HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1978-05-25, Page 13• Coffee talk a What could be nicer than a morning cup of coffee,a tasty muffin and pleasant conversation with friends. Irene Glazier, Luella Falconer and Viola Lampman were only three of the ladies who enjoyed a visit and a chance to buy fresh baking at the Ontario Street's UCW's bake sale last Thursday morning. (News -Record photo) Auburn WI hear about conservation Energy conservation was the theme at the May meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute when it met last week in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall with president, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock in charge. Mrs. iiiatherine Jackson was anist. After welcoming the members and guests, the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Bob Peck. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, secretary of the Huron County Historical Society thanking the W.I. for spon- soring the meeting and the interesting display of antique dishes and glass. Mrs. Bradnock thanked ,Mrs. Lansing and her com- mittee and Mrs. Donald Haines and her committee for lunch and Mrs. Tom Haggitt and the Tweedsmuir History book committee for their history presentation. Delegates were chosen for the District annual of Huron West to be held at Nile United Church on May 29. Mrs. Tom Haggitt was named to go with president,, secretary and P.R.O. Tiger Dunlop Branch will., be hostesses. An in- vitation to attend the Tiger Dunlop W.I. meeting on May 25 at 1:45 p.m. was, accepted. Miss Elaine Townshend will b_e special speaker. A letter of thanks was read from the District president, Mrs. Graham McNee of Dungannon for gift received when she visited the Auburn Branch last month. Mrs. Bob Peck gave a report of the Officers Con- ference which she had at- tended at Waterloo University recently. A reading, That Old Model T, was read by Mrs. Tom Lawlor. Mrs. Tom Lawlor and Mrs. John Stadelmann, conveners of Family and Consumer's Everyone is asked to Affairs, were in charge of the donate baking to the bake meeting. Mrs. Stadelmann sale held with the rummage introduced the guest speaker, sale this Saturday in the Mrs. Barbara Zettler of the Auburn Community Goderich Energy Con- Memorial Hall. The proceeds servation Centre. She showed from this will be given to the pictures and stressed the Auburn Community importance of the 3 Rs - Memorial Hall Board to help Recycle, Reject and Reuse. insulate the hall. Mrs. Tom Lawlor thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. The roll call was answered by members telling a con- umer beef that affects my �mily. Mrs. Donald Haines reported that the pork bar- becue would be held on July 19 and each W.I. member is asked to donate a pie and be responsible for making the cabbage salad. A request from the Huronview Auxiliary to help with the spring tea on May 31 by serving tea was brought up seconded by Lion Ken Scott. The guests were present from the Brussels Lions Club and were promoting the elimination draw to be held on June 3 in Brussels. Correspondence was read by President Lawrence and a donation was sent to Youth Exchange to help visiting youths from Jamaica. A committee of two members was set up to look into supplying baseball sweaters for several Auburn teams. The Tractor Pull is set for July. 1, at Auburn and Lions Club members will be in charge of the beer tent.' The proceeds from the refresh- ment booth will be donated to the 125th Auburn Birthday Party Committee. It was announced that the 50-50 draw tickets for the next draw are now on sale. Plans were made for the rummage and bake sale on May 27, the tractor pull on July 1 and the construction of new bleachers at the baseball diamond. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Jim Schneider, seconded by Ken Scott. