HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-4, Page 4Dr Bier ;me! THURSDAY, AUGUST 4(11, 7887 EDITORIAL NOTES; SOUTH RENFREW. The filth Dominion by election 1 to provide funds for enforcing the The Imperial authorities have, it is said, decided to abaudou the purolttase of Canadian horses for army pureloses on taccount of the expense. Frond au official report published by lite Ontario Government, which deals with legal statistics, we fad that the amount of fines imposed for yiolatiora of the Scott Aet was $41,195, Appendix L contains an The county ot Lennox, like the interesting account of the lees re - county of Huron, which has refused 1 ceived by the different legal officials.. The highest amount is credited to r since the 28th February lass, took place on Tuesday in South Renfrew.. haves. not by any meanie a close contest, although such was cooked for, M. Ferguson (Conservative). beiea, as far as heard from, elected by a majority of 136, and it is held that the remaining two polls will not matelta1ly affect his majority, The election was necessitated by the dea h of Mr. Campbell (Retorlxl) wkllch occurred some months ago, and who at the late general election was�1elected by a majority of 70 votes R e action has not as yet set in, seem ingly. At the death of the late member the Reformers were alarmed leer they might lose this seatin the House and accordingly selected Mr. Dun- can Macintyre, ex -Vice President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, to contest the riding with Mr. F ergu- son, the Conservative nominee. A short time ago Mr. Macintyre whom theBeformers seen fit to select, was looked upon by that faction as a corrupt pian, and they saw noth ing, whatever, desirable in him ; he was ane of the syndicate of bloated mons polists, who were so success fully swindling the people of Canada by extorting millions from them to build a railway that would never be l opera.ed ; he was hand and glove with the core upt ring of speculators who Ilnd nothing to lose. This all proved spot ions as far as party is concerned, as just previous to the contest, instead of him being one of the blood suckers pree ing on the vitals of the Canadian taxpayers, as the Reformers represented him, he was one of the most clever, hon- est and straightforward men in the universe, and that a better man could not represent any constituency Clever and honest as he may be, he v t , successful, in retaining th- South Rentrew seat for the Reform party. "`he whirligig of time" in this in stance "does certainly bring in its revenges" to Mr. Macintyre and the Reform party. The self-judging Re form constituents saw there was something radically wrong --they de serted both candidate and party and voted for Mr. Ferguson who not only ha,l a good record and could not he made a tool of, but who represented a party not capable of deception in almost all political matters. The leaders of Abe Reform party in selecting Mr. Macintyre as their candidate, confess that their charges of robbery against the syndicate were groundless, and their opposi- tion to the Government for granting aid to the C. P. R., factious. It is an old but true saying that "hypo- crisy will never stand." The five by-elections held since the 28th of February last have all resulted in the election of Conservatives. cot Act, has been sued with the object of compelliugthe county coun- cil to make the required appropria- tion. • r BEFORE,f,>vang in their adhesion bo commercial union, farmers should remember that they are simply going from a twenty per cent to a forty per cent, tarifa. If the tariff'is In- jurious to them, they are simply jumping from the frying pan into the fire.. The proper thing for Canada to do is to enter into commercial union with Great Britain, and keep up her tariff' against the United