HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-7-14, Page 4exoter ritne4 WOrSe‘ •If otUe ia to denetta from %WE, ALLNICFOUP l'i/IT-TIII3g3 1 IlfINV ADVERTXS`FiggliTS TavusDAy, jtiLy 1,4th, 1867. the Toronto shrievaity, froin Petnos or gm sIieemog ELLT(Yr-45 ELIAOT uncle to nephew, as was the ease of """'”1— • father to son, as in the case of the BStarri ors S or 1t 3 1 c , Not1 3 P r bit ..day It t t1.1 ;oat torrrible 01,0,4 t..)/1I0 a' 11 e' ntarlo County appoittt ment, where ' tht/1teyer, dTegraeL the 111,3tery 1-31.400 1..,,• ,onveyancer$ NOTBS- • Mr, Paxton, jr,, has succeeded his Vcoitty Was enacted the Pewnship et an 4'tel of father as sheriff, we will certainlyheL ebo nt one wile end e*)-te,it north of Tara, 111V41 " WfAIN.ST. EXETER Ho& hOt130.,S White thc Interior estimates that hleh "vaulted, in thtf.,deetn- of Pira. Arai" 1 B. V. ELLIOT T E LLIOT, ave a most lam a bald ' * e hie state of, ItfoD oull La„ e, 1 tandem:le widow aairs, there aO Mr. A. McDougall led ill)9t1t five yearBRICZ nd TILE s about. thirty.tive yea bP a considerable surpn lus this I these natters Pierner 1\ilowat ago, leaving his wid with four childreu. TARI aged from one to 501/04 Yearst and in fairly cam cit a e °items atteve, u Y a ,year year, The recent favorable 14'5,1- 4.4sliortring anything but a liberalt IA provement in the revenue returns is spirit. Ile appvently beliovesobat more after hie decease a neighbor named FOR SALE -yz,•agatainsl,trioa machine, Tile ivaohin regarded bv the inenallers •ot the the good things of' this earth belong Stlizin°1 HuglICIS' 4141i4f Xat3434. t41144' rpiniv tutiou the a wife to make Ivito'neAv1,1 TA 131°Zr &rul NVBlitre Qlha'11:6' cls, 4, Ali 1„ Geyernmeut as an indication ot the to a, t,eleCt few, and that select •few living in Tara,. who %aka pot live wail him dres0 a evla mcreased prosperity of the country. ;••hall be succeeded by iheir heirs • • ' beetles° of lus ill-treifilmout of her be %It to Se great intetreetee4 the welfare of Me- RK 'S NOTICE OF TEE and a.ssigns, • Such ',a system of Doogall's widow, am, her in various Qp Hay, 0 minty of Hurim, Notice is. hereby ter and Salting her Mel ':firop of hay the• waye, by erit'ohl4 her wot; t in. tha win., wets, 1887, krautaipaitty of FIRST Posting of Voters' Lists ' ON Thursday, the Rev.. Dr. Mac' prostituting the publie service into beth, of Enniscorthy, embarked on a family fortu Orange threatens the be eau. te )dur at her house al- required h •I °°" Testa Act", tho ie TOVSi given tbat I have transmi e y ne cannot be too Enninnar' lib' °taut bPmme 1"re xxittrk-' the in he srd and 4tb tted or clolivere t ug Cana- da. whence he comes as an1 ,p s In or the a t v. t ""a meati000d • t a the Celtic for New York and Cana- strongly reprobated. Ever d Every ay it • • ad, year by ye teen , ,„ , seetions of write V d Ten seqi"on to be so a community mpre and most entire onit.e he Act, f (N. of the list made pure taut tosl,etil neighbors fe 1' r twat s an ea mosetetsllelmurtio,illitimearing by t1L 1st reyi plated visit to England and Manitoba will, it is said, be bandoned•owing . rule ot family or political service, marry ' ai "ell a thing, s!wf('14:' hfk'All7 13°It and tOOk sousent to a separatism' Ind evfie to let him law, again. rs ug es, ee#mesheaiwsoaueld M 'LI b 'CI l' d 1 h of July, len, Clerk of municipality. more then these officea are public +h In, °117,:el'S Ooif thetlle L8" (1' til ' i i at °le:. no, and that said list the mischief Mr. trusts o „.....e liberty of potutingront to her the errors be enti ' for m,, to in said municipality tled to Ito ' evapfttlur:Apsaal9itt:btioy ut e him and would1 cirAvlul4 attention to tious repnes wet e that ana at luatholnal Weeti are called upon to examine the said. liot, and O'Brien has -wrought in the Domin- ion. should fill them, and if the public Hughes had always used heraindiy, that she Township ot if public should say who „ .,. Hughes' character. Hee and ,. eao. remains ay 00 the Iltla clay Suly, 1887: I my office Lot 0. Con. 9 was first posted ti 7 at desire that they shall rem • • 1 , d tnatIry dui if she could. it atty orarnissions or any other errors are there for inspeotion: Electors Hon Edward Blake continues to trusts they should demand power wife to release ain public Recently Elughes made overtiaresta his Tara found therein, ib take immediate pr edi improve4in health. His contem- him from b h d th t h ld tn have the said errors ootreated ".