HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-08-03, Page 10PAGE 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1978
the BA MELD bugle
By Mi!vena Erickson
Lioness penny sale results
Following is the list of
articles, donors and
winners in the Lioness
Penny Sale draw also
held the night of the
Lions Carnival: Melitta
Coffeemaker, Peck
Appliances Varna, Mrs.
Gerald Uniac; 4 cans oil,
Mcllwain Garage, John
Graham; identification
bracelet, Lioness
member, Mrs. Le Nora
Orr; picnic jug, The Old
Homestead Camp, Tara
Cluff; sculpture, Smith
Pro Hardware, Sara
Frank; pin and earring
set, Lioness member,
Debbie Switzer; Knitted
'tea cozy, Lioness
member, E. Metcalf.
Clock, Clinton Electric,
Clara Johnson;
flowerpot, The Dutch
Store, Tom Hill; beach
bag and accessories, The
Wardrobe, Ann Langley;
Magazine rack, Beattie
Furniture, Mary John-
son; book (Snowhi'te)•.
Lioness member,
Tammy Caldwell; 2
steins, Village Guild, Reg
Two Swirlaways,
Arnold Making Plum-
bing, Ruth Moore; 9
pieces ehicken, Buffys
Burgers Peg Burt; 9
pieces chicken, Buffys
Burgers Julie Dundas; $5
gift certificate, Camp-
bells Men's Wear, Stan
Smith; $10 gift certificate
Joan Cluff, $5 mer-
chandise voucher, Oesch
Footwear, Zurich, Stan
Smith; $5 voucher,
Zurich Bakery and
Cheese House, Andrew
Bullen; dinner for four,
Albion Hotel, Richard
Simons; $5 merchandise
voucher, Varna Lucky
Dollar, Nancy Elmslie;
$5 voucher for 5 lbs beef
patties, Yungbluts' Meat
Market; Lillian Turner;
$5. cash, La Porte Meat
Market, Marilyn Haw;
$10-, merchandise
voucher, McLeod
Fisheries, Ted Cosford;
two dinner specials, Dry
Stock, Mrs, Jack
Tillmann; shampoo and
set, Brandon's Beauty
Shop, Madeline Dobbyn;
York; lamp, Ball and $5 merchandise voucher,
Mutch, Rob Cluff; folding Corries Red and White,
door, Fred J. Hudie Ltd., Jay Ball; scenic tour of
Walt Erickson; Bayfield, Tom Penhale,
Slippers, Holland Tara Cluff; $6 voucher at
Shoes, Ruth Moore; Uncle John's Cabin, 3
gallon paint, Ball and Lioness members, Jeff
Macaulay, Tito Kroh Ball; Lunch specials
mer; beswick cat, Village, Zurich Hotel, Richard
Guild, Mrs. Bonnie. Simons; $5 merchandise
Jewell; planter, Bakers 'voucher, Don Cloves
Farm and Garden Farm Grocery, Zurich,
Centre, Pat McDonald; 2 Julie Dundas.
med T. Shirts, Buffys' Subscription, Clinton
Burgers, ,T a n y a News -Record, Helen Le
Grillmeyer; one small T Beau; pulsator, Snell
shirt, Buffys' Burgers, • Plumbing and Heating,
Erwin Hintz; ceramic Doug Telford; 4 dozen
lady and gent, Lioness glasses, Tank and
member, Yvonne Tummy, Teri Rau; can
Campbell; pillow cases, hair spray, Lioness
Lioness member, JoAnne member, Sandra Faber;
Burt; potted plant, 2 ploughing match mugs,
Cookes' Florist, Danielle Lioness member, Pat
Simons; camera, Nestles Brandon; container of
Canada Ltd; Janet shampoo and rinse,
Steadman; cup and Lioness member, Doris
saucer, 1Vfargaret Hess Hunter; oven mitts,
Jewellery, Zurich, Joan Lioness member, Brian
McFadden; fish and
chips for 2, Tank and
Tummy, Lioness
member; Doug Telford:
plaque, Ancient Mariner,
Record, Zurich
Superior Store, Mrs. J.
Short; 2 plaques, Zurich
Pro Hardware, Mrs.
