HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-23, Page 8.tar;1,7.•5..:.'
Peter 411108 $#t QC;ou'rE3llce t Gocieriali..,
-„...,. .... ... Gode14e11, Ante 1L.. --A heartrending
7 F113' 161)Ai,, JUNE
•,rd•-, 7887 tyln3clilAtatgacctzentatourrtd here to -day,
a royal• salute was being fired i11
honor of the Qut;o11'rs Jubilee, A prema-
ture discharge .ocourred while t.,junrlers
o irauaes et the Past lreel'Slirouglieut Oliver Pennington. and Richard Parker
the' 1•' teiplaborlaood, Its a Cuttclse v<,rtra, ayudiViaiter were loading a ealln.clll, • `.l'he,
- two ;tanner were blown asides, and the
Tho edntslization of ho totynships to tlria rarlti'ocl struck James Coutts, son of
eounty remains ata it brae lase year, (Gordon Coutts, who was standing in
ltverest's Cough Syrup fa the best in the
country, -•-.Duncan l?uracil, Forest P. st.
1St. Marys people are cutting many of the
large rumple trees clown. in that town, owing
to the place being too shady,
The &ilea Craig Stars Friday defeated the
Irish nines of Lneau 19 te4. Stain eloeerl the
Baine at the end of the seventh inukigs.
jr. Janes Begg, of West Williams, least
Saturday pulled some staple of cover. `the
length of which was 41 inches clear of the
1 bad tried many doctors and was given
up by the as far gone into ccueemptiou,
but wasporrnailently curedbyusiug Everest's
Cough Syrup. --Jas. Suuipeou, Aborarder.
It is Iuttlnated that in St, Malys many of
the volunteers who are in .camp at London,
will on their return to the town Bud their
positions filled by others.
St Marys town coining granted the Jnbfee
Celebration Committee 8100 to assist in
carrying out satisfactorily the sports of the
Everest's Extract of, Wild Strawberry
never fails to cure diarrhtea, dysentery, etc.”
-the statements of snores who bars tried it,
25o per bottle, for sale by all druggists,
St Marys paper says that fall wheat iu
the vicinity of that burgh will pot be much
more than a half crop, while spring wheat
and oats promise a capital crop.
Messrs. Robson c Sperling. of St. Marys,
one day last week shipped 5 car loads of
prime cattle to the old eonutry. They were
pronounced by competent judges to be su-
parlor animals.
Diptberia, which was epidemical in the
vicinity of Centralia ler some weeks past.
and to the extretne violater) of which many
suuenmbed, bas entirely dissppeated and the
air is once more pure.
The Government has matte a grant to
Goderioh of $4,000 to assist in erecting pub •
lie buildings in that tows, and $12,000 for
the further improvement of Goderieti har-
Agrand union picuic washeld at Avonbank
on Friday last ander the au,piees of the
Royal Templets of Tempeeacce, St. Marys,
Eirktou and A.voabank people composed the
gathering. A good time was spent.
A five -legged colt was ushered into exie-
tenee at Davisville, Tuesday morning in
honor of the Queen's Jubilee oeaebration,
The baby and suckling seems healthy and
vigorous fe" one so young and tender.
It is possible that the town of St. Marys
will be lighted by either gas or elec-
tricity before long. A very large petition„vas
presented to the council at last 'meeting. re-
questing that immediate steps be taken for
the better lighting of the streets.
Mr. John Rea, who resides on the Lake
Shore, Yarmouth, is the owner of 600 head
of poultry, and he collects 130 dozen, or 1,-
560 eggs per week from the hens. He bas
supplied the M. C. R. for the past five years.
