HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-06-08, Page 13Varna girl in Quebec on exchange Mr. and Mrs. John Kuipers � Wed in Clinton The Christian Reformed Church. Clinton was the setting for the early spring wedding of Cory Bylsma and John Kuipers on Friday, April 7. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. A. Van- denBerg amid a setting of white mums and red car- nation candelabras. Mrs. Gail Lear was the organist and Chris Bylsma, sister-in-law of the bride was the soloist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wobbe Bylsma, RR 1, Blyth and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kuipers of RR 5, Goderich. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor -length gown of sheer organza that had a high ruffled neckline enhanced by skirt a trimming of white lace. The skirt of the gown had a pinafore ruffle effect which flowed gracefully along the train of the gown. Her veil was held in plate by a Mennonite type cap and she carried a bouquet of red sweetheart roses, white fugi mums and stephanotis. The maid of honour was Anne Kaastra, twin sister of the bride and the bridesmaids, were Corry Kuipers, sister of the groom, and Pat Bylsma, sister of the bride. Their gowns were of white knit polyester dotted with yellow, red and blue circles, and were accented with royal blue vests. They carried bouquets of white fugi mums and red carnations. The flowergirl, Tracey Brand niece of the bride, wore a dress of similar material as the other attendants, and carried a basket of fugi mums and red carnations. Leonard De Vries, friend of the groom, was best man and guests were ushered in by Aukie Bylsma, brother of the bride and Jake Kuipers, brother of the groom. The ringbearer was Mark Bylsma, nephew of the bride. Following,the ceremony a reception was held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The bride's mother wore` a red and white printed floor -length dress with a red overjacket accented with a corsage of stephanotis. The groom's mother chose an orange floor -length dress with a printed sheered cape complemented with a corsage of stephanotis. Guests were present from Acton, Brampton, Chatham, Exeter, Forest, Guelph, London, Sarnia, and surrounding areas. Special guest for the occasion was the groom's maternal, grandmother from the Netherlands. For travelling the bride chose a street -length dress of multi -colours that featured cap sleeves and a cowl neck. Her corsage was stephanotis. Following a trip to Tennessee the couple are residing at RR 5, Goderich. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honoured at showers by: Pat Datema, former high school classmates; Dorothy Tamblyn for neighbours and the women of the Goderich Christian Reformed Church. The bride and groom were also honoured at a Kuck and doe shower given by Corry and Jeannette Kuipers, sister of the groom. By Mary Chessell Cheryl Webster recently began her summer employment at Les Archives Nationales at Montreal as an in- ventory worker. She is one of 200 university students, 100 from Ontario and Quebec respectively, par- ticipating in the Ontario - Quebec summer student job exchange program sponsored by the Ontario Civil Service Commission in co-operation with the Ontario - Quebec Per- manent Commission and the various ministries of both provincial gover- nments. The program, launched in 1970, enables students of the two provinces to profit from their work experience in order to improve their proficiency in their second language while contributing to the development of a better understanding between the two provinces. Campaign . Barb Consitt, captain of the Flowers of Hope Campaign in Stanley Township, would like to thank all those who canvassed, and those who