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Clinton News-Record, 1978-09-21, Page 8
PAGE 8—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1978 News of Loudesbor( by Dora Shobbrook United church The Hullett Masonic Lodge no. 568 held their divine service last Sunday morning. .Welcoming the congregation into the sanctuary were Reg. Lawson and Harry Snell. The ushers were Robert Hunking, Kevin Fothergill, Danny Jewitt and Kevin Tamblyn. The Masonic brethren Paraded into the centre pews. Rt. Wor Brother Clare Vincent was D. of C., Blyth Lodge no. 303 and joined the Hullett Lodge for the service. Rev. Stan McDonald welcomed the Masons and all the visitors. Mrs. Allen Shaddick led the choir in their anthem while Mrs. Glenn McGregor played the organ. Rev. McDonald gave the children's story and the junior teachers were Betty Hulley, Sandra Westerhout and Darlene McClinchey. Flowers on the memorial stand were placed in loving memory of Mrs. Alex Cudmore by her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Berean Unit There was good at- tendence at the Berean Unit of the UCW'S meeting on Tuesday, September 12 at the home of Margaret Whyte. President Hattie Wood welcomed all and gave a reading. The devotions were taken by Mrs. Whyte and Addie Hunking. The scripture was read by Mrs. Hunking and the meditation was given by Mrs. Whyte. Mrs. Hunking closed the devotions in prayer. Mrs. Wood presided over the business portion of the meeting. The minutes -of the last meeting were given by the secretary Dora Shobbrook and a thank you note was received from Olive Penfound. The treasurer's report was given by Laura Lyon and the roll call was an- swered by 13 members and eight visitors. Happy birthday Mrs. Hunking. The group was invited to be the guests of Aimwell Unit on October 16 at 8 pm in the church. The November meeting will be charged by Edythe Beacom and Laura Lyon. Elsie Shaddick will clean the brass for October. Mrs. Wood reported from the social com- mittee on the lunch booth that is being planned for the Plowing Match. It was moved that a card of thanks be sent to Mary Robinson for her donation. Mrs. Whyte gave a reading and Mrs. Hunking followed with a poem. The meeting closed with a hymn and a reading by Mrs. Hunking. Jessie McGregor of Seaforth thanked Mrs. Whyte for their invitation and lunch was then 'served by Mrs. Whyte and Mrs. Wood. Following the lunch, the Whyte children en- tertained with David on the guitar and sang with Crystal, Brian and Murray. Crystal also performed a piano solo. WI citizenship meeting The WI citizenship group met on September 13 in the hall. They then travelled to the Blue Water 'Centre, Goodrich for a tour and discussion, Jessie Tebbutt in- troduced Mrs. Pat Wheeler who gave a very interesting talk on the work at the centre for the mentally handicapped adults. The ladies were then divided into three groups and each group toured the complex. Following the tour a short meeting was conducted by the club president Marjorie Duizer. The roll call was answered by 24 members and the minutes and financial report were given by Marjorie Anderson. The fall rally will be held on October 2 with the Londe: born Wt 'as the hosts, a box lunch will be packed. Mrs. Duizer and Mrs. Anderson will be in charge: the voting delegates will be MIs. torn to ono All prices shown in this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, September 23rd, 1978 at the ABP Stores listed in his ad only. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! Hearthside mrden estiv4, HANDPAINTE STONEWARE Highland Flowers HANDPAINTED STONEWARE - ATTRACTIVE COLOURS Collect the Complete Set. Choice of three patterns. 0 Prairie flower 0 Sunshine Flower* 0 Histil*nd Flowers Perfect for everyday use because It's strong, easy -care stoneware! Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to own and enjoy this newest, loveliest dinnerware ... the perfect setting for happy dining. Look for this DINNERWARE DISPLAY 8 Piece Setting 40PIECiS ONLY 31, 60 .� As refreshing as a breath of country air, the new Garden Festival stoneware dinnerware bringsThe beauty of bouquets of fresh flowers to your table. The exquisite handpainted artist- ry has been inspired by the joy of seeing blos- soms blooming in a woodland garden. Light honey -colored backgrounds add a natural ele- gance that bring out all the subtle tones and vivid colors of the sun kissed flowers. Bordered rims add a highlight of subtle formality; the hallmark of the finest dinnerware. A dramatic new coupe shape and sculptured design of completer pieces achieve an eltg ante that is subtle and enduring. Every pleci' it - reinforced by high temperature firing that assures resis- tance to chipping, breaking and fading; lets this dinnerware retain its refreshing new look use after use, washing after washing. Start your complete set today. Each Piece Only WITH EACH $5.00 PURCHASE 2 WITH 510.00 3 WITH 515.00 ETC. CUP Open stock matching companion pieces available at our low prices. OPEN MON-SAT 9:OOA.M.' 9:30 P.M. A & P SUNCOAST MALL HWY. NO. 21 S. GODERICH 7-` SAVE 20A Apple, Grape, Orange FBI FRUIT DRINKS Our Reg. Price 99? ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING CHOCOLATE CHIP dares Cookies 1-1b tin tie bag1w09 Swing irystaus / . RAISIN Snack Bars pkgo14bars69 179 ' BREA Shop AQP for Baby Needs! Extra Absorbent pkg of 2.4 or. Daytime pkg of 30 (Our Regular Price 2.79) SAVE 505i PAMPERS DIAPERS Meatless, Varieties Strained Foods & Juices ElliZ - BA" FOODS pkg .4.541 -oz jar Assorted Colours h•TOWELS COT- •AvE Our Reg. 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ASSORTED FLAVOURS INCLUDING CHOCOLATE MINT 12 -OZ PKG agon Wheels 99a COFFEE 1 LD BAG Maxwell House 3.39# IN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICED! 4.541,02 71N Heinz Beans loaf JIANR PAkit l ACTION Mica), Glazed Donuts JANE Mktg 5for99? Angel Cake PIC© OF 7 69 ACTION PRICEDI 14 -oz cako 995i { •