HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-7-7, Page 5PIA114VELS WROUGHT WITHOUT 14,i i- We are told Oat mirfelee have °eased, ;.Possibly they, 1nay.havebeen diaeolltinued in .order to give fell a(teee to ht)nian: inteill* $ones, Cter air it is that the wonderful de +Polopenlente and aelierveneenta of sciepc0 in. threte latter days have rendered direct. euperneoural interposition in humen affairs unnecessary. This is especially eruct of the Improvements in Mediedol Siewoe, 'VWe. thousand years ago Thomas Holloway would probably Kaye been deemed a worker of mir- acles, The (tures effected by his Fills and Ointment would have been considered super. natural. Even notY they are looked upon es marvels; yet we know that the medicines wliieh have healed the sick in all parts of the world are the legitimate fruits of pro- found thought, unwearied study and research and a long series of praetival experiments. It is a singular fact, and one that establishes beyond e,seestion Holloway' theory of a coin- monlgiu of disease, that tbe people of every {country into which Lis medicaments have b ton intredneed have considered them specially adapted to the complaints moat common in such country. The reason ie that they operate upon the deleterious prin- ciple in the blood of the patient, which is the immediate cause of his disorder, whatever it may be, and hence their effect is always salutary. In Canada every settler on new land who has ever tried them in intermittent or bilious remittent fever, will aver that there are no diseases in which they woik suoh wonders as in these. The Canadians also are impressed with the belief that the cutaneous and glandular disorders to which violent extremes of heat and cold render them peculiarly subject, are mora readily eradicated by the Ointment than any other diseases for which it is prescribed. It is in evidence, however, that just what these great remedies are doing for Canada, they are doing for all nations tinder the sun. It so happens indeed that the ailments upon which the preparations excite the most direct and powerful influence are precisely those which are the chief scourges of British America, an hence they seem to be, And in oue sense are, more especially re- quired in that region than, in some other countries. But their unbounded celebrity, and the enormous increase of the demand for them in all our colonies, indicate their value more significantly than any eulogism that we could bestow, Within a few years they have become staples of the medical market throughout North America. The constant inquiry for them renders it inex- pedient for any drug house or apothecary's shop to be without them. The druggist who does not keep thele, makes, in effect, a tacit admission that he is unacquainted with the wants of his customers., His stook is not merely incomplete; it lacks two essential articles which the sick must and will have from some source or other. Such popularity as this is the meed. only of superlative excellence, and it planes the superiority of Holloway's Remedies beyond all controversy.—The Elocutioner. GIVE THEM A CHANCE! T11a say, your lungs. Also all your breathtn machinery. Very wonderful ma- chinery it is. Not only the larger air -pass- ages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them, When these are clogged and ohoked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup. pneumonia , catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and -bead and lnng obstruc- tions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them That ie -.to take Bosobee's Gorman Syrup, which 'a druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. ven if everything else has failed you, yon may depend upon this for certain. There is scarcity of water at Belfast in consequence of the drought, and work in the milts is beingpnrtly stopped. Wheezing, gasping sufferers from Asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using Southern Asthma Cure. Sold by druggists or by mail on receipt of price. For Scrofula, Impoverished Blood and General Debility. Scott's Ernulsionof Cod Liver with•Hypophos