States,. England has been an indulgent mother to Canada, and it would be ungrateful m us to slap her in the face and go over to her enemy. Commercial 'Union was made an issue in the nigh), election, and its standard bearer, Mr. Robichau, the Grit candidate, cane to griet. It was supposed that Digby was a par ticularly good field to test the hold Which the new agitation had upon the people, The result proved that the hold was slender. \'Vhat kind of "hopeless and help less" people is it which increases deposits in the saving banks—the the poor man's banks—by •$5,338,- 37S in one year, as the Canadians did in 1886? If this sort of thing keeps up we Isbell have a market for American "broilers" in Canada. To those who contend that Com mercial union is the only means o settlement of the fishery dispute ex- isting between the United States and Canada, and who fear that the refusal of Canada to consent to such an obnoxious union would lead to war, we suggest that there are plenty of good hiding places within the Dominion where they could take to the woods and thus escape the enroling officer on one hand and Yankee bullets on the other. THE advocotes of commercial rec- ipro; ity tell Canadian farmers that they are "poor and down trodden,", while the farmers of the Western states are flourishing and happy. IA recent number of the Minneapo- lis Minn.) Tribune contained "sea- t - five" notices of foreclosure of [en y mortgages, the most, if not all of Whitby Chronicle (Grit): As long thein, being on farms. The fact is as this paper runs the country there t the industrious and intelligent farm - will be no change in its fiscal policy. ers of Ontario are better off in every Three times the people have had way than their brethren of the the privilege of saying as to what Western States. policy we shall pursue and three — times the people have said we must Forest and Farm, of Toronto tells protect our manufactures. On the the farmers some plain truths about strength of this many towns have Commercial Union. It says: "We ingested large sums in the way Of think the Americans are shrewd bonuses, and many men have em enough to see a grand field this barked their capital in manufactur- side. They know they are ahead ing, and thus we are doubly commit• of us in development, and would ted to a certain line ot policy. It like our markets thrown open tree has always been the belief of our for their wares. We ask who is to people that it Was necessary to mike benefit by such an arrangement but this a manufacturing country and the Amerieans? And who is to pro - we believe so yet. When this poli- cy was inaugurated a hundred kinds ofruin was predicted for the country but there are no signs of desolation yet. As a matter of fact there are' rnany`things about our system of Covcrnment which ied overhaulingulin g but our flscai policy is right. 'Iha neuntil relroit of the wrnine':s Mediet +College, Kingston, contains valuable into: enation to ladies dee-irons of studying meth cine. Amongst the portraits is one D1 'Marion Whet, a missionary graduate: The following biographicalsketch neon. pan'trn the portrait :—Dr. Marion Oliver wit born at Avnnvnnk. neerSt. Marys, Ontari• She was educared at the public end bine 5chool;e of St'Al arye. She taught sabot very sneeesefully for some years. Free ebfldhoea K1 e had dreamed of devoting he life to rniesionary work, and when the y0, eign :V ireiona ' enelaty of the Piesbytertnr e hurcl, signified their heir() to sfnd Writ Incl medical miseimearree to the Zefrnira won*, of India, elle at once offered herself, ELI, 1tes as Sir Donald Smith is said to being well kNOVVO in the ohm eh for her 'g ave pltrchased the Nelson interest woo& pita was received with delight. Thn sent her to I{ingeton in .1882, and elle fou her YIlr;t seeeiou in the Bevil