HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-7-7, Page 4r THVBSDA,` , MEN '7t11,1'1'887 EDITORIAL sums. 15. f i .r11 first sod of the Red River Walley Railway was turned last ' oturday by Premier Noiquay. } The ceremony was witnessed by a ;:large and enthusiastic ',crowd. The 'Premier's speech was netted for its moderation, but tke speeches de— divered by other politicians were ;very violent. THE horse question is lust now :agitating the a:,osameeancia tinionists. The Ulallle thinks the Canadian far - :mer could not sead 'such a. number of horses to the 'States ..as to effect 'the prices. Perhaps not. but the Globe should recollect that Canadian horses are principally used in the States nor drawing street cars, and with the electric an.otor a.nd elevated roads the demand tor a ;orses will surely decline. With...:reference to the duty, our lisely ;contemporary, the Hamilton Spectator has this to say :— Here is a horse problem, which Mr. Valency Fuller may solve at this leisure: Canada sells horses to the United States. The duty is 20 par cent. If the duty were removed the Candia mfarmer would get 20 per cent more fair his horses than he now gets. That is the =contention of 11Ir. Fuller and his zolleerein friends. But the people of the United States sell horses to Canada. The duty is 20 per .cent. If the duty were removed the United States seller would get 20 per cent more for his horses than he now gets. The Canadian would not, export horses to the United States unless the price there 'were 20per cent higher than in Canada. `The United States citizen would not ex- iport horses to. Canada unless the price were were 20 per cent higher than in the :United States. The—Let's see : this tithing is getting mixed some how. But if we had commercial union horses would :lee 20 per cent dearer all round than they ::now are, Is not this the way it would nay ork, Mr. Fuller ? -- A GOOD many Canadians imagine 'their own country to:be a long way :behind the United States, and are continually harping upon the sup— _posed advantageb of the latter coun- try., but if these discontents would only look a little closer .into the real conditiun of the two countries, they -would have to change there opin- ions. A pamphlet has just been published in the 'States containing .a'speech delivered at Washington, ,by Mr. S. T. Ritchie, of Akron, -Ohio, in which he gives this glow- ing picture of our country : — uTo illustrate further, the relative Importance of these commercial rela- tions, the statistics show that the ex- -ports of Canada per capita were greater than those of the United States, and her capita -imports arealso greater than our own. Her per capita railway mile- age is about the same as those of the United Stites. Her growth of popula- tion from the date of our Declaration of Independence up to the present day has been equal to our own, ours at that date being about 3,000.000, and' hers being less than 300,000. The records of her criminal courts show that elle has a smaller per tentage of crime than we have, She is the only country in the world whose national debt isnot a war debt, with the excep- tion of two or three millions expended in putting; down the Riel rebellion. The whoe of her debt has been incurr- ed in the development of her internal imvrovements. In addition to her line of railway extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, her Government is sub. sidizing a fast line of steamships to ply between Halifax and Liverpool, and the Imp-rial Government has agreed to sub- teidize a line between Vancouver, Hong 'Kong,. Yokohama and Australia. A company hes been organized to lay an ocean cable from Vancouver, via Sand• with Islands, to Yokohama, HongKong and Australia. An atlantic ocean cable is to be awnedby the company which owns the Pacific; cables, I Thus her great railway, by means of the steamships that will ply between Ualifaot and Liverpool in connection with it, and the Pacific Line subsidized by the English Government, which will Kaye both under its control, its rail- ways are reaching out for the carrying trade of the two hemispheres. Not onlythis, but he transcontinental t telr3> graph system and both the A tlantic and Pacific cables, of which I have sloken, will be under the control and owned by her railways. These are riot visions of the