HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-23, Page 7HOUSEHOLD.
At this season of the year, the careful
housewife ffiels a motherly interest in this
eubjeet, lest this litle iusect damage her
children's clothing during the eomieg sum-
The word, moth whou properly used °in'
bracee a lerge number of the smaller butter-
But in this form it does no barn; it bee
no teeth, takeno nourishment and has but
a brief exietenee, Yet this moth lays her
eggs in our geode and from those eggs esnnes
a tiuy worm which often disterba the equeu.
imity of the household,
a here are several kinds of moth thet an.
noy the careful housekeeper. The in
veetieveita find its home in elothiug, team
tapetze/loi iu carpet, time pellionella hi fur
and tined orinelex, in hair. .
These Rineaus, in their winged state, lay
their is? es meetly in the eying, during the
month of Aa
, May and te, depending
eomeevivit upon the loerdity and season.
The eggs hatch ont ha about fifteen days,
and the little worms begin to gnaw the sub-
stance about them, the fragments of which
they generally use in making for themselves
ceses by fastening them together with silk
and M which they move freely, and as they
grow they enlarge these covers by adding
to the eeds and by gores set into the tilde%
in this WaPrn jacket they live until sprin
when they Qom out with wings and y
away to seek crevines, folds, dark closets or
any undisturbed places where they can find
the kind of material suited to the purpose
of housing their young, and here they lay
their eggs which Beau make e colony of de-
structive moth rooms.
Now the way to prevent damages is to
neeeesery. Children Phonic], net be (1017riv-
ed of this kind of food, Even for the poor
it is DOOnotnical to provide a simple dessert,
In arrangieg for a dinaer, plan a light des.
eert vvhen the met of the meal ia to be sub-
staatial, Oa the other head, when the main
part of the dinner is ta be light, let the dee-
seet be hot aud enbetantial, For example,
if the limb pert of the meal consists of cold
meet itud, vegetables, or a hash and one
vegetable, servek.an apple puddieg for dessert.
A geed ono en be made of a poet of flour,
prepared as for oreaan-of.tartar biscuit, veil-
ed thin, and filled with pared and quartered
apples, then eteareed, for two hours, and
served with molasses or sugar FEIllee. Or,
the apples may be put into a stewpan with
little vveter and sugar, or a little inolessce,
Stewed for a few minutes, covered with the
biscuit dough, and cooked for about ten
minutes longer. No eu,utie will be needed
with this pedding. Nothing could be oheap
or, and it will be very palatable and whole-
some. Apples may be added to boiled sago
or tapioca, with a pleasing result. boek a
cupful of either tapioca or sago ill three eap-
fuls of cold water over night; then cook it
in a double boiler for half an hour, Add to
'the °entente of the boiler one cupful of
sugar ; half a teaspoonful of salt, and two
quarts of pared and cpartered apples. 33ake
in a pudding dish, for an hour and a quarter.
Cool slightly, and serve with or without
sugar and creamor milk, These puddings
, are so simple that they will not even hurt an
The trams, of Lemons.
Lemonade is not only a luxury, but ex-
ceedingly wholesome. It is a good temper-
ance drink.
The juice of half a lemon in a glass of
water, with sugar, will frequently cure a
sick headache.
pack away such things as we do not use If the hands be stained, there is nothing
during the summer where the moth miller that will remove the stain bettter than a
cannot find them This shoull be done in lemon or a lemon and salt. •
the spring as soon as they are not needed to After the juice has been squeezed from
use, into cotton or linen or paper bags. the lemon the refuse can be used for the
Care must be taken that the bags have no
Fent hole where a tiny inoth may purpose.
in. We prefer heavy unbleached muslin as i Lemon juice and sugar, mixed very thick,
it is strong and durable a,nd may be bought is useful to relieve coughs and sore throats.
in remnants at low prices. A bag may be It must be very acid as well as sweet.
laid in a trunk, box or shelf, and the goods I Lemon juice is also a very good remedy
packed ia smoothly, the bag sewed up at for rheumatism and the so-called biliousness
once,. and be assured no moth will find its of spring. In the latter case the juice
way into it. 'should be taken before breakfast The pulp
If everythhig is made clean, repaired and may also be eaten, avoiding every particle of
each persons clothing packed separately, skim
and each bag labelled, naming all that is in
housewife real pleasure to find the things as
she may need them in the fall. All woolens
and fare, even though not valuable, if not
in ase should be thus carefully packed away
so as not to provide a harbor, for these pests. .