The Mitchell Recorder is beginning to
shiver, lest Mr, Brown who was shamefully
villified by the lteform press in the Northern
section of this district, falls heavily upon it,
While we do not wish our confreres any ill•
luck, we believe that Brown is justified in
The followingScott' Aot cases were diepos-
ed of by P. SI. Noble at Clandoboye :•-Angus
Munro, Ailsa Craig, two charges, $50 fine in
one case, $100 in the other, with costs in
both ; Isaac Hodgins. Lagan, second offence
$100 and costs ; J. Dewar, :Nairn, $50 and
costs ; Wen. T.arunght, lodgment deferred ;
,Geo. Sellers, Clarleboye, dismissed.
The Pluton Sabbath School Association has
-elected the following. officers :-President,
D. D. Wilson, Seaforth vice-presidents, W.
Fotheringham, Brumfield ;' W. J. Clarke.
Exeter ; James Sheppard.. Goderieh ; A E.
Manning, Clinton ; Rev. Jonu Gray, Clin-
ton • minute secretaries, I. Taylor. Clinton ;
'front of the gain. rile rod passed through
lis body in the region of the heart and
Pinned hint to the ground. Death was
instantaneous. The rod on withdrawal
cliSeleSed la frightful speetaele to the awe
Stricken spectators who witnessed the sed
affair. Parkers injuries are very se -
rips, the discharge having struck him alt
the face and body. it was feared that
his eye -sight was destroyed, but the doe-
tors think that that calamity will be
avoided. Deceased's father was among
the spectators.
Wo do not' hold oinaeives responsible for opitt-
ioee t vpreasect l,y eorreepon,lettts uudor
this heading,
To the ZMitor of the ;Cintes,
Slat.- I stn totally surprised at the for rs°
the Toronto Mail hate chosenoptarsue ablate
with reference to questions ltolittoal, and .in liege
general ; but more particularly its allu;iou f3ottt 1 , 51 Ga 0 32
to the exodus 11001 Manitoba, into the neigh- hlourherbbl. .. ,:,.. OO 10 5 65
Fotatage,pgx bnsnol .,. 75 to $0.
boring territory of Dentate. Now, Mr. lt,di- Al! le ,pct 8 40 to 0 a0
tor,1 have been a resident of South Western Driod3pplespx b 0
Mnitoba for about two years and iptvo
travelled fifty miles square of that portion of
the coeu try, and rain, therefore, in a. position
to state witllauttoar of oontradiotion that not
M4U;K13'1 RI > ORTS.
t 0 orroeted at5 o'oloek non, \Yoduseday.
Veil When t 0 7G to 70
Spriug 1Yueat ., 0 00 to 0 75
Meyer sees
f'itnetby' -'
040 to 40
... a '20 to au
Go to ol”
5 GO so '1 0}?
. 050to011
>>s t' ba
04 to 000
0Oeeaper lin - 000 to 000
Turkey per lb ... , ,.. 0 00 to 08
Duette per Pt ... ,,, 0 20 to 0 80
Obiokoneporair. . 0 20 to 0 40
ffogs,+iresaeclper100 "' s 10 to 5 70
one settler has left for Dakota -save a few, Spef -' 400 to 500
Glidesronhg, . 650 to a 0
whose desire was to become': rich 01 eeery " - dressed _ .., 0 00 to 0 00
Short time ; but who, owing to over specula- Sbeopskins neon , ,., 0 75 to 1 GC
tion having become ianenaiaily involved, CaIfaikina ... ... 0 50 to 0 70
Would be lad to return bad they suffleiout Wool Iroxlu , 0 20 to 0 21
g 3 Eiiaypertan ,
800 to 10 00
money to bring them back, Tho Editor of itnioiistierbusn 0 50 to 0 75
the tilted must be suffering from mental
hallucination, and a little osplauation with
reference to the so -caked exodus may lrel to
1Yoodper enter ... 2 60 to 3 00
1T: louses.
p Furnished by Messrs 0 arter,Son cis 00.
sot Niru right. All persons naming from he Fall 'Offbeat ................. .. 84 to es8°
Kirkton. east to settle in •North Western Dakotas pees Spring \Vilest ,... ,.. 75 86
liar.e ... 85 40
through Manitoba on :moonlit of them being t>ata .., 81 8�
bettor railway faoillties, therof>ro, untiring 1t Oiavor soocl ,. .:..450 5 BRIBE -se -Rev. •Ruv. J. T. .Le (sear, of Stmt Tianoth .,.....•,
Peas**" ........... 5
tfnatiat.p. And t less predisposed Dakota kegs................ 14 14
Snotatttoreed 70 80
iiicer bush... .
