HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-08-17, Page 7Ramblings from the races
By Lois Gibbings
A close race among the
drivers is shaping up at
Clinton Kinsmen
Raceway. As of August 6,
Dennis Jewitt of Clinton
is leading the way with 10
wins, followed by Ray
McLean with eight.
Best average is held by
Gerry Roebuck of
Goderich with .489.
Second is Bev Maguire of
London. A $50 cash prize
and a silver tray will be
presented to the leading
driver in each category
from June 25 to Sep-
tember 24 by Molson's
Brewery (Ontario) Ltd.
4111rn Sunday afternoon at
,Clinton track, H.O.
(Bud) Jerry of Goderich
gave his 10:year-old
pacer Muddy Royal his
first win in two years.
Time for the mile was
2:07.3. He has also had
two seconds and five
thirds from 12 starts this
year. Dennis Jewitt
finished fourth with his
Armbro Prince in the
same race.
Bev's Ace was third
with Ross Battin up for
owner James D. Taylor of
Hensall in the third.
Randy Henry also had a
third with J.C. Lornie Lee
for Douglas Kerr of
Dungannon followed by
0a ck Duckworth
riving Yvonnes Jeff for
wners Wayne and Janet
Bennewies of Crediton in
the fourth.
Shar Mel, a four-year-
old mare by Tarport
Arnie -Mary Glenford,
owned by Larry and Ray
Jeffrey of Goderich, was
driven to her first 1978
win and a new' record of
2:08.3 by Jack Duck-
worth in the sixth. John
Jewitt of Londesboro was
second,. with his Skippy
Swift Honey, owned
by Arnold Doak of
Goderich was second in a
2:06 mile in the seventh
with Randy Henry on the
bike. Dennis .Jewitt
finished fourth with Jo
Spinner for Franc Stroop
of Fordwich.
Nota Slowpoke, owned
by Bill )Bennett and Don
Carter of—Seaforth was
third for ''driver Ron
Williamson in a 2:09.4
mile in the eighth.
Armie, a three-year-old
Horton Hanover colt was
the winner of the tenth
race, $1,000 preferred
pace. He was driven by
Ken Hardy for owner
Lyle Revington of Lucan
in a 2:05.2 mile. Yankee
Meadow N, owned by Ron
Williamson and Helena
Lane of Seaforth, finished
second with Ron driving.
From 24 starts this year,
the six-year-old New
Zealand bred horse by Sly
Yankee -Lady N gaire,
has had seven wins, five
seconds and four thirds,
good for earnings of
$11,451 and a record of
2:02.2. J.D,. Pride,
winner of the Centennial
Pace last week, finished
Jim Howatt of Lon-
desboro was the lucky
winner of the free draw
for a Bulova watch,
courtesy of Anstett
Jewellers Ltd. Clinton,
Stich takes place every
ce day. -
At Greenwood
Raceway in Toronto on
August 8, Hullet Rose,
owned by Ed Bezaire of
Seaforth finished third
for driver Dennis Jewitt
in a 2:04.4 mile. Royal J
R, owned+ by Wayne
Horner of Brucefield, was
a winner in 2:02.1 for
driver Ron Waples. -
United Co -Operatives
of Ontario
Livestock Department
Ship your livestock
, with
Monday is shipping
dsy from;Virns Stockyard,
prevbusly *ay Scotchmer
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.1.5. per hundred for
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Call Dashwood 230-2107
or flayfleld 565.2636
By 1s30 M.rn. Monday
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No charges on pick-up
W.O (Ted) McLean of
Goderich was second
with Skip Zip the
following night in a
division of the Stan-
dardbred Futurity Stakes
for two-year-old filly
pacers for a purse of
$15,174. Time for the mile
was 2:03.2.
