HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-7-7, Page 1LIEGAL WW1 Seocessteii.
Mr„ }carry Hen's, of the. Elecleeitistical
r, DJOIC8ONI Ulla OP, Soli,
If Alter eepre rim Ommt, N'etere Publie
goeveeeneer, AtOiley to
OgiOsi 04'440 01,310O1C,EXeter,
ki":770.0144 IN
Barrister Solieitor, Conveyancer Etc
Oilleekarnwb1PaHlock nau Sold office.) ",REW TO TIIE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL "WHERE THEY
VOL. XIV, NO 46. .EXETER, ONTABIO THURSDAY MORNING JULY 7th 1887. youicwfulz soNs + f • a •
.hiqve plogse,c1, eee our
A.re Works, ,Eieter, Euglaud, lute eecur-
ed. the tenitreet fur the, jt r11 of the
litte Lord Iddieeley, 41,14floa a
felY weekseagO, haneleonie• Woettrorial to
sqi4th Afrieaa We, congeekelate
ems on Ms popularity ea, .Sou1ptor, ire
his many work e of ext. will 'freetify. We,
[learn that he sails 'from leuglantle on the
Oth of. Autmet for America); but that he
-will not visit us as lee bee ee many iri the
1.3-, S. to call at. We axe sorry as we
Graduate of the /loyal college of
Dental, $urgeous of Ontario,
ing furnished, nue Dental liocuis
On JAMES -ST., 2 Doers Boat of Central Hotel,
'Exeter, Onto where 8.01 prenfirecl to perform
all anches of the Dental profw
ession with ase
skiklAharges, Moderate; Terms, Cull.
Sammoll's Block, Main.st, :Exeter,
Extraets Tooth without pain,
by giving Vitalized Air. Gold
Filings and cal other ciente'
.vorlt the be possible. possible. Goes
o ZUHIOE on last Thursday in
eaoh month,
V • °Meerut hifar esidenee Exeter. .
ejW. 13tIOWNING' M. D., M. 0
• P. s,Graduate Viotoriarnivevsity.Office
audtresidence,Don: nionLaborator v. Exeter
T1R. RYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
I. Carling's tor,sExeter.
DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.0. P. S
o mos, IN.ta St.Exeter,Ont.Besiden
ce tiouserecontly oecupied by P McPhillips,
2 Publishers mid rrejtal eters ). rien &gem,
neoonbringswoheaithyow LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Brevities
The torphil4oer daybydaY
/etas taustent
threugh, TEN CENTS per line for first Insertle ii , and
,.. --- months recreation.
SclicKA teachers are now Ireppy--two
And gagaho
From orownotheatl to Selo FOHI,I 0Els/TS per line for each iiilliSeq110111 ill 1\/1". 3011110011111 is confined to his bed
SELTZERItettreithtliee. Flies, it oPwig, seater:1*Di be charged to notices appearing with. a swollen le,
- nores, in this ohlumn.
The Chit) eit of England. cong,regation and
1,47:1,i,,,, Wet' appetite it soon re. 1 - ,
just Remved „complete stook of Treses, S. Sehool intend bolding a picuic shortly.
Wileoggrhiles throughout I
Shoulder -braces, Supporters, do., at the . School vacation commenced. on Thursday
Central Drug Store, Ci, LUTZ, Peorereeoe. beet arid will close 1st September. Th t.
eep TSititliTkit SEPITEDA near at hand,
nATENTS for kt4/.0. lilestrated descriptive
oittalognes free, . 011A,MBERLIN, Toren-
tr , Ont.
MO ADVERTISTMS.—Lowest rates for
yertising iu 1000 good, newsPaPors sent
free, Address. GEO, P, ROWELL & 00„ 10
Spine° St,, E Y,
Miss Wood has returned from the city Small hay iteticipatee having a good Wile.
and is in charge of Dress and Mantle making The Messrs. Wood Bros, shipped several
at Renton Bros., and the ins lan- • P •
' 1 Is col me
car loads of rimE
e -cattle from xeter on
cod Monday. o
Without exception,the best and cheapeet
Lines in Boots and Shoes WE have es yet
'seen, can xiow be had at 0. Eacrett'S.