Greta Scotchmer, anti -Stan Smith; 3 plaques,
freeze, STP brake fluid, Gammage Flowers, A.B.
Merner's Garage; Sara Smith; quilt (9 block)
Robinson; wallet, Aiken Lioness Members, D.
Bros., Connie Caldwell; Warwick; motorcycle
stuffed rabbit, Lioness protection belt and
member, Tracey Pit- trainer wheels, Steve •
b l a do ; bathroom Argyle, Rob Siertsema;
dispenser, Lioness Blue Mountain pottery
member, Eleanor figurine, 'Graham's
Watson; lamp, Turkheim General Store, Marie
Furniture Zurich, Tom Pauli ; pancho, Carol
Hill; wooden bowl, Fisher, Pat Lester;
Anstett Jewellers, Gayle childs knitted hat,
King; Lioness member, Becky
Metal figurine Clinton Scotchmer; stein, Red
Home Hardware, Brian Pump, Jay Ball; 3 draws
Kenwell; knitted•hat.and on wine baskets, Gam-
teddy bear, Lioness mages, Barb Overhold,
member, Doris Hunter; Mrs. Aberhart, Richard
Chanel bathpowder, Simons; hanging ash
Lioness member, Janis tray, Brandon's Pro
Walker; planter, Woollen Hardware, Elizabeth
Shoppe, J. Jean Hooton; Jones.
two bath towels, lioness Chrome tray Brandon's
member, Jeanne Lind- Pro Hardware, 011ie
say; wastecan, - Village Reid; coaster set,
Guild, Lillian Penhale; Lioness member, R.
hat, socks, two badges, Heard; slippers, Lioness
Bluewater Golf Course, member, B e r t h e n a
Ron Burt; Hibatchi, Don
Haw Construction, Rob
Siertsema; Nylon nap -
sack, Lioness member,
Melanie Van Patter;
Macrame Purse, Lioness
member, Doris
Will be closed for
holidays from
August 7
August 11
For oxygen, acetylene or
welding supplies, contact
Lorry Lovett
Hammond; serviettes
and candle set, Lioness
member, Dorothy
Hovey; Parker pen set,
Lioness member, Barb
Sturgeon; Barbie doll
clothes, Lioness member,
Michelle Scotchmer;
water can ornament,
Lioness member, Teri
Weber; Patti -stacker,
Lioness member, Coleen
Cluff; fire extinguisher,
Jack Scotchmer, agent,
Hay Twsp. Fire
Insurance, Lydia
Lohrenzen; Guy Lom-
bardo music sheets,
Lance's Antiques, Pat
Frisbee Lio,ness
member, Audrey Payne,
flower arrangement and
plaque, Lioness member,
Hilda Semple; 'can hair Despite the fact that
spray, Lioness member, there is no Arena in which
Luanne Erickson; to hold any major fun -
friendship book, Lioness ctions this year, Bayfield
member, K. Lynn; Lions Club still staged a
ploughing match tray, very ,successful Carnival
Lioness member, Dave in Clan Gregor Square
Fawcett; mirror and and in and around the Old
siren, Steve Argyle, Town Hall, Friday
Kathy, Talbot; cup and evening last.
saucer, Lioness member; The Carnival started
Kathleen Hill; velour off at 7 'p.m. with .a
picture, Village Market, parade down Main Street
Elane Brandon; set of led by the Ipperwash
books, Bayfield Building Cadet Band, ending at
Centre, Jo Anne Burt; Clan Gregor Square
soap, Woollen Shoppe, Jo where the judges - Mrs.
Anne Burt. Jack Tillmann; `Mrs.
Security bar, Jim Armand Manness, Mr.
