The Exeter Times, 1887-6-30, Page 1iJ Cr ' U. )L01, Beirrieter, Belie •-se e to ea et eriereme toot:art,. let> t tivy ebbe elotiveeeatasa (20j12014) 21&) ete, •,,eleatey 10 Q'Ittts Att.; sEtouit,r'Actor, !De 1.1. • 113:1,,Mter, Mtioitor, Uoninyamer, Bto tiall sold othee,) . 1)1?,N TAT.) . , E. CA11.17111[111T, S. " Graduate ot tho 11.1.ya4 Colleg,0 ot 'Dental Surgoons of Olito.V.o, tIav-tj I i inrutsho(2 foie 1)e utel Booms OU ,J'Ag 21S.ST,, 9 Doom Pest of Contra]. :Rotel, 'Duo tor, Ont., whore I 1211.1 712121)11,104 70)' 9)1212) 1t11 I i ranoher 01 tint 1outtil profession with case shill. 0 tiargoE., tojora to ; To,riuS, TIT 1 C. 3. N S M A. N elan ive1 I's Meek, iflaili-st, Exeter, -extra c t,ES Tooth Witliontipain, by giving Vitalized All. Gold 171.11110 and all other dental worlt tho bost. vcnisitao. GOO$ zO 71012(212 on last Thurtalay 911 OtLCIl month. • MIIDTCAL LU'l'Z , D, • c siceat hisresiden co Exetm, W. allOWNING I. D., M. C • P. 11,Gr ft dilate Vietorutrf1lve12sit3. ce stua residence,Doir nionLaboratoiv, Exeter JilYNDMAN, coroner for fhe J./ 001111ty of Huron, Office, opposite Mr. 1. Carling's store, Exciter. 1)E, J. ROLLINS SI 0 P S 0. °aloe, stAxotor, on t. R6131(1011 qte he us or e ontly occupied by 1'. McPhillips, esti, WOODRUFF, P erinp,13C1091y legated in No. 185 gleen AY011110, rion9lofl, a few doors east of Post Office. Speeial attention given to diseases of the' Eye, bad sight, au d the pres- ervation of vision ; (1iteases of the Rar, im- mired. hearing, cad 23323111)t1201 from the ear ; ISonses of tho', h • io inflammation being a, frequent cause ot deafnetnt ; Chsottsos 4)f the Nose, catarrh being a common 03 0.10 of lapat .ed hearing. T TNItY ILB , Licensed Auc- .Lx. Iioneer for [lay, Stephoo, atia ?ray:No wnshies. Sn.leEt eon (Metall at moderate fates. 0 tilee-At Post-oface,Creditou, Out TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the ei Townships of Stephen, Bay and "Osborne and the Village of Exeter. All soles promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Stiles arranged tit this °Mee. VETE BIN &BY. ee-___e_•--:-.--e=-___-es..e=ese-_-_oeee:-----_._-_-se=--e-eee . rilENNENT & TENNENT, Vcieri- ,s- nary Surgeons, Graduateo.of the Ontario leeterinars . College. Toren. 4 " 5 " 34 " to, have an (Mice for 6 20 " the treat =colt o f a ,,, ,, ... -.• 1)omestic ••• 50 " A. litigals'Ca.0110s ' Seven hum tile can be furnisned if require0. from th, (lis ___,, ......!"-.\`'.---- tauce prompt"y 'J. lio above are of best quality. Mtaustreet Ettbended.to:- Medicine for Borses CattleAc Orediton, A -m.1114,1887. GEORGE MOATZ always on hand: .- ' MONEY TO LOAN. `VA " I1EW TO TJJE114.1.N E,. LET 'ME (.) /1-1.PS7 FALL Wilfil RE. • T y. • VOL.- XIV:. NO .40. r2ii:cr.gsbA.17,-; •I\MB,NTNiq • JITN.T.I. 3Qth, ASST.: to '.,:..i,l,sf:::1:,,??Alii,,Y,M5 et, vr 7.1": , :0,,.1,11 1:1 ):::,..,101.,,:w3:47(:01,8 1:8,ot:341y:0100 1,: t . •-,R7,R, t .1 ft oggi Si; riles, lt eninu rtupcnito it-. moon re. 2....z.22''.-.,T1ssi9ee4iii1lo, 23nut10M14"rle i 5eep&TS, Viegfiner nt hand. , te lieftl,i NTS .lor Sale, Illustrated cleseriptive 4 0212121071823 91200. IL OILAMBERLIN, ilforen tr, Ottt. ,ff ITO ADVfillarISi.noi,--Lowest rates for ad, - at. yertising in 10.00 good newspapers sent free. AdtiraKi 115312 9), V, I10 W III 1,41, & 00,, 10 Spine° St, N., ..Y. , DRF.JTVV'S HAL_ TO 1.11.111Tr. Seating Capacity, 700. -APPLY TO - CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. Dissolution of Partner- ship, ' NOTICE 58 hereby given that the paetner- slap lately Beating between Jonathan ;T, Pickard and 'Ezra Spicer of the village of Exe- ter, Under the farm of Piceard it Slither, Poultry Breeders, was dissolved on the ;tern DAT Or /131074, by mutual contieut. Joxetrieter J. PIONA111), 188112. 51210E11. F. W.Cox.LXNS, 'Witness, I N.B.- 16.4% J. Pickard will continue the poultry husines, anti keep constantly on hand during the (2008011, 8. S. Hamburg, G P Ram - burg, D Brahma, IV 0 Black Polish eggs at $2 persetting. FARMERS & OTHERS. Laterier'el Leadership, rnoloaccement that, Hon. 7141! ('1)11 Laurier !eel accopte 1 tee itrovisional leadcr• sail.. of thi, ON)0111ion in 2110 11011120 (jt.W1, 111)113fi (12)2 ItUatet' recddiflog little tenement.' cud loss dismission. Tian los leadership 011!)t odi with 1110 93(121(00 1113)121) ugh 012ar0111.