HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-09-28, Page 20PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 tMINATtp ,hn•. LQla LMM ',1il, ittpot. .ITQR Atn Ti i a 1. n 3'b,14 .•. t • AU s ` "MAN, 44 U. • 117,7777,1r,'77,77,77'.. rir,7,771Fnrr7F, $NI, OAI fR oris 'ha Av. RIP 'ediale OCC 961.1200 i, .,pion 4. Inform.' ARAIUAM, FOREST HILLS 4RMs S ' RgOro l SLYN• ao • r s:iD GARO NS.nS leo t. • Ir � � �ldrm ► Avr Nerth 4 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale ' 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. 'Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale R. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders A. B. . C. 31. Card 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found g3. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away . 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. in rrnoriam s of thanks -- ATTENTION FARMERS - For sale • Custom work Wanted . D. Livestock E. Farm services . For. rent _ DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 Noon Tuesday - Week of Paper. 1. Articles for sale KEM ONE -COAT exterior latex white paint, now reduced to clear from $18,95 to $16.95 gallon. Primer from $17.55 to $14.95 gallon. At Counter Cash and Carry, 24 Princess Street West, Clinton. -39 COOK STOVE (Wingham Classic), best offer. Phone 482-3224.--39 WOOD for sale, mixture of ash, birch and maple. Don Forbes, 482-7480. -39,40 LLOYD stereo AM -FM turn table and cassette, like new $200.00; Craftsman , rouger and two bits, like new $50.00. Phone 482-3121 after 6'p.m. -39 TWO Vilas rock maple kitchen chairs; two small radios; on pole lamp; small bathroom basin, new. Phone • ONE 283 cu. in., 8 cylinder engine, rebuilt with only 20,000 miles, good condition $150.00 or best offer. Phone 482-9957 after 6 p.m. 38X PLUMS, MACINTOSH APPLES and honey at Art Bells Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037. -39tfar CHEST FREEZER 21 cu. ft. Phone 482-9736.-38 GRADE A BEEF : Hinds $1.35 a pound, fronts 95c a pound, sides 51.15 a pound. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir 395-2905. -38,39 GOLD colour chesterfield and chair, good condition. Phone 565-2456.-39 1. Articles for sale EXHAUST fan, model V18, amp 45 volt 110, complete, like new $75,00; 3 pc. bath, white including taps ex- cellent condition. $25.00 delivered; Phone 482-9574. -39x SMALL chain saw in good condition with new chain. Phone 482-9175.-39 TAKING orders now for ducks, ' alive or dressed; Phone 482-9175.-39 DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson 482-7171.--39-41 EVAN S' FARM MARKET 2 miles north of Bayfield, on Hwy. No. 21 432-7662 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SPECIA LS CAULIFLOWER 35.10 BUS. TURNIP `V° BUS. SQUASH 35"10 BUS. s•I ss 11 QT. $5.50 TOMATOES u -pick ONIONS 5a LB. PIE PUMPKINS 9 Q0 and up ALSO ABAILABLE AT REASONABLE .PRICES ARE --- APPLES, CARROTS, CAB- BAGE, SPANISH ONIONS, PEPPERS, • POTATOES, INDIAN CORN, GOURDS. PIANO, new bath tub and complete shower stall, washing machine, propane stove, some plumbing, supplies, odds and ends. Apply 110 Huron St. Clinton. -39x WRINGER WASHER; refrigerator; floor polisher; and -athr: --- .._ -items. Reasonable. Phone 565-2418. -39 GEESE ready for Thanksgiving. Order now - live or dressed. Phone Carl Seeger 529-7514.-39 YOUR Crisp Maclntosh apples are now available at Don Middleton's, Whitehall Farms, RR 3, Clinton. Phone 482-9838.-39-41nc ONE chesterfield chair, rust colour, velour; quantity of dishes - some antiques; also to give away five months old female Collie, good farm dog. Phone 524-8065. -39 AUTOMATIC washing machine, good condition. Phone 565-5244. -39 NEW and USED pianos at low monthly rental. Try before you buy. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053. -38tfar YOU TOO CAN LEARN - Uillimited free lessons for the family with any organ purchase or rental. Try before you buy. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth, Phone 527- 0053. -38tfar OUNrr LY • r, moloymmew 1. Articles for sale CUCUMBERS for, Aiding, Highway 8, 5 miles east of Clinton. Mrs. John Segeren Phone 482-9217. -737,38 FIREWOOD for sale - hard maple. Will deliver. Phone 482-7539.-36-39 BAYFIELD ELEC- TROHOME - Now serving Bayfield and district with colour television, all with three year warranty. Phone 565-2686.--46tfar 15" WESTERN saddle - good condition. Phone 482-3278. -33tfar MARKEL 18 inch 2 speed electric fan, mounted on wheeled base, $45.00; shallow white porcelain cast iron sink with high back, taps and trap $25; two used tires 678-15, $8 each. Phone 524-7901 after 5 p,m.