HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-16, Page 5ber 7e lily ted FD ! r, 1 L 200 "foe . E. sizes }al. 7Glr. it Sfi, Vii /6 kLAT t• Salr DISTRICT DOINGS. Oecurrancee the Past Week Throughout the Neighborhood in a Concise Forum. I had a bad Bold on my runes for two years everything I teed failed Inc till I'got Ever. estsCough. 9c npnnd it mired me.- Mrs. D. A Fraser, arllhrit P, t?. ` Jas Creielttnt, of Bu r, was arrested Set- urdry for per)rlry He swore ata Scott Act Interesting Items. Fred Crouch. of Limn, has succeeded C. ie, Grundy as G. T, R. agent at Cainalacbie, Mr. Crouch has been rapidly promoted since he first went into the G. T. le service. MIRACULOUS "My miraculous cure was that I had suf.- terod from kidney disease for about two years ri told A end o d e i e. f that m m was ot'f work silt_.. happy to sa I of B. B, B I triol it, and am ppY y trial in April flet' that lid had sold no liquor that T was eared by two bottles:" Wm. Tier, since ['ob. 2, ;He has been four times con- St, Marys, Ont. vieted for sellieg liquor after that date, hence It is stated that when John Brown of his arrest for perjury. "'" Toronto, gets through with hislibelsuit Everest's Liiar Ilegtrlator worked wonders on me "end toad ''' me feel like a new man. —Levi H. 'live 1tli'orest le 0. Shortly l efoic ll o'clock Friday morning Mr, Jas. lung a , employee in the black- smith shop at'i the G. T. R. roundhouse, Stratford. was Struck by a yard engine while goiug to his work. He was first struck on the shoulder end thrown headlong on the track; and wes'almost immediately struck again by another part of the engine, This. 1 time he was herled against the ground head foremost with well force as to break his ueok. 1 actually telieve that ,• Everest' Cough Syrup eavcd my' life. Cirkpatrick, Merchant, Forest P. 0. ;, Locals. `Messrs. W. Brock anti W. Routley, of Unborn°, left on Tuesday, to revisit the scenes of then childhood, in "Merrie 'Eng- land." They propose visiting Ireland and Scotland before their return and will be aw ay'niost of ,ire summer, Tieing practical farmers, they attend, if they 'see anything that suits theta, to bring some fancy stock along with them. Work has it'd commenced on the bridge on Leathorn'e rsidee road, although it was many months igo that tlieold structure was down. A tiiaveler eu route for Boston was awaken - torn Mr. Solomon Manning, of Exeter, has ed b a' cry ontside of bis window : "Pedal returned from Algoma where he has been teguments artistically illuminated for the in - rusticating fo the past few weeks. He finitesimal renumeration of 5 cents," We'er reports havinehad a pleasant time. against the &oderioh Signal, four other papers would be proceeded against, NATURE MAKES NO MISTAKE Nature's own remedy for bowel, complaints, cholera niorbua oholio cramps vomitipg sea sickness, cholera Infantnin, diarrhoea, dysentery and all diseases of a like nature belonging to the summer season Dr Fowler's Extrrect of " Wild Strawberry, which eau be obtained of all dealers in medi- cine. e My son look out for these "disinterested" people. They are, most of them, very much interested even when "disinterested: A WONDERFUL ORGAN. The largest organ, and one that plays a controlling part; oh the health of the body is the liver, If tbipid or inactive the whole , system becomes diseased, DR. CHASE'S LIVER CURE is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, end Is guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine $1. Sold by C. LTJ CZ Genteel Drug Store, Exeter. The .Difficulty :Experienced. In taking Cod Liver 0i1 is entirely over- come in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and leypopbosphites. It is as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedy that has ever been produced for the cure of Consump- tion, Scrofula Wasting Diseases. Do not fail to try it Put up in 50c, and $1 size. ENJOY L1FE. What a trul?:beautiful world we live in ! Nature gives 01 grandeur of mountains, gleus and ooeaus, ani thousands