HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-7-14, Page 3.1 a.. l:BALT,L.A., is out of existence, The truth is, these foul wetter are :more otout fur mischief after they have gone down into the earth than Feeding of Infants. Ij while the were on the 'Surface, c s cols � i Y i pail,, At; this season of the ii' this subject like vaults, should be made. water•ti ht, A , . yew, , tl s subj tis. and shculd be, careful, r ' bhoroughl one, of greet impgrtauce. The following i ,�' �,?td o Y article resents t a coaicise manner the: ventilated by free o4ienFngs' ,ilio. the °P911 p it 1 a ie a e la" T s c r t' n 'e ct'II • • n e u <p ., >, a h s t least kncwlodpo on this subject possessed r , p o s r Pc jug a aro necessary for cesspools. as have been y p mentioned in regard to vaults. the Medical. Profession at the present time " D. Henry Ashby states that it has E ,S LI n e 1 re ei researches o ell S>rf ,s tent s a h use ac- s low b o es D o o that Q v a o e0 lee n it r e s cr H n. n s Y milk illi about 'foul tittles as rich is caseiile quires: such a ootleentratiou of insauital•y as human milk, while the amount of salts odors that it has a characteristic sulci,. ie sonic three or foliar times as rem*, tied the '.Che• Writer has kuowg houses which ono amount of sugar in human milk is half as might recognize by' the aid of the nose, in Milch again tie in cow's milk. 'i."lie addition the darkest night. Those who live in such to COW'S inilk of water and sugar, with the a malodorous -dwelling, get this dame odor Object of approximating the various eonatit- L1tteched to their clothing and their persons, ennts to those of human milk, must ueeee. ea that sometimes we encounter family eerily fail as regards min or more of them, 1 smells. Smells` which have attained this Moreover, the addition to cow's : rnilk . of I magnitude . are truly monstrous and dis limo -water, barley water,,or a fluid °eutam grr•oeful; yet there are thousands of families, trio ever member of which carries a noun with ingdextrins a or some - aaround I 0 0 o heF °elatixous cull y stance, does not, as is generally supposed, him the evidepee of the sanitary neglects prevent the bulkycoagulation provided the which have made Lt home sweet home," a P $ P noisome lace.,, ' fluid be�ef6 at re's't On this account, Dr. place. , Ashb ad. oVAuLTS.—The ordinary privyvault v cater peptoiiized milk.' This a y v u- is a may Ie readily - dig r c to a civilized people.The ' Das- y r die - Prepared for infants b .oar g e e p p t,i yPYp • n on abused t h' nr tmai oft.. r i neglect of r Daae fn t ccs of boiling o s ounces water fol s4 et cin a g, t r t P 'itolerates n • Y ounce -o cleanliness, a o a oh thin s u �S f milk d' o •u adding one-fourth foiirth'of one oftHe hasfilthy b. Benger's a e eonizin powders,two tea- as the vault. from time imme- �r l l? g , gt n. spoonfuls of cream, and allowing it,o stand moria, elnployed the pail system, and for ten or twenty minutes, adcordiu to the 'ddubtleasthereby escapes many of the de - amount of a tom in desired, then addi senses which natural, result from the over. pp z g e, u Y a tea -s oonful of sugar or milk segar, and crowding to which he is subjected. Any p , letting in k vault is a nuisance • but if there must be' i g the infant take at once. 'When this , form of food is administered, though some 1 vaults,' let them be constructed in the least curd may appear in the stools, it is always objectionable fashion possible, A vault soft and,passed without difficulty. I which allows its fluid contents to soak down infection, and frequent. rein ' al of contents,. ov "Another less expensive artificial human ; into the earth, is a menace to every 'well m ma ilk he' ed b t ' within aradius of many rods •, and not only y a peeper„ mixmg:oue guar er t pint of; cream with three-quarters pint of does such a vault contaminate the water warm water, and adding one-half ounce of supply, but it also renders impure the ground milk