The carpets in use should during the spring,
months be swept carefully and often in all
the comers and under the furniture.
If moths do get Mt° the carpets place a
wet cloth over and iron with a hot iron;
they cannot survive such treatment.
The cloth linings of carraiges and chairs
raay be protected by being sponged with a
solution of corrosive sublimi
ate n alcohol
just strong enough to eave a white stain on
a black feather$
There 4telveral other insects that trou-
ble clothisig, but we think none of them will
find their way through a strong muslin bag.
The writer has been successful in the use of ,
this plan for a number of years, and never I
feels the least anxiety after her goods are
,,carefully brushed, cleaned and packed away
for the summer and never opens theuntil
needed for use. itand to whom it belong s,
it svill afford the
Ohildren's T4s.
Toys are so perishable in material that
nearly every home is full of battered and
broken pl' ythings, which sooner or later
find .f
their ay to stove or ash heap. No
greater wase of money, unless it be that
spent for candy, is ou record than that which
is wasted upon the wooden and tia play-
things, which lest as long and give as much
pleasure as a soap bubble. A writer gives a
new idea which we have not before met
with. It is as follows; Mothers too often
make the mistake of satiating their chil-
dren with too great a variety. As soon as a
child tires of one toy, for example, there is
another substituted, and discontent is the
certain result. Themother of four children,
of whom the oldest Was eight and the young-
est two, told me that she had never had any
troublein amain them because they were
taught to play a variety of plays with the
least possible number of toys. She feared
collision of interests if each child had a
special set of toys; and on this account gave
each one a doll, with the necessary belong-
ings, sad a few other toys -each possessing
almost precisely the same things.
The finer tom were understood to be
mother's property, and were kept in a clip-
board apart. These were only leut to the
children onspecial occasions. There was al-
ways rejoicing wheu mamma's toys were
brought out, each child, vying with the
other as to behaviour, so that the treasures
could be kept as long as possible. Books
for painting with colored crayons were an
important adjunct, as, when tired of play,
the children were always ready to paint.
The older children were taught that they
must devise some play for the younger ones,
and thus a happy time was the rule in the
nursery. "Sweetness and light" are power-
ful adjuncts in the nursery ethies.
"A Sleep -Walkers Escape."
It is a wonderful fact that sleep -walkers
are often uninjured by accidents which
would be very serious to a person who was
awake. Whether it is due to the lack of
struggle and resiAance, or to some peculiar
state of the nervous system, has never been
satisfactorily shown. The following illus-
trates the principle:
Some years ago a party of cadets were
escorted from the Naval Academy to a
neighboring city, there to inspect, under the
direction of an inspector, the great steel
works. Stopping for the night at a hotel
in EL— with his party, the professor was
aroused at midnight by a,n alarmed voice
outside his door announcing that "John
Green had fallen from a third -story win-
dow 1"
In trembling haste he threw on a few
garments, and hurried downstairs, expect -
fid dead dying b What was
or his delight and surprise, after a somewhat
, prolonged search to find the young cadet in
i the cellar, having fallen through the open
, cellar -door beneath his window, unhurt,
!save a broken wrist I
On being found, he was making sturdy
efforts to climb into a neighboring wheel-
barrow, and when spoken to, he explained
drowsily, that he had "fallen out of bed,"
and was trying to get in again.
The three steps descending into the cel-
lar bad broken successively as he landed
upon them, and undoubtedly saved him
f rom the more serious injury of direct con-
tact with the ground.
Young Green afterward explained that on
retiring he had, according to his usual cus-
tom, locked his door,. saying to his room-
mate, that as he occasionally walked in his
' sleep it was the safest plan.
I Both cadets then went to bed, and soon
fell into the dreamless sleep oI fatzgue.
Green remembered no following sensation
nor impression until, half -awake, he found
himself on what he supposed to be his bed-
room floor, and tried to get back into bed.
He had been totally unconscious of going to
the window, opening it, and taking that ter-
rible leap of forty jive feet to the cellarlioor.
Wasted Eloquence.
Science furnishes themes grand enough to
inspire the loftiest strains of eloquence, but
hifalutin" is not always suited to the busi-
ness of giving elementary instruction. A
lack of taste in this work becomes ludicrous,
as in the following instance.