phites, has no equal in the whole realm of Medicine. Read the following : "I gave Scott's Emulsion to my own child for Scrof- ula, and the effect was marvelous." -0. F. Gray, M. D., White Hall, Ind. Pat up in 50c. end $1 size. Several Quebec leatherfirms intend send- ing exhibits to the forthcoming Spanish Industrial Exhibition to be held at Barce- lona. YOUNG 1VIEN Suffering from the effects of early evil hab`ts, the result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; also MIDDLF, AGED and OLD MEN, who aro broken down'from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and Rem- 81L. V. Lubon's Treatise on Disea=es of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 3c. statues, Address M. V,LIMON, 47 Wellingt,,u St. 18. Toronto, Jau. lath. 1887. 1—y. Geo. Miller, the guardian of the•Esplanado Quebec, dropped dead yesterday morning while on duty. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav• inn hail placed in his hands ny, as (last Indian missionary 0110 formuln ole simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent, cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and rel throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical euro for NervousDebilitytinO all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of iako it known tc. Ia. felt it his dutytqn cases, hes s is suffering fellows. Actuated. by tLi"s motive n d a desire to relieve human sufi'eriut, w_,1 So 1. g free of charge, to all who desire it, 1.11s robin 1uGo or uI r7Dau FrenchEnglish, lisp w,thSnll e 'diractonsfor pieparill and. *using. Soot by mail by address .fig with stamp,. naming 01(4 n r, W. A ,Nos7�is,140 Power's Block Z'lcehester T i E KEY TO HEALTH, `Jiilockg olt the clogged avenues of, the Bodlrele, l :idneys and Liver, carry- ing arrying off gradually without Weakening the system, all the impurities and foal httinors of the secretions at the Same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliotiisness, Dy0 epsia, aches,, bizkitieas, n t ess �r rn Cotlsti silo Heartbtl _, of the Skin, lOropsy', Iiiitnoss of Vision,: Jaundice, gall itheurri, ErYsipelas, S;orofhla, Pittitteeing of the 1tea;_+t, ikTertfousslesu, aivd Gen- eral Debility'; all these and. Many abet sin -igen Complaints Viekt to the )ra iftfttteng& 6f 131RDO 141,061) 33iT'JT1 R5. t. stir,rt •t, 4, CO, Protestors. torrotb. I11terestlilg Items, A bele ,? "X"Azo, Wlze4. Oro 4ti tolred with, a 091d iu the;, head, tlropf'ings, front, the nasal passages, into the throat, pain in,rthe head, Ar any ;of, the 8y14ptoule or ferernnner4 et :eatarth, 't GO eeltt package of Nasal :Balm will Pyre you, ,ohrl Gatley,; retrieved' hour, 1.loronto Asylum 18 mouths ago, jurnpett Irma `a Window in the ;Asylum 'at Kingston yester- day curl; was killed, a: TRK TR3UI.°i1ANT TliIiEF "During three ylk[ears suffering with dye., pepsity I tried almost ,every person known remedy but kppt.Setting worse until I tried, B, B, B, I had only used it three day's. when I felt better, three bottles completely cured me," W. Nichols. Kendal, Ont. President Ia,ruger denies tele report that the Irish assisted the Boers with money doling the Transvaal war, GET Tan BEST Dr. Fowler's U,xtraet of Wild Strawberry is the best, most prompt and Safest cure for choleramorbus, dysentery, sick stomaob, cholic and cholera iufautum that has yet. been' dlscovgrcd. Its popularity is undim- med by age. All medicine dealers sell it. A WONDERFUL ORGAN. The largest organ, and one that plays a controlling pal t'on the health of the body is the livor. If torpid or inactive tie whole system becomes diseased. DR, 'CHASE' LIVER CURF,, is made specially for Live and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed euro. Recipe book and medicine $1. Sol by C. LU I'Z, Central Drug Store, Exeter. Queen Kapiolaui, of Haiwaii, is among the passengers on the Servia, which sailed from Queenstown to day follow York, from 't Toronto, Every. Barrel Guarrniteed, Thi8 Oil was nsod on' yll machinery during tl' Brhibitiou. It bee been, awarded NIN4 GOLD AlEDALlls during tbe.•last three years., r»•'See that you get Peerless.:,It it oozy niado''b 41VC i'zz » '"• Q E cls ;; .OR SA.