VSTQrk has cornineeced•111 connection with
the new English -olitirch. The excavation
haS 'Oen begun.
ren's, Carriages. Express -wagons, also beet
Give its 08.11peblie, school laet week. Partiettlara else.
valises constently ou hand. 8.
Promotion exereinetions *ere held in the
leethee fly -nets. Haenese, trunks and
TO,' 7ZIEN'X'. before purchasing. Butter and eggs takeirin where, •
exclianle for goods. Also a first chiss John Hyudman ceught several large
eeAPPLY TO— is troubling you. Call at the old stand. Dr. have hdel". `1"Ptil'ed f°r's°11'e tiMe'
House or 'sale. C. EACRETT. blaCk haSs the other day in Ford's "pried.
' • Stop it at once. What ? That cough whiefi The une•s••t• '5Peehuens of that species that
Lutz's Drug Store, and procure a 26 tient 'There are several ane armectmen in town
OAPT.AW GEO. KEMP. bottle of Hallamore's F,xpectorant. Thi e at present A stranger •Wetild be ' impreesed
preparation has been the popular corigtinix- `With the idea that we had a number of
time of Toronto for over 25 years. It invari• 'ehnedepeople here.
Dissolution of Partner- ably gives speedy and permanent relief from ' rates to following .laces •. Eaniff,
all colds, coaghs and chest troubles. It is eVancouver, B. P. .Francisco,
safe aud pleasant, always sure the woret of Laertlited, Oregon, and return, fcie$100,
I1#30.IY. J. Carlini, Exeter.
sbcoughs to quickly eure.
Pure Paris Green, Hellibore and Insect , reepe:ate.lookieg we 1 andthe prospects
Powder at Central Drug Store, C. Lem, fer,a4a,kge yield aye still geed: Tfey mak.
Prop, lag hee eommenced awl' the Mower is sine -
Bemoan ently located in No. 185 NOTICE is hereby given that the ,flrn,8 ship lately ExiSting between Jonathan J.
Piokard am] Ezra Spicer, of the village of F,xe.
ter, uuder the firm of Pickard &Spicer, Poultry
Breeders, was dissolved on the 80T11 DAY OF
ATBIL, by muttetteoesent.
Witness, r
N.B. Mr. -1. J. Pickard will continue the
poultry busines „find keep constantly on hand
during the season, S. S. Hamburg, G P Ram.
burg, D Brahma,, W 0 Black Polish eggs at
$2 per setting. ,
Queen's AVOT1110, Lon on, a
east of Post Office. Special attention given to
• diseases of the Eye, bad sight, ant the pres-
,ervation of vision diseases of the 311ar, im-
paired hearing, and discharges from the oar;
diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation
being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases
of the Nose, catarrh being a, conamon Ctlase of
lanai pd homing.
11 EMIT EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Ray, Stephen, and McGi11i-
7raY:2ownships. Sales conducted at moderate
:ates. Office—At Post -office, C rediton, Out.
TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the
el Townships of Stephen, any and usborne
and the 'Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this Glace.
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Voti,oriparx College, Toren.
to,- hav' an office for
the -treat
merit 05 a 71
Animals, on 8 "
Exeter. Calls Seven inch tile can be furnished if required.
ra a dig ......„ ....,..stsla• -.--. tance promPt'Y The above are of best quality.
attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c Crediton, April 14, 1887. GEORGE PIOATZ
always on hand:
We wish to dell especial attention from the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr.
George Meatz, of Lot 11, Con. 5. Stephen, Credi-
ton,P.O., has on hand a very lame quantity of
At the Following Prices:
ee mob. Tile, .. ,.„.. $ 8 per M.
3 10 '
4 " 34 "
5 0 -00"
6 ,, 80"
50 "
tate forthelluron ItErieLoan •Say-
ings6ociety. Low rates ofinteresi. Applyto
John Spackman ,Exeter
Percen taccording toterm s . Private
Eundssili Apply to
August 5,85 Solicitor, Exeter ,
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
ATONEY TO LOAN .--Pers ons
.JJ.. wishing to borrow money will take no-
tice that I am now loaning County Funds at
6 per cent.
