HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-08-31, Page 16•
the ( e.sh.��,.b. ) voice
Social news
Cubs need leaders
We neeb more leaders
for our cubs in Vanastra
starting in September.
Those interested in being
leaders, please contact
Dave or Maureen Dun-
smore at 482-7723.
A surprise bridal
shower was held on
August 23 for Virginia
Dalton. Hostesses were
Mrs. Pearl KcMcKnight
of Exeter, Lois . Dalton
and Sharon Jerome of
Vanastra. Guests were.
from Exeter,' Zurich,
Seaforth, Bayfield and
All involved in the
Block Parent Program
would like to thank the
many ladies who donated
goods for our bake sale.
We had a very successful
day at the Tuckersmith-
Vanastra Fair and
realized a tidy profit.
This sum, along with a
generous donation from
the Kinette Club of
Clinton, will help us to
start work on, our plans
for the early fall. Thank
you once again to all
those who supported us in
this endeavour.
ChrLstian church news
On Sunday August 27, a
small but enjoyable
service was held at the
Vanastra Christian
Church. The sermon was
based upon the first
Epistle of John Chps. 1-11
which teaches that if we
confess our sins they will
be forgiven by God
through the blood of his
Son Jesus Christ.
Since the absence of
Rev. Karl Boersma, the
congregation of the
Vanastra Christian
Church each week seems
to be diminishing. We
realize that there are
people still on holidays
but if we are to keep our
church active until we
are fortunate enough to
obtain a resident
minister, then we must
continue to support it
with our presence on
Sunday mornings.
So won't you please feel
free to attend and enjoy a
morning of fellowship as
well as worship. We have
been fortunate enough to
have the services of
visiting ministers each
week but if the at-
tendance continues to
drop, they will begin to
feel that it is not wor-
thwhile to come.
We hope that this will
not be the case. So please
help to keep our church
active. The' community
needs it as a source of
strength and guidance.
Sunday school will be
starting once again on
September 10. This
Sunday we have Rev.
The Mustangs will hold
their first meeting of the
season Friday September
8, at 4 p.m., at the
Vanastra Resource
Centre. This is for all
interested children 7-11
years old.
The Vanastra Teen
Club will hold its first
meeting Friday Sep-
tember 8, at Vanastra
Resource Centre from 7-
10 p,m. All interested
teens from 12-18 years
are welcome.
Calorie Counters will
begin their regular
meetings Monday,
September 11, at 7 p.m.,
at Vanastra Resource
John Van Till of London. Centre. This will be a
Also this Sunday, we have registration and planning
the Lord's supper. meeting.
Sharon's recipe corner
French Fried Shrimp
One cup flour, 1 tsp.
baking powder, 1/2 tsp.
salt, 1 egg, two thirds cup
milk, 1 tbsp. Mazola corn
oil, 11/2 lbs. shrimp
shelled, deveined, 1 qt.
Mazola corn oil.
Combine flour, baking
powder and salt. Mix
together egg, milk and
corn oil, add to flour
mixture. Stir until
smooth. Dip shrimp into
batter, drain well. Pour
corn. oil into a. heavy,
sturdy flat bottomed 3 qt.
saucepan, filling utensil
no more than one third
full. Heat over medium
heat to 375 degrees F.
Carefully add shrimp, a
few at a time. Fry 2 to 3
minutes or until golden
brown. Serves 6.
Easy Syrup for Pickled
' Beets
One cup vinegar, 2 cups
water, 1 tsp. brown sugar
to a quart, dash salt and
pepper: Heat liquid and
pour over prepared beets
in a quart jar.
Approximately 2 cups
liquid are needed for 1
Harvey Hammond, dressed in pioneer costume,
had his hands full last Saturday giving children
buggy rides at the Tuckersmith-Vanastra Fair. The
first annual event attracted a good crowd, and
featured as well, a frog jumping contest and a pet
show. (News -Record photo)
Tuckersmith-Vanastra fair big hit
Last Saturday • August
26, the first Tuckersmith-
Vanastra Fair was held
at Vanastra Centre.
Many local people came
to enjoy the parade,
exhibits and activities.
A frog derby was held
at 1 P.m. and the trophy
for "frog champ" went to
Mark Leduc's frog; and
second place was Lyrin
McFadden's frog and
third place went to Mike
Maxwell's frog. All en-
trants received ribbons
for "their efforts" and
Resource centre news
On September 7, at 7
p.m., there will be a
meeting of the committee
for the community
development program.
