HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-6-16, Page 3aEALTz, Daxithuff Simple aa the skin appeara to be Vera colnPlicated, and plays an lin part in the working of the physical e Its elands secrete the oil that keeps t face soft and supple. Anether set glands pour out a fluid, the evapora which enables the body M maititain it per beet amid the mauy and sudden ol of the atmospheric templet etere, It is one of the eliminating ergans f polling from the system waste and poi matter. Its network of nerves is the mare , i is portant ystera. he sur - of its lion a pro iange or ex sot= of sensations that recegnize the prosen qualities of external objects, that is, sense of touch. It conalets of t le parts. The inzn 4 the seat of olor. ..7he xniddle, a toug and is the seat of he nerves of touch. The I stic and fila OUS abrane, is the true skin, •outermost;`a transparent and horny film, is itself wholly without sensation, and protects the sensitive skin below. The human nail and the horse's hoof are anerely modifications of this, which is called -the epidermis. So complicated arrorgan must be expo many ailments. Them are nearly comprising hundreds of varieties, and a them is dandruff or piiymeeis, front a Greek word eignifying bran. Says Sir Erasmus Wilson, ."Pityriasis is a superficial, chronic inflammation of the skin, without exudation, or swelling, but especially characterized by disturbed nutri- tion of the epidermis, and its deequaniatiou in minute scales. Essentially it is a mild manifestation of eczema, and must ' ) garcied as one of the forme of dry ees " It seems to be due to an enfeebled of the skin, in many eases, transmitte heredity. It is a trivial affection, and y readily to treatment, but -.constantly to return. The aim should be to imp the nutritive functions of the skin by Juse of general tonics." Besides this, rub the scalp every with glycerine, containing a small qua of carbolic,acid, five grains of the acid . ounce of the glycerine, and wash the thoroughly in the morning with soap 4...010mouralawantr_. 7. Altered facial expression, notably in Melaneholia, with marked furrow% 8. Prominence and brilliancy of cerne, 11 hysterical and puerperal mania,. A PALAO-E PRISON. The nasal nit Cranes Retreat, the Castle or ortiseizina. A St. 1 etereloerg correspondent write . The palace of Gatschins, ao much spoken lately, can not be compared with such castl as Versailles, Sans-Souci, or Sehoubrun . It has nothing of the artistic embeliehme s of the one, the historical memories of tl e other, or the landscape beauty and comfo A Her0i0 CIPuple• An instance of calmness in danger, of family devotion and of peisonal heroism is related of two passengers on the steamship Britannia in the recent eollision. They wexe husband and wife, and had left et borne several children, In the excitement follow- ing the Celtio"s blow they discussed the situ - t' e :, and (onclndedthat very likely one or sf the other, possibly both, of the veasele would se's go down. 'rliey decided ti tt their duty to their children iequired them to take every 04110 that life might be spared to ono or the other. The mother thereupon went to rt . the Celtic, and the father reniaiud on the Britannic. Tho preservation of both does not mar the beauty of the incident. d of the third. Situated in the middle of ce an a of the wide and desert plain, it has no pretty sur- roundings, and built without luxury its e ost is terior does not make an imposing impressio e, ek. The reason that, in spite of ,this, it has been chosen on a residence by. the Czar since h a CO t h h no ou t that and capable of isolation, that with the a plicittion of all the means in which Russ is richer than most countries, the approac of unwished-for individuals can be proven ' sea to and the made from each of those places to fiftythe Imperial Palace, which have private mon g court railway stations, are placed under par- icu er supervision, and may nob be used. ex- cept by .the court, A high wall incloses the park, in the centre of which is the police and this wall is protected by patrols, which never leave the outer circle nor the park itself for one moment out of sight. The en- trance was, and is, only permitted by special order. The head of the Imperial security - e re- Police, General Techwenn, and the head of °ma. the Imperial headquarters, General Richter, state guard the palace with especial care, so that d by the isolation Of Gatschina is considered so ieids perfect that the Royal family can abide tends there in absolute peace. Though the sup. rose erintendence is so strict, it is said that the the inhabitants of the palace are not, and must , not be aware of it. Their pleasure and corn. night 'forts are not impaired by it; and all the ntity amusements that could be agreeable to the to an I Emperor and his family—drives, hunts, head !riding and rowing, evening parties, thea - and :Meal representation, &c.