-22tfnc WINDFALL Macs, to pick up, $2.00per bushel in own container. Stewart Mid- dleton 482-7525 -38,39 APPLES for sale. Pick your own apples, Starts Sat. Sept, 30. Picking. days Mon. Wed. and Sat. Kings, Snows, Sweets, Delicious, Russets, Greenings. Spys and Baldwins from Oct. 7 Ready picked apples also available in season Macintosh ap- ples and Sheldon pears now ready. ,McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna: 482-3214.-38,39ar FRESH home made apple pies only $1.25. This week's special from the bakery at HURON FARMERS MARKET. Isaac St. Clinton. Open Saturdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.-38,39ar FARM fresh graded eggs. Grade A large 90 c per doz. Cracks 49c per doz. Huron Farmers Market, Isaac St. Clinton. Open Saturdays 9-5 p.m. --39ar U•. WARRINGTON ((P4 s r•s 3.' Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We'haVe the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)--14tfn PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. .Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4. Artic,ies wanted WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.--23tfar WANTED - Used bulk feed bin. Phone 523-9691. -39 WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rath - well's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.--32tfn 3. Articles for rent GET_PROFES$IOHAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-iT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently . • . • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed Up • lesves.your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! V t MISCHOC- .. "' Rent for only CLEANS CARPETS CLEANER . $12 a day NEEP$ TREY CLEANER LONGER WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON M2311 POLILAN CHAIN SAWS WM14 1114.03 CAN OE PURCHASE° FOR r9 ASK NOWT SA+1IIiNGS ON ALL POULAN MODELS IERRT GLEN SAWS fi l,ll '1otil4S2 0242., At4 Mos NOV. to 711 482.3441 WANTtD - Good used furniture. Phone 482-7922. -36tfar TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bush lots of all kin- ds. Write: Robt. Eagleson Aliso Craig, or phone 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. if possible 5. Cars, trucks 75 GRAN TORINO station wagon, 3 way tailgate, tinted windows, rear defogger, remote control mirrors, excellent condition, reasonably priced. Phone 482-9651 after 4 p.m. or weekends.-36tf Attention Farmers._ A. For sale NEW Holland super 717 forage harvester, one row corn head and hay pickup in excellent condition, $2,500.00 Phone 482-7811. -38,39 Heflsatl Lie Stoc K Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargr.ay.S Olt -7l1, Clinton lorry MIII.r 236-2117 tx.t.r anti. 21{-112115 Kltkton A. For sale • •}.i L t CsENr, n c r,r1,f t'r AjMiN Sier 4EE 1 5. Cars, trucks 1969 VAN made into camper, est offer. Phone 482-9374. 38tf 074 CHEV Stationwagon, 50 Automatic, power s eering and brakes, air coditioned. Phone 482-9869. -3 1971 FORD 4 door,. good radial tires, good mechanically. Phone 482- 7810 Warren Gibbings, 13 Kirk St. -39 '71 GMC Van, 6 cy. Automatic, $500.00; '72 GMC 1/2 ton, stepside with rack, 307 V8 automatic, p.b. & p.s., $350.00; '68 GMC 1/2 ton, fleetside 6 standard, $225.00; '74 Vega, 4 speed, $400.00; Allis-Chalmers plow, mounted 4 x 16, $475.00; Mauer bean puller. Phone 262-6408.-39i FRAME Barn for sale, to be removed 50' x 36' Phone 482- 3383.-26tfnc B. Custom work CUSTOM silo filling. Phone Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 482- 9948, --35tfar D. Livestock FOR SALE : Purebred Yorkshire boars, serviceable age, ROP tested. Call Bob Robinson RR 4, Walton, 345- 2317.--38-40 E. Farm services WHITE WASHING and disinfection' all types of barns and buildings. Phone 529-7650. -30tf `,,eof ets)t g)t e)©t!)0)® ..gyros e?Dt sqt) )e)oF)g)e)®Odtl© ter ) 3 a STOCKERSALE 3 t 1200 Head a � n 3 at 1:00 p.m. ° HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD 3 cit I0 Victor Hargreaves (510) 482.7511 Clinton or ° AUCTIONEERS: Larry Gardiner end Richard Lobb on Saturday, October 7, 1978 Consisiting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves Barley Miller (519) 233.2717 Exeter or 229.6205 Khrkton 0 a 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 '74 VEGA Hatchback, safety checked. Phone 565-2145. -39 '76 OLDS 98 Regent, new Michelin tires with less than 1,500 miles on ..them, new battery, fully equipped 30,000 original miles." Phone 565- 2622. -39nc ' • L• 7. Real estate for sale MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED FARMS AND ACREAGE First Time Offered - Egg farm near London, caged layers, basic quote 32,160, modernized home situated on 13 acres. All equipment .pertaining to the poultry operation such as a grain dryer. Storage bins, mix mill etc. included. Listed at $525,000. 