HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-8-4, Page 1LEGA:4
,IDICKSoz,.,. Barritsmr,
• eitor Supremo Cot, Noy
Couveyeneei ° ememteeionte, eSe. saouey to
Ometi i'etesse A.131eelieg'swtex•
.-D (361,141$,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
Lx41..T11, ON T.
aincesaniwell's Block hall sold 001000
Barrister,. Solicitors, Notaries Public
Conveyancers &c, &c.
WiNioney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
Imuorr, 3. =WA'.
Graduate a tlielioyal College Of
Dental Surgeoes of Ontario. Hav
inginruished Due Dental Booms
on JAME T., 2 Doers hest of Central hotel,
Exeter, Ont.,weere I am Prepared to perform
all branches ot the Deutel profession wrtbease
ii: skill. Cluirges, Moderate; Terme, Cash.
Sannivell/s Bleck, Main-st, Exeter, ,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vlizeit Air. Gold
etlings en4 all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Ziattort on last Thursday in
each mouth.
ri: LU'I'Z, M. D.,
• Oilleeat hisresidence 'Exeter. .
T W. B13,0 WNIN G M. D., 111. 0
LI • p.s,orii,damte Victor1aUniversity.0iffee
Etud,resiclence,Don. rionLeboratoi v, Exeter
R. HYNDMAN. coroner for the
County of 'Enron. Office, opposite Mr.
Carling's store, Exeter.
DR. J. A.. ROLLINS, M.0. .P. S
A-, 0. 0 Moe, Maio StExeter,Out,Residen
ce housereeently occupied by P. IYIePlullips,
Permanently located in No. 185
Qneen's Avenue, London, it few doors
east of Post Office. Speeial attentioi given to
diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au d the pres-
ervation of vision diseases of tbe Dar, im-
paired hearing, and discharges from the ear;
diseases of the Throat, chronic inflaunnation
beiug a frequent amuse of deafness; diseaees
of the Nose, mama% being a common cense a
nipai 'ad hearing.
tionoor for Fl ay, Stephen, atia •••
Tra7.12,741shi1)s. Sales conducted atmoderate 5
:stteitilee-At Post-otlee.Crediton, Ont. 68 •
JOHN Anotioneer for the Sven inch tile can be furnisn ea if repair
e Townships of Stephen, hay and 'Osborne Thabove are of best quality.
Crediton, April 14, 1887. GEORGE MOA
and the Villu.ge of Exeter. All sales prorentiv
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. sales
arranged at this office.
Loudon, Ruro .F4 SrUce.
Gotsn Netern-,-
blicau Crosseilg „
.1111 -UR S DAY MO ENT N G, A.1,T G 'UST 4th , 18f37. BA'w,1:41,11v.on:4,7.rt
_ _ _
7 05
09 L
.-.,... , .- .- .. - ...........,.,--.....-
... $4.7,-, witpr'l ltill...'itc(SIC?,../ ‘stu,',..:.;t0' s 1,
(,\"1,,,,„ ,, „., .,..., ,,, imrlviti‘, atemoriai L,inurcin
Alt *Jeoll3c 00 11:.'sr"Ptle 1, Pft .1" ' ' 1. 't4111 ' 4 00 II the building committee of Christ Chareli
committee a the Trivitt memorial ohurch. Pecurrances of the Past week Th.onoont TePnis1 .;
bo os M 1,650. Names a the buildin,„0.
, ' - -----.**-- 1,11Boleintodkloo:ebiou'r.o' ...'..'
DISTRICT DOING'S. teiatou . , , , :,....., '78377,:,..r0101770 5433 13.2 :.fc1S91
co _. 1..,217.6 tl?
,„ s.:ta 44
ri, tlam au, '
''''' Or 4CVLIU,111pation, worse ,
i THE LAYING OF THE CORNER Names ot the cleroymen since the found- t" IN7'dgb'"r11`)°4 (" ''''c'n4'6'el'r'''."1' 1:4:::(370,407,, _
S:1 -10--N4. ation of the parish. NalueS of the present ___. c ehtralim ...