, An English writer tells how the principle
upon which the air-punap works was ex-
plained to pupils when he was a. boy, more
than seventy years ago :
j "As soon," says he, "as the first paw
was glued town to the vacuum, by the
pressure of the atmosphere above, oue,lec.
turer began to declaim in is very grandilo-
quent strain.
Tested. Reoipts. I
COFFEE ICE PUDDING. -Pound two ounces
of fresh roasted coffee in a mortar, but do
not reduce them to powder. Put them into
a pint of milk with six ounces of loaf sugar ;
boil up, then leave it to get cold, strain it on
to the yolks of aix eggs in a double saucepan,
and stir over the fire till the custard thick-
eneWhen quite cold, work into it one and
a ha
ills of cream whipped to a froth,
freeze i lay it in a plain mould, and set ice
till w fed.
dough is leavened and is /ormed ot the finest
wheaten flour, lightly salted, and kneaded
into a stiff paste in is wooded bowl, which is
covered and left for two hours to rise. Then
it is rolled out and out in pieoes as thick and
long as a stout finger. These pieces are laid
side by side on is moistened paste.boatd. Let
them stand to rise another hour; then take up
each piece by the two ends and gently draw
it out about two or three feet in length. Ar-
range them on the oven shovel, will& must
be sprinkled with unsifted meal, and trams-
fer them to the oven. A short time will
bake them, when they must be cooled and
kept in a dry place to become crisp. The
secret of success with thein is perseverance.
SOTP5I4 DESSERT& -- Many houeekeepers
look upon all desserts in the light of
ries, ethers others draw the line at dishes that call
for eggs. Now, some dessert dish, if pro-
perly made, should form is part of every
dinner'if freit IS liot to be eerved. Even
with fridt, some people require elver. When
no dessert is provided, a greater quantity of
meat and vegetablee inest be eaten to satie-
fy the demandof Natere. Vol' some this le
eee all right, but for the mojority of people
is ctrtain °menet of finger and starch is
Illorritrie Butchery er the Leaders or the Re.
mut ii*utrlotie Revolt.
A eorresponctent writes have had dur
ing the 18,st few day e several c,onvereittione
with AL Gueroff, a l3ulgerian Deputy, and
his daughter, 1\fline, Zelenogoroff, the widow
of Cept. Zelenoeorofl, who with eight others
wee ehot Ruatchek en Feb, 22 by order
of the itegeute Mine. Zelenoeoroff is a
young lady of eonee twenty yeare and of very
eoesaterable personal attractions. She as-
oured me that there was no reaeon why the
Regeete should have sequestrated her pro-
perty, and issued warraet of arrest egoenet
herself, but from what I gather Mine. Zeleno.
eercfr's selon Was the ehief rendezvous of
the eonspiretors. All the leaders shot on
the 224 of February she admitted were as-
sensbled ia her house ten days previouslYo
but she asserted that she new nothing of the
meditated revolt, Mme. Zelenogoroff stated
that she wee not permitted by the Regents'
order to visit her huebiend during the three
days' imprieonment before the execution.
She gained a,ecess, hewever, to his prison in
disguiee. 4,he coinplains bitterly of the
manner of the executiona, and if her state-
ment be correct they were certainly carried
out in a shocking manner. She said: "My
husband ad the rest were sentenced to
death late on the evening of Me 21st end
shot at 4 o'clock next morning. On that
morning I was prostrated by illness, and my
husband had only time to write a few rapidly
pencilled words before he was led out to his
grave. I will show you the note, which,
with this ring on my finger, are the only
mementoes I now possess. This is what
happened: the nine victims were placed be-
fore their shallow, short graves, which were
not more than four feet in length and a foot
and a half deep. My husband refused to
have his eyes bandaged, and tore open the
tunic of his uniform that it might not be
riddled, saying that his coat was guilty of
no treason. The firing party numbered
ninety, and yet my husband was left un-
scathed after the first volley. At the second
and third discharge he was wounded and
fell. Then the officer in charge advanced to
give him the coup de grace, and emptied five
chambers of his revolver before the 'murder'
of my husband was completed. Then the
crowd rushed in and tore the boots and
clothes from the still warm bodies, which
were pitched into two small graves and trod-
den down. My husband's feet were hacked
off so that his poor mutilated corpse might
be made to fit the grave. It was all very
horrible. The dogs came in the night and
we had to set guardians over the graves.
Subsequently we erected crosses and head
stones, but they were demolished by the
brutal and vindictive agents of the Regents.