° • "6 himto her, offering heur/.00 I e bon.ds a e acorn ling to to fill them, not according to the Dated this 14th day S. i0OSTER, overtures, though. very willing to be rid of but as to the capability and trust- , orator to undo • • • to the trial of the petition against her unloved spouse in a. legal and proper ' . worthmess.—Toronto i'Vetes (Reform). manner. his election in West Durham, whic This was the condition of affairs two •FARM FOR SALE. Comes off in September. A TORONTO merchant writes the follow-moot.ha ago, wheu a second man appeared upon the scene in the person of Alex Deem, First clas'. s one ho Tdre—d morel, one mile East ing letter to the Toronto World :— A. ster, of Algoma, a former liotel-keeper W of Centralia year ago coal was selling at e6 a ton. I Allenford, who had known Mrs. McDougall For Particulars British Canatitan :—Wheat is sell- ing in Chicago at 69 cents a bushel. Mr. Fuller wants commercial union so that the Canadian farmer will be able to get 69 cents for his wheat. Oats in Chicagoareworth 25 cents. With commercial union the 'Cana - 1 dian larn might also be able to get 25 cents' for hs "Uats. 4 THpi$05."dVOCateS of commercial reciprocity tell Canadian farmers that they are "poor and down trod- -den," while the farmers of the Western StaTkare flourishing and ,happy,A, recent number of the MinneafiAAMifin.) Tribune con- tained "seventy five" notices of iforeclosure of Morgages, the most, if not all of them, being on farms. The fact is, the industrious and, intelligent farmers of Ontario are; better off in every way than their brethren of the Western States. Apply to tried to buy my next year's supply to -day as a girl. He lost his wife some years ago, R. HARRISON, wanted another, and he made up his mind to Exeter P . 0. expecting to get it 50 centsper ton cheap- win Mrs. McDougall if he would. He pressed er anyway, the duty baying been taken his suit with vigor, was accepted, and they were to have been. married some day this off, but 1)ias told by the dealer that coal week. It is generally believed that as soon would be no cheaper than last year, the as gre. McDougall engaged herself to Deem - American railroads owned by the coal ster she gave Hughes to understand that his companies havingelapped on anmiditional veid iittos tthoi eheorfmoioilsitr oee.asaendat.eonee. Re object - the change in tariff was made. Are we ee at e vleye e to e 65 cents per ton freight just as soon as the house during the past wekH never received any encoaragement, however, to take this as a sample of what commer- so far as can be learned fmlugdle statements of the children, who report that their mother cial union will clb to us? sent him away again and again. This treat- ment made him desperate, and ou Thttrsclay • ei he made' a will, dividing his property be - DISTRICT DOINGS. tweeu his two sons by his fleet wife. Al the same time he got a friend to telegraph to his Occurranees of the Past Week Throughout SOD at Duluth to aortae home at once as he the Neighborhood in a Concise Form, was not going to live many days. On Friday forenoon he went over to Mrs. McDougall's. She was preparing boil -three eldest children to attend a picnic the neighborhood, and they report that;'their mother and Hughes had some angry words before they left, but no violence was atteMpt- cd. He remained around the prernisee and took dinner with the doomed woman and her youngest child, a little toddler of six years, and his presence there was remarked by a couple of neighbors who came about one o'clock to eet a horse -rake. They were the he corporation thistle pruners of St. - Marys completed their work last week. It is said that people in St. Marys did not eat their cherries this year, the fruit being considered unfit owing to the prevalence of the black knot. Mr. Hiram Hodgins, ex -clerk of Biddtilpla, having sold his property in Clandebove, bas removed to altiLD. The state of his health is not much improved. I really believe I -would not be alive at this time had I not used Everest's Liver Regula- tor.