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Clinton News-Record, 1978-05-25, Page 22
TRASH arm ttaeasore Flea Market% Saturday_ May BE to= t 4 n. alt Stc Pacers Paired Fon Ratittb a rw SL .!0010,..0 1 i Oi by Carom Eastern Strays--fi GARAGE AND BAKF SALE - Sam_ IDEIIaa 17 Emma 1O aoto. to 4 gorm. at fly ee Albert CM:moo A large select et off Vis„ toga. des,. fru- retcore, retards and coheir -k.,, ;t=om. P000tooto for Clinton ChrLotthan S±¢II Grades n and 6 trip to Ottra1LAR CLINTON Legion Bingo every . a per_ First rreegrolarr card SIl.: restricted to 116 years, or over. II5 uegrlFar games of $II5_ SS least Qm spl Manny other specials_ Jackpot OEG En erste go each weelk.-19m$ar ANNUAL Kinsmen Beef Barbecue and D~aiice will be fete/ .Uri 10„ 19978 at the Clinton Community Centre 6- p.m - p_tm_ dancing 9 - 1 a _ mm_ with Stray Trfex_ Tickets available from any Firm ranemm or inetttte memetErer_ ,21ao PRO LIFE WORKSHOP, Sato. May 2, 1978, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 iia. rm. St_ Joseph's School. Kimgol ridge_ Guest speaker Deetyse Handler Subject - Mercy Killing_ Everyone env-iited_-20,M HIE'R *IX County Family P'nrr►miine project invites you to attend Family PFAIrrnrnnrg Clinic every Thursday front 6:30 p.m_ to 9 poet_ at Huron County Heal IIimio. Shipley St. CFnorton. Counselling and Medical services provided_ Couirse [fling on billings tr tmamor $ fammil c planing)) as oiiFofstt'e first Thursday of each amontit. 1 l esw a>r FREE - Swimming Pool Education Seminar_ If you own a swimming pool and would late to know about recommended pool management, come to the Conference Room, Assessment Office, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich en Friday. June 2, 1973, at 1:15 p.m. This seminar- is sponsored by the Huron County Health Lfnit_ For further information. call Ge errich V4-8301 or 1-800-265- 4465_ Clinton 482-3416: W gingham 157-2284; Exeter ns-tat4.--nar RED CROSS BLOOD Donor Clinic Tuesday. May 30, 1978 from T :30 to 4 p.m_ and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Central Huron Secondary School Princess St. E. Chilton_ Blood is urgently needed —2I nc WESLEY-WILLIS NUR- SERY SCHOOL GOES PARENT CO-OP_ All con- cerned parents please attend open meeting Mon_, May 29 at :30 p.m_ at church. Guest speaker and election of of ficers.—.x•21 ar BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Irafrastra Centre RR Sr Clinton at 8 p_ m_ First rege>ilaar card SI. 15 regular games of 515.3 share - t ie- wcealt , jackpot must go_ Adnrmission restricted to 16 years or over_ar A crowd of several hundred people witnessed an ex- cellent display of fireworks at the Londesboro Com- munity Park last Monday night. The weather conditions were near perfect for the display, part on by the heti Township recreation committee- (News -Record photo) Jaynes Muiptly, Artistic Director for the Heirom Country Playhouse an/ nounced recently that television o : o TE[n Sack _ Duffy, las been sed to star as Feline in the Loybause production of The Odd Couple. Opposite Mr. Duffy will be ACTRA award winner„ Les Carlson., in the mode of Oso. The two C rr i an ams ream up in Neil Simom's comedy which opens July 4 for a two week engage ere . Both actors are being brought in through the courtesy of a special grant from Conklin Lumber Ltd. Les Carlson won his AC - TRA award for Best Sup- porting Actor in the television show Raku Fire as Stem, opposite Eileen Atkins. Last fall he was a regular on the CBC show Custard Pie. He is currently involved in the fiirnir g of a new movie caned Lost and Found stCa irarrrg George Segal and Glenda Jackson. This week at the Legion By Rene Brochu Last