The Exeter Times, 1887-6-9, Page 7EA LT 1-1 sated with it, they have exhibited all the characteristic symptoms of the disease, The organism is found in patients sick with It Dont s for the Sick -Boom,' malaria; 1)otet Umht a eick room at night by means Without doubt these germs—or whatever of a jet of gas burniDg low ; nothing im- i the poison --exist in soils rich in decomposed poeeriehes the air sooner, Use sperm vegetable matter ; but they depend for their e - l development on the co-aotrou of heat and undlea or Callers which burn to aporm l . Delft allow offensive matters to remain moisture. Still, they are often carried by > an • the wind to regions naturally wholly free these ' niter ' of ` emergency, enc where ca In caeca� talnous ate ,them—sometimes into un g Yi m fromu va teav cloth_ P • mo wring o ce be Ie 1 forned, g -regions and to regions Navin a rand ete- for instance, like Turkish torvciclg—out af.' rale soil. g g gaudy, cold water, use it as a cover, placing over The upturning of soil for cultivation, the th's ordivar a>or. Such means )revent ^ o in ofrailroads, � Y P 1 1 digging of canals, the building 1 , the escape of odor and infection. the obstruction of natural water=courses, aro Don't forget to have a few beans a coffee often followed by malarialepidemics. handy, for this serves as a deodorizer, if 1 Tlie prelnonitory symptoms are nearly the burnt upon coals or paper, Bits of charcoal i same as in intermittent fever, but the cold placed around are useful in absorbing gases i stagy is very much less, often only a slight e ' to s It sometimes mis- and other impurities. feeling of chilliness. , isne Don't have the temperature of a sick -roam taken for typhoid fever, but the typhoid pa- tch over sixtydegrees seventy : degrees 1 tient reaches a high temperature much more. ml 6 Y g are all wale, but not advisable, gradually than one who is afflicted with me - Do' t permit currents of air to blow upon lama. fire -place is an ex- cellent tient. 9 n open h'' t n. the F The current Ii of ventilation. let cans cel 1 may be tested by burning a piece of paper There is a lesson tor many ot us in the in front. sudden death this most famous preacher. Aont give the patient a full glass of water More than most men, he both understoodod the laws of health, and obeyed them. He gave months every year to physical re -m• vigoration. Ile well knew that brain -work exhausted the vital forces far more than Don't neglect during the day to attend to manual` toil, and that it could not be continu- ' necessaries for the night, that the rest of ed at a high tension from day to day with- thepatient and family may not be disturbed. out grave danger. Don't ask P- convalescent if he would like He equally .well knew that sunshine in this or that to eat or drink ; but prepare the atmosphere ;of the soul was as potent, the delicacies and present them in a tempt- for health and life, as it is the sunshine ing way. i which kills the death -germs in the outward the fire ;place it atmosphere, and he sought to keep himself Don't throw coal upon genial and hopeful to the last. in brown paper bags and lay them upon the His ordinary intellectual work, because of f]ro, thus avoiding the noise, which is shock- hisgenius, cost him less expenditure of nerve ing to the sick and sensitive. and brain than did that ofmost mind - Don't jar the bed by leaning or sittingg. workers. Almost every organ in his body it This is unpleasant to one ill and wasingood working order up to the fatal Mr, Beecher's Health. to drink from, unless he is allowed all he desires. If he can drain the glass he will be satisfied ; so regulate the quantity before handing it to him, itienda,ctaixs and Cowardly t ck by is the ri ' whioli the Canada Life Assur- mice Company endeavors to show its "-sur- passing• advantages" in the following terms :---- "Percentage of total cash profits given by each company to the premiums paid to eaeh, during the years1870 to 1886, Moho sive :— Canada Life.. , .. .36. 5 per cent. Mutual Life of New York, .22. 6 per emit. New York Life , ,18. 