coilege end 0 other Hiroo' in the '('iomen"e Medical Cuth1 She gradnetea in MO, C'; In vit+g tal•utr ii seCa,n(1, third and fourth year seliol:Aid:It .whir) are °fitctt'ca by friends ot the co11e. for general profiereney.. in Oeteber, 18Sc f,he left for J0(ln14f India., and is now lean ing t)ie nidi(' Innen with Dr. Iielati ptep:tr•ntnty 1n e1)1sgit7Ir in her profeeeirrnr aril Cl,risdiatt (unties, the sheriff of Y ork, whose toted. earn - legs in 1886 were $10,626, the ex pease of his office $9,640, and his actual income $8,876. Mr. Mowat lcnew what he was china;wlien he made>' his son sheriff 0f TOroth'to. GLi EK'S NOTICE OF THE FItl.S'l' Posting of 'Voters' hist, Minna minty of the VILLAGE 0 F EXETER. IS1I, County of Huron. Natio rsherebygive a that I have transnaittecl or delivered to the persons men- tioned in the 8rd and 4th seetione of 'The Voters' List Act", the copies regeir•od by raid sec tion to be so tra,smftted ar detivered'ot tdio list made pursuant to said Act, of all persuns Itrinnaring by tee last rtrvisecl assessment roll of the said ruunteipPe,lity to be entitled to veto in said municipality at elections for; members of the T,egislattve Assembly and at Municipal electiuue, and that said list was first postedIan at my office, Exeter, on the 98th day of July, 1887, end remains there for inspection, Elec- tors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omrnissions or any other errors are found theroin.to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected aoo'rrdMg to law. hated this 28th clay IMO RAM EMMETT, METT, of July, i8@7,, Clerk UDICJIAL SALE. In the High Court of Justice Clalincery Diai:iou. BA E R vs.=TABLE Pursuant to a judgment or order wade .in this cause and dated the 27th day of JI:NE, 1+87, there wilt be sold by and with the approbatian of Sutherland .lio,leor116ou L'-u..(oue of the Mas- tersof the Supreme Court of -Judicature for On- tario. at Gedertoh, AT 1IfDOINS° HOTEL, in the VILLAGI. OF CI NTRALIA, at Throe o'clock in the afternoon of SATURDAY, the 8rd day of September,1887 the following lands, viz.: The SOUTH HALF of LOT NUM13ER TWO in the FIRS'.' COICESSIOA> of the'i'QWNSHIP of STEPHEN in the Couuty of Huron, except ing thereout the allowance t'or gravel road and the land conveyed to the London, Huron &-Bruce Railway Company. The said land is all cleared and of excel lentquality• There isa coinfortabio frame house and a good frame barn-30x5Uteet-on the premises. There is also a geed orchard of about two acresstockod with ehoieo trees. Tho said lands are very conveniently situated, being about 4 miles (rem Exeter, and 1 mile from Centralia, neo there is a School house, Post Office and Railway Station within one mile. Terms of Sale. Ten per cent down on the day of sale to the Plaintiff's Solicitor, and the balance to be paid into Court within 30 days thereafter, when the purchaser will be entitled to poesessio.' and to a e nveyaneo, but the purchaserwill be allowed to enteron the land for the purpose of ploughing imrnmediately after the present crop is reaped. Tho said lands will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. In all other respects the Conditions ;of Sale will be the standing conditions of this court. For further particulars apply to John Hoskin, Esq. Q. C. Toronto. iitessrs. Garrow and Proud fontrllarristers Goder eh or to the Plaintiffs Se- iefltor. '.Dated at Goderiob this 228th day of July 1887. B. V. ELLTOT, 5..IIALCOIiSON, Plaintiff's Solicitor.. Local.tdayter, Exeter. at Godereeh NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Iiiclney Complaint, Skin Diseases. The Great Regulator OF THE STOMA AND BLOOD. CONSTIPATIO PLAINTS, A TFIE IVR Read "For years past pepsia and I was r Hodder _s Compoun a perfect cure." E. 3. Sold Everywhere DR. HODDER'S CURE Never Fail and 50 e. The