of means of en- joyment. We tan desire no better when in perfect health r but bow often do the ma- jority of people feel like giving it up dis- heartened, discouraged Sea worn out with disease, when thet•e is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Green's August Flower, will snake them free from disease,as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver. Complaint are the direct, canes of seventy-five per cent. of such maladies as Biliousness; Indi- gestion, Sick headache, Costiveness, Nervoas- Prostrat', izzioess of the Head, Palpita- liop o, Hemi,,',,end other distressing symptoms' Thred doses of "August Flower will p, own its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. there l" Y 01.1140. MEN Suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, who fled them'seives weak, nervous, and exhausted ;,also MxnDLE AGED and OLD MEN, who are broken• down from the effects of abuse or over work, and in. advanced life feel the none tuencea.;of youthful excess. send for Ind asap V.`Zubon's Treatise on Dinearos of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any_ ad- dress on receipt of twr} 30. stamps. Adress M. V.LTH ,87 lY• t"`on St. E. Toronto. Jana$th 1 7 1—y. r For constitutional or scrofulous catarrh, and for consumption induced 14 the serofu- lons taint, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is• the true will cure yon. C. Lutz, sole agent fold Exeter remedy. It has cured numberless cases.. One of the teachers in the school at It stops oatart•hal disdain. gee, and removes Hampton, Ya., recently asked one of the In• dian pupils what lbs. stood for. "Elbows I guess," was the unexpected reply. REDEEMING POINTS. • A Profitable Lite. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 600,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Com- plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or Uri nary Troubles,rt0 buy a bottle cf Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will oure you. Medicine and Recipe Boos $1. Sold by U. LUTZ, CENTIIAL Dime STORE, Exeter, Ont. A CARD. To a11ivhoo are suffering from the e rs and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, earry'decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a reoeipe thnt wilioure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to REV. T09EPa T. IName Station D. New:YorkOit HEADACHE AND LOSS OF ?APPETITE. OD SVITIMGS AND TTONADES HEAP EVERY DAY Alts ANION EROS. dGHT SUITS, WHITE VESTS, PANTS, ORDERNOW AT RANTON BROS. Mrs.' JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, Druggist, Bothwell, says:—My experience of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will cure Biliouisnese, Dyspepsia', Indigestion and Headache. I believe it to be the best family medicine, and can strongly recommend it." Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develops into Catarrh when you can be eared for 25 cents.. A few applica- tions will euro incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to 'five boxes will mire ehronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it the sickening odor --indications of scrofula. At the meeting of the Wingham council on Monday night a byelaw was passed which provides that no cows, horses or pigs shall run at large on the public streets after $ o'clock in tho evening and before 6 in the morning. The meed of merit for promoting personal aesthetics is due to J. C. Ayer & Co., whose Hair Vigor is a universal beautifier of the hair. Harmless, effective aggreeble.it ranks among indispensible articles of the toilet. To scanty locks it gives luxuriance ; and Withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth. CHOLERA MORBUS That terrible scourge among children may be speedily cured by Dr, fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry, All forms of bowel com- plaints, nausea and yomiting, from an ordi- nary diarrhoea to the most severe attack of Canadian cholera; can be subdued by its o . d y known forw prompt use. It is the best remedy children