Village, ' choir, copy of minutes of adjourned Pxusox,aL. -Mr. Geo. C. flarper and ----New."--8-- N'olt-...0.15)36:::;07 046..45Q;
lp Blaloss lhe a burden, boar _ teitaliers and, officers hi Sunday school, WiD.OhelSea.. LuelLn Orosslng
''llit In %i'aLtrriraduTg Seltzer healat 311131xop "Baldwin 'Performed the Corenlony. Names of tho,, prosQot members of the - -- London, arrIve
-A. Large Attendance Pro 14). Country ood . - •
you'd gad.
FAT E. N'TS i or fie.10. Illustrated descriptive Easter vestry meetina held May 0th 1887 wife of St. Paul, Kinn., are the guests
eatalogties free. CHAMBERLIN, Toren -
40. tc, Out, princely offer ei nolnne r.m, and ars, Harry Byown of Ola Haxdav„ has ucopted Teemer,s ohaneogo
Monday August lst, the day set apart ;It WhICh the
11O104V a three mile race tor 01,000 a side, the
tekDvERT.fsERS.--Lowest rate's for ad- Trivitt Memc.oria, urc 1, xeter, which
• obi g 'clmle.s names of officers of Christ, elnireh eountrY • . race te be rowed on Toronto Bey Aug, 12 or
for the layina of the corner stone 'of The Trivirt Dquire, was accepted, this la- PiaCe. Mr. ff, says this is a beautiful ,
Yertisinc Oxz toot) good newspapers sent
free. Address, 011,'(.). 14. .1.7,0 WELL 65 00., 10
Spiueo St., N, Y.
gro 19.El\TT.
Seating Capacity,, 70.0,
Dissolution of Partner-
NOTICE is hereby given that the ps.rtner-
ship lately Exieting between 54:math= T.
Pickard and Ezra Spicer, of the village of Exc.
ter,under the firm of Pickard & Spicer:, Poultry
Breeders, was dissolved GM th0 30.rtt DAT' 0P
AIMLL, by mutual consent.
szucca. • •
WitlieSS. '
Mr. .1. j. Pickard will Continue the
poultry busdnes, and keep constantly On baud
during the season, S. S. hamburg, G P ham-
burg, D 13rabma, W 0 Black. Poll& eggs at
$2 per setting.
FARMERS 8f, 011-1E S.
We wish to call especial attention from the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr.
fieorge 'Mentz, of Lot 11, Con. 5. Stephen, Credi-
ton , P . 0.,has on hand a very large quantity of
At the Following Prices:
nich. Tile, ... $ 8 per M.
" .. 10"
4 14"
20 "
is now m course of erection on the north
east eortier of Mitiri street and Laughall
street, evened with the promise of the
usual heat which has been so oxcessive of
for 1887. List containing 1anies of the
architects, Messrs. Peters, Jones, Mc-
Bride. Also names of contractors, this
last iist being signed by Rev. S. F.
late winch. promise WAS fIHdae the -Robu),4tWt' chain= of the building
conomtv...,e, Current coins of the oruni-,
.litour ) apptoached for the com-
mencement of the interesting and iria-
posing ceremony. The town Council With
their usual thoughtfulness:kindly ordered
the watering Cart to thoroughly sprinkle
the two streets which meet at th:s
and this coutributed"inuch to the comfort
of the fanny who. creivded: to the scene.
The. morning trainii brought contingeets
of invited 'Clergymen. The Lord Bishop'
of Huron was accompanied by his domes-
tic .chilAkin the, Venerable J. Tir Marsh,
Atelideaeon. of London. At eleven
o*ck.,:a.M: the Bishop accompanied ,by
the yisitiiig clergy eal).ed at the residence
of Thomas Trivitt, Esquire, the donor of
the new church arid a pleasant and profit-
able hour was thus spent., By the time,
tfl'e hour had arrived for commencing the
*Tice an immense concourse of ' peciPle
had Resembled. Ai, covered pIatforM
feet by 12 feet had,,bieen erected for the
accommodation of those speciallyieivited
and for the choir and orchestra. The
orchestra consisted of a: contingent , from
the Exeter brass band under the able
leadership of Mr. Samuel Gidloy. The
choir of Christ church augmented by:: h.
member cif children belonging to .the
Sunday school the latter trained
isnder the management of N. Dyer Mir -
don,. these together composed thheirof
the day. The. ceeper stone was ‘,susficieverSeencl , on :behalf of the
ion of Iknada, le, oc, 100, 25o, and 50o
piecesticowspapers Exeter Times and
Ailvehttc,., Toronto Mali, Toronto Globe,
London Free Press, London Advertiser,
(the latter , containing the Bishop of
Hurtm'S charge at the synod meeting of
present year,) Montreal Gasette, Church
Guardian and Dominion Churchman.