Union M prletors, To CE, LIVER, BOWELS CUR SS HEADACHE N, FEMALE COM - ND BUILDS UP OLE SYSTEM. the following : I have suffered from dys- ecommended to trr Dr. 5. I did so and foudd it CURTIS, Toronto, Ont. Price, 70e. COUGH AND LUNG s. Guaranteed. Price 25 edtcine Go. Pro- ro,nto, Ont. 0LEEK'S IIliST ose 4 oters LIsts,1887; vide the funds so to be given away. 51517' nI ST1sPH1;.N flee if hereby given in customs -tariff to our considerate delivered to the peva sections of " ne:ghhors. We say our owners of vot,ieslirequiro1bys property,incl the largest share will muted or de livered gto said Act, of afi p last revised assessor all to the farmers'lot to pay. p 3' eipalitq to be sniffle party at for trve ?�sstirab]y, and aucithat said i tvr (ice to Stephen on tb N rose Voters' OF THE INO. OF VCTERS'LISTS. lVfunielpality of the TOWN - County of Huron. No - that I have transmitted or ons inentioned in the 3rd The voters' Lists Act", the alt section to be so trans- Gen. Agents.made pursuantb Dominion and Industrial EXHIBITION, �r�, * 16B7. /� TORO TO. SEPTEMBER 5th to 17tH. 30,000 in Prizes T N RIE I.p3 ?w AUGUST 4 Ter s s , Tins, being the Dominion and Inauebrial, .Ti xiaitiops uorabined, will be the greatest exhibition of tile agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. A Gram Programme of Special Attractions is bezn 'prepared. Return tickets at single fare and cheap. ei cursions on all railways during the full time of the exhibition, The Greatest Event of the Jubilee Year. For prize lists and full information addeess J. J, WU'11ROW, lrl, J. thee, President. i1j17r, and See,. Toronto FARM FOR SALE.. First class, muslin rdred acres, ono mile East of Centralia. For Particulars Apply to B. HARRISON', Exeter P.O. le—weeks.) .i ARNI FOB SALE --Lot G. in 'he 11. 4th Con, of 1 tephcn, six miles from Exeter, Containing 90 acres, 80 clear. and U) woods. The lend is in a good stare of cultivation. (1n the farm is a good Krick .rouse, two large frame barns, good orchard, goon water in wells and springs, Everything bandy, a good and pretty place. Will be sold cheap, Apply on the place, or by letter to FR:LNE EVANS, (t—f) Crediton, P. 0. L1AI i FOR SALE. --Tile under. si,;uod otters for sale Lis farm, being lot 1.1 eon, 5, towusltdp of Usborne, two miles eruct a {calf from Exeter 100 acre;, about 85 acres cleared and i n first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush in which there is some very valuable oak acrd blues ,ash rail timber ; the farm is also well fenced and drai„eu ; there are upon the premises. a first class brick 3weiling house, with firet class collars two good barn ; two never failing springs affil, Ono first-class orchard. For nareicnlars, ripply on ttepremise it,to THOMAS SHUTI•:, it—fl E(STEB P. 0 ONT. 'THE OLD McLEOD FARM, IN THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 acres store or less, beingthe west half of Lots No. 21 and 22, 2urichgravelroad. Good frame buildings on promises, -aid cell eeuvon ieaces; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. 1heittudif; of good quality being cloy loam. Good water. Two and a -half miles from rien- sall market. The property free from all locum - prances, Res,,oua for selling:—Going north to Procure more land. Will sell with or without crone. For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. WILSON, Hensall, P. 0. Ont. G� MALL FARM FOU SALE.