9 per cent. u ...14. `3 per coot." Ontario iUfut al.. The dabbler in oornperisons has herein far surpassed himself. We challenge him to support his figures by Government returns. Even if correct, the comparison (I) is the device of a trickster, intended to deceive and not to instruct. Observe and note how it is done :— The Canada Life began business in 1847 and in 1870 was in its 23rd year, having many of its 10, 15 and twenty payment life policies felly paid up and yieldinannuities, older life surplus on its'ald while the it fits or ill 1 pupate p policies were or should have been nearly or quite eighty per cent, of the premiums. This was a favorable point at which to begin a comparison with a company just writing its first policy. The intelligent pub- lic will not fail to appreciate herein the surpassing dishonesty of the company which makes so glaring an exhibition of itself ! Now, if the Canada Life will compare their' percentage of surplus during their first seventeen years of business with ours DURING A LIKEPER1OD, or' if they will com- pare results under similar policies during; the years 1870 to. 1886 inclusive, we will guarantee to snake them tired of the com• perison business. What have they to say? TrIE ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE, Waterloo, Ont. COJPOUNU OXYGEN—TUE CONSER VATOR of heal kthe enemy odisease heals tile Lungs, lo-bulkls the Bra$eti Down Constitution of young and old. Home treatment, oufiioient for two months, Inhaled' and ell complete, sent by express los 612, Moved my office from 73 sting West to 41 King X:ast. AIS. C. S I DIAMF fEItOE Four yearr established b Toronto, 02 Office Treatments for,S18. Send for circular, t}]1:EAV131t LINE OF Ce'l`l„irlssuirs, ,1��i?? Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool 'vo col Kazis e on Montreal to Liverpool, r ns a .--Salo t , n n o ! n & P ti, 10 60 and S4(lit ^ Return Tickets, '80, $90,and 9100 9 � , Ir —a000rdin•• to 5tuarnerand aoeammodatlon. 'Inter, mediate and Steerage at lowest, rates, For further parti••ulars and to seenre Perth, ap iiy to M. E. AI[iJ2CEhtY, General 111aitater, 1 Custotu House' Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dlf. ierant Towns and,Cities. Mangles, three kinds; Clothes �Ay■,r��■` ■ ten Ar Y 7 :'rte Wringers, 1 n kinds Washing Machines, 2 kinds, CarpetSweopser, ” r othersun ries. Meat;Moppets,T aka slid n ud HAMILTON 1Not1aea1AL WORKS Co,, Hamilton EN''. Ari+rx To WANTED 'rap D,W, BEADLE NURSERY CO. St. t;a►tfarlues, Out. tt Salt, FOR RUTTER, ETC, A"�XiW Iui ortatioua —llig LCs' Eureka, Washing. .L\ ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small seeks.. prices, Writeor e Also glee's Canadian Salt. f p JAMES PARK Su SON, Wholesale Provision Mercbante, Toronto. BABY'S BIRTHDAY A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card semi to our baby whose mother will send. ua the stomps of two or ,more other babies, and their Parents' addresses Also a handsome pia+ mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and D'Octi ra cable infoltnatfom. Wells, Richardson 4o' Co., Montreal. Canada. ,p, Send for article wanted. 1fuetratedcatalogue. ; THE,.ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S It's Always the Way, .t Didn't tell you so?" said a gentleman P Pto an acquaintance whom he chanced to nervous. stroke, meet on the street; "it's always the way." eiok Why, then did he die 1 " What's always the way ? inquired a mu - let stale flowers remain in a y , Don't, chamber. One of the well+known facts of age is a tuns friend of the two men who happened Don't be unmindful of ourself ifyou are tendency to arterial degeneration. The along just then. " Why, just this," replied y muscular coat, on, which the strength and the first speaker : ``you see Smith, here, the in the responsible orouusition of nurse. To do lasticit of the arteries depend inclines to last time I met him he bad one of the faithful work you must have proper food aitd , y - depend, - become either chalk -like andW- brittle, or worst coughs you ever heard. He coniplaiu• stated hours of rest. mere fat, Such deeeneration in the brain ed of a loss of appetite, of night sweats, of Don't appear anxious, however great your is more dangerous than it is elsewhere,for low spirits and other unmistakable premon• anxiety. - the cerebral arteries are not supported by itory symptoms of consumption. I told ' ss him et supply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Dont forget that kindness and tenderness tough muscle. Every emotion Increases the Klin to a g g are needful to successful nursing. Human nature longs to be soothed and comforted on all occasions when it is out of tune. Common Errors. Do not forget that 1. Alcoholic drinks do not support physi- cal strength during hot weather. 2. Seasonable weather is never unhealthy. 