HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-06-29, Page 18PAGE 18—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1978
By Meryl Thomas and Sharon Jerome
Summer rec. program
The summer program
at Vanastra Recreation
Centre gets underway
Monday July 3. Regular
fitness and swim class
will be held once: a week
for ten weeks. This
includes regular swim
lessons for adults, teens,
youth and pre-school
children. Fitness classes
include ladies keep fit,
sauna and swim. Co-ed
keep fit and health spa
classes for ladies and co-
ed adult.
If you have not seen the
summer schedule and
have some questions, de
not hesitate to call the
Centre staff at 482-3544.
This year the staff at
the pool would like to
build up a competitive
swim club to race against
other teams in the area.
If you can swim one
length of the pool, front
crawl, back crawl, breast
stroke or butterfly, come
out and join our team.
Practices are Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 4:30
to 5:30. The age groups
are eight and under, nine
and 10 years of age, 11
and 12 years of age, 13
and 14 years of age and 15
years and over.
Afternoon recreation
swims will begin July 3
from 3 pm until 4:30 pm
and continue until Sep-
tember 4, inclusive.
Other swim times are as
follows: adult only,
Monday to Friday 12-1 :30
pm; Tuesdays and
Thursdays 8-9 pm. Open
recreation swims,
Monday to Friday 3-4:30
pm, Monday 7:30-8:30
pm, Tuesday and
Thursdays, Friday 7-8
pm, Wednesday 6:30-7:30
pm. Saturday and Sunday
3-4:30 pm and family only
swims, Sunday 2-3 pm.
Senior lessons have
started Monday June 26
with 14 people registered.
The instruction period is
from 6:30 to 8 pm twice a
week (Monday and
Thursday) for four
Several communities in
the 'area are again
bussing their children to
the pool for swim lessons
for a two week period.
The children come five
days a week for the two
weeks taking part in the
program this year are
children from Bayfield
and area, Goderich
Township and Blyth and
For the first time,
lessons will be offered to
the children of Vanastra
for a- two week period,
five days per week
beginning July 24 to
August 7 from 11 am to 12
_p.m. (so as not to in-
terfere with Vacation
Bible School.) Minimum
requirements are that the
child must be able to
touch bottom and still
keep his head above
water. The participants
are divided into three
groups of non -swim,
beginner and advanced.
Each participant is
placed in the appropriate
level according to what
he is capable of. At the
conclusion of the lessons,
each individual receives
an evaluation card
stating the particular
level of ability. which he
has achieved. Our staff
consists of qualified
enthusiastic instructors'
Their teaching
qualifications range from
RLSS Bronze Medallion
to Red Cross and RLSS
Water Safety Instructors.
The course content
taught consists of various
stroke skills, stroke
correction, drown -
proofing, water safety,
artificial respiration and
much more. Our
philosophy is that
everyone should be given
the opportunity to learn
safe, enjoyable aquatic
skills. This knowledge
will lead to fun and
security on, in and
around the water.
With this in mind, our
classes are designed to be
a pleasant learning ex-
perience. A minimum of
20 registrations must be
received by July 14 to
make this program
possible. The cost for
these lessons are $9.00
per child ( including
resident 10 per cent
discount). Pay for the
first three children only.
All the other programs.
are at regualr cost, less
10 per cent resident
The Huron County
Library is sponsoring the
Vanastra Summer
Lending Library at
Vanastra Centre this
summer on Mondays
from 1 30 until 3:30 pm.
Come and get that hook
you have always been
meaning to read.
Throughout the summer
the librarians will en-
tertain the children with
puppet shows, and dates
will he announced.
Helpful hints
Sharon s corner
If something spills over
in the oven, sprinkle
some salt on the spot and
leave until oven is cool.
The charred spill will lift
right off.
When painting a
ceiling, tie a dry cleaner
plastic hag around
hanging light fixtures to
protect them from drips
and splatters. Clean
pleated lampshades with
an old shaving brush. The
bristles are long enough
to get out dust in the
deepest crevice, yet soft
enough to leave the
material undamaged.
Display children's
artwork on a fishnet hung
on a wall. Use clothespins
to fasten pictures to net.