—Tiff Undersigned offers for male 25 acres of goad land, being ppart of the north part of Lot 17 ,1st Con. of Stephen, within one-half mild of the vil- lage of Exeter. The lance is in a first ohissstate of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame born, g od water, and a half -acre of orchard with ail kinds ofehoice fruits, also a first-class eider mill. This es a good chance for anyone wanting a small farm close to tho corporation where all kinds of produce meets with a ready sale• F• r further particulars apply on the premises. or to E. LAM PORT, Exeter, P. 0. Stephen, June 29,'87' • (t—f) otcoti � %aim EXETER - - - ONTARIO. Have any amount of money to loan on First. class security at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. Fire Insurance affectediu first-class wealthy —and— REILABLE COMPANIES. Life Insurance on the Assessment plan. The Canadian Mutual Aid Association, the Cheapest and Best in the World. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Any amount of first-class farm and village property for sale or exchange in/any part of the P,ovinee, Michigan, Dakota, Manitoba or Wester States at Reasonable Figures. NOTES AND AO00UNTS COLLECTED AT THE 11105T 11.EASON&BLh5 PRICES. Agent for the Beaver Line of Steamships. The Cheapest and 73ost Ocean Steamships crossing the Atlantic. A Trial Solicited and Satisfactian Guaranteed. Westoott d Sanders. of the iiet ersons appealing . by the WHEN YOU ARE IN LONDON! Do Not Faii to Visit the Mammoth ----OFA hos. Beattie General Dry -Goods, Milliner Mantles, ,, Y , y, lean l h, Carpets and House Furnishings. They show one of the Largest and 11 Richest es Mocks to be fouled in ''•' dal; • NOTE THE ADDRk SS :-176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. eta t�l'7t;;LLWO To new premises West side 14ain-street One Door South. of Post Office Where he will be found with A Nt'lIV- AND COMPLETE! gika1,4 Sewed work .a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO.pMANSON, JO1EN maAT71 p •y� ¢�•q{�eyj^ gyp.+ �{.y� �j� [�{p [x�� 9 V�YDLR.SA`',, ER C,p CA !ICET-MAKER —_ Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT LOW RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t•G1VE 1IE A CALL NOW FOR in v zrtr JJD�' DO <,.J '8 A.' P �� \ ) le) Row Lost, Tow Res cored. JVali v1,rL's 01,I.1aI31IATJID edition SSFY On f Dle. till cndical cure of Srranui moltaosa or Somie�a Weakness, involuntary Seminary Losses, 1st - POTENCY, Mental and Pysical incapacity, lin- pedimeuts to Marriage, oto, ; also, Coteau:up TION, hxrz.EPSY anti FIT&, induced by self -in dnIgen c8,01' suxuaI eictravagauce, fie, The eel ebrated au thor, in this admirable es' say, clearly domoustretes from the thirtyyears successful prnetice, that the alarming cerise queneee of self.nbuee may be radically oured pointing out a mode of cure at epos simple certain, and effectual, by means of which ever sufferer, no matter what his condition may by may euro himself cheaply, privately cm s aciicnity. i. "7hislectureshouldbein the bur: clean every youth and every m,eitin the ]and. Sent snider soal.in captain envelope, to any address,post paid, on receipt of four cents o two postage stamps, Address, 7 H CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New7i ork, N. V. 1'. U. l3ox, 450 Lots, .�otsI.� fi,�r`E.1.3 1 FO �,ka tuui r.Ala'uPr,drA.i=,, 500 Vii1age Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES, FARM LAND FOR SALE, -10 Parties .desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, TTerms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, ExzTEa. CEN TRAIL U&ST Big Reduction in Prints, 9Iuslius, Lace, 1 A. full stock tic., We are determined to clear cut all Sum -1 Dye -stuffs mer Goods in July, OUR BUSINESS IS INCREAS- ING EVERY MONTH. It will pay you to drive to Kirk on and see our goods and priced. WE WILL GIVE YOU 11o. Tin, Tea for ;$�,. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED. 7 J. tCo. Picnic ! ionic Buy your canted goods from c ,PT.A,XN E . Armour's Corned Beef 2 ]b. tins 30 ets. ent roll of the said muni- Canned Salmon—Lobsters d to wove in said rxivrici Mackerel L% Sardines ' a ALL FRESH AND NEW, e eth day of•August, 1887, e for ins ection. Electors xamuie offal said list. and ti 4aOd�19 DUST f GOLD DU,S . 