\' bO a matter 1,9 tiouhi , 1.» t.hat ale 22e901.111 psrty look upon :kfr. Lae ler 0.4 91,1 politicd 1 Moses who hi to Iced tliew, tint of teppositiam 4al'I0551(S8 40 Sano Inuit eould believe, 01. RON-0 ODUMTRY, te.".' our ()eel C2010011.0 04011 16, • Adare. Our tome ball club received. a $1)V 0(20 druhhing last, NYctlues;lay front the loore- rill') team. Our boyi have not ltad much 1 practi1e, the club 71011112; or;„;tinizoil but a couPle of weeks, 'P.1109' Win'e 1,10f011tQt1 by ,/ 1) 1.1. to isttei ; great. R 11.14filliji,M11, orator, his par,fiemlitrY ) ,a1,1, '1, .1. . • . 0) 47001(1(0821011 thorn Ivo tt scan 09 .m.02 00 Wu are. pleP.Stal to loarn ttlat Prallk Ws ()Wu side ef: tee melee owe nbsoia„ly Ryan who has been mi. toe mak liet -for theitount him as a debater ;,. and wieje be is the past while, is:recovering very rapidly 1:1,11(1laillifietl, yougpial to the disenssiou of Mx. das. (Alvin had a bee last week 1 1 nouneiat or trade questions, no arau with the di:au-jog clay to bad, en approach to he; eapacity of a political leader woehl 171.17 1) been • beak harm guilty itt the egregious mistakes !het will for- Th, F., , , C 1 I . 1 ever associate his 118,2110 with toe Champ tle , imolai ar00 11, lave we e near y Mars and the Sit-loachewan mesket. The hopes of the Reform party cluster 81)0.4,9 Rediard Cartwright But the sight of yeriug Wilfred Leerier leading the opponents of the aged Premier marks an epoch in the history of Canada in the life of tile greatest man Canada has yet prodeeed, ,Forty odd years age Sir John Macdouald entered political IA, and elt• Laurier may wsll ask where now Etre the men Nho in that day fought by his side or led 'alto hosts 01 11123 euimies that upon bite should fell the mautlo witioli so esseatially great men have worn before-becense young Wile fred TAM ier 18 1102, and never will be, a, groat Mall as distinguished from. it greet orator. 'Sir Joh u Macdonald is distinehisleed from other wee in various waye ha nO way more strikingly thee Unit he stands alone almost quelities beget woe 51 01 uneguano,i 110.3,G tueo, We wish to call especial attention from tho farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. George Moatz,of Lot 11, Con. 5, Stephen, Oredi- ton, P. 0.,has on baud yery large quell tity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! Attila Fonowiug, Prices : 21 inch. Tile, .. t8 81)111' M. 8 I 10 " TO LOAN ON REALES tte 'forth° Huron St' EMI:Loan " Sar- i ugsS JO ety. Low rates ofinteresi. Applyto Jobe epackman,Exeter • Al'ONEY TO LOAN A.'r 6 AN,D. 61- _- ILE portiont.eeeerelee toteems. 1 rivate ,s 'Fluids. , Apply to B .V.ELLIcT , FOR GE -el trINE IIELLIBORE FOR Ne. 1 -INSECT POWDER Atlglat 15, ' 85 Solicitor , Exeter , IVIONE1 TO LOAN A.T 0 AND 61 per cent, Vis,000 Private Funds. Best !matting Companies represented. L. Et DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, Sure Thing 0 --- FOR PURE PAR1S GREEN 13!-IOWNING'S TRE SPOT ITO LOAN. --Persons .r..,4- . . , . . 1 wishing to borrow money win take no- ALSO .A. FINE A SSORTMEN'r )1? tide that I. am now lraning Comity Funds at 13 rier cont. V,7111.1I0I,11ES, Co. Treasurer, FiShill e.; Tackle . , 0 TroIsurer's Office. , Goderiehd .2. ,—.......................-- --f.... Sei tember 2361,1880d - -------...2. _—__ ALWAYS A. FULL LINE IN STJBAN 0 11 . ___ --e-----. OF ALL KINDS OF fl J. SUTIIERLAND, Tien s all , . Ont ,0012V071120022)2. cotaimiseioner,Pire - • co .I..geut ardIssuee of el,ar- - I ' - ,11.11d. .13118 riago Licenses, All business transacted stile. - ly eontidential. A call solieitea. Mee; at the Post Office. 'T_LIFIRE INSIJRANc E CO. E WATERLOO INII3T-0 AL - EstahliShed in 1.863-. READ OFFICE -- • WATERLOO, ONT. This eon:Ilan-sr has been o -ver Eighteen years in successful. operation in Western On- - tetrio,andz.ontinues to themes agaiestiose or damage by ire ,Buildings,Mentittudise,Man- u-factories,and all other ileseriptieuS of peer - able property. intending insurers have the option of insuring 011 the Premium Note or Cash System . T/113:illg 22310 past ten years teis Con -limey 71(25 515257392 ,81,006 Pol toles, 00V01'113g property to the t411.1011utof S0,87%088; and paid in loss - os alone$700,732,00 AssetS, :8810,100.00, consisting of Cash 21 Lettioc., GoverementD emositom a the unass- ss ed or etnium Notes on llama am in force. J, W eVaemsor .D. Presidei t. 0. TA:yr,ma, Secretary. J. . Bluomis, Inspector. 