Collection amounting to $71.40 was then
taken up, after which Thomas Trivitt, Esq.
pre6eateil the Bishop with the trowel, 0801
in a clear, well modulated voice, said ;
"I have grkat plea80'e, ill presenting to
your Lordship, as unto "a wise vaster -
builder and workuien that neecifniot be
aslitti, cd", the 'trowel used on this happy
occas; n of laving -the eorrier stone of tilts
new arch ;* unduly earnest prayer is that
the b 'Wing to be erected thereon may be
for tli: qlory of God and the good of precious
souls., And. should our lives, through a
gracions 1?rovidence, be lengthened out to
see- itsi, completion, and `the headstone
brough,forth, ' may we have the uuspeak-
able-thaPpiness of assembling together again?
BarePs.--Harvest is almost i'c,uobTiPanlet.Ld r].03w. '11312.1.1 sail"" 46'lletra3" Aug. 1640
at1Inadnyt Ilw0_011:lasrilinneit'sl'ietlovyiseinIrtev have gone eajs7,,t.,,,Lerivs,,r,,,o,,n,tpbt,saagtoo ma iTratTrghraisaus.suveneutl.:
heart in the streets of ECuatiegnon by stab-
bing her with a sword cane. it's.or thst off:
once hc W113 Bant0110Cd to fifteen yetvs' p08
al servitude. Af:er a paiuful illness the
girl gradually grew better, hut she always
insisted that a piece of the sword blade had
broken. off in her body, aud was still there.
Prof. 'Humphrey, of Addenbrooke's Hospital,
Cambridge has just saceeeded extraeting
from the gitl's body a pieoe of steel blade,
more tbau six. inches in leugth. The most
extraordinary faet connected with the oper.
ationsis that, although the wound was in the
girl's chest, the blade was extractea, broken,
end fi •st, from her back, It must have thus
turned completely round.. Her recovery 32
considered to be'alinost certain.
Mayor Hutchins, of Parkhill in. 'address-
ing a public meeting in that pima last week
stated that the council:bad got informaticn
from Seeforth, Mitchell, Morrisburg all towns
nearly the size of Parkhill have wat-
erworks costing frone $15,000 to $25,000
and they all st tted tbat they would not be
without them for twibe the cost. He then
went into figures sb.owing that the cost in.
all wouldbe about 615,000,th provide, our
town with such a system as would be requir-
ed here, aucl showing that white the expense
of running, it would be nes.rly e1,000 the se -
frotn the water rates would be nearly
that meets. Ho hoped the ratepayers would
give the council a clear idea to.night, so that
the cost of submitting the by.law svoiald not •
be incurred unless there was a reasonable
hope of oarrying it. Such being the case, -why
is it that Exeter people:do not make a move
in the matter of water works. While, reap-
ing a benefit the cost would be praotioally
On Voeclay morlaing Jereas Howard North
Ward, Mitehell, woke up aud found his wife
a corpse by his aide. When she died. be had
no knowledge, but as the body was black the
Mayor sent for a doctor to entice au examin-
ation. He reported that decomposition had
set in and life:had beeu extinct a least 21
hours. Howard is an unfortunate. man, giv-
en to drink, and. on Sunday night he retara-
ed from the country in the state of intoxi-
cation, and tniiblee into bed alortelae the re -
reales of his *Ha, she having aird. Ito doubt
early in the morning. He slept away his
drunken stnpor until next morning, when be
diseovered for the first time that she was
dead. Deceased was a respectable WOICaall,
and kept bar troubles to herself, not caring
to make matters \verse tlaan they really were.
While the body was being laid out for herial
the brute of a husband went out and. return-
ed iu a state of intoxication, seed leter tried
to get a neighbor's ehild to go for more whis-
key. The case is of the saddest, arid shows
to what degraclation and. shame liquorwill re -
drum 5111015.