donated money to put the township over the $1,000 mark --- $1,021.50. Kim Hayter, a member of the Clinton Brownie pack, was required to complete a money -making project and decided to give the $7.50 she made to Arc Industries through the campaign. Well-done, Kim. NDP meet The executive of the Huron -Middlesex N.D.P. met May 30 at a mem- ber's home in Huron Park. Several members will attend a one day seminar, concerning organizing and compaigning, in Guelph on June 24. It was unanimously agreed that a letter condemning the role of the Ontario Provincial Police at the Fleck strike and the use of the riot squad against the women picketers, be sent to Prdmier William Davis and Solicitor -General George Kerr. The Huron -Middlesex N.D.P. executive will meet on Wednesday, June 28 in Clinton. Summer has arrived at Gerrard's...shop now while selection is at its best. With great looking fashions in all our departments. VICTORIA ST., CLINTON Arc Industries has expanded rapidly, and is producing lawn furniture, etc. at a fast pace. They are doing some baking in the former crafts room, but should soon be moving into a larger shop area. Groups who wish to tour their facilities can arrange for meals at $4 for a cold plate and $4.50 for a hot meal. They like to have two weeks' ad- vance notice, and can accommodate fairly large groups. Village socials Bill Dowson, ac- companied by son John, and Paul and Scott Consitt, took a bus trip to Toronto on Sunday to see the Blue Jays ball game. Barry and Pat Taylor and Eric and Sharon Chuter spent a couple of days in Toronto and also attended the Blue Jays ball game. Don Taylor has returned home after spending a few days in Clinton Hospital. Congratulations to Lori Consitt, who passed her figure -skating exams in swing --- first preliminary dances, and her preliminary figures. Your correspondent and her husband, ac- companied by Don and Olive Riehl of Sebringville, spent the weekend at Munro Park, Powassan. Can't brag about catching more fish than Bill this time, but I'll give it another try the end of June. UCW meets Mrs. Margaret Taylor was hostess for the June meeting of the United Church Women in the beautiful outdoors at Paul Bunyan Camp. The worship service was based on the account of Jesus' visit to the home of Mary and Martha, and how we should balance our lives between the demands of homemaking • and our spiritual needs. The committee consisted of Deborah Rathwell, 4zeh1s fine markets...of fine foods PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL CLOSING TUESDAY, JUNE 13 SCHNEIDERS 6 VARIETIES SAN DWICHao, MEAT ROLLSU 8E., A FRESH ONTARIO PORK SIDE �b SPARERIBS .� BR SCHNE OKENIDERS COOKED HAM SLICES 6 oz PKG. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1978 -PAGE 13 Joan Beierling, Florence Elliott and Elva Webster. During the business session, members volunteered to staff the hospital cart for the month of June. A donation will be sent to help pay the cost of operating the church's hospitality tent at the ploughing match. Arc Industries will also receive a donation. Assistance in the form of a loan will be given to the Board of Stewards to help them put a new roof on the church. Dianne Kirton and Bonnie Roy volunteered to supervise the sports for the church picnic on July 30. Announcements were made of a shower for Cheryl Peck on June 7, and the One Day School for Women on Aug. 22. As the storm clouds were gathering, all 25 of us were accommodated comfortably in the Taylor's mobile home for lunch and socializing. THE MORE STORE Margaret Caldwell, Associate Matron; Olive Avery, Associate Grand Matron of Ontario; June Boussey, Worthy Matron and Gus Boussey, Associate Patron were on hand for the Eastern Star monthly meeting in Clinton recently. Mrs. Avery, from