Co. Treasurer,
Treasurer's Mae, Godericb,)
September 27th, 1.886.)
A Sure Thing
0 0
Fishing Tackle
• Ont., Conveyancer, 0 ommessioner, Fire
and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar-
riage Licenses. All business transacted strict-
ly confidential. A call solicited. Office; at the
Post Office.
Established in 1863.
This comi.any has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tarioiindsontinues to insuise against'. oss or
damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merciaan dise ,Man-
ufactories,and alt otberdeseriptions oflinsur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years tkis Company
has iSstred 57,006 Policies. eoveeing property
to the account of t40,872,088 ; and paid in loss-
es alone S709,752,00
AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n 4:cank, GovernmentDeposit, and the unass-
essed Premium Notes on handand in force. j,
W WALDEN 'NE D. Preside, t. 0. TAYX1011,
Secretary. 3.6. Herenes, Inspector. CHAS.
SNELL Agentf or Exeter and vicinity,
The Royal Mail, Passenger and reight
Route between Oaneela thnd 'Great Britain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the Lower St, Lawrence and Baie des Oho,
lear, also
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Gone at Last
mg Its old tune song again.' ' The' crop is re'•
ported as beim,. heavy,
Ofirly 'First.
L. H. 'Dickson, Barrister., , has retureed Thursday last,, ist, the armiver-
from G o deride where he hae, been for eeveie
al clays acting as counsel fee the farmers
who were recently "takeu in" by the white
wheat swiedlels.—eleeere, Geo, Meir and
„limier, Acheson, of St. Marys, were in teeee
on Monthly. --Me. Hugh Balkwill, 110
/eel's, is home on a visit. --!-Miss Maggie Loildon end Ceut,ralia, a portion of the .
been sojourning in Chicago for the pest forir
of Detroit, who accompanied, the balance attending the strawberry festival
eemaina of her father, who recently died; iQiIileciNclitli\eeT::t!illlilscle'cl hiblilivetswerreee tatit9 eelt,lillitine" 1:
Port Ilueoe, to Exeter for interment, is Iocal'"Sperts such as boat -riding, quoit
ependirig a few days among friends 'Prior to Pitohing, etc:. number attenbded the
her returning to the city of the straights. loptertaimeena at Lao eeeeteg. by the
—Mr. J. Fraser, oE A.beraeenshire,
bind, is. visiting Mr. DorwitteL Eiceter north, fgj
Mr. Fraser lure been in Cenache bat a .short
time and he likes the country very well. ' 13 meeting
He'eiverie a large farm in Aberdeenshire aria
entexteneive eettle dealer. --Mr. mo,
P1.1;illitn, Of Linden, a former resident ef
Exeter, is epeuding few days in Own,—
sery of the colefedalatiou of the ,Provine
Os, was obs,eeve,c1, M • Exeter as a quiet
holiday, thme, being no speCial demen
etratiorl commemoration of the
event. The in ejority of our citizens were
out ef teem, many going to Oodericla
The Jumbo steer, "General Pickard;" of, 1:1:he sPeeial train for Goderiell ell ,1.111371.2•
which we gave full particulees last weekeas. Ieit4ee 4-Wter 08:47 mthe fere will be
:, :
'$5 e,t.e. for the rowed trip, The celebration
regards weight &c., died on Monday evg
from exhaustion, he not having eaten suffi- greS Promise of emg tho moat success til
eVerebeld COMAS% -
dent of late. Several veterinaries were
.0u Saturday last Mn Choi. Gidley show.
present, all of whom after an examination
had been made pronounced the ailment a ed *re the-ethY, takea ft.mu a field
of ablest similar, height, which
well developed ease of consumption. The
rdeesneed 4 feet 8 inches. All grains seent
beast's lungs had wasted almost away, which
ehie yeer to. have grown to an unesual.