015A8. 5N1.1itt, A0110900 Frxeter andvicipity, ) 1 11 11 1111011001011111 ReAltila n 0.A3g.A.DA, T:he Boyatl ritsseraget and areigh.t Route b0tW0011 Com tide au a (e)ent 13iitede diresot roaito botwOon the West am,i1 till 701 (211)1 015 th0 Lower St. LEL1V1:031C0 and Bale des Cline ear, also 7 BTill1SWiCk, Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newt onnalt Bermuda, nmel Jamaica. • — , New 'bid elegant Pullman Buffee Sleeping ' (ID y Oarsrun cro throughExpress trains. • . 71" A 7,:ft Passefigers for Geese.. B.ritain 03' the Conti. „„Ht ,,,.,,-',,,,,e, -red- ,, j .4 ,_).4 ...._.......,.. .....,..„,,,, 1' • leaving Toronto at 8:30 a. ro. There. . Cc& andExamine for Your - J. W. 13 itQWNI1 .Pro.P• E"..E=CO2.1" SF.0.-STIIAT'r 01, 0:11100 To TILE nailr,OWS l'encler for ..the IT'ork4 CowtritAlon. EADED TENDERS, addressed to the under- gned t111 011(101'50a eaten (101', i'01! ano Br e t- ougiftilway" will bo received at tiliS 021120 up to 110011, 031 Wednesda y, the uth day of july, 1887, fOr CtO'vn:Ln W01-100 09 001 astrlie 810)). 21:111S 11(1 proxies xvin too open for inspection tho °Moo of the Chief Engineer 0.11 el flenc!ral Manager of Go yerrimentriailways Ottnwn, 101125 23180 at that/thee 05 8110 Cape Breton 525)1- )1'a7. n.fi Port II.twitsbory,t;. B., on MI a after the eth tley of Juno,iefie, on the general spec- ification end form re' t(3ndev may be tab taint-) upon c tinn 1. ender will ma t erte It u (thee, u c the iri eel forms anal ail the condition; a complicit wi I n , 11" oranr, .1,5'. DR A Suercary Dollar:1mm t of Rs ilwa ys and Canals, Ottawa ,97th May, 3887. 6119.1 1 arfoer Ml"jj gornld, of iiondon, and others, inclnding number of aloe -01-413: all' finished their statute labor. We hear that one man on the 8r95 con. is to be pre- sented with a leather modal for the large loads of gravel he drew from Mitchell's pit .31 short time ago Yen deserve it Robert. Centralia.. Patv,v6., -A grand time is expected here on the 1st July. Every ,effort is Put forth to make tho grounds attractive, and the, allay pass off pleasantly. All am invited. -Crops are looking fine, the hail storm doing no damage, -Mr. Jake Brown, our shoe maker, is having the brink hauled for the bricking. of the in- side' of his shop and dwelling. hope of on, groat wen xviio „onceived the plan of it end hi matrtmony.--W. J. Rollins Confederation and moulded thia broad Do- 1"b1 of the firm of Neil, Davis and Rollins min.0,1 out el the se Itterea train of badly ""rod 3:01) frimling with " Mr - shaped colonies that strewed the batiks of the St. Lawrence and tins Gulf. Almost alone - 1110119 88,V0 0110 01' tWO 11'1011(18, altogether aloes as to his opponents in the Commons. That old man who with the vigor of youth \Fork man or Hensall.--We are pleased to ee that 11Ir. Thomas Murray is able to e. en his feet again. -Diphtheria has en- irely disappeared frona our midst, 1111 ebb having been attacked being again Oirvaleseent. - A. baseball match between Adare and. Centralia is to bo played. on the lot of July, losing side to treat to the iee-eream and berriea. 11122 stii I holds the tiller and guides the ship of '9 state at tho Capital has seen his opponeots of forty, thirty, twenty and fifteen years ago drop off one after the other, dam off through sickness and death and defeat uutil now he looks across the floor of the House and sPos -the seats of two tenders vacant mid the baton of ememand in the hand of 1111(2. Baldwin, LafoJtaine and Rolph were old leaders when Sir Jolla took the field against - them and their names nre brat a memory to the preseut generation. 