future. Most of them are realit ies of to -day. mon systtcrn of customs duties for A young $90 of Ur Syne Brown, west wte>4t the wholes American continent : the 11Iad31 , was fooling yv tb tlroera okors and' gunpowder iho other clay; -lion t} latter be Washington. Government of course. !tame acuidentally ignited and went off with receiving'the Moons and dealing out al torr] k a>Fplosiou, -faster Brown was y g fri} t it t f1i v u i.e S o l b b rt d b tat the oh5s'c, face and to Canada her proportionate sub -head. ''l?Ie was oeitvoyscl holm is soon as i11sr, Gxea,t karitain would t74 I possible 'and nodical aid stationed 1Te Sidy' wit. ' ' wilt recover from ilia injixrkos in doe time, left out in'tlze'colli, and her rercatl- t A valuable horse be}ougiug tet literary Sin the and nrtlrilie Whin their f1'ei< 'in'ts elair Brothers, of $t Marys was stolen out of thein }'nature ou Wednesday night of last to enter ,out: ports only on Stich week. T'be auiulal was found on the road iu Items as '1Gaay be enjoyed by sllajl S tho tolwnship of McAillop, Iiltu ou coulity, p It i*aid tArnesa snarls mums it, and ev'deutly been turned loose for 'some reason best kuowente whoever took it freta iho field, of a fa 1*etgn power. Of course it would be mitteilly aitulpossible for any people to .accept such a proposal unless they were 'prepared to sacri- fice all claim to •distinctive nation- ality. .i& .Zollver•ein—as it was proposer—]Meant annexation, the very lsalitical 'arrangement 1Chat, with more than doubtful good taste, the President of the convention had just been .expressing his desire dor. The American gentlemen at the convention, no doubt thought *hey were offering.a great boon 'when they proposed .a course that would have mere than doubled our .cos - turns duties, and prevented us from ever, of our otvn .action, accomplish - ling their reduction. The overaveen- i ing sense of the beauties of their condition which our neighbors exhibit in all their relations with other.couatries, blinds their eyes a little to the fact that we have .our own policy --a national one in the highest sense—to carry out, and that our system is diametrically opposed to theirs." And is Canada in as favorable .a position to day to adopt coalin.ercial union as she was sixteeta years ago ? We trow not. Our industries have bound us into an independent country, and to break which meanstru.in, rapid and positive ruin. DISTRICT DOINGS. Occurrences. of•tlre Past Week Throughout the Neighborhood in Concise Foran. Widow Fried, of Dashwood, we learn, is :eat tbe point of death. St. Marys is to have connection with the C. P. 11 Telegraph system, anortly A lade teacher:frol. South Easthope was fined $L00 and costs in Stratford last week, for exceeding her duty iu whippiug a child. The ease of 'Hailock va. Draper, which grew out of the famous Listowel conspiracy case, has been dismissed. Mr, J. Sboellick, of the township of Hay, has sold Ins 100 acre farm to Mr. Duncan Taylor, of the same .township. The annual show of the Tnckersmth Branch Agricultnrall:Society will this year be held in Seaforth on Thursday and Friday, September28 and 29. Mr. Rebt. Jaokson of Fullerton, disposed of his five year old prize winner, "Young Lord Haddo," to a Mr. Sniffin. an Illinois buyer, for the sum of $1900. He takes him to Kansas. "A mysterious disease has broken out among horses in Huron County, and all ef- forts at successful treatment have failed." This is taken from an exchange and is mis- leading to outsiders. The mysterious disease is among cattle, not horses. A Buffalo gentleman named Henneokie, and another earriagemaker will locate iu Mitchell, provided the town votes them a bonus of $3,000. They will employ not less than 1i mechanics. Mr. B. Demp e', of Logan, whose barn was struck by l!ghtning on Wednesday of last week and burned to the ground, had an insurance of $500 in the Perth Mutual. He lost a horse, 90 bushels of wheat, 10 bushels of oats, 10 of peas, 2 tons of hay and a lot of implements. Mr.Dempsey is to rebuild at once. Mr. John McMillan. M. P. for South Huron, has been appointed by the Perth County Council to act as their arbitrator, in determiningwhat share of the coat of the new county buildings shall be paid by the City of Strat:ord and the Town of St. Marys, in the event of the respective parties failing to