Gall and Exiimine for Your-
together with intestinal aflecekess; caused.
his death His body, save the head, which e,
will be saved, was taken to the woods and 'On Tuesday and Saturday leet the ther-
enemetet registered. 94 in the shade and 124
cremated. in the ..eun. • It is suid.te have been the
• warmeee weather we have had for many
One evening last week a horse belonging im the
to Mr. E. Christie, and driven by a commer- The etlier clay Mr. Chas. McLaughlin,
ciel traveller, ran away. It appears the while shoeing a horse had the misfortune to
traveller was returning home from a journey
through the neighboring country, and hav-
ing occasion to call at Mr.. Matheson's store,
Exeter north, did. so without first securiog
the beast, The driver had not been absent
many minutes, when the animal, doubtless
being prompted by hunger and a desire ' to
reach home, started off on a walk, which
eventually developed into a rapid rim The
stables were reached with a badly wrecked
Tonder fammthe Works of Construction.
yeare. 'Several sun strokes were reported
EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under-
Wsignee, and endorsed 'Tender for Cane Br et-
ouillailway" will be received at this office up to
0000, 00 Wednesday, the 6th day of July, 1887,
for certain works of construction.
Plans and profiles will be open for inspection
at the otlice of the Chief Engineer and General
Manager of Goyernment Railways at Ottawa,
and alse at the Office of the Cape -Breton Rail-
way, at Port Hawksbnyy, C. 13., on and after
the 6th day of June,1887, when the general spec-
ification and JOrm 01 tender may be obtained
upon application.
No tender will be entertained unless one
the printed forms and all the conditions a
complied with.
By order,
Department of Railways and canals,
ttitive.., 27th Mar.,1887.
P. E. Island. Cape Breton, 031iTTRAL
Newfound lan ct,
arber Sho
and Jamaica,. B
Now aud elegantePumnan Buffet Bleeping g
and Bay CM8 rim an through Express trains. vegi TAL
pThroangorg for Great Britain or he contd..
neat by leaving, Toronto M8.130 a. 31. T
day Will ;join ontward mail steamer at Hali-
fax a. m, Saturday.
Superior Elevator WarehOtise and Dock se-
coratt °drawn at Halifex for shipment Of grain
and ge here' inerch au d se.
Years of experienee have proved the 1WD:111-
(.10LO/4/AL in coneectlou with steamship
Hiroo Ib and frOm Lbridon. Liverpool and
Glasgow to Balifite, to be the quickest traigbt
route betweee Ca,dada rind Great Britain,
Information as td Passenger arid Freight
rates can be [15,6 00 appl4tatiou to
Western Freight eePagemiger Agent
P,ossin House Blookilteek 8t• Torobto
Ciiief Stip etinterele t
Beltway 0 to14,1, etov 13,1883
A. Hastings, Prop,
Shaving end Hair critting in the latest styles
of the att.
lawny attnlioti peil to cutting
tables and Oinldrenss Hair.
g- g
The children and the older cares of ethe,
Presbyterian Sunday school held a picnic in try writing, all of whom are presided over
Mr. Peter Moirl Grove, Ushorne, on Fri- by Me. Thos. Gregory, principal of the
nay last, July 1st. The day was delightful Exeter school.
and the grounds were in geed shape. On The G-oderich Signal is somewhat in error
The SchoolBoardnietin the Secys office
on the 3011i June, at 8.30 p. m. All the
members preserit. • Mr. T. Fitton, the
newly elected member, subscribed to the
Mrs. Dieke, of Guelph, wife of Mr. A. a declaretions of Office and took his seat at
Dieke, foreman of the. Bell organ factory ef the board. Minutes ()Nast meeting read
end approved. A motion MI5 passed - au-
thorizing the chairman 'end secretary ' to
borrow $200. to assist in paying teachers'
salaries. The secreterY was instructed' to
spend a two months vacation. —Miss , Ida adyise theesillage coureere.to rape the sem
that city, with her little son and daughter,
spent a few days here, visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Gill.—Miss Doherty, head milli-
ner iri Mr. James Pickard's establishment,
left for her hme oin. g, yesterday, to
Miss 'Aif. V. White for some The Bord a
-weeks, returned of $200 for schocd puttleSes for. '87-'$8.
arranoed to meet' il .
