The Exeter Times, 1887-6-30, Page 4NS CRANCle
I -41:11N T 3° .141 «I 11 ),;`(.)
U.'1'1111./ \VT:W.1'1'0.N 4").).)S1:: tAY1
IAY ofTerouto. ;also for lite 1'14(1,13\ 1
1;31 83.1P.ANC1?), 0(„Thl1PA (.31)1, el London,
the Ittry.41,, of :Montreal, 1,- )-). the
1.)1144TISN.111.111.1101 Llir 1)1 A1.11:3 11 13 A (,` (.():M-
PANYiot lAnndon.
Aq‘16- ovor •90fl10,000 ; .82W I1,-0.3
'Paid. over e410.000,000,
esee; j „
F) SO' 1887.
-11'e ohril',1),) happrr to
thly »'11
)Ce113,) of lan 3 b ,t.s
("',?1,0r atilt 4ntoyit,,;11 itwiilelitzt,Ibit
, oitt any 0,1' our $1r1())-Itore• or reed.
113)* persetme irahttc•-
- • - • - 4444-N
ool lino to r soh s h,),Ani ItC.^ ut
.--.)))•twa w 331 3 3fo Wit:IOUSin 1
e intatal Cemeely Coteratiy.
The Tenet" Dramatis. Gottiptitty eponed 011
Monde), for One week' e eogegetnept io
' Let., The troupe le cox-epos:ea of SiN
perSOnii, 11 wheel, are 'plityere .of ibe fleet.
reek, On :Monday eveubig they presented
the interestieg end iestructeve "Drente "New
Kethiceif' i's foul' toes. `rite pley through -
(it. was eetremely Wall remiered, tlnre
being a tutu alt of laughter from Itegnetme
to ()lose. tee Titesdity evening' e beentif
Doane "Ce et Ad rd. ' or • "1 ite'l tithe r'e Curse
was played, awl to eay the kaet it was
preatteed in tt $uet:eminent style, eeen of
the caetnierforming their parts in a nt miner
whieh re really worthy had in Space of
special ineetiori. Periodically the evidierice
eereamed with la:tighter, . while at thnee
eolemn faQCS, Chareetet ietie of the pert being
played, Ivan) worn, Wedneetley eves the
bomeetie drawn, "'Crude Joe 1 the Now Eng
11 \t..1. Tanner" wee preeeated, and t° 8•Y that
1 \ '
es produced seith every de(itil 'and the
"Mete reedcred in 'en exeellenft manner i$
hut veioing the eeutiesen le of Lill whp were
preeent. Time far the couipeity has been
geeetedwith vetn. litutelamaieuees vial
accordina te the co tandem ent given,
sllettld net be. "While there in resthing,
-; - --' Tr, _ - ')VhA teVQr objeetiouable in the performances
they afford our people au opportueit,y for
instruetion teed cf hisniug a ' hearty laugh.
- We have imer,1 Many people eity that the
U Reeeived a complete stock of •Tie,
Shoulder-lencee, Supporters, tne., at tha
Central Drug Store, 0. LI. `Z, Peovartaron.
Miss \Vote" hes returned from the city
and ie ta charge of Dress and eleutle =king ,
at Raton Brcis., and the rush has eomniera
Without excention,the best and cheapest
Lines in "Boots aid Shoes we have as yet
Aeon, eon now he ita,a at C. Haerett'e. 01Ii1d,
srea's., Carriages, Exprees-wiegons, also hest
;leather fly-uete. Harness, trunks and
valiseeonetantly on llama, Give is a call
„before purchasing. Blither and egge taken iu
,eaachange for goods. Also e first class
House fur sale, C. bet:liken.
Sthl) it al ont'O. 'What ? That
treublieg e tm Call at the old ten nd, Dr.
..Luotee Drug Store, end Drumm a 25 cent
:bottle of Hallatuore's Espectorant. This
,prepalution has been the popular cough mix-
niero of Termite for over 25 yt,a1.Y. It in earn
Oily gives epeedy nett pereement relief from
ell colds, coughs and chest trouble. It is
safe and pleaeant, alweys enre the writ et et
comilis to quiekly cure.