Wayne Horner's pacer
Contemplate was third at
the same track on August
10. Irisha Hanover, that
was claimed from Lorne
Tyndall of Clinton on
August 4, took a new
record of 2:05 at Elmira Bill Boussey.of London,
on August 11 when she John Hessel of Goderich'
won the seventh race. and . Jamie Caldwell of
Joe McDaid of Kilxpen were the top
Goderich was third with marksmen at the Kippen
Rossland Abbe in a 2:03.3 Gun Club's last trap
mile at Flamboro on shoot, each getting a
Thursday night. perfect score of 25.
Dapper Dillon, owned Harrison Schock of
by. Doreen Rowcliffe of Zurich came second with
Hensall and Barry Elliott 24 and following third
of Kitchener, who was
Mathers finished fourth
with Imp Mathers for the
Broken M. Stables of
Goderich. Randy Henry
was third with Crimson
Josie in the seventh for
Bruce Volland of,
Goderich. John Mathers
finished fourth with
Streakin Time for owner •
Ken Mathers of London in
the tenth.
At Elmira on Monday
night, Verdun Vanstnne
of Benmiller was third
with both his own Winnie
Ensign and his son Bob's
Dainty Meadow.
The Ontario Sires
Stakes for two-year-old
filly pacers will be the
feature attraction at
Clinton on Sunday,
August 20. Qualifying
races will be held at 12:30
pm with post time at 1:30
Kippen Gun Club results
representing Canada in
the $200,000 International
Trot at Roosevelt
Raceway, Westbury,
New York made a break
leaving and finished
eighth on Saturday night.
At Flamboro, the same
night, Randy McLean
was a winner in 2:07.4.
with Pure Sterling, a
three-year-old filly by
Ferric ` Hanover -Sterling
Arbela, for, owner Wm.
Bradley of Goderich.
Margies Girl, owned by
Ken Parke of Zurich and
driver John H. Lester of
Forest, picked up her
sixth win and was timed
in 2:04 for her fastest
mile this year. The five-
year-old mare by Excel
Knight -Margie Duke has
also had one second and
three thirds from 33
starts, for earnings of
over $12,000 this year.
Lifetime, Margies Girl is
a winner of over $120,000
and has a record of 2:02.2.
Mac Sewers was fourth
with his five-year-old'
trotting mare Sunday
Chimes at Barrie on
Saturday night.
At Hanover on August
12, Gerry Roebuck of
Goderich drove two
horses for owner Larry
Yuke of Hanover. He was
a winner in 2:09.2 with
Beverly J. and finished
third with Active Angel.
Victorious David, a
four-year-old gelding by
Royal Melody -Victorious
Harmony, that was
raised by August De
Groof of Clinton, com-
peted in the Radio Shack -
Ontario Harness Hor-
semen's Association four-
year-old pacing series.
Bob Walker drove for
owners Ruby and Louis
Keyes of Bramalea.
Victorious David
finished third in the 2:03.2
mile but was placed fifth
for interference. He has
started 34 times this year
with four wins, three
seconds and 12 thirds, for
earnings of $5,565 and a
record of 2:04.1. August is
presently training a full
sister called Victorious
Iron Lassie had her
fifth win of the year in
2.:08.2 with Bob Walker up
for owner Bert McBride
of Goderich. Jack
Meriam was third with
Claybrook Romeo for
Charles Brindley of
Goderich while John
with 23 points were Joe
Kenda of Zurich, Bert Hill of Varna and Dennis
Mahaffy of Staffs and McBride
Mery Batkin of Clinton.Kippen along
Lloyd Venner of Hensall withcre of Bryan Beer of
and Dan Crerar of Hensall finished with 16
Hensall both shot 22 hits. Wayne Smith
traps. finished last with 15.
Doug Sutton of London
hit 21, John Lohse of
London hit 20 and Ken
Kipfer of Dashwood and
Robert McGregor of
Kippen both finished with
19 hits. Elgin Kipfer of
Dashwood had 18.