Fisher, Dean Smith; can and Mrs. John Crosth-
hair spray, Lioness waite, Mrs. Hugh
member, Carol Penhale; Gregory, • Mrs. George,
wall plaques, Lioness Youmatoff, Mr. and Mrs.
member, A.B. Smith; Ray Morley, Mrs. Coffin
straw purse, Lioness awarded prizes.
member, Kay McLeod; In the prize winning
box groceries, Village float catagory, Bayfield
Market, Mrs. Bonnie Boy Scouts "Scouting
Jewell; 2 lunches, Little Activities" won first:
Inn, Pat Tonks; 4-2 litre "Family Portrait" (Dr.
ice _cream, Silverwoods, Rob and Doris Hunters"
Tom Amsing; quart offspring) won second,
maple syrup, Van- ,and "The Albion Hotel
derhaar's, Mrs. Iris won third. Special float
Moore; one bucket prize was awarded to
chicken, Schneiders, Knox Presbyterian
Jean' Hill; case potato Church for their float
chips; Frito-Lay, D. entitled "Hosanna".
Warwick; ten loaves In the antique car class
bread, Lewis Bakery, 'Bill Campbell's 1930 Ford.
Ruth Makins. took first; Hubert Thiel's
Two pkgs. each hot dog 1929 Chev was second;
and hamburger rolls, John Campbell Ford
Toastmaster, Marianne Auto -Track won third.
in care of Jo Anne Burt; Brown's Auto Wreckers
Vase, L -Roy Painting (2 Austin Mini cars, front
Stan Heaton; . 2 cases ends welded together) ;
Pepsi; Pepsi Company, Special Prize for Antique
Sandra Talbot; beach Car, Ron Scotchmer.
towel, Coca Cola Com- In the pony' or horse
pany, Wendy Penhale; 36 with rig, the Bayfield
pkgs. chips, Hostess Senior Citizens'won first,
Potato Chip Co, John Tom Penhale, team and
Morrison ; McCain wagon, second and the
Frozen Pies, Goderich Co-op won third.
Frozen Foods, Pat In the horse and riders
Lanley. class, Louise (MacVean)
The beautiful hand Allan as an Indian
made quilt and quilted by Princess, and her baby
the Lioness was won by
Mrs.l Agnes Cameron.
The Ljoness thank all
the donors and sup-
porters very much and to
those who manned the
ticket station so
willingly; and for those
who have not picked up
their Penny Sale prizes
they can be found at
either Graham's General
Store or the Village
The next function
planned by the Lioness
is the "Yard Sale" to be
held at the home of Ken
nnri Phh+nr' nr'nrinn nn
Thursday, Aug, 17 from 10
am to 4 pm. Donations of
articles would be
gratefully accepted but
please no refrigerators or
A community picnic is
planned for Sunday,
August 20 at 2 pm in Clan
Gregor Square. Bring
your lunch, chairs,
plates, cutlery and don't
forget the children. There
will be a Hallowe'en
Dance and draw on
October 28 for a "dressed
hog" (Pig?) Contact any
Lioness member
The Albion Hotel had a float in the Bayfield Lions annual Frolic held last
Friday night in the village, Despite the lack of the arena, the event was called a
success. (Photo by 1Vlllvena Erickson)
Lions Carnival, a big success
ZURICH 236-4381
Elgin Hendrick Dashwood
Hugh Hendrick Klppen
Jack Scotchmer Bayfield
Glenn Webb Dashwood
composition of the great team,
not only massive common sense
and reasoning power, not only
imagination, but also an element
of legerdemain, an original
and sinister touch which leaves
the enemy puzzled as well as
beaten. There are many kinds of
manoeuvres in croquet, some
only of which take place upon
the battlefield."
River City
daughter as her papoose
won first; Mary Faure on
an Arabian Horse
wearing an arabian
costume took second and
Judy Huntley as a
cowgirl won third.
Pony riders, Tanya
Traubenberg on a donkey
won first, Darrin Bartels
was second and Janet
Kaptein third. First
second and third for
Decorated Bikes went to
Kelly Brandon as Black
Cat; Bobby Fisher, clown
and Ryan . Wackhaus as
Fireman, Special prize
was awarded to Brett
Decorated Trike prizes
were won by Susie
Wackhaus; Sarah, an
Indian Girl and Nurse,
Julie Mould.
tviiscetianeous cart
class, 1st Matthew King,
1$aa Baa Black Sheep;
second Rebecca Stevens,
Mary Mary Quite Con-
trary; and third Wendy
Costumed women or
men class, Sandy Snell as
Raggedy Ann was first;
Deri Chilton as Raggedy
Andy won second and
Scott Pitblado, as Wonder
Woman won third.
