HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-09-21, Page 13Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Stephenson To live in Varna On August 19, at the Exeter United Church, wedding vows were exchanged between Leisa Ann Ritchie and Blaine Reid Stephenson. Rev. James Forsythe of- ficiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ritchie of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, Varna, are parents of the groom. The maid of honour was Linda Ritchie and the bridesmaids were Deborah Rathwell, Roberta Uren, Roseanne Lavier, Linda Wuerth, and Marj. Ritchie. The best man was Rod Pepper and the ushers were Tom Workman, Gord Wright, Bill Stephenson, Paul Ritchie and Dale Stephenson. After a honeymoon in Northern Ontario, the couple took up residence at R.R. 1, Varna. Constance personals Congratulations to John and Cathy Wammes on the birth of a son, Brian on September 16 in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Jean Riley of Clinton attended the Lucknow Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffery of RR4 Brussels visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny, Michael, Andy and Kathy. Mrs. J. Merner of Kitchener visited on Saturday morning while Mr. and Mrs. Allan Merner of Waterloo visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. Court Constance L1842 held their monthly, meeting's on Thursday evening September 14 at the hall. Plans are being made for ladies', night to be held on Oct. 23 at the hall with the penny sale, all ladies are invited. The quilt will be on display at the Seaforth Fall Fair with tickets available, proceeds to the Cancer Fund, with the draw to be held at the fall dance on Oct. 21 at the Legion Hall, tickets available from members. New Baptist pastor here BY JOANNE WALTERS The First Baptist Church in Goderich has a new pastor. He is Mr. Ed Anderson. Mr. Anderson will be ordained following the completion of his Southern Baptist Seminary Extension course in pastoral ministries: He has a two-point charge. Therefore, he will be preaching in Clinton as well as Goderich. Mr. Anderson began studying for the ministry while he was still in the furniture business." `He.. served as an interim pastor in Capreol, Ontario, a small CNR railway town 20 miles north of Sudbury. Having lived that close to Sud- bury, he feels that he is ready for winter in this part of the country. Mr. Anderson, his wife Phyllis and .two teenage daughters, Cathy and Marianne, have been living in Goderich for two weeks now. They are just getting settled into their new home on Picton Street. They are very impressed with the town, saying it is both scenic and convenient to get around in. The Andersons are a musical family. They.. play a variety of in- struments including piano, organ, guitar and R.K. PECK APPLIANCES "In The Heart of Down Town Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of ihost makes • CB Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ont. Phone 482-7103 accordion. Cathy and Marianne sing hartnony and naturally will be joining the church choir. The, family hopes to provide special music at services from time to time. Having the Goderich church and the Clinton church both under one minister is a new arrangement and Mr. Anderson is extending a warm welcome to people to attend these churches. Goderich services will be held each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and Clinton services will follow ,.at 11:]5 atm.. Th to wit Ala