131 t George. Brown is gone, Morin is gone, john Send - field Niricdonald is goer:, the Dorions are gone. Huntington is ,,,,ctoott, Wm. Macdougull politically dead, b1011011 gone, 13. W. &rat is shelvea peacefifily, Alexander Mackenzie's day 11 past, Blake is brokene down, and of all the old stock lion Oliver Mowat :done . remains in the fullness to show that the race is not extinct. And time has uotediailt. inoro gently with • Sir JOhn'ii friends. The names of Sir George Cartier, Sh• Ettiune -Tache, Sir- Alexander MaeNtabb, Sir Frameis Linek. josepla Howe and D'Arcey McGee five writtentin the page,: of Canadian History, the bodies are graved under theierreen sods of the country they served so well ; while age has compelled Sir Zurich. Butsys. -.Mr. Dan Dyer eelebrated his 2fit1 birthday 011 Jubilee Day, by giving his Zurich friends a strawberry feed at his Uncle's and Aunt's residence (N1r. and ,•IIrs, Steinbach.) Amongst thosepresent werethe .NieSers. .Etterett, Davis, Holland, sisters Clain tend Edith, all of Exeter, also Mr. It. Eaerett, of Hay.-Pienies were all tlig go last week, :Sir. H. Happle gave hi.s eel- ployees their annual pieniti last Thursday at the Grand Bend. 13y all aceoants they had au immense titne, several others passed through here from differeut ylaces, en route to Lake Huron. Those picnic days give our tewn quite a bizness appearancee-Mrs. W. Holtzman was visiting friends and rein, - 21 A. T. Galt, Sir AIex, Canapbell, Sir Leonard Tilley, lion. Alex. Morris and others to leave the field. to yortuger men. Sir Cherles Tepper frail hi r Hector Lengevin still fight .oti either 1397(1 01 their_ .old,„ leader, th70,. lee remnants of a band , of pelt-tic:ins whose"' like' another century rnny not produce. The old chieftain remains. His more -than three score and ten years have not irn. Paired his vigor or deprived him of his com- mand. Nis energy, his reseal ces, his ability 8-1 non trot men 0r0 as groat as ever, and in the few brief days that me allotted to Laurier as the lea;ler of his party, it iS givd 71 hini look norofiS the floor muri find himself pitted against the detor over every Reftedu loader since. i84 1. And In; will not -find a. Oonser:ative in _(anada 0) declare with him that “The veteran. lags Seperfluone on the stage." , FneN.K. tar,sLIB'S Pepin:Alt Nr.”7,ITH.L. FOR 2,0. The Con ttitit tioli of tho United States is just about a pentnett 'o1d, and it is certainly re:mom:111e to tell 11 011» ,'wore - 2,11t1 Mon who rondo it, an,1. how it was inittio. All this can he rood in the interesling pees of F,14q1k .Poeulee ••for ;July. 71. eliatty talk on "Attotie," by Ausbare Town- er; "Anciet Orcelas i Moderu Cyprus." by Itawsen ; sketch uf - "Studio Life" ; "Otte() Homes and Shrines" ; "A Strome° Charity," a "my interesting aceowtat of the Sit -ward Insane Asylum at Baltimore, by V. 11. INmelow ; on Mal Hud- son" ; "A Glimpse at Chinese float Life," by Easign Wilkinson ; "Thaonela the Alleghemei ou. a Locomotive," -by W. 'Defame; : a note on the i•JIPpeary subject, "Eels" ; trnly Su minor one on "FloweaS and Inseate” ; with' very elevett stories like "Her King" by Nore, fafachhai "A Vein th Wore Attair,' by Eliza,. bete 13igelow ; "Mao 1.111 kOW0011 Mysiery," fcrie 1110f.li; (1) 51(11111(2 coilectimi r light reliable matter thet terli be especially prior -el in the it fle:11 days that nro ort 11,4. The vsedety is wondered, and the • whole miteber rittractive. '122100 74'II Era foolS jillamt otter the fact that (.1111tion to hare conn)rtion with. tigt 0, p it 9v ,,eni by (01V ii0„ '011 ev • , • tall lied wretward. Tho erratignmehts yel (Id 11 1 1 1 Mg, 12 of jnly in eereterich, under the auepices of °entity Lodge 09 sloe 11111•031, are. 131`,,,T0S‘ii11g 991)017• 'Tito ,posbote, exported are 81171.01mi 0. M., N. Clarke lace, 39. P. Provincial G. 'M., IV. IV. Fitz• 221, Tlie'conniy of Perth officials say : "Blau - Eyre shard, is in our opinioe the finest township 10 the county of Perth. Tho Thames river runs from tlie north bornelary to St. Marys, then to the south east boundery, but as the river is tot included in the anrvey there is to cloitbt pome but:vor.v lit- tle waste land. Iu the west ptirt of the township there is a 1)10clt of over 30 then, sand toll'85 of tho finest land wo hnoin 80011 in the Province of Dian, io, withont a single bad lot of land, 111» soil 13 n. seed and cloy Mani and a good t,tate of enitivatimi. The farms axe wel1 foneed with the e;reattest num- ber of fine bank barns end brink dwellitiets of may