Apples per bush 80 15
Wool per lb 21 28
Hay no r to u
more occtveuient 107 them t0 reach then des- y
ford, Was in the village on Dlauclay.- 0 cn
Spring eros are looking unusually well ; settlers are the people who are'o1 Seed as sot -
an occasional field of fall wheat promises tiers fleeing from the oppression in AIanita-
a good yield. -During the thunder storm ba to seek refuge aeross the line, I would
which passed over here on Friday evening very much like the Editor of the Mail to ex -
last a board fence just across the street plain to his readers, how it was, that, daring
from Mr. Will. Brown's residence was the fall and winter, Dakota farmers tamped
struck by lightning. -Mr. Matthew their grain into Mauiteba, paying the Oaina-
diau duty, if Dakota is such a wonderful and
prosperoua territory as the Nail and
other Canadian papers take a pride in alaira-
iug ; and judging from the amount of Da'
bots wheat delivered by the farmer's of the
territory at the tnwu of Mordon, then there
roust have been a large quantity of Dakota
Douce appears to have had a close call..
While sitting in his brother's house with
one foot on the stove hearth a flash of
lightning came down the chimney doing
no damage, however, beyond affrighting
the imates of the house. The sensation
ilir. D. experienced was that of having
8 00 a uo
OF 4,43$,-ornat Putorix019.6.
The report by the O]orts of the number of
votes polled at the last election showe that
his legtarn off. -A base ball match be- at'ain sold along the 0. P. R. South Western iu Ontario, the Liberals, who were elected,
railway in Maanitoba A few years ago a received a gross majority of 12,187 and the
tween the 4th line and Kirkton clubs 1s I nuinhtn of settlers near ibe neirelehorhoocl of Conservatives a gross majority of 16,685.
to be played here on the forenoon of ' the sou th. westuru minnunite' settlement gave The net Conservative majority in the pro.
Dominion Day.- A garden party in the up their homesteads and crossed over into viuce was 4,438. This shows who ''we the
interests of the Foreign Missions of the Dakota and took up homesteads there. These people" are. The laegest on the Reform side
Presbyterian Church is to be held oft Mr. very Fame people last year petitioned the was that of 1Ir. Sutherland, in Oxford.` Sir
J McCurdy's beautiful grounds, on Tues- Dominion Government (and if my memory John McDonald, -to Carleton, and Mr. Blake,
V Blame 1 morsel), the same
day evening next commencing at 5 p. m. :terve. nieright a Dopy of the .petition ap- in \ est , received precis
-The anniversary services of the Presby- poared in the Tot onto lfail, requesting that majorities, 1,086. In Nova Scotia the Con_
terian S. S. were held on Sunday and a certain township. a short distance from servatives had a net popular majority of
Monday last. Services. were preached on their former puce of abode, which they for -1 01 19, and 5.The net in New runsevvati asre netmay orify
'Sundasy by Rev. Mr. Murray, of London; ]y hl b
at the service on Monday a pleasant tithe
was spent. On the platform were the
following Rev. gentlemen : Messrs.
Fletcher, Hale, Martin, Grant, Turnbull,
Hamilton, Scott, George and Holmes..
Excellent music was given by the choir of
the church. Proceeds, W. -The Meth.
Scheel held anniversary services
on. Friday July lst and Sunday, July 3rd.
-On Dominion Day the annual straw-
berry festival will be held in Mr. Alex.
Eirk's grove. An abundance of fruit,
oreanr and sugar besides other means of
gratification such as swings, croquet, logs,
etc., will be provided. --Addresses on the
occasion may be expected from Revs. J.