—can be partaken • I , of. Adjoining the. well -tended park is an extensive wood—hke the park, surrounded , by a wall and guarded. In the park itself are two lake -like basins of water; the palace de- contains splendid saloons, and two colon. Por- nades which afford agreeable promenades in hey .bad weather; all this aids in preventing the i, inhabitants from feeling anythihg of the The anxious and never -tiring shpervision held hco Os no 6 30 uil re: 0 tuh edm. , an. d the want of more charming Sometimes the Emperor and the Empress leave the castle and it- region, and make excursions to the nearest country palaces or n. "*ao's l'oint of View is Sportsman, trying te greyhound : That it dog won't do at all, Mac. It never smelled the hare." Mac: " Well, I don't know. It's a good dog—a ferry good dog--sliust ass good a dog ass you'll maype get; but the hare wass in an awful hurry I" lies nearest to the capital, and is so isolated P. ia t- ed G atsoh ina lies between Zarskoje-Selo, water. Repeat till the scalp is clean. Speeoli-Deraaagement. There are beveral forms of speech rangement, caused by a paralysis of a tion of the brain —the speech centres. T •are known by the general term aph=x while' means simply speechlessness. 21fe,tical Record has an interesting pape the subject, to which he would refer t ivho care to study the scientific explanation of the matter. We give some of the promi- nent facts: There are three forms of aphasia: (1) semory, in which the printed words clear enough to the eye, but convey no pression to the brain; (2) the motor, which the patient can read and unders the printed, as• , but cannot utter th uttering iniee-W unidaviligible sounds; the sensory anti the motor variously mix The following oa e illustrates the form. A cultivated woman, being ta with a severe pain above the left tem was surprised next morning to find her unable to read a word, although she plai .saw the letters and words, and everyobj ID her room. The largest letters, the be ing of the daily paper, were as unrecog able as the smallest. In about two we she began to recover, and could read ag with tolerable facility in about three mont This was a case of wordrrOness. A somewhat similaesey word-deafn is reported.,,Aaavell-talfreel gentlem who fully unciteltood what he read, w nevertheless able to utter only gibberi Thus the sentence, "The Odessa line again working properly," he read, "T moil lens a puff piff miss corres povety. ' The second or motoo aphasia, is the mo common form. In this the person na fully understand all that is said to him, a yet be unable to speak or write the wo he wishes to; and even if he seeks to e press his meaning by gestures, he naakes t wrong movements. In the mixed forms, the patient in thin cases, cannot speak the words, and yet ca write them ; in others, he can write,iand y is unable to read his own writing. Th power of speech is, in general, however, le unimpaired. Allied to aphasia is so-called paraphasi In this disorder, the patient, thinking t use a particular word, uses one not havin the slightest resemblance to it. Sometime he looses a whole class of words, most coin monly nouns, and is forced to supply thei place by a description, as "what one cut with," for "scissors," or for " window,' "wnat one sees through." the to iSt. Petorsburg, on which occasion all are large escorts are avoided. The Emperor im• refuses to drive in the company ofpolice, lfl i but the authorities still are zealous n tak- tend ing all necessary measures to avoid mei- ern, dents. Sometimes the Royal family inhabit (3) Peterhof,. but always return to Gatschina. ed. Peterhof is more magnificent, Oranienbaum first prettier, but Gatschina is considered safer ken and quietier. For