sugar. To this, two to ten ounces or T air, which may force its way into our dwell - more of milk may bo added, according to ing through the cellar or the . basement, the age or the infant's capacity for the di- Vaults, to be' even partially safe must be gestion of curd,' made water -tight. They should be made of "Another artificial human milk may be brink, laid in cement, and lined with a, good prepared according to Meigs's formula, by I cement. It is alae well to cover the cement taking two table -spoonfuls of cream of medi- with a thick layer of coal tar or `asphaltum. urn quality, one of milk, two of lime -water, By the free use of some good disinfectant, and three of water to which sugar of milk as copperas or white vitriol, not less than has been added in the proportion of seven- Ione -half to one pound daily, the contents of teen and three-quarter drachms to the pint, t such a vault may be kept in a reasonably which saccharine solution must be kept in a safe condition, but should, be removed at cool place, and prepared fresh every day or least once in three months. two. An infant may sake from half a pint LEPROUS Rousse.—`r Iwish you would tell to three pints of this mixture, acaordin to , . me what is the matter with my parlor wall. h There is a spot in the ceiling. Sometimes itis green, then it is yellow or orange ; just now it is brown." Thus said ti lady to the writer one day a few years ago. Said she : "I have washed the spot, and whitewashed it ; and it doesn't seem to do any good. In a few weeks the old spot is back again as big as ever." 'W a asked the lady to take her Bible, and turn to the 14th chapter of Leviticus, verses 34-45, and read e. descrip- tion of thedisease which had attacked her house, and the old Jewish way of treating it. If the reader will turn to the passage, he will see that the disoxiption tallies very well. The fact is simply this : A species of mold often forms upon the walls of rooms which are kept dark and damp, and so long as the conditions remain• favorable, the mold will continue to return. The con- ditions which would favor the growth of mold are most unfavorable to human life. In modern times we know how to eradicate this plague without tearing down the house. After cleansing and scraping the affected wall, apply a strong solution of some good disintectant, as sulphate of zinc or chloride of lime. Expose the room freely to the disinfecting rays of the sun, and open the age. In round numbers, this artificial u. man milk may be said to contain eleven to twelve per Dont, of solids, of which three or four per cent, is fat, one per cent. curd, and six to seven per cent. sugar. "Any one of the above forms of food will generally be found to agree well with a healthy infant, or when .it is suffering from dyspepsia or intestinal' catarrh."' •Treatment in Liver Complaints, According to Murchison, a careful,regu- lation of the diet will do morefor one who is afflicted with a liver trouble . than all medicine. The foods to be avoided are the fatty, the saccharine, and the highly sea- soned. Corn, oats, wheat, sago, rice, and pota- toes consist largely of starch, :which, in the process of digestion, is converted into sugar. In severe, cases, these and kindred substances must bt t n up. As maY t people would find it exceedingly difficult long to despense with the use of wheat bread, gluten bread may be substi- tuted for it; that is bread made of wheat from which about two-thirds of the starch has been removed. The diet should absolute- doors and windows daily, so that air may ly exclude clear fat and sugar. circulate through it, and the brown, or The quantity of the food is a consider- ation hardly second to the quality. Too much food, of whatever kind, must be strictly guarded against. The liver is injuriously affected by alco- holic liquors, generally. These beverages are to be rigidly prohibited, especially malt liquors,`s�iiert wine, and champagne. One would no`tts'•,'ave