Pure Paris Gree, Hellibore and Tuaect
Pt/W(1er at Central Drug Store, C. Lam,
R. T. of ()facers. • •-•
On Aiomlay EV... the following offivers of
the R. T. of T. rS'aviety were elected :--
S. C., J, E, Tom ; T. C., j". P. Clarke ;
C., Miss Grahain ; Chap, T. Gregory; Sec'y
; Fin. Sewn R. Galley ; Treite
sl.' Bell; Herald, R. Piekard; Guard,
Chas. McLaughlin; Sentinel, W. Maiming ;
Organist, Mies E. Bell.
Wm. Deering, of the 2.1n1 can. of
Stephen, who. has been visiting his son aed
friends Mariett, retuned home
last week. Mr. D. speaks highly of the
oountry, its laud and its advancement ,
says that if he could dispose of his property
here he would emigrate to Michigazi.-Law-
P .t • en end wife of Traudon, Nam,
eleys emelt laight ttre ticeidedly better 'than
th+e fit wliid .1.- aol 3fict at el tro
w de the prives of admission to l‘17, Baird's
entertainments are 10 end 20e13. Thursday
night they will play "Nip ited Tuck," the
detectives ; Friday night "The Gilded Age'
by Mark Twain. Saturday night "Betsy
Baker and Bon Bolt," at the emielusion of
the play Saturday evg. a liandsteue set of
Ohm Will lie given 'away :to •the person.,
holding the tieket with the lecke.' number.
There will he ne deeeit praettsed -the &ilea
DI$TR1011 DO1NG$.
0-v(,..44P,r043evit, of oio tat
tne fqoir;10)(4).1wo(1, in a concise ironii,
0 ti Wei/nos:lay, a sever() stot
evi.r tho wv;itf4rtt pt'il (.4 1.1t0
1-31.21.1111qt'ST. Tle. \vied blow a 11u) ricene,
anti rain 000ohloatrioil with. hall foll lit tor,
XA.E4..-K,ET it.ii1.1.'1,11."..717S 4
)1 S
' nal:epee), ' , 1
( \\^e.ieeedite. ' , ',-; t,'
. , . ,
wall W tiett 1 - ••• -• e, 0 731
,t3j)rillf.; IVhcat - .). ,, ... ... 0 (7) to 0
Oats •„
Glover 13001
"timothy "
- - 0 ;'0 to 30 1
••' - 7313 to,. j 00 1.11 OQ III tnerioing bu.siness.h.ere 1
.. .,. 1,.0 1,0 ‘.2 0 . , , ,
0.111 going to ury 11,11d give i-iatis-
, ,
th \V t 1184 1.)001.1 I?" " " 1Q 11
U or 1)
litotally driven into the ground. 0..1.1 /-41.0311
f',5 tO 00
delasgo has boon done to the et ops 31e ttO) ... 11 t c 0 12
1 i)tel total iaaay (loam, and, ,v4, Viouri 111., - - 10 to
faction to all of thy patrons by
building' from a true and good
—Honesty in all my
2nd, --Tu give unexcell-
ed values in all lines that
I c a,rry.
3rd, ---To take advantage
47i5 0±' one, but to give
everyone value f9l.? t1e2r
tense as. fa, nese into ,..ntstnnytin1 eotit toes‘per bushel es, to $0
Coggli Syrun. Jae. St tupeens, Abeterriler, (=nese peen), - 0,00 t 0° 0(1
0 08 to OB
bo e‘tIlte 11, it:lot:titt,l'oil 111111 11,)1:1:/.11;:)1):),(i).11st;fital);,f430.';b:cati::ilitt.);ttotTlust.1 3tiil 31„;.tout ‘0alt atil!littolk ,42;i(01i 10 0 to 04' 0to 13 01( I)
501111733 with a false pedigree to a eentleiteni ----------------------190Re
itaiseael Tilix;r1155 (()1(°)
.. 70 to 1 10
,otaree liarPeace, Who ceu it be -aeybody Clelfsittee tai to 0 71
bk1t \Vas Pet eo mice t ly c it red h , A-PPI°s)1)0r b a - .,) t .00
eels vet vet theedeeteeepr b o 01 0
the.imute. te wool len 11,) „, 0 20 to 0 21j
oe t )10 DO
911 s eras t'e x tree t of W 11(1 eiwbetu 00 '01aeri),,,,1;” t 3') °
-tlic stateirteitte of score); wile lave tiled it, ST., It ka'rs.
