HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-09-21, Page 2• • PAGE 2—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1978 Where's a quotation by John Christian which runs: "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." If such is the case, then every Tuesday the staff of the News - Record creates a canvas that defies description. However, despite the confusion, . the hasty comings and goings of reporters and advertising staff, the frenzied collection of material to send up on the cab to Goderich twice in the day, - by five o'clock we feel the finished product, due to roll off the presses late Wednesday af- ternoon, will be worth the hundred percent effort we put into it. +++ A happy, family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Price, RR 2, Clinton when some of the family met for the first time. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Roy McArthur of Calgary and Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Porteous of Etobicoke. Mr. Porteous is Promotion Manager of the United Church Observer. +++ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gliddon, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falconer and Ted Wales attended the an- nual meeting of Zone 6, Federation of Anglers and Hunters at the Rod and Gun Club, Brantford on September 15 to 17 weekend. Mr. Gliddon, president of the Huron Conservation Association, headed the Clinton delegation. +++ Jean and Ray Potter of Ray Potter and Sons Limited in Clinton, recently attended the annual meeting for Scorpion Industries Inc., in West Bend, Indiana. Following the presen- tation of the 1979 line of Scorpion snowmobiles, clothing and accessories the Potters attended a welcoming party, a luncheon and a dinner dance. +++ The last of the three Centennial Sundays at Ontario Street Church will be celebrated on September 24. At the 11 a.m. service, the Rt. Rev. George M. Tuttle, B.A. B.D. Th.D. D.D. Moderator of the United Church of Canada will preach. At 8 in the evening a rally of Huron -Perth Presbytery has been arranged and members will be in attendance to join in the final celebration of the 100th anniversary. Rev. Tuttle will again ' bring the message. The congregation of Ontario Street extends a warm welcome to all. 'r rrririrlarlrirZrZrparIrlrIrpririeiricirricariryaryyz r r WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Christy Jean Scott Blyth September 20 Kristen Crawford RR 2 Clinton September 23 Douglas Roy Varna September 23 Paula MacDonald COnton September 24 Ruth Ann White Clinton September 24 Robbie Marriage Clinton September 25 Rose -Marie YoungAuburnSeptember 25 Chad Slotegraaf Cilnton September 25 Tracy Middleton RR4Clinton September 26 Scott Brown Cilnton September 27 John Paul Crawford Cilnton September 27 To Join just come into the News -Record office, 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone 482-3443 and have your name entered in the Birthday Book and get your FREE button. 00o40o0o00000000000000000000o000ci000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a a a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 '3Nt17d 'b 'VE131,1VD 'C 'SfldAlVld "Z '831NIOd ' 1 -- whoa 3SHfld 'L AVH1 '9 'VNdflOI 'S 'dd0 'C 'Addfld ' l — SSoJoy :SH3MSNd MIX-UPS Wears a crown • sits on a throne — Birds lay _ ` —. „--_ in nests Stop signs ars coloured ._- Chop down a tree with an Unscramble first letter of each answer to spell What we do wlthautumn loaves Answer next ws.k. • Las, Week's.answb, IoW, knso, gads, eagle spills LAKE +++ It's time - for any girls 14 years and over who would like to become candy- stripers to apply. They may pick up ap- plication forms from the Guidance Counsellor at CHSS or from • Mrs. Barbara Hicks, Co- ordinator. For any candy stripers intent upon, a nursing career - there remains the prospect, next year, of applying for one of the Ruby Haddy Bursaries awarded annually for training as registered nurses, registered nur- sing assistants or in one of the other allied health programs. +++ Winner of the Junior C Hockey Booster draw for September were the employees of the PUC with a joint ticket. The prize was $100. +++' You may think that you will never need a blood transfusion, but, then again you never know. So, be a blood donor - there is always a need for someone. The next Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic will be held Tuesday, October 3 at CHSS, Princess Street East, Clinton, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. +++ The Huron County Library will have a display booth in the Huron County Building at the International Plowing Match to start Tuesday, September 26 and run through to Saturday, September 30. There will be free coloring books for children as well as book lists and book marks for anyone interested. +++ Reports of club meetings, celebrations, etc. are always welcomed by our editorial staff - they form the meaty part of i the paper. Without seeming. ungrateful, may we ask that if you are writing a club report - it is best to do it as soon after the meeting as possible - with the idea of getting it into the news desk preferably by Monday of the week. From Jim and Shelley - thank you. +++ The children who at- tended the Daily Vacation Bible School of the Clinton Reformed Church of Clinton have received a special word of thanks from " Peter Zwart of the Christian Reformed World Relief Fund for the $119.50 which they collected to show how much they cared for their fellow boys and girls in the world who need help. On Friday, August 18 Dr. Robert G. Elgie, QC, MLA, was sworn in as a new member of the Executive council of Ontario and made Minister of Labour. Dr. Elgie is married to the former Nancy Anne Stewart, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Stewart. Her grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick Stewart, farmed for most of their lives on concession 4, Stanley Township in Huron. Mrs. Elgie spent many summers on her grandparents' farm. She is the niece of Ken B. Stewart, of Brucefield and Mrs. Clifford J. Stewart and the late Mr. Stewart of Clinton. She has many other relatives in the Clinton area. Dr. and Mrs. Elgie and their five children live in Toronto. (photo by Ken F. Stewart) itr:ry News For Kids by Marian Doucette All of the signs oT autumn are upon us, and with the coming of fall comes the beginning of the Clinton Public Library's regular story hour program. This weekly program con- sisting of stories, games, and a craft is aimed at providing children aged three to seven with a positive library ex- perience. Every Satur- day afternoon at 2:30 p.m. the children meet in the children's room of the library for an active hour of entertainment. This Saturday, September 23 will mark the beginning of the regular story hour, so,mark that date on your calendar. of library