township in the eennty. Ilia roads al o well tun -milted tied Om (emcee:40es, esrelially 111 thee/eat poet of the township, neariy all geavelled tied in good repair, nay -will join ontwtted mall steamer at a 1- fot. a, m. Saturday, Sepetior Elevator Via -relict so and Dock' C. COlutfl odatto n ft 2, Halifax foe shipment of graft and general inerehitrali se, Vears 090011021120120 have prover'', the I eITElt• COLON/Alt conneetioe with steamship lies to arid from Loudon. leiverP001 and 0107120(2 (0 Halifttx, to be the quielmst freight rotate bet \veen Cat:litchi Great Britain, Information es to Passenger aud Freight ratee can be had on application to BORMItTB.M.)0DIE, WcsieruFreight et Passenger Ageet rEessin froese 1316ek, York St. Toronto , P OT TIN GE..11, 051101 Sttperintendent, to N.B., Nov 13,1885 usitwaY. 0 A. Hastings, Prop. mens.1.*Amr*rwesaarera ;Moving and Hair mitting in the letest styles -09 8110 art, Every attention ix l to milting Labies and Children's Hair 11 II SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER. §— A 011,t, SOLICITED A. 1-1,A ST Ills.TOS. ,.. • ,jf) tfls wint,Tr‘' soi;$ Publishers tiala leroprittioem ----"eeeeeeeeeiazet l?arkhill. (34 tt.i. o STAND fk.i.V11 p,0.141,11 1 (11tin!ir)11:1(1;11.47.itly 0,ingst 119111 0 010- 1./01.q.11 'n'Ore 00111010 tioll occurred causing intense ex.eitement for tit/Will:118 Of ttii Ito tdr, appeare tlatit a grand 7912711 11711 been temporarily, oe ted, and upon which there wero eettted over Jive hundred. spectators. At a cer- tain juncture in the proceedings when all were specially interested in the games several of tile 00111(21310 supporting the uto 131.10O1111i o 10 10 y t I t ta 1 av wei lit and allowed. the crowd of men, women, said children to fall to the ground in. 0110 prouliscuoits lieap. It took hirge erowd of by standers upwards of au hour to "fish out" from amongst the boards, tho unfortunate peOple. 1t is marvellous in- deed that none' were killed, although Several were injured, but wet seriously. ibis the utmost of folly for a committee to erect snob a flimsy Coneern,--merol,y .)for the sake of a few dollars -and offer it to the public to risk their lives upon, Cowmen. sense might have told them that a grandstand requires to be sec urc in the ex - trent 0, for with the' eollapse of tliem Lny people have been killed ; end it is Provi- dential that such was not the case in this instance. Dashwood. NiTentale --Several of the youter- folks, Trta . 'ttrt.,4,Lirm tbo inissiortary co4etrilduf;lotis have 9411112212109) 1)9 112(11'1)1)012 4)7 forouoo )bOII 90121171111')) 19093)2 accoptantic, of this'pditse, tiot aecontit of, 1)2'007 2)1)1 2271-o 11ow 1.,9y)&1.1(1,,i)t)tivr,,141;i01;atil,t)til11:11111)301.,)::tg'..c•fe,lr.isiiirl;stl anti prosjitirity rimy attelst 118k y'11111' 9,1 hOtriln,iti hut retircok- oradloc of the 9)1)9)7))' '71.0)1 we 110;1'0 spc-118 90- 1212911121, it;It.$1:".1 171 1/F (,;()OiNtl'inICE„ 479- I./ttelt Veneeet oanitet be. 'expected. to make ea Oath. °vete epeeell in eply to your beautiful tole dress, itor exprees appreeiation of the kincitinese epirit which hes peoiinateil the preseutatioe. One of the sweetest tied hraglatest a eprodtteimus of eaeloory will be the three poet:at of life givee and etho lit:11/, 011 010 ,}':11.„10 Oirouit, One of the ingiteet lateens .1 eovet hae been large- ly centered. epee me here, 91 890 10931221011 of 0001, one it me feed yoitieet people, to the mem- bership of the iti1t2F0h (1.01 Lug pmtorate. May the bled:d:ins of (Awl vene mem you. all tied. the entire membership bf this eireuit. INlay you ever be kept by the power of k,,T,100, a/119 L'09.Pa(),t 11111101, elightly eke tiged Oilk;;1111;ita 11 l:r0S the graceftil and of winch "we sight the. 0oelen (tete." BRIEFS.- -1110,A.11 1111'01'601'y seryices held. in connect:40u with the Eliniville S. S., ou Sunday het 'Were 3 decided success In the morning Rev, W, Down preached, an excellent sermon to the children. In the afternoon a mass meeting of the ehil- dren was held when addresses were de- livered by Rev, W. Madge of California, NV, J. Clarke of Exeter, and ;), stranger who accompanied him, le the evening Rev. W. I-1; Gone preached his 1a8t WW2 iLS pastor of the circuit. 