Boon of Toronto, who has been visiting
Lome last Week.—Messrs. Alex., Dow and ground on Tuescety,, 5111 hist, at 3, p. 'in
Alex. Colquhoun, of Exeter, and Wetand arrange for needed repairs to schbol
Maser, of Aberdeenshire, Scutiand, perches- building.
ed ticketsfloin Capt. Geo. Kemp, and will - '
sail by the Atlantic greyhound "(.3"Mb0Sq" The Baird cemeuy Company. .
of the Anchor Line, hi a few days, tor, g1.1.
rope. The two former Uentlemou . pyteo4 The aluive named company fulfilled
making a pre chase of several entire lue*4 their week's engagentenit heeellese tv"out wes reeneee..6e,
Those Wheat Slia.rks, be held, ine4 The attendance thioug
the set of china dishes. Each play was
at the Giese° i7 stock fair to
month or so. " • save Saturday,evening; when: all holdieg numbered tickets went honing to ' secure
a few weeks ago one Steinmitetatrete, but Mr. B
nd one Fos,reader4, rendered in a neastedrly style hy, the, ,ar
As will be remembered by your
ter who bad taken ordere for wheat from air in every tic , mos eti-
Henry Ortwein and Judie Zimmerman, of to be a whole entertainment within him-
self,. while his supporter, Miss Suther-
Say Township, under somewhat peculiar landeperformed her parts with eUnusual
circuthstances, ,weee,• upon the farmers' su.S. ease and grace, winning the esteem of
tpicions being aroused as to the genuineness the audience. The entertainments given
of the papers signed, arrested by constable by this Company are well worth double
Gill et Parkhill and brought to Exeter- Th,'china dishes was giveo to Mr.e the admission fee charged. The • set of
fanners had signed what they sepposea
were receipts for grain to be held in 'store • Ha&
only by them, but upon inquiry being made, Speakman, he being the holder of the
ticket with the lucky number. .Shonld
Mr. Baird and his Company again visit
Exeter at a future date, we feel confident
the helit weir]," be greeted with much
larger audien‘s. ' •
sprain Ins -wrist. The animal flung itself
the papers signed proved to be some ingem-
aboutknobkiu°his hand with considerable orisly devised orders, each for $210 -worth of
, e I
force against a bench. He carries the in- I wheat, hence the arrest of the sbarks. On
jured limb in a slieg. the trial here Steininitz,•the prummal, was
' '
The wool market for this season ik over, committedstnt,w
n , tdarugle"Tioltnhse
A large quantity has been marketed in Exe-
ter, of which the woollen millpurchased the The orders eQre produced by the defen-
season Qi1111 sold at prices ranging from 22 Judge
o. cleremarked,reall r gisiot
bulk. The wool was of good quality this
ednaollirtigltit,n1dintpiLt.osvetclhe t ju
25tits. • • beautifully constructed as to be of no
The entranee examination for the admis-
sion of'pepils to the High Sehool began here
on, Meffdliy afternoon. The are 'twenty.
eiglircan didetes Irani the'sdreoun ding come
the groends were swings and other amuse-
ments, refreshments &c., of which all par-
took to their heart's content. The com-
mittee of management ere under deep obli-
gations to Mr. Moir for the use of the grove
and to those who provided teams and car-
riages for the conveyance of the school to
the grounds. The affair throeghout was
hignly successful and enjoyable, the gather-
ing dispersing early in the evening and ar-
riving home at a seasonable hour.
Change of 14ail.
The injustice which our north end friends
have been compelled to endure for many
years back, by the receiving of only one
mail per day, has bei remedied, and now
as regards the Exeter TIMES being defunct.
It is published as of yore and will continue
to he. A retraction of the statement
on the part of our coeem will prove whether
or not it was Manufactured for the purpose
of doing us an injury.