supposed beer to be worse than brandy, but it is much worse. Next to regulating the diet is securing an abundance of fresh air—sea air is especially healthful in liver difficulties—and a suffi- ciency of vigorous exercise. The action of the skin should be kept up by frequently bathing the body with warns water and soap.' motives, but the first-class carriages were It is also beneficial to drink half a pint of almost of the same pattern as;that still in use on the liner " The second-classwereopen, furnished with curtains to keep off the sun, and beyond the curtains nets were stretched to prevent too curious travellers from losing their balance and their lives. Freach taste asserted itself in the departments of costume and music. The guards had a uniform of blue and gold buttons, and were' supplied with hunting horns. Great importance was attached to thehorne, whichwere to!:represent the cornets used by the postilions of the mail coaches. For a week before the first journey the guards carefully rehearsed a fanfare, which was to be played with great spirit on the de. Seasonable ii rots. parture and just -before the arrival ' of the Don t forget to ive the sleeping -rooms train. They have changed many things on g gFrench:lines in fifty years, and among others and bedding an airing every morning for an have substituted railway whistles for hunt hour or two. ing horns. TOOTHACHE.—If the cavity is so great as . . to allow the air to reach the nerve, get some Holy Visitors in a Russian Village. spirits of nitre and Flux with alum ; saturate a little cotton with 1t and apply it to the In the village of Obodny, in the Govern. cavity. If the pain extends upwards to the ment of Padolia in Russia, a peasant, reput- eye, or takes the form of neuralgia, procurer ed to be very wealthy and to have money some horseradish leaves, take out the stems, green, or yellow spotwill cease to return. -reser►•, A French Jubilee. Paris is making preparations for a special jubilee of her own. A few weeks hence it will be fifty years since the first train steamed out of Paris and reached the suburb of St. Germain, The guard of that train is still alive and has strange :accounts to give of the journey and of the preparations for it. It seems to have been scarcely such a triumph for France after all. The engine, of course, was English, and the driver and stoker were English too: . The engine ran on four wheels and was a singular contrast to present loco - cold water, or water with a little soda in it, on going to bed, and while dressing in the morning. Liver 'diseases are, however, so difficult andsefractory that it is peculiarlynecessary to call in the services of a good physician as soon as the complaint has: declared: itself. Too many persons are inclined at once to begin dosing, supposing that they are "bili- ous." The incautious and unwise use of medicine at such a time may fasten a chronic disease upon one who might have been per- manently cured in a few days, by proper treatment. hoarded in his house, received a visit lately wet them and apply on the face over the ' from threevenerable looking men, dressed pain. This will generally bring relief, in garments of a somewhat clerical fashion, To CURE FELONS.—If at any time before I who informed him that they were Christ and suppuration commences, plenty of ice water 1 the Apostles Peter and Paul. The sham is used, it will never fail in producing a per- 1 Christ said to him : "I have given you feet cure. Hold the affected part in Ice cold great wealth, but you have omitted to exer• i come water as long as it can bo borne, withdraw it c se charity, s o I have to reckon with c m o d t K I th' r cess for you. Give me your money."The terrified overcome the inflammation, and that is all and gave over 500 silver roubles'declaring house. declaring . . rarest'an repeat, ec 1 up , Isjt o h if a da if necessary It will at last .