On Thursday a. A• Jameson, of Strat
ford, who had been the grain business
here about live years, left the city, The
Bank ot Montreal held it is said, about
$13,000 worth of' werehouse receipts of
his. They deemed it advisable OP hold
an investigation. The key of the ware-
house wee given to Messrs. Ross & For-
tune, who made the startlIng, discovery
that beyond aaout three carloads of bar
ley, the property of W. R. Marshall &
Son, there was very little in the ware-
house. The mythical 20,000 bushels of
grain shown on the receipts was insur-
ed, anti the insurance company's agent
beide Jameson's note for $200 premium.
How the insurance was effected is a
mystery. Jenleson went from $t Mary's
to Stratford about five yeers ago and
has always taken an active part in rriuni-
elpal and church matters, lite ut a mem-
ber of the Collegiate Destitute Board
and of the Board of Aldermen, in
and miler the,shadcw,of its roof unite in. which he was chairman of the Finance
slioutit*"gettee, grace Taut° it." Cdetimittee.
Theee little eirls--Ethel Bissett, Francis
Roe -Mitre and Violet Wirlis, representing
Christ Cburch, Exeter , Christ Church Sun-
day School and the building pommittee, then
prosentpd the Bishop, for Mrs. Baldwin,
vith ttree heauliful briquets of natural
pemled by meant of a tripod over oongreoation of Christ March Exeter, pre.
foulidetion of the west outtress at :the
north covner of the building and consieted
of a well chiselled lelock of Ohio sand-
stone bearing on its -Western side the in-
scription, "The TrivittMemorial Church"
and. on its northern side "A. D. 1887."
There was a, cevity in the wall underneath
the stone intended for holdin,g the „usual
documents, ettt-4.1"4, _
The trots el 4WaS maniffitetured by the
firm of P. W. Ellis & Co., of Torontoit'
Silversmiths;and -was furnished by
Fltton. of Exeter jeweller. It of solid,
silver a hancts0,6 deggi, and engraved'
in „the highest style of art, with the
following, Mscription. "Presented to the
"Right Resrerencl Maurice Scollard Bald -
sem Trivitt and,Mrs. liohinson (wife
of the 'Rector) wiih 'boquets
The Bishop then delivered the following
address.: --
mut, bay deal ft tends. that I am thank:,
50 "
"ful and. innet rejoice witb you upon being.
here 1..nithi.:6 000061012. I am sure that in
this ceremony (It laying a 'Cornpr .stone,. we
'nary Surgeons, eraRmites a the Onfario
Veterins rs ' College, Toren.
to, have an Oin(111) sOr
-tka„. treat went of all
onseetic Animals, on
erect. Estate'. Calls
tom 's, is tance prompts,.
attegased to:- Medicine for horses Cattle,cec
al#0,s on hand:
bet &for th e 4oron Erietoan Say-
i fags icaietY, Dow rates ofinteresi. Apply to ALSO A FEN
I° he Spaclunan,Exeter.
-IS-- Aueust•
cannot, but reflect upon that great Corner
Stondsether than whiner. sweeten canley, and.
A Sure Thin
upon'this Stone the chureb. is- built and.
ontsitie this there is no other .gs,ource of
Waver+ y are here to -day reusineled *ha -
tO, RI •-•;13134:1'',"n ^t1154.1..P-'. ork.--On e ece -our, sboys--sett ' us laeb
ilationt.t 0Oking back upon the n ','"gt war
. a '' iliaturciay. Me. ,Will lia.tbfklisch, WhO
FOR PURE P.ARIS GREEN fine -di ehe,gisinin Sties church NI'ti' 1 ..... . .
'FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE weak. 4 t ,a4%,tkesp'0.0' '!..1,. by the cultured lac° ope,uThat bl:se,ToPalr°Yye°atrUs ,Fh•asWaaegcatierr.