manv years b f th ple self nly ect ad- niz- eka ain hs ess an, as is ID re ay rid rd x - he et it a. 0 How You Live. "11 you `want to grow lean, cadaverous, and unlovely, excite yourself continually about matters you know nothing about. Accuse other people of wrong -doing inces- santiy and you will find but little thzie to see any wrong in yourself. We wish here and now to inform all men of irritable dispositions that they will livo longer if they only keep cool. If such men want to die, we have nothing to say; snarling will kill about as quick as anything we know." In this emphatic style a contemporary ad- monishes his readers. His points are well taken, , as the experience of every one in middle life Will confirm. Living subser- viently ,to the 'selfish feelings 11111St lower the. whole 'organization; the irritated, dis- ordered mind depresses and degrades the physical functions. Heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, can, not do their •normal work under such mental conditions. They need the stimuharof bnoyancy., cheerfulness; and enthuslaszW Hence, it is tliat goodolatur- ed, hearty, cordiaj. people ail) elf a 'rule, stout and well. It is sheer folly to encour- age a sullen, carping, irritable, terrier -like habit. One may be unfortunate, subject to daily vexatione, but it makes the situation worse to worry and brood over it, whereas by exercising the faculties of faith, hope, de- termination, and even that of wit, he will the easier adapt himself to the situation, and the easier find ways of relief. People are much more ready to help a patient, cheerful man when in trouble, than your woe -begone, sodden -faced martyr. The moral, religious and aesthetic ele- ments are given us for the very purpose of making our life. pleasant, and he who does not bring them into Om at all tidies in some way, robs himself of the beat means of en. joyment ; rejects the, most powerful helps towards his advancement in true manhood. Some Forebodings of Incipient Insanity. 1. Irritability and tendency to take of fensti, • 2. lVforoseness and silence, or immetiznes fault-findieg with servants. 8. Suspicion tiaid jealousy of best friends. 4. Impairment of memory, forgetting hotirs of meales hiattoution to excreise and state of bowels, Neglect of personal appearance, accession of Alexander the palace had been unused; he caused it to be restored and comfortably famished. It has been seldom spoken of and scarcely more was known of it than that the Imperial hounds were kept there. The Gatschina race was celebrated, and a dog from the Imperial pack *as very valuable, but people cared little for the castle and park. Still Gate - china has its history. Peter the Great made a gift of it to his 'favorite sister, Nat - alis; Catherine II. gave it to her favorite, Orlow, who furnished it at great expense, and built additional edifices, by which, after the plans of the Italian architect, Rinaldi, it received quite a different form. .After Orlow's death the Empress rebought it from his family, and gave it to the Archduke Paul, who inhabited it for some length of time. The palace forms a long square, at each. corner of which is a stately tower. The dwelling rooms are in three stories. The colonnades run along the aides, and the pillars are of Finland marble. The rooms are not architecturally beautiful, but are adorned with valuable pictures and sculp- ture from the Imperial Hermitage in St. Petersburg,. from the Anitschkow Palace, and from. thii# Winter Palace, The views are limited by the park and wood, which, however, have been beautifully laid out by the celebrated St. Petersburg landscape gardener. Words Often Mimed. Acoustics is always singular. Cut bias, and not cut on the bias. Come to see me„, and not come and see Me. Bursted is not elegant and is rarely cor- rect. Almost, with a negative, is ridiculous. "Ahnost nothing" is absurd. The burden of a song means the refrainer chorus, not its sense or meaning. Bountiful applies to persons, not to things, and has no reference to quantity. .Affable only applies when speaking of the manner of superiors to inferiors. Methinks is formed by the impersonal verb think, meaning seem, and , the dative me; and is literally rendered, It seems to me. Admire should not be followed with the infinitive. Never say, as many do, "1 should admire