be a nild= week Bible study and prayer meeting in Clinton at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and in Goderich at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Mr. Anderson gave his first sermon in Goderich and Clinton this past Sunday and looks for- ward to serving the people of both com- munities in the capacity of Baptist pastor. The Reverend W. H. McWhinnie retired as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Goderich earlier this year. He still serves as the pastor at Huronview. WHITE BEAN GROWERS You can be assured of * FAIR PRICES * HONEST WEIGHTS *RELIABLE GRADING * COURTEOUS SERVICE *PATRONAGE RETURN ON PROFITS ' Ontario Doan Growers Ca.Operativo plant at Seaforth. Registered SEED WHEAT Is now available Make the Farmer's ' Elevator Work , For You Dan Scott: Manager Our New Offices moan ON-TIME SPOT SETTLEMENTS for you NTA RANNOCK E AN P R T1 Y E GRO Three Locations SEAFORTH 345-2007 LONDON ERS "Service and Fair Deal is our Motto" my. Music- by the Music Makers. Next meeting to be held on October 12 at 8 p.m. followed by a Tup- perware party to be held at 9 p.m. District Council is to be held at Constance Hall on September 21. Canada works 1 projects Bob McKinley, MP for Huron -Middlesex has announced that in ad- dition to the Canada Works projects an- nounced on September 1, two additional projects have been approved. The International Plowing Match Com- mittee of Huron County has received a grant of $11,790 to assist in the clean-up after the plowing match. The Town and Country Homemakers Home Help. of Huron County has been awarded a grant •of $33,683. New Presbyterian minister Clinton has welcomed another new minister, the Rev Thomas'A.A. Duke newly inducted minister to the pastoral charge of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. He is also in charge of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. (Expositor photo) zehrs ammommiemaw , '1 ei CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, $EPTEBER 2I,1978 -AGE 13 1. "4, Sarah ..ales u e .. • from page 12 on behalf of the local IODE chapter. The services convenor, Lila Webster is asking the people of Clinton to donate any sports equipment to the Indian band in Ogoki. Helping this band is one of the projects undertaken by the Sarah Hale Chapter. Donations may be taken to Mrs. Webster at 241 Queen St., Clinton. Mrs. Corrie and Kay Hanly have agreed to look after the annual Christmas tree draw. Tickets will be available from chapter members. The lucky ticket holder will receive an artificial Christmas tree, its decorations and all the gifts underneath it. More details about this draw will be available later. The regent reported that there has been some discussion at the national level about retaining the name, Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire (IODE). Some delegates said that they felt the name was out- dated while others supported its historical significance. A vote decided that the name, IODE. ghould bei retained. The October meeting is to be held Tuesday, October 10, in order to enable members to at- tend the March of Dimes dinner on October 3. GET READY FOR WINTER NOW! *Forced Air furnaces installed (Oil or Gas) *Oil Burner Service *Plumbing and Hot Water Heating * 24 Hr. Service * Licensed FURNACES CLEANED STARTING SEPTA5 482-3707 Call Now for Service in September and October. BEEF BONE IN BONE IN PLATE FULL CUT BEEF BRISKET Ib. 59° ROUND STEAK__ J12_ $1.89 no% OR LESS FAT FRESHLY