HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-06-01, Page 10PAGE 10--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 1978
the BAYF!ELD Milvena Erickson ugle
Atixiliary learn
of camp
At a recent meeting of
the Ladies Auxiliary to
Brownies, Cubs and
Scouts; Brown Owl,
Eleanor Ritchie advised
the mothers of the
necessary needs for the
Camping Weekend of
June 9, 10 and 11 at
Klahane Camp which is
down Black Point Road
south of Goderich.
The Brownies who are
eligible to attend are
asked to arrive as close to
7 p.m. on Friday as
possible and should have
their supper before
leaving home. Brownies
should arrive at camp in
camp uniform. Parents
are asked to pick up their
daughters at 4 p.m. on
Sunday in time for supper
at home once again.
Mrs. Van Wonderen
and Mrs. Siertsema of-
fered to make the mesh
bags needed by the
Brownies for their
camping trip.
President Jean Dunn
thanked everyone for
their help and baking for
the wood badge training
course weekend.
Two tents were pur-
chased by the L. A. for
use of the three groups;
and the meeting set
Wednesday, June 21, at
6:30 pm for the mother
and daughter banquet to
be held in the basement of
St. Andrew's United
Church; also set
Saturday, August 12 at 11
am for the Bake Sale.
Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs.
Bornath have offered to
start a Girl Guide Pack in
the fall and Mrs. Lorraine
Fisher will be starting a
Beaver Pack for boys five
to seven years of age in
the fall. The L.A.•are very
grateful for the interest
shown towards the young
Brownie helpers will be
needed in September and
anyone interested in
assisting is asked to
please call Jean Dunn at
A lunch convenor will
be decided in the fall and
lunch . assistants named
were Jean Dunn, Sharon
luau, and Annette
The plant slip exchange
proved very successful
and the maple syrup
donated by Pat Westlake
was won by Elaine Dunn.
Baptist church news
ByJanetTalbot eight and nine. The
The Sunday services at subject- of the sermon
the Bayfield Baptist was "Worship God,"
Church were in charge of and he stressed the fact
the Pastor Rev. Les. that everyone should
Shiel, who used as his start the day with God
text, the 34 chapter of the and end the day with God.
book. of Exodus, verses
Personal and social news ,
Holiday visitors withi
Mr. and Mrs. Norm
Talbot included their
daughter, Mrs. Larry
Jones and Mr. Jones from
Woodstock; and their
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Talbot and daughters,
Lisa ,and Wendy, of
Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Talbot, Deanna and
Marshal of St. Thomas,
and, Mr. Dave Talbot of
We wish a speedy
recovery to wee Terri
Lynn Talbot, who is a
patient in the Goderich
hospital. Terri Lynn is
the youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Les. Talbot.
We are pleased to
report that Mr. Bill
Talbot has been released
from the hospital and is
recovering nicely from
his recent surgery at his
home here.
Mrs. John Keys is
spending a few days with
her daughter, Elva, in
Chattenooga, Tennessee,
and attended the
graduation exercises of
the Bible School there
where Elva has been a
student for the past year.
Local woman dies
A longtime Bayfield
resident, Mary Weston,
died . in the Bluewater
Rest Home, Zurich on
Tuesday, May 23. She
w a s in her 92nd year.
Mrs. w eston was born
to Leonard and Veronica
Kipper on November 21,
1886 in Kansas; USA. She
was later married to
Ernest Percival Weston
and the couple lived in
Bayfield for 46 years.
Mrs. Weston was a
member of the Trinity
Anglican Church,
Bayfield. •
Mrs. Weston is
predeceased by her
husband, who died in 1970
and survived by three
nephews, Harry Bosnell,
Goderich; Francis
Kipper, Zurich and Hugh
Fulton, Thorndale.
Funeral services were
held on May 25 at the
Trinity Church with Rev.
Wm. Bennett officiating
and Beattie Funeral
Turn to page 11 •
1 r „)d ,
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An Ideal Wedding Gift
Fitted Bottom
-Top Shoot -
2 Pillow Cams
News and views from the Anglican Church
"The Lord appeared to
Solomon in a dream by
night and said, what shall
I give thee? Solomon
A new clothing boutique, called the Wardrobe, opened in Bayfield recently, and
is operated by two area natives. Partners in the business are Maggie McLean,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean of Seaforth and Audrey Marriott,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marriott of Goderich. The shop will be open
until Thanksgiving Day. (photo by Milvena Erickson)
New dress shop opens
Two enterprising young
women, Maggie McLean
and Audrey Marriott
have opened a women's
wear shop in Bayfield.
The "Wardrobe"
caters to the tastes of
sportsminded and dressy
women as well. The shop
has everything to suit
your mood from the
casual complete with
straw bags and hats to
the dainty with scarves
and frills.