The (+rand Trunk Railway has carried
the case of Jones vs. the G. P. R. to the
Court of Appeal. The case has alveady
been twice decided against the Company
and in. favor of Mrs. Jones' claim for dama-
ges for the loss of bee hnsband, killed in the
Grand Trunk yard last winter_
Rev, W. H. Gene and family received a
hearty reception on their arritial at Lyons
last Thursday. 'About sixty members re-
presenting the different the different ap-
they enjoy two mails er day direct to the ipomtmente were present. After it sump -
ton and acquaintance making the corm
parry separated.
The westher for the week has beep most
favorable for the growinp. crops, width are
reported in a most favorable Condition, save
a little rust upon grain here and there, with
prespect of more than an average yield.
The hail Storm of last week, which visit-
ed parts of townships in this neighbor-
hood, and from which much Wee 'feared,
has turned out to have 'done nO dernage
Mr. Will R. Holmes, son of the Rev. J.
W. Holmes, of Guelph, formerly of Exeter,.
who has just concluded his apprenticeship
to the printing business in the Listowel
Standard office, will accept the position of
manager of a, paper at Calgary, N. W. T.
Mr. D. Beamed on July 1st under the aus-
pices of the Young Ladies Of the James-st. We wish Willsuccess in his undertaking and
judging from his C011d.uctand hisliterarg tact
Meth. church, was one of the most success-
ful affairs of the kind ever held by the
el-mech. There wes a very large atteneance,
eveeyborly seemiegly enjoying themselves
immensely. in the afternoon various amuse-
ments were provided for the edification of
the young folks. In the evening the berm-
tif ul grounds were nicely deporated and the
residence brilliantly illuminated. The wig
being warm the refreshment tables were in
great demand, and as, strawberries were
scarce, ice cream was•made the principle
luxury, while lemonade and other soft drieks
depot. Under the old system a letter post. thous tea, and an hour or tWo of coUsecre-
ed in the Hay post -office at 10 o'clock a.
me would remain there for twenty-four
hours before being tekento the office in Exe
ter, where it was also detained until four
o'clock ; thug making a total delay before
being dispatched by train of upwards of em-
end -it -half days. The change was brought
about by a petition being forwarded, to the
,Government, and receiving the careful at
tertian of the sitting member, T. Coughlin,
Esq. Mr. A. Wolper has been a,wardedthe
contract for the conveyance of the mails to
and from the depot, and commenced duties
on July 1.
The Garden Party.
The lawn party held at the residence of
when a youth m Exeter, we are impressed
that he will fill the bill with a,cceptance.
On Thursday last while Mr. Will Ryan,
of Exeter, Was working on a building in the
Township of Stephen, he had a yeeY nar-
row escape from losing his right dye. He
was in the act of driving a nail, and the
hammer uot striking squarely, the nail
glanced backward and downward, striking
hurl on the ball of the eye and inflicting an
ugly gash. I-Iad the nail penetrated but
very little further it would have entered the
were iot at all regarded as out of order, pupil of his eye, and doubtless rendered the
The total receipts amotutted to $59.50 and sight defeetive.
Last week eve made metier) of Me: Jeo.
the young folks feel pleased ovee the success
Hawkshaw having paid the fine iintieeed
which attended them efforts. The brass
band enlivened. the proceedings by disconrs • neon him by the Police Magistrate for in-
ing several fine selections.
Mr. John Elliot. barrister' wee in
Windsor last week, and playedwith the
cricket club of that town in it match with
a Detroit club.
"The Empire" is the name of a eew daily
and weekly paper to be started in Toronto
in the interests of the Conservative party,
in the place of the Moil, Sir John Mac-
donald subscribed for $2,000 worth of
The Welliteton street bridge ie St Minya
hits now been dosed for seyerel weeks, mid
the contractor has until the middle of August
te eomplete the work of relmilipme This will
make three menthe in Which the bridge will
be elosed, thereby etopfling all traffic on the
etreeefor that length of time
A &redly in Florida bet thole little boy
friction of the Scott Act. We Weli0 LH er-
ror, It appears that Mr. Jan Plawkehaw there is no intimation as to whether we are
bad. two charges preferred against him, both to have a new railway.
of which after the decision had been given t .Statute labor is completed and the corm-
adeeteely, were appealed to tee comity try roads are in an implement travelling
Court, on the ground • that W. T. H„,wk. condition,
shim was the proprietor of the hotel. The A ninnber of young folks pieniced at the
$4miner Poetry.