to go with you," etc. This error is singularly fashionable just now. Allude is now frequentl3r misused when a thing is named, spoken of or. described. It should only be used when anything is hint- ed at in a playful or passing manner. . . . While travelling through Nebraska, Mai - sin the violinist lounged into the sinoking. car to kill a few of the heavy moments in- cident to a journey across the plains "Don't Marry Him!" "He in such a fickle, inconstant fellow, you. will never behappywith him," said Esther's friends when they learned of her engagement to a young man who bore the reputation of being a ,flirt, /lather, how- ever, knew that her lover had good quali- ties, and she was willing to take the risk. In nine eases out of ten it would have proved a mistake • but Esther was an un.;. I common girl and to one's surprise Fred y made a model husisand. How was it? Well Esther had a cheerful, sunny temper and a great deal of tact. Then she enjoyed per- fect health And was always so sweet, neat and wholesome that Fred found his own home 'most pleasant, and his own wife more agreeable than any other being. As the year passed and he saw other women of Esther's age grow sickly, faded and queru- lous, he realized more and more that he had "0 jeivel of a wife." Good health was half the secret of Esther's success. She retained her vitality and good looks, because she warded off feminine weaknesses and ail- ments by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. andi Students, Attention ela5604 during summer holidays Iowa -mod, T,ypearitieg, Rook -keeping, Penman etc:. Write for eel partioulai Oanadiaii Busi Hnivorsity Shorthaed Iregitute, Public Lib T°"ntT°H0S. BENGOUG II, President. CHARLES IL BROOKS, Manage :c Twelve statcs and Provinces already re r isk.i,ost lausieess college, Guelph, IP e roll of tine Institution. , To thorough, p Goal iristruetion, and the efficiency and succes Its graduates, this College owes its popularity i clears, giving terms, etc., Mailed free. NIKOORMICR Principal. SPOONER 3 COPPERINE fibrous Anti - tion Soxoo eta! for Journal borings • • y cote, copper mixed. Supplies every requ merit. A1,1,-. your hardsvare dealer for it. ALONZO SPOONER, Patentee and Illanufaattirer, Port Hop IrirsHE II.ONDONI.GUARANT paw AND ACCIDENT CO. (LP), OF LONDON, E r. t • rac. s of ' 01r, . • PPL BLOOD SYRIP v. •, a • ' • ' " edg ,t,IIREATEST 'plgatliAtre81.1897rrietl°suenTV7.79181:0101(Yr- Ornie,4,04iicwo,. La joyep.:TtoANADIA, MONEY 001- 0181111. A l'ER EC — 11.000 PURIFIER A few in Hamilton ho have been bone - teed by its tiso :— .., ., cured of L'rysipelas e. of 2 years' Standing,: Rebel; Corn^ 14 24 S th St daughter oured of hpileptie Fits alter 6 YearS' Safer. , . ou ., S I LIIE P- PLATE it) gE 'lug ; Jennie Birrell, 55 Walnut St, cured of weakness sit, 3 roty.eent bottles; lam J. Beal 6 augu et St. t troubled for years with NervOUS 'PrOStratieen ,; ArtilfitiC DeS gnfiit Combined wank I . , cured of Liver Compialnt and Billousnegs, used only 1 F. F. DALLEY & 00., Propdetors. :THE' FAVENTE1 Tii.e RE IS WC, shaTER The Snow Deft Bating es, eer 00, r.rse6itrd, 0011 MERE N BRITTANNIA CO. MANUFACTURE ONtY FINEST WARE. Capital, 4260,000t Dominion Government Depo 4z5,000, Bead Office ; 72 Bing St, East, Toronto. ted small bottles gave her great ”elief. Sold at 50e. i$1.00. 'Unequalled Durability Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresen distriots. A. T. MCCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion area Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcart St. 1V1E,AT CHOPPERS.Washing Clothe, Wring. le kinds ; mangles, 3 kinds. ohures, ,Cerpf3t Sweepers, and other sundries. Ilastimozi Tromsraren WORSE CO., EttiniltOn Send for article wanted. I lustrated ()Melon,. • I :mute: wth• wnm s odd • tWail,n Tithe 04130E1i West,BARt301. DA Tz. TIB0111"A 2417447°O C7T° UKRI'nel CS0t, flouroom ONEGEN—THE CONSERVATOR. nj of health, the enemy of cliseam ; heals the Lungs, Re -builds the Broken DOM COMMUN.:El of oung and old. Hinne treatment fli w months, Inhaler and all complete, sent by express f $12. Moved my office from 72 Ring Weet to 41 Ein East: • MRS. 0, STIDMAM FIEROE. your yea established in Toronto. 