` iE BY JAB,.P O ARD. ASN BROS. ''LIGHT SUITS, WHITE to PANTS,IN BETTER MOR NOW' "My son aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humor that covered his head and • face with sores, by two bottles of Burdock Blood Biof P and neaOtastifaea Airs. Mary NOW Fnlfc,rd, of Port Ho, Ont, The Difficulty Experienced. In taking. Cod Liver Oil is entirely over- come in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedy that has ever been produced for the euro of Consume. tion, Scrofula Wasting Diseases, Do not fail to try it. Put up iu 50e, and $1 size. Canon Stole hat cleclioed tho .Bishopric of Nova Scotia, A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good iu this world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Livor Com- plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or Uri nary Troubles, to buy a bottle cf Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recipe 'Boot $1. Sold by C. LUTZ, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Exeter, Out. AOARDD. To all who are suffering from the e rsand indiseretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of 14fanhood, &c, I will send a rocoipo tltn t will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South Americo, Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to REV. ToSEPH T. INMAN Station D, New YorkCit There is an epidemic of measles at Point St. Charles, Qne. At least 500 cases have been reported. FROM MANITOBA "I have been cared of chronic diarrhoea by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I used abort twelve bottles of it and am now entirely free from the disease.' Witham McLaren, Clearwater, Manitoba. HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE Mrs. JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, Druggist, Bothwell, says: --My experience of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will cure Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. I believe it to be the bast family medicine, and can strongly recommend it " Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develops into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents, A few applica- tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chrouic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers` at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure -take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter The crops in Germany ;are in finer con- dltiou than In any season during the past decade, and promise a splendid harvest. AnvioE To MoTHEns.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with Hain of Cnttine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Airs. Winslow's Soothing,S,yrup" for Children Teeth -1.1g.' Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pour little sufferer immodiat>ly. i.lenend upon it, mothers 1 there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Dialrheea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, sot tens the Gums,reclucoslnflam.nation, and gives tone and energy to thewholo system, "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the TJnited. States, and is for sale by all druggist. through- out tbe world, Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for "Pass. WINnnow's SooraOING Rrrr7T"n.nd take no other kind. Don't Speculate. Run no risk le buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regulator, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipes. 'try Chase's Liver Care for all diseases of the Liver, Kiflneys, Stomach and Boweis. Sold by C. Luiz. I. N. Marshall. Barrister, Brockville, Ont., states :—I WAS so troubled with cold in the head that I could not speak plainly. One application of Nasal J3alm gave immediate relief, andthoroughly cleaned out my head. BAD STOMACII. For all disorders of the Stomach, Liver. or Bitters Carson's Sfot liulnevq D1G mnrli flte unsurpassed. Tiny strengthen whole muscular s) Stem, give a healthy complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetites and arouseinto healthy action the whole Physi rel wto-try of the Human frame. The