Ile er t 1.1
1143Ver, f ails to curs dierrleoa, tlyeeie ere, eee." , sVooa, uord „, „. 2 50 to 2
25c per bottle, for eine ey all drupe/jets,
. Varnished isy 2ffeSSrs..(larter, Son ez 1)0.
771 to
organized with oflicers as follows ; Pret,irien BOrioff Wi'eat-•••.) •••••••••• 14')
Tlas Ooderigh Tomei. of Ti ado' hes been Vali 'Wheat' .
tf), everetary, kle. Same.;
Mitchell 1 troostmr, Ma. R. iledeliffe; 000u. OaO'' '''''''''''''' " .****** 30 734°85 am prepared to aell
all Moser's. Het:1)i n eou Dee '''''''' ''''' -tea get
dollar. • •
swage:. jas. M. blieppao a, Job,u sutler, T. Erns ,
C. Petite., A. 5, Cheesed, Wm:Campbell, 3, nriVtor
I-1 Colberue, a A. Naan, C.' Orahla Joe. 1 'Potatorie nor bush. „.,... ''''''' -nen 70
Ridtl. jr., Fr. Oatripion, Jas Saunders, T. B. I APIdes Per Inteh 00
'V F . • 13 P ' ' \I Nr* .1 i i Wool porlb, , . '' -• ' 20
Everest's Cough Svrap is the beat in the 1, BOO 10
Strachan, 'F.T. W. Ball.' * *** ** ' * * 1 IT4Y1)"1"
oom.try.-lluncan PUrsell:Forest P. al. ' T The reneipts of the a. P. R. for the week 1
For some time past Mr. Kidd's stem) ut ending Janie lath were ete149,000-ase increase I
Pees .
• • • •
Dublin, near Stratfore, has been periodieelly
when', norms ermeneely being takes), Mr.
Kidd seenred the eereicee of Detective Gra-
will he left in 'teem , . hem, of London, who 1,0ok np hi+ 1esidenee
in latibliu ae a olerk 111 Kidd'e stexe,as
B1301 became "hail fellow weil. met" with
"boys" awned tho vill -ge ;tad worMod hint- ;:f",$;,
self Into Om conliderce of the summated
parties. 'They told aim an about the) pre-
tioas robbories 100 he agreed to take part in
the tOlt, whiett they 'fixed mr n couple of
weelie, later. On thi»eatter being reported
to the Comity Crown Attorney of Perth, how.
ever. lie et once &reeled the arrest -of.
Eater, James Oarponter and MM. Baker,
jun.; all id whom a:0 now 10 Strat•Tord
Two of onr youlig men went to the Bend
last Thm•sdey. They wiehed t buy some
nice salmon trout or white fish, but the fish-
ermen were Making poor hauls, end the
yietunr men were thinking of returniug
home without any fish, when a mous:er
stu rgeon , weighitt g abont 140 lbs., was
brought to shore in the nets. A dollar
lecal eglani31 thie week resembles in
Part a hee'e mouth, A lien ilea no teeth
Ala wo hese few locals
Any porsua wishing to buy a choice farm
will do well to scan oar tidy. etiltutins. The
farms advertised therein.are known to us
to be s•uperior.
. On, Wednesday evg. last„ a valuable
youag mare beloeging to Mr. Goe Rook,
Jr., of the 2n0 at., Usberee, was struak.
by lightning mat instantly. killed while
melee 31 teee it the Pasture field.
The boat race which was to have takeu
place on July 1st on Piekard'epond hae been
indefinitely postponed owing to there being
several church eutertainments durinte the
.afterucien in the villave and surrounding
A dieerve termed charbon has spread it-
self anionget the cattle in Stephen towaship,
ainifrom which Mrs. 13. Faust lost throe flue
head the other day. In order • to prevent
'further spread of the disease the cattle
were cremated. • . . .
The Baird conicity company gine away a
.'bealesiful set of alma on Saturday .es euing,
to the person bolding a ticket with the
luckynumber. There are .over 40 pieces hi
the set, which ia cm exhibition iu .M.r. T.
Fitten7e, window. •
The adjournetl times of infraction of the
Scott Act law were heard by Magistrate
Williams on Tuesday. -elle .Tohn "Hawk,
sinew settled hi* case while that of Portice
• .Was,clismiseed, there being no evidence to
tprove that a sale of liquor bacitaken piece.
A doe with its caudal appendage hung
who have been visiting friends here for
5n3110 tittle, left on Sittardey for Kincardine.