19 1110 fes- tival on July lst is 118 suecessful and interesting, as thoee of Sunday,. a splendid time is essured. --Rev, W. LT, Cane and bduily leave fur their new home on 'Wednesday, folloWed by the best wishes of their many friends. -The Elnuville parsonage, was the scene of a pleasant of this place have lately taken:unto theme Pthe-ring on Friday evening last when 11 compeny of some thirty of the selves better halves awl ecnisid.er that it is not well for man to live alone. It is with pleasure we chronicle the Marriages of two Of 00 eitizeas The' wedd- ing 'bells were ringing last week on' Lion - (lay night announcing the noarriage of Mr. Jos. Grigg' and Miss Lydia Vineelit. Guests began to arrive lung before the ceremony was performed, which ' took place at 8 o'clock. in the evening, , and be- fore that time the house was overflowing with friends and acquaintances,- The young In•ide was attired in, satin with orange lillies. After the cereinoily all partook of a bountiful repast. Dancing was next in order in which all enjoyed themselves to heart's content. May they long enjoy health and happiness, --The next couple to be made happy Was Mr. John Pope., our worthy tailor, aucl Miss Mary E. Graybriel. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's father, where quests to the number of 50 had assembled to witness the cerenneuy.• The bride was assisted by iltasses. E. Graybriel, M. &header ancl Glaybriel, ; 1.1111010nighISttahiai.1.149Coli.)11111syliaccrltitsliilctegjeleosf and the groom was supported by' Mesars. the PolvolYs were also flattened badly, others: Perrin Graybriel and Erwin. Afte,r, ceremony all sat dowo to supper after 1.1r. cela. et hi el III 1115rtYlielairi tCilliyff°Wr0e1 1:0 111718.b -y .fif ao- tives t,owu and‘vicinity.--Miss Ma Fan- amusements, sooh as 1,1,3510, mers who have been rushing in their 'tut. - which they engaged. themselves Vitehins wici ley all repaired to thier 1 nips semewhat later than usual, son. is the guest of Miss May Winne Ada .tfter I i 1 tl is an old friend of 0(2)21 —01)1' tealchers left hunactfwisgag the pair much happiness their holidays. -The Sunday School conven- in the future. The young cotiple 'were woods ,Sunday last WaS a grand success; lb e preeents. o ceremonies. there were representatives from seVen or I formed by the Rev. Mr. Ortwein. eight different S. schools, the speaking BRItrfi.--The ladies have organteed a, was very interesting indeed, and no doubt baseball club and started to practice last "WaS Ifichly appreciated by all who were Thursday night. In the course of a few Y g • young people of Elneville congregation responded to the invitation of the "getter up" and appeared. with well filled baskets to spend a social night with their pastor before his departure to his new labor. We always wish to give honor to whom it IS due and it is only right to say that Mr. John Shute was the originator and man- age) of the pleasant surprise party men- tioned above.- The framework of a barn on the farm (of Mr. James Roateliffe, con 7, was emoted on Monday afternoon. The walls under the building are nine feet high and the posts 22 feet. 'The barn is 5.5x66 with cellar out side. Mr. Roweliffe, now has one of the finest barns in the township. -Lightning atruck the barn on Mr. Snell's farm the other night, but 411e damage doue WAS not serious, -Them:my friends of 1V1r. 0. W. Holman will. be sorry to learn that he was taken sick. with. a fever on SiMchlY last. -Several persons were more or less nriurred at the raising on Monday after - for their respective homes this Week to spend . Crediton. tion. which was held iM Me. ,"Witi, Moliies) the recipients of a, large numbine,of 3)91011.1 B1,UEF8.--t-1he fax manufacturers feel jubilant overthe prospect of this year having a good! crop. .111e5578. ' Switzer and Zwicker are Making . progress at 22115:11 11130' mill et Shipka. This will nialee the third flax mill- in Operation in- 't!ineiShip; (notnithstandingethe-WeR. is in vogue. --Mr. John 92313159292(11177 a handsome brick block to be used as a tin Shop. -‘-.Mrs. 33. Feist has sustained a .: 4081) birthday by Laving us strawberries and cream. We danced the "light fantastic", I it ?