or adults suffering from summer oomplaiuts. On Wednesday of last week Magistrate Flag, of Mitchell, fined a young man $2 and $3.10 costs for asking for liquor in an hotel 'after 7 o'clock, p, m., the previous Saturday, This enforcing of the law shoed be a warn- ing to others who are guilty of similar prac- tices. A PROFESSIONAL UPI➢TION Rev, F. Gunter, M. D., of Listowel, out., says regarding B. 13.B., "I have used your excellent Burdock Compound in practice and in my family since 1884, and bold it No. 1, on my list of sanative remedies. Your three busy B's never sting, weaken or worry." CONSIIMPTION CUBED. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS! At Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on 911 maohinerieSuring tl e Exhibition. It has beep awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years, I 'See that you get Peerless. It is only enade b a.,etaxVEL 3.4a 'B$ c CO,, TORONTO. FO1 SALE 13Y JAS. PICKARD. SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! For Fresh and Reliable (F. M. Ferry's) Seeds go to THE FAMILY GROCERY. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cura- tive properties. Trios 25 cents. (TRADE MARK.) TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR For diseases of the Liyer, Kidneys, &e., and Purifying of the Blood. Price $L Six linty tles for $5. For Sale by Arm D1WOGISTS^ Manufactured only by G. M. FVERE ST, OHaMZ'T FOREST, ONT. Nasal Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing, does not require any instrument for its use, does ,not have any ill effects, re- lieves from the first, and one 50 cent bottle will euro any ordinary case, with no other expense attaohed. ''How did he bear himself ?" . asked a speaker's friend who had been detained from the lecture. "He bore himself 3ery poorly, was the reply. "but that vies nothing to the way be bored the audience." AIVMIRACLE "My infant daughter was taken ill with cholera infautum, the doctor said she could not live. The Rev. Wm. McWilliams would not allow her head to be lifted when he baptized her, she was so weak, Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry gave immediate relief. She is a living miracle, hale and. hearty. Shied that time (7 years) our house has never been without that remedy.". '' * ' ` From statement of George Johnson, Harwood, Ont. JOYFUL NEWS. It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in- valid to be informed of a remedy that will give prompt and sure relief in case of pain- ful suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard s Yellow 01, adapted for external and internal use in all aches, pains, lameness and sore- ness. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, croup and all inflammatory pains. An old physician, retired from pray tine, hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable ' ireniedy for the epe„edv and permanent sure of "Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ell throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, niter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has fait it hi, duty to m9 ke it known to his suffering fellows., Actuated by tuie motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, ee send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German,Freach•or English, ith full directions -ler prep tiring and using. Sente they ley mail by addressing with stamp, panel;W.rt.Novrus,14i1Power'sBlock ,Tic chaster —THE— CANADIAN N PACJSIC RAYLWAY. ADviOE To MOTHEns.—Are you diet'irbed at night and broken of your rest by, a sick child suffering and crying with Lain of Cutting. Tooth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethi'tg. Its value is incalculable, It will Jolieve the poor little sufferer immediately. etenend upon it, mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Dhoti -Ten, regulates the ,Stomach and "Bowels, cares Wind Colic, gotten s the Gum e,reduce 5 lnflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female pbysiclansand nurses in the 'United States, and is for ale by all -druggists through- out the world. Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle Be sure and ask for "wins. Wittsnow'S Tin 'GLtflATIluT CoiuoatTloe ON EAItT11. THn MogT 1111111°T-- AND 13 s,, P]Qvzrrzlp Rover .—BETWEtN— MONTBE AL, GUI''13EC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, - CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &c. SO0TIIlNo SYnvi "and take no other kind. Y,OQ.f 1 TIOQ1 1 1 Excursion to erANCOU'iT.1 i , VTC",roalA,. for 90,00. Lick and 51.�.N FRANCISCO, 'dp > sats good fol• Seven Months. b tee lee �eee ,Ilreh �. ins ,silt'• iiekete else i T 31 Le1•e, i�..11 en A BUSINESS LE eT.L+'R T. Milburn & Co„ Tilsonburg, March 15 '87 Sirs,—Please ship at once three dozen B. Bitters. Best selling medicine in the shop. Sold several bottles to -day. Yours truly, C. Thompson. The above sample is but one of hundreds of similar expressions regarding the polio• larity of B. B. 13. A bow-legged man was standing before the stove wnrtning himself, A small boy watch• ed bite intently fora while and then broke out • "Soy, mister; yonr'10 standing too near the fire,; gnOSyore! e w FI ing• ' „:'x,31 ALLUN'S PS-i.IZE TOIVI..TQ PLANTS ONLY 10 CENTS AU BOX. Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery --a fresh supply. PURE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR. Ice Cream Parlor T The public are cordially invited to call and see the new parlors and test the cream. The most pleasant place in town. Everything possible done for the comfort of visitors. G. A. HYNDNIAN, Family Grocer. The Great Enlish Prescription. A successful -Medicine used over • �,, 30 years in thousands of cases. + Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous ' .1 ♦ Weakness, Emissions. Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [seems] indiscretion, or over-exertion. term] Siz packages Guaranteed to Cure when ail others Fati. 9 k`your Druggist for Tho &rcatEnatuY. Prescription, take no substitute. One package SI. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and C. Lrl'•z. REMEMBER THIS —AIvD TA1rR,.— WARNING S. C. HRS Will have a fine int of goods, fresh andp rime, for'the 2 F ORANGES, LEMONS; HAMS, SIDE BEACON, BOLOGNAS AND ALL KINDS SOF F' t,'CrsT IN SEASON FREEMAN'S WORM POTdV ERS. Are pleasant to tale. Contain theldowui Purgative. Is a PIA", s•rrr. and etfcctuat deltrejer of warms iu Children or Adults TRUSSES CHRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of allkiude of Trusses ; Residence: Rannte's Mills, Hay, where hewill attend to the wants of any who may require his services. W+iy pay from $15.00 to $2500 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for $5.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses x35.00 , Single 1 Trusses,$2.50. All com- . munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. O., Ont. I L -a— DON'T THEBOOK {Published by the THE A. B. S. 111111110111111011141. New. York. • OF WONDERS. eszaansmosimigala Iva NE.tELY 30Q PAGES. RIGS, RARE and RACY. tTARTING REVELATIONS CONT `IN, • _d Over 1,000,0001 Sold in the 'United States. Eve'y Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada slould have n• copy of .this work. ITT drfsT i'EE TE/NO ; rr TEEM ALL, AND IS •TOo 000D X0.I3E wLTHOUT. • Sent uy mail, postage paid, "on receipt of pri, a 50e., or three books for $1. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. ��;1 �•c6 SP.;�� 4r�ae�A'� �fia Fi ei , fi 2 $ ob c 1 tie' 5 � G°fi ion. •2 ae �'a~ ti°4 � 7 q `L, ofi w v4 �w ��$. ens cs°{ • ye+ ,g° o �°�• jos ga •, ,dCv °fi ,�fiZt� o,p�5e ,t;)) ie to re ,24). ¢yo;���,fia s coo ti�o;a� a• ��• y��;),0 .0., ors, 9' fifi se �t °` tie tib �ti Reye vA 9 w°_.o°. c�• e`t Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78 ?Yew oxford street, late 533,: Oxford' Street, London. 2I• Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.'