Children (pedestrian)
class, first was won by
Chana McLean as an
elephant; Irish couple,
Luanne and ' Lydia
Erickson won second,
and John Hayman as a.
Hobo won third. Chanda
Chilton and Kim Snell as
Harem Girls were
awarded the special
In the Lions Club cash
prizes draw, Mrs. 011ie
Chapman won the first
prize of $200: Five, $10,.00
prizes went to Mrs.
Donald Beck, Bob Peck,
' Varna; Audrey Graham;
Roger Amy, Goderich
and Ed Heard, Varna.
The Lions Clubwishes
to thank all those who
assisted and those at-
tending who all helped to
make the Carnival a
success. A special thanks
also to Yogi Bear's
Jellystone Park who'
groomed 15 of their horses Scotchmer who both
and found riders to ride in returned their prize
the Parade and to the money as donations to the
Albion Hotel and Ron Arena Fund.
Baptist church news
Hy Janet Talbot
At the Bayfield Baptist
Church thisweek, the
Pastor Rev. Lis Shiel
spoke at both services
this Sunday with the
Sunday school
superintendent, Doyle
Cullen in charge of the
Sunday school and Mrs.
Ann Chapman as the song
leader. Mrs. Chapman
also led the Junior
Church service.
tor the evening ser-
vice, ` the Pastor used
Luke chapter 24:13-35
Mrs. Ann Chapman
sang the lovely solo:
There's never been a
friend like Jesus.
After the evening
service, the monthly
fireside time was held in
the basement of the.
Church, with refresh-
ments served and a social
time was enjoyed by all.
Saturday, August 5
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
at the Clan Gregor Square. Bayfleld
ALL YOU CAN EAT! Sponsored by Bayfield
Lions Club.
All Proceeds to the
Arena Fund. • .
ADULTS •6.00
Round about
e village
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
\Pollock, Lee Ann, Robert
and .Jamie, Pilot Butte,
Sask. visited two weeks
with his mother, Mrs.
Susie Pollock. Also
joining them for a family
get-together was Mrs.
Bonnie Curran, Christine
and Barbara of Don
Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Pollock, Jane and James
of Hensall. All attended
the Lions Carnival
Friday evening and
renewed the acquain-
tances of many friends.
Mr. Charles Rogers of
Ottawa joined his wife
Annake and family at
their Village home for
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Burt and family,
Mississauga, spent
several days at their
-home in the Village.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Scott returned home after
spending two weeks „ in
western Canada visiting
relatives and friends in
Melport and Naicam,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
B. rt. and family spent a
few days at their home in
Walter Erickson,
Luanne and Lydia
holidayed at Crazyhorse
Campgrounds, in Port
Huron, Mich. They were
joined for a few days by
Mrs. Erickson and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
F. Cooper, Mount
Clemens, Mich. are
presently enjoying a
holiday at their residence
on Clan Gregor Square.
They had as their guest,
Mrs. Margaret Day of
Birmingham, Mich,
Congratulations to
Debbie Pugh and Lorne
Taylor, ' who- where
married Saturday in St.
Andrews United Church,
Dr. and Mrs. W. Furter
and daughters Lesley,
Jane and Pamela of RMC
Kingston, Ont. and Mrs.
A. Furterof London, Ont.
are holidaying in
Bayfield for two weeks.
Church aisle: bridal
Look all ways before you
cross the road.
2. Keep away from all
parked cars.
Ride your bike safely and
obey all signs and signals.
4. Play your games in a safe
place away from traffic.
5. Walk, don't run, when
you cross the road.
6. Where there are no side-
walks, walk off the road
to the left` and face on-
coming traffic. -
M5V 1K1
(town, city and postal code)
Only one of Elmer's six rules will fit perfect-
ly into the spaces provided. Look for the
clues in the picture, write the rule in these
splices and write the number of the broken
rule in the space provided below the picture.
The number is hidden somewhere in the
picture. Find it and circle it, then colour the
picture neatly.
in co -O eratWn with