. They will return to 13ranclon in &bent four
weeks. 311. Peterecet says the country
around Exeter is level and good ; but still
them is no laud to compare with that of
Nlanitolea He also seers the stoek out
of 11.52,000 over the eeine period last Tear. 1
With a string to which was attached an oys
•stee ean, ereated more than the' usual gee
(fitment upon our streets Monday evening. t
'The canine made for Scarlett'e dvug store,
-where it wits freed "irf thet instrumeitt for
evhieh it had no cupidity. •
123 L.A.-C7ItA C It'
S1300t0,0103 8g's Eye -glasses
Dr. lirowninr, has this Sole Agemey kat
:Exeter, for the )4 bore lenses. They are the
only 0001 reconne elided by the PresIdent. are'
Viee-Prosident's of the Medical Associations
of canticle, and all the leading; oculists of the
age. Tb s y harts worteseide reputation 201
goring that aid to vision which all other
louses tail to. give. newere of imitations. as
they aro 10 the matkot. 15. Laurance's Spec.
ta clan auff 1,1:void ottses aro marked B.L., 'with'
quickly changed hends, and the stergeon bet. out r, inch none ore go tame, 1 1
Cann% the property te, our town boys. limn peas stamped Pebble -Mese -or by any sinall•
the stinted tmt for some Inc. Securing iterity in n SRO NYNINts , SOL'S Aatuter
abont 50 yartle uf stout rope, they. fastened 111 70•13 3MEE
around the gills in the stergeen earl junimme
• tnd iebbies are
't ) dPebble.Do not be deaeired by any
into a boat started out into Ihe lake, 'I hey
were hissing meet spell with the fish for a
tiene, until he evidently began to gat tired of
shellow water and after reachinga deep place
stiddeule. tcok greet fancy for a db -e. The
boat was nearly capsized the first time his
fish -ship dieapnearea 01 the deep, and the
boys found theniselvis sittieg in too much.
water to makeit comfortable. Another lurch
mune aml suddenly the fish dived again., but
before it could get the length of the line, one
of the occupents of the bont whippet' out a
kill's., cut the rope. and -"leVer go." Then
they returned to shose.-Parkhill Review.
Bob Burdette's Advice.
SOUTHERN tu:::.:HT=2.'0n.
c+.4. Asuccessfulmedicinctesteclovor
30 years in thousands of cases.
Promptly cures NOFV072.8 Pros.
tration, Wealoness of Brain, Sp i•
-44.4 -4. nal Cord, and GenerativeOrgons
of either sex, INti$sions and all ills caused by India-
eretion or over-exertion. Six packages-No:corm?, In order to acereroutedate our rapidly increasing businese we have
''Itemises, and new have room the
Close Prices
and am determined to 'give
nay customers "tile advantages
which resul frern ,careful and
judicious buying,
Tweeds' azu
. - JbtI
Gents' Furnishings.
Snood To None: ia Town.
Only Call and Be CanVineed
bOught7trom we
will be cut _Free of &Marge, and
-Peribet kit Guaraliteed.
1.1. •
Yours. Respectfully,
Exeter, March ltb, 1887.
voin um. 11
teed to effect a curewhenall °therm dich_es .
One package $1, siXpackages$5, S-041
byttr.uusiste. Writefor Pamphlet. Address
3SURSZA Cisztuosx. Co., DICTROM Mt=
My sue, whelk s eu heel a man growling . :
and seolding heesuse Moo,ly gets 1200 a
week for pveaching einestianny, you well per- of Sot) were realized from the
. wive that he never wen its a bit becanse
there is supervise to stock in Ontario-alio...Ler
- • • 1 , . • e...ieuberry festival given in the roller rink Ingersoll get). 5200 a uight for preaching
atheism. ou eill obsei re that the man
who is anutterably shocked because F. Mars
Ay gets 5350 a week lei temperance. work,
seems, to think it all r•glit when the bar-
keeper takes in tweie ss much money in a
ders, of Stephen, wiesdriving (Iowa Altan-st. single day. The luborer is worthy of his
the horee which he was drie ) tool: fright
on Friday last attendui a to business in eon -
t 11 i : g i 4., I hire. my bor. and be is just as worthy of it
eon., ea sn of magbarn, WaS ill t011'a laSi --4,--- 44-.4
' 1.44.1 it 0 mti,m, groinel. s The lynggy was considerably
week, performine some p d....... ona. o ' Walter Stevenson, Held on a
horses an eat e. * state. on Wednesday eveeing of last week, under
ilegree of eN:ita•geration it the latter
ment, from the feet that nearly all. the the enenicee of the Ladies' aid of the Main-
, st. Meth. church, particulars of which ap-
'breeding horses aerl cattle in 'Manitoba and
Nerth-west were taken fro in Ontario. -Mr, peered in these columns lest week.