. It the address is not 533, 'Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. THE OLD BSTABLISIED SPRIG 111887 1 SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on'th.eir merits. LADIES call and see our. Millinery, trimmed and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouucings, Gin ghams, Moiling, Jerseys, Oheneil Trimmings, Jacketing, d;e. The ladies say our Prints and Muslim; are the prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every oue to wash. We ate showing over OO Pieces of Embroidery, oolured and white, from Bots. per yard upwards. Our New Stook of BOYS' 'CLOTHING is having a big run, and no wonder, the prices ars so low, the styleikeo nice, and they fit so good. `In MEN'S ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Best: Value, Newest S Style and'Neatest e test Fit in town. IRemember we carry the Largest Stock of BOOTS St SHOES, (and. nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies',children's and gents'. not >, g Y JAMES PICK.ARD. misTAID GAZETTERR:prrItYFurniture & U nd ertaki n P • Olil OF CAIVAD�s' goods Bought Right —AT THE— LOVELL'S DOMINI . In •Nino Polavnes, ,Roy/a,l 850. • Montreal - General - Store, EVERY TIRE f Fanson's Block, EXETER, (F'erguson'S Old Stand) T. DE Ar sra car `wisitos to inform the citizens of Lxeter and etirronndiug country that ho bas aguiu re- ceived (and still coming) a' good cheap lot of 690195 For all disorders of 1131 Stomrte li Liver, oft't I(.idneyn, 1)r. Carson's Stomach Bitters are 1 Comprising over 'F1Fty SiTlts tri Reacly-mad unsurpassed. They strengthen the whole,: Clothing. an11 1 VPriety of Pants, .Du.ess muscular systetri, glue a healthy eoeiti)rlsxinit, (roods, Print., Tweeds, Shirtings, �adtee' bring beat: the keen edge. of appetite, and Fratltor.bnue Corsets, l vnr!ety of I,itlties' arouse into 'healthyactionilio whole pltysi• ,lose L cos tete Children's loots 2 Slioca. Il ,su Ulilld.nal energy of the human £rnmo• Alsiy (�t t;,t,m,rrt r, rrocorica. t'C1t av `"99;viu►t;• tolocri�tli, r]ilsA�l! ''11A51 '1'1'J/\ill piny iuttntnt. try „or On ltecorxtrt of the inabiiit;4 to cityt,ht Drib S,yritps,-.ha, s, ,onfP.�ti, y Ivies c. n be digested ! rsn+! 1:enfeen Orgatls for stile nary food. s Soett'e I.mu a A foiv hsit v stiCrl ,t,I and ilnsli tsl,r,r1 il�••tater l at 1t greet 1 mese l ere (Mete, std I itrt 1.01(111 curl give o t rood Palle. See what Dr, A• T1, to ),ire tttr titin ls1`a11t h .if l,usitTos,a, (roods 111'tl'C`oll"l.e,l'ctit,odiuo,sayti 1l,ttt n�,*rl t .i;ic,'u fst ret h ,luring ilia. tuor,f;lt itif 1 lost ,. nit ({ 1r, 1 t. r z�` fICG �m11 lit'e`r.il1-1plt'S 1 1111 �1( of l"��,1 it ,i . ,k1Y•P1,1,3 !leer Oil, •.11 1 1 r1 aS 11t, i ' It e .Ii 7 I ,t li I hit, �'✓. I. (!Hr"1 wJft-.1.1 l '�.t,Altll•Ali:[ {1. ,• / - ,f tee • ,Irl , me 1311 COMMA %) ane wiretievex a sufficient number of subscribers is obteiuedlo oover coat of uublioatron Subscription to the Nine `,lumen $75 00, to lire Province of Ontario or tc Queboc 81150, to Now Branswiok or to Novo s,otie elute, 10 Manitoba or British Columbia 0.50, to 1'duce Edward Island or to North - vest Territories 89.50. EachPr'ovince to have aMep. Please Send for Prospectus. JOax 7,OVIt1LG, 1Mct,rage0linin ubtigher Montreal 4511 August, .1980. BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTiOIh JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM,,. HEARTBUN, HEADACHE,, ri.l+er 01,01':4, r pool r;,.11 DIZZINESS, DROPSY,' FLUTTERING or THE HEART, ACIDITY or THE STOMACH, DRYNESSOF ,' HE SKR1, :;1 ,. iednir isIDNf"•' P5 Rir 00D. We wouldcall the attention of the people of Exeter ." - fact that we, having purehasoci toe stock and busines apeoral inducements in Put for Sets, rialto UFi Vatic. i e(ll'oom ,Setts, d `oO(l, Calle es Writing. De;Slks, 4i.cl(Uo<tr(ls, And an Endless Variety in BC(Is, Our Stooit of Teunibor is Laigo any Tlimemt. ok1euouc6 in ilio leiitiling'factorfos of 5111" 1)onliu able Furniture. Our Stook of Temle1ltaltiug Gentile 11a the Large: egtial north 011.0)111011. ` teeee 1 atteelion 31111 be It everyone wi11 find us pretrl1n1 and 11 1:1 ,l•:• )t i1v0. It. 11El' ..111TN0 (Jl' AV., ,uC31}iell1lie1' the �f llllcl (airily t:)tror