HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-25, Page 18PAGE 18--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1978 _LUMINATED IN11N T''bot. -.-. woe Ara OR s.rne ,u1e0 I IM Emu AU MAN Ion . 1 . .r, with ,. dew $475 *CUISINE w1 CO. 421 CUNT► NY ,.• ,r• . 17. Auction sales WARRINGTON +•L I '3S I ln' a..• ....... - se'•t 1- 10 a .si; .n dl+er $11 e• 17. Auction sales EVENING AUCTION SALE of real estate. Antiques, furniture, modern appliances, etc., to be held for Mrs. Edith Cartwright at Hamilton Street, South, Blyth. Ont. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 at 6:30 p.m. Property is located at the south end of Blyth, 11/2 blocks east of No. 4 Highway and consists of four full sized building lots on which is situated a 11/2 storey. four bedroom frame house with full bathroom and four bedrooms upstajrs. Down stairs there Is a kitchen. '/2 bath. living room, dining room, back en- trance porch and small porch at the front. House is heated with oil furnace and has town water supply. There Is a small born situated on the north corner of property and lots of shade trees. This is a good property for someone who would like lots of room or someone interested in developing or selling building lots. Property will be offered subject to a very reasonable reserve bid at 7:30 p.m. with 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. For information Phone Richard Lobb, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. at 482-7898. Full list on con- tents next week. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 AUCTION SALE of real estate, modern appliances. antiques, furniture, etc., to be held for Gerrit Logtenberg at 21 William St„ Clinton, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 27 at 12:00 o'clock NOON Property consists of five bedroom, two storey house, being offered subject to reserve bid at 2:00 p.m. For viewing of property Phone 482-9466. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kelvinator frost free square model fridge, Kelvinator 30" electric stove. General 21 cubic foot chest freezer. Modern double bed and Targe matching dresser with mirror, two beds and mattresses, dresser and mirror, washstand. copper boiler, humidifier, Hoover spin dry washer, pool table. trunks, step stool. Old kitchen cabinet, kitchen table - four matching chain and china cabinet, two buffets. library table. record player, two chesterfields with choirs, upholstered platform roFker, smoker stand, pictures and frames, vacuum cleaner, Targe crock. telephone table, good offering of dishes & glassware, large offering of Knick Knacks, and similar small items. pots and pans and small kitchen appliances. power lawn mower, hand and garden tools and large offering of misc. items too numerous to mention. DUE TO LARGE OFFERING OF SMALL ITEMS, SALE MUST START AT12NOON LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RICHARD LOBS AUCTIONEER CLINTON, ONT. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. * FARM SOLD * LARGE CLEARING , � � AUCTION SALE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of Farm Machinery, etc. for Mr. Robert Drummond Lot 2, fon. 11 Tud�enmlfh Twp. 5 miles east of Kippen, 4 miles west of Cromorty. (Watch for signs) of Farm Machinery, etc. for Mr. Robert Drummond Lot fon. 11 Tuckersmith Twp. of Kippen, miles west of Cromarty. (Watch for signs) WEDNESDAY MAY 31 at 1 _ ._ WEDNESDAY, p. m. * Int. 1066 diesel tractor, cab, heater, 20.8 x 38 tires, dual * wheels, remote fuel tank, excellent condition; Nuffield * diesel P.S. 16.9 x 30 tires; Dunham loader with hydraulic *bucket, slop & fork; Leyland 344 diesel tractor, exellent con- dition; JD 6600 self propelled combine, 435 hrs., diesel, cab, air * conditioning, aux. tank, bin extensions, oversized tires, ad- * justable bin unloading, 13 ft. header with 12 ft. pick up, 6 row corn head. Int. 409 air planter, 6 row, dry fart., insecticides, bean and corn monitor, like new; Ford 142 semi -mounted plow, 5-18 in. furrows, automatic reset, 20 in. spring coulters, coverboards; int. 440 wheel disc, 20 in. blades, hydraulic wing, leveller blades, 2 yrs. old; Ford Glencoe 208 cultivator, 23.1/2 ft. hydraulic wings, 3 bar harrow with flood jet spray attach- * ment; Triple K 9 ft. 6 in. cultivator; 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 160 gal. 4(plastic tank, Hypro 8500 pump; 500 gal. tank on wagon; 100 gal. tank; Gehl 600 CB harvester, 2 row corn head, pick up, hydraulic hood, floatation tires, sharpener, (redl good), 3 Gehl 910 forage boxes. worm drive, rooves, 3 beater on heavy * duty wagons with flotation tires; Gehl 94 twin paddle blower, 60 ft. pipe, hood, etc.; Gehl 990 haybine, 2 yrs. old; New Holland 56 roll bar side rake; New Idea trail mower; 36 ft. G. W. bale elevator; 3 Kllbros. 