MINCED REGULAR GROUND BEEF Ib. REG. '1.28 Ib. SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED: 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. PORTERHOUSE T-BONE OR WING LOIN STEAKS _ _ it $2.69 NO WASTE BONELESS STEWING BEEF_ _Ii. $1.3$ GRADE 'A' BEEF WITH ZEHRS SPECIAL TRIM BLADE or SHORT RIB ROASTS BLADE BONE REMOVED 98 lb BURNS LINK STYLE -PORK & BEEF c BREAKFAST SAUSAGE CROSS CUT RIB ROAST OR BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST,14111 TENGER-ROAST` FROM THE RIB $ la,: 0198 WELL TRIMMED BONELESS ROAST SIRLOIN TIP Ib. 2.28 NUTRITIOUS FLAVOURFUL BEEF BRAISING RIBS .Ib. 98c 100 ml. TUBE, JAR OR 175 ml. LOTION �� r PRIME RIB BONELESS CROSS CUT ,R1B STEAK TENDER STEAK FROM THE RIB PRIME RIB FULLY' AGED INSIDE TOP ROUND STEAK _ _ TENDERIZED ..'1 .68 a .'2.29 --'2.08 ROUND CUBE STEAK _ _ lb._ $2.39 KLEENEX HEAD & . SHOULDERSs1.69 $1.69 REG. ANTIPERSPIRANT - 2 VARIETIES SECRET SCENTED OR UNSCENTED 9 oz. SPRAY SECRET2.5 oz. ROLL FACIAL TISSUES 57c ON $1N69 72 • 3 VARIETIES ZEHRS BREAD 3 FOR 24 oz. LOAVES LAURA SECORD 9 FLAVOUR CHOICES PUDDINGS REG. '1.15 a 9c FOUR 5 oz. TINS PECTIN JAMS - _ _ 9 a=. 55c r CRISCO • PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING REG. '2.59 WT 3 1b. !L' ■ IN PARKAY COLOURED MARGARINE GAY LEA SOUR CREAM 3n, $2.19 c 500 ml, $9 WITTICHS SUGAR & CINNAMON DONNETTES_ 24's 69c BLUEWAtER FROZEN THRIFT PACK FISH STICKS 11199 32 at 200's LIBBYS RED -IN SAUCE F KIDNEY BEANS _..i_4 az. 289 c COLONIAL4 VARIETIES COOKIES 400 g. 79c ST. WILLIAMS RASP. OR STRAWBERRY REG. '1.45 Ib. Ib. SCHNEIDERS SLICED COOKED HAM , _6 o=.$1.49 SCHNEIDERS QUARTER POUND BEEF BURGERS 9.69 MAPLE LEAF PORK BUTT SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL _ _ 1.59 SCHNEIDERS SLICED SIDE BACON ENDS PKG. $1.68 UNSWEETENED-3 JUICES 4 89 6 VARIETIES ./ FROM THE HIP BONELESS RUMP OR ROUND ROAST _ $1.89 BULLY AGED BLADE OR'SUOULDER CHUCK STEAK $1.18 GRADE 'A' BEEF TENDER LEAN SIRLOIN STEAK -112 $2.49 SCHNEIDERS SLICED BOLOGNA 1 Ib. PKG. °1.39 CAMPBELLS CONDENSED LANCIAPASTA =i_ 85c TOMATO SOUP 85c 6C PLAIN SPAGHETTI STYLE 28 oz LIBBYS ALPHAGETTI, ZOODLES OR SPAGHETTI & CHEESE REG. 57' EA. & UP IN TOMATO SAUCE 19 oz. 99c TINS FOR NEILSONS FUDGESTIKSICLES OR CARNATION INSTANT -7 VARIETIES DREAMSICLESCLUBHOUSE -3 VARIETIES SEASONING MIX _3543 3°,9 $ • CTN. LIOUID DETERGENT OF 24PALMOLIVE 32 oz. $1.39 BREAKFAST s. x1.29 CANADA FANCY FIRM JUICY McINTOSH APPLES 98c 3 Ib. BAG ONTARIO YOUNG F.IRM NO. 1 CARROTSBUNCHES ONTARIO NO, 1 ROMAINE 2 39c 39° LETTUCE HEAD GREEN 19° LARGE HEADS ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE GREEN, SPINACH:.a CANADA BLUE OR GREEN DOMESTIC ORAD GRAPES - 4 QT. BASKET .1.99 10 oz. TIN BRAVO MUSHROOM OR J MEAT SAUCE 28 oz• .$1.09 FIVE ROSES FLOUR 3.5 Kg. 9.69 HOSTESS REGULAR OR DIP POTATO CHIPS 225 g• 89c TRY OUR OWN BRAND PLAIN OR SALT TOP ZEHRS CRACKERS Rc o.. McCAINS FROZEN LARGE FAMILY SIZE FRENCH FRIES REG. '1.39 9 3 1/2 lb, CTN. OF SIX 300 ML. DIET PEPSI . o PS $1.09 CTN. OF SIX 300 ML PEPSI COLA DEPS 1 .0 9 WESTONS CINNAMON BUTTERHORNS. of WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DIET PEPSI. MOUNTAIN DEW OR REG, '5.79 PEPSI COLA 1 CASE OF 24 10 oz. 1INS WE WILL B( PLEASED /0 SERVE YOU IN: • BI,UEWATER FROZEN' THRIFT PACK FISH AND CHIPS CEG. 'x.49 199 33 oz. 69° FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE FROM FLORIDA 'OLD SOUTH' REG. 97°79c 12 1/2 oz, TIN RD. °up���p�5: DAIEMeUONAID GODERICH.NURON "xo a WEDThuR;Fi[ EllEN1KIGS