Charlton, Corrie, Wm. Herridge, Bramp-
ton and A. M. Phillips, B. D., St. Marys,
Mr. Geo. Leverage, Carlingford, will
occupy the chair. An efficient corps of
waiters will be present to attend to the
wants of all. On the Sunday following
sermons will be preached at 10.30 a. m.,
and 6.30 p. m., by Rev. Wm. Herridge
and at 2.30 p. m., by Rev C. Fletcher,
M. A., Farquhar. A good choir will
assist at all these services. -We are sorry
to announce this week the death of our
young friend, Mr. John Marshall, which
sad event took place at his home on Mon-
day morning. His death appears to have
been the result of a neglected cold con-
tracted about a year ago and which of
late developed into speedy consumption.
Up to that. he was possessed with physical
powers above the ordinary and no one
would have thought that he would have
fallen a victim to that terrible disease.
merry regarded as unfit for settlement and
perfectly worthless for cultivation, e
thrown open for settlement, as they stated,
they wished to rotnrn and again settle iu it.
Is'nt it stt ange that these people would hay•
a desire to leave Dakota, which, according to
the Mail and other admirers is a perfect
paradise, and return to Manitoba, a country,
which on the same authority we learn, is fit ouly
to grow interest 0.3 mortgages ? The con-
tentions of the MMIailers too m eagre altogether.
Now, sir, with reference to the dig -
allowance question, which is the all
absorbing topic in those regions, I might say
that it is agitated prinuipally by political
heads for political euds. The tarmersprevious
toltbe brewing of this egitatiou, were perfectly
satisfied with the existing state of affairs ; bitt
having time and again been told that
they are severely suffering under the oppres-
sion, some of the less r tern give way to the
whims of the agitators and 'become converts
to the agitation, while others more'hanost
and independent in their views, are oognizent
of the fact thata bargain is ,a bargain, and
are willing to abide by the consequen-
ces, supposing they are as alleged detrimen-
tal to the best interest of the country. I be -
that f arming in Manitoba is similar to farm-
ing in Ontario -the farmer who minds his
business and tends to his farm is ben nd • to
succeed. Thanking yon for your space,
I remain,
Yours truly;
Exeter, June 11, '87.
A Young Volunteer Fatally Stabb-
ed at London.
A most unfortunate affair, and one which
F. Medcalf, Blyth • . corresponding secretor- He was in his 2911 year, a steady and in- a has a marred
and orderly ui earn what
ies, J. 0."Stevensou, and L. H. Manning, dustrious young man of a retiring dispo- q p'
At the late Assizes in London, in the case
•of Jones vs. the Grand Trunk Railway, an
action for damages for loss of plaintiff's
husband, who was killed last winter at Point
ledward by the yard engine, the jury awarded
Mrs. T. J. Jones $2,000 damages. The rail-
road appealed the case, and the appeal was..
argued before the fall Divisional Court,
Thursday, when the verdiet for the plaintiff
was unanimously confirmed.'
The death of W. R. • Staniar, ex -county
judge of this• county, whieh occurred on
Thursday of last weak ' at bis home in
Brighton, has been learned with sincere re-
gret. The deceased was at one time one of
the best known men in this county, and en-
joyed a correspondingly wide circle of
personal friends. Possessed of splendid
abilities, a wide education, and many excell-
ent personal qualities he bad even great
possibilities before him in his profession.
We regret to announce' the death of Ste-
phen W. Galbraith, which took place at
Wingbam on Saturday of last week. Some
three years ago he pureha?ed the Wingham
Times, and,conducted that paper with mark.
ed ability up to the time of his death. For
some years past he has not enjoyed good
health, but still he was able to manage his
burliness until very recently, He leaves a
wife and one child, who have the sympathy
,of the public in their hour of affliction.