1 or any other errors are ke fmoreddate procoedin�s rnambers of the Legisla- nf n�tiu;cipnl electrons , IF rumors prove true, the greatest d 1st s first posted irlr at rue of i 5L1t prise Of the' year is about to break an :l rcinains there arlag tf nn a onussion. are called upon to e on the politicians large and small foundther•e,n, to t ars oorrooten aeeordiug to be in the Clerk's bands be. Try it once and you will always use it 'to have the said err throughout the Dominion. The law. Appealsntnst for Soliteml,or lCatir, rumor is, that the Globe is about to Dated this Oth day of August, 15)11. conte into the. possession of the C. a —OF -- COO N`M Fjj, L. C. P1ROU'TTY, Clerk of municipality —AT— Ocean 84.Lake Steamships 7- G �IIR" E�,LE'� S 9 Summer Goods P. . folks and John A's' ell lv rl, 111 � 'p,QR, '1d� D11 OLE TR ATMENT 'Lyn„7ZI~✓//��"�„ N H ,N EACH PACKACC which case it will bt come the rec- .ASTHMA E gnized organ Of the Conservatve �,Jp,s�NiTAVTsk rci,von As-ner'"c n6” Pd'iD ,',a Cr NCHl�f'os )arty. Great gods and little fishes ezv MAIL ON ill w2l 1'r OF arttot~ , SAMPLC I, 2Se." HaoULAR SIZE, tin .00 vhat a surprise party this will be I Aadr,EOS stu).,roan F fet it is rine of the near . robabili- p Farm TRICK FOR THE NEXT' 30 DAYS. See our 5, Cal -di et. prints. + a (1.Y graacu'etts r, n,a :` In order to clear out our f3Y'+itl-.r,YDr ,.�utere4wttnxr avam.�. l arge stock of lnbroiclery For We are offering them cheaper r1 the Globe, and Mr ' Mowat has Tho undersigned offers offers for srlo learnt Lot 011rnber'15,anu•9, 7 p. Stenhen, eontainh g tl.Ietl for Scotiand to try and head :,ore., emcees cieared, and upon whislt issftu. the dos! li'1 6V111.Ci1 it 1tt th stied good Brick T3oneo and. Ratchet:, Bank. f ought P.ar;t and 111,01' 5105 I di e tiVifl not I,e• successful, 511) 1 0, 0hitudanrc o ul, as Mt . ,rvt.r11tbingtn a firs elson is most anxious to unload is s!c'ck In that 'ourllai and j , I Ut tett an offer like Sir 'Donald's go by. than any other house in 1 w ARI .. n51diugs, also 0 large or-, We are sellitlg the balance of Otic straw 1 Wfttoi well drained, n,uct ]Rets nivay rlowiiebeliity cost. A call,will •.1111,(4 ur.r.ler, AJeo N� 18; n 111)1 alitbuilainya• stvfV jron that this is a genuitic sale. sw 1nwell fenced', r e r:i,i5anc1Ue)idol r•aii-Bather, t•t.lrer ]4aitiettinrs alrlslq to TRICK & 00/?1?E LEY ll .0, "1'p Stophe I'll is is8leo filet -cin 11,01, which is Srg1 Teri , 1(11,. Vol' in CI rel tr.); P• , o. (i0'111T ((11.1131;111 Y1Lyilt.t0FI U l,x t MOI I "i " LIf,1 r,r.1(rrs,llAn.7'r,J MARKET SQUARE, EXETER, • I,NSiUI- 4NCT O!LSN 17 G.�Ji�'L�'.��.aZ .fl �.�JV " For tallinformation apply to G i ®PT r tl W E 11 prows Block and Post -Hoe, of all kinds of and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's. Condition Powd- erS the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter 0. LUTZ, 500 T`®'ES Wanted Butter EXETER NO:L,TH, Our Stock is Well Assorted Pi ,R THE SHARON'S MADE. LOW PRICE'S STILL MAINTAINED' 1' GROCERIES RUf.]LIiII',S I t 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs, white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c to 75c. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices, A. nicely assorted stook of I- : 'lbw D W FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all Sizes (Cheap.) T e+,t Machine Oil SOs per Gal. COAL, OIL AS LOW AS TI mu :LOWEST. r5g' A nice Toa Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. .A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style, O'lir Dr ess0ood are marked down to 1 7;� v the Lowest Notch. 1 The ...12�G% Salt Qr WorksCo �COTTON-20 .�'AR1�S I''OIi °XII Y� ISOI,LA1t 0 I,, , ;t:. t') T I.+. OI+FER SALT A"1' THE WELL, AT 2.25 PER TON. A't101sr attS Lot, also a .icarm for ,Sale. Apply to e JO FIN ,'IATHES ON. HAY P•