This meeting will be to
make plans for the up and
coming Communication
workshop with Mr. Don
Graff from Kitchener.
Notices of jobs
available from the
Exeter and Goderichi
Manpower centres • are
still being posted on the
Community Bulletin
Board in front of the
Vanastra Centre.
Reminders that on
the parents enthusiastic
support was appreciated.
A successful pet show
was held at 2 p.m. when
Bernard Bryan judged
18 dogs. The best dog of
the show was "Dan", a
German Shepherd owned
by Chris Gill, who won a
trophy donated by Runsal
Enterprizes. The best act
of the show was
"Katuna" a Siamese
owned by Tina Jeffrey,
who won a trophy
donated by Tuckersmith
The most original pet, a
chipmunk owrned by
Kenny Laws won a trophy
in that category donated
by Vanastra Resource
Centre. All entrants won
ribbons for their beautiful
A baby contest wa:
held at 3 p.m., the judge
being Mary Divok, Mari
Rogerson and Jo;
September 8, Mini Teens Langan. The best bab:
and Teen Club will start between 0-12 months wa
meeting again. On Brandon Gardiner, son of
September 11, the Calorie Mr. and ,Mrs. Alan
Counters will meet. ,.Gardiner, ,Aianastra.
Helpful hints: laundry tips
For a real step -saver,
when house cleaning, use
a clothespin apron. The
pockets can be used to
hold' odds and ends, then
theycan be put back in
the proper place as you
To whiten linen or
cotton, boil.in a solution
of three parts water and
one part cream of tartar.
To prevent creases in
pant legs, etc., made by
hanging over a wire
hanger, slice an empty
paper towel tube length-
wise, fit it over the bot-
tom of the hanger, and
tape the slit. Instead of
taking down long drapes
when working on floors
or shampooing carpets,
hang a wire coat hanger
on the drapery rods and
Townships get OHRPgrants
Three local townships
have received grants
totalling $95,000 under the
Ontario Home Renewal
Program (OHRP).
Colborne township will
receive $25,000, Goderich
township $30,000 and
Tuckersmith township
$40,000, announced
Ontario Housing Minister
Claude Bennett.
Grants totalling
$1,236,374 were allocated
By Rena
Recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Anderson were Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Caldwell,
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Bruner, Leamington,
Mrs. Walter Schneider,
North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Upshall, Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Andersen and
Mrs. Prances Upshall
attended a reunion in
Marlette, Mich. recently.
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
McGregor and family
holidayed in the USA for
a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
McLellan were recent
visitors in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
McGregor and family
attended the Toronto
exhibition this week.
Barry McCallum
returned home from the
Kingston area where he
has been working.
Mrs. Arte McCallum
returned home from
University Hospital,
Mr. and . Mrs. John
Anderson have returned
from Vandalea, Ohio.
Kippen East W.I. had a
booth at the . Bean
Festival Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Parsons have returned
from a holiday in
Prankenmuth, U.S.A.
to 27 municipalities
between August 21 to 23
under the OHRP
The program provides
grants •to Ontario
municipalities to ad-
minister as loans to
homeowners to' repair
their houses to meet
acceptable municipal
minimum standards.
Loans up to $7,500 can
be given to eligible
homeowners, with a
portion of the loan
"forgiven" depending on
the recipient's income.
Interest rates vary from
zero to eight percent,
lift the bottom of the
drapes onto them. The
drapes will stay clean
and not wrinkle.
again depending on in-
OHRP offers home
renewal possibilities to
homeowners in any
Ontario municipality
which has adopted either
minimum housing
standards bylaw or a
resolution setting such
Runners ..up -1 were Liza
,Nola , da Ver of Mr.
and Mrs. n Nolan,
Seaforth" ' aWd 'Luke
Harris, son ,pf Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Harris.
The best baby between
13-24 months was Trevor
Plumsteel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ron ' Plumsteel,
Vanastra. Runners up
were Ryan Snell, son of
Brad and Debbie Snell,
Vanastra, and Wayne
Riley, son of •Mr. and
Mrs. Riley, 4 Vanastra.