Now things are quieter we have replaced
the headstones." Mme. Zelenogoroff had
much to say about Prince Alexander. He
was honorable, good-natured, and amiable,
but his amiability, if it may be so termed,
said Mme. Zelenogoroff, was carried to an
extreme, whicla affeoted and injured his pos-
ition. In the latter days of his reign not
only many ladies, but officers did not think
of rising when the Prince entered or left a
room. Be was somewhat boyish in his
amusements, and. would divert himself with
a number of officers in all manner of school-
boy frolics. He lost caste by beingintimate
with those around him. Mme. Zelenogoroff
observed, with much sadness, that only a
month before the execution the judge who
sent her husband and friends to their fate
had dined at her table on the occasion of her
birthday. The young widows and families
of five of the officers executed at Rustchuk
are now here. They are of course for the
preaent pensionnaires of the Russian Gov-
ernment. Mme. Zelenogoroff speaks Very
little Russian, but is fairly fluent in French
and German.
" There, sir, addressing the prisoner of
science, my captive you m e and my captive
you will remain till I think fit to release
you. Not Alexander the Great himself, not
all the legions of Xerxes, the great king,
could drag you from your present position
without my consent.'
"Upon this, the urchin, whose hand, I
suppose, was somewhat smeller than had
been reckoned on, so that the exclusion of
the air had rot quite completed itself, gave
a long pull; is sSrong pull, and a pull all
together,' and up came his hand in the sight
of the whole assembly, and we laughed till
we cried."
Barinnu said "e;0 American People like
to be humbugged," Thie may be true in the
line of enterteniment, but not where life ie
at stake, A leen with coesumption, or axis,
lingering disease, looking Death in the face
and seeking to evade hie awful grasp, does'
not like to be trilled with, So With eonfi-
dence we place before our readers Noeureei
great remedy, Dr. Pero' s Golden Medical
Discovery, a euro eelief tor that long train
of diseases reeol tine, from impure blood, such
as Consumption, Chronic: Nasal Catarrh,
Liver Complaint, Kidney Disorder, Dyspep-
sia, Sick Headache, Scrofula, and General
Debility. Thee -tried a,ne thoroughly tested
it stud e witheut an equal 1 Any druggist,
A young widoer never knows how much
(or jew little) she loved her departed old
huell5and until the will is read,
"Not Bulk, Rot Business!"
is the way a Western man put it in exprese.
iug to is friend hi a complete satisfaction in
the use of 1)r. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative
Pellets, So small and yet so effectual, they
bid fair th supplant entirely the oldeetyle
pill. An ever -ready remedy for Sick and
Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Conatipation
and all blood disorders. Mill in action,
wonderful in effect I Put up in vials, con-
venient to carry. Their. WO attended With
no discomfort 1 These sterliug merits ac-
count for their great popularity.
"Robert, what did you do with the hit-
ter I left on my desk is little while ago ?"
"1 took it to the post," " What I Did
you not see that it had no address ?" "Yea,
sir; but I thought you didn't want rrie to
know for whom it was intended."
She seolde and frets,
She's full of pete.
She's rarely kind and tender;
The thorn of life
Is a fretful wife -
1 wonder whet will mend her I
Try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Ten to one, your wife is cross and fretful be-
cause she is idols and suffering, and cannot
control her nervousness when things go
wrong. Make a healthy woman of her and
the chances are you will make is cheerful
and pleasant one. "Fa-vorite Prescription"
is the only remedy for woman's peculiar ail-
ment, sold by druggists, under is positive
guarantee from the manufacturers, that it
will give satisfaction in every ease, or money
will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle
wrapper. Large bottles, $1. Six for $5.
Girls are so scathe in Dakota that when
a new girl enters the Territory all the brass
bands turn out en mane and serenade her
with "sweet Violets."
Large Insurance Claim Paid.—Endorsement
of tne Mutual Reserve.
Office of W. D. Earrinews & Co., Grain and Produce
Merchante, Toronto, llth May, 1887.
J. D. 'inns, Esq. General Manager Mutual Reserve
BeAcl Ltfe Association :
Mart Ste -We be to acknowledge receipt of
cheque for wive Thousand Dollars in full of claim
under a policy of insurance issued Sons lv the Mu -
teal Reserve Fund Life Aseociation for that amount,
as creditors of the late Edwin C. Fisher.
