30 Clover Seed.....................................450 5 Timothy ....... • .....................1 50 2 01' Peas, E 11 Eggs15 Bu tt qr ....................,15 12 Potatoes per bush 75 80 Apples perbush ................... ......... . Wool perib 21 00 Play peeton.,,.......• 800 8 00 present make. Such butter should be &In�g� 0� ��j�!}� �J biought into the market while it is et i►NJ ®� Jyi1�S �iil Y d sweet, for the sooner it is consumed thebet- ter. We pity those people who keep their butter and present it for sale in the fail. We are sure that not more than one keg out often will be saleable. The London Free Press. -"The Exeter Tames bas the nerve to say that at the re- cent celebration in Goderich the Exeter brass bandwasmistaken forthe "t r h Fusi- lierband of London. Who committed this unpardonable irdescretion?" Indeed it was a slur on the Exeter band to be so rated, and at the time the members felt highly in - money cliguant. It was a fact nevertheless and money changed hands. If the Free Press G 0 city editor wishes to hear sweet music dis. tp coursed by a musical organization of this kind, and has a desire to attest as to the superiority of the two bands, he will do well to meet the excursion to be given under the auspices of the Exeter bund, at Hyde Park onthe 16th inst. Having purchased: a Choice lot of Dress- G-oods much below their Value, are now of- fering them at 'very LOW PRICj S. The Parkhill council will submit a water- works by-law shortly, for the consideration of the ratepayers. Parkhill is gifted with a slight degree of enterprise. The work of buildteg a new church in Offa is progressing favorably. The ;contractor ' is pushing the work very rapidly and the ed. iflee'is to be con,plotod before. winter seta iu. Before leaving for uhateworth Ct. a large number of the morubere and friends of the Third Line sad Salem appointments of the Kirkton Ct, united in a surprise farewell slip- per andpresentation to the retiring pastor and wife, Bev. T.t. 11, and Mrs• ITail. A very eomplirnentary address was read by Mr. David Walks, recording etowerd, when, in behalf of the appointments, Mr. P. hardy presented Mes. full with a walnut platform' rocking chair, in hair doth, with scarlet Plush trimming; and 1llr, W. A. Bellamy pre. scute l n! r, Hall with easy chair in frill hair cloth. As the midnight hone approach- ed. the company seperdted, all iut0n013 re= grettitig:'the severance of the rcletiene of the pest: ALL COLORS, Brocaded and lain ' p Silks MU SL IN��tr 1.7 PLAIN AND FANCY _'NEW LACES, t &siert' G1*es, and Parasols Just Received : The Latest Styles in'Millinery, also a fine assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds,. which are jest to hand. i PULL LINES of Felt and Straw hats Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- garian and Mallet. .N . STA.NL EJY' S ilebratecI *x dt r prrIac1es 79 Bice STREET, TORONTO, CANADA, --aan- 18 JE'IN S•rnas'r, LONDON, E. 0., ENGLAND. R. HICI Si Watchmaker, jeweller, and Optician. Ras the Agar oy for the sale of the above. in EXP TEE. Nu Spectacles in the Market .e e.al tltr'm in the EYE P ESrtRVIOG QwALrrIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE and COMFORT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eye that it does not became necessary to change them for mauy years. They are there- fore the CHEAPEST. They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our New Twit Card, same as nsedby the leading Oculists throughout the world. TtUMBEfii ARP LACQ SA,EA t CERTAIN lots and the timber thereon situate in the Townships of Al1ap,Ass tail] ack,Bid- well, Bllliues,Oarnarvon, Campbell, Rowland, Sheguiendah, Tehkummah nd Mills on the Manitoulin Island, in the District of Algoma, in the Province of Ontario, will he offered for Sale at Public Auction in blocks of 200 acres, more orUse, on the first clay of September next, at 30 o'clock, A. u„ at the Indian Land of- fice in the Village of Manitowaning. Tuners of SALE. -Bonus for timber payable in cash, price of land payable in cash, alioense fee also payable in Dash and dues to be paid according to Tariff upon the timber when cut. The laud on w .ich the timber Bows to be sold'�h d�tionso f set- with the timber without c u o tlement. At the same time and place the Merchant- able erchantable Timuer of not less than nine itches in diameter at the butt, on the Spanish River Rese•ve and French River lower Reserve will be offered for sale for a, cash bonus and annual ground rent of 01.00 per square mile, and dues to be paid on the timber as cut, according to Tariff of this department. For fall particulars ple0,80 apply to Jas. 0, Phipps, Esq., Indian Supt., 1ilanitowaning, or' to the indersiened. ' No other paper to insert this advertisement Without authority through +110 Queen's Printer. L. VANKOU GENET, Deputy of 1110 Supt. Gen'l, of Indian Affairs. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, 2nd June, 1857. A. J. SNELL Merchant . Tailor, nt Cor 1 Has removed to premises one door: north of Browuing's drug store, where there will be found a Ten Lzscattei 5teeh OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &o. --ALSO--- Scotch, English Irish, French ala d Canadian Goods Malde up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW ?RICBES A, CALL WILL CONVINCE. , . an SNELL, Graduate ot Cleveland (Patting School, ..,, ')21 :iii:, Indlyestton,.Liliousness, J_)y8pepSUc, Jifunr,'r.ce. 4Ii1 c;runsof the Liver andIiidneyv, ' l'i;r,,','.cs, Blotches, moils, 1.'umors, Salt _Rheum, Scrofula. ]-::r•ysrlr'la3, and c. a r ',o airs arising frons Impure Blood, Deranged ,f''o)rerl,-•1t, or i,Tegular action of the Bowels. NOTE P'P ! IJON'TFORGET Pl' In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Ocr :Premises, and now have room to show the E S T S 0 a T E D T O O Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, 'Mc IN TO -\VN :— ((oo)) If yon want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right If you intend building, Call and Got Our Prices for NAILS, LOGES, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETO., IT WILL PAY You. If you waist TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right Spot when you call at BISSETT BROS. If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKS\LITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SBOVELS FORKS, MACHINE, AMI3RICAN ou CANADIAN COAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (inos), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at 29188:011.1`11 , 0 8 .., LI —THE PLACE FOR CHE APNE88, VARIETY AND EXTENT ovli '. ,• $$ 'fit **111) * One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks iti Exeter. Meltie. Cloths, Habit Cloths, All-Wool,Jeereey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in al the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. l OUR- BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Blade Dree Material and Mouthing Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. + Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Si11cs. GOOD ASSOIRIEMElliT AND .EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, Rx„ all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods . at Correct Prices, come to I . CART_ II' O'S. Our Crocery Department iE TR OUR 5OCT. TEA. It is acicnowl sd eel everyonethst has sued it to be the bet in g by e the Village tor the money Sample Parcels, Free. BUTTER, EGGS, AND ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. " .A CALL SOLICITED. I. CARLING, Main -t , Exeter. a E • J an ee Es T Q.1 eat dis ery pal dis bei of 1 era: ;atl and ette arr, Vete to, the Don Mai Iron atte alwt inge, Johr 1,1 Leal , andI xiago Ler err rest, HEA, A Thi, retire whrio,l lomat facto able p option Oaeh i,uri has iso o the es alot Asse n Ban seedy W WA' ;Secret, SItEL] The oute b irect r. othe I ur, a is ow Bi eWtC Nott' a d Day I'aesee et by Y will x 11 ,ettpori, mmol, el gene care o LONI! es to Meow Ito bet nform, ;es can 1100fd P.