Governor-General is ,:aid to he haying great 10011 et his salmon Bruits, WORTH RT]1VIrBIBIIING, In a long letter from Jelin H. hall, of Braddiek, Cape Breton, N. S., he says "I believe wore it not for 'Burdock Blood Bit. tors I should be in my grave,: It cu -ed inn of kidney and liver complaint and general de- bility, which had nearly proved fatal," LIKEI MAGIC "It always acted like magic, 1 had scar- cely ever need to ttive'the second close of Dr. Fowler's Extradt of Wild Strawberry for sutra 1081, eowplaintJ' ilr, Walter Govenloek, of Ethel, Ont. Ll a 6Vo year eta son of 11r. Robb., Bogle, 1 elle was drowned 'id theiv B : of 1 e�le , t ti et there' on Saturday night by falling from a saw log. The body Was recovered. 1Pt)r Children Sta''Vin to 't)eatli r On aecoant of their inability to digest ordi- nary foot., Scott's, Emitlsiou can be digested ane give strength and flesh when all other food fails, See What Dr, A., H. Peck, Penn, "Pled, college, Potitoodiec ss s: "I bays used sand prescribed ' Scott's iintnlsinu "' of Cots' Liver (At, and find it an oxoeltPtt prepara- tion. agreeing well with 111e'atontae1 .801(1 its` cOtitinded: ego addieg greatly, to the eta ettgtli acid sot ikrt of the patient." Put alit ie 50.1.. and Si age:: ANTON Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT 13E BEATEN Try it and bo convinced of its wonderful cura- tive 'powers, price 25 cents. (TRADE+' MARK.) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, &c„ and Purifying of the 131ood. Price $1. Six bot- tles for a5. For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS BIauufacturad Only by G- M, ]VLREST, C51Et1IBT FoREsT, ONT. "VP®R/.i"t F' 01713 5. Are pleasaat to t::kr,Contain their own Purgative. Is a a•1 •••r".and e(foctuat tNq+uyer of worms iu Children or.Adtilt . TRUSSES! CHRISTIAN LAWYER, man gfac- tuner of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence: Rannie's gills, Hay, where hewill attend to the wants of any who may require his services. Way pay from $15.00 to $25 00 for the same ar- ticle which he eau furnish you for 55.00, and which is as good if not bettor and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double 'Vrussos $5.00 ; Single Trrisses, $2.50. All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich 1'. 0., Ont. Why Proclaim Cornmercial AS BEING A. ,BENE FIT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC T. DEARING5 Montreal General Store is sell ig goods (3,rIEAP, CH E' AP, CHEAP, Balnnee of 'Snnlei Stock to be sold at C 'ST for CASII to maktiroom' forfall purchases READY 1VIADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES Also ChoiceI:'atnl},V Groceries T.OAS t TEAS 1 1.'i AS 1 Still Lowen Syrups, Vinegars, Confeotionely, A few Ram and Dominion Organs for sale at a gratis etterince for cash, es 1:. ani going to give uo this branch of business. Goods sacrificed fot• cash during the months of 30131 and August. Also gotrd iilaeltine oils b Good t)Iveiliog,tlmttss to Bent." II . �. NV Zit TrCi3,..1. ,;tf.st)]11t;I1}55, D6,tritar,:y IPa1iSOLd'S l3locl The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over -' s 30 years in thousands of cases d •_ r Cures Sperntato7rhea, Nervous ' TVea �F✓✓ kness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse.+ lens:min] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [dFTBa] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Englinh rrencripttan, take no substitute. One package $1. Six 85, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lintz. REMEMBER Ti H 1$ —AND TAKE—. WARNING S. 0. IERS ;SY' Will have a fine lot of goods, fresh and prime, for the 24 OF MA:z: ORANGES, LEMONS, HAMS, SIDE BEACON, BOLOGNAS AND ALL KINDS GF EMU= IN SEASON 8. C. llersey. THE BOOK Published by the A. B. S. New York. POF WONDERS. CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. STARTLING REVELATIONS, Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. IT's JUST THE -THING ; IT TILLS ALL, AND I8 TGO GOOD TO 137: WITHOUT. Sent ,y mail, postage +inid„on receipt of price, 50c., or three booms for 51. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. LOVELL'S GAZETTER AND liIb TORY Or THE DOMINION OF CANADA Di Mite Volumes, Royal Svo. mo 3111 COlr3rI Ncf;ll whenever a soliioiunt .1. number of subscribers is ()nutmeat() cove l cost ofnullic� con Subscription ituu Co the Nine -Volumes $75 JO' tc the P1 Vince (O Ontario 01 1 tOOie etiln.1tto Now Brunswick o to Nov, Scotia $11...50. :e M m»tob,t or i31111s11 (olntnbia i40.50, to I uiae P.awara island or 10 1,1ovtil- 1V 't Territories :,e,0,t10. 14n,•]r I'rnvinc.e to 11avu a Map, Please Send for T totneetus • ,71) • 1010 Jlrrnac;er unl nntbuqte, srontroal 4th August, 18816. aunBtltCcr3 °now For Fresh and Reliable (D. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to THE FAMILY GRO �%���i�' t ALLIIT PRIZE TCbM&TO ONLY IA CENTS P] 11 BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectioner --a fresh supply. uppZy PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR, 7QLANTS Ice Cream Parlor T The public are cordially invited to call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant place in. town. Everything possible done for the comfort of visitors. G. A. HYNDMAN, Family -Grocer. i 6.0” `14 `hoc G.` b., CS0� ��'t, 5 o Gose tcso e 'c i. ti°,� 04 0.0 oc� a�,,,� 43 o. O N v� b9 fio��'t ��yis, Se cs ,1 .co her 1{G 4ti ei�� \I” �tio�'• o� me ° eye 4'i rode:s. ti ,',. e a{�5 e,$ .5. e,t ° Yee (S,\',. 0'5$ ��� cuO '�a tiw C.yes � � oa• N. e,3 �,e, o w 'otic Vfib: wt?, t t° G0'64 00:S a+ o 0 4 9 e, b .4"60f' ,cbe ocf/' zee" Ow••0 1 kot ode r,e` t,i ra e�,� (SN) , �p e�, 10 e$''' ,9 °' PSI ° cbOS �w�6$�� ti0` q4a tiro t• � �'4LS vern—•.0.. o‘° Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London. 8V• Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. MEd glad' ES PARIS C ' I SPRING l 1887 SPRING• OUR NEW 000DS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LA'T'EST NOVELTIES in press Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouncings, Ginghams, Itiu'=li(s, Jerbe'vs, Cheueil Ti mtniug.. Jooketiug, &e. 'The Isalius say at.tr Prints and Moslius are the prett.ie.it ever' Sh'Itvu iii Exeter. We gua, autee every One to wash, We ate showing over 200 Pi»'ces nt'Embroidery, voluted lion white from acts. per yard upwards. Our New Stock of BOY,:;' CLOTHING is having t► big run, and, no a nodi r, the pricer ar 3 sn low, 1 be styles so nice, and they fit so Rood. Di MEN'S ORDE1tE1) GOODS we gllarti:,tee the Best Value, Nerves* Style and Neatest Fit in tow),, Rewetnber we party the Largest Stock of BOO'TS & SHOES, and nothing but Cie Latest Style, in Lithos', children's and gents', grwasso Lawman. iture f➢l s t , JAMES PICKARD. • Yrtaki q. Uurcorliuil_ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY 1 D I E S b F� I N N .G T � LUTTE G i lP.l NDI,�CE - UF. IE ARt, ERYSIPtLrS : ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, s HFARTBURN DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, elect "emery' , 0S_ 1 ;LOriJ17.IdI ti,pSe'cOiiste:? disema *tit .zio3daIed,_?VR XsN r2r Ffa' S F.iS O�,B b7D, & Cy„, r 0'� OE ivr . We would nnll the attention of dm people of Exaer's,ad surrounding 0Onetiy to tits (not that we, having p11r0hased the stock and business of'VI1.,L1AciiDLII W', are offeti s; 00)111 iliduocaueuts in Parlor iJl'•titS, Plait and Fancy rI'1b1€s. &il)f'itlg',q at1(L' :14.attreSSe letim'ooltl Setts. NVoml, Cane & i't;t'foratecl (J110Irs, fieiok Crises 'Writrtr;; t)ts4l.r, 14i(l(lbOltn•r11c aVIt�ttllo ti s s , t, , C,1.2'ttlle.S, 1-12>;iletllnxr.ts, Ana an Endless Variety in ,futile, Isla e:ltrtt , C,t" , l)hoardis, 0»' Storied of Lumber is Largo and Thoroughly - + )t ;, } 9tnsottncl, and, hat°lug, hoc} extcn5'. 'gperinep in tlte'leading factories o1 the Dominion,We' w able'iinriti i ,n can guarantee Stylish and Sery tin d. 1 0111 Stir': T .. , 7r loitn,trnzx fTn,rh Ih tit • 1',a1t cit 1n tl ,. in Gt)uut� , ntul nail Hearse has 041181 north 01 Lntirlon, Nle&ie1 nttrntinn wilt 1g' paid ^ 7 l to this branch Of the btisiuetu; and evcr3'one wi1l11ti,1 03 lirninl,t ai 11 tc'iluI11: b '1" 8P. 11104 7. t>7?aiUu r Olr AEA, KLNf).i`P if"t I 1 ti+ * r ilea .,I111-fe1 the u l . t � d , Oua i)c>'ol' North of a'1'folson s