agree. James Carpenter was discharged by P. i4I. O'Loane at Stratford for supposed complicity in she robbery of Kidd's store at Dublin. Wm. East and Josiah Baker were commit- ted for trial. They were, however, admitted to bail of $3,000 each—$1,500 for themselves and 01,500 outside. East is a young En- glishman about whom little is known, and Baker is the son of a farmer in the neighbor- hood. A Stratford correspondent writes :—What came near being a terrible accident while our steamer %vas running at full speed up the lake last evening. She collided with a mud turtle, but, as Providence willed it, she strnak the turtle on the side end glanced off, and with the prompt action of the captain, 2nd officer and engmeer, no lives were lost, not even the turtle's. As Mfr. W. E. truest, of St. Marys, was walking with a young lady near the Avon- dale cemetery in Stratford a few nights age,, he was.set upon by some roughe, who infiiet ed some very severe injuries an bine. His face cinder the eye was cut open with a stone or sling shot, and tie received a blow in the jaw, Mr. Guest is unable to assign any motive for the outrage, and dict not reoog. nize the perpetrators. Mr. John Bray ;who has been carrying the Already we can step into the most lux- mail from Dublin to Farquhar for upsvarcls of meant car which runs on the continent five yeare, completed hie term on Thureclay, at''Vancouver, on the waters of the Pa, cine, and ride continuously in it for a distance of 3.700 Miles until you reach Halifax, on the Atlantic This country the last day of June- Many regret his re- moval off the road as he carried it as regular. ly as the movine of a clock, always prompt and on time. Mr. R. Gardiner, his successor has also a great inked w°at«r anyfrom began on Friday last. the mouth of the St.. Lawrence; in the A'tat) r rctothehead d of Lake Superf0r, and all her own except the locks at ,Sault Ste Marie. • TIIE following are words of the late Geo. Brown on the question of commercial union uttered some six- teenyears ago. "What then had they to say in replay to the Canadian delegation ? Why a proposition for a Zollvereiri i i] other Words adorn On ednescaY morning tRlap t a very y 'n ter. eeting event took place an Carmel Cbnreli, Hansell, on wbich occasion Mr John Pater- son, of Rodgerville, was nnited in the bonds of matrimony;,to Miss Mary Reid, of the seine place, niece of Jones es waite I sq. l'he ceremony was witnessed, though at an early hour in the morning, by a very large number of friends, Ant was performed by the Rev. R', Y. Thomson. After receiving many warm and hearty Congratulations, the happy couple at once repaired to the depot where they took the early express train for the city of Detroit therogto spend at fees floes, 'Ve join web their many friends in wislhkng thein all prose amity and happiness I really believe 1 wttttld net be alive et this time' WI I not used Everest's Liver Reg- niator,--B. Secular, I'orost P. 0, Ou Tuesday, 14r. W. Kitelieu, of Stanley brought a bull to Motors, and sera to lir. Alorgau As ik weighed 285`0 lbs, it was brought in a waggon. While unloading it the horses started before everything was in readiness, and the bull, with Mr, Kitchen, who •ewes in the waggon by it, were both thrown out, the ball strikiug XI% Hitchen on the :leg, severely tpraining it ; he wase fortuu:e that he was loot more severely hurt. The Parkhill Review hoe received word from a private source that the Ryokluau poisoning case is to beunearrthecl by the Yir- ginui,aethorities as soon as the necessary papers' ;or the extradition of ars R,yokman are forthcoming. —Thus it is that the case whicIe ll thought settled, is again to' be 'brought before the public gaze What the re snit *111 be is yet to be learned, but it-sbould be remembered that until proven guilty, Mrs Ryokntan, 5f Thedford, eau be proclaimed naught but innocent The:silt Marys Argus is•'again at the geese as in the last issue appears the following :— " There are several flocks of geese on the lauds north of the Sarnia bridge and east of the London bridge. The owners are request- ed to take them away and keep thein away ; failing or neglecting to do so, the said geese so trespassing will be impounded ander a by law of tite town. A word to the wise is suf. ficient:" We thought it would come to this. Go in brother