Toronto, was on hand to welcome Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Boussey to their new positions when they will become Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron next year. (News -Record photo) CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF FULLY AGED FROM THE HIP ROUND STEAK ROAST oR BONELESS RUMP ROAST AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES WITH DELI COUNTERS MAPLE LEAF COUNTRY KITCHEN BOLOGNASLICED .89c ROUND TENDERIZED CUBE STEAK_ GRADE 'A' BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAK SCHNEIDERS SLICED 'COOKED CORNED BEEF SCHNEIDERS LARGE 3x2 oz "$2.29 ib $2.39 9.29 PKGS RING BOLOGNA Ib SCHNEIDERS FROZEN REG 011 GARLIC COUNTRY SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF SMOKED FULLY COOKED 9.39 1 Ib PKG $1.59 DINNER PORK SHOULDER - MAPLE LEAF C BARBECUE WIENERS BURNS LINK STYLE BREAKFAST SAUSAGE- -- lb$2.19 10PKG 01 89c Ib $1.09 Ib $1.39 JUICY RED & RIPE WATERMELON PROD OF U.S. WHOLE Ib. CUT WATERMELON P1100. OF U.S. CANADA No 1 GRADE SWEET CANTALOUPES ONTARIO GROWN GREEN ONIONS ONTARIO GROWN CRISP RED RADISHES. FRESH ONTARIO GROWN' LEAF LETTUCE SIZE 45's • PROD. OF S. AFRICA CANADA FANCY GRANNY SMITH APPLES ZEHRS "A" GRADE FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER $1.26 BADEN MILD TASTING COLBY CHEESE BADEN DUALITY 12oz$1.49 MARBLE CHEESE 12 oz $1.49 GAY LEA ASSORTED FLAVOURS CHEESE CAKES HOLIDAY JUICE ORANGE DRINK VACHONFRESHTASTY FLAKEY JELLY. WITTICHS SLEEVE OF 2 2 °$1 4 oz CUPS R 640 $1.19 '6 PACK 99C APPNSLE SESAME SSNACK BUNS WESTOTYLE HAMBURG ROLLS PKG 69c OF 6 F PKGS OF 8 2 q Si BURN., GOLDEN • GARLIC FLAVOUR POLISH SAUSAGE McCAINSMcCAINS 11 OZ PEPPERONI OR 12 OZ DELUXE PIZZA SUBS 11.79 NEILSONS ICE CREAM BARSOR SANDWICHEI SPACK6 99 c HIGHLINER COOKED FROZEN 14 oz. COD IN BATTER159 COD FILLETS ■ WHITE CR WHEAT WH WHEAT ZEHRS ENRICHED BREAD 3FOR8 8C 24 o1 LOAVES 4 BAR BUNDLE ZEST BAR SOAP HOSTESS REG OR DIP 14401$1.19 150g 59. POTATO CHIPS_ AEROSOL TYPE SPRAY 'N' WASH 12 INCH WIDTH REYNOLDS WRAP CARNATION INSTANT SCALLOPED POTATOES BILLY BEE PURE CREAMED NATURAL HONEY 2 lb $1.99 ZEHRS EASY TO PREPARE DINNERS 16 01 $1 .59 25 ft 59c 59° 6201 MACARONI & CHEESE ZEHRS FROZEN CONCENTRATED 71/4oz 3889. ORANGE JUICE 12 5oz tins 16c THIS FEATURE AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES EQUIPPED WITH COUNTRY OVEN BAKERIES ZEHRS RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY PACKAGE OF 12 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CAKE DONUTS DOZ C JAMS WITH PECTIN RAYOVAC ALKALINE' BATTERIES CARD Oft 24oz 99c "AA" CELLS 9.59 "C" CELLS 9.99 "D" CELLS =2.29 Ib. 'FROM THE HIP FULL CUT ROUND STEAKBONE IN .1.88 GRADE 'A' BEEF INSIDE TOP ROUND STEAK $1.98 CAMPFIRE SLICED SIDE BACON I Ib. PKG. L ARGE SIZE PLUS DEPOSIT FAMILY PACK COCACOLAI.4.4 LITRES LARGE SIZE NESCAFE INSTANT CO.FFEEOOZ. ZEHRS IN TOMATO SAUCE BEANS WITH PORK ZEHRS SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE NESTLE 4 FLAVOUR CHOICES MINI PUDDINGS DETERGENT FOR DISHES IVORY LIQUID__ _ _ _ i 14 oz 3Red, l4oz 3Rs1 3 x 5oz CUPS 69c 32 oz $1.29 ZEHRS CANADA "A" GRADE LARGE EGGS ALL WHITE c DOZEN BILLY BEE PURE NATURAL CREAMED BUCKWHEAT HONER MR CLOWN BUBBLE BATH___ KLEENEX SOUTIOUE TABLE NAPKINS KOTEX MAXI PADS NEW FREEDOM _ REGULAR OR ULTRA KOTEX TAMPONS 21b $'1.89 682 mI 88c 75"s 55c 30s $2.19 3.s 2.09 WHITE, YELLOW OR PINK KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES F 200"s 2 O siR DELSEY 4 COLOURS BOUTIQUE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLL PKG $1 .09 WHITE, ORANGE OR YELLOW REGULAR ja 11 KLEENEX TOWELS ROLL LWE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: � OUR MANAGER IS: DALE McDONALD GODERICH -HURON RD.No s OPEN WED.-ThUR..FRI. EVENING 1