7. Real estate for sale Also listed several dairy farms and cash crop farms for more details on the above or other agriculture property, contact us at 482- • 9849. We have available several choice family homes in Clinton and surrounding area. Some of these properties have been reduced in price for quick sale. Check the latest edition of our MLS. Catalogue, a showcase of homes. CALL PETER DAMSMA R.R.S CLINTON 482-9849 bldg y oui B.00KKEEP ' ' ¶ooG delotao,r, t RR, 6 SSlu�1g 1Ro•-'• • Lr,'ry. M M Iboi 1.30'1 NO FE 1y11* {Y rr...-, un /1 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON, ONT. Clinton 482.3455 Dirk van der Werf 482-3165 GaryWalden 523-9212 Harold Workman 482-7658 or 523-9295 Henry Mero 527-0430 CLINTON. HOMES Low-priced 3'bedroom home with beautiful interior, lot size 66 x 132 ft., on James St, Lovely_ 3 .bedroom home v lith 2 baths, paved drive, Garage, onlyt. $31;,000.00. 4 becft ooms'gn 1 s`i'de with modern kitchen & bath and 2 bedroom apartment on other side, $35,000.00 Highway ocation - stately 7 bedroom brick home on large lot, 'easily duplexed, $36,000.00 'Office at home potential - highway located, attached garage, 4 bedroom, nicely renovated " Paved street, corner lot, 3 bedroom bungalow, must be seen Close to downtown, extensively renovated, 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, sundeck, patio doors Highway location, nicely decorated & carpeted, lots of kitchen cupboards, 3 bedrooms & many extras Purchaser can choose the decor in this 3 bedroom, well-built brick bungalow on Bond St. Prestige living in this 4 bedroom, brick home with circle drive, shop, only $55,000.00 Dream home - $78,500. Brick four level split, has fourteen rooms with many hidden extras, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, den, diningroom, laundry room, etc. The Florida room has 3 patio doors overlooking the sundeck and lovely landscaped yard on Erie Street. RECREATION PROPERTY 124 acres with beautiful secluded areas in the bush, river frontage & cleared acreage 20 acres of bush, cleared land and a pond, well secluded INCOME PROPERTIES Good selection of Income properties & businesses available Attention Developers - 117 acres designated for Gravel & Residential VANASTRA HOMES Try an offer on this 3 bedroom home with full basement, priced in the low $20,000,00s Under 530,000.00 for this 3 bedroom home, nicely renovated, a pleasure to show COUNTRY HOMES 3.8 acres, brick house needs repairs, barn, drilled well, only $21,900.00 Under construction - 3 bedroom raised bungalow, solar heat, sundeck, large lot, drilled well Vacant lot, water available, at Summerhill Highway location, 4 bedroom house, 1/2 acre $25,900.00 Brick 2 bedroom bungalow, garage, 1/4 acre $45,000.00 Lovely renovated 3 bedroom home, % acre, attached garage, 534,900.00 FARMS 25 acres with steel shed, barn, nice 3 bedroom home, bordering Maitland River 47, acres, 32 workable, buildings need work, near Brussels 100 acres, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home, barn, near Lucknow, $75,000.00 100 acres, 80 workable, brick 4 bedroom home, beef barrt, pig barn, shed, near Bluevale Dairy farm, Lock, Stock & Barrel, 74 tie-ups, 125 cattle, nice home; good machinery r_I„ir.wr► MORTGAGE MONEY DON DENOMME Would like to HELP YOU arrange a lst or 2nd Mortgage at prime rates. MONEY is available for -Residential. Commer- cial -Rural, Industrial -Home Additions and Improvements -Debt Consolidations -Special Builder's Plan -Buy existing Mortgages for Cash. FOR FREE MORTGAGE INFORMATION Call Don Collect anytime at 524-2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 150 Cambria Road N. (over Cashway Lumber) Goderich IYI9NTEE ( CO l,M' Il' o, OFFICE: 3 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3821 Lovely, house on 15 acres of good hay land or market garden possibilities. Trout creek runs along the one • side for about 2,000. feet. Ploaisant spacious house, priced reasonable. Act Now! Property - must be sold - owner leaving country. Per- fect for handy man. This 7 unit and apartment building on Main St., Clinton. This building is priced,to sell and is open for offers. Franklin fireplace sets off this lovely 3 bedroom home on a pleasant lot in Vanastra. 2 Duplexes priced ready to sell. Owners say present all offers. Good income potential from a store with 2 apartments. Commercial property in Brussels. Price reduced to sell. 12 x 52 House trailer. Priced at •6,000.00. Cali for details. Exceptional 3 bedroom home in Clinton with good terms available. Easy to afford. 