Orabbe ; tweatyfive oeuts per heed, there's millions in it. we dou't mean geese. Evereot's Liver Regulator has proved the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint. --John genes, Hillsboro' P. 0. The schedule of convictions sssued by tbe countyd:erk for the quarter•eading Juno 14, is a huge oue-110 cases in all. Of these 24 are set down ars "contraventions of the Cana- da Tem. Act," and 31 "unlawfslly selling li- quor." do 27 of these the usual fine of $50 has been paid, in 9 not paid, in 17 there are appeals; and three of the cases were dismiss- ed. Inspector Paisley is credited with 27 of these cases, Inspector Miller, of the East Riding, with 6, and Inspector Sprague, of the South, with 22. The remaining,easee are of the ordivary character, vagrancy, assault, bad language, &c. Following is the result of the races at Stratford ou Friday :-2 35 trot--lst 3. Llfe Insurance on the Assessment plan. Stafford's "'Mollie B," of St. 14Isry's; 2nd, eche Oanadiau mutual Aid Association, the FARM FOR SALE! First elects, one lay idrecl acres, ouonii10l east of Ountralie. Tor Vartioulars Apply to R, riARRISO1T, (0- eeees,) Exeter l? 51, 1 AR> r FOR SALE.—Lot 0, in the lth den, of $ teplton, six miles from Exeter, Containing 00 acres, 80 clear, and 10 woods, , 115 land is in a good state of oulti rltlion. 01i the farm is a geed hriolt house, two largo fralne barns, good orchatrd, good water in wells and springs. Everything handy, it geed and pretty place. Will besold oboes), Apply on the place, or by letter to S. (t—f) FRANKr4 ton„ T. 0. YOU A R nsT... LOLN DON Do Not - . _ .mrr oth -----_S1OT .S 14,co a Balt cleared s a e o cultivation. —I, the remainder bush. in wnieh there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; tate feral is also well fencocd and drai'oa; General Dry -Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Carpets and there are upon the premises. a first class brick p dwelling house, pith first class cellars two Furnishings. They show one of the Largest good barn ; tvo never failingspl'tngs anti Sue first-class orchard, For parrioulara, apply on and Richest Stooks to be found in the prenrises, to TttOblAS SH J'i'E t>r fl ExsTER r. o ow'r'. r pHE OLD NIoLEOD FAll1l, IN THE Township of Hay, for style. It con- tains 100 acres more or less, beingtho west half of Lots No. 21 and 22, euriohgrauelroad, Good frame buildings o premises, wad all cenven iencos; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. Phe lanes. is„of good quality being clay loam. Good water. Two and a -half miles from Ren - sell market. The property free froma,lineum- oranees. Reasons for selling':—Oofug north to procure more land, Will sell with or without crone, For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. WILSON„ I3ensedl. P. 0. Ont. UIP, FARM. ',R'Ul-C SALE. --The tinder. I .. h Co'y signed offers for sale tris farm, benne, lotOs. u,5'townskd of Us :- , p porno two melee n'd• from Exeter 100aores about 85 _ • eattie _.. aniuo first tate f . cultivation. SMALL FARM FOR SALE.—The Undersigned offers for sale 25 tierce of good land, being pert of the north part of Lot 17,1st Con. of Stephen, within one-half mile of the vil- lage of Exeter. The land is in a first class state of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame barn, god water, and a half -acre of orchard with all kinds of choice fruits, also a first-class eider mill. This is a good chance fox anyone wanting a small farm close to tho corporation where all kinds of produce meets with a ready sale. 1'. r further particulars apply on tho premises, or to E. LAMPORT, Exeter, P. 0. (t—f ) Stephen, Tune'29,"87' ti Canada1 ons© NOTE THE ADDRESS :-176 d6 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. 1',. son To new premises West side Main -street One Door South of Post Office Where he will be found with ANEW AND COMPLETE'. tett Solidus C9ck EXETER - – - ONTARIO. GEO. MANSON, Have a.ay einount of money to loan on First. class security at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. Fire Insurance affected in first-class wealthy —aud— RELIABLE COMPANIES. J. 