82 °Moe Treatments for21 Send for circular. TICEATED EINE OF STEAMSIIIPS, Sailint weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES OF Femmes .:—saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, 840, $50, and $69 ; Return Tickets, $80, $90, and 2100 —according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate and steerage at lowest rates. For further particulars and to secure Berth, apply to II. E. MERRAT, General Manager, 1 Custom Rouse Square, Montreal, or to the Local .ittgents in the dif- ferent Towns and Cities. A stiff Paste of glycerine and red lead will be found useful in making a joint air or gas proof. It is used at the joint between the neck and cap of the flasks for generat- ing oxygen gas. The Old Silver Spoon. How fresh in my mind are the days of my sickness, When I tossed me in pain, all fevered and sore; The burning, the nausea, the sinking and weakness, And even the old spoon that my medicine bore. The old silver spoon, the family spoon, The sick -chamber spoon that my medicine bore. How loth were my fever -parched lips to receive it, How nauseous the stuff that it bore to my tongue, And the pain at my inwards, oh, naught could relieve 11, Though tears of disgust frora my eyeballs it wrung, The old silver spoon the medicine spoon, How awful the stuff that it left on my tongue. Such is the effect of nauseous, griping raedi- eines which make the sick -room a memory of horror. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, on the contrary, are Bitten, sugar- coated, easy to take, purely vegetable and perfectly effective. 25 cents a vial. A small boy who was stud.ying English history was asked what the Prince of Wales would be when the Queen died. "Please, sir, an orphan," replied the scholar. Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, dis- gusting everybody, but use Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy. The Russian Line soldier's pay equals only O farthing a day in tine of peace, and half as much again in time of war. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and kmdred habits. The medicine may be given ID tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if so desired. Send 6c. in stamps. for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. Cut this out for future reference. When writing mention this paper. A poem is going the rounds entitled "The Seven Ages of Woman." It is intended to express the delicacy and tact with which a woman approaches this great subject. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy- Ask your Druggist. An orator is simply the mouthpiece of an idea. The roosters make the most noise and do all the crowing: but they lay no eggs. YOUNG MEN' suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhaueted ; also MD. DLR -AGED and Ow Max who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M.V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 13c. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, Welling- ton St. East Toronto Ont Cuirasses made entirely of open bead em- broidery will take the place of dressy wraps in midsummer. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Bay Fever. sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the preeence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the IMO and eustathian tubes. microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and bay fever are oured in rom one to three simple applioatione made at home. A panaphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. R. Dixon & Son, 808 Ring Street West Toronto Canada Vitoman is mortally afraid of a mouse, they say, but a mouse -tache don't scare her O bit. LADIES Who are Weak, Nervous and exhausted ; who feel themselves loalog strength; who are pale, delicate and sickly in appearance, suffering from the many corn. plaints peculiar to women—send for and read . LUBON'S Treatise in BOOR FORM on tho ISIs- 88808 of *amen. Mailed sealed and secure from observation on receipt of 60. in stamps, UNSEALED FEEL Address, 111. F. LIMON, 47 Wellington St East. Toronto, Ont. he—" I like this place immensely since have the new French chef." He (weak is French, but generous to a fault)-- aitah, bring chef for two 1" Whenever your stomach or Bowels get out of or. der, causing. Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or indigestion - and their attenclaut evils, take at °nee a dose of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters. Beet family medicine. Ali Druggists, 50 cents. A. P. 336. found a raw countryman scraping a polka off they the strings of a fiddle. He played with the , ic proud consciousness of a man who is master ' sew o is art. Let me play you something," said Musin. Without a word the fiddler harided the virtuoso his instrument. Put- ting the thing into at least a suggestion of tune, Musin played a touching cavatins., end then the Carnival of Venice," as ar- ranged by Paganini. The player of polkas and square-dance music opened his mouth and absorbed every note, VVhen Muein had finished, he handed the fiddle back to its spe 1 -bound owner. The oountryman shook hie head. The brilliant notes of the " Car- nival" were still chasing each other in a mad danco through his heari. "1 don't went it," he said laconically. &brie ay True In every respect and attested by the testi, mony of thousands that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor iS a sure and Painless cure for corns. The claim that it is just as good made by those endeavoring to Dalin off lint- ( ations for the genuine only prove the supe. mority of "Putnam's." Use only Pntnam's PainleSs Corn Extractor, Sure safe, pain, bees, PATENTS !:Porg u8:1r-eol,"uist !rat. tiolirnimvio.„2:;!: OOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY Chenty in Canada, Address, FERMIS 41C CO., 87 Church St, Toronto, AtIL,431.3EatiraCIS AND CANVASSERS Wanted,Male or Female, whole or spare tline, on salary or commis. Blom Industrial Union of n.x.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. ORONTO CETT1111G SCIIOOT —Gent] desirons of aoquirmg a thorough knowledge �i gement cuttingshould apply at once to 001tRIG.AN, 122 tango St., Toronto. Terms on application. NEW EMERY MOWER SIIAIIPENER-- , Will Sharpen the knife without taking it out; Deery farmer will boy it, AGENTs VANTED, CLEMENT it 00., TORONTO, PATENTS PROCURED in Croiada the s, and all foreign 'countries.. Engineers, Pa. tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes &tab* fished 1867. Donald 4), Iffideett de JO T;)r on t o. aser and Finish. ITS 0CURF1•TTA.1=LXCi men say care' r sli`not Mean Merell 10 stop theta for thoe and then 60,0 MUM rolorn egain, 1 moan a radioed 4/1014.8110hElviieEES""taiTrt 411)1"11a41g7r.iniEwPitXLMISET/y°'Man'irALL'edif 30 care the wont 13811011, BOCatlie Otkitri have failed la no /*aeon for pot now „receiving a care. 8,54 .1 onofor • treatise and a Eteo Ronk oi my infaltible remedy.. Giro l"n""rcit°ci,I7"51°:''Q411" a ara°at w111900, you. iddra1Da.16,100T „Branch oft 37 Tango St Toronto, Allan Line Royal Nail 'Steamships.' /tailing during winter from Portland every Thursdk 0 and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in Euro' 00 1 mer from Quebec "every Saturday to Liverpool, callint g.. at Londonderry to land • malls And passengers kr rr ' 'Scotland and Ireland; also front Baltimore, via Mall - 8.' fax and St. John's, N. F.,' to Liverpool fortnightli during summer months. The steamers of the Glue , gow linee sail during winter to and from Bantam, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:aunt mar between Glasgow and klontreal weekly; Magna and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphlt. fortnightly For freight, passage, or other nformation apply tr A. Schumacher & Bo., Baltimore ; S. Cunard & Co. Ilalifax ; Shea & Co., tit. John's,Nfld.; Wm. Thorap son & Co., St. ,10111l, N.B.; Allen & Co., Chicago Love & Alden, New York; H. Bouriler, Toronto; Aliens, Rae I& Co., Quebec); Wm. Brookie, Philadel phis; ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston. Montreal. ---- , Hoofer Manufaoturer and dealer in • Tarred Felt, Roofing Pitch, Building Pas ners, Carpet and Deafeningr. R ROOFING. Etc. 4 Adelaide St. E. eTILOIRONTEADO. 