A gang of burglars appear to be operating
in Lambtnn county, Sarnia, Wyoming, AI-
vinston, Watford and other points have re-
cently received visits from these gentry, One
day last week the house of Mr. R. T. Mar-
shall, sixth Imo, Moore, was broken into
then owner large
during w
do n
g the absence of
quantitylof bedding, silver, glassware and
other articles stolen. No attempt bas been
made to hunt down the gnilty parties in the
majority of cases,
sition and much respected by a wide circle
of acquaintances. For a number of years
he has been a consistent member of the
Methodist church, and though in the
prime of life with all its possibilities be-
fore him he was enabled with Christian
resignation to give up all that was dear
to him here and courageously face death
which to him had no sting. A brother
and sister mourn his loss. On Wednes-
day afternoon his remains were interrad
in the Kirkton Cemetery.
Tyre Municipal Council of Blanshard met
for the transaction of business on Monday,
6th inst. The Reeve iu the chair. All the
members present. Minuted of previous
meeting read anti approved. Messrs. Me-
Keuzie and Rosenbargo applied to the Board
for a diyergence in the river road at Mr.
Moore's mill. The Reeve and deputy were
appointed a committee to enquire into the
matter and report at next meetiug. Messrs.
Joseph Minn and W. • Glen applied for the
opening up of the water table opposite their
properties on the Base Line -Referred to
councillor Johnston to proceed with the work
if he thought necessary. Council then ad-
journed for the Court of Revision, Court of
Revision met and wore sworn by the clerk.
Moved by Mr. Hudson, see. by Mr. Mc-
Vauneil•that Mr. Lawton take the chair, -
Carried. The roll was laid on the table and
the following appeals disposed of, Appeal and also a brush hand at painting, but lately
of Thomas Evans. sr. respecting assessment he has earned his livelihood by peddling.
f Thomas Evans jr. and Edward Evans. bl o
pay a fine imposed on him by the Police
Magistrate -for illegally sailing liquor ase
Western Fair. After that he was sentenced
to six months for assualting his wife and
failing to find sureties for keeping the peace.
His sentence, however, was shortened at the
cermet solicitation of iris wife, wlio was very
sick,- Stevenson promising to take care cf
her. Ho will be examined on Friday.
Biddulph Counoil,
Temperance HO, June lath., 1887.
All the members present except councillor
S. 13. Hodgins. On motion the Treasurer
was instructed to receive from Mrs. Edey
884 00 5n account under the ditehiug and
waterconreo net. The Reeve and councillor
lientson wits instructed to Inspect the gravel
marl lately abandoned by the P.d. G. R. Co'y
and to order euolt repairs as They may find
necessary. Mr. W. Levittcomplainod to the
council of a nttieance.on the streets in the
Tillage of Awmicic; the council went to in-
nett the mine, The following sums were
r;,tared 10 be paid in their respective Divis-
iene. (l -ravel road, Div, 1, $4.00; Towniine
e. 1, 82.00 ; .Div, 2, $45.49 ; N. 13, Div, 2
$1.80 ; Div. 3, $18.00 ; N. 13;. Div. 3, 82.25;
]}iv, 4, $17,60 Div, 8, $120.10; 0. S. It
Div. 8, $27.00; villages of Granton and
.Amick $27.90. The'coanoilthe[ adjourned
to nr,aet' at Clandeboyc; on Monday, Italy 4th
at 10 a. m> N. W. Stanley Clerk.,
The Thais, the best local paper will be
aPnt to •arty address from now until iau'y
1888, for50 t
London on Saturday night, when Ralph
Shaw, of Chatham. a private in No. 1 Com-
pany of the 24th Battalion, was stabbed and
trilled. The man accused of doing the
stabbing is Walter ;Stevenson. a resident of
the city and au Englishman 30 years of ago,
married, with a family of five small children,
who makes bis living as a peddler. Some
30 or 40 persons; stood round when young 1
Shaw was killed and yet no t NO accounts r
agree. Stevenson's house is No. 560 Ade-
laide street, on the main road to reach camp.