—B. Scouter, Forest P. 0. "THAT Exeter is increasing stead- Mr. Fred. Hollis, cutter at Messrs. White ily. and with a considerable degree of rapidity,is apparent to all, and it requires but little research on the part of one to become cognizant of the fact ; a walk down Main-st. is sufficient evidence to satisfy the most scrupulous, but a drive throughout the town will amply prove that such is the case. On both sides of Main• st., along the less prominent thoroughfares—north and south -- improvements in the line of hand- some buildings erected, are being made. Not many years ago Exeter was a comparative forest, built up only on the main-st, and although the town has been growing more or less year after year, and filling up, not a season in its annals can give a better or larger showing tharu that of the present. Besides the erection of a town hall, I.O.O.F. Temple, and Episcopal church, all of which will be very handsome and capa- cious structures, to cost in the ag- gregate a sum in the neighborhood of $40,000, there are other buildings such as stores and private dwell ings, of no mean calibre, being built. And it is thought that when & Co's., St. Marys, for the last 18 years, has. severed his connection with that establish- ment. A correspondent who has travelled through a large portion of the counties of Bruce aud Huron, says that the prospects for an abun dant yield from all crops were never better. Sam :Martin, an unknown sailor who ship- ped on the schooner Persiwat Sarnia a few days ago, was killed by lightning ou that vessel on Lake Huron, Saturday morning at 8.80 a. m. While itessis. James and Arthur Dusty, of St. Mary's. were driving posts into the ground recently, the head came off the large commander and struck the latter on the side of the head. inflicting a terrible wound, and knocking -out oeveral teeth. The Ontario House, Granton, is closed for the present. The late proprietor, Mr. Ed. Evans, moved away the other morning, dis- gusted with the bu&ness, after giving it near. ly a four mouths' trial. Everest's Liver Regulator has proved the best medicine 1 ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint.—John Jones, Hillsboro' P. 0. The Pacific Telegraph Company wilt soon have an office in Mitchell. The poste from Goderich east are being placed iu position by several gangs. Mr. David Rogers, son of ex -councillor Rogers, of the third line, Blaushard, met with a very serious accident on Monday. He was engaged in makiug bay with a sulky rake when the horse he drove kicked out furiously striking him on the leg and abdo- men. His condition is conside:ed critical. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most re- mWrkahle, medicine 1ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three closes invariably e1 - acting a cure. --Wm Gillts, Forest, P. 0. The Mitchell Advocate says :—..When married and single ladies from town go bath- ing in the river near Cox's bridge, in:broad the building season closes there will! daylight, they shonld, for mere decency's ,, ' sake, if nothing more, wear some covering, have been new buildinols erected and not appearing Adam and Eve first did in re the garden. If the two young lads who were watching them from behind a tree had driven away with theit clothing they would not have been much to blame." Mr. Thos. Robinson, of Nissonri township, here to the amount of about $8o,- 000 or $9o,000. If we are not le - curing new railways nor additional manufacturing industries, our ton 0 ex -warden, it the possessor ot a steer that is, however, being built up. IT is an unpleasant thing to crit- icise