Finishing with 17 points
were Gerald Horton of
Clinton and Grant
McGregor of Kippen. Bev
Edmonton Oilers
team owner a
Clinton native
Peter Pocklington is business.
known from South- The Shirley. Ford car
western Ontario to dealership turned over
Edmonton, Alberta as an 4,000 new cars and 3,000
enthusiastic young en- used ones in 1977. As well
trepreneur. He is well since moving to
known for his car Edmonton in 1971,
dealership, Shirley Ford Pocklington has bought
in Edmonton, a business and sold more than $360
that has the largest million in real estate.
volume dealership in, In. his most recent
Canada. acquisition. Pocklington
His name has more bought the Oilers eight
recently appeared across months ago from Nelson
the nation's sports pages Skalbania.
as the new bwner of the Pocklington, who is not
World Hockey really sports minded. told
Association team, the Miller, "I don't know:why
Edmonton Oilers. I bought the hockey team.
However, a fact that I guess it was just a case
many people might not of being in the right place
realize about this young at the right time. My
man is that he was born motivation for buying
in Clinton, Ontario. and selling anything has
Although he and his, been the challenge of
family have been long making it successful - the
associated with London, challenge of taking
Dick Atkey informed the something that has not
News -Record that done well and turning it
Pocklington was born around into a profit
here, to Mr. and Mrs. making enterprise. I
Basil Rocklington, for- suppose the thing that
merly of Rattenbury pushes me the most is the
Street East. Basil fact that I deplore being
Pocklington was a associated with anything
Dominion Life that is not successful."
representative in Clinton
before moving to London. Bill Smile ...
Although Peter and his y
family moved to London • from page 4'
when he was a small boy, I guess we're a bit like
unlike most other boys, the Swedes. They're the
Peter always had a love most sensual, sun -loving
for money and business. sexy people in the world
Ernie Miller of the when they get south of the
London Free Press ex- Straits of Saggerack. The
plaited in his daily rest of the year, they're
column that even at the
age of 12, Peter got the too busy committing
neighbourhood kids suicide.
together as his first We're not much for the
latter, we Canadians. At
company and they tore
down the family garage
and sold the lumber. .
Pocklington's company
and employees have
expanded over the years.
He presently operates
four major businesses
and more than 900 people
work for him. Last year
his companies did more
than $250 million worth of
least, not physically. We
do it mentally and
But just the other day, I
noticed the acorns falling
in great quantities. We all
know what that means.
All together, now, and
let's have some harmony.
"It's going to be a LONG,
.:f: i<%+o-.5"d" .. _
Norm Jewell -
Machinist -
tool & die maker
All kinds of metal
machining and fabrication
- lathe work, milling -
metal parts made &
repaired, repairs to all
kinds of equipment.
Welding - all kinds of welding heavy & Tight - steel, stainless
steel, aluminum - welding repairs to all kinds of equipment -
porfable welder on wheels for on site repair lobs.
51 Quebec Street, Mitchell Ph. 348-$933
Many area residents took advantage of the free public health clinics last week
in Huron County to get their booster shot against the dreaded polio disease,
which has broken out in a small part of the province. Here a nurse gives a shot
to an area resident at the Clinton health office. Only those under 18 will be
vaccinated for the time being. (News -Record photo)
Hensall's secondary plan is read
Hensall's secondary
plan outlining landuse for
the village took ,one more
step on the long road to
becoming official when
council gave the bylaw
first reading.
Before giving the bylaw
first reading, council q
voted not to change any,
of the zoning designations
in the draft plan. Three
changes had been
suggested at the public
meeting held earlier.
County planner Roman
Dzus told council changes
could be made in the plan
by council later, but it
takes 60 days.
Once the plan is given
second and third reading,
it will be forwarded to the
county planning office.
After their examination it
will be printed and 'sent to
the Ontario Government
for approval. It will likely
take a year before it.will
be sent back, Dzus said.
Reeve Harold Knight
said the bylaw will be on
the agenda of the next
council Meeting for final
approval. Council
decided not to give the
bylaw three readings in
order to give members of
council more time to
study the plan.
First reading of the
bylaw means any new
development will be
subject to the plan, Dzus
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