Strawberry Angel
Split angel food cake in
half, crossways. Spread
top Of one section with
sliced fresh stawherries.
and cover with sweetened
whipped cream. Place
second section on top of
this, cover with whipped
cream, and decorate with
a few strawberries.
Serves R.
Bible school set
The past Sunday we
welcomed a group of four
volunteers to our
congregation. They will
he working to establish a
Vacation Bible school
from July 4-21. The
people come from
Holland, Michigan. They
are Tammy Zwagerman,
Lauren Baron, Tom
Jipping, and Becky
Petrolje. These kids are
under the direction of
Rev. Boersma and will he
involved in all areas of
the church's ministry to
Bible School will be
starting with registration
day July 4. A11 those who
wish to come to VBS are
asked to register between
10 and 12 or between 1 and
3. Classes will begin the
next day with the younger
children from 3 yrs. to
grade two from 9-11:30,
and grades 3 to grade 6
from 1-3:30. The theme
for the course is
"Hosanna, 'We Praise
God". It promises to he a
very encouraging and fun
time for all involved.
The pastor has
received a scholarship to
do research in the field of
"Missions" and will be
leaving our congregation
August 6. The steering
committee is presently
working at' finding a
replacement and wishes
to assure the community
that to the hest of their
ability they will see to it
that al! programs will
continue as normal.
The committee is
committed to being a
church for the com-
munity and will honour
all present commitments
to neighbourhood con-
Public school news
The following are some
grade one comments on
their recent field trip:
"I saw some ducks at
the zoo. I was going to
feed the ducks, but I did
not have 5 cents. The
ducks are cute. They had
orange little bills, and
orange little feet. They
had black little eyes. by
Terri Evans"
"At the zoo. Yesterday
we went to the zoo. We
saw a hear. His name was
Ben the Bear. At the end
we saw a snake. I wish we
could pet the snake. Do
you know what kind it
was? You guess! by
Jenny Hodgins"
"At the zoo. At the zoo
there were many
animals. There were two
monkeys and one deer
and four rabbits. There
were lots of birds and one
crocodile and one snake.
It is fun at the zoo. We got
to see one lion and it was
fun at the zoo by Shelly
Social news
Mrs. Ann Gale is
resting comfortably in
Seaforth Community
Hospital following
surgery on Monday.
Pick Your Strawberries
. AT
Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday to Saturday
Bring Your
The Clinton Order of the Eastern 'tar presented a clock to the Clinton Hospital
last week in memory of Ruhr Haddv Hospital administrator Doug Coventry,
left. accepts the clock for the k1 ai(:i.g room from June Boussey, worthy
matron. and Maxine Aikin. seri t:+► x,c ws-Record photo) '
Resource centre news
This Thursday June 29,
there will be a
registration for a first aid
course at 10 am.
Everyone is welcome to
On Jul* 5 at 1 pm we
will be starting our
"women together"
discussion group. All
women in the community
are urged to come out to
this most interesting
The Resource Centre,
with assistance from the
Vanastra Public School
will be starting a summer
tutorial program.
Registration will be held
July 17 at 10 a.m. Sum-
mer programs will
commence July 4 and will
run daily throughout the
summer. All children
ages 4-14 are encouraged
to join us. There will be
some special programs
started ,for adults if in
terest is shown.
The Mustangs had their
farewell on Friday June
23, 1978. They met at 4 pm
and had two films "The
Ringtail" and "Cartoon
Parade". T•ese were
followed by chocolate
milk and donuts and
everyone had a terrific
time. We hope that you
will all return in Sep-
tember, when the
I rl',ume
I Ir ', eekly
11,11 t I,rrn, t,lle
Ri' ounce
'•c rt•a tion
hl• leaving
LI. first
child in August. We send
along hest wishes to Dale
and hope that she will be
able to return next year.
We are pleased to
announce that Mrs.
Sharon Bonte-Gelok, a
Vanastra resident, will be
joining our staff on July 4.
Kippen 4-H club meet
By Rena Caldwell
4H club news
The second meeting of
Mrs. Roberts'garden club
began with the roll call,
which was "The reason -1
have a garden". Some of
the member's said that it
was economical: that
there was always fresh
fruit: and that it was good
Everyone brought
ideas for the hook cover
and it was decided that
the club name would he
"Happy Hours", the
covers will be green with
black lettering. After the
discussion and questions
the meeting was ad-
The third meeting of
the 'Happy Hours,' was
held at the home of Mrs.