otre'S friends or to make a criticism for princ:ple's sake which rare. Mr. 1:t"bma°" 15 also building a line new house with the best furnished kitchen ili Ontario Mr. Robinson says that he will make a present of the colt to he young lady that will marry him. Here is a chance for the feir maidens of Nissouri. Some days since while 111r. Duncan Beaton, driver for Mr. Angus 111cQuaig, of Lueknow, was crossing a big }rage over the Sauble riyer, in the township of West Williams, and about three miles below Allem Craig, the whole strueture went down with a crash, pre. wrong is the More grievous one.c oipitating Mr. 13eaton, team, wa,ggon and two lerge sticks ot hikory timber into the water The idea of succession to office— below. The distance from the bridge to elver was about thirty feet, and strange to say, Mr. Beaton, though badly shaken up, eaoapoa without serious injUry, While one of the lints es also wiraenlously osaaned fatal re' stilts. The other animal will likely die from the effect of the fall. A serious accident odonrred at St. Marys the other day, to a matt named Thoinas Geerie, a resident of the west ward, }le is employed with xtr. Demean Dawson, and brought that gentleman's tear) to caltivate his (Gomm's) garden. After finiehieg the Wolk ha tied the teem hp to the fersee and fed them. Sabeeouently, on preparing to return to ItIr. Daveton'e, he proceeded to hitch rte. when one of the horses kicked, none with 811011 for.) DS 10 (6—weeks.) FARM FOR SALE —Lot 6, in the 4th Con. of S timber', six miles from Exeter, Containing 90 acres, so clear, and 10 woods, The land is In a good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house, two large frame barns, good orchard, good water in wells and springs. L'verything handy, a good and pretty place. Will be sold cheap, Apply on the plaza, or by letter to Do Not Fail to Visit the Mammoth ---STORES Thos. Beattie a CoyP gi ---FOR--- General, Dry -Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Carpets aud 'House Puna)ishings. They show one of the Largest . and Richest Stocks to be found in Canadau NOTE PI -111 ADDRESS :-176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. COO. $* IlEACOVED To new premises West side Main -street One Door South of Post OfEwe Where he will be found with A NEW AND COMPLETE FRANK EVANS. (t—f) Crediton, P. 0. Sewed work a speciality. RAR,iVI FOR SALE: ---The under. promptly attended to. signed offers for sale, his farm, being. lot Repairing ' 14, 000, 8; township of Osborne, two miles aud- it half from Exeter 100 acres, about 83 acres cleated and in filet class state of eultivation, the remainder bush in winch there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; tile farm is also well fenced an drameo ; 13121.41.W1V, there are upon the premises. a first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars good barn ; two never failing springs and one UNDERTARER86 two first-class orchard. For particulars, apply on the premises, to THOMAS SHUTE, (t—f3 EXETER P.0 ONT. GEO. MANSON, THE OLD HoLEOD FARM, IN 401o, 11$000 how Lost, How Restored, I 1110 Just published, a DPW edition of DR. CUL. VERVV LUIS OBLEBRATED ESSAY on the radical ctr:e of SPEDMATORROEA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminary Losses, IM- POTENCY, Mental and Pysical Incapacity, Im- pediments to Marriage, etc. ,• also, OONSIIMP- TIoNE ,EPILEPSY and Errs, induced by self -in - du keno e , ot sexual extravagance, iec. The celebrated author, in this admirable es- say, clearly demoustrates from the thirtyyears' successful practice, that the alarming cense cm mules of self-abuse may be radically cured pointing out a mode of cure at ouce certain, an et effectual, by means of which ever. sufferer, no matter what his condition may by may cure binaseif cheaply, privately eo radically, 1e This lecture should bo in the • herds an every youth and every =mein the land, Sent under seal,in plain envelope, to any address,:post.paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps. Address, • THE OULVERWELL MEDICAL 00., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. P.O. Box, -400 Lots, Lots, Lots. 