„ tel__ _ _�___ L_ L_J _� ' peasant fell on his knees, begged for mereywere not satisfied, and he sent off hisany poison is sveallowed, drink instant- i TheY''''S vae!t to collect money from neighbors wholy ha a glass of cool water, with a hea' 1 it there is of a felon in its first stages. teasdill each of &moron salt and ground were indebted to him:' The report of the teed stirred into it This causes vomit- brought a crowd to the s of But the im- postors mistook their motives, and believed psesence in the village' of such holy visitors mua. Ing as soon as it reaches the stomach. 'Lest some of the poison might remain, swallow they had come to apprehend them. One of the white of one or two eggs, or drink a cup , them drew a knife from under his clothes of strong coffee. These two are antidotes and' attacked a peasant, whereupon the to a greater number of poisons than any crowd seemed to have become at once en - ether articles known. TEST THE WELL -WATER. —As soon as the and taking courage, overpowered them. 1 lightened as to the true character of the trio, ground thaws out, decomposition begins, ( Wim, �_•,• and any deeomposinr matter upon the sur- I Richer than He Thought He Was. of sight, but not out of existence, and i5 i Generally a man dies leaving less property more capable of mischief than ever, singe than he e supposed that he owned The Baron sonic of this poisonous matter is pretty ccr- , au Mind' Brussels, however, thought that taro to find its way into the well, if there is he owucd ;batt a small property, and after one near by, There may be nothing dare' malting a few legacies directed the remain- gerous 'upon our own premises, bub our well tier to be spent on his tomb, Some $600,000 may receive a gratuitous contribution of has been found to have belongedto hitn, and filth from our neighbor's insanitary premises, his heirs are trying to find out' Whether it if not from our own. So it is well to test must all go into a mausoleum. the water of the ,well early in the season. so ' face begins to soak owninto the earth out as to be sure as to its duality. 1 I care not how much intelligence yen have, Cz sil,roOT,s,--These sinks of iniquity are if you cannot exhibit it you look like an responsible for the less of many valuable ignoramus. lives every year, Those wllo rise them Thrift cFf thee will repay you in after. ever goes dloUn into the ground Ott of sight most sagutue dreams. seem to labor under the delusion that what• life with a usury of profit beyond your A blusioal Toad,. It is, perhaps, open to doubt if the toad bears the precious jewel suite head of which the pact speaks, but a I reneh euro, a cor- respondent of M. Fraecisquo Soveoy's, has met- with it toad which had a fortlluo,in its throat, had it only fallen in with a impresar' io. The cure' happened to call the other dad ou one of his; poorer parisliioFlers, who, in eoinplirnent to his visitor, t dded a Email vi iii on to it n of u41 to nofire,which at s p a f t r once blazed emitting ei utile, a welcome glow. Attracted by the as it would eem, an enormous toad emerged f oo m under an old chest of drawers stnding in a corner, hopped slowly tip to the, fire, and stationed himself in front of it like a pet animal, Which, in fact, he was, The peasant after a few prefatory words, proceeded to drone crit au old Gascon bal- lad and sang a verse of it through. To the Abbe ;e intense astonishment the toad con- tinued, or rather added a sort of coda' to the melody the moment his master stopped, ranging first a la, thea a fa, returning next to the first note, and concluding on mi, The voice of the little singer was plaintive and musical; reminding the Abbe of the notes of 5 the, ' tatincnio . h peasantcontinued. o c ntmued the a 'ir ballad to the end ; thother au • ateur chim- ing in regularly with the same four notes at the end of each stave, keeping its`e es' . Y fixed on its anaster throughout the,perform- anoe, arid evincing in its expression and at- titude a niauifest desire to do its.art in the concert to his