Greek ,',th .Jew, the BO 'Wan, and now:the tor..,, . _ _ _ _ _ m
FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER "win, mightie'Ot 4 name , Baines. 'Christ ed a stt with Reeler se it ;by, of Ida -
D. D., Lord Bishop of Huron ley
0 Jesus. We can think et. all the serawned buret ,I.'his firm may congratulate them -
'beads of the world but we know:Sf ne. name selves on securing the service of our
"Thomas Triritt, Esquire 'Donor of "The
A Flay 'Naxos WHICH Wa R.WOY
Selections from Hess' pianoe-Those
moonlight nights with our Sunday go-to-
meetinegir1.--'rhose moonlight flax pull-
ing bees.-Tbe married, men getting left
this week, ' •
Sinues,-Look out for the report of
the married women's picnic next week,
from a 'special corxespondent•-Sub.
sceibe tor the Testes: The balance of she
year for 35 rhe school children who
have laeen away for the leolida.ya are re-
turning home: Sehdcif starts again one
week from Monday next. --Messrs
Beaver, Voelkirk and Bossenberry are
busy with their stea se threshers just
now ; they all. haye, a good ehare ot
BliONVIN -(3r' "Trivitt Memorial °Minh" Exeter, at the that can eonyulse the world c'os that ),1a1110 young friend, as Wiolt is a good sales -
"laying lst A. D. 1887 -
of the corner stone, Lammas DaY Christ tresiis. . The greatest feticide- man and always has an eye to biz.
tion stone,t;eday is the stone Christ Jesus. Gooci luck A nuMber of his
T i:SPOT The first to arrive onthe platform were I would, say very briefly that weave to bear friends mel per 'invitation at Mr. P.
the invited representatives of the Chris- in mind that all the world's histciry is cm
per oent, $25,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Con:mantes represented.
13arrister. Exeter,
,JL.; Conveyan Commissioner,Fire
and Life Insurance Agent,' wed Issuer of Mar-
riage FA ce uses. All basinoss trensactedsteict-
iy confidential. A call solicited. 06110 ; at the
Post Office.
Established in 1863.
This comi.auv has been over Eighteen
emir< ie Aueeessful operattou in 4Veste0n On-
tairio,ancliontintes to insure agaiust'oes or
damage by O ire, nuildin gs,Meretiandi se,Han-
efactorese,and otherciesenutious oflinsur-
able property. . Intendiu6 i•usurers have the
opt ion of in miring on the Premium Note or
0 ash System .
During the past ten years tlis Company
has issued 87,090 Policies. covering property
to the /AU 0 11 lit of $40,872,088 ; aud paid Jul oss-
es alone -3709,712,00
AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n dank, Government Deimeit, and the unass-
essed Premium Notes, on ha n d an cl In force. J,
W WALDEN' M D. Presiden t. 0. NI. TA•rnon,
Secretary. 3.15. Fluaties, Inspector. CHAS.
SNELL Agent for iteeter and vicinity.
The Royal Mail, Passenger and dreigbt
Bente between Canada and Geeat htitain and
direct route hetWeen the West end an points
on the LOWOr St. Lawrence and Dale des Clio,
New Brunswick Nova Scotia,
P. E. Island Cape Breton,
and. Jamaica.
New and elegant Pullman 13tiffet Sleeping
and Day 0ar4 run en theough Express trains.
ra,ssongers tor Grea.t. Britain or he Oonti-
tient 'IA:leaving Toronto at 0.10 a. su. non's -
day will join outward mail steamer at Bali -
tax 9,113. Saturday.
Sttperior Move tor 'Warehouse and Dock me -
co m m ()dation at Halite s" for shipment of grain
and general merchandise,
Years ot experience have preyed the I01T.SM-
0004001IAL in connection wine steamship
lines to and from London. 'Liverpool aud
GlaseoW te Halifax, to 150 the quickest freight
route between (..,•adada end Great Pritai a,
' itiformation (08 to Passenger and Froit,Yht
rate0 01111 1)0 had on application to
11080110T 111,)obin,
westerePreigist &Thieeenger A",,tent
Possin Eldest) Block, York St. Toronto
Chief Superibtaident,
Itanwity o te N. I3Nov 13tb, 1885*
tian denonduations 014. '110,. The Rev'd tered thie stone which was cut out with:- pleasantesienttig on the eve hiS
Wagner's ietinence and ,passedett very
(09 -
-- Dr. Pascoe, President of the Methodist out hands,,invisibie mysteriogi, the stone parture.-Whue Mr. J. Kerner was
10 1.1.11 P stor of the James street Methodist
011uiroh Conferellee ; Rev. Mr. Grahene which smote the tillage of Xebuchadnezzar
so that it beesmelike the chaff of the: sum-•
F1. 11.1(1 gain through h' f tie t 1
gas a er s ab e on the
Bronson Line, he noticed a valuable
• church • Rev. W. M. 1VIartin, B. D. Pas- mer threshing 'floors; and ?the stone -which Br
young colt .had got entangled in a hal-
smote th0., image hecaane a', great inotintain
tor of the Presbyterian church • J. A.