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Stanley McNall of Welland is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mrs. Bonnie Armour and daughter Julia spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin. Mrs. John Korstanje left last Friday to visit her family in Holland. Many from this district attended the wedding reception held for Mr. and Mrs. Terry Foranin the Blyth Community Centre last Saturday evening following their marriage. A 'bus trip to the Botanical Gardens at Hamilton spon- sored by the Auburn Hor- ticultural Society on June 27 vias announced. Anyone ifshing to go please contact rs. Donald Haines im- mediately. Lunch was served by Mrs. Tom Lawlor and Mrs. John Stadelmann. The lucky cup prize went to Mrs. Barbara Zettjer and the lucky ser- viette prize went to Mrs. Tom Jard in. LIONS CLUB The Auburn and District Lions Club held their meeting last week in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall. The dinner was served by the United Church Women and president, Lion Fred Lawrence was in charge of the meeting. The minutes were accepted as road by the secretary, Lion Bob Worsell. The financial statement, given by treasurer Lion Jim Schneider, was accepted on motion and, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arthur and Scott attended the Baptismal service in St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich last Sunday when Sarah Lou Dawn Cieslar, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H.R. Cieslar, was baptized. The Reverend Robert J. Crocker was in charge. Mrs. Pearl Rollinson of Toronto, Mr. Everett Taylor of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rodger, Kathleen and Richard of Goderich visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs. Elva Straughan were at Meaford last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton Robertson. Mrs. Straughan remained for a longer visit. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner enjoyed a bus trip over the weekend to Nash- ville. The community is pleased that Mr. Charles Beadle was P. • able to Tuesday a patient London. return home last after a few weeks as in Victoria Hospital, Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Mrs. Lillian Leatherland enjoyed a bus trip to Ottawa last weekend. ,lizehrs1 fine markets... of fine foods MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL VAC. PACK HALVES • lb. SCHNEIDERS 4 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 98c Ib. PK tiT REGULAR BEEF DUTCH TREAT THICK PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MAY 24 TILL CLOSING TUESDAY MAY 30 FROM THE CHUCK BLADE OR CLINTON NEWS-RIECORD.111LURSDA7f.1#1AY $. 113ZS—PAGE 13 Goderich Twp. plan summer activities Swimming, softball, dancing programs, as well as athletic field developments were the main topics .of discussion at the regular monthly meeting of Goderich township recreation council. in attendance were Grant Stirling, Doug Yeo, Hazel McCreath, Bev Orr, Marilyn Forbes. Alice Porter, Art Bell and Audrey Middleton. Absent was Joe Fritziey. The swim committee comprised of Yeo, McCreath and Porter presented a proposed swim program for two weeks in August at Vanastra Thus, for the first time, Goderich township is offering swim lessons: Aug. 17 - 28th, 5 days a week, 1:30 - 3 p.m., with 1,,1 hour lessons at three levels of training. Bus transportation will be provided following a route from the V.L.A. section along Highway 21, across the Cut Line to Holmesville, Highway 8 to Clinton and Vanastra. Cost will be $15 per child with maximum of $40 per family. Registration forms are available at all elementary schools where our township children attend_ Registration deadline is June 16_ Bev Orr reported that IOD softball registrations have been received and they have hopefully embarked into another successful season. Some members of the rec council expressed concern for some financial assistance for the newly formed industrial league team- This was carefully considered but had to be denied. The reasons were, the rec. committee policy covers children up to I yrs. only plus the budget for '78 does not all Lw for any further softball expense_ Slow pitch teams will be again organized for Friday evening fun games for the older crowd_ Anyone wishing to participate please report at 7:30 p.m_ at ';v a diamond in Holmesville on Friday, June 9th. Art Bell reported that he had tentative bookings at the White Carnation for three dances, Nov. 25, 1975, Jan. 1979 and Mar. 1979. Marilyn Forbes and Bev Orr volunteered to be in charge of arrangements 2Sih dance_ These dances %"ery special peen financial support for athletic field_ The parks Stirling, BefD reported that procedures are derway at the I iefld Ho!lmnesviifllle. expected to be failnihed weeks. Lights field are priority summer and Ikopeffulilly installed for 11 SUM inner . for the will➢ Nov_ have that the a of new committee and Yee llevelllliing mow ILew UM - athletic and Ira r unr its Two e