3. Men and women should"'not eat the acme kind and amount of food, when their manner of life is entirely different. 4. Pie is not essentially indigestible ; nor, in general, can the quality of indigestibility estibilit be logically affirmed of any article of food absolutely, and apart from a consideration of the ' ttive capacity of the particular stoma° the 'powers of which are to be tested. 5. Disease does not consist simply in the group of symptoms manifested in the case. 6. Morbid processes are not necessarily destructive, but are sometimes conservative. Disease in some cases may be nature's method in righting a wrong, or overcoming the effects of some disturbing agent.- A por- tion of the clinical picture of a diseaseis therefore made up of evidences of reaction, on, as well as of dilect morbid action, force of the great central pump. All undue mental activity keeps the cerebral blood -pressure at a high tension, swelling out the arterial walls, if the latter are weakened by fatty degeneration, and searching out every spot that is weaker than others, In such a case, .a fatal hemorrhage is liable to occur. The avoidance of unusual excitement and undue brainwork is the Toronto. Medica Discovery at once. He did so and look at him now 1 Did you ever see a healthier looking man? The `Discovery' has snatched thousands from consumptives' graves. I knew it would cure Smith. It's always the way." JUNE 10, 1885.—For,. two years my wife's health was run down. She wee greatly emaciated and toe weak to do anything for herself ; she was given ule I by five doctors, they all passed the opinion that she contd.' not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug'sMedioineln' December, 1884, and atter taking six bottles she was so rouoh impproved that: she could look after her househeldduties, J. M. RODDIOK, Engineer, 0 1'. 1i., Woe` ArIllh NTAR10 !CANOE COMPANY Petorboro', Out. RETURN TRAP. tibT kie Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator, oul'Gresham's Automatic Re starting Injector. 1HY'Alortison'B Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator, li='l't nginees' & Plumb• ere Supplies of every description. Send for ciroulara; JAMES MOIRIRISON, 72.&77 Adelaide St.W., TORONTO, MANUFACTUR'S OF A1 NOS`OF CANOES 83i'Send le, Stamp for Catalog e. 23 ADELM,DE ST. E,, TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs, of Printers' Ueda Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send los prices, Amber hairpins with farcy knot or twist heads are exceedingly popular. sole condition of safety. She Broke the Engagement Now, we know that Mr. Beecher was because she saw that he had ceased to 'love working on his "Life of Christ" at a pres- her. Her beauty had faded, her former sure unusual for him in his best days, and high spirits ;had given place to a dull laasi the result shows that it was with the r` sword tude. What had caused this change ?. of Damocles" hanging by a hair above his Functional derangement; she was suffering head. That book pro ably killed him. A: New Labor Society Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, she might There is a new labor organization. It have been restored to health and happiness. began on Sunday night, ten days ago, in Boston. Its members call themselves squires of work. The only squire who has announced himself, so far as organized, is Mr.Edward Atkinson, the honoredfounder of the order. He proclaimed the new faith in speech made to a big'honseful of Knights of Labor. It did not please the knights much, but it has pleased'a lot of other people. The 'first principle of the organization is, Mind your own Business," and the next principle seems 7. In the production of true cholera in- to be -though the founder did not say so in fantum oat.. does not play the most intpor- so many words— " Smash any man who tries tent part , nor does it furnish the main in- to prevent you from earning an honest living dication for treatment. in your own way." There is an adult, substantial call for such an order as Mr. Atkinson suggests. His address was full of wisdom of a sort that we workingmen will find it profitable to;amine. ilate. The newspapers have reported it more or leas fully, but doubtless it will be printed in a cheap form, so that we can all get it and paste it in our notes for future reference. No one will find the information it presents more important than the Knights of Labor. Mr. Atkinson, with his figures and his common sense, can do them more good than all the walking delegates that ever called better men names. from those ailments peculiar to her sex. And so their two young lives drifted apart. How needless, how cruel ! Had she taken 8. Perseus are not necessarily well because they feel well ; nor does sickness consist in • feeling sick. 9. Specifics do not exist in modern medi- cines, 10. If any one be ill, take drugs and re- cover, it does: not follow that there is any connection between the administration of the remedy and the happy result ; nor does the repetition of such cases do more than es- tablish a probability of the remedy doing good in like cases. 