tee strap. Jake's titnely appearance
. . and. filledthe whole earth. As welay this
Rolhns, Esu. M. D. Reeve •or .r.Aetel • •
iepresenteo. the tow r
ncorpo ation. Thes stone here to -day, 3t remind. us that saved the colt from strangulation.
A.LTW 1-1'Y S FUIJL ' ' •
the clay is comine• when this Corner Stone
OF ALL KINDS OF •were immediately followed by clergymen' shall.fill the whole univeree. When this Lucan.
he their surplices, stoles and hoods from ts,berns,eie 01 the Lorcl is erected may the
P.,"10r the rural deaneries of Middlesex, H.ni•on doctrinti prea.ched:here be Christ and him
and Perth. These were Rural Dean crucified. 1 ani site, dear friends, we are
Craig, B. D. of Clinton, ,T. Downie, 13, D h onored to look ahead to 'one day that
01,111 and 'Examine for .r of Luca,n, Robert Ker, M. A. of Mitchell Jesus Christ is comino, when his enemies
i3ROWNING of Arise R I) Freeman Curate of
T. H. McGaghey Seaforth, O. H, shall sit at his foot -stool and we shah be
. . , Bridgeman, Hensall, H. A. Themes
a.W. ,Prop.
St. Paul's ofgLonclon, and S. l'''.' Rubbison
i armorso oil ioa I 11.-3:i,seht,,,,ir, ii°ithisE ex -le- ) itsecrc; p aT robeshtl Yr': :et') fr nt epr a i i theiecl
a 1:Tont,11:n.vgMliii,°,,,,:,tre.hitt:Tcti:lenmi a,g-iho,,,,:;,:
_ Trivitt, Esquire the donor, acconspaniecl
IMPZEaXsiedsriss:t41."1.107 $ by Mrs. Trivitt and her neje°. ' The ser-
- 1 vice Was 0.000A1.4110 to the 0 o110 of the
The undersignea would respeetfully lufwrin
the con> nitwit), tb at they helm leased the above
mins for atom of years ; and. will be pleased
to have a cell from all. The mill has recently
been Improved, by the adaition of new mach.
limy. It is the intention of tike subscribers to
ecld a set of rolls 0.0 80011 us possible; and all
001111Jined, the
W oo.dhara Grist Mill
Win be second to none in -the West. %
Gristing and Chopping „Done
Promptly. '
Fi eh martini constantly ou'hand for sale or
exChanged for WS.
July 14.] Props.
er Sho
A. Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Fraireo'.,ting in the latest styles
of the at t.
Every attention 0,1 to metting
Ladies and Ohildren's Hair
A. CALL saltier=
caught ep with him in the cloecls,of heaven.
I rejoice:O. know that ;Mr. Trivitt has cense treme hot weather, Flax pulling is now in
forth toeft4t1this,great etructure and hope order. It is expeeted that the crop is Much
that yoirWill. 60(100.i...or to. honor E1.118 re- better than in former years. The id& drew
member' tinn. W:e need more Mr. Trivitts, tkteir first wages for pulling the other day.
I have learned something in my experience, Several tuvenile capitalists coulclbe seep roam.
and I keow my brethern here with me have ing the streets as.a consequence. The atten-
found it so, and that is, that we do not gen- Hon of severel of oUr citizens wast,ealled the
fiedevealtis and liberality united. To other clay to an. object crossing the fields
meet such, a man as Mr. Trivia 06 tome- mom the depot at a 2,14 I ate. On closer
thing to give Goa thanks for and I must examination it was found to be a damaged
Church of Englera, feoin which form we trust"that you. will ever bear bins in mind shirt coetainiug the hying body of SirEuight
ancl that he will have many followers May of the Razor -rill that was left after a dee.
have taken the following extracts.