Hearing some disturbance therein Saturday
night, some volunteers undertook to quell it
bythrowiug stones at the door. Some of
the stones smashed the windows, whenI
Stevenson ran out and attacked the soldiers, I
and the next moment Shaw fell. exclaiming,1
"I'm stabbed." He was placed in a passing
grocery wagon and taken to the quarters of
the battalion in camp, where he died in lase
British Columbia was 1,456, in Manitoba,
436, and in the Territories, 2,780. In Prince
Edward Island there way a Liberal majority
of 1,240. It is difiienit to calculate the posi-
tion of the pi -ties in Qeebeo, for the reason
that the pouiioal nroolivities of the represen-
tatives themselves are not well defined.
The reneipts of the G. P. 11. for the week
ending Jane 14th were 16249,000 -an increase
of b52.000 over the same period last year.
than ten minutes after receiving the wound.
The police were at once called in, and after
a search of several hours, Walter Stevenson,
accused of the crime, was arrested in the
neighborhood, at daybreak, by Detective
Ryder. The victim, Ralph Shaw was a good-
looking, well built young man 20 years old,
and a painter by trade. Lately ho has been
working in Toronto, but was a native of
Chatham. He was unmarried. At the time
of his death he was a private in No 1 com-
pany of the 24th battalioh of Chatham. The
accused,Walter Stevenson lives in a small
storey and basement cottage on the east side
of Adelaide .street,: between Central and
Prineess avenue. By trade he is a butcher,
The court ordered T. Evans jr. so be assessed
oa let 24 and 20 L', M, R. and
as tenant
Eclivard Leans. as tenant on lot 1, W. M. 1t.
Appeal of Daviel McDonald overcharged in
land, reduced $200. 'Tobe name of James
Murray was struck off the roll as tenant of
lot 26 W. M. R.., andthet of J. J. Hayes
inserted in lieu thereof as owner. Appeal
of Samuel Manning dismissed. The name
o; Mrs. Susan Iintehings was struck off the
iron as owner of part lot 37 ".Plias. con., and
that of John Stoneman inserted instead.
There being no other appeals the rolls as.
revised finally pisesecl ailcl the court Adjourned,
Conned meet the Reeve in the elicit•. Moved
by Mr. Sohnstotl, sec by Mr. Dickinson, that
the reeve, demity reeve. and Mr. McVannell
be a committee to meet and arrange with
M. Rundle regarding the opening of his
gravel pit on E. M. R, -Carried. Several
accounts were passed.
------11.-+•÷-41 .-
Thc ehargo of infanticide, or cenoealaneut
of birth, against Mrs, Stewart and Mrs.,
iadby, of W ingliam, was investigated before
hie honor', Judge `Tome, on Saturday last,
Mr. 11. Campion appearing for the defence.
A large number of supposed witnesses had
been summoned, but as the evidence failed to
establish the charge in anyway, the case was
In 1884 he was sent to jail, being una e t
Immediate Relief
Cold in Head,
Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price
50 cts. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug,
gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address
FULFO set �O., Brockville, Ont.
Samwell &Pickard
Having purchased a
Choice lot of Dress -
Goods much below
their Value, axe now of-
fering them • at Very
low Dross fiends
¢w Raila�iag �
aeni3' rtIrto117s douse
In commencing business here 1
am going'0 tryand give satis-
faction to all of my patrons by
buildingfrom a tine and goodsi
lst.-B anesty ixa all my
2nd.—Tv give unexcell-
ed, values in all limes that
3rd. --To take advantage
of no one, but to give
everyone value for their
Broi,aded and plain$ilks
A Baby Elephant Causes a Panic
in a 'Circus.