satisfaction. The peasant, who was ill et the time, died soon and the Duro, }vho had meant to adopt the other innate of the hut, could find no trace of hint when he went to fetch him. What's in a Name' William. Shakespeare 'a eieging ballads in London ; George Washin ;touhas been. order. ed to leave town ; Louis Napoleon is shoveling ins ohein.gang; JohnBunyenwaswaruedout of a Connecticut town last week as a tramp; Plutarch was, hanged iu Texas a few days a for horse -stealing ; John Hancock ran off with another man's wife last week ; Aka - ham Lincoln was recently caught picking an old gent's pocket at a country fair ; Chars. Sumner is in an Iowa jail on suspicion. Oliver Cromwell was sent to the Cleveland workhouse two weeks ago for thirty days, „el►,01,441:Lgen:S, ,eeDQANVAS$IItswantethEl. LO qr Percale, yrl olo or spare tulle, oa•salary, eeeoiunais. Diem -104044 Colon of ieta.A., X15 Aliit , Toronto. ANOTHER NOVELTV,,.Undn'Amk- All the rage in the ,States Monts wanted. Sample by mail 45 cents, CLIlA1i'•I`1T & QQ., Torouto, '1 trees `d linstuese Cellet;e, e,;nelpb, olt4., Twelve States and Prove/le'es already represent - ( n the role of this lntitutlor• tho ofii•h ac. , pr tical instruction and the ofiioiency and euecesa 01 its graduates, this College owes its popularity Cir• eulars, giving terms, ote,, mailed free. lit Dnco0RDfT0{ Principal seecotated .i}o1l14ea - tail, at the Cigna- urn tN.- ... dew 5htl4 11� V o,esa sLn1 ie. nnTcuLoLn MEDAL. Rssr DneI1eroF, TlRing St, West, Toronto, NATIONAL M,ANU1 ACTUW(9 CO, Inds ea, three tJ R kinds ; Clothes ■ , MM N wringers, tori kinds ; Washing- Dlae lines, 2 kinds. Carpet Sweepers, bleat Chopper;, Trucks, and other sundries. HAAiiL'roy 1,.NDUSTRIAL Woiuw 00., 11a0111t0n Canada. l Send for artioie wanted. I lustr'.rted Calaloeue, ACUEItS and Si.attcnts, Aatentiea► mE .LS ecial elaSSOS due_n 6 st1 nlmer holidays,in Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeplr„ Penmanship, etc,. Write for full particulars, Canadian` Business 'University and Shorthand Institute, Publics Library Building, Toronto, • THOS. ISENG4OVGFi•, i.'rosident. CHARLES If, 1/ i7Crli'" Manager. tt C09IP4/1 MS OXYGEN—WV CUNSI,itVATUR of health, the enemy of disease ;heals the Lungs, Re -builds the Broken Down Constitution ,of young and old, Home treatment, sufficient for two, months, Inhaler and all Complete, sent by express Eos ; 1812, Moved niy °ince' from 73 Icing West to 41 Hing East. MR$. 0.' STiDDIA1Vi F1;EIt0E, Four yoarr Iestablished in Toronto, ,813 °flee Treatments ferliS,, Send for circular, Blood Will Tell. There is no question about it—blood will tell—especially if it be an impure blood. Blotches, eruptions, pimples and boils, are all symptoms of an impure blood, due to the improper action of the liver. When this important organ fails to properly per- form its function of purifying and cleansing the blood, impurities are carried to all parts of the system, and the symptoms above re. ferred to are merely evidences of the strug- gle of Nature to throw off the poisonous germs. Unless her warning be heeded in time, serious results are certain to follow, culminating in liver or kidney disorders, or even in consumption. Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery will prevent and cure these diseases, by restoring the liver to a healthy condition. All -wool " regular knit " yachting suits are coming into general use. To dream of a ponderous whale, Erect on the tip of his tale, Is the sign of a storm (If the weather is warm), Unless it should happen to fail. Dreams don't amount to much, anyhow. Some signs, however, are infallible. If you are constipated, with no appetite, tortured with sick headache and bilious symptoms, these signs indicate that you need Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They will cure you. All druggists. Judge every man by what he cannot do, and you willfind no man of ability. Judge everyman by what he has accomplished in the fields with which he is familiar, and yon get at his real size. • When all so-called remedies fail, 'Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. The philosophers of the world will concede t hat the elements of which you and I are composed are eternal, yet they believe that there was a time when there was no God. 