3 bedroom home in Exeter, close to schools. Lovely location ' in Blyth, could remain in apartments or single family home. Priced right for the han- dyman. 4 bedroom home on large lot in Brucefield. Nicely lan- dscaped. Small reasonably priced farm near Brussels. House with 3 acres in country near Blyth. Try an offer. Handyman special on 4 acres near Blyth. Priced right. Call for more details. We have a very large assor- tment of businesses and commercial properties available. 50-500 acre farms for sale and wanted to sell. List today. For your housing needs, call us today. No obligation. PiERRE RAMMELOO Bus. 482.3821 Res. 523-9478 DAVID CHRISTIE 482.3821 Commercial Property For Sale By Tender Located on Lucknow's Main Street, now occupied by Lucknow District Co-operative. 32 ft. frontage by 93 ft. deep. Part of Village lot #233, Somerville's Survey. Cl'osing date on tenders, 12 noon, October 7, 1978. Tenders marked "Tender' will be received by Nelson Hill, Manager, at the store. Highest or any tender not - necessarily accepted. N.AM Dog Lu Avns •s �n • 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real-estate for sale PRIVATE SALE: New house, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, at 135 Princess St.W. for viewing between Monday and Friday between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. -38,39 EVERETT LAUCKNER REALTY, INC. Member of the London, St. Thomas MLS Relocan with 400 offices in Canada Durand Beach, 3 bedroom cottage, large living room with fireplace, modern kit- chen with dining area, 3 pc. bath, electrically heated. Lot 80 x 150 with good view of lake. Fully furnished with excellent furniture. Possession anytime. Pieafe cal! ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 SMALL building 7 x 11 feet, on blocks ready tq move. Phone 482-3866. -39x PORTABLE classroom 25' x 37' oil furnace, 100 amps service suitable for te cot- tage, workshop, office or store etc. $4,000. Will deliver reasonably. Phone 526-7232. -39 9. Accommodation to rent THREE bedroom house for rent in Vanastra. References required. Phone 482-3591. -38,39 HOUSE for rent in Vanastra. Phone 482-3278.--35tfar 2 BEDROOM apartment, available Oct. 1. Phone 482- 7724. -38,39 3 BEDROOM house, close to downtown Clinton. Phone 482-7724.--38,39 • RON S AMWAYS EAL ESTATE BROKER Ducharme Estates - Bayfield Preview of these large building lots, style of homes, services and financing available. Plan now by calling 482-7473. Bayfield Ranch Large living room,.fireplace, garage. Try your offer. Goderich Ranch Main floor family room, Franklin fireplace and much more. 482-7473 WANTED: Seif-starting Real Estate Sales Staff. Do • you wont to sell or buy? Give Ron a try. arG.K. REALTY INC. 14 Isaac St. - Clinton Office 402.9747 Hal Hartley Bob Storey 482-3693 .48267440 PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/3 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. Dining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at $29,800. Built 1965 this neat 2 bedroom, 1 storey brick has broadloom in living and dining rooms, gas heat and plaster finish. Well located on mature lot, well insulated. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY with carport on good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den, utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. INVESTMENT - 2 storey duplex on large lot with 2 bedrooms one side and 3 bedrooms other side, both sides rented. Price reduced. BUILDING LOTS RIVER FRONT building lot on Highway 4 south, close to town limits, contains ap- proximately 1/2 acre, Reduced to 58,000. ERiE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Alma Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 512,500. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK 19 ALBERT ST. 62 ORANGE ST.: Vic- torian red brick mansion with 4 bedrooms. 1'/2 baths, corner lot. Assume mortgage with low downpayment. •37,500. BAYFIELD: 12 acres designated Rural Residential with new 3 bedroom brick and fieldstone bungalow. Highway location near village. Walk -out basement to pati), drilled well. '22,500: 1% storey 3 ballroom Instil brick near schools In Clinton. 122 Rattenbury East. - CLINTON LUXURY LIVING: Tudor executive type spilt level. Located at Ban- e:Hier corner on No. $ 'Highway. Beautiful decor, Tudor pool room as well as family room. 1.55 acres, paved access. inground pool with .patio. List pate '105,000. • '17.300: Excellent value semi-detached home at Vanastra. '16.000 UP: 11/4 storey homes in Vanastra. FRANKLIN FIREPLACE: In family room of this cozy 1'/s storay hose. locaf*d in quiet area to treed lot. '35.000. Call John or Moranlno Duddy Home 4824652 John Thompson Homo 527-0231 OFFICE 482.378/1 t 4