--Blackbusli school iserious loss of late. Withie a few days neends holding a she lias found throe cows dead in the and pla.ved authors netail a. decent hour tole 1 picnic at. the Grand Bend on Dominion liasture field. Cause of death is Unknown, went hotne 111 the dark. Ed asked es to 1 Day -Miss Maggie Bounett 3(2 111)0)0 from aiS the cattle were not known to be sick come again, and we are goieg to ; jolly 1 the Ladies' college, London, visiting until fotnia 11.3 above stated. A post good fellow Etl, wish you many happy ro- Ifriouds aud )8c401111121011002). -----Another Morten) examination 00(18 lield the • ether tures of the day. Whose birthday next 9 THE EYENT OF THE SEAS'ON.--Wo mitiht say without exaggerating that one of the most sociable and enjoyable pienies ever held, withiu twenty miles of Zuriifi, took, place An Mr. Hy. Folland'e woods, about la mile west of here, on 01s22 inst., Jubilee Day, under the, auspices: of Zurich Public School, Too 1011011 credit cannot begiventhe teachers, Mr. F. Cresweller, Prin. and 'Miss ' E. Slice:ter, Asst., for the able manner in, whieh the proceedings of the day were car- ried out. The number of people present, includin, children, were all m eight 121212- (912019, 7572291311 goes totshow that the peupie in appointment mot at the parsonage to say ; the sympathy of the commenity.'--Trout- , 3„idtte. The singing of the lelabyleir, Line choir was well worth going to hear, the col- lectinn wee also good. -Q1111213 numbev of our pleasure -loving young people spent 0 pleasant evening at Mr. Ed. Bossenbury's last Thersday evening, Ed celebrated his weeks they wiltbe able to chal- lenge to any club of the sariir,Sex:f-L-Mf" Chas Schrader living about half a. mile west of the village, 'brought into the vil- lage a stalk of flax which measured four feet two inches in length. 'Wilco can beta horse race took place here last Monday night in which- three horses entered, (Thourke's, "Jubilee", Weitzel's "Jay Eye See" and Wolfe's "Gray Eagle". Three heats'Were trotted in NrhiCh Jubi- lee came first, Jay Eye Sec second a.nd Gray Eagle third. day to ascertain the cause 'hub we have 11091 (68 yet learned the res elle-The Misses McIntosh and Robinson of Exeter were visiting friends in the village during the forepart of the week. -Mr. and Mrs. Panl Slink had the misfortune on Saturday hist, to lose their only -soul_ who had I attained the age of 2 years. The ailment was a slight affection of the brain. Ho. Presentation and Address. , was buried last Sunday and a large num- ber of relatives and friends accompanied the. remains to their last resting place in the Crerliton cemetery. The parents have FARIIWEI,T.. -On Friday evening 09 1(6119 week the 3-oung people of the Eliniville the vichtity are taking an interest in the children's welfaxe. Although it was very 1 wet and elorely in the morning, the weather cleared up towards noon, when the children g,athered at the school house mud at 1'2.30 mere marched to the picnic grounds, sineieg en route Red, 'White tend _Blue aud other patriotic souge suitable to the easeon, reaehiner the grounds the children ' boom makiug preparations for tryirg for the vari- ous prizee, 17114 when cveswethsi: called time for the first race about 1 doz. boys, of the jimior thipartmeat stepped to the front. It is ueeless to give a full• detail of the win- erse.ltm t -might make special notice, of the ball -throwing contest which wee alnirot a tie betereen L. Lippert and R. Steinbach, I Lippert gainieg by about 10 in. (9icking) the football was ale() well con teeted between .te, , • ' 11 + 1 re + 4 - max les wee,. work as though they in- tended to get 1st prize, all the children got somethiog as Me. Cresweller purchased , about 6,5,00 worth of candy for free distil- , Breaking the crocks tarots:el 0011' 01011'2271111 am usement as also ditl the. hurdle and sack races. NI e must not forget the baby Showl; the result of this contest would 101211 11 person to believe that Zuriell mothers hail the enietest balees to existence, 100011131 one lathy oat, of eight scented to loe diegust• ed with the picnic and thin,ge in general. The other seven 1141 cry once in a whole hour, and evidently intended to shew the olddr otitis