375 V boxes with 20 ft. ex- * tension on 15 ton wagons, 14.5 x 16 tires 400 bu. capacity; 2 Turnco V boxes on 9 ton wagons; Gehl 95 mixmill with 21 in. * hammermill like new; GT 6 in. auger 51 ft. long. pto, u'ndor- * slung plastic boot; New Holland 675S manure spreader, tan dem axle, 275 bu., hydraulic ondgate, slop pan; McKee 750 *snowblower, 2 augers, heavy duty, Service 5 ft. blade; Con- tinental post hole digger; 5 ft. chisel plow; 3 drum roller, AC seed drill for parts, Massey 12 ft, lime spreader, Int. 1350 .* loador,fits 414; snow fence, hog scale, 184 x 38 Snap on good Kohning loader with stone picker; 12 ft. hydraulic fart. auger; 4 in. vertical 25 ft. auger; 2 trailers, etc. * Tools. Etc.: acetylene welder; Canox 240 amp. welder with 50 ft. cables; Miller falls 7 in. 6000 RPM. 12 amp. grinder; 1/2 in. Impact wrench 8. sockets; 1000 ft. 2 In. plastic hose in 100 ft. '( coils; 200 ft. 1 in. nylon rope; 60 bin nut & bolt set; 120 ft. 220 extension cord; Airmatic air compressor; cement mixer with motor; 20.8 x 38 tractor chains; 36 in. 250,000 CFM fan; 4800 watt heater; Pioneer chain saw; tarp; extension ladder; * hydraulic & water hoses; 6 x 6 x 10 pressure treated posts; * lumber & other building materials; general farm tools, etc. Auctioneers' Note: This is one of the outstanding sales we have had to offer this year of excellent equipment. TERMS CASH * * INSTITUTE BOOTH * * AUCTIONEERS * * * Hugh� Filson and Tom Robson 666-0833 Ilderton 666-1967 *.*********************.* MI 111. 1; •GLNC/ ADM,N SECY FEE 1" 18. Services available PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service. 24 hour emergency service. Used ap- pliance sales. Phone 887-9062. —12tfar PAINTING and general work at low rates. Phone 482-9004 or 482- 3758. —20,21 BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild, re-cover or re -style your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clinton.—tfn YOUR SCANDINAVIAN painter and decorator will give you a free estimate on any painting job, wallpapering, vinyl hanging also carpentry. Phone Gunnar Hansen at 262-5175.-17tfn MID -WESTERN PAVING Driveways, Farm Lanes. Parking Lots. Repairs, Driveway Sealing Phone 482-3733 CUSTOM GRASS CUTTING Rotary and Flail Mowers JOHN ALEXANDER 482-9904 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES ! Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn TOWN and COUNTRY GARDEN SERVICE • Lawn Rolling • Plowing and Tilling a New Latjins Prepared Hourly Rate or Job Price . J. POTTER RR 3, CLINTON PHONE 482-9290 1 Stf NESBITT'S CONSTRUCTION *Backhoe *Bulldozing *Licensed for Septic Tank Installation Londesboro Phone 523-4378 or 523-4533 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Lawn and Garden Equipment We also Service and Repair tfar 17. Auction sales M • - UNo 6a ''.C� BOOKKEEPELDG • r • .r M /141)p �r t.oe 930. kp/FE F 18. Services available insulspray FOAMED -IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves heating, cooling costs' • Stops drafts and cold walls' • Lowers noise level! • Easy, fast application NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate. call BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD. 565-2633 Insulspray is a reg,Slered trademark of Baden Inc .JACK GERRITS CONST. LTD. • Interior and Exterior Home Renovations • Ail types of home siding • Additions • Farm Buildings PHONE 482-7290 16eow f•, Bao It desireao•e I NN dAll/ "'7:, r.3 18. Services available WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 Ralph Postma Custom Building *Custom Built Homes *Renovations *Additions *Trimming Phone: 482-3658 18-21 AR Complete Custom Framing for needlepoint, crews photographs, oil painting etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 48 hog service. .. for crewel, photographs, oil paintings, etc. or non -glare • to hang, hour service. • Harold Tyndall Harold Tyndall 982-J009 CLINTON eo w JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING 1 * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 BO -J E N CARPENTRY FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN RR 2 CLINTON Phone 524-8029 17. Auction sales WALTON PROPERTY AUCTION To be held for Jean Miller of Walton, Ontario on Tuesday, May 30th, 1978 at 6:30 p.m. To consist of: PROPERTY: 2 storey frame house, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, parlour, utility' room. full basement, oil heat, all situated on a large lot, complete with a single car garage. (terms 10% down, balance in 30 days) HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS: Westinghouse 2 door refrigerator and 30" range • 3 piece walnut bedroom suite • Electrohome 8 & W television • round walnut pedestal table • walnut folding table • cherry chest • blanket box • end tables • wash stand • oak china cabinet with glass top • captain's chair • dough cabinet • chesterfield chair • rugs • smoke stands • trunk • gilded picture frame • space heater. VEHICLES: 1968. Pontiac Strato-Chief - 59,000 miles. (in ex- cellent condition)(a., - ec_XCidagelf/ e9/1.iocia. 