'SWING ,75EN suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the; result of'.ignorance 'and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mw - DLR -AGED and OLD Max who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and ORAD M.Y. Lotion's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 8e. stamps. Address M, V. LIMON, 47 Welling. ton St. East Toronto Ont RIVER. TINE 01` STEAMSHIPS, Sailing weekly between ¥ontreal and Liverpool.. RATES or PASSAGE :—Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, 840, 550, and 800; Return Tickets, 880, 500, and 8100 —according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter. mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. Por further particulars and to secure Bettb, apply to Il. E. R11lR111 tY, General Manager, 1 Custom, House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the di!. ferent Towns and Cities. ��Sf HEE LONDON GUARAPITEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (LO). OF LONDON, ENC. Capital, £200,000, Aominion Government Deposit, 055,000. Head Office : 7 ng St. Hest, Toronto. Gentleman of influence wanted ul unrepresented distniota A. T. 1IrCORD,. Resident secretary for the Dominion, TNWamsLE Roofer. Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, hooting Pitch, 'Building Pa. iters, Carpet and Deafening Felt, READY 111UOFIN). Etc. 4 Adelaide 5t, E. TORONTO. Water PSE LIVING STREAM. AUGERS, bore 20 feet per hour. Also Rock Drills—Hand, Horse or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laidlaw Manufacturing Co. UAMILTON, On. NTARIO CAN UEl COMPANY 4 Teterboro', Ont. I{, e "W11, '114111II111r#LINJlt4:,.1 y, -u MANUFACTUR`J OF ALL KINDS OF CANOES 2401•Send 3o. Stamp for Catalegue. ti 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.. TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' L eErA Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send for prices. AOENTS D WAEADTO E EYRTY St. Catharines, :Ont. BABY'S 0D t.1 THDAY, A Beautiful Tn,iartml Birthday Card sent .'t to any baby whose mother will send us tbt names,f twu ,,r more other babies, amt per n a' aui.lr'eioe Alga a handsome D' mond Dye ffiemp`e Cart to the anither anothera..l. notch valuably, ion -enation Wells, ft:inhnr.l,i„a it Co.. MI0urr..n0. Y) airy malt, ;iFOR BUTTER, ETC. NEW Importations.—Higgins' Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. I Also Rice's Canadian Salt,. Write for prices. JAMES PARE & SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. Women are the State.librariaris of Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Loitisame Michigan, Miss- 1 is sippi and Tennessee: People who are subject to bad breath, foul ooated'i tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters,, the old and tried remedr. Ask your Druggist, Truth subsists eternally, and finally triumphs over its enemies, because it is eternal and strong even as God himself. LADIES Who aro Weak, Nervous and ex hausted • who feel themselves losing strength ; who are pale, delicate and sickly in appearance, suffering from the many com- plaints peculiar to swow:en—send for and read M. V. LUBON'S Treatise in soon FORM on the His. eases of Wornees. Mailed sealed and secure from observation on receipt of 60. in stamps DNBEALRD FRES, Address, 111. V. LiiIDON5 47 Wellington St. East. Toronto. Ont. God has one mode of saving mon and women, and you cannot be saved upon any other principle than that which Jesus Christ taught. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or. der cauein Bilfousn a : e o I es ion. e s s ei or ndf t g , P , DY P 8 and their attendant evils, take at once a dose, of Dr, Oareon'e Stomach Bitters. Best family mediolne. Ali Druggists, 50 cents. There was recently sold in Paris for $1, 100 an eight -page manuscript of the first Napo- leon. It was part of a history of Corsica which he wrote in 1700. Catarrh, CaDay 1Ftarrhal Devereaiiless and Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence , of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and euetachientubes. Microscopic research, however, bae proved this to be a foot, and the result is that a Simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are oared In tom one to three simple appiicatione made at home. A i pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King Street Wort TorontoCanada Whenever I find myself covetous of some- thing that have not I can effect a erre by recollecting what I have. A. P. 339. I :i:i, PATENTS For Sale—Illustrated descriptive Cat- alogue flee. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. et 000 LIVE AGENTS 'WANTED IN EVERY 11f dotinty in Canada. Address,' }1'131tJbIS a0. Caly 87 Ohnieh 8t., xorintto• JATENTS Ef it 1 IL"UCUR#ED in Canada,the Ti, 8, and all foroigh countries. Engineers, Pa - 1 tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- liahed 1807. Ibottaid ti. Itidont .t Co.,'Ioronto. I SPOdd�E trS CCiP ERII�E 'Babbitt'—Non- fibrous dnti.Prie tier' Box -instal for journal bearings in machinery— ; achinery— copper mixed, 3upplice every requite- ment Ask hardware dealer for it. AL QNZO W. S1'O'ONER,vont• Patentee and Manufacturer, l'ortilope, MILLER'S TiCK DESTROYER. MERIDEN BRITTANN1A , MANjTirA(vTURE ONLY FORIFLUT , SIL q�� q nyw A6' 11 ��li �tt-, P�f tie: � G �xpa a '4Al.en Artistic f Cw IA„is coAll ill tl >Fvi 11, � aipla;qllaltezl Durability and i It iN.. �$. . 4 1'r S i. .-Pw.:Y12Ti al's' 17( 77,7 r-1•TO-7, H arta : STOCKMEN, givethis valuable pre- paration a fair trial. It operates promptlyand effectually in destroying Ticks and othervermin pests, as well a,as'in eradicating all affections of the Sold in Tine at 35c., 70o. and51. 4 85c Tin aresubllec] n 20 Sheep erg Lambs. HUGH MILLER & Co„ Toronto. all k2 aper 27112(tV 1531141022=M MANUFACTURERS. M. STA9. NTON & 00., Samples onappiioation• TOI ONTO,ONT Da cell® Coffee. A Delicious and nourishing Breakfast Beverage, con- tains a proportion of German Dandelion Root, which acts medicinally on the Liver and Stomach, purifying the blood and invigorating the system. Prepared Only by I ELLIS & KEI . L Y TORONTO. 1 hfi2•� Tis. Wheal say Euro f.do natmoaa mornlr 1'1= o atop tbem fore time and thou be a thorn return aga1n, f'mean a rsdIM1 • Dare. I4evo mode ho dlecneo orp'I2•a, EPIDEPSYorF:etre INe 510KITE$5 a ltd -tong study. I warrant my remedy to core the worst egos. Because others Have 'raltod Ie no reason for, not now rocelving a cure, send at once for "V: r .51,0 end ;Ye ro Bottle of m71505111514 remedy. Giro SYpraee"cad t UIDce. 1L coats yon nothing for •'std, and I will cure you. Address DB. E. G. novaDrench Oboe, 37 Tonle Ste, Toronto 1 ASSESSMENT SYSTEM e u -ua eserve und LIFE A SOCIA1 IO6 i. 1 The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world—desires active represeuto. tives in everyfootion of Canada; liberal inducements, It has full Government Deposit, and under the super. Vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, General Manager, 63 Ring Street East, Toronto. �1■ry IR greatest die - j covery of the rJsentegefor Rcev- ,iwu .!TIM BOWELS, AoUQUEINO ALL Moon, Ltvea AND 1410051' CAWL AlNTs. A per- t Blood Purifier. A few in Hamilton who have bean bene id by its use :— vs, M. rs.51. Keenan, 192 il,bcrt St., oiled of E yeipeias of 2 years' st t ;d n , Robert Cor, a >, a 11, 24 South St., 1A ,teeter oared of rpileptio Fits after 1 years' ' srlffuring ; ileuute„tree,, on 0„.,,y ',ti..,; cured of we,ebness 'and Lung T,ouhle'; John Wood, 05 Cathcart St,; mired of Liver CnInst id SliDuaneasut e c only 311 -cent bottleDre Auguste StY troubled for years with NervousPtostraation, two Small bottles gave her great +•eller, Sold at 500. 