;Fletcher, of the firm of Fletcher & Wallitee, The other ever., while Mr. Samuel San -
Barristers &e., of Woodstobk was in town
emotion with the Russell tum ---W. J. Wile a t ° 110+e taa416 l'Y the alvat 011 - rmY in the pulpit as he is on the stumj.
al1C1 radi away. Mrs. S. was thrown to the
with the horse and, Charge of Wilful Murder. L VT P RIC .tn
The board' sidewalk on street miming
_Having purchased a
Choice lot of Dress -
Goods much below
their Value, axe now of-
fering them at Very
west, south of Commercial hotel, has been
Important Scott Act Decision. taken up and replaced with gravel, which The Coroner's inquest to inquire into the •
As soon ae one obstacle is removed anotin in time makes a much better and more ser- death of Dalph Shaw, the murdered Tolmi-
er seems to be revive to 'hemPer and vieeable walk% An beard alone on back leer, was resumed before COMOr a10-1111. The
S 1
liinder the workings of the Scott and side streets will, as the case requires, room was ciowded to the dews. The
Act. The following WO take from the To. be removed and replaced tvith gravel. prisoner looked a geent deal better. Ele took
ronto Neil of a few days ago: In four Scott The Russell farm, in the.township of Hay, a deep interei.t in the proceedings, but occa-
. .Act casee from. the town of Paris, Mr. :YRS-
tioe O'Connor has delivered an important
judgment on a neV.r point' arising 'leder the
,Scott Act. The town has no Police Magis-
trate, and ie was contended by Mr. _kyles -
worth, on behalf of the defendants, that the
Police Magistrate of the Ceunty or Brant
bridal° jurisdiction to try an offence in the
team of Pat is, although the town is Wholly
within the territorial limit; of the comity.
Et CI AS urged that the Scott Act pointed out
the tribunal for the trial of cases, provided
01)31 in case of a town not having a Police
Magietrate the prosecniion must he before
the Mayor and two Justices of the Peace,
and. that Paris not having a Police Magis-
sold lender mortgage at hotel.
on Friday last 4Van "knocked down" to Mr
Daniel MeColl, his hie being $1,875. The
1331103 'contains 50 acres of good ha
soil but s
of late become dirty, so to speak. Mr. ,Ing
(1111 wielded the -hammer in his usual 'effec-
tive style. '
The Jebilee strawberry festiyal given by
Ile Salvation Artily in 1100' barracks on
Friday evg. was sparsely attended. A good
time, however, was spent hy those present.
Officers from St. Marys. Allsit Craig
and various other places were in attendance
and a..ssisted in rendering a good programme
which consisted pripcipally of orations,
signally when he spoke to his counsel bis
countenance wore a smile. Heretofore in
the course of the Manny he has had a
troubled look. After having heard the evi-
dence of several' peighbors, the police • and
others, the jury then retired, and after being
out an hour and twenty minutes reterned at
1:35 a-. m. with the' fllowing Verdict
find. that Ralph Shaw came' to his death by a
wound at the hand of Walter Stevenson,
which wound wits inflicted with malice fifer°.
thought, according to the evidence giveh ;
and we End Unit Walter Stevenson did, on
the 1801 of Juno, 1987, felomously,
and of his malice almethonalit, kill and min-
der tho•eaid Ralph .Shw
a." One of the
-trate, the county Magistrate could not be DPtectivO, 9ralial11 . of L°11aOn, was ht . jurors, Mr. Solt:am. disseeted on the
10, 1,11111 was itrinerative that the al- Zurrch on It entity, in connectionwith Stem- ground that there was no evideece to snow
tentative tribunal pro`vided by the Act bach Robbery case. He hes secured a duo that f4tevention lute a knife in his linnet when
$hould be resorted to -that is, the Mayor
or two insticei. Mr. Delamere supported
the jurisdiction of t10 magistrate, urging
that as magistrate for the erninty 110 luta
power to try offences in auy mitt of that
i'ottiity. The les,rned judge has ruled
against the magistrate's jurisdictioe, end
.1..rwelsecl the four convictione. .1n the ease
to further evidence, which, he says, will be the men win n.i.nen,
very daning,iag to the prisoner Sipple, who
is now awaiting trial in Goclerieb keit, and
which will ales lead. to the return of a large
quantity of the :stolen goods. A woman is
1301V feUlla to be connected with -the ease
and to have received the stolen goods.