'We hear a deal of talk about spring
peotry, but the following St111111161' poetry,
selected from an exchange, is it good at -
worth whatever," and he Wee diecherged.
The 'ledge, howeeer, se..k;eretv r'epriinvhde 1 tempt :----Tell me not in mournful num-
the re been ofterileee-liteWii`nigilveteelte '1•410e4-- c -r-44!'• )1119, -014.214gss ill, these
the cirer 6.,.i.d431017.4e14.,,,hinouptha'a bers that the town is full of gloom. for the
ed him down for a time." As Steinmitz was days btilrailig-Booni. • 'Vie is-real,elife• 'ie
obliged to lay out about $2001n his defence, earnest, and the grave is not its goal ;
it will likely prove it leseon to him, as well every dollar that thou tiniest, helps tO
others, in the future. As a. general thing make the own town roll. But -enjoyment
these swindles are anything but clever and and not sorrow, is our destined end or
me not calculated to fool a ten year old way ; if you have no money, borrow—
boy if he reads the papers. The ones who
are taken in, and they are readily spotted buy a corner lot each day 1 Lives of great
by the operator, are grasping and a.vancious men all remind us, we can win immortal
farmers, whose. cupidity makes them fair fart,ie ; we'lllee us leave the chumps behind` us
game for the travelling swindler. The and get ether° just the same. In
white wheat swindle, of which the above is this world's broad lield of battle, in 'the
the outcome, and past and similar genies • bivouac °elite, let us make the dry bones
cought a single farmer blessed with average rattle—buy a corner for your wife ! Let
us then be up and doing, with a heart for
perpetrated upon farmers, ought not to have
intelligence, but it was the hope of realizing any fate, still achieving, still pursuing,
impossible and improbable gains without bocmiing early, booming late."
investment that caught the gudgeons and
made' them willing victims. Once for all Frogging.
these people ought to tuiderstand that facili-
ties of getting something for nothing? are As has been previously stated in these
only employed by those who are running a columns, frog fishing is the popular pas -
race with a county jail or penitentiary. time f 1fele f th
le o many o the you men o e
One of these institutions overtake them be- village, and. some of the stories told con -
fore they have gone very far. Occassionally eerning their expeditions are as "fishy"
these echemes for getting something foe as they are remarkable. On Saturday
nothing run on uninterruptedly for some last several persons "hooked up" Maid of
time, but very rarely. The agent.gepre. the 'Mist and drove to a frog pond in the
sented the wheat to the farmer as being No, township of Stephen, and after securing it
1, and asked him to store in his barns so gbod supply of the speckledbea,uties were
many bushels, to be called for by neighbor- about the amputate the limbs, when it
ing farmers ; and that after the crop had was learned that none of the crowd pos-
been taken fromthis seed the farmer was to be
recompensed for the space allotted for stor- sessed a knife. The next best move was
age by receiving from the other farmers it
to take the frogs home in their entirety
portion of such product. The stories he to:d „,where the operations could be performed;
our meeting with a tins ap on ie way,
of the enormous profits to be realized from
such a transaction, were of such a character which caused considerable delay, they
that the rustic's eyes fairly decorated. lie did not reach home until an unseasonable
cheeks with elnazement and wonderment. hour, and deeming it advisable to allow
ring would be charged for their spoil to remain untouched,' until
Of course nothing
reaping such a handsome profit consequent morning, accordingly placed to frogs in it
upon allowing such a small space for it few bucket of water in a cellar. Morning
days, merely for the storing of the grain. came but the frogs were missing ; they
This looked easy to the dupe and he could had. leaped. from the pail and made their
sign the agreement that he would go to the
: depot and take home the seed and keep it escape, much to the chagrin of the anglers
until called for by the neighboring farmers who, trent fatigue of the previous day's
quiet enough. Of course this acknowledge- journey, together with the anticipation
meat by some hocus peons of the agent, were. voracious. Attach
would in all probability, had it not been of a rare feast,
a string to their tailsnext time boys when.