Thursday evening saw the final dart playoffs of the season_ The evening started out with a barbecue. as -the atmosphere was filled with the aroma of sizzling steaks over the coals_ It must have been energizing food especially for Rosemary Armstrong and Terry Holiingshead and they teamed up to win the mixed doubles trophies. Only the week before, Rosemary had won the Ladies Singles and Terry had won the Men's Singles, so they each have two trophies for the season's competition. The trophies were donated by Carlings to whom we extend our ,,hanks and gratitude. The club says they'll be back next year for a bigger and better season. In the meantime, you're always welcome at the Legion for a game of darts_ Once again it's that tore of the year odien the new of- ficers and execuative of he Legion become initiated_ This will take plate on Monday. May 29 in conjunction with the Ladies Auxiliary . So once agalir comrades, we ask for your support. All anenabers are urged to attend this event. Jac& Dray -31r- T*a 'dpi pear n e on Party Game far the past sew = years., has been seen as a prinicitaU pe err co the .My O'Connor Slhow., Sebe„ The Barris. Bit., lo The Mood, Wayne and Rooster, Upside Trusty, Fu-ne Howard Show, George ll y Show, t, um/sem Brothers, hers, Razzle ti;auoile, Bobby Wino= %ow. Peary Como Rona INI=kkis ovum steles Beres _ Paaalyikeease goer- ft/1==m rr- ff © m sekiedulDe is lltz47 4 J .at IlIl tescszigla .f>4tr5 cm the evele:mi- gs ao ELM gam_ and with Wedoesday a:natio-toes att.-3 p_ Uroftermattion nod ttimasets may toe. obtatned by phicg (fib C.H.5.5. Spring Formal SAT.&SUN.,JUNE10&11 ..tea-m+g+arST 45$¢v. - . ..:,. •,..¢ •. �.ms� WEDDING DANCE for David Watson and Patricia Bender (Bridal Couple) SATURDAY. MAY 27 at 9-410 P.M - at the .M.atm Exeter Recreation Centre MUSIC NT "Tratrdiond Sands" By Blanche Deeves Please note the Board of Management meeting to be held in St_ James . Church. Middleton S pm. Morning prayer was held in St_ James Church. Middleton. Edward Wise and Don Middleton received the of- fering and Mrs. Lois Wise read the scripture. Rev. William Bennett in charge. Don and Audrey Middleton treated Mrs. Fred Middleton to a belated Mother's Day dinner at the White Car- nation, Fiolmesville. I would like to say a sincere thank -you to Mabel Mid- dleton. Lois Wise and Audrey Middleton for getting the news in the paper while I was in hospital. Stewart Middleton had the pleasure of a visit from Bishop David Ragg and Rev . George 4'oumatoff lase Wednesday. PAPER CARNATIONS Made to Order $5..50 per Phone 482-31147 Mrs. Greydarass 4,3197 il�lrs. Ger rifts SATURDAY, MAT 27 Dam* hum 9 p o. to 1 au& to tbe omit off ADVANCE MIMS ata tea spa €_` CatlinlE MINE 2`9.1011 COUIPtE Sponsored by Clinton Service C1sbs (LINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT starting 15 Regular Gamma `311. prize 3 Share -the -Wealth Games GRAND PRIZE - EACH NIGHT LAP GRD S7 Regviar Cards Sc each or S for SI Fare fate Wean% cards Sc each or S far Si SION Jackpot Ringo Cards SI per card. or 3 far S2. Starting Tule S p Each everting_ Admission 1! yrs of age and over ALL PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY SWIM;t[ING POOL FRO ONE DAYONLY! SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Each dinner contains:3 pieces of finger lickin good Kentucky Fried Chicken, Golden Brown French Fries. Creamy Cole Slaw and o slice of Grecian bread_ HIGH ANXIETY Pisychercornedv Ralf yAAF HARVEY is 61100N-SASNEV COMM TEM PAL -HOME OF CLASSES ttt:1111 _PAIL-PAt ISO PJM i0111t OPISMISG -MUM SHOW tin PAIL- il' GRAN- MANI SNOW tag P To MOUSE assn alano®i OF OFIEREED CAPPEOTES SNOW) -FEW CAME Us -ate COMM