We have much pleasure in bearing testimony
to the prompt and satisfaotory manner in which this
claim he been adjusted, and at the earae time to ex-
prees our confidence in your association. Having an
intimate acquaintance with your President an
chief officers, we know them to be gentlemen of the
highest integrity, and in whose hands we believe the
interests of the members of the Mutual Reserve are
perfectly safe.
Wishing your aseociation continued success,
Yours truly, W. D. MA'FAHSWEt & Co.
Vd Those who have Tried it Say
The best proof of the power of Poison's
Nerviline over every kind of pain is obtain-
ed by the use of is 10 cent bottle, Nerviline
requires no puffing; every bottle tells its
own story It cannot fail for it is a eom-
bination of the most poeverful pain -subduing
remedies known toniedieal soienee, Nervil-
ine is equally useful in external or internal
pains. Try the great remedy. Ten cent
bottle at, any drug store. Largo bottles
only 25 eents.
Let Masters,of Hume, was spading up hie
mother's garden the other day when the
spade turned up an old tin ean which was
found to eontam leSO in greenbacks. The
notes weresoiled and faded, 13ut stull Ser-
viceable, When Lee told his mother of the
discovery the old lady remembered thet
she had belied the money for eddy a long
time ago ancl then forgotten all about it.
The money atone in very handy for meetiog
the interest on a not wineh fell due the day
after the find was niade,
A. P. 337.
PATENTS arioor Sale -Illustrated descriptive Cat-
gue free. R. amberlin, Toronto.
11X County in Canada. Address,
FERRIS et CO., 87 Church St, Toronto.
Ak„.camileiguggs AND CANVAS/MRS wantecrentie
or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis-
sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade, Toronto.
rirlORONTOCUTTING SCH001.—Gent1emen
desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of
garment cutting should apply at once to S. commute
122 Yonge St., Toronto. Terms on application.
ANOTHER NOVELTY.— tirdardult=
All the rage M the States. .Agents wanted. sample
by mail 46 cents. CLEMENT St 00., Toronto.
ance Company 05 Canada,
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents.
G. C. ROBB, Chief Engineer. A. name, Seteyareas.
p Natural Wood, and other Picture and
Room Mouldings, Frames, Etc. Paintings, En-
gravings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materials,
Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat-
alogue. MATTHEWS B/108. .t CO., Toronto.
9oVELPII Business Co/lege, Guelph, Ont.,
- Twelve States and Provinces already represent -
e n the roll of this Institution. To thorough, prao.
tical instruction, and the efficiency and success of
its graduates, this College owes its popularity Cir -
mars, giving terms, eto. mailed free.
84.'MacCORMICK Principal
tion Box -metal for journal bearings in machinery --
Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require-
ment. Ask your hardware dealer for it. ALONZO W.
SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope.
Who are Weak, Nervous and exhausted ; who feel
themselvee losing strength; who are pale, delicele and
siokly in appearance, suffering from. the many corn -
plaints peculiar to women—send for and read
M. V. LUBON'S Treatise in BOOS FOAM on the Db.
enses of 1Vonten. Mailed sealed and secure from
observation on receiV of 80. in starve, UNSEALED
TREE. Address, H. V. EURON, 47 Wellington St.
East. Toronto, Ont.
The Bermada lily, in delicate enamel and
set with a diamond, makes a very handsome
pin and pendant combined.
Catarrh, Catarrhal Poorness and
May Fever.
Sufferers are not generally aware that these dieeasee
are contagious, or that they are due to the presume
of living parasites in the lining membrane of the noee
and eustachian tubes. Microscopic+ research, however,
has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a
einnele remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh,
catarrhal deafness and hay ISM are oured in rom
one to three simple applicatione ivade at home. A
pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free
on receipt of stamp by A, H. Dixon & Son, 808 Ring
Street West Toronto Canada
English horsebreeders have purchased
several carloads of Kentucky -bred mares for
shipment to England.
YOENG MEN suffering from the effects of early
evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, wholind
themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mire
111.1PLASED and OLD tam who are broken down fromthe
effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced lile
feel the coneequences of youthful excess, send for and
Anne Mee Zillion's Treatise on Meese:4ot Men, The
book Will be sent sealed to anyadmire:el on receipt of
two 3c. etampe. Addreee M. ). LISBON, 47 Welling.
ton St. Emit Toronto Ont
retorhoree, Oat,
EAT .OHOPPERS. Waehing Me-
ars, 10 kinds; Mangles, 3 kinds. Churns, Carpet
_ gra:s841;
Sweepers, and other sundries. •
HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL wones co., Hamilton Canada.