who this church here in Exeter be a ehurch of perataencounter with, an apple barrels
"Almirtlity and everlasting clod,
Unity, of devoted. Catholic hearts, looking dor, They say it was only a little Irish 011 -
forward to the great day of uniting, and version. Of course it could not be caused by
not made with hands, bless this stone, for
may there abound love, amenity and .peace Labatt's pure Amber as we have the Scott
the foundation of this house to be erected in every -heart. If I am spared, dear friends, Aet here you know, The Enterprise office
to the glory of Thy Holy Name ancl grant I shall be glad to be pi esent at the opening looks splendid in. its brand new color, chess.
that they who shall faithfully offer to of this church Quite an improvement Wesley, wish more
Thee of theirsieubstance for the further- This day 1st of August, is. commemoraHe would wage war on the old verandahs. We
ace of this pibue work, may be preserved in the world's history. It was upon this have been treated to open air midnight 1
in body and soul ; through Jesus Christ clay that the Blacks of this great continent cono'ertsfrom the colored gents of our town.
our Lord. Amen'. gained their liberty. May there be preach- The report is current that several weddings
are about to take place during the month of
August. It is repeated generallv on the
street, that the neat little mileage on the hill
at the crossing is among the rest of the dons-
iciles to be adornee with a brae new beide
Succeas James- The gardens aro very dry.
and so are tbe boys. Well what cam you ex-
pect. No ram four two weeks la a 8, se.
town, 100s Whispered around town that au
anocoupied email frame }muse on George sI.
is hauntee at least tsvo or three times per
week by ghosts of both mastaline fera.
liaise gender. Wonder what they =eau? Do
you know Thomas? Boys beware there 18
tionble abead. We are sorry to report the
detail efr Geo. Porte son of Wm, Porte
Esq, p, to. after a leng Dienes Oar heart-
felt sympatlaesgo out to the 'berea ed °acts.
Great interest is taken ia the coming base.
hail match between the Stars of Ailsa Craig,
and the Irish Nine of Leceu to be played on 1
Lucius grouiels, Friday Ang.. 5th. Hon.
dreds are expected to witness the game as it 1
is'sertain to be the beet game of the season.
Both teams are etnifulent of success, and are
Business looking up. Prospects good for
fall trade. Farmers progressing favorably
with their harvesting, Occasional loads of,
new wheat can be seen on the market daily,
and a splendid sample.. Marriages are the
the order of the day notwithstanding the ex -
"Tri the faith of Jesus Christ, we lay
this foundatio% stone, in the name of God
the Father, God the Son; and God the
Holy Ghost." Amen.
"Here let true faith, the fear of God,
and brotherly love, ever remain ; this
place is dedicated to prayer, and to the
pfaise of our most holy Saviour Jesus
Christ, .Who eVer liveth and reigneth
with the Father and the Holy Ghost, 0150
God, worlcl without cud," Amen,
, A. A. C. Denovan, peoples' church
warden, then read the following list; of
the contents of the copper box deposited
in the cavity underneath the corner stone.
Eleven 'papers tdeposited by Thomas
Trivitt, Esquire, including,0 ‘`memoram-
"chim of tome ancestors of the Trivitt
"family mentioned in histcry."
"short personal history of "Thomas 'and'
'‘Elisabeth Trivitt." Nino tracts printed
by Thomas Trivitt himself, for gratuitous
distribution, A short history (.4 Christ
ed frointhis church here a gospel of liberty,
a great day of ;„einancipation which comes
throughChrist Jesus of whom it is said. -
"If the Son sisall make ye free, ye shall be
free ind.ted." When Mr, trrivitt has done
his work here it will be free and may then'
be : consecrated : it is opened
Trivitt t4S,,'rtinniug 1, hope the
corigregation will not he walking; ntsy they
not be felted ' behind; and upon the day
when the church is opened rutty it be free
from debt, and May it he not simply a
Church -opening but may the whole build-
ing be free amlbe consecrated to the service
of God.