Racks are filled with
sizes from 5 to 16 and
include T -Shirts, blouses,
gauchos, shorts, slacks,
one and two peice
dresses, sun dresses and
also a line of Charlie
The young women
opened their store in the
old Gairdner Building,
Main Street. Now owned
by Charles Rogers and in
a unique setting of potted
plants in various types of
plant holders; some
hanging from an old
wooden ladder suspended
horizontally from the
ceiling, others perched
atop an antique wardrobe
filled with garments.
The store is open from
10 am to 9 pm each day
until Thanksgiving, and
the obliging
proprietresses will make
an appointment with you
during their "off" hours.
All you need do is call
either Maggie or Audrey
at 565-2588.
The girls decided upon
Bayfield to venture out on
their own as the area is
very familiar to both of
them. Maggie, who has
recently been employed
in Kitchener is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew McLean of the
Seaforth Expositor and
Audrey. is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Marriott, Dunlop's
Pharmacy in Goderich.
Best wishes for a very
successful season is
extended to Maggie and
Arena canvass
Canvassers will start
this week to canvass the
Village and area for
support for a new arena.
A "thermometer"
showing 'the amount
needed and the monies
already raised will be
constructed in Clan
Gregor Square.
Canvass chairmen
were named as follows:
Stanley Township; John
Paul Rau; Goderich
Township, Bob Stirling;
Village of Bayfield,
Carolyn Snell and Ross
Anyone interested in
helping to canvass is
asked to contact the
chairman for thier area.
The objective to be
raised is $80,000 and a
verbal committment
from Wintario for
$160,000 and a Com-
munity Centre grant of
$80,000 has been received.
The total cost is
It's Spring Fair Weekend
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Enjoy Country Dining\ or
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Bring the family or frien-
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Cooking and particularly
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Our Bakery Products
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bakers enjoy creating
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BaJiy , `Restaurant
48 ALIEET ST. CLINTON 988-8727
Remember ... when you buy Bartliffs, you buy the best! A
tradition in Huron County since 1902.
said, give therefore thy
servant an understanding
heart." This was the text
used by Rev. William
Bennett, Sunday morning
in Trinity Anglican
Church for his sermon.
The old Testament
lesson was read by
Morgan Smith. Harry
Bakes and Milt Van
Patter acted as
sidesmen. Mrs. Jeanne
Bennett taught the Junior
Sunday School and the
younger children were
taught by Cindy Cheff.
The flowers were given
by the family of the late
Mary Weston and by
Lucy Diehl in memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diehl
and family; Annie, Erma
and husband Morris
Durham ; Fanny B. Diehl
of St. Johns, Varna and
Carl E. Diehl of Bayfield.
The congregations of
Trinity and St. James
signed a birthday card to
send to Bishop W. A.
Townshend, London on
the occasion of his 80th
birthday to -day. Best
wishes are extended to
this highly respected and
loved former parishoner.
Trinity A.C.W. will
meet to-day(Thursday)
at •2 pm at "The Hut",
home of Lucy Diehl.
Bishop Carman J.
Queen 1st memorial
lecture for the Clergy of
the Diocese will he held
to -day at Huron College
from 10 am to 3 pm.
Reverend Doctor John
Westerhoff III will be the
guest lecturer. Also from
June 2-4, Moira Couper
and Jeanne Bennett will
be attending .the "53rd
Week -end" at Huron
College as the parish
Children from Trinity
and St. James, along with
the Rector, attended the
Children's Festival at St.
Pauls' Cathedral, Lon-
don, Saturday, May 27.
Several hundred children
gathered in Victoria Park
and after singing,
paraded to the Cathedral
carrying banners
representing their home
churches. A wonderful
day was enjoyed by all
Seniors plan picnic
The Bayfield Ever
Young Club met on
Thursday in the
Municipal Building with
35 answering the roll.
President Harry Baker
welcomed Mrs. Dorothy
Brunsden, a newcomer to
Bayfield and also in-
troduced Mrs. Cora
Pearson a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Perce Johnston.
On Thursday,- June 29,
the Club is having a
picnic in Goderich at 5:30
pm at which time the new
officers will be installed.
Members were also
notified of Senior Citizens
Week at Huronview and
also the Zone, picnic at
Seaforth on August 20.
Mrs. Lloyd Makins is to
be the delegate to the.
convention in Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown were called to the
front and each presented
with a farewell gift as
they are moving to
London. Mr. Browny was
one of the presidents of
the Bayfield Ever Young
Club and he and Mrs.
Brown were faithful
members. Mr. Brown
drove the London Free
Press truck into Bayfield
for 28 years. He stated he
only missed one trip and
never had, an accident.
After the adjournment
. of the meeting, euchre
was played and a
bountiful lunch followed.
Friday - Saturday June 2 -
A Select Group Of
Ladies' Spring & Summer
A Pair
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'till 9
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$2 1 • 99
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$1 9.
9 9
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Happy 10th Anniversary
Seaforth Optimist Club
Main Street Phone 527-1 110 Seaforth