11. Even if a patient has had syphilis, it does not follow that every ailment subse- quently afflicting him must be syphilitic ;; nor that he must for every ill take iodides. 12. It is not always necessary to remove insane persons from their homes ; though it must be admitted that the percentage of re- coveries in hospitals. for the insane is much greater among: mild and recent cases. 13. The actual years of one's life do not bear any positive relation to the occurrence of senile degeneration. 14. Typical, hysteria cannot exist in 'a perfectly healthy patient, though the essen- tial the of b e discoverable s ma nY 1 on tial es Y. pathologist, • 15. The conditions of modern life in our highest civilization are not the most favor- able for the development of a large, healthy and vigorous population. 16. There ie' no essential difference be- tween sanitary, and sanatory science. Malarial Fever. Remittent fever is closely related to inter- mittent. Each depends on the same cause, and each is characterized by frequent subsid- ence of symptoms, followed by their renewal. The intermissions of the one, however, have The Elephant is Tough. These enormous beasts are wonderfully te- nacious of life, and it does not often happen that hunters kill them:as easily as these two were disposed of. I have sometimes ween. elephants that carried off forty or fifty bullets of large caliber before showing signs of giving out. I have even known them to travel fifteen or eighteen miles with all those wounds, many of the shots having taken effect in parts of the body where bullets are v supposed to be` fatal,before giving g out. I ave made running fights of that distance evoral times with elephants. It is generally much eaiser to kill these animals dna thick jungle than in the open ground, because hunters on foot have better opportunities to dodge the charges and to shoot them. TIIE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. If any lady reader of these lines is similarly afflicted, let her loseno time in procuring the " Favorite Prescription", It w ill give her a new lease of life. Sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu- facturers, of perfect satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. GENTS—Ladles or Gentlemen Ranted To Canvass for our Subscription Books. Our standard and popular work, Dr. Withrow's "History of Canada"—a bookwhioh ought to he in every library Our instructive, amusing and soul -touching temper- as oe book, "Platform Echoes;' by T. B Gough, Our complete book of sermons, and' autobiography of Sam P. Jones, with a short sketch of the lite of Sam W. Small, and three of his special eenuons. Our beauti• fill book of poetry and literature of all ages and all lands, entitled, "Golden Thoughts on Mother, Some and Heaven." Our handsome Family Bibles, beautiful illustration, full of useful and helpful matter for Bible study, besides good clear type endpaper. Our terms are lieral. Send for circulars. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. CONSUMPTION1 I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by Ste va thoe,ends creases of the tont kind and of long standing have been. cured. Indeed so strong is my faith to its agency, that twill send TWO BOTTLES PREZ, together With tria VALVAB11E TREATISE on thta diaseee 19 oaf -pn}fgrpr. sive muss . and address. DR. T. A. BLOOM, Brano'li Cffioe, 37 Tongs St., Toroato ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The Mutual Reserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world --desires active representa- Lives in every section of Canada ; liberal inducements. It bee fun Government Deposit, and under the super+ vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, J'. _?