'hompson's "Lord Randolph,” and.3rd, W. Duuseith's "Nellie Gray," of the same place. Time, 310, 3 15 and 316. Three minute trot—lst. Dr. Hall's "Rising Sun," Any amount of, first-class farm and villagq of St. Mary's ; 2nd, Denovait & Forbes' "St property for sale or exchange infamy part of Thomas Boy," of Seaforth. Time, 2 45 thePt.nvince, Michigan, Dakota, 1lfanitoba or and 2 48, •.lamed race—lst, H. Patterson's -sates States cit "Honest, .Johnny," of North Easthope; 2nd, Ci H. l;ankin's "Highland Johnny," of Stratford ; Brit, S. Round's "Little Billy," of .Sorra. A sad. and ;fatal accident oocarred about four miles up the Huron road, en Saturday evening. Mr. Wm. Yeo, of Staffa, was driv- ing to Stratford in his buggy to get a grain -cradle. tie stopped a while at Dublin, and did some business there, and then started for Mitchell. When near Mr. John Aikens' rs+- idence, scarcely a mile from Dublin, be was thrown from his buggy, apparently on lis head, and was instantly killed. His body was carried into Mr. Aikens' barn, and kept there tai eleven o'clock e11d ceeas day, when Spring Imilortatins' it was taken Anne, The deceased leaves a: widow and five children to mourn hie un timely end. Cheapest and Best In the World. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Reasonable . Figures. NOTES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED AT THB MOST REASO :ABLE PILULES. Agent for the' Beaver kine of Steamships, The Cheapest and Best Ocean Steamships crossing the Atlantic. A Trial Solicited and Satisfactian Guaranteed. Westoott d Sanders, Gen. Agents. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most re - .markable medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure.—Wm. Gillis, Forest P. 0. The wife of Mr. John Miller,wbo resides on Mary street, Clinton, Lad a remarkably narrow escape from what would probably have been a fatal accident, On Saturday last while engaged in her household duties she was startled by the whiz of a bullet as it grazed the back of her neck, and striping tee wall bounded beak on the table. Her hus- band being home pieked tip the bullet and found out that a neighbor, wishing to fright- en some birds that were picking cherries, had thoughtlessly used a gun loaded with ball cartridge ; it happened that when tbe ball passed Mrs. Miller ebe bad just bent forward to pick up a cup. BORN. OaannsO,—In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Thos. B. Carling, of a daughter.. RECEIVED ! — AND_ PLACEDUPON OUR SHELVES.'' A GRAND DISPLAY ---oF-- Spring and -- Summer Goods. Latest Styles and Patterns. GIVE US A CALL. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER and EGGS. MARRIED. PATTEaaSON.—REID.—Ill Hensall, on 29th nit. , TRICK & C URREL L EY, by the Rev. Mr. 'Thompson, Mr. John MARKET aa Patterson, to Miss Mary Reid.lboth of Rog• YV9Ati ET SOVA E, EXETER. Vr rallies. 6q t SELLERT—lI0(1ARTiIY—At Hensel!, on Wed- nesday, June 29th, Mr. Thos. t3ellery to 4` Miss Mary McCarthy, both of Mitchell. HOLIIEs--DEARNESS.—On the 22nd Lilt., at Ve0 'I il JU 1,'•,°j the residence of the bride's father, by the wanted at the Exeter Woolen Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., LL, 13., lidward S. 'Holmes, M. D., C. M., df Stoney Creek, mills. Mich., to Bessie, daughter of Mr. John Dearness, Granton. Tothose wishing to manufacture their wool 1reeer ,s---Cirnnou.—On the 2lst ult., at the we wnomd say that our prices are lower than ever t11ts year, Sfanufaoturtng all wool blankefs reduced r foal r e sial ace, of r e e Mr,George Rundle. d e. aottsfn of the bride, Blaushard, by the Rev. I. A. Fear. Mr. Samuel A. Haynes, to Lavine, daughter of Mr. J Church, township of Stanley., Huron County. DIED. a, s -ale Crediton oil the '23rd tilt., -Fred- die rec1- die Cann, aged 1 year. NEW AD VBJ RTISEMEN`,[S- CERK.'S NOTICE OF 'rfIE rile- 15C POSTING J Sor 'vc ..rl1;' LISTS. Voters' Lists, 1887, Mu nicipality of the TOWN- s]:rrr nt tl, ,4 yl;OrtN>; County t of Riven. No- tice is herebyi 3 cert. g you that rdlavo transmitted nithe or delivered to the porsohs mentioned in the 3rd and 4111 sections of "Tho Voters' Gists Act", the sepses regnlro:1 by said section to bo so trc,ns- mittedordelivered of the list made pursuant to said Act,of all Brenna appearing' phes by the last reviseassoesmeut roll o the said muni- cipality to be entitled to vote in said rnunioi• pel ty atetections for members of the Lenisln- tive issouablyt Anel a+. muni eine] elections, and that said list was first posted up nt my of flee ntT linaville on the 30th day of Jane, 1887 awl .remains there for' impaction. 