ac- tivities. Our summer reading Kippen UCWplan fowl dinner By Rena Caldwell Kippen UCW met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening Sep- tember 12 with 24 in at- tendance. Mrs. Helen McLean of Seaforth had the worship on Stewardship. She presented a skit which everyone enjoyed, those taking part were Grace Cooper, Margaret Jones, June Cooper, Gayle Turner, Verda Sinclair with Marg Broadfoot presiding at the piano. Mabel Kyle presided over the business meeting. All reports were presented. Bake sales and catering throughout the summer were wor- thwhile. ,The fowl supper on November 8 was discussed. Marjorie Consitt gave courtesy remarks. Hostesses Joan McCallum and Evelyn Wright served a delightful lunch of fruit Smile Georgie: Teacher, would you scold anybody for something they didn't do? Teacher: Of course not. But, why do you ask, Georgie? Georgie: Well, I didn't do my homework. =j-++ A supermarket is where waiting on -yourself saves part -of the time you lose checking out. YOU SAVE 30c ON EVERY s1. SAVE EVEN MORE NOW BEAT THE TAX INCREASE A PARAGON OF VALUE Now for the first time ever 30% OFF PARAGON Offer ends Oct. 28 1978 English fine bone china Five piece place settings only. &jui'e 6414 HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • \ CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES, FALL 1978 CLINTON CAMPUS The following courses are being offered • this Fall semester. Students are already enrolling. To ensure yourself a place in the course of your choice, please telephone 482-3458 Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or visit our campus at Vanastra Rd., Clinton, Ontario Home Study '25.00 Conversational French 1 '33.00 Shorthand '23.00 Basic to Advanced Bookkeeping '23.00 Photo & Darkroom Techniques '33.00 Bartending Techniques '33.00 Principles of Mortgage Financing '105.00 The Role of the R.N.A. as a Participant In the Nuri ting Process • '23.00 Basic Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation '18.00 PICK UP ONE OF OUR FALL TABLOIDS FROM OUR CLINTON CAMPUS Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology We've got a tot to share breads and cheese. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie, Wingham spent a. few days with Mr. Lorne McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dickert, Clifford spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Norman Dickert. The sympathy of the Community goes out to Mrs. Alex McMurtrie in the loss of her brother Gerry, who passed away. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dobson had a narrow escape' during the severe electrical storm Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson were knocked out of their bed and the electric wiring was torn off the house, the telephone was damaged program at the library;lis now officially over. The registration for "Discover the Magic Kingdom of Books" was quite good and many children read the one or more books necessary to receive a certificate at the program's end. These certificates are all made up and members may pick up theirs' at the library now. In addition to finally having the certificates ready, many children will be happy to learn that the cookbooks for those contestants from our "cool cooking contest" will be ready to be picked up at the library this Saturday. If you were entered in this contest be and fire started in the attic. Mrs. Tom Munroe is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Ross Forrest is holidaying in the West. Gerry McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant McGregor broke his arm while playing at Huron Centennial School last Friday. .v• sure to remember to pick up your book. The Clinton Public Library in conjunction with the Huron County Public Library in Goderich held a book- mark contest this sum- mer. Last week all of the entries were judged by Cathy Sturdy, Mary Passchier and Grace MacDonald of ,headquarters, and two winners were deter- mined. Patty McAuliffe won first place in the senior division and Nancy Alilovic won first place in the junior division. Both entries will be used as bookmarks for Huron County and both girls will receive book prizes from the County. These prizes may be picked up at the library this Saturday. On Saturday, October 14, for one performance only in this area, The Friendly Puppet People will be presenting "Mr. Friendly's Circus". This presentation which is sponsored by The Huron County Public Library and Outreach will be held in MacKay Hall, Goderich, at 11 . a.m. There is no admission fee and all children are in- vited to attend. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Clinton Electric QWhite -Westinghouse • Appliances SALES & SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS tELECTRICAL MAIN- TENANCE. 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 DIESEL Pumps and injectors Repaired For all Popular Makes Huron Fuel injection Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482-7971 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vanastra Phone 482-95 6 tite CARPET CLEANER The Clean -with -an -in truck steamer cleaner. CALL LONDON 452-3412 OR SEAFORTH 527-1382 (RES. FOR AN ESTIMAT( 15 TOULON CRESCENT LONDON NSV 1J4 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS JERVIS ALUMINUM Sales and Service of Aluminum Doors, Windows. and 'siereens. Ornamental Railing and Signs. Glass cut to sizer. , 84 AL'fERT Si,, C'LtNti N 482«9390 INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance - Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JON JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office:482-9644 Res.:482-7265 Know Some News? call the News -Record 482-9502 TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00 -NOON FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL GULBRANSEN 'GALANTI WURLITZER th6 Bost le Wiens s at d Pl a ss' FREE Organ Lessons Low -Cost Rental Plan All this and moo of PULSIPER MUSIC. SEAFORTH 527.0053 Cio*i d WOdfeidays ELECTRIC • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them a11482-7374 CLINTON OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST the Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING ,AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 Available year round Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 DECORATING ecorafing td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES TELEVISION AND STEREO B & T ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE *Installation and Repairs VARNA * T.V. & G.B. Antennas TOM LEPPINGTON 565-5229 * Delhi Towers BRIAN WASH 482-7129 pETEFS 213 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 4824021 MAGNAVOX.PHILIPS SHARP•OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components , ' Sales and Service CHANNEL MASTERDELHI • T.V. & F.M. Antenna 5ysta►ms • • •