_ WL7LL4S, General Manager, 65 Icing Street East, Toronto. In a display of insect pins a large fly with diamond winhire. bodyand crocido- lite tail rocidolite:tail was. wings sapphire We ought not to be too anxious to encour- age untried innovational in cases of doubtful improvement. For a quarter of a century Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy has been before the public and passed through the severest test and ispronouncedthe most reliable re- medy for that disagreeable malady. Thou- sands of testimonials of its virtues. 50 cents per bottle. By druggists. A very odd necklace of recent design con- sists of a chain ot tiny crabs in oxidized sil- ver, united by wire links. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once' be: relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the' old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist, The, Bermuda lily, in delicate enamel and set with a diamond, makes a very handsome pin and pendant combined. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and May Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagions, or that they are due to the presence of: living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a feet, and the result as that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in rom one to three .simple application :made at home. A Lpamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent fres on receipt: of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King Street West Toronto Canada EADIES Who are Weak, Nervous and ex hausted • who feel themselves losing strength th • wh are pale, delicate and com- plaints many sickly in appearance,- suffering from they plaints peculiar to women—send for and read M. V. LUBON'S Treatise in BOOK ronin on .the Itis, eases of Women. Mailed sealed and secure from observation on receipt of tie. in stamps eNssALan MBE. Address, M. V. LUIION, 47 Wellington St. East. Toronto. Ont. Whenever;, your Stomach or Bowels get out of or. der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr, Large Insurance CTniin Paid-Endorsctueat Oareon's Stomach Bitters. Beat family `medicine. of tare Mutual Be serve. All Druggists, 80 cents. Oflice of W, D. 5tArilaws'k Co., Grain and Produce • A. P. 335. Merchants, Toronto,1lth May, 1887. t Mutual Reserve n r a onager a cit Ee . tvd c a bf n u D.1r a , 1 J,d 4 Dann Stn -We beg to acknowledge receipt of a singular regularity, lasting, according to a cheque for 'rive.'fhotasrnd .Dotlora in full of claim *the type of the'fever, one, two, or thrti,-•'t[r,a,der a policy of insurance issued to us by the Mu - j teal Reserve 'FiindLife Association for that amount, daylle subsidence in remittent fevers is only j as creditors of the late Edwin C. Fisher. q Wehave much pleasure in bearing testimony for; few:hours,—generally in the morning, { to the prompt. and satisfactory manner in which this —arid is,much less in degree, as well as `in'claim has been adjusted, and at the same Ulna to ex- dltration. Sometimes it is hardly percep- i preas,our con&lenge In your association, ITaving an ilintimate acquaintance with your President and tible: chief officers, we know them to be gentlemen of the The symptoms of remittent fever are also ' highest integrity, and in Whose hands we believe the more marked. The tech erature reaches a i peintereriectlstys ofsnfethe. members of the Mutual Reserve are ' P + higher. point, a point at which, in severe 1 Wishing your association continued success. cases, the blood is dangerously, and often Yours truly, W. D..11Amrnaws & Co. fatally, changed in its nature. It generally reaches its highest point within a few hours. A woman who growls at a shad having so is so fatally malignant many is the fever which y g bones about it doesn't often stop to on the west coast of Africa, and prevails ex- t realize how her own corset is built up., tensively in the jungles of India. Its fats- ! 1Yt/1iINer MEN suffering from the effects of early and Poll dud I ignorance a who the result of i ar ae Y evilhabits , u its e�is- g ' nice but lit is greatest in hot climates,. tones is not confined to the tropics, but is a themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also min. Drde-AGED and OLD Max who are broken down from the found in every malarial region, , - 1 effects of abuse or over -work and in advanced life The natives of malarial regions are, in the 1, feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and aiu, liable' only to intermittent fever ; seen ht. V,. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The } hook will be' senttealed to any address on receipt of whil$ persons from abroad aro specially e- i two Se• stamps, Address 11. V. I UBON, 47 Wellhig. able to remittent, but when they he,ve re- i ton Sb. East Toronto out covered, are mostly secure against a subse-j A four-leaf clover in green enamel with (pent attack. Those who have had inter. , diamond centre and long stem 01 °based mitten` fever are liable to it in depressing 1 green gold, is a novelty in pins. long after removal to non tnalarious regions. weather, or in DUKE volt 111►If uNitiEV1!)ESS, The shorter aucl less marked are the rends- , opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and cions, the greater is the danger: , kindred habits, The medicine may given a Malarial rial means bad air. But chemical in tea or coffee without the knowledge of r analysis reveals no difference between mala-' the person taking it if so desired. Send 6c. ears m stem years, P tial and ordinary air. Within a few s for iaook and testimonials from Addr°ss M. however, a microsco is or ranism has been those who have been cured, discovered in malaria airy which seems to be V. Lebon, 47 Wellington St. r+last, Toronto, .tit this out for future reference, Circ anus° of the fever: It has been duly' Ont. G isolated, and when animals havo beeninoou-' 'When Writing mention this paper. THE FAV(IRITE J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 RING ST EAST TORONTO. rafa 0PIM I�1 IIAO Id I are famous for their sigh CARRIAGE TOPS eonvenienoe, durabilrtl and cheapness. Buy no other until you see then`. A11 the leading Carriage Builders sell them. i,Faetory : 407 King st. w., TORONTO, Ttlr.ltb I!Kl•01 BETTIiR rhe Snow Drift owe ng'Powder Vo,, Ifranttord O* Bicycles S END: AT ONCE FOR LIST 0 Second-hand Maohines, FROM .$15 UPWARDS New Catalogue Beady let April A. T, LANE, MONTREAL 11ITS! Wheal a n I one curd a do not meso merely to stop them for • Limo and than letde the detr 13112E ImSY s orFL radical oora.l lova made the diameteri�l'r9 EPn.Ea'aY or PALE. INR BION 5a. 1lradgng study. I warrant my remedy to u r t u others have failed Mt cure the WOrat cosec. Because , to d L reason for not now rottlegi ray cure, Sendremedy. for treatisend i R1 O Bottle 3 m ¢ a reined . Oiro d, tl a o f y and EXIM will and Peate. 0,,D. ,05 you 0,ROOT; nothing: fotatri.,t. and I will erre ran. Addrepe DR. B'. 0. 80O'r, Branch llico 3 ionic � 0 � S . Toronto a � e t 1 t The Perry Cart TWO STYLESSURREY AND PHAETON BODIES The Shafts are attached to body by the Perry Com- pensating. Springs. The result of the action of these Springs is no horse -motion in the cart, and no east motion on the horse. Descriptive illustrations on application. For sale - by all 'carriage makers. CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS CO., TORONTO, Sole Manufacturers for Canada. The Trade only eupplied. FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use on your Machinery only the Well-known PeerlessOil NINE CO LU pyiq D /, LS have been awarded it during the last four years. Try also our:PEERLESS n i1! DA t7 AXIGE: GBEASE for your Waggons and Horse Powete. Manufactured at QIUEEN;,CITY OIL WORKS by 8AM' " L RO 1 'CO.,Toronto. FORONECENT WIARMERS, want to Bettie their family around XI them. Tenant Farmers, who want a home of their own. mechanics, wanting big pay. Cap• italiats, wanting safe investments. Business Men, who *ant to strike a business boom. ,Ambitious Men, who want a home and startin lite -send postal. card with address to J. M. HUCKINS, 96 ,Ring Street `Pest,, Toronto. HR Sl1ING':ENGINE T �. O1;-LONDO , ONT, Auwsu. 4�jE1711i; r �oOD LIVEVE AGENTSWANTED INY EVER County in Canada. Address, FERRIS et Co., St Church St., Toronto. j§640.3011STUrell AND CANVAHsaltswanted,Male or commis- oI or are time,onsalary t wh a Fe male or p commis - sir. Industrial Union of B.N.., 45 Arcade, Toronto. rriOISONT0 CUTTING SCHOOL—Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should apply at once to S. Comeau, 122 Yonge St., Toronto. Terms on application.' �ONVEIITIBLL WIRE BASKET, BEST SELLING j novelty in Canada. Cl” eat reduction to agents. Sample by mail thirty cents. CLEMENT & Co., Toronto. HE BOILER INSPECTION and Initia- 1,ance Conrpaoy of Canada, Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents, T0110NT0. G. 0, Rovn, Chief Engineer, A. FRASER, Seo'y.Treas, ILES! Blind, Bleeding, and Itching, effectually cured by the Medical Pile Remedy. Thousands of suffer- ers can testify to the permanent relief froth these in- ternaland external remedies. 