Tho 915010) day's ptoceedings were char-
acteriaed by the hest of order, and the
day may well be called a, red 'letter day
su tho history of Exeter,
In the evening a promenade concert 'MS
held in tile roller /ink There WM a programs
oS %meal enclienstrumeutel music by local tal-
ent the baud a ss isting'mateitially in thcenter.
tile men t. There was s. good attendance and
furnished , by Ist,libe Car. i everYcno appeared to oujoy themselves to aparing iso pains to make the oceasiou one 1
halpalvrr P.
p. for
of paying intetest to all admirers Of b. b. '
tin) si5,11.t. Riding I the fullest extent. They 131'011.1011a(ka Nvhen
they felt like it, Sat (10011 W1101) they got
of kiueun in the fira Parlianientw of On-
tttrio. A short ith, ery of the r,k4sh, tired, and when they desired a dish, of ice to ettend,
who may avail themselves of the privilege
fureiehed by Benjei Vallee]: Elliot,. S',01_, I ,,, 1 11 1 . m 1 h
le hut half the '
'teiream,,,a gla, se of lemonade or a few candies
they nom° 1 if e i 00 ti e Andsomc and How is it that, with fat sett
leiter, lay delegitte to the synod and rm.,. obliging lathes who had charge of the price they WO1 0 some time ago coneine'ers
InAnY Tears ehtireh warden. History er stands for the sale of these articles, This hoe to pay se ineeti for their atomics, roasts,
Christ church Guild, including names of kind of a concett will no doubt become oop- and boiling pieces as ever they did s Ferns,
officers and membeeS ; M1'0. Thomas uler in the village after thc success of the ere got horn two to three coats per lle live
'Trivitt, President 'Sind Miss Elizabeth on :Monday evenness.% The committee of weight for their beteher beevoe, while tOW118-,
Carling, Secretary. Names of church man Agee) en t aro desei vine of praise people have to "fork out," iit tiu) very lost
Waydena frons the f0u1ldati.011 of the par- for tho manner in which the arrait ,enterits 10 cents per lb for every part, ch. Oaireass, fit
ish in 1859 to the present.' Names of were carried out. The enema ree ized at to be ega8 its ally Wee eas'etif iee SOUp or
tha concert wets 14,01.1 high $100. hoarding house bash,'
IN 1886 Canadian farmers expor-
ted $5,000,000 worth of cattle to
GI eat Britain. The United States
export none in consequence of the
cattle diseased in that country. Not
long since the Canadian cattle were
about to be shut out and the a ction
was averted only by the prompt
attention of Sir Charles Tupper, who
proved that Canadian cattle were
not afflicted with any disease. Our
$5,000,000 trade was thus saved. If
we enter into commercial union
With the United States our cattle
trade with the old country would be
lost, our cattle would be scheduled
with theirs.
WE have heard pork packers say
that connnercial union 'would be a
good thing for Canada because reci-
procity in hop would enable them
and middle men to buy pork in the
United States at a much lower price
than in Canada. That might suit
these merchants, but what about
the Canadian farmer who would
have to accept the lower prices for
his hogs? And, if we understand
Erastus Wirna.n aright, the farmer
is the panticular individual' whom
commercial anion is intended to
benefit. But if the United States
wish free trade in the hog article,
all they have to do is to haul down
their tariff and down comes ours.
MR 0' ISS.
Cenese.-In St. Marys, on the 7111 1091 , eue
wife of J. Carter, of et sem
S1(11.T11.-11.1 Mee:true, an the 2601t Wt., the
wife of Seismal Smith, of a deughter.
Paw, -In Exeter, on the 30th nib., the wife
of Thstuas Prion ot £4 daiesister.
eftectrette-Iti Oreditori, on OA° alst
the wife of Wen. Mitt:hell, 01 ,6 son.
StaaLiwo -13nm:fon-On au; 2(130 lust,
Bev. ti 30. Hill, at the lsoure of the bride's
parents Me, 'jetties Sterling, of eliehigen,
to Miss Jane, danglitor of Mr, lames Boa,
soin, of CiIderich cown-hip.
Toete--,Toxes -On the leth int,, at the re-
eidence of the bride's father, Olandeboye,
'sby the Bev, R. Davey, Mr, S. Jones, of
Aeroton, to Miss afaria E. Jones, yolingeet
daughter of Freesia Jones,
Wntere 13ratidera et anitobat 011
04)0 25013 tilt., by the Bete Mr. Davies, Me.
It. T, Wbiso, formerly- of tits Tures office,
Exeter, to efiseFlorense Atmie pestle, of
Pfokeritie, Ont,