Send for artiole wanted. I lustrated Catalogue.
A • , • Decorated Win.
Awmg n s i
dow Shades, die.
• Wholesale and Re-
tail, at the CUB -
Lampblack mixed with strong vinegar will
mark sheep so that it will remain a, yeti? and
will not injure the wool as do tar and paint.
People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated
tongue, or any diserder of the Simi:Ian, can itt once
be relieved by using Dr. ()arson Stomach Bitters,
the old and tried remedy, Ask your Druggist-
* Three things as good as their better -dirty
water to extinguieh fire, an eigly wife to a
bliutd male and a wooden overfed to a coward.
opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and
kindred habits. The ineclicine May he given
in tea or coffee without the Ithowledge of
the person taking it if so desired. Send Go,
he stamps for book and testimonials from
those who have been mired. Address M.
V. 'Luber, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto,
Ont. Cut this out for future referenee.
I When writhig mention this paper.
Three things that never become ruety----the
mbney of the benevolent, the shoes of the
butcher's horse, and a women's tongue.
). Whatever your Stenerich or Bowels got out of or,
dor, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or indigestion
and their attendent oyes, tittike ta once n doge of De,
Carson's Moulton BMWS, Best femily medicine.
All Druggists, 60 nista
of health, the enemy of disease heals the
Lungs, Re -builds the Broken Down Constitution of
young and old. Home treatment, sufficient for two
months, Inhaler and all complete, sent by express los
812. Movedmy office froin 73 Ring West to 41 Ring
East. MRS. C. STIDEAM FIEROE. Four yearr
established in Toronto. 32 Office Treatments for 518.
Send for circular.
trel`'Send ee. Stamp for Cetalogue.
e Bicycles
Se.eotal•Hand Ma.ebinee,
New Catalogue Ready let April
I have 41 pod tvereidiidy for L130.4 be ye disease t by its usit
bousanda of raft, yr the worat1.1 ,d So, of long steadier
Palm %55Uemail. Indeed, ao wig 11 rey faith In lig
efficacy, that '• send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together
with Val ats,E 'ffilEATISE on this disease to any
in5or,r. CLL.. ,34,,eQUII and P. 0, setae,,
as. r.A. SLOCUM,
Branch Office, 37 Tonga St., Taint()
CARRIAGE TOPS Tiiinence, durability.
The .
dua ReserveFund
the leading Carriage Builders sell tlyieoinll.see ern.
and cheapness, Buy no otheLar°rellan
'King St. W., TORONTO.
arneue for theieekie
WE 0
Rhe arlOW Drift Baking Pew
0 Co ifrantroicr 014
A 13eadnif 41 IlltpOrterl 13irtiblay Carel gene
to any baby wheee mother ivill aced um the
Amuse of MVO Or MON other babies, and their
parents eddreeeee Alm A handeome
1110M1 Dye Sample Card to the meteor emit
rt1,1101; yaluable information.
WcIte,)tichortision Se Co., Montreal.
The largest and most proeperous open Aeseesruant
Association in the world --desires active representa.
tivee in every seotion of Canada I liberal inducemente.
It has 1 ell Government Deposit, and under the super.
vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa.
Correspondence solicited. Address,
•J".. "CerMZeielS,
General /tanager,
65 Ring Street East, Toronto.
Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool.
RATES OP PASSAGE :-Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool,
$40, 550, and 500; Return Tickets, 580, 890, and $100
-according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter.
mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further
particulars and to secure Berth, apply to M. E.
MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom Home
Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif-
ferent Towns and Cities.
Postage 6 Cts. Extra
Please mention this Paper when writing,
ZOTThe Celebrated Ilan.
cock Inspirator.
ilgrGresham's Automatic
Re -starting Injector.
442irtforri30n'e ,Automatie
Sight Feed Lubricator.
art'ngineers' &I Plumb-
ers' Supplies of every
description. Send. for
75 &77 Adelaide St.W.,
,Allan Lino Royal Nail Steamships,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurada2
and liahfax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, callinp
at Londonderry to land mails and. peasengers for
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall.
fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnighth
during summer months. The steamers of the Glas
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifas
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during:euna
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glatigot
and Boston -weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other nformatlon apply 5,
A. Schun:aoher & Go., Baltimore I S. Cunard & Co
Halifax; Shen & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Tbomp
eon & Co., St. John, MB.; Allen & Co., Chicago
Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto'
Alban, Rae f& Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philndel
phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston. Montreal.