81.00 per package. Ask your druggist for it, or will be sent by mail, post• age paid. IIt7GH MILLER & CO., ' 107 King St. East, Toronto. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships. Sailing during winter from Portland everyThureday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool,, and in mer from�uebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderryto land mails and passengers los Scotland and Irland'; also from Baltimore, via Hell, fax and 8t. John's,N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glae gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Beaton and Philadelphia ; and during:sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly • Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphlc fortnightly For freight, passage, or other nformatlon apply to A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard 8c Co., Ralifax • Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thome eon & 00. St. John, N.B.; Allen &• Co., Ohioag° Love & Alden, Naw York ; H. Bendier, Toronto Allane & Co.,: Quebec' Wm. Brookle, Philadel phfa; 11Rao. "A.AllenPrtland Boston, Montreal, OLD((O� COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique BrOn2e, ,' Natural Wood, and other Picttre and loonMo uld in s, F rames' Etc. Pa intin s, Bn • ggaudngsr Etchings, Artotypes, Artiis'Bate,ials' Mirrors, eto, Wholesale and Retail. Trude Cat. alogue. AtATT111i'.VS 121108. 1t Co., `Pornnto. 111 LPI1 Business College, Guelph; Ont„ Twelve States and Provinces already represent. et i on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, prae• tical instruction, and the efficiency and success et its graduates, this College owes its popularity Cir. culars, giving terms, etc., mailed free. , Il. MstCORMIOK Prinoipal, r ry " [fir ' Balibltt � SPOOI�ER S CdPPERINE fbcous tion Box -notal for journal bearings in machinAnti-Incery— Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require. ment, Ask your hardware dealer for it. ALONZO W. SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port IIope. '1Awzkin lleeoitfrC Wn. wholesale told tcdew shades, ape. tail, at the Crit;r. nsAlto Corr2 MIMAn TINT 151:LNor'Aoranv, 70 King 5E. ,teat, Toronto. NATIONAL SIANIJFACxlIR'G CO, EIM CI HARNESS ESS 1. THE MOST r‘ SUPERB tfiStR,G � IN T41E`S LD' BASED ON-NEATSFOOT OIL. SOLD6YALL HARNESS DEALERS. wirmoomeese MERIdEN BR1TTANNiA CO MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST S LV R„a, PLATED WARS: RT5r4s,,,S•L„0,Q�,4� „. X4,4 e t/' 'Ci 9 {4 ,ti � ef'.4 ,y, 0 4 C? 1 ffi' 1 p�■fig■p a�G� \\� otgo 40'9 °24 Se' G, • e f ,; C Q`\ cS �4 sea• •`11�, fr ri�� , N. e9 0 40; of , S4 4 s.c., G 1 s. y A, .,7CaP 0. AO of s°$ �a 0 titie 4 , ? lt, 0 of sae e„, ,...NOV'" Sea e' lee v- ��' P . ea -‘).',0' o Otc4,�ofi 05 O de.epi a 9e"� °1' 9,c' 04 •p at Sy,,,�tioot S oot •s�ti\e4 v.,- coots '' 5e. pa9�r Sc°4 l a o4 4�e� do oYBiS agoe.e5`' e ew „No.. otti cy �a1b �e'I ie 4. ys 4 C� �'.. 0419.3 �,- pe 4$ 40- .4)\ OS' 'Iv ro 4�r40 e, w4"�t • O°. .y.1' Se° ° $0;' 1z Gsq e tvti c`'v4 �1G >>,�� q �; e9a' °� 09w`' el to efi, .c.s t _ ' v ao° e4. 'elf i9; epS19° ° e, '�, aey 40{4 G` ,s> �ymQ as THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFORD, CANADA, Sole Manufacturers and. Proprietors of Canadian Patent. T NOTICE In this paper referred to the Annu 1 Meeting of t11c Associa- tion. This meeting (being the .15th since the Company - was w:aa organized) took place old Tldtesaia>L?',,tble April, when the following gratifying' increases were Announced PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAP, $96,894. 894. INTEREST AND RENTS, - - - 13,029. , ASSETS, - $356 W 375. SURPLUS, 80,234. Were a111oN:1tCfi: as Profits to Policy >- wind after payable. on P 9i s Holders. Il 1O t 'gay 1st. ]T, MACDONALD, 1! ane ging Director, $286,4 The'< r l 1 .Y God. Cook., 0) v 4-3 tv FIZr r cd w 34 Pi ed t+3 sg P 0 dr a 'eft d t d Attasfile.Desi s, conuhinel #110EppMAGE fiNiODIFFERENT STYLES dND SIZES. veil R e t L� BY ALL TEE -Ltln inn DEALERS. MOST 9'l 91 ICT ITOlaa101;'vM STOVE VET IN T.9l;.OIe11JCED. SILT j t Nfl a ICREISHIlliel Wm' Jrnunu�anaumnuam�ii luuequalicil illrtSbIlity BrevYUh•AOPIThI117 nti _ iId THE E. it 0. GURNEY CO25 (LT),' 'Q RNTO Dealers who have not yet °et seen this STOVE sbeuld seeure the tale of it at oleo. AZ��"'�°.fA.�w��3 e