that they knew 1301{7 tO behave 4•11e0 out in company, 31 1)022 at home, The semis were wooled up by the childree gathering around tlieir teachers, tut dsinging kiflod Save the QIieen." The supper hi the -woods was just, immense and it was admit - tea by many that this was the most seciai gethering (W01'1101(1 Zurich. The teachers wish to pribliely thank telt those wile assist- ed them ,se :III% join 'Durea,rt, of the livety Stable; did' rtishiug trade by runnine 411 'bus' from thetvilla,ge to the pic- nic ermines for 91110email sem of half a dime „ , per heart this wto.s a'very thotighttni tict 81 \`sdf.;,iicitits.60(a1 05 a geed many were tee tired to farewell to their p)1stor, the Rev. W. H. Coane, who left for Lyons, his ilOW charge, on Wednesday, 20811 inst. Messrs. john Shute and Henry Coultis were the principal movers, the former sustainin7 his reputation as a 111st-0110s8 manager - making not only excellent arrangements but helping everyone to fool ;it home and enjoy themselves. During the ovenitig Mr. Shute in behalf of the company reaa a beautifully worde95 adtlress and present- ed Mr. Cane with a handsome purse, of 111011037. Messrs, 8. Gidluy and George 'Davis, of Exeter, 12.110,21111 by Miss Lizzie Shute o21. the organ, rendered a number of beautiful musical selections which were highly appreciated. The party broke up at a reasonable honr with brief addresses by Revs. 79Tr. Holmes and Mr. Gane and 11.41'. J. Shute. Following is the address and reply To Tim 1:1127. W. H. (1 llnv. AND DEMI. $u:. Your numevorts friends in this section 411701109 11.11107' you to depart from their tuhlst ivithmit, in some way, ee tecially thanking you for the litlinerelie 1931011108111 they have received at your bands. Oa tlisir behalf, therefore, ive embrace this opportnnity to state that we feel 111 losing:you we have lost a friend whose endeavor has beim topromote our moral and spiritual welfare. We con assure you that wherever yottv lot in flod's providatice may be east, we shall ever fond- ly cherish yam' memory and hope your 111e luny be long spared, that you may lata!able to propogate the message of Truth and Life with the \tiger mid eareestness whic11 have chartteterized your career here. It 11118 boon your especial care since you came tanotegst, uo to guide and direet the younger members of Year flock in the way they should go when their ye101'.4 aro mot o advance( , ant we believe that your precept and example will directly ieflueace many of them to the end of their'pilgrimage here below. Under your care `Stmelline" -hag beee befit and paid foe ting season having opened we expect to hear of some "fishy" sto,ies. Sumo of our local anglers are' making extensive preparations. ---The, Directors of the Hay Township Farmers' Fire Insurance Co. conven.ed at the town hall hr this 2211115711 on Tuesday, and considerable important business was translated. Claims or John :Kitchell, township of Stephen, house damaged by lightning, and ;John Horton', township of Usborne, barn (tanned by lightning, were ordortal to be pnatl by the Preitsurer..--It 114 ;rimming to hear the farmers discussing the crop prospect% some attesting that they are good while , others affirm tlto lookout as 1110)771141.- 07 The bn5)1:io3t 1;1:111 'in 211 711111(71 implentamt ..,ag'ent. 711110'911411110'11110'911 i:ira'nt, w 'hlo reep - David claims sold more hhulers thisason than an -oiler 109432112enutill' e;inity, (113)1,1(2 9211') know Inn001 vouch ftrhis veracty, • Emenaex regular meeting of court Creditor, I. 0. F. of Sat - (1(27. hot the ±011'121.'1l17 01111314L'(2 were eleted:- -C. P., Dr. Neismith V. C. 11, ..', 'Q. Cd,rter . S., 'W. HKerr A. SwitZr 7' 1'0)11 C. Beaver t r1.T17;8,'4Vfler N1'.C1eei. 714:r Switzer ; C. O. EL C. r. 'Sororg 1'. C. 11 93102. Buckingham.Deegtesto High (''1111), A. Switzer 8-199 IVII'Keneresortte the :. : , eln.ssey Col of etirtinto TAM 1...0o ealete your voice seems, n lin 11 r - al (1122 tilo,1 to 5.12011' drtezglisit toi' 22 le-ottle of , Tamest -in It never In or,re tiearsotess, Coughs, Oolds, etc. To cffetitnelly 'care 8, hod 'C.iliazit t 001294 anel" do it 1108 'retrial, le Eliiir.,722 atrilies at 'the .rnor 'of the treubl glet • iintiediateeeltet.