'OR S&L. 500 Village Lots CABINET-MAER For sale at Reasonable Pikes. THE Township of ay, for sale. It con- Situation good; fronting good Walnut & Rosewood Caskets wide streets ; also a number of talus 100 acres more or less, beingthe west half of Lots No..21 and 22, Zurich gravelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, and all conven Mimes ; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. The land is of good quality being clay loam, Good water. Two and It -half miles from He27- sall market. The property free frorn all ineuni- laet people that saw her aliye. 1.1141e=nelote,f1..1 oaYsigla without i'he little child Mates that inc mother went north to 3outside shortly after their departure, and crops. For further particulars apply°to this Ynughes followed her and spoke to her. She office ,or to *taele some reply, and then he d.res, a little WM. WILSON, short gun from hie pocket and shot at her Hansen. P. 0. Ont. Mt another,h,pfields. - ask- edgaol'toto • OSBORNE, metric!. pal,ty et °Motions for members of the Legisla- tive Aseembly, and al, municipal elections , a nd that Said lint was firposted n st posted at my of flee at Elinovine ob the 8111.1 day of Jame, 1887 01 :1 eon -mine, there for inepeetiort. litlectove sec pon to examine %the said list, end, it any ontisitiorta or any other errera are foe ti ro Ple, to take immediate pro() dedings to have tee 8614011*On corrected aceoraing to , Westcott 60 Sanders, Gen. Agents. 11 Flag Imortatan: ALSO COFFINS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings RECEIVED ! —AND— PLACED UPON OUR SHELVES. A. GRAND DISPLAY Spring and -- Summer Goods. Latest Styles and. Patterns, GIVE 'US A CALL. HIGHEST PRICE' PAID 2011 Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ka- GIVE ME A CALL NOW FOR HOUSES, & FARM-TANI) FOR SALE, - Parties desiring Land. or Houses would do well to con - suit the uudersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. GEN TRA41 Bargains ! DRUC STORE In Eirkton —AT— MOTTPM'S Big Reduction in Prints, 111uspns, Lace, dec., dec., We are determined to clear out all Sum- mer Goods in Ally, OUR BUSINESS iS INCREAS- ING EVERY MONTH. It will.pay you to drive to Kirk on and see our goods and prices, WE WILL GIVE YOU 10 lb. Tim Tea for $1. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED. DOUPE & CO. Picnic ! Picnic! Buy your canned goods from OAPTAIN Armour's Corned Beef 2 Ib. tins 30 cts. Canned Salmon—Lobsters Mackerel St Sardines ALL FRESH AND NEW. GOLD DUST l GOLD COIINMEA L. Try it once and you will always use it. Ocean & Lake Steamships L7V'SUB,11.NVE GENE1ML Fax all information apply to A full stock of all CAPT. KEMP, Drew's DIA and Post -Office. Salt, Salt, Salt BUTTER and. EGGS. The Exeter Salt Works Co'y kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and. always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared -at the Central Drug Store Exeter a LUTZ. 500 TU13.6 Butter Wanted J. thescitia, EXETER NoPTRr Our Stock is Well Assorted ILL Folt THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES ! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c to 750. per r1nassorted stock ofbicely Booth & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices, it T—I T1 W A Ft TI3. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) Beet Machine Oil 60o per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. C.V" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good snit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dr essOood are (narked down to the Loweat Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS POE ONE DOLLAR oF ExET n AHctusoand. Lot, also a llarna for Sale TRICK & CORRELLEY Apply to I MEE SALT AT TEE WELL, AT JOHN A.T.iON, PER TON, qAY P. 0 daf rnent be le doing well, but taai do Otto W. HOLATAN "A oyster!! oi herediry it wilt be Tnuall MARKET SOIJARE1 EXETER* Clerk of letenfeinalit in laid up for Revered weas ef1887,