051.00. F, 01'. 3.)A1.1,4 Y 5t 00., Proprietors. Bicycles! x,,•41t> (11t Ii IOSTG1 544tio Fite b.I,. es, Edon $1 y lJisWARDS � s i Ner Uat Logue heady 1st A, til }}F A, T, l.AiVE, MONTREAL ' PTI I0,05P 9004yOP?r o wortt3above 1 orlonf et1tauM, 5,05 bwngfsge, 'Instead, worst Sad g t or 1lth1A 11 bavo Lova t I VillVinpI T O.130,ong le my fetta. Ui. rR}cacy, thaVA 05101,5ond E4T3. i On 551 $nSe, t.artl,Wtr. witb VGi vA pre T.a4 3', 0. rid thL dJsoya fu Ii,+e ` Sufferer. Give o=peen T. R. Loorr x, DE. '1 A. sL00oal, BranchQ oo, 37 Yo; eSt. 101'ainto all Line Royal Mail Steams Sailing during winter from Portland every Thtireday and Haltiax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in eum: mer froru Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mail» Dud passengers lot fax Scotlandand anSt.d IrelaJohnn'sd, ; N, alsoF„Eto'to Idn, ava1timverpoolore,Fortn1 vla Mht5yali• during summer months. ;The etaamers of die,thell gow lines sal during vi pter to and from Millar,Portlynd BostonandndPhllael hisandduda �nae• mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly.. Glasgow and Berton weakly, and Glasgow and Phladelphia' fortnightly For freight, passage, or other nformation apply fe A. Sohun:acher &"'Co., Baltimore': S. Cunard & Co.. Halifax ; Sheri & Co., St, 'John's, Nfld.; Wui, Tbocup. eon & Co, St. John, N.S.; Allen el: Co., Chicago Love AC Alden, 011ew Yorh; H. Bonriler, Tcron/c Alines, iia. i& Co., Quehoc.;; wm, 5reokle, Phllr 13et phis ; T•I- A, Allen foreland Boetou. Montreal. • This 1@ Has never failed to trke the highest awards h Splendid achne Ozl ! .1-M.1• wherever axhib tad. . It Has No Bqual, Farmers, Tlnteshers and. Millmen Use No Other. This Oil keeps the Machinery in first rate working order. thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns To be had of all first.olass dealers. Beware of imitations 1 Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 011. Harness, ,Dolt Cutting, Wool and Lard (Oils always: in stock. SOLE MANUFACT,I)R11ES OF LABDINE. M'COLL BROS. & CO. - TORONTO. L Hamilton Ont D. SAWYER & CO. y HANUFAOTURR13 01 "L. D. 'S." ENGINES, WOOD, COAL AND STRAW BURNERS, PLAIN AND TRACTION, "Grain Saver” and "Peerless" iszi3e.a..3m, AIL VL• ID Ng EL clique. Horse Powers, for f. 4, e, s. 10 and 12 Horses. Tread Powers, for I, A and 3 Horses. I11of1pse Separators, for Tread a Small Powers. ,lend fee Illustrated Catalogue. q9..„„ ,,,,,.., vsg,,°"> .,,'•'' 01 so. . �G. ,e .9 g4e Gov Bc., 01 \�\ °�<9 S cr Q OQ. es .c. act?• „,,v9;., de fY Pt y ���Li G. P�O $4 v�4� c°S ° v$y $ B•° 4 S,, e13 S i11. • ,;a •1' v 5b. 0, "O'S. t.08°. oc•Ic 6). e$ lot c il> ��se, ,y''o 1,..0-12. 3 4 tag' s o t\cess 0 °seg, e *og ,'ye ,dot {c"p e°L _oo tole ' ge7 y 4- tov �0 .q,0 kts9 v� YrtoSee �¢�p env, e.403. a 0s �f titp6� o;Ne. 5 'S4y vy0l hl Soex+ � oo.o, oeel0 Oti to1{S°`4 1 f f II ,v� kbevo ke,$)1"0‘,0,0,\S”~iy°o v ti96 4e°�L VP- Zt i e"- fi 1 c est i� e��s ea _ °ti' `�v` .0*ties' , �� v4 t�ep�' tS o6�`'" t , 25V �Ce )' ss- t, G see ,3'�4 b° G • a " Soil ;.,de, THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO., BRANTFORD, CANADA, Sole manufacturers and Proprietors of Canadian Patent. TICE In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting. of the Assocsia- tion, This ,meeting (being the 15th since the Company was organized) took place on Tuesday, the 12th r'kpril, when the following ratii'ying Increases were: announced s PREMIUM IIWCCME INCREASED FOR YEAR, - $96,894. INTEREST AND RENTS, - - - 13,029: ASSETS, - - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234. 0,234. $2600Ferea.lloiciad PlfitondPaty J. Xtk MACDONA9LD, Managing Director, Ss [L 77 J''�jlY1".' MMO���''_1,.. ' c -i-�.-Is:� o _bir tL-..r The Harris Wood Furnace is especially adapt- ed for Cl 'renes and Sahoolhouaes. sen fer cur 1lluttrai<dCattltgue. THE E��p��■ � a . s (LIMITED) HAMILTON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, AND WINNIPEG. r•.