detected in time, hove asstuned the form of in a similar fix.
a promissory note for a comfortable sum,
due notice of the maturity thereof being A boy of about Fift—eenor sixteen yeers
emit to the farmer from some batik in a near' wanted to learn the printing. Must have
hy town, nna nothing left for the agent to a fair English education. Apply at. the
do but look pleasant. Fanners, take swarm- 44 : 4 this
ing. ()Luce ce. paper.
— The United Empire of the N. W. T Co. -
sails from Goderich, to all points 1105111,
The first half of 1887 has gone by and yet on Tuesday next Apply to (Slant. Geo.
Kemp for your ticket at excursion rates.
Tho bridge at Leabhorn.'s side rigid in
Seephen township, which has been down
since the spring freshets, much to the
annoyance end inconvenience of the com-
tnunity, has been replaeed.
A polo club has been formed here
among several yoting men of the village.
The roller rink is 'the place of practice,.
and we believe , from 11 a- way in which
the ineinber are progressing, tho olub
will ere long be proficient,
An Vsborne fartner informs us that
sooreS of his neighbors, and' himself, go
to St. Marys and do their perchesing.
We were loath to credit the statement,
but he said it Was a positive facle Wake;
ttp, citieene, and don't perinet, if possible
such at -voider of things. Our informant
tells us that, in part, their reason for gp-
itv'to St, Marys is, that they am afraul.
to visit Eketer lest they. be soleeted as ,
wittlessbs to swear against hotelkeepers
at,'Scott Atit'trials. We gilt the state-
ments to our readers, 'and they 04
taken for what they. are worth,
last and third charge was egainst Mr. W. lake yesterday. The weather was pleasant
T. Heyekshaw, who, falling to appertr in and they 501101 having had it giod time,
°unit' wits the cause' Of haying all three The exeursioe to Sarnia on U.rtiesdaY WaS
eharges disniiSeed bY the lettering of $50. a large One many.of the Exeterites
On Thursday wig, last a most terrific ,.,theireper't beefing a good time,
storm owept attoee the, coentry he the vicitt- quotes f h
ity of Grantor'. .Geain and many fences °",e'tehl u°trt Jigers°1 Sm"
Were levelled ; also roofs teken from berrie, """eview'' X° soh paper 'under the
talget\ivittalui Lit tbel ad fVritetliteitilefro6fr1:4AraleAtl gsun.
The item I'Mt•t• eellsetittentlY be
the frartie of ahem Whicli'the workmen hied • The remeine of the late' Arthur telkwille
almost emnpleted, binvin down. The tim. who ched at, Port .EIttron after an extended
het% Were' 'Wrecked as also were huggy Eind utoegg of over three,.years; were brought to
wagon which hadbeen lett nest by. The Exeter in'the forepitrt of laet week for
end advertised ter lnlu in it dadY PePee• workmen narrowly esceped belegiripired Or Men't tri the eernetery ,here: fleeeased waS
That very afternoon an alligator erawled killed. They Were dispesed'te tehlain in a .a.,'fornier teeident,Of Exeter:end lived here
out of the ewatiP 'and died On the fieent door small Shed nem, hy until the storm had ,Pas- fOr many- yeara, some,,time ,ago, and frot
step, In kis stomach Wastound a handful sett over,bid linen the. Solicitation et „the IlketerWetifto PortItttroix, where he lived
of red hair, some hone htittoni, a. pair of hose they went to the house,. and arrived tuitil death remoVed hint Ite Was 5$,Yeara
boot heels, gims ptiiv ot cheek there, ivet time to witness ,tassive of age, and was liniversally respected., 1.1`1
paots and a paper eouar, The advertisemeat frame topple over, crushing everything be. had thany,relativ'es inliceter tUrrbiltitt,
did it. moth it. . lug eoutitry,d '
ea, seek,