Wellsville, Ohio, ,Bine 10 -.])trim the
evening prefer/lianas of a circus. at New Lis.
bon last night a panic, which nearly re tilted
in much loss' of life, occurred. A b y ele-
phant which was performing became unruly,
and `attacked one of the clowns, injt nig him
seriously. Tho trainer, who was co ning into
the ring t 'tri another elephant, 1 stoned to
the clown' ``assistance. The I go animal
aiso sttsrled.ce ,lie rampage, ca lug a. terri-
ble stampede. e confusion r a time was
terrible, men, worn ..,yelling• nil crowding
for the entritco, Qu Was •,' nally restored,
when it was found teat n tiring lady's leg.
bad been broken, and s0 ,e `; women and
children badly bruised. be .,rho lady
dismissed. Elis 1-Ioiior teong l cent :l
s ensured: c tisanes duringtri exetem fell fit
g Y e nest
h enm nen
the mor of so manypersons alio h d r was riding,
ll a i fol r�':she
g l p the midst of the t hr s;• g,
no knowledge of the ease al all and refused nd'was terribly in lir r1, Her condition i
a y 1 s
83 , ciente to allow witness fees to all but ono or.twe. precarious,
hosiery Gloves and Parasols
Just Received
The Latest Styles in Millinery, also a fine
assortment of Scotch and English Tweeds.
which are just to hand.
of Felt and Straw hats
Seed Corn,Turnip seed p
garian and. Mellet.
Sight ■ . Hatless
a 1s
t lite. �1 13
(���c1�r�feci �l �-�t�� �,�ac�tt�c��
70 BAY Slitter, TonoN3, CANADA,
18 ;tnws:r grimier, LoNnoe, E. 0,, Eureasein.
ry�p�..q�e r Fy., Watchnai leer, Je�velior,
. 8.1"e' 1.31 ,anfiCpticiau.
Has the Ager cy for th0 sale of terreabove fit
EXIrTE'.RR. No Sneetacies in the lament ograi
then in the Ern] P tetinviero (UA1t'ri.E0 they
po:,egsa, nr elle C+awe., Ball attd CotSroxo they
confer on the wearer.
Their neo win in actuality slo strongthee the
Bye that it does not become nee0Eapry to
chant's thorn for nrauyyears. They are there-
fore the Cni5riP1517.
They Are the Best in the World,
They Never Tiro the Eye,
And Last Many Years Without (Mange.
no sight tested by our New 'Tont Card, Pattie
as nee sby the leading O mtists throughout the
1 am prepared to sell at
Very Close .'rices,
and am determined toagive
my customers the advantages
which result flown careful and
judicious buying.
Tweeds and t.
Gents' Furnishings
--AR h—
Second To None in Town.
Only Call and Bel Convinced.
N. B. -Tweeds boug1lt"iroin lne
will be cut Free of Charge, and
]Perfect keit 'Guaraalteecl.
Yours Respectfully,
Exeter, March 15th, 1887.
In order to accommodate our rapidly .increasing business we have had to Enlarge Ovr�,'
Premises, and -now have room to show the
BEST , s0Ta.T ,D ST cf
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves Etc
If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND., we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right
If you intend building, Call and Get. Our Prises for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS,
If you want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right
Spot when you call at
PUMPS, (IR0e), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at
tiC11W gT
One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest
Stocks in Exeter.
Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, 'French Dress Materials,'in al
the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices.
OUR .BLACK DRESS GOODS. ---All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Mani rl3rose
Material and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goo
Colored Phishes is All Shades worn this season, Black, Dress and Vtnth. Silks.
I-Z001P,` ' !
Mantle Oioths, grand range. Flannels, Blankets, Factory and Wbito Cottons, Skirtings,
3;3., all bought before the advance in prices and will be solcl at
If you wart Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to
l..C,7a.,.'L .LINTG'S'
Our arot)e ep a... tro, a t is Corsiplets.
s e n Ville + rte
It is asks w12i1 reel b > everyone that has ttecid it to be thebest the V rat o tomoney.
df? 1. y 3
Sample Parcels, Free,
0.: CARLI N G, a nas t , Exeter