135 ACRES Ife?Elltf AN,DPOR livraV, Middlesex Co. ; clay loam oo acres clear; good frame buildings, or- chard spring creek, gravel road Si miles to Parkhill Town ; price $5,000, $1,000 down, balance 6 per cent. interest. Rare bargain ; immediate possession 100 ACRE „ Con. 2, South Durham Road, Arteinesia, Grey Co. ; 20 acres clear; $1,200 $200 down, balance 6 per cent. DE. MoTAGG.ART, London, Ont, J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 KING STEAST TORONTO. V4nEEICEI tIVEZP3Et.CISATUVrt.1, SILVER PLATE Co., Manufacturers of the highest grades of SILVER PLATED WARES. Steel hives, Spoons, Forks, Etc, A SPECIALTY. ALL COODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO, CANADA. GEI1TSD.W. BEADLENURSERY CO. WANTED _ St. Catharines, Ont. 23 ADELAIDE ST, E.. TORONTO. All classes of fine work, Mfrs. of Printers' Leader Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. Dairy Salt, I3UTTER, ETC: 1,\TEW Importations,—Higgins' Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARK & SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants, Toronto. c)NTARIO CANOE COMPANY reteroorie, ont. if 11. MARIF ACT OF ALL: KINDS. OF i'llOrffend 80.,Staiip for Catalogue.. D5JUdS' MEDICINE. LUNGS-. Toronto. TVs 10, isss.—For two years my 'wild health was run down. She was graiy emaciated and too weak to do anyhing for herself; ehe was given up by lye doctors, they all passe& the °pie= that she could not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug's Medicine in Decesber, 1884, and after taking six bottes she was eo much improved that she ould look after her household duties. J. IlIAODDIOE, Engineer, 0 P. R., west CONSUMPTION. _ ,b. poelvo remedy for the above diem° ; by its use thousands acute 00 13, won't kind and of long standing bare been cold, indeed, so strong le my faith in its efficacy, thse at 1/111 nd TWO aorrees FREE, together with a !seaman TREATISE' cm this disease to any onfferer. *Wm:Oren and PO5td00ss. BranohOace, 37 Yorge St., Tomato Royi/1. Dandelion. Coffee. A Delicious andiourishing Breakfast Beverage, con- tains a proportid of German Dandelion Root, which acts medicinallm the Liver and Stomach, purifying the blood and avigorating the system. Prepared only by ELLIS & KEIGHLEY rORONTO. ES A Y BIRTHDAY() leautifulImported Birthday Card sen0. 'P';' to 'air baby whose mother will send us the • nami of two or more other babies, and thell parete' addresses Also.,. handsome 1.)ia. mom Dye Sample Card tO the blether 004 nom, valuable information, Wells 'Richardson ee Co., Montreal, am. 'PURE LIVING STREAM Arcrcsi bOre 20 feet per hour. Ago Rack Horse cr Steam Power. Send Inc Catalogue. Ladlaw manutacturing.ce. HAYMOW, ONT. all aper Inssormispit NANUFACTURERS. M. STAUNTON & CO., Sameles ofaPPlicatieti. TO IRONTO,ONT Bicycles I 0 END AT 01702 FOR LIST c Second.11and Machines, FROM $15 UPWARDS NeW Catalogue Ready lot April A. T. LANE, MONTREAL THE KING OF BLACKING • SOLD EVERYWHERE • T e Perry Cart TWO STYLES, SURREY AND PHAETON BODIES The Shafts are attached to body by the Peny Coin- pensating Springs. The result of the action of these Springs is no horse -motion in the cart, and no cart motion on the horse. Descriptive illustrations on application. For sale by all carriage makers CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS CO., TORONTO Sole Manufacturers for canasia. Theermde:only supplied. zne. Th' Splendid Machine Oil ! Has never failed to trke the highest awards wherever exhibited. It Has No Equal. Farmers, Threshers and Killmen Use, No Other, This 015 keene the Afeellin017111-115.st. rate working zicilreer.otthiemrietbaytiolnessetning the chances of accidents and breakdowns To be had of all firtt.class dealers. Be Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard Oils always in stock. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF LARDINE. M'COLL BROS. & CO. - TORONTO. ,ER & ,.. 00., Hamilton, Ont, IMISIPACTURIaloz.,,S, or to "L. D. 8." .4NGINES, WOOD, COAL AND STRAW BURNERS, PLAIN AND TRACTION, "Grain Saver" and "Peerless isms a..•&.xv,..11,..z. CO lEtt es. 11 "PIUS" Hors* Powers, for 2, 4, 0, tt, 10 0n.1 12 Stones. Tread Powers, for 1, 2 and 3 Dories.' Eclipse Separators, tor Tread Small Powers. bad tar Illustrated Catalogue. CO., (LIMITER TORONTO, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF Wind Mills, Feed Grinders, Haying Tools, The IRON AND WOOD PUMPS, AND A FULL LINE OP Railway, Town, Farm and Orna- mental Water Supply Material. Geared Windmills, for driving Machinery, Pumping Water, etc., from 1 to 40 horse power, 110? Send for Descriptive Catalogue. n al Wood Cook. TINE HOST PERFECT WORKING STOVE YET IATRODUCEIX s re 1V1APE IN 10 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES. FOR SALE BY ALL TRE LEADINO DEALERS. MANUFACTURED DV THE E. & 0.' OURNEY CO., (I'D), TORONTO. Dealers eho have not yet see MS STOVii.„,„ teem the 5110 of it at once.