softball of se Ura will e be hate Doug Yeo expressed concern ±at the young trees at the lakeside park have not yet been plated and the parks committee should check into the ®anter_ 12 .r 1•Spacis Simiards Pals Accassesits DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 393 O JI& DST.. CLIBEF N -11111 Ansteft Jewellers 11191110 11 Atli SL-_ CLINTON X OPEN WEDNESDAYS - For Your 'e, HOLUM Slooda► threausiiks Saturday, 9 a-rs- - 6 p.m.; Friday miglats "t7 4 puns- MAPLE .a GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER CHUCK STEAKSoa SNORT RIB ROAST BUMS PORK SHOULDER SMOKED PICNIC 98: ib. SCHNEIDERS FAMILY BONELESS CHUCK BEEF BURGERS _ _2 lb $2,69 POT ROAST $1.38 SCHNEIDERS PORTION BONELESS CROSS CUT HAM STEAK _ 6 of PKG $1 .39 RIB STEAK _ _ _ _ _ _ I1)1.58 BURNS SMOKED PURE FRESHLY MIWIW MOM PORK SAUSAGE _ _ Ib _ X1.5$ GROUND BEEF_ _ _ _ s1 28 CAMPFIRE STRIPS . MAPLE LEAF BREADED MINUTE FRY ,1b PKG $1.35 SAUSAGE_ �� P� x1.39 ZEHRS SLICED SUMMER SCHNEIDERS FARMERS MARKET SAUSAGE _ _ oz PKG 88c SAUSAGE 1 Lb PKG 81.69 SANDWICH STYLE AVAILABLE ONLY ITV STORES EQUIPPED WITH DELI OO:UNITEsty BURNS SQUARE COOKED HAM ,b$2. FRESH PRODUCE FROM THE TROPICS MELLOW SWEET BANANAS FULL OF JUICE FLORIDA ORANGES PROD. OF CALIFORNIA • FRESH BROCCOLI PROD. OF FLORIDA CAN. NO 1 SWEET lbs; FOR FULLY COOKED SCHNEIDERS VACUUM PACKED CHUNKS 91 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS WITH FLUORIDE WITTICHS uDDW/& D'lt WHEAT 99` EkkgfiREAD_ 24 �2.:99c AQUAFRESH TOOTHPASTE_ 100 �1 REGULAR. SUPER OR UNSCENTED SOFT R & DRI SPRAY- _ - - _ - _ 7 61 1.49 SCENTED OUNSCENTED SOFT & DRI ROLL - ON _ _ 9.19 H1GHLlNER FROZEN COOKED HADDOCK IN BATTER $1.59 CONCENTRATED BREAKFAST DRINK F SUNNY ORANGE 121 /2 oz 2 F 1 BLACK DIAMOND PROCESSED SINGLE THINS 14 oz ofESEESLICES 21b-$2.99 NNET 5 Ib. BA $1.59 COLOURED MARGARINE_ 3 !b x1.89 BUNCH_99C LSEALTEST RYOGIRT GREEN PEPPERS Ib 69c PR00 OF U S YOUNG NO 1 GRADE BUTTER TARTS TENDER CARROTS . 2 Ib. BAG _59c PR00. OF U.S ROYALE 4 COLOURS FRESH SPINACH 10oZPKG 69cBATHROOM TISSUE. LZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL SAVINGS! JVALUPEUS EVERYDAY IOW PRICE tomatoSLICED BEEF CHUNKS, LIVER CHUNKS OR BEEF STEW 14.5 oz , 3 s1 WHI1E BREAD. ZEHRS DOG FOOD - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZEHRS RECONSTITUTED ZEHRS RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM WITH PECTIN 24 oz 99c TANGY APPLE JUICE ZEHRS MACHSY &TCHEESE DINNERS PREPARE _ 1�4 oz *89c CHEESEZEHRS SED REG OR SLICESIy'DUAiEr WRAPPED — ZEHRS STRONG ZEHRS FANCY DUALITY BLUE GARBAGE BAGS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20_S $11 .49 PEAS OR KERNEL CORN ZEHR FANCY TOMATO JUICE - - GRANNYS DELICIOUS ZEHRS KETCHUP 15 ca 2°9 UNSWTETENEI-3 T1A81ETIES TREESWEET JUICES 1113$1:6 11000 6 RAI/DUBS 48 oz 83C PUDDING CAKE MIXES 8 7 cz_2 R99C VARIETIES LANCIA PASTA imam PLAIN SPA611ETT1 SAUCE BRAVO WiT1R I,IEAT OA � ovs SPAGHETTI SAUCE_ 69c5 FUENCHS DRINK CRYSTALS3 1 .59 Q � - - -- - MAYONNAISE 24 s1.35 REGULAR OR CHEESE 6 MDR MURPPHYS POTATO PUFFS 100 999` ORA.6 E EI(0E 8 MALI g99 RED ROSE TEA BAGS N0 1 CREAMED OR UDI110 24 of 30, 98c BROWNDUBEAR HONEY CLUB BLACK PEPPER _ _ 106g POURING CTII 9.29 THE SURE WAY TO START VOUS BAR11-0 69` 2E5 79C ZSaz 79C 28 oz 99c PKG. OF 12 98 m.51.79 32 0. .99 48 oz 59c 16 or s'A9 120: _3Qs1 ZEHRS FRESH ROAST — - — - - 48 o= 55C RF N ceFFEE 1 Ib Bag ZIP FIRE STARTER --- - -- -- 170_ AVAILABLE OXIY 18 STORES WITH COUNTRY OVEN .AIIERIES FRESH COUNTRY OVEN c rWE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: H111iY.•D.' NO.B OUR MANAGER IS: DALE MCDONALD T - OPEN WED.-THUR.FR1. EVENINGS - - - - -- �.�� . =MOP �1.. --w--w IrRG OF 6 WIMP /4, FRESH ROAST BAG COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE — $ ZEHRS1 REO a29 $3 99 1 Ib. IDEAL FOR SALADS 100'/8 PURE VEGETABLE CRISCOOIL ZEHRS REG. 1 51.96 IILlTRE KELLOGGS BEST TO YOU CORN FLAKESCO1TAGE ZEHRS slogREG 88 675 g. % FROM GAY LEA NORDICA CREAMED CHEESE 59 16 oz McCAINS FROZEN MINI SIZE NAPOLI PIZZA C ZEHRS REG 61 19 9 12 oz. YORK FROZEN MIXED VEGETABLES OR FANCY QUALITY FROZEN CORN OR PEAS C 1F-1-07 1 0: ZEHRS FOR REG 45 EA SCOTTIES SUNSHINE SANDALWOOD WHITE o. MIXT .FACIAL TISSUE C ZEHRS REG 72' 200's 55 FRESH CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGOS C 002. 69 rWE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: H111iY.•D.' NO.B OUR MANAGER IS: DALE MCDONALD T - OPEN WED.-THUR.FR1. EVENINGS