4..s AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 J TREE SERVICE 482-9590 HENRY ROESCH R.R. NO. 5-CLINTON BOB'S LANDSCAPING Some nursery stock on hand Dealing in Sheridan Nursery Stock • Drop in anytime, at our location, just south of Bavarian Inn in Bayfield. Phone 565-2185 We honor Sheridan prices an guarantees. 19. Notice to creditors IN THE Estate of Frederick J.S. Hudie. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Frederick John Snowden Hudie, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Businessman, deceased who died on the 25th day of March 1978, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 8th day of June, 1978, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of May, 1978. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, SL'aforth Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 20,21,22 N AM 049 le. 4.115 657 " 3 RR k11 Ar 43 ati bah lend.' kll 24 hr 1 WRFP 41Y m.sl set) S, e no /leo Sl C 0y h. 11 �. VIBFP • ♦lar+ hl, + /1 li 3esrs 19. Notice to creditors IN the estate of Russel Earl Holmes, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Retired Dairyman, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 18th day of November, 1977, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of June, 1978, after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day of May, 1978. MENZIES, ROSS, Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 20, 21,22 IN the estate of Anna Veronica Wilson, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 9th day of March, 1978, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of June, 1978, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of May, 1978. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 20-22 27. Deaths BROEZE: At Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, May 18, 1978, Henry Broeze of Varna in his 66th year. Beloved husband of Rita Broeze. Dear father of Dianne Windisch of Waterloo. Joanne of London and one son, John of Sackville, New Brun- swick. Also loved by son-in-law, Hart Windisch, two step- daughters, Mrs. Jane McBurney of Woodstock and Mrs. Christin Hiemstra of Ayr, Ontario and two stepsons, Albert Feyen of Woodstock and Bob A. Feyen of Ingersoll. Also survived by several sisters and brothers. He was predeceased by his first wife, Gerda Broeze. .The late Mr. Broeze rested at tie Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, until Saturday at 12 noon. Funeral service was held at Bethel Reformed Church, Huron Street East, Exeter, Ontario, at 1.30 P.M. Interment Bairds Cemetery, Stanley Township. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Reformed Church Camp (Camp Shalom) Galt, Ontario, would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy. (By family request the casket remained closed). -21 28. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson of R. R. 2 Seaforth wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara Joanne, to Mr. Kenneth Stanley Jewitt, son of Mrs. and the late, Mr. Wm. Jewitt, Seaforth. The wedding will take place Friday, June 9, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. in Lon- desborough United Church. -21 31. Card of thanks CAMPBELL: I wish to thank all who visited me in Clinton Hospital, also Dr. Baker, Rev. Pick nurses on first and second floors. -Mrs: Mary Campbell. -21 JOHNSTON: We would like to thank our friends and neighbours who came to help us celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Our thanks for the gifts and many cards of good wishes we received. Special thanks to our family and relatives, they will always be remembered.- Perce and Clara .Johnston. -21x CARTER : I wish to thank .my friends, neighbours and family for beautiful flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett, nurses and staff on second floor. -Ruth Carter. -21 20. Public notices Jim Francis and Bob Cluff struck a food connoisseurs delight when they found 12 perfect morels on one root, a real rarity. The small edible mushrooms usually grow singly in old orchards and around old trees, and are a gourmet's delight. (photo by Milvena Erickson) 4-H'ers visit Kippen WI by Rena Caldwell Kippen East W.I. were entertained by the 4-H clubs when they met in the Legion Hall, Hensall on May 17. The president, Mrs. Dave Triebner welcomed everyone. Cake and ice cream were served by the hostesses Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre, Mrs. Grant MacLean and Mrs. Al Hoggarth with her com- mittee. After dessert, Mrs. Triebner read a Mother's Day poem and turned the meeting over to Mrs. Alex McGregor, Club 1 consisting of Janet Shank, Barbara McGregor, Heather' Moffatt, Karen Finlayson, chose Janet Shank as spokesman. These