GENTS—Indies or Gentlemen Wanted—
To Canvass for our Subscription Books. Our
standard and popular work, Dr. Withrow's "History
of Centicie-a bookwhieh ought to be in every library'
Our instructive, amusing and soul -touching temper-
er le book, ealatform Echoes," by J. B Gough. Our
complete book of sermons, and autobiography of Sam
P. Jones, with a short sketch of the life of Sam W.
Small, and three of hit special sermons. Our beauti-
ful book of poetry and literature of all ages and all
lands, entitled, "Golden Thoughts on Mother, Horne
and Heaven," OUr handsome FamilyBibles.beautiful
illustrations, full of useful and helpful matter for
Bible study, beeidee good clear t3 pe and paper. Our
terms are liberal. Send for °trowels.
WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publieher, Toronto.
of the present age for
Reemeamitio TEE Bew-
ail, AND CUEING au
A few in Hamilton
Alio have been bene-
fited by its use :—
Mrs. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St., cured of Erysipelas
of 2 years' standing; Robert Cornall, 24 south St.,
daughter oured of Epileptic Fits after 6 yearssuffer-
ing; Jennie Birrell, 55 Walnut St., cured of weakness
and Lung Trouble •, John Wood, 95 Cathcart St,
cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only
fifty-eent bottles; airs. J. Beal, 6 Augueta St,
troubled for years -with Nervous Prostration two
small bottles gave her great Sold at 500. AIM.
F. F. DALLEY & CO, Proprietors.
'Mani say cure 1 do not moan merely to stop Emma for
time and then have them return again. /mean a natal
cum I have made the disease of BITS,SPILEPSYorHALL.
1010ISICKNESS. Itte-long study. 1 warrant my rezned#
to core the worst cases. Because others have felled bine
reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at 01100 for ai
treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give
Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for • hist
and I will cern son. Address Mt. 11-, G. ROOT,
Branch 0E0 37Tonge St Toronto.
Artistic Designs, combined with
'Unequalled Durability
and Finish.
3ELASAMEIT..21`01V 01\1"11.49-1:4X0
Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
TYIeL e efIllilEASE for your waggons and Horse Powers.
warded. it during the last four years. Try also our• PEERLESS
Manufactured at QUEENNITY OIL wcints, by
SAMUEL ROGERS & 00•, Toronto.
In this paper referred to the AIIIIllai Meeting of the Associa-
tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Company
was organized) took place on Tuesday, the lgth
iApril, when the following gratifying
increases were Ammunced :
INTEREST AND RENTS, - - - 13,029.
ASSETS, - - $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234.
Mol. Profits pay -able on and after
Were allocated as Profits to Polley
$ 9
260 420 May 1stders.
I K. MACDONALD, Managing Director,
The Ori
Sie OitilliVilleS, Ont. 41
Jinni 19, 1885, -For two years my :4;1
wife's health was nin down. She was
greatly emaciated and too weak to do eetti
anything for herself ; !she wee given up
by five doctors, they all passed the
Opinion .that she could not five. She
commenced being Dr. Jug's Medicine ir ....be+
December, 1,04, rind after taking eix gT,,i re A
bottleieshe was eci ranch irapeoved that __
,he could leek after her household duties, ra42„ t.'.:, pi
J. M. 'topping, Engineer, 0 ii, R., WOBil R ,„..ii p
Toronto. , a cc, ce
0.1 ea <4
pi VA
.3.4 Ca
airy(-7-1 . bo
ton and Aebton trends, in largeor einall .sacke. ----MANUFACTURED BY'
Also 'Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for DOOM?.
Wholesale Provision ererchants, Toronte.
Deelete who 114T0 not yet tee this STOVE elMuld secure the Sale of it at Once.
elasses of fine Work, Mfrs, of Printers' teedie
flues end Metal Furniture Saul tor ptitee,
i:ia. Wood Cook.
jilifflifilieffewsoliPlimerti711121pre,.., .aassulzss.;;;;;;'.:Aisi6 iiisf\_,,,:e,,,,,:rv- —wee--
•7/;4(lie,,- 1
611,,i (a o lei
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