Mr. L. MeTagersa.rt of ,Heeter North, the
01 Queen vs.Cummins -where the Immo other day, pulled from a field of flax On his
' etfiut was raised, the judge was salted to re- farm adjoining the \elitism, seveeal stake of I\liss 11115110 Prentise. News was liken to garian and lielle,fi, I. . the Newest Makes mid Colors at Correct Prices,
considor his deeision, but refused to do so, flex nteaSuring four feet three inches ; this the brilliant party. of the trreeedy, ihab 1,,,,i
and quashed the coinietimi. The point is a is the longest eve/ heard of mid MeTaggart met to celebrete the „wedding where the bride - ----- I COB •BLAC)V. DRESS 0 OODS.-aeAll,the Very Latest Novelties in Fraley Birk Drees.
. .
'button. '
k Id V f illf vig ti a ,,,,, 1 Plitehes in All Shadei worn •this season. 131ack, Dreee and Mantle Silks.
oan beat this measurement. IIe says the 'Wining bite been dieeipating for several
meted. into A distastefel mai liege. , ' „
An Erie, Pre, telegram says : Cliarlee
Williems, of Corry, blew out his Innins litet
night en his WM'S grave, In his left brunt
wee a note saying "1 Jiere end a worthiest;
—NEW LICES,---7-,
liosiery Gloves and, Parasols
17.3 2.3 *17 ASS° TR. T 111
had .4) lfaalfirge
'17 0, Cio
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc •
If you want a STOVE 01? ANY KIND, we can supply you and gpernatee Pei es Bight'
If you intend building, Cell and Got Our Prioes for NAILS, LOCKS, -Mk PAINTS,
plLS, LEA.D, EAVETROUGHING, ET 0 .„ Weers P.V17 Yon.-
. If yen Want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Lino, you Strike tho Bight
Spot when you call at
PUMPS, (ntox), you will strike Rook Bett.0111.PlieeS nt
:B S r :17., s
.—THE PLACE 17011
The Latest Styles in Millinery, also a line
assortment of Scotch and Englieli Tweeds.
which nre jtist to hand. fe,Atns 4
4',"1 reAla,
FTILL LINES . ae • n. 44.41 110)
One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted ma Obenpest
of Felt and Straw hats Stocks ill Exetcr. .
life." Tim nicht° was to hay,. been married Seed Corn, Turnip seed Hun- •
again at the very hoar he took "hie life to 1 lejelein Cleeke, Habit Cloths, All -Wool jeteree'y Cloths, Teeneli Dreei Materials, in al
new one, and oxoltoil a groat deal. of at- ,\VOnlalike 'to knonr WhO110.511 sample that C -ns nereinnely waiting his (mining. Tonne .• Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines an Black Goods.
menthe peet reui fri'.111t1S:Ra't he Was being J a la(
sample was pulled from a large pateh of the
same length, The sample exhibited by the
Dashwoodite is one inch too short.
The conned met at Dr. -Ronne' ,office.
Several fermiers in tide vicinity have com-
menced heyieg. The crop is reported. heavy
.aul.rrood °
Last week, my. John lese"ery, tsf Ijsberrie, 011 2411i June. :lit the members present.
7i1,ised the frame of a, lyarn, wIiih, it is scud, TIiu minutes of the previone teeetieg were
will he the largest in Usborne township read and confirmed, An order for $225
n -hen completedeves granted to Ross 'reader, estimate on
nerson having found 33 material and labor on Town Hall ; 33)1(1, •
bridle and 1(11105 113 fktir grouiels return- Wm. Weleit WO for in$Pectien• Jas. Berl
;ea 1110111 to Mr. }Emden, Molso-ds haek, was granted an order for $50 eatery as its.