girls entertained with two songs accompanied by Barbara McGregor and Heather Moffatt. Club II entertained by depicting a regular meeting with Linda Vanneste con- ducting. During their meeting the emblem was described by Nancy Stoll, a happiness poster by Debbie Consitt, hobbies by Sandra Bell and the Grand Bend Water Supply by Linda Roberts. Jane Allen conducted exercises for physical fitness. Dianne Wilson and Jane Allen sang to their own accompaniment. Leaders of 4-H clubs Mrs. Stewart Wilson, Mrs. E. Roberts, Mrs. Gerry Finlayson and Mrs. Al Hoggarth were thanked- by the P.R.O. in the absence of Mrs. Jack Sinclair. Mrs. Triebner gave an interesting motto Margaret Hoggarth gave current events and courtesy remarks. Mrs. Alex McGregor was named a voting delegate to the District Annual. Mrs. Harold Parsons gave treasurer's report, the bus tour to Parkwood was reviewed, plans were made to have a booth at Drummond's Sale May 31. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot ac» companied on the piano for two songs. An invitation to Zurich for June 5 was ac- cepted. The bus will leave from Kippen United Church. on June 29. Anyone wanting to go contact Mrs. R. Kinsman or Mrs. Grace Drummond. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Clare Leitch, Toronto; Mrs. Margaret' Hutchinson, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee, Dungannon; Mrs. Tom Burke, Wroxeter; Mrs. Elsie Haney, Lucknow; were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Morley Cooper is a patient in University Hospital following surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McBride honored Mr. and Mrs. Ed McBride with a party on the occasion of their 45th'wedding anniversary. Linda Lenting, Laurie Mousseau, and Mary Hoviues spent the weekend with Doreen Van Wieren. Frank MacGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor of 130 Ontario Street, Clinton, recently graduated from Centralia College of, Agricultural Technology in the Agricultural Business' Management program. Frank plans to work for Boy es Transport, Clintoni Ontario. 31. Card of thanks 31. Card of thanks RUMBLE: Mrs. Elsie Rumble, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brodie and family wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for messages of sym- pathy. flowers and their many acts of kindness in the sudden loss of our daughter and sister, Sandra. Your kindness will always be remembered. -21 CUMMINGS: I would like to thank all my good friends, neigh- bours and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital London. Special thanks to Rev. Oestreicher and Rev. Pick, the UCW, the Institute, Clintonian Club and Golden Radar Club. - Pearl Cummings. -21 20. Public notices NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to all persons in possdlrslon of lands In any Municipality In the County of Huron In d'ccordance with the Revised Weed Control Act, 1972, Sec- tion 4, 14 and 20 and amendments thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 8, 1978 and throughout the season, the Municipality may en- ter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed. charging the costs against the land In taxes, as set out In the Act. The cooperation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CHESNEY, Weed Inspector County of Huron CAMERON: My gratitude to my friends who remembered me while I was in Clinton Hospital, with special thanks to the nurses and staff and to Dr. Newland. - Agnes Cameron. -21 MARTIN: Many thanks to all who called, sent flowers and cards, while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and the first floor staff. -Lovina Martin. -21 MANN. 1 would like to thank my friends, relatives and neighbours for cards and calls, also Dr. Harrett and the nurses of the first floor of the Clinton Hospital while I was a patient there. -John Mann. -21x NORMAN: We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for making our 40th wedding anniversary such a happy occasion. A special thank to our neighbour, Kaye Harris and our cousin, Hazel Mcllwain, also our family who planned and took care of all details to make this day a most memorable one. Sincere thanks.- Bill and Charlotte Norman. -21 BROEZE: The family of the late Mr. Broeze would like to thank friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during the loss of a, father and husband'. Special thanks to Rev. H. Van Essen, 1st floor nursing staff of the Clinton Hospital, Dr. Baker, and the Varna UCW.-21 DEEVES: 1 would like t4 say a very hearty thank you to everyone who sent me cards, treats, plants, flowers, their visits and the phone calls lit home. Special thanks to Drg. Harrett and Newland, nurses and staff of the first floor of the Clinton Hospital. Also to Rev. Bennett, Rev. Broadfoot and Rev. Oestreecher for their friendly visits. Blanche Deeves.-21NC