11leotors are called epee to oxn:mineshe said list, sea, if any omissions. or any other errors aro Peng. thirteen. to take immediate proeeodings ter have the said errors eorreeteal acoorcling to Itw, Dated this 5th clay Chaco tar atm i 1IAN,, • of Jtliy, 1887. Olerk or Municipality. 3.00 to $2,50 per pair Spinning arld greasing reduced to 121, Cents. Wo give special attention to roll and batt, carding, also ninny tweeds. flannels, &s., and% all the other branches connected with the woolen business. Tn partici; wishing to (mollsnge, we would say that wallive a very heave stock of medium tweeds. made out of the Best Selected Canadian wool also fine tweed, grey and cheek flannels, blankets, yarn shostings, &c, We also makea special feature of Fax3,o7 Bed 7 `reads Raving ittiporteda loon, from Sdeitlanl, nt a considerable outlay, we will be enabled to suit ani• customers om s in so ane of the Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Joan 132E1A,77fq UNDERTAKER & 500 V14lage Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. CABINET-MAKER, :4ituation good; fronting good — — wide streets ; also a number of Walnut dz Rosewood Caskets HOTLES,LFARIMIAND ALSO COFFINS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. 00.. l__oppw Lost, How Restored. Just VEBWELL'S CELEBRATED ESB Yof R ontheradical euro of SPER11rATOR11011A or Seminal weakness, involuntary Seminary Losses, Inr- PoTEr`aY, Mental and Pysicai Incapacity, Im- pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, OoNernrr- TroN, E$ILEPSYand FITS, induced by self-in- dulgence, or sexual extravagance, &o. The celebrated author, in this admirable es- say, clearly demonstrates from the thirtyyears' successful practice, that the alarming eons° quences of self-abuse may be radically cured poiutingout a mode of cure at Duce simple, certain, and effectual, by moans of whichever. sufferer, no matter what his condition may by may cure himself cheaply, privately eo rculicaltv. t This lecture should be in the hands an every youth and ovary mat in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any adch•oss,:post paid, ou receipt of four cents or two postage stamps, Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO,, 41Anu St., New York, N. Y. P. 0. Boz, 400 Lots, Lots, Lots. For. sia;a, FOR SALE. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings 1 Parties desiring Land or Rouses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, METER. CENTRAL Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT :Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r'GIVE ME A CALL NOW FOR ar ._ ins Hirkb ,,, n T- 7.30 -111:):E ' 8 1 Big Reduction in Prints, Muelina, Lace' &e., etc., We are determined to clear out all Sum- mer Goods in July, OUR BUSINESS IS INCREAS- ING EVERY MONTH. It will r! ay you to drive to Kirk ou and see our goods and prices, WE WILL GIVE YOU . Ib. Tin. Tea. for $1. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED. DOUPE & Co, I E Th r car, —SELLS— + MIXED 20 ---AT--- PER__P{• 1y UNDs It NEWEST PATTERNS' and out of their own yarn. We have also large steekof Worn on hand for sale, Give us a call and inspect our stock b foregoing elsewhere, it will S &.v sr -cy avzonr -sz. `a /2 The e Exeter Salt works Coy o - 0h' E1..[edEIu, OFFER SALT AT THE WELL, AT $2.25 PER TON. D!PUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drugj')Store ayExeter "' O _r_,UTZ. SOO ` ZTES Butter Wantecl J. AI r thea. l! EXETER i i ETIJR .NOTiTII, '•, Our Stock is Well Assorted. r0R Tun SEASON'S TRADE,. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED r GROCERIES l l 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold hi Teas from 20e to 76e, per ib, Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.. A nicely assorted stock of A.R'DWATE. FORKS, KS S C YTT3 E S and GLASS all 1 1 ti ,. es , (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil OOc per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS TIM LOWEST.. rd'' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces $2.76, , A good suit of ready-made clothing for $ii,. Ordered snits bot up in Good Style. bur DJ' essGood are i»a ked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR A House and Lot also a karat Apply to a m for halo JOE(N MATHESON. tAl' P. 0 47.