e-fil be rewarded. seesote The reeve and clerk to pressen and
.What ebout cutting the thistles and eox- eubmit a. code of general by -leave for arlop-
l0i18 Weeds that aro aliolved to groW and tion. The council adjourned until call of
prosper on many of our hack streets tied the reeve,
, vacant 1o13The seed will soon begin to The (that'll is announced. at •
Calenry on
•Ily and make more general the almest in- the 1510 inst., of Mr, .701m H
Little. e wes
euieemco• ill with brain fever for some limo at Lang
\I o
are in receipt of a circular stating rlon, and on the 1 8111 Itay was taken 10
that Berlin, Ont. has the largest corset fac- Calgary and idneed in the Union Hotel,
tory itt elle world. The people of Exeter whey) lio lny in n stato of unconsolowinoss
, 73)43 )101 touch interested in this, however, 011,11 Math. The deceved was a son of the
-for only one person in town 'treats them and Rev. :John of Granton, Ont, Ile Went
130 11.13e0 nene hlrli the imported aPticle. to ilao Nbrili.wosf, seven years ago, and rte.
.AittllY arc' t" 3301).10 this week who are eepfed the position' of chief oporater on the
elmerined at thelekelves for tot purchasing P.. 13telegraph line west of Calgary. In
o supply of strawberries for preserving put.- i 3384 he 71513047311115 position, thok to ranell
poses, ealien the fruit was plentiful alai ;nes and efeyed in that Misitiess till a shert
• gheap, The lserries are now scarce mul 0010 -
:privatively expensive, owing, to the erep
l'iNning, too faSt. ()eland by the contimmus
t.11.I0 age, Whell 110 went on ri‘. operator at
Langdon, and retainer' his position until lOs
lest illnees. 130, Little 11143 1/111, thirty-four
's.);"•4",,,a 0001.3 AS SO ittr DI ENT ANI) EXT tilA
Erestoem.-Al Feirfield on the alth inete, the
Wife of Wm. Flillotie of a daughter,
Tom ,-A t Devon on the 27111 inst., the wife
of H. Tole, of a son. •
Dente -ells Exeter, on the 251t1t inst„ 111(3
sell() of Mr. Alex. Dyer. of a eon.
Drevecre.-In Heeler, ois the 23111 inst., the
e wife of Lawyer Dickeon, of a daughter.
Kneserewa-Cnewroen.---At the residence Of
Jame S Cenevrorrl. 1.001 8011.. Iilinisletrel, hy
'Rev, 0. 0, MeLeturin. ni the 0,1st inst., E.
C Kiristainn.o.f llarnilton, to Min Maggie
• '
Rock Elm, Wie , :Tem 25 -The discovery
of gold in Rock r,ltit Creek be W. W. Newell
has cruised Retell excitennnt in this vininity.
one-third of 331731 Of dirt hes ;One ed at the
rnte of eayeety five cents per (ethic .vard
whiele at the regelsr ruleof minieg, wail I
yield from 810 to Ill 2 a day to r ath malt en.
gaged in the work.
N. STANI.J.E'Z'Sttcirht •
(111111.0 5$1)e.tta.ct
70 Bey -Senistie Tones:we, CANADA,
18 SIOVIN 31111?,1".3.', TiOnnOti, E. CI , EXGLANn,
w)i.t abin n)Weliel.,
mut Optician.
731 1110 Ager or for the side of tele above in
EXIT TER,. No 0000t10105 in the `Atari:et oval
1114111 in the E'en P• traV,IVe QttALMES they
peasasS, or the W3,li/0, b;..,„fin and 0o3reone fliey
confer on the wearer,
ci use will in nate all ry eo ettengthen the
3i0 thee it does not become itecessnry to
einteee them for ma ey years,' eabey are there-
fore the OnnAims)..
They Are the Best in the World.
They Never Tire the Eye,
And Last Many Years With on t Chttnge,
TI o Siglit tested by our Near 'Peet Cord, same
as a sedby the loading Oculists thrpngliont the
Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, rectory anti White Clottous,ietinge,
• &c., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at
if ovati, want borrect Goods at Correct Prices, COMO to
1. °A.TR,L.11\TG!'S.
Our, CI,Tf;(7).oer."7 Depa.zotaitarlt i Coraplete,
TRY OUR tiOcrr. TEA.
Iti acknowledged by everyone tililt hee meal it to be the best -in the Village for the moriey.
Sample Percele, Free.
I. CARLING; IVIain-St Exeter