Roberts, who demon-
strated how to freeze
rhubarb. A quiz on work
previously taken was
Kippen East W.I.
The Kippen Fast W.I.
met in Seaforth at the
home of Mrs. Wm.
McDowell on June 21.
when Miss Jack Sinclair
gave a thought provoking
topic on "A woman who
wants to do something
finds a way, another finds
an excuse " Following
y contest coming
1 to you like
mi t orizes'? 1)o
fun and
1' r you can
things at
\\ HI( 11 for the
l l 111 r11 1.' 1-
pH,' i11 this
t 1 ul` 1
1„ i111' rll'\1'
el, for
• the
I1, 1 11 sent
:1i,' 1 1)Vitl
n• Ontario
tl1 clo to
re,5idcnt of
—'e '(f Ontario
. , (1' 1 and
the in-
each, contest form in this
ncy'spaper: 3. learn
F:Imer•'s six traffic safety
rules: 4. get your pencils
and colours ready and
give us your very hest
Fach entry will make
you eligible to win one of
1l; fantastic camera
outfits, or one of 200 great
Parker Brothers games.
Best of all, learning those
six important rules could
sive your life. That
makes you a real winner.
Get ready and when the
time comes, give it all
you've got! Watch for the
first contest during the
v+eek of July 1 ; , 1978 and
be sure you know these
six rules.
1. Look all ways before
you cross the street.
2. Keep away from all
parked cars.
3. Ride your bike safely
and obey all signs and
4. Play your games in a
safe place away from
5. Walk, don't run,
when you cross the road.
G. Where there are no
sidewalks, walk off the
road to the left and face
oncoming traffic.
(Elmer- also reminds
you to "buckle up" when
riding in a car.)
In today's world the
executive knows
something about
everything, the
technician knows
everything about
something and the
switchboard operator
knows everything.
along with Mrs. Sinclair's
motto, the president,
Mrs. Triebner, listed a
few of the excuses for not
attending church.
Mrs. Wm. J. F. Bell
introduced the speaker,
Mrs. Orville Workman,
who gave an interesting
paper on the history of
Kippen and the
surrounding area ac-
companied by slides of
yesteryear. She was
thanked by Mrs. Bell.
Mrs. Robert Kinsman
gave current events and
courtesy remarks.
A committee of Mrs.
Kinsman, Mrs.
Chalmers, Mrs.
Whitehouse, Mrs. Par-
sons, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs.
Drummond will he in
charge of the Bean
Festival booth. It was
decided to send $35
donation for the
Children§ Aid.
Mrs. Al Hoggarth
presented her report of
the district annual held in
Nensall in May. Plans
were made to help with
the Plowing Match, on
Sept. 29, and Sept. 26,
We are sorry to report
that Wilson Tremeer is a
patient in Seaforth
Community Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Jones are spending the
weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Jones, Hillier.
Michael and Chrystal
Jones spent last weekend
with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. Jo Vantol,
Netherlands, is visiting
with his sister, Mrs.
Harry Van Wieren and
family. He arrived yin
Toronto Friday and will
he staying three weeks.
i':lgar Mousseau has
returned from Seaforth
Community Hospital.
Hodgins and Hayter,
Parkhill, are doing some
ditching in the village.
The McLean reunion
was held on Sunday June
25 at Mrs. S. Graham's
cottage ;rand Bend.
Keep informed
with the
News -Record
Beginning Tuesday, 4 July 1978, the school of-
fice will be open for business during July and
August between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. except that,
the office will be closed for
staff vacations from 3:30 p.m,
14 July 1978 until 8:00 a.m., 15
August 1978.
August 1978.
Guidance information appointments may be
made on or after 21
G.O. Phillips
Principal S;
E,�tir NOtoS1 tos51,
¶ 1.es • ce.�,1.
Shop early while
selection is at
its best!
d tops. � e��
ooP �� ship+s do
krp�n`olP��cOs 1rocAtets.
O�� Re9° sow No`N110
OPEN THURSDAY, JUNE 29 Tile 6 p.m.