Prizes were trophies
donated by Tuckersmith
Township office, and
silver dollars for second
and third place were
donated by the Resource
The Vanastra Resource
Centre held a raffle, the
Base Factory Outlet
donated a thermal
blanket and lovely table
The annual municipal enumeration will begin on Tuesday, September 5,
1978. During this month, an enumerator, carrying a proper identification
card, will call at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information
required in determining:
• your eligibility to vote in the municipal and school board elections to be
held on November 13 this year;
• the allocation of education property taxes between the public and
separate school systems;
• the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help reduce
local tax bills;
• the preparation of jurors' -lists; and
• population information needed for other municipal programs.
The enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property
status (e.g. owner �r tenant), school support and residency of all members,
of the household.
When the enumerator visits, please check that the information on the}
Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise, it and verify the changes.
If you are not home, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary,
please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible,
in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice.
For any .additional information, ilease contact the local assessment office.
W. F. Jenkins,,
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Huron/Perth Region
Phone: 524-7326
Zenith 66-500
cloth. The tablecloth was
won by Murray Hohner of
Clinton. The Vanastra
and District Lions Club
held a raffle for a four
place setting of Ironstone
dinnerware, this set was
won by Bev Holley,
Mrs. Heather Plum -
steel of Vanastra opened
a Genie Ware booth. Two
free draws were won by
Mrs. Lorna Reid of
Vanastra and'Mrs. Helen
Steenstra R.R. 3, Clinton.
Mrs. Marion' Laws of
Vanastra operated a
Coppercraft Guild booth,
and her free draw was
won by Mrs. June
Tomkins of Vanastra.
A teen dance was held
at the Sandpiper Inn with
a live band
"Drumheller" from
Exeter. Many thanks to -
Mr. Stewart Cassils of the
Sandpiper for his
donation of a room for the
Teen dance.
Many thanks to the
judges, Harvey Ham-
mond, Crown Sports,
Tuckersmith Township
Council, Frank Falconer,
Koma Boats arid all who
volunteered their efforts
to. make this day a suc-
to meet your requirements
No Obligation
Schaefer Residential Design
"Listowel 291-1449
No. 6068 In Stock....
$433 •
Glazed Double Insul Safety
Acrylic Interior/Exterior
WHITE $7 98
R-10 R-12 R-20 R-28
JM Fiberglass Batts
In Stock -- get it done
NOW, before the fall rush.
along with some
overstock items.
Building Supplies
4 door sedan. Finished in Dove'Grey with grey vinyl
roof, red velour 60-40 front bench seat, FR 78 x 15
whitewall tires, 318 lean -burn engine, automatic,
electric rear defogger, body side tape, radio, power
steering and brakes, wheel covers. Stock No. 8C-27
2 door sedan. FR 78 x 15 whitewall tires, Caravelle
package, automatic, 225 2bbl. 6 cylinder engine,
electric rear defogger, left remote mirror, vinyl side
mouldings, AM radio, green, with green landau vinyl
roof, wheel covers. Stock No. 8P•36.! t ■�A/t�
4 door sedan. Green, with green vinyl roof and green
vinyl 60-40 bench seats. Premier SE interior package,
custom exterior package, DR 78 x 14 whitewall tires,
power disc brakes, automatic, 2252 bbl. 6 cylinder
engine, electric heated rear defogger, vinyl side
mouldings, AM radio, power steering, premier wheel
covers. Stock No. 8P-38
2 door. Green cloth and vinyl buckets, with centre
cushion. GR 78 x 14 whitewall tires, air conditioning.
Value package, colour -keyed seat belts, automatic, 360
lean burn engine, body tape striperwhite vinyl landau
roof, premium wheel covers, power steering, power,.
brakes, finished in August green Stock No. 8C-26.
VOLA RES (we have 2 others)
Other 78's
• Pl�,»oi,tr
to clear...
'78 CARAVELLE 4 dr.
'78 VOLARE 4 dr.
'78 DODGE D-100 1/2 ton
1. Sales Tax, will by going
up October 8
2. There will be a price,
increase on the '79's
3. Your Used Car Is worth
more NOW than when
the '79's come out.
26* victoria St., Clinton
cornier location of Haugh tiro Supply 4 8 4 •, ,� ,
OPEN: SALES D5PAl1TM1Pfl: Monday thru. Wodnesday 0 a.rn. • 3:30 p.m. Thursday'$ p.m.
• 3:30 p.m., ♦ p.m. • `10:00 p.m., Prlday $ a.m. 5:30 p.